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nternship Report Recruitment & Selection Process of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Supervised By Sohana
Wadud Ahmad Lecturer BRAC Business School Course: BUS 400 (Internship) Semester: Spring 2015
Submitted By Parmina Moumita Mazumder ID: BRAC Business School BRAC University

2 30 th April, 2015 Sohana Wadud Ahmad Lecturer BRAC Business School Brac University 66, Mohakhali
C/A Dhaka 1212 Letter of Transmittal Subject: Seeking permission to submit Internship report on
Recruitment & Selection Process of Square Pharmaceuticals Limited Dear Madam, It is my privilege to let
you know that as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration (BBA), I have completed my Internship program in Square Pharmaceuticals Limited, CHQ,
Human Resource Department. This report is prepared based on my three months internship practical
experience. The report focuses mainly on the overall Human Resource Management practices regarding
recruitment & selection process in Square Pharmaceuticals Limited. The study has given me the
opportunity to get a deeper insight and use my theoretical knowledge in practical world. It had also
helped me to learn practically what I have studied in my BBA program. During my stay there, I had work
in the Human Resource Department under the supervision of Senior Executive Mr. Tariqul Bari. It has
been a great privilege to work in such a friendly environment and learn numerous practical and
confidential things. Finally, thank you for your supportive thought, valuable suggestions, guidelines and
kind consideration for formulating ideas and developing the structure of the paper. I would be my
obligation to provide you with any required clarification regarding the project. With Regards, Parmina
Moumita Mazumder ID: BRAC Business School BRAC University Page 1

3 Acknowledgement First of all I give my heartfelt thanks to the Almighty for giving me the ability for
preparing this report successfully. I was given the opportunity to prepare this report for my internship
course under the supervision of my honorable course supervisor Sohana Wadud Ahmad. It was a great
opportunity for me to enhance my knowledge on analyzing critical data and information. This report
would have been incomplete without the help of certain people. The purpose of this part of the report is
to pay a tribute to all the cooperative people who gave their precious time to help me, and without
whose assistance it would have been impossible to conclude the report. First of all, I express my deep
sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to my honorable supervisor for assigning me to this task and for
whom I had this challenging opportunity to prepare this paper. I am very much appreciative to her for
her guidance, sustained interest, constant encouragement and her confidence in my aptitude to do the
work and finally motivatingme with inspiration, kind of directions, valuable suggestions & advices. To
commence with, I would like to take this opportunity to modestly and humbly thank Mr. Tariqul Bari,
Senior Executive (HRD) who has given me full opportunity to start the Internship. I am indebted to a
number of individuals without whose help this report could not have been completed in time. Mr.
Barnobus Sagar Halder, Md. Yunus Ali, Mr. Sahidul Islam, Mr. Sazzad Hossain, Mr. Nurul Islam, Mr. Zahin
Iftekhar Rasul, Md. Anisul Alam, and Mr. Abu Mohammed Mohiuddin who had provided me with first
hand comprehensive information during my internship. In the end, I cannot help but mention that this
report is the outcome of days of hard work. I give my endless thanks to the people who have
contributed greatly behind the completion of the report. Without their help, this report would not have
been even completed within the deadline, let alone being a successful and helpful one. Page 2
4 Table of Contents Letter of Transmittal...1 Acknowledgement...2 Executive Summary...5 CHAPTER 1.0:
The Organization Introduction Histroy Product/ Service Offerings Operational Network Organogram
Visions for the Future...12 CHAPTER 2.0 Job Description of the Job Specific Responsibilities of the Job
Different Aspects of Job Performance Critical Observations and Reccommendations...14 CHAPTER 3.0
Project Summary Decription of the project 28 Origin of the report...28 Objectives.29 Scope 29
Methodology Limitations 30 Page 3

5 3.3 Recruitment & Selection Process of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd..30 Recruitment & Selection
Training & Development..38 Analysis.49 Results & Discussion Conclusion.55 Appendix BIBLIOGRAPHY. 65
Books and websites Reports/ Manual: Informal Sources: Page 4

6 Executive Summary Square Pharmaceutical Ltd is the largest pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh
with proper planning, a tremendous way of organizing, prominent way of leading and effective planning.
Today s Square Pharmaceutical is a dream that Mr. Samson H. Chowdhury turned into reality. The
business growth, the social commitment, and the great diversity in today s Square Pharmaceutical are
the outcome of one lifetime of hard work and compassion from Mr. Chowdhury. The company follows a
systemic way to take a particular decision. Plans have different alternatives in order to improve future
performance. The respective managers of different departments/ divisions scrutinize those plans and
best of them are placed to the Management for approval through Merits & demerits of particular
proposals/ plans are observed by the management of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. to reach to a single
decision. Sometimes the management also takes help from the technical experts in the relevant field.
The day to day planning and decision making is mainly directed by the head of each department. Square
Pharmaceuticals Ltd has established functional structure of organization. The various functions of the
undertaking are the first determined and then a functional expert in each is appointed, who will be
responsible for his technical function. Square Ltd has established the following department for its
smooth running. This report is on Recruitment and Selection Process of SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd. In
this report the overall process of Recruitment and Selection of executives and non-executive staffs and
the field force is separately discussed. There is clear explanation of each and every step. In findings part
the some signature practices of HRD of SPL discussed and in recommendation part some steps which
can improve the practice is recommended. SPL development includes a creation of a strongly-bonded
culture; maintaining discipline; continuously adapting to changes resulting from both internal and
external environment; developing human resources through ongoing development and evaluation
initiatives; and completing tasks and goals within a given time frame. The belief is, creating a good and
learning company is more important than presenting a profitable company. Page 5

7 THE ORGANIZATION Introduction SQUARE today symbolizes a name a state of mind. But its journey to
the growth and prosperity has been no bed of roses. From the inception in 1958, it has today burgeoned
into one of the top line conglomerates in Bangladesh. Square Pharmaceuticals Limited, the flagship
company of Square Group, is holding the strong leadership position in the pharmaceutical industry of
Bangladesh since 1985 and is now on its way to becoming a high performance global player. SQUARE
Pharmaceuticals Limited is the largest pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh and it has been
continuously in the 1st position among all national and multinational companies since It was established
in 1958 and converted into a public limited company in The sales turnover of SPL was more than Taka
Billion (US$ million) with about 16.43% market share (April 2009 March 2010) having a growth rate of
about 16.72%. SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Limited has extended its range of services towards the highway
of global market. It pioneered exports of medicines from Bangladesh in 1987 and has been exporting
antibiotics and other pharmaceutical products. This extension in business and services has manifested
the credibility of Square Pharmaceuticals Limited. As the expansion of the company is at a large scale
the management is also rapidly being divided into a larger scale. Mission of SPL: SQUARE
Pharmaceuticals mission is to produce and provide quality & innovative healthcare relief for people,
maintain stringently ethical standard in business operation also ensuring benefit to the shareholders,
stakeholders and the society at large. Page 6

8 Vision of SPL: SQUARE Pharmaceutical Ltd. views business as a means to the material and social
wellbeing of the investors, employees and the society at large, leading to accretion of wealth through
financial and moral gains as a part of the process of the human civilization. Objective of SPL: SQUARE
Pharmaceuticals objectives are to conduct transparent business operation based on market mechanism
within the legal & social framework with aims to attain the mission reflected by our vision. The
Corporate Slogan: SQUARE PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED always upholds the dictum Dedicated to
advanced technology. History Some of the significant milestones of the company are as follows: 1958 :
Debut of SQUARE Pharmaceutical as a Partnership Firm. 1964: Converted into a Private Limited
Company. 1974: Technical Collaboration with Janssen Pharmaceutical, Belgium, a subsidiary of Johnson
and Johnson International, USA. 1982: Licensing Agreement signed with F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.,
Switzerland. 1985: Achieved market-leadership in the pharmaceutical market of Bangladesh among all
national and multinational companies. 1987: Pioneer in pharmaceutical export from Bangladesh. 1991:
Converted in to a Public Limited Company 1994: Initial Public Offering of SQUARE Pharmaceutical Shares
: Chemical Division of SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd. starts production of pharmaceutical bulk products
(API). 1997: Won the National Export trophy for exporting pharmaceuticals. 1998: Agro-chemicals &
Veterinary Products Division of SQUARE Pharmaceutical starts its operation : US FDA/UK MCA standard
new Pharmaceutical factory goes into operation built under the supervision of Bovis Lend Lease, UK :
SQUARE enlisted as UNICEF's global supplier. Page 7

9 2005 New State-of-the-Art SQUARE Cephalosporin s Ltd. goes into operation; built under the
supervision of TELSTAR S.A. of Spain as per US FDA/ UK MHRA requirements SQUARE Pharmaceuticals
Ltd., Dhaka Unit gets the UK/ MHRA approval Starts manufacturing of insulin maintaining quality
standards of US FDA & UK MHRA. Dedicated hormone & steroid products manufacturing facility
complying with the current Good Manufacturing Practice (cgmp) of WHO, US FDA & UK MHRA starts
operation SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Dhaka Unit and SQUARE Cephalosporin s Ltd. get the
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia approval. Square Sister Concerns Page 8

