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________ deals with presenting information in a way that people understand effectively and efficiently -

__ is getting your users to test what you have produced - User Testing

Which is the topmost plane and visible to human eyes? - surface

To understand the user needs, we divide entire users into small groups of people with shared needs calle

The most productive source of requirements are _ users

In which architectural approach the nodes have a parent child relationship? - Hierarchial Structure

_ gives an insight how effectively the user experience is meeting strategic goals - Success Metrics

__ deals with presenting information in a way that people understand effectively and efficiently - Inform

help us to analyze the precise steps that user performs to complete a task - Task Analysis

 navigation allows the users to access items that they don’t need on a regular basis - Contextual - doubt

is getting your users to test what you have produced - user testing

The field involved with the organization, grouping, ordering, and presentation of content is known as  -

A common way of measuring the effectiveness of a user experience is conversion rate - true

In which architectural approach the nodes are arranged in a linear flow pattern? - Organic Structure - doubt

What are the indicators that we can track after the product has been launched to see if it meets product o

Error handling mainly deals with - all

plane defines what the business and the users want to get out of the product - Strategy Plane

User segments can be created based on  - all

The skeleton plane consists of -all

Which one of the following factors we need to consider to define a product objective? - all

To tackle issues in the skeleton frame, we create a _______ document - Style Guide- doubt
The design should be created for  - product owner - doubt

 with collecting the user data needed to develop the knowledge about user - User Research

A schematic representation of all the components of a screen and how they fit together is called as  - Wir

The concept of __________ is not just visual but a set of conceptual associations or emotional reactions -

is a method used to understand how users categorize information - Card Sorting

 navigation allows the user to access nearby screens in the architecture- global - doubt

The visualization of the finished product is called - design comp

The document created 'listing product objectives' and 'user needs' is called  - Strategy Document

To determine the requirements, we put our personas into short stories called  - User Profiles

The experience users have with your product or service comes through  - all

makes sure that a button has an appealing shape and texture - Aesthetic Design

A good design should be functional just as much as aesthetic. - true

The visual design of a product can be evaluated by means of  - Eye-Tracking

Designing the correct elements for the tasks that the user is trying to perform is called  - Demographics

Designing the correct elements for the tasks that the user is trying to perform is called  - Interface Design

__________ help a business grow and achieve its objectives.

________ refers to designing a product or service by considering a user's emotions and attitudes about using it.

The discipline involved in creating a structured experience for the user is know as _________.

________ navigation is embded in the content itself.

The usage of proper ________ is essential to communicate a brand identity.

________ navigation allows the user to access the main sections of the product.
Which one of the following techniques helps us in understanding user needs?

________ navigation allows the user to access related contents of the product.

In which architectural approach the nodes are arranged in two or more dimensions?

__________ makes sure that clicking a button triggers appropriate action on the device.

________ navigation allows the user to access nearby screens in the architecture.

In which architectural approach the nodes don't follow any consistent pattern?

_________ help us to understand users in the context of their everyday lives.

________ navigation allows the user to access nearby screens in the architecture.

The practice of designing a product or service keeping users in mind is called __________

________ plane blends content, functionality and aesthetics to produce a design that pleases senses of the user.

What makes sure that the aesthetic and fuctional aspects of the button work in the context of the rest of the prod
Business goals



success metrices
End user



Business goals

User experience

Interaction design


color pallete






Contextual Inquiry


user centered


user exp
User Research deals with collecting the user data needed to develop the knowledge about the user by means of resear

Surveys, interviews or focus group study help us to gather information about general attitudes and perceptions o

User tests or field studies help us to understand a specific aspect of user behaviour and interaction with your produc

Market research method like surveys and focus groups can be valuable sources of general information about your us

Contextual inquiry helps us to understand users in the context of their everyday lives.

Task analysis helps us analyze the precise steps user do to complete a task.

User testing is getting your users to test what you have produced.

Card sorting is a method used to understand how users categorize information.

We create fictional profiles called personas by putting a face and a name on the disconnected bits of data from your user re

These personas

help us to represent the needs of a user segment easily,

and help everyone in the project to understand who they are building the product for.

Functional specifications mainly define the scope of the project.

The functionality side deals with the feature set and the information side deals with the content of the product

The discipline associated with creating a structured experience for users is termed as Interaction Design.

It mainly describes the possible user behavior.

It defines how the system will accommodate and respond to that behavior.

Interaction Design - Conceptual Models

Conceptual models are defined as the user's reactions of how the created interactive elements will behave. Understandin

Information Architecture

The field involved with the organization, grouping, ordering, and presentation of content is known as Information Archi

It is mainly concerned with how people cognitively process information.

A visual representation of the structure is the most efficient way to communicate branches, groups, and interrelationships

The nodes are arranged on a case-by-case basis, and they don’t follow any consistent pattern. --organic

Global navigation It allows the user to access the main sections of the product.
Local It allows the user to access nearby screens in the architecture.
Supp It allows the user to access related content easily.
ContextualIt is the inline navigation that is embedded in the content itself.
Courtesy It allows the users to access items that they don’t need on a regular basis.

The usage of proper color is essential to communicate a brand identity.

A style guide is the definitive documentation of the design decisions.
To create a successful user experience, you should have someone in your organization think about each of the five planes – st
t the user by means of research tools.

al attitudes and perceptions of users.

d interaction with your product.

ral information about your users.

bits of data from your user research.

th the content of the product.

tion Design.

ents will behave. Understanding your conceptual model lets you take consistent design decisions. Users are accustomed to conceptual mo

own as Information Architecture.

roups, and interrelationships among the components of our product.

ut each of the five planes – strategy, scope, structure, skeleton, and surface.
accustomed to conceptual models, due to which users find it easy to adapt

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