Cape Physics U2 P1 2014 Answers PDF

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FORM TP 2014236 6 rest cope 02238010 MAY/JUNE 2014 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION® PHYSICS UNIT 2 ~ Paper O1 1 hour 30 minutes 03 JUNE 2014 (p.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. This test consists of 45 items, You will have | hour and 30 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B),(C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. ‘On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. ample tem Which of the following lists has one scalar quantity and one vector quantity? (A) Mass : temperature Sample Answer (B) Momentum : pressure (C) Force : velocity @OoO (D) Potential energy : volt The correct answer to this item is “Momentum : pressure”, so answer space (B) has been shaded. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can, Ifyou cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may retumi to this item later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. You may do any rough work in this booklet. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items DO_NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD 10 DO SO. ‘Copyright © 2012 Caribbean Examinations Council Alll rights reserved. 02238010/CAPE 2014 LIST OF PITYSTCAL CONSTANTS Speed of Hight in fier space c 3.00.x 10% ms! Permeability of free spe by An x 107 Hy Pormittivity of free space 5 - 845 x 10 Fm! a ne, 20x 10%'mP Hlementary charee e - 1.60 10" The Planck constant h 6.63. x10" Is Unified atomic mass constant " 1,66 x 10°" kg (971 MeV) Rest mass of electron ™ 9.11 x 10" ke, Rest mass of proton ” 67x10” ke Acecleration dite to pravity £ 98ims T Atmosphere Atm 1.00 x 10°N m? Avogadro's number N, = 6.02 x 10 per male GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE PorIwOLO'CAPE 2014 ty, 1. When a potential difference of 2 V is applied across a resistor, 10 of energy are converted to thermal energy. What charge flows through the resistor? (A) 20C B) 2c 6 ( 02C A light bulb uses a 3V supply and takes a current of 0.2 A. It is switched on for one tem 5 reters to the following graph. The graph above is the /-V curve for a specially constructed device. At which part of the graph does the device act as an ohmic conductor? (D) (4 JK met (Cc) LM MN minute. How much electrical energy is used? (A) 065 (125 365 (D) 100) 3. Given that a wire of length, Z, und cross- sectional area, A, has resistance, R, what is the resistance of a wire of similar material which is twice as long and half the diameter? L oR 4 (By) 2R (a 4k BR 4. The unit for resistivity is (A) om mat am! (D) om? Kirchhoff’s second law states that the algebraic sum of the potential differences around a complete circuit must equal zero. This is a consequence of conservation of (A) mass (B) power (Q) charge energy ltem 7 refers to the following circuit diagram. 20 7 < 9 | 1 30 — Ky 6a ‘The cunent flowing through the 6 © resistor is 075A 082A (Cc) (D) 02238010,CAPE 2014 10A LSA GO ON 10 THE NEXT PAGE 10. Which of the following units is equivalent to the tesla? (A) NA'm (BR) NCims! (GQ Vm's Ba NC'm's Coitlomb’s law states that the force between two point charges is directly proportional to (A) __ the product of the charges divided by their distance apart (B) _ their distance apart divided by the product of their charges (C) the square of their distance apart divided by the product of the charges o the product of the charges divided by the square of their distance apart Which of the following diagrams BEST describes the path of an electron travelling through an electric ficld? A + wa —- path 1 1 aN (B) ae © + pathy i yt 02258010 /CAPE 2014 ML 12. Item 11 refers to the following diagrams. Capacitance = C, ~ Capacitance =C; -| Figure 2 Figure | shows a parallel plate capacttor with the space between the plates filled with air. Figure 2 shows the same capacitor with the space between the plates filled with a dielectric whose permittivity is twice that of air. What is the ratio of C, : C,? (A) 1 Bo 3 «Dy Item 12 refers to the following diagram of a conductor in a magnetic field. 