10 Company Profile & Product/Service Offerings Company Name Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd Type
Public Limited Company Founded 1958 Founder Samson H. Chowdhury Main markets Exporting drugs to
forty countries across four continents. Business Type Manufacturing Marketing (domestic & abroad),
exporting Pharmaceutical finished products, Basic Chemicals & Agro-Vet Products. Product/Service
Vaccines Oral Healthcare Products Tablets Capsules Syrup Suspension Sterile Eye Drops Injectables Nasal
Sprays Creams Ointments IV fluids Metered dose inhalers Dry powder inhalers Suppositories Lyophilized
Injectables Prefilled Syringes etc. Argrovet & Pesticide products Herbal & Neutraceuticals products Over-
the-counter medicines About Company An organization with equal emphasis on leadership, technology,
quality and passion. Website Page 9

11 Global Presence SQUARE has invested in state of the art formulation plants aligned to regulated
market standards. Six manufacturing units of the Dhaka site can produce pharmaceutical products
maintaining cgmp requirement for highly regulated markets in Europe, Australia and USA. Other five
manufacturing units at Pabna site are producing finished formulations targeting markets in ASEAN,
SAARC and marketing in RoW region. We have 700 product approvals for export markets and 900
product approvals for Bangladesh market. Present Markets SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is already
supplying products to the following markets: Europe: UK, Denmark, The Netherlands Asia: Afghanistan,
Bhutan, Cambodia, Fiji, Hong Kong, Iraq, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua
New Guinea, Palau, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, The Philippines, Uzbekistan, Vietnam Africa: Eritrea, Ivory
Coast, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda
Central and South America: Belize, Costa Rica, Suriname Highlights of the Export Operations Exports
pharmaceutical finished products since 1995 Offers quality products at competitive price Offers more
than 300 off-patent and on-patent molecules in different dosage forms Offers facilities for contract
manufacturing Offers services for product development with subsequent technology transfer Provides
assistance in product promotion and training in overseas markets Page 10

12 Operational Network Organogram Chairman Vice Chairman Managing director Deputy Managing
Director Executive Director Director General Manager Deputy General Manager Assistant General
Manager Senior Manager Manager Senior Executive Executive Officer Figure: Operational Network
Organogram Page 11

13 Visions for the Future Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd is planning on upgrading the HRIS & making the
company totally SAP based where documents will be stored in software for the whole company. The
whole company will have the access to the software. Information can be obtained quickly and
accurately. The company will run as a whole where each and every employee will be aware of all the
departments where Square Pharmaceutical has its operation. Implementing innovative technologies,
machineries & advanced equipments in the factory and using them for quicker production process.
Square Pharmaceuticals is aiming to make each and every employee competent enough by providing
them better training in advanced and innovative technologies that the best companies in the world is
providing. Square Pharmaceuticals is planning for increasing their employees in the department &
making its operation with the right amount of workforce required for particular field so that there is not
much pressure on one employee to handle many tasks. The organization is very much focused on their
research team. They are planning on coming up with the best products by their own research team. For
this reason the they are going to hire the best pharmacists around the country by training them in an
international standard. Page 12

14 Chapter 2: JOB Description of the Job Internship program is a part of my academic studies which I
pursued for 3 months in the market leading company Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. As a HR major
student I got the opportunity to work in the HR department under the supervision of Mr. Tariqul Bari,
Senior Executive, Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd and my academic supervisor Sohana Wadud Ahmad,
Lecturer, BRAC Business School. As an Intern my job was to assist my respected field supervisor in his
task. Mr, Tariqul Bari handles the Recruitment & Selection Process of Dhaka Unit which includes the
factory as well. He had given me many opportunities to learn about the recruitment & selection process
by providing me with many briefing and assigning me into different tasks. I had to be present at office
just like other employees in the department. The company provided me an Internship policy which I had
to sign during my joining. I had my own desk to work. A brief orientation was provided initially & after
that I stared working for my supervisor. Though I was working under the supervision of Mr. Tariqul Bari,
Sir encouraged me to work with his colleagues as well to broaden my knowledge about the HR practices
in Square. Specific Responsibilities of the Job There were some specific responsibilities that I had during
my Internship. Those are: Assisting my Internship supervisor during his task & doing the task that I was
assigned to do. Being present in the office in the right time and reporting to my supervisor. Script
checking of the candidates appeared for written test for different position. Input of data and sorting the
selected candidates for the position and communicating with them for the next step which was viva.
Assisting Mr. Tariqul Bari during Preliminary Viva for recruiting HR executive. Preparing files for the
candidates who came for Job Confirmation. Assisting during the assessment process for promotion in
different positions. Page 13

15 Data entry into the SAP and learning the use of SAP in the company. Taking Exams for the field force
and assisting during the recruitment. Assisting during the Pabna Unit Recruitment. Different Aspects of
Job Performance There were different aspects of Job performance where I found Square
Pharmaceuticals different from other companies: Use of SAP for storing huge information and saving the
time. Conducting Preliminary Interview for HR executives and Receptionist only. Case study presentation
during the final viva for recruiting HR Executives. Strongly following the 60 day timeline for filling up any
vacant positions. Assessment center approach for promotion and different ways of assessment. Walk-In-
Interviews for field force in different depots including CHQ. Critical Observations and Recommendations
Critical Observations Square Pharmaceuticals Human Resource department beyond doubt represents its
image. It has an excellent working environment where each employee is always beside each other
during work and also outside work. There is always something new to learn from each other in this
department and no one hesitates to share what they are best at to teach and help their co-worker.
Everyone stands beside each other just like a family that is why they call themselves HR FAMILY. I feel
fortunate to be part of the family. Given below are some of the positive HR practices of the Human
Resource department which I found to be completely new and encouraging to learn: Ability and
Creativeness: Employees of Square Pharmaceuticals HRD get enough opportunity to show their ability
and creativeness. Employees are encouraged to share Page 14
16 their creativity during their work. They get appreciated of doing something new which is a great
motivation for them. During my Internship I was able to show my ability and creativeness which
motivated me to give the best effort to my work. Assessment Center Approach: This approach is one of
the tools to measure performance of the employees which was a long term performance process that
helps to measure the performance of employees step by step and accurately understand their skills and
abilities in their working environment. Use of SAP: Square Pharmaceutical maintains their HRIS through
SAP. The use of SAP is mentioned elaborately in Chapter 3 of the report. This is helping the company to
maintain their time and production process quickly and accurately. Square is planning to develop their
SAP in the future to work under one software program for the whole company. This software contains
vast information and gives the accurate result very quickly and effectively all at once. Motivational Tools:
Motivation in work environment leads to better performance for employees. In Square Pharmaceuticals
not only employees are encouraged and motivated for their performance in job but also outside the
work environment as well. The department organize HR Family day, They organized special program for
women for celebrating International Women s Day, The employees celebrate their birthdays with each
other; even they celebrate the winning of Bangladesh cricket team with great joy which keeps them
motivated in their same routine work life. Fresh Graduates are Encouraged: Fresh graduates are
encouraged to apply for any vacant post in the organization. The HRD recruitment and selection
department selects the best candidates for the company where they prefer fresh graduates with fresh
talent and ideas for the company. Recruitment System Software: In order to make the recruitment and
select process more effective HRD uses software named Recruitment System Software where CV sorting,
Filtering, Job posting, Selection of candidates is done very effectively and accurately in a short amount of
time. Applicants who apply online get their CVs sorted by this software. Page 15

