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Direction: Read and analyze the each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

LC # 3

1.What is true about prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?

a. Most prokaryotes contain more genes while eukaryotes have only one.
b. Prokaryotic cells are multicellular organism while eukaryotic cells are unicellular.
c. Transcription in Prokaryotic Cell occurs in ribosomes while eukaryotic cell is on cytoplasm.
d. Prokaryotic cells lack true membrane bound nucleus while eukaryotic composes of nucleus
and membrane bound organelles.

LC # 2

2. What is true about vacuole?

a. Produces ATP
b. It serves as water storage
c. It is where the photosynthesis occur
d. It anchors other membrane bound organelles

LC # 4

Metaphase is the second

part of the cell division. It
serves as preparation for
chromosomes to separate
to two different poles

3. What can you infer from the illustrations?

a. Cytoplasm starts to divide.

b. Chromosomes are at the poles of the cells.
c. Chromosomes align at the center of the cell.
d. Chromosomes contains two identical sister chromatids.
LC # 10

4. Which of the following results from the malfunction of the cell in the cell cycle?

d. Cancer and atherosclerosis

b. Cough and colds
a. Diabetes and heart attack
c. Fever and Flu

LC # 1

According to Theodore Schwann’s famous

Microscopical Researchers into the accordance in Pathologist Rudolf Virchow posed the
the Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants, maxim Omnis cellula e cellula - which also means
in which he declared that “All living things are that every cell arises from other cells.
composed of cells and cell products”.

The first postulate of Cell Theory states

that Cell is the basic unit of life.

5. Which can generalize the three selections?

a. Cells are the building blocks of an organism.

b. Cell is the fundamental unit of structure and function.
c. Cell cannot arise spontaneously but has to be copied from the other cells.
d. The existence of an organism depends on the activities and interaction of its constituent cell.

LC # 5
6. Given above is the process MEIOSIS (Gamete cell division). With the illustrations, generate
insights how Meiosis happens and give its general processes.

LC # 3

7. Prokaryotes are typically unicellular microorganisms that lack a distinct nucleus and
membrane-bound organelles, while eukaryotes are composed of one or more cells containing
visibly evident nuclei and organelles. It is said that, due to evolution, cell evolved from the
prokaryotic stage to the eukaryotic one. Do you think Eukaryotes came from Prokaryotes? Why?
Why not? Find the connections among the two types of cells and generalize evidences if cell
evolution truly occurred or not.

LC # 5

8. Mitosis have four continuous process divided which are the Prophase , Metaphase ,
Anaphase, Telophase, and back to Prophase. Do you think it is necessary to have CONTINOUS
cell division? Why? Why not?


The alarming number of exploitation to cell as laboratory guinea pigs, such in embryonic
stem cell, becomes a global issue. On the other hand, cell experimentation also served beneficial
outcomes on the field of technology and medicine. Cells are considered as the fundamental unit
of life which leads us to the fact that cells possess LIFE. The students are assigned to give their
stand on the issue whether using cell for laboratory purposes is ethical or unethical . The
advocate (student/speaker) needs to persuade the listeners that his/her point was the correct one
and must be followed and be practiced. With this, an argumentative speech with regards to the
given issue must be utilized. The presenter’s classmates will serve as the audience for the entire
speech and will give their judgment according on how the speech was made (construction),
impact of the speech, the clarity of the message it implies, and its relevance to the topic.

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