60° ‘A conductor of length 0.10 m is placed in a magnetic field of strength 9 mT at an angle of 60° to the field direction. If it has a current of 2 A, then the force on the conductor due to the field is (A) 8x 104N (B) 9x 10*N gQ 1.6 10°N 1.8 10°N GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 13. Considera current-carrying conductor, XY, 15. placed between the poles of a magnet as shown below. In which orientation would the wire experience the GREATEST force? @ x N}oa s Y «sy 1 NX) xcopy |S 16. © x of N s ¥ 17. o> 4 — N s y 14, What is the magnetic flux density at the 18. end of a solenoid, given that the number of tums is 12 and the current passing is 3 A? (Assume 4,= 4m * 107 Hm!) 14x x 107 & 1.44 107 TF () 144auT () 1447 02238010/CAPE 2014 An ideal transformer has 600 turns in the primary winding and 40 tums in the secondary winding. If the current in the primary winding is $ A, and the primary voltage is 120 V, what are the current and voltage in the secondary winding? ‘Current in Voltage in Secondary (A) | Secondary (V) A) 1 15 (B) 60 8 ( 8 75 ors 5 AC current may be represented by the equation, /=/, sin «ot. What term describes the quantity 7,? RMS value (D) Peak value (©) Instantaneous current (D) Average current In a p-type semiconductor, the majority charge carriers are holes (B) electrons (©) valence electrons (D) electron-hole pairs The effective value of a sinusoidal alternating curve with a peak current, J, is (A) 24, (B) 1414, (0.501, oD 0.7071, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 19. Which of the following diagrams shows the correct arrangement for a full-wave reetifier circuit? | \ | _|2 ~ ; on we ; (c) () 20. Anexample of an INPUT transducer isa 24, Which of the following devices is associated with a depletion layer? (A) relay buzzer (A) Capacitor B thermistor (B) Transformer (D) diode ) Operational amplifier oo Semiconductor diode GO ON TO THF NEXT PAGE. 0223801 0/CAPF: 2014 22. 23, stem 22 refers to the following figure. -————Or0v L____ooy ‘The potential divider in the figure above is formed from light dependent resistor (LDR) and a resistor (R). The LDR has a resistance of 5 000 © in the dark and 50 © in bright light. _ ‘The potential at A changes from near zero in the dark to 8 V in bright light. The value of the resistor R is (A) 1250 B 1502 2002 @®y 200002 An operational amplifier circuit has a gain of 10? and a bandwidth of 10° Hz. What is the approximate bandwidth when the gain is reduced to 10? (A) 10 Hz 10? Hz ' 10°Hz 0223801 0/CAPE 2014 24, Which of the following gain-frequency graphs BEST represents that of an ideal operational amplifier? © Gain, 10! Frequeacy Gain /S (B) \ 104 Frequency Gain © 10 Frequency Gain @) 10* Frequency GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Item 25 refers to the following diagram. 6a) Ko 25, From the information given in the operational amplifier circuit above, the current in the 6.0 ke load resistor is (A) 0.6mA oma (D) 67mA Item 26 refers to the following diagram where V, and V, are input signals. Ry +15V 26, What are the possible values of R,, R, and R, ifthe output voltage, V4 — (3% +4Y)? R, R, R, 1 b s 200k | 150k | 600k (B) | 200kQ2 | 400kM | 600 ka (C) } 300kQ | 400k2 | 100k2 (D) | 300k | 400kA | 700kQ GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGF 0223801 0/CAPE 2014 Item 27 refers to the following diagram. R 27. Which of the following features relates to the amplifier in the diagram above? Inverting amplifier with a gain oe (8B) —_—_Non-inverting amplifier with a gain of [- R © Inverting amplifier with a gain of [| -k, ©) —_Non-inverting amplifier with a gain of =~ [tem 28 refers to the following diagram which shows an amplifier. ! Your 28. The values for the resistors may be changed. Which of the following pairs of values for R, and R, would give the amplifier the LARGEST bandwidth? R Rg (A) 10kQ 100kQ (B) 20kQ 300kQ (g 30kQ 9kQ (D) 40kQ 80kQ GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238010/CAPE 2014 -10- 29, Which of the following circuits shows the correct NOR gate equivalent of the given logic gate? Logie Gate (A) | NoT (B) | OR =D ce) |AND pr (D) EX-NOR To TD 30. Which of the following circuits is correct for a half-adder? w STD J orn @ Dp { Cary © TP) 3m [acm 0) oJ} Sum Lyons 02238010/CAPE 2014 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGF 31. 