17 Preliminary Interview: Preliminary interview is an initial interview used to measure communication

skill only for HR executive and Receptionist post. If the candidates are qualified in the preliminary
interview they are allowed to sit for the written test continued by two more viva. 60 Days Timeline:
From the job posting till the final selection of candidates for the particular post HRD follows a 60 days
timeline process where they require a certain amount of time to conduct a particular task for the
recruitment and selection within that time. Thus, a vacant position is filled within 60 days of time by the
Square Pharmaceutical HRD. Communication System: Communication is one of the most important
factors for any HRD of an organization. During my internship I have found out that employees are very
efficient in communication. They try best to reach candidates if the candidate is unavailable. They
provide s to selected & also not selected candidates with very motivational words. All employees are
always connected to their immediate supervisor for all types of information. Bangladesh Labor Code
2006: As a pharmaceutical company Square has its most of the operations in factory. They follow the
Bangladesh Labor code very strictly in corporate head quarters & certainly in the factory.
Recommendations Demand & Supply Forecasting: The HR department should start using demand and
supply forecasting for each department. It is time consuming for departments to justify the requisition
they have raised. If forecasting is done then justification is not that necessary as the results of the
forecasting will give the department a accurate idea of what number of employees are required for a
particular department and what purpose will be fulfilled for employee recruitment in the particular
department. Use of OMR (Optical Mark Reader): Introducing OMR in HRD is highly recommended. The
department uses answer sheet for written test where the entire Page 16
18 answer sheet are checked by the executive assigned for the recruitment & selection procedure. This
process is very time consuming & sometimes it can become a stress for the employee which will result
to mistakes. Each employee checks more than 100 copies for any recruitment. OMR will save lot of time
and also provide accurate marks for a particular candidate. Disclosing Proper Information in Job Ad: In
some cases proper information is not disclosed in Job Ad to get rid of the biasness. However, this
process leads to another problem which is time. It takes too much time CVs when female candidates
apply for the post where the company only requires male candidates. The female candidates are not
preferred for some positions where the job is only for night shift and also health issues are considered
for female. If this information is wisely mentioned where it will not represent any biasness then
recruitment for those positions will be more effective. Upgrading the Job Circular: As Square
Pharmaceutical is the market leader they I recommend they should upgrade the Job Circular that
represents their company as the best company in the market. Some creativity is required to make the
circular look more attractive. Team Work Capability: Team work capability test should be included
during the selection process. This will give a clear view of how the employee can work in their particular
field as a team with other employees. Participation in Job Fair& Arranging Symposium and Competitions:
Square Pharmaceuticals can participate in Job Fairs more where they will get fresh and talented
graduates working for their company. Also the company can arrange competitions in universities to get
the best outcome in recruitment for their company. Check the Training Background: While recruiting the
recruitment and selection group should thoroughly check the training background of each and every
applicant so the training programs do not get overlapped. Page 17

19 Effective Planning for Training Program: Training program is sometimes cluttered as they provide
training in every level quarterly each year. Employees may be stressed in training programs. Personal
Management Software: To quicken up the performance management procedure I recommend that the
company must take the initiative of personal management software as soon as possible just like the
recruitment system software. The sooner the software is developed the better the performance of
employees can be managed. The work will be done quickly and ethically. Moreover there will be less
stress for the line managers to fill up each and every form and rate the employee s performance.
Quantitative Method for KRA and KPI: The KRA and KPI methods should be introduced in a quantitative
method rather than only qualitative. Than the numbers or figures will show the input and the output
ratio of each every employee and give the correct results. Page 18

20 CHAPTER 3: PROJECT Summary Square Pharmaceuticals Limited is the largest pharmaceutical

company in Bangladesh and it has been continuously been in the first position among all the national
and multinational companies since The company plays a significant role in producing quality drugs in
Bangladesh. It also plays a vital role in developing the socio-economic condition of our country by paying
a large amount of tax and taking participation in social activities. The company follows a systemic way to
take a particular decision. Plans have different alternatives in order to improve future performance. The
respective managers of different departments/ divisions scrutinize those plans and best of them are
placed to the Management for approval through Merits & demerits of particular proposals/ plans are
observed by the management of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. to reach to a single decision. Sometimes
the management also takes help from the technical experts in the relevant field. The day to day planning
and decision making is mainly directed by the head of each department. Nowadays Square
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. acquired a desirable and a leading position among the other companies of
Bangladesh. This company carries the qualities that are required for the effective control system.
Furthermore, it s able to take necessary steps considering the various factors like size, culture,
importance of activities etc. to have the desirable and effective control to ensure the quality of the
management operation. Improving productivity management followed - Plan for the long-term future
Establish statistical control over production process. Deal with the best and fewest numbers of
suppliers. Find out whether problems are confined to particular parts of the production process or stem
from the overall process itself. Train workers for the job that are asking them to perform. Drive out fear.
Encourage departments to work closely together as a team. Page 19

21 Human Resource Department SQUARE, with its progressive business outlook, believes and practices
corporate work culture with a classic blend of efficiency and equity. SQUARE believes in company
growth by increasing efficiency level of employees and for that offering excellent environment and
support for skill and knowledge up gradation. SQUARE values productivity as the spontaneous
contribution of Human Resources. Strategic Human Resource Development Programs are the energy
sources for SQUARE HR for running towards the zenith of success. Flow of clear and specific information
and justification of queries play the vital role to ensure the market reputation of SQUARE as the most
trusted and transparent company and it enriches the motivation level of HR who are the real
contributors and owners of his/her own jobs. At SQUARE, HRD symbolizes the unique blending of
professionalism as well as sharing the stress and success equally like a family where every member has
deep concern, feelings and pride for their own company SQUARE.HR ensures the strong supporting role
to develop & implement HR policy guidelines for ensuring uninterrupted operation and spontaneous
participation to achieve organizational objective as well as fulfillment of employee needs. HR is
maintaining an effective way to deal with labor union and still no unrest has been recorded as dispute
Personnel working here are taking care of SQUARE as it is their own family. The major functions
implemented by this department are as follows: Job evaluations and descriptions establishment
Recruitment and staffing policies and processes Orientation and socializing new recruits and
organizational members Development and maintenance of COC and COP Employee training and
development facilitations and management Employee performance management and evaluation
Compensation and benefits determination as per job evaluation Talent retention strategies Facilitating
career development and enrichment of human resources Maintaining and updating databases of
manpower/personnel Maintaining liaison and communication with past. present and potential
employees Page 20

22 Going through capability and disciplinary procedures for further actions With over 4600 employees,
SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd. also has to follow the above trends. Performance Management System
Each employee has been assessed by supervisors and grand supervisors annually through a structured
Performance Management System (PMS). Here performance assessment is done quarterly for the field
forces. Criteria of performance Appraisal For RSM (Regional Sales Manager) Sales achievement Monthly
wise sales achievement Growth TM monthly achieved (TM) For TM (Territory Manager) Sales
achievement Monthly wise sales achievement Market share leadership frequency No. of product unit
achieved For SMPO/MPO (Medical Promotion Officer) Written test Detailing test Sales achievement
growth Sales replacement Market share leadership frequency Market share gap No. of new product unit
achieved Group achievement Page 21

23 For executive Objective base Qualitative assessment For casual employee Attitude, project work, skill
evaluation by supervisor, internal customer, peers. TNA (Training Need Assessment) is also done by PMS
as earlier mentioned, through analysis KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and KRA (Key Result Area). KRA is
related to- What is the company s objective to be reached The output of job which contribute to the
goal. KPI is related to- Measuring the output A word which describes the KPI the most is SMART where, S
= Specific, M = Measurable, A = Achievable, R = Realistic, T = Time-framed SAP In order to make a
paperless company and to have a easy control in product Planning, Manufacturing, Marketing and Sales
SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Limited started using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software from end of
What is ERP? Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is business management software usually a suite of
integrated applications that a company can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many
business activities. There are companies who provide ERP software service. SQUARE Pharmaceuticals
Limited use ERP software of SAP (System Application and Products). ERP in Bangladesh In Bangladesh a
few companies like Grameenphone, Bashundhara, Rahimafrooz, Incepta pharma, MGH, Robi are using
ERP. Mainly this software practice stared from Page 22

24 SAP in SPL SQUARE Pharmaceuticals has 800+ pharmaceutical products and for distributing all over
the country as well as abroad it has 19 depots. And for maintaining a good data control SPL using ERP
software service from SAP. SPL started using SAP from the end of It is quick and Reliable. What are
controlling under SAP? Production Planning (PP) Maintaining and controlling the raw materials inputs
and the packaging process. Total production process is controlling by the ERP software. Material Control
The warehouses and deports continuously update the product entry and outing related all information s
in ERP software. As a result other the authority can know all the depots current capability, quantity of
different medicines in different deports and the quantity of medicines which are on road for delivery. It
helps to manage the emergency product demand control outside the country as well as all over the
country. Plant Maintenance Under plant maintenance usually all engineering maintenance data are
preserved. Finance and Controlling Financial data and accounts related data provided by the finance
department if any department need financial data they can use that form SAP software. Project
Management SPL is the flagship in Bangladesh Pharmaceuticals industry and day by day it is increasing
its product line. For this reason it started to work on new factory and plant. ERP helps to maintain and
collect data about the plants which work is ongoing and helps the authority to make the right decision.
Sales and Distribution Sales and distribution is the main key of making profit. So, for make a good sales
team coordination and good distribution channel SPL include sales and distribution information in SAP.
The sales team gives medicine requirement by using mobile data and they frequently update the sales
data. As a result all sales information stored in the server and it helps the sales team to maintain a
strong monitoring. Page 23

25 HCM (Human Capital Management) Under Human Capital Management some functions are
controlled and these are discussing bellow. Time Management Time management is a very important
part of HRM. SPL use attendance punch card for employee attendance. Every employee has to punch
while entering and leaving the office. This input automatically updated in SAP and the HR can get the
data easily. Training and Development All employees need training for future development. To get know
who get what kind of training all data of all employees. Personal Administration (HRISM) Employee
lifecycle from the joining date to retirement all information stores in SAP. Benefits of using ERP of SAP:
Single platform for employee database HR reporting HR intelligence data Integration with payroll Scrim
lining and employee time management Designing and reflecting organization Corporate Social
Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the continuing commitment by business to behave
ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce
and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. SQUARE Business Motivation is
Being Good by Doing Well and to conduct transparent business operations based on market mechanism
within the legal, ethical & social framework with aims to attain the mission reflected by SQUARE vision.
We scale-up CSR activities to consider the interests of SQUARE external & internal stakeholders like
customers, employees, vendors, shareholders, society, government etc. and ecological & ethical
considerations in all aspects of operations. SQUARE is one of the pioneer signatories of Page 24

26 United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in Bangladesh. UNGC principles are aligned with company's
culture from the very outset. SQUARE recognizes that progressive labor policies are good business
practices; especially for a company like us that has global ambition. We follow laws and encourage work
environment that welcomes diversity and also follow non-discrimination & fair treatment policy both in
the recruitment & selection process and performance management system. We have Trade Union &
SQUARE HR policies have been continuously up-to-dated as per existing labor law of the country. We do
not allow any female employees during night shift operations & we strictly prohibit any form of forced
labor. We actively pursue the policy of No child labor in SQUARE. Transparency & business ethics is the
core value of SQUARE and it is strictly followed at every step of the business processes. Every business in
SQUARE is modeled in a way that enables the management to ensure highest degree of both financial
and behavioral accountability. SQUARE pursues Zero Tolerance policy against all kinds of corruption.
SQUARE's activity goes well beyond the sphere of business. As socially conscious and responsible
corporate body SQUARE is committed to the improvement of the society as a whole. Meril-Prothom
Alofestival sponsored by SQUARE, has become a national calendar event. SQUARE helps many NGO's in
their effort to make available healthcare to the disadvantage population of the country. It sponsors
programs to build awareness on the healthcare need. SQUARE is also a major sponsor of sporting events
in the country. SQUARE is proud to be a Bangladeshi Company actively involved in various field of
Corporate Social Responsibility. Awarded the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards 2014-South
Asia. Square Herbal & Nutraceuticals Ltd. (SHNL) has been awarded the "Asia Responsible
Entrepreneurship Awards 2014-South Asia" under the category of 'Social Empowerment Award'. The
Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards is a regional recognition Award organized by Enterprise Asia
to honor companies for outstanding, innovative and world-class products, services, projects and
programs. These programs demonstrate the Enterprise's leadership, sincerity and on-going commitment
in incorporating responsible and ethical values, legal compliance, concerns for health issues, respect for
people and individuals, involvement in communities and protection of the environment into the way
they run their Page 25

27 Enterprise. SHNL has won the Social Empowerment Award after competing with all Asian countries
for recognizing the impact of running the business to the environment and seeks to reduce and reverse
the impact by Green Product Designs especially for 'Basak cultivation'. SHNL'S business model was
"Increasing family solvency and self employment of poor marginal farmers (especially women) by using
homestead or unutilized land through cultivation of Basak plant." It impacts in environment and
increases social values and integrity through plantation of medicinal herbs. Support to education
SQUARE Kindergarten & SQUARE High School. SQUARE Kindergarten is constructed primarily to facilitate
quality education to the children of the employees in Pabna. This is a 100% "not- for-profit" initiative
where the students receive quality education at a very subsidized fee. Other than its own employees'
children, it also provides this education facility for the children of local community. SQUARE
Kindergarten extended its facility from Primary Level (Grade I Grade V) to Secondary Level (Grade VI and
upwards) by establishing SQUARE High School. Award for facilitating higher education. In recognition to
merit, SQUARE awards Gold Medal to the students of Dhaka Medical College who secure the first
position. Pick-up and drop services for the school going children of factory employees. Sponsoring
"SQUARE-Dhaka Residential Model College 7th National Science Festival 2014" Square Pharmaceuticals
Ltd. has participated as the title sponsor in the SQUARE-Dhaka Residential Model College 7th National
Science Festival The science festival was held from 6th February 2014 to 8th February Students of
different schools and colleges presented their science project results in the form of a report, display
board, and models in this science festival to enrich their science knowledge. Women Empowerment
Housing & Transportation Facility for Female Employees for empowering & encouraging them to do the
job. Page 26

28 SQUARE is partnering one of the projects of CARE - "JITA" Through this project we ensure
empowerment of rural women as they can earn money by purchasing SQUARE products at Trade Price &
by selling those products to rural households at Maximum Retail Price (MRP) and also ensure basic
health & hygiene to the rural area by the sales women in explaining the necessity of using sanitary
napkin and health soaps and making these products available at their doorsteps. SQUARE is operating a
fuel station named "Eakub Filling Station" in Pabna which is run by women. Commitment towards
society & support to social grounds Vaccination & Breast feeding awareness to 3.3 million mothers
Through direct outbound phone call, SMS blast, product pack communication, Square Toiletries Ltd.
attempted to make mothers aware about the importance of breast feeding and vaccination. Not only
that, each and every call we receive at SUPERMOM teleservice, we remind every mother about it. This
has helped to ensure the future of 3.3 million babies and help eliminate polio from Bangladesh as well.
Operating 24/7 free helpline for mother and Babies Supermom is a free telephone ( ) service and a full-
fledged interactive Bengali website ( for mothers and their babies. Every mother, we believe is a
Supermom. Saluting these Supermoms, to make their life a little easy, we operate this service, to help
mothers to be the finest mom. Teamed up with experts and professionals, this praiseworthy initiative by
Meril Baby from Square Toiletries Ltd is there to keep a mother and the baby protected, healthy and
safe! Starting from pregnancy planning, taking care during pregnancy and growing up information for
babies all are available in the service, absolutely free. In a forum, all the moms can interact with one
another, share information and experiences, get tips from the experts and learn about the suitable high-
quality products for their babies. In short, Supermom is the hub for all information that could make
every mom an extraordinary Supermom. Responsibility towards government Highest TAX payer of the
country award SQUARE is reputed and recognized as highest TAX paying organization on a regular basis.
Honorable Chairman of SQUARE group is awarded as highest TAX payer of the country by the
government. Page 27

29 Special Government medicine supply SQUARE supplies customized government medicine as per the
requirement of Bangladesh government. Moreover, in times of epidemics and disasters it is always
beside the government with its expanded helping hands. Description of the Project Objective of the
Report Internship report is particular part of internship program and academic studies. This internship
report is a reflection of academic knowledge through practical work experience. Thus this report aims to
reflect the professional view of real world working environment. Through the research on Human
Resource Department of SPL I am able to apply and relate the theories in real organization. The main
objective of the report is to determine the effectiveness of the Human Resource Management Practice
of SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd and to investigate the recruitment and selection system of the
pharmaceuticals, to identify the effectiveness of the overall system of Recruitment and Selection
Process, and to get practical idea about organizational environment. If necessary, I have to provide some
suggestions in the fields requiring improvements. General Objective: To analyze and understand the
effectiveness of recruitment and selection as well as training and development initiatives of SQUARE
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. in accordance with company development and corporate strategies. Specific
Objective: Studying the general HR policies and their link with the practice. Methodology Studying each
and every level of recruitment and selection. To know their importance of the Training Need Assessment
(TNA). Studying the promotional test parts and procedures. Primary data I have collected primary
information by survey, interviewing employees, observing various Page 28

30 organizational procedures and structures. Primary data were mostly derived from the discussion with
the employees and practical observation of documents and personal experience during Internship
period. Primary information was collected from the following sources: Short Interview: I took a short
interview of Md. Yunus Ali on Training and Development, Mr. Barnobus Sagar Halder on PMS and
Reward management, Mr. Tariqul Bari on Recruitment and Selection of Dhaka Unit, Mr. Sahidul Islam on
ERP system, Mr. Sazzad Hossain on Recruitment software, Mr. Nurul Islam on Training and
Development, Mr. Zahin Iftekhar Rasul on Pabna Unit and of Mr. Abu Mohammed Mohiuddin on
Recruitment and Selection of the field force. Manuals/Reports: A lot of information has been extracted
from the Training and Development Manual of SPL and Training Report of SQUARE. The Annual Report
has also provided significant facts regarding the company. Secondary Sources These sources were
mainly used for Literature Review. Sources included internet links of HR-based websites; SQUARE
Pharmaceutical Ltd. s website for background information; textbooks covered during curriculum study at
EWU for definitions and explanations and A few online ebooks that have significant explanations of
Human Resource Management work processes. Limitations The project is full of information but it has
some limitations too, as it may slightly different from the actual scenario. For confidential reason or
secrecy of management of SPL it had not been possible for me to collect all THE necessary data for this
project. Lack of time availability of the supervisor was another limitation for preparing this report. A
large quantity of time was required to manage and sort the huge chunk of data in proper manner. Page

31 The officers were extremely co-operative but amidst their laborious tasks they found it difficult to
give me time and provide knowledge on practical activities. Moreover they had to work in a very tight
schedule. Recruitment & Selection Process of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. SPL follow a systematic and
software based recruitment and selection process for pool the suitable candidates and select the best
candidate among them. Recruitment and selection have some differences for executive, non-executive
and sale force employees. Sale force employee recruitment process is completely different and it is
mainly the Training and Development wings responsibility and it is describing Training and Development
part. Here the Executive and Non-Executive employees recruitment and selection process is described in
two portions. Recruitment System Software SPL has own recruitment software developed by SQUARE
INFORMATIX Limited 1 named Recruitment System. This system is linked with the SQUARE
Pharmaceuticals website and all the job advertisement posted through the help of this software. This
software is well developed and has different section for controlling requitment process. When a job
requirement approved by the MD/Chairman/vice Chairman. HR prepare a advertisement for the
website. For executive and non-executive post HR need to feel up some option in this software like job
description, specification etc. These informations use when resumes are screened through software. SPL
use this Recruitment System Software only screening the Executive level posts because it is difficult for
the non-executive post candidate to feel up the form. As well as they are not suitable and do not have
easy access to internet. 1 Page 30

32 All the information which is given by the candidates while applying for any post remain in the
software. The applicants get an ID number against their joy application. After the last date of resume
submission the HR screen the resumes. It is a easy process because there are some criteria through
which they sort out the resumes. Example: If HR is searching for a BBA graduate they filter in the degree
name option box and type BBA and all the BBA holders resume sorted form all. If the sorted resume (by
the software) number is huge then HR make sort listed by manually and call for the written test. Each
and every job and job related information of SPL preserved in the archive section of the software. If it is
necessary HR can see the past job information. Those how upload their resume in SPL website all data
preserve in that software. The applicants get call when there is any job match with their human skills.
Executive Recruitment and Selection process Recruitment Step 1: Requisition raised by respective
Department Manager of a specific department submit requisition proposal to the HR department when
they feel that they are in need of an executive/executives with a new position/positions or in vacant
position. Manager right a requisition mentioning the post name, number of employees they need with
the post Job Description and Specification. Step 2: Justification of Requisition After getting the
requisition the Human Resource Department verify the request or requisition and find justification if the
post or person is necessary for the firm or not. By raising and answering some questions like; if the
department is running without that employee/employees post how the rest of the employees
accomplishing the work, if it is for factory then new employee will work in which post. If HRD feel that
human resource is necessary for that department then they will propose it to MD/ Chairman/Vice
chairman for approval. On the other hand, if they feel that employee is/are not needed then HRD reject
the requisition. Page 31

33 Step 3: Approval from the authority When the HRD propose the justified requisition to
MD/Chairman/Vice chairman for approval MD/Chairman/Vice chairman singed the requisition if they
satisfied with the justification if not then the requisition rejected. No Justification Requisition Rejection
Approval Selection Process Figure: Flow chart of Recruitment Process of Executive level Selection Job Ad
Receiving CV CV Sorting Written Test Evaluation & Result Publish Viva Approval Job Offer Medical Test
Appointm ent & Joining Figure: Flow chart of Selection Process of Executive level Page 32

34 Step 1: Advertisement When the requisition get approval the HR department first search in the
Waiting List2 File. If there is selected candidate in waiting list they will offer the job if not HRD give an
advertisement on their own website in job section under Careers option. Not only in own website but
also in bdjobs and Prothomalo Jobs portal SPL provide its job advertisement. For executive3 position
bdjobs and Prothomalo Jobs SPL provides the link for application and the main application done by its
own website. SPL has also the access to the bdjobs CV bank section and can collect resume for the
require post for suitable candidates. E-Recruitment SPL has a system named E-Recruitment (Figure 2)
under the website. This option helps a candidate to upload its resume to the SPL server and can apply if
there is any suitable job advertisement. SPL has an option to allow job seeker uploading their resume in
SPL resume section. The job seekers need to open an account against their address with a password.
They get 60 minutes for uploading their resume by fill-up a form with Passport size picture. SPL can
contact the applicant for suitable post when needed. Step 2: Receiving CVs SPL has own recruitment
software developed by SQUARE INFORMATIX Limited4 named Recruitment system. All the applied
candidates CVs stored in the system. The candidates automatically get an applicant ID number for any
post. HR can get all information how many CVs are submitted for a single post each and every minute.
Step 3: Sort out /CV sorting At the last date of the applying for the job the job advertisement closed and
the HR start sorting for the post. This screening is software based so it takes a shot time to match the
resume with the required qualification. If a large number of applicants 2 Waiting list is open for 1 year. 3
For Non-executive and sales force the procedure is different. See page no 4 Page 33
35 match with the required qualification HR start screening manually to make a shortlist for the written
test. 5 Step 4: Written Test: For each and every executive and non-executive post SPL always arrange a
written test examination. HRD calls/sent text message to the candidates for written test. Written test
examination contains two parts: Aptitude Test: This part includes English, Mathematics, IQ, critical
analysis related questions. The main intention of this part is to find out the candidates knowledge level.
Subjective Test: In this part subject related questions are delivered for judging candidates subject
knowledge. This portion may contain: MCQ Case Study Broad Question Short Question The required
department prepares the subject related question. As an Example: For QC executive post functional
department prepare the question and after the exam they check that part of the exam script. Step 5:
Script Evaluation & Result Publish The written test copy coded and separated in three parts. Only the
Front Page contain the candidates name and ID, and the other two parts get the coded number for avoid
the biasness. The HRD keep the front pages and the two different sections distributed for checking. After
checking the exam copies the departments return the copies to HRD and HRD compile the sections with
the front page with the help of coding numbers. Then the HRD prepare the final result by combined the
two sections marks. 5 Usually for HRD executive and receptionist post there is a preliminary viva-voce
for more screening because these kinds of post require high communication skills. Page 34

36 After preparing the result the HRD gets the top scored candidates. HRD first the candidates by
congratulating them for qualified in written test and inform the next viva-voce test. In the attachment
HRD provide a Management Application Form. HRD call the candidates and inform them the specific
time for each candidate. As a preparation part HRD print the CVs of the candidates which they filled up
online and attach them with the single candidate copy for proper judgment. Step 6: Viva-Voce Generally,
for executive post there is only one viva-voce but for the HRD and PMD (Product Management
Department) HRD arrange tow interviews. For conducting a competency based structured interview
HRD always arrange panel Posts to be filled Number of persons Duties to be performed Qualifications
required Interview: In interview panel HRD always involve next level manager and the respected
Departmental Head. The candidates are examined by much type of questions. HR provides an evaluation
form where the interviewers comment under different criteria. And at the end they feel up the
recommended/not recommended option with proper explanation. Step 7: Approval from the Authority:
After the final selection HRD take decision which candidate they want for their post. If there is only one
post and HR find 3 best mach for the post they offer the best candidate among them and other 2
candidate informed that they are in waiting least. The waiting least validity is one year. If HR get in need
for argent hiring for any new or vacant post within one year without any other examination HR can
appoint the waiting least candidates. After the selection HR make a summary of the selected candidate
who qualify for the post and get approval from the MD/Chairman/Vice chairman for offering job. Page

37 Step 8: Certificate Verification If the authority approved the qualified candidate, the candidate called
by HR for accepting the job letter with their SSC, HSC, Honors, and Masters Original certificates for
verification. The HR executive verifies the certificate and the result. Step 9: Job Offering When HRD get
the approval from the higher authority, HRD offer job to the qualified candidate by Job Offer Letter. In
job offer letter all the details like privation period duration, privation period ending date, privation time
salary, benefits, provident fund rules, bonus, profit share etc. If the qualified candidate agrees with the
teams they sign the letter and accept the job. Step 10: Medical Checkup After Job accepting by the
qualified candidate HRD send them for Medical Tests. SPL provide this facility free of cost from SQUARE
Hospital Ltd. If there is no major problem like kidney failure the qualified candidate can join as an
employee with SPL family. Step 11: Appointment End of all process the HR provide appointment letter to
the employee mentioning the appointment date, his/her post. Step 12: Joining Window SPL maintain
two joining window one is the beginning of month and another is in the middle. The appointed
employees are provided the Joining window time. Non-Executive Recruitment and Selection Process
There are some differences in the recruitment process for non-executive positions. The different steps
are describing bellow: Step 1: Advertisement When the requisition get approval the HR department give
an advertisement on their own website in job section under Careers (Figure:1)option. Not only in own
website Page 36

38 but also in bdjobs and Prothomalo Jobs portal SPL provide its job advertisement. For non-executive
position bdjobs and Prothomalo Jobs SPL provides direct job advertisement and the details how to apply
and also the last date of apply. Step 2: Sort out /CV sorting For non-executive employees the CV
screening process is manual. Each and every CV screen manually and the screened CV candidates called
for written test. Step 3: Medical Test For the factory workers who are directly involved with medicine
production they tested a special allergic test. In the team of head hunting like for the post of AGM, DGM
or GM there is no specific format for required. Time Line of Recruitment and Selection Work Justify the
manpower requisition and take approval from Management within 10 days from receiving the
requisition Ensure JD and prepare and initiate advertisement in proper media within 02 days from
requisition approval Arrange Written test, Prepare questionnaire, evaluate scripts and publish result
within 30 days from written test result publish date Arrange viva-voce, inform the candidates and board
members within 10 days from written test result publish date Compile selected candidate s documents,
make proposal and take final approval from MD within 5 days from final viva Inform selected
candidates, collect and verify necessary documents and provide offer letter to the selected candidate
and arrange Pre- Employment Medical Test at SHL and assist in verification of the reports within 10 days
from final approval date Days Page 37

39 Prepare and handover the Appointment Letter to the selected candidate within 03 days from medical
report s verification date Joining arrangement of selected fresh candidates immediate next joining
window of month s 1 st day or 15 th day (30 days extra for experienced). Ensure proper Documents from
the newly joined employees, Initiate Joining Circular and ensure Placement of the newly joined
employees on the joining date Total 60 Table: Time Line of Recruitment and Selection Training and
Development Training and Development wings main work is to recruitment and selection process of the
filed/sales force MPO,SPO, SO, conducting the induction training, job confirmation test, appoint the final
selected field force, promotion of the sales/field force MPO to TM, SPO to FM (see the organogram of
AgroVet ), assenting the training needs of overall SPL, conducting the training. Training and
Development work can divide in two Part. Sales Force Related TNA Training Need Assessment (TNA) SPL
conduct TNA for all employees after every two years. SPL follows two methods for assess their employs
training need. By using TNA form From PMS Page 38

40 TNA for Executive levels For TNA SPL has a common TNA Form. HR department sent TNA Form to
each and every department of each and every unit (Dhaka and Pabna) by ing the departmental heads.
And the departmental heads distribute the TNA form to their employees by 30 th April. The employee s
fills up the TNA form according to their own needs. After fill up the form they back the form to their
supervisors. The respective supervisor evaluates the form and has the authority to add training topic if
they feel those topics will help the employees to develop. All the departmental heads send the fill up
TNA form to HRD by 31 st May. If any employee joined after 31 st May his/her TNA would be send
within six months of his/her joining. The HR department of CHQ prepares a summary on the TNA form.
By summarizing HR find out the hot topics which are required highly by the employees. Depend on
demand HR provide a weight to the topics and by calculation HRD make priority on training topic. TNA is
also done by the help of PMS (Performance Management System) From PMS HR can identify an
employee s training needs. The gap of competency and job requirement is training need. HR prepares a
training calendar basis of quantity and ranking priority of training needs. TNA for Non-Executive levels
Non-Executive level employees TNA mainly done by the information provided form PMS (Performance
Management System). Training Need = Job requirements Competency. Training Arranged by HR HR
arranges the training by using both internal and external sources. Internal source is first priority. HR
communicates with the source for arranging training. Prepare the Budget; prepare the training
module/schedule and finally Co-ordinate the entire training program. Structured evaluation After the
whole training program HRD takes structured evaluation on overall training program, evaluation from
the trainee about the trainer and also evaluation of the trainee to know the training output.. Page 39

41 Training Evaluation Structured Evaluation Trainee Evaluation Trainer Evaluation Figure: Structured
Evaluation Overseas Training SPL always take initiative to provide its employee for overseas training.
After the successful training when the trainee returns HR arrange a presentation session. The trainees
give a presentation on their learning from the training. For overseas training SPL give scope also for the
non-executive employees as well as executive and manager level. SPL need to introduce modern and
improved machineries and technique for new medicine for this the employees need training like
operating, maintenance of the training. On the job training programs SPL is the flagship in the
pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh. It provides in-planttraining for the pharmacy, micro biology,
chemistry, applied chemistry students. Each and every student who applied through their University
gets opportunity for three months long inplant-internship training. SPLs SAP work team is working on to
include the TNA process by this year. If TNA can cover by SAP then the TNA process will be become more
simple and time consuming. Sales Force SQUARE Pharmaceutical Ltd. has three types of Sales forces,
Pharmaceutical Devision, AgroVet Division and Pesticide Unit. SQUARE Pharmaceutical arranges
different training session with different schedule and module guide. Page 40

42 The different Sales force has their different designation. Sales force for Pharmaceutical and Harbal &
Nutraceutical products designation starts from Medical Promotion Officer (MPO), AgroVet Division from
Sales Promotion Officer (SPO) and from Pesticide Unit Sales Officer (SO). Figure: Field Force Sales force is
very important to generate profit. To obtain the maximum sales target the Sales force give trainings like
field training, induction training. Training and Development wings of HRD conducted the whole process
of Recruitment and Selection process of the sales force. Page 41

43 Organogram of Field Forces (Pharmaceutical Division) DM Sales Deputy General Manager Sales
Assistant General Manager Sales Senior Sales Manager (SSM) Sales Manager (SM) District Sales Manager
(DSM) Senior Regional Sales Manager (SRSM) Regional Sales Manager (RSM) Territory Manager (TM)
Senior Medical Promotion Officer (SMPO) Medical Promotion Officer (MPO) Figure: Flow chart of
Pharmaceuticals Page 42

44 (Agro Vet Division) Deputy General Manager (Agro Vet) Sales Manager(SM) Area Manager(AM) Field
Manager (FM) Sr. Sales Promotion Officer (SSPO) Sales Promotion Officer (SPO) Figure: Agro Vet Division
Page 43

45 (Pesticide) Deputy General Manager (Agro Vet) Sales Manager(SM)(Agro Vet) Area Manager (AM)
Field Manager (FM) Sr. Sales Promotion Officer (SSPO) Sales Development Officer (SDO) Sales Officer
(SO) (Non-Management) Figure: Pesticide Page 44

46 Recruitment and Selection of Sales Force Recruitment and Selection process of Sales force is different
from Executive and Nonexecutive employees. The process is describing with the help of a flow chart.
Requisition Justification Approval Advertisement Walk In Interview Written Test Script Evolution &
Result publish Field Training Paying TA/DA Induction Training Final Written test and Viva Posting Job
Confirmation Examination Job Confirmation Figure: Flow Chart of Recruitment and Selection of Sales
Force Page 45

47 Step 1: Requisition For sales force the requisition come from Sales Department. Depend on the
market expansion, dividing the market territory, turnover rate sale give a requisition to the HRD
mentioning the number of sales person they need, job description and specification. Step 2: Justification
of Requisition After the submission of the requisition HRD start justifying the requisition. Like how many
sales persons are now at the reason and how they are managing the duties and work. If HRD feels that
sales person s requirement need minimize they can cut down the number of sales force. If the
requisition is justified then HRD prepare documents for Requisition approval. Step 3: Approval of
Requisition When the HRD propose the justified requisition to MD/Chairman/Vice chairman for approval
MD/Chairman/Vice chairman singed the requisition if they satisfied with the justification if not then the
requisition rejected. Step 4: Advertisement After getting the approval of the higher authority HR training
and development wings prepare an advertisement for print media. Usually SQUARE Pharmaceuticals
Ltd. publishes their advertisement in Dainik Prothomalo and tries to publish in job news page. Same
advertisement is also publishing in SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd. website under career tab. In job
advertisement the job description and specification is briefly informed. Field force job test first part is
walk in interview. The process of applying for walk in interview is also described in the advertisement.
Step 5: Walk in interview 1st step of field force is walk in interview. Walk in interview mainly take in
differently all over the country. In a fixed date exam is done in different places (Rajshahi, Ranpur,
Barishal, Josser, Mymensingh, Chittagong, Sylhet) on same day, same time on same question. Only
Dhaka examination took on different question in different day. Different district examination mainly
took in different deports (23 deports) and the Dhaka district examination taken in CHQ. Page 46

48 Walk in interview conduct in two part: 1. Viva 2. Written test In viva the general science related
question is asked with some general knowledge question. For MPO the persons are preferred who had
done their SSC, HSC in Science and Honor s and Masters with biological science for SPO SSC, with 4th
subject Agricultural Science, HSC, Honor s in Science and for SO SSC, HSC and Honors in Science
respectfully. Those who qualify in viva have to seat for written test in the same day. The interview is
always panel interview. Three interviewers conduct interview session 1 person from Sales, 1 person
from HRD and 1 person from PMD to judge interviewee perfectly. Written test is on general science
question, general knowledge and simple English part. Step 6: Script evaluation and result publish All the
copy come to CHQ the training and development wings check the scripts and publish the result within
five working days. Step 7: Field Training For field training the T&D teams allocate each and every
candidate a specific market to learn how the field forces work. This training usually takes 5-7 days. The
candidates get on the job training while visiting the market and after the field training they get an option
to set their mind. If anyone feels that he is not capable to do this work he can withdraw him from the
process and job. All the field training cost TA and DA is given from the organization. Step 8: Paying the
TA and DA After field training the field force candidate comes in a fixed date to start their induction
training and at the first day all the payment of TA and DA is given. The trainees have to show the
evidence like the receipt of hotel bill, bus ticket etc. Step 9: Induction Training In the Induction training
period the field force get training on their product relegated and others training. Example: MPOs get
different pharmaceuticals related product knowledge, knowledge on human body system, on sales etc.
Each and every day the Page 47

49 trainee needs to attain Quiz test on the study of the previous day. HRD provides the MPOs necessary
instrument for study like bag, Module, dictionary etc. Duration of Induction Training: Field Duration
Force MPO 2 months SPO days SO 8-10 days Table: Duration of Induction Training Step 10: Final Written
test and Viva After the induction training the candidates has to seat for a final written test and viva. They
need to carry pass marks in both the written test and viva separately. The questions are given from their
syllabus of the course. The interview is always panel interview. Three interviewers conduct interview
session 1 person from Sales, 1 person from HRD and 1 person from PMD to judge interviewee perfectly.
Step 11: Posting The final qualified candidates get the appointment letter, the ID card and the won
visiting card. The Sales departments give the posting of the employees where they need field force. Step
12: Job Confirmation Examination After six months of the employees seat for another exam for job
confirmation. Usually job confirmation examination taken on fifth months first week after the posting of
the field force. If anyone is not able to pass the exam he is given another opportunity to seat second
time. The second opportunity is given on sixth months third week. Page 48
50 Step 13: Job Confirmation Those who earn pass marks in the examination finally get job confirmation
letter and get a fixed market for their daily work. Analysis, Results & Discussion For my report I have
surveyed 25 of employees from the company based on the Recruitment and Selection Process in Square
Pharmaceutical Ltd. From the survey I have gathered results regarding 8 statement questions. I have
found out the percentage of each answers of the question, where the answers were given by the
employees according to their rating level of agree and disagree. The graphical charts are presented
below: 1. The recruitment and selection processes in this organization are impartial : According to this
statement, the responses of the employees are: 56% Agree, 32% Strongly Agree, 8% Neither Agree nor
Disagree, 4% Strongly Disagree. Based on the survey result, it can be said that the recruitment and
selection processes in this organization are quite impartial, as the majority of the employees agree to
the statement. The recruitment and selection processes in this organization are impartial 4% 8% 32%
56% agree strongly agree neither agree nor disagree strongly disagree Figure: 1 Page 49

51 2. Favoritism is not evident in any of the recruitment decisions made in this unit : According to this
statement, the responses of the employees are: 64% agree, 20% strongly agree, 12% neither agree nor
disagree, 4% disagree. Based on the survey result, it can be said that, it is quite true statement for the
company as the majority of the employees agree to the statement. Favouritism is not evident in any of
the recruitment decisions made in this unit 20% 4% 12% Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree 64%
Strongly Agree Figure: 2 3. Interview panels are used during the recruitment and selection process in
this unit : According to this statement, the responses of the employees are: 28% agree, 72% strongly
agree, Based on the survey result in figure (3), it can be said that, it is mostly true statement for the
company as the majority of the employees ; that is 72 % of the employees strongly agree to the
statement. Page 50

52 Interview panels are used during the recruitment and selection process in this unit 28% Agree 72%
Strongly Agree Figure: 3 4. This unit does not need to pay more attention to the way it recruits people :
According to this statement, the responses of the employees are: 60% agree, 8% disagree, 20% neither
agree nor disagree, 12% strongly disagree. Based on the survey result, it can be said that, it is mostly
true statement for the company as the majority 60 % of the employees agree to the statement. This unit
does not need to pay more attention to the way it recruits people 60% 12% 8% 20% Strongly Disagree
Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Figure: 4 Page 51

53 5. All appointments in this unit are based on merit (i.e. the best person for the job is selected
regardless of their personal characteristics) : According to this statement, the responses of the
employees are: 12% agree, 16% strongly agree 12% neither agree nor disagree, 52 % disagree 8%
strongly disagree. Based on the survey result, it can be said that, it is not mostly true statement for the
company as the majority 52 % of the employees disagree to the statement. All appointments in this unit
are based on merit (i.e. the best person for the job is selected regardless of their personal
characteristics) Strongly Disagree 16% 8% Disagree 12% 12% 52% Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree Figure: 5 6. The value and beliefs of this unit are discussed in interviews with potential
employees : According to this statement, the responses of the employees are: 60% agree, 20% strongly
agree 12% neither agree nor disagree, 8 % disagree Based on the survey result, it can be said that, it is a
true statement as the majority 60 % of the employees agree to the statement. Page 52

54 The value and beliefs of this unit are discussed in interviews with potential employees 20% 8% 12%
Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 60% Figure: 6 7. Only the best people are
hired to work in this unit : According to this statement, the responses of the employees are: 20% agree,
52% strongly agree 12% neither agree nor disagree, 16 % disagree Based on the survey result in figure
(7), it can be said that, it is a true statement as the majority 52 % of the employees agree to the
statement. Only the best people are hired to work in this unit 16% Disagree 52% 12% Neither Agree nor
Disagree 20% Agree Strongly Agree Figure: 7 Page 53

55 8. Employees of this unit are involved in the hiring of their peers According to this statement, the
responses of the employees are: 64% agree, 8% strongly agree 8% neither agree nor disagree, 16 %
disagree 4% strongly disagree Based on the survey result, it can be said that it is very much true
statement; as the majority 64 % of the employees agree to the statement. Employees of this unit are
involved in the hiring of their peers 8% 4% 16% Strongly Disagree Disagree 64% 8% Neither Agree nor
Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Figure: 8 Page 54

56 Conclusion It was great opportunity for me to work as an Intern with the Leader Square
Pharmaceuticals Ltd Human Resource Department. While preparing this report, I could relate my
theoretical knowledge with the practical field and learn how large organizations like Square
Pharmaceuticals Ltd perform their HR practices and the outcome of proper human resource
management. The best thing of SPL is, they consider the employees as their asset and they do not feel
hesitate to invest on them. Consequently, employees are motivated up to the level and dedicated to the
company. Square Pharmaceuticals is one of them, who achieved, are achieving and will achieve their
objective and goals in future. Square Pharmaceuticals will provide its customer with high quality
medicine and become one of the best research based medicine manufacturer in the near future. Square
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. represents an organization that thrives for continuous learning and organizational
development. For them, organizational development includes a creation of a strongly-bonded culture;
maintaining discipline; continuously adapting to changes resulting from both internal and external
environment; developing human resources through ongoing development and evaluation initiatives; and
completing tasks and goals within a given time frame. The belief is, creating a Good and Learning
company is more important than presenting a profitable company. Because, continually focusing on
Corporate Social Responsibility and adapting to changes will automatically lead to successful company.
From its formation to the present day, it has been successful in its endeavors. It provides quality
medication and strictly follows all regulations. In Bangladesh over three thousand of people are working
here. The medicine of Square is famous in Bangladesh as well as in foreign countries. HR Department of
Square is playing a vital role as a corporate strategy maker. Growth of the company depends on hiring,
developing, retaining skilled and motivating employees. HR Department is continuously hiring skilled
people from wide market and thus provides trainings to cope with global challenges. Page 55

57 Appendix List of Abbreviation Abbreviation AM CHQ FM FS GM MPO MRA PMD PPO SAP CO SDO
SMPO SPL SPO SSDO SSPO TM TNA KRA Elaboration Area Manager. Corporate Head Quarter Field
Manager. Field Supervisor. General Manager. Medical Promotion Officer. Market Research Assistant.
Product Management Department. Product Promotion Officer. System Application & Product Cost
Controlling. Sales Development Officer. Senior Medical Promotion Officer. Square Pharmaceuticals
Limited. Sales Promotion Officer. Senior Sales Development Officer. Senior Sales Promotion Officer.
Territory Manager. Training Need Analysis. Key Result Area Table: List of Abbreviation Page 56

58 Figure: SPL Web site, Career Page Figure: Field Force Advertisement Page 57

59 Figure: SPL website career page Page 58

60 Figure: Advertisement for Executives Page 59

61 Figure: Advertisement for Non-Executives Page 60

23 For executive Objective base Qualitative assessment For casual employee Attitude, project work, skill
evaluation by supervisor, internal customer, peers. TNA (Training Need Assessment) is also done by PMS
as earlier mentioned, through analysis KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and KRA (Key Result Area). KRA is
related to- What is the company s objective to be reached The output of job which contribute to the
goal. KPI is related to- Measuring the output A word which describes the KPI the most is SMART where, S
= Specific, M = Measurable, A = Achievable, R = Realistic, T = Time-framed SAP In order to make a
paperless company and to have a easy control in product Planning, Manufacturing, Marketing and Sales
SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Limited started using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software from end of
2011. What is ERP? Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is business management software usually a suite
of integrated applications that a company can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from
many business activities. There are companies who provide ERP software service. SQUARE
Pharmaceuticals Limited use ERP software of SAP (System Application and Products). ERP in Bangladesh
In Bangladesh a few companies like Grameenphone, Bashundhara, Rahimafrooz, Incepta pharma, MGH,
Robi are using ERP. Mainly this software practice stared from 2000. Page 22

24 SAP in SPL SQUARE Pharmaceuticals has 800+ pharmaceutical products and for distributing all over
the country as well as abroad it has 19 depots. And for maintaining a good data control SPL using ERP
software service from SAP. SPL started using SAP from the end of 2011. It is quick and Reliable. What are
controlling under SAP? Production Planning (PP) Maintaining and controlling the raw materials inputs
and the packaging process. Total production process is controlling by the ERP software. Material Control
The warehouses and deports continuously update the product entry and outing related all information s
in ERP software. As a result other the authority can know all the depots current capability, quantity of
different medicines in different deports and the quantity of medicines which are on road for delivery. It
helps to manage the emergency product demand control outside the country as well as all over the
country. Plant Maintenance Under plant maintenance usually all engineering maintenance data are
preserved. Finance and Controlling Financial data and accounts related data provided by the finance
department if any department need financial data they can use that form SAP software. Project
Management SPL is the flagship in Bangladesh Pharmaceuticals industry and day by day it is increasing
its product line. For this reason it started to work on new factory and plant. ERP helps to maintain and
collect data about the plants which work is ongoing and helps the authority to make the right decision.
Sales and Distribution Sales and distribution is the main key of making profit. So, for make a good sales
team coordination and good distribution channel SPL include sales and distribution information in SAP.
The sales team gives medicine requirement by using mobile data and they frequently update the sales
data. As a result all sales information stored in the server and it helps the sales team to maintain a
strong monitoring. Page 23

25 HCM (Human Capital Management) Under Human Capital Management some functions are
controlled and these are discussing bellow. Time Management Time management is a very important
part of HRM. SPL use attendance punch card for employee attendance. Every employee has to punch
while entering and leaving the office. This input automatically updated in SAP and the HR can get the
data easily. Training and Development All employees need training for future development. To get know
who get what kind of training all data of all employees. Personal Administration (HRISM) Employee
lifecycle from the joining date to retirement all information stores in SAP. Benefits of using ERP of SAP:
Single platform for employee database HR reporting HR intelligence data Integration with payroll Scrim
lining and employee time management Designing and reflecting organization Corporate Social
Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the continuing commitment by business to behave
ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce
and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. SQUARE Business Motivation is
Being Good by Doing Well and to conduct transparent business operations based on market mechanism
within the legal, ethical & social framework with aims to attain the mission reflected by SQUARE vision.
We scale-up CSR activities to consider the interests of SQUARE external & internal stakeholders like
customers, employees, vendors, shareholders, society, government etc. and ecological & ethical
considerations in all aspects of operations. SQUARE is one of the pioneer signatories of Page 24

26 United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in Bangladesh. UNGC principles are aligned with company's
culture from the very outset. SQUARE recognizes that progressive labor policies are good business
practices; especially for a company like us that has global ambition. We follow laws and encourage work
environment that welcomes diversity and also follow non-discrimination & fair treatment policy both in
the recruitment & selection process and performance management system. We have Trade Union &
SQUARE HR policies have been continuously up-to-dated as per existing labor law of the country. We do
not allow any female employees during night shift operations & we strictly prohibit any form of forced
labor. We actively pursue the policy of No child labor in SQUARE. Transparency & business ethics is the
core value of SQUARE and it is strictly followed at every step of the business processes. Every business in
SQUARE is modeled in a way that enables the management to ensure highest degree of both financial
and behavioral accountability. SQUARE pursues Zero Tolerance policy against all kinds of corruption.
SQUARE's activity goes well beyond the sphere of business. As socially conscious and responsible
corporate body SQUARE is committed to the improvement of the society as a whole. Meril-Prothom
Alofestival sponsored by SQUARE, has become a national calendar event. SQUARE helps many NGO's in
their effort to make available healthcare to the disadvantage population of the country. It sponsors
programs to build awareness on the healthcare need. SQUARE is also a major sponsor of sporting events
in the country. SQUARE is proud to be a Bangladeshi Company actively involved in various field of
Corporate Social Responsibility. Awarded the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards 2014-South
Asia. Square Herbal & Nutraceuticals Ltd. (SHNL) has been awarded the "Asia Responsible
Entrepreneurship Awards 2014-South Asia" under the category of 'Social Empowerment Award'. The
Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards is a regional recognition Award organized by Enterprise Asia
to honor companies for outstanding, innovative and world-class products, services, projects and
programs. These programs demonstrate the Enterprise's leadership, sincerity and on-going commitment
in incorporating responsible and ethical values, legal compliance, concerns for health issues, respect for
people and individuals, involvement in communities and protection of the environment into the way
they run their Page 25

27 Enterprise. SHNL has won the Social Empowerment Award after competing with all Asian countries
for recognizing the impact of running the business to the environment and seeks to reduce and reverse
the impact by Green Product Designs especially for 'Basak cultivation'. SHNL'S business model was
"Increasing family solvency and self employment of poor marginal farmers (especially women) by using
homestead or unutilized land through cultivation of Basak plant." It impacts in environment and
increases social values and integrity through plantation of medicinal herbs. Support to education
SQUARE Kindergarten & SQUARE High School. SQUARE Kindergarten is constructed primarily to facilitate
quality education to the children of the employees in Pabna. This is a 100% "not- for-profit" initiative
where the students receive quality education at a very subsidized fee. Other than its own employees'
children, it also provides this education facility for the children of local community. SQUARE
Kindergarten extended its facility from Primary Level (Grade I Grade V) to Secondary Level (Grade VI and
upwards) by establishing SQUARE High School. Award for facilitating higher education. In recognition to
merit, SQUARE awards Gold Medal to the students of Dhaka Medical College who secure the first
position. Pick-up and drop services for the school going children of factory employees. Sponsoring
"SQUARE-Dhaka Residential Model College 7th National Science Festival 2014" Square Pharmaceuticals
Ltd. has participated as the title sponsor in the SQUARE-Dhaka Residential Model College 7th National
Science Festival 2014. The science festival was held from 6th February 2014 to 8th February 2014.
Students of different schools and colleges presented their science project results in the form of a report,
display board, and models in this science festival to enrich their science knowledge. Women
Empowerment Housing & Transportation Facility for Female Employees for empowering & encouraging
them to do the job. Page 26
28 SQUARE is partnering one of the projects of CARE - "JITA" Through this project we ensure
empowerment of rural women as they can earn money by purchasing SQUARE products at Trade Price &
by selling those products to rural households at Maximum Retail Price (MRP) and also ensure basic
health & hygiene to the rural area by the sales women in explaining the necessity of using sanitary
napkin and health soaps and making these products available at their doorsteps. SQUARE is operating a
fuel station named "Eakub Filling Station" in Pabna which is run by women. Commitment towards
society & support to social grounds Vaccination & Breast feeding awareness to 3.3 million mothers
Through direct outbound phone call, SMS blast, product pack communication, Square Toiletries Ltd.
attempted to make mothers aware about the importance of breast feeding and vaccination. Not only
that, each and every call we receive at SUPERMOM teleservice, we remind every mother about it. This
has helped to ensure the future of 3.3 million babies and help eliminate polio from Bangladesh as well.
Operating 24/7 free helpline for mother and Babies Supermom is a free telephone (0961 2222 333)
service and a full-fledged interactive Bengali website ( for mothers and their
babies. Every mother, we believe is a Supermom. Saluting these Supermoms, to make their life a little
easy, we operate this service, to help mothers to be the finest mom. Teamed up with experts and
professionals, this praiseworthy initiative by Meril Baby from Square Toiletries Ltd is there to keep a
mother and the baby protected, healthy and safe! Starting from pregnancy planning, taking care during
pregnancy and growing up information for babies all are available in the service, absolutely free. In a
forum, all the moms can interact with one another, share information and experiences, get tips from the
experts and learn about the suitable high-quality products for their babies. In short, Supermom is the
hub for all information that could make every mom an extraordinary Supermom. Responsibility towards
government Highest TAX payer of the country award SQUARE is reputed and recognized as highest TAX
paying organization on a regular basis. Honorable Chairman of SQUARE group is awarded as highest TAX
payer of the country by the government. Page 27

29 Special Government medicine supply SQUARE supplies customized government medicine as per the
requirement of Bangladesh government. Moreover, in times of epidemics and disasters it is always
beside the government with its expanded helping hands. Description of the Project Objective of the
Report Internship report is particular part of internship program and academic studies. This internship
report is a reflection of academic knowledge through practical work experience. Thus this report aims to
reflect the professional view of real world working environment. Through the research on Human
Resource Department of SPL I am able to apply and relate the theories in real organization. The main
objective of the report is to determine the effectiveness of the Human Resource Management Practice
of SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd and to investigate the recruitment and selection system of the
pharmaceuticals, to identify the effectiveness of the overall system of Recruitment and Selection
Process, and to get practical idea about organizational environment. If necessary, I have to provide some
suggestions in the fields requiring improvements. General Objective: To analyze and understand the
effectiveness of recruitment and selection as well as training and development initiatives of SQUARE
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. in accordance with company development and corporate strategies. Specific
Objective: Studying the general HR policies and their link with the practice. Methodology Studying each
and every level of recruitment and selection. To know their importance of the Training Need Assessment
(TNA). Studying the promotional test parts and procedures. Primary data I have collected primary
information by survey, interviewing employees, observing various Page 28
30 organizational procedures and structures. Primary data were mostly derived from the discussion with