32. 33. 34, -ue Anatom makes a transition fromanenergy 35. state, E,, toa lower energy state, E,. Which of the following expressions gives the frequency of radiation emitted in terms of Planck’s constant, h? of Which scientist used the quantum theory to explain the photoelectric effect? Binstein 8) Millikan © Planck (D) Rutherford A metal surface has a work function of 3.8 eV. Determine the threshold wave- length for this metal. ()9.17x10"m & 3.27x 107m ( 6.08 x 107m (D) 1.09 x 10m ‘What is the linear absorption coefficient of a material of thickness 10 cm that reduces the incident X-ray intensity to half of its original value? 36. (A) -6.93 (B) -0.693 © 0.693 & 6.93 02238010/CAPE 2014 An experiment to investigate the photoelectric effect was performed and a graph showing the energy of photoelectrons versus frequency of incident radiation plotted as shown below. ev, Energy photoelectrons Frequency (f) Ife is electronic charge, V, is stopping potential, fis the frequency, m is the mass of anelectron and his the Planck constant, then the gradient of the graph is A elm «) hile (D) hle Item 36 refers to the follo Number | Number of of Protons | Neutrons G 88 88 ) 88 136 © 136 88 (D) [224 88 An isotope of radium is represented by Ra. Which row in the table above correctly describes a neutral atom of this isotope? GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 38. 39. -12- Which two scientists conducted an experiment which proved that the nucleus of an_ atom 's very small and positively charged? (A) Davisson and Germer (B) Bohr and Rutherford (©) Mosley and Einstein & Geiger and Marsden Item 38 is about Millikan’s oil drop experiment which is depicted in the following diagram. Hole where oil S svray enters Plates connected cs topower spel Microscope Tuminated of drops Which statement about the behaviour of the oil drops during the experiment is correct? When an oil drop is stationary, itis because it carries an electric charge. (B) When an oil drop becomes charged, the size of the charge must equal e. (Cc) ‘When an oil drop moves upwards, only the electric force is acting on it. (D) When no electric field acts, all drops move downwards with the same constant velocity. ee Item 39 refersto the equation below which 40, What does 2 in the equation N=, em shows the disintegration of polonium — 210 represent? toa stable isotope of lead. é Wavelength MOP» Pb + SHe+Q Decay constant (C) Frequency For the equation above, (D) Half-life mass of "EPP = 205.969 u 41. The mass defect for the nucleus of 004 u helium -4 is 0.0303 u. What is the binding energy per nucleon for helium -42 mass of 3He = mass of “Po = 209.982 u. . . (A) 1 MeV What is the mass equivalent, in kg, of Q? (B) 4Mev 7MeV 15x10” 28 MeV 5 6.7x 10" (©) 34x10 (D) 35x10 GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238010/CAPE 2014. 42. 43. -13- Radioactive lead, 2!'Pb, decays by two 44 beta particles and one alpha particle. What is the resulting nuclide? ey wpb © @) Epp 45. The half-life of a sample of radioactive substance is 100 years. What is its decay constant? GD 6.93 x 10° year (By 5.00.x 10 year! (©) 6.93x 10" year! (D) 1.44x 10*year* END OF TEST ‘The activity of a radioactive source is (A) the amount of radioactive atoms ® the number of disintegrations per second (C)__ the intensity of the radiation emitted (D) the number of types of radiation coming from the source In medicine, radioactive isotopes are often used as tracers to help in locating blockages in the human body. Which of the following isotopes would be MOST suitable for such an application? Isotope [Half-life [Radiation Emitted (A) 2minutes | Beta 8) hours — | Alpha oY Shours [Bew © 20 minutes | Alpha IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 02238010/CAPE 2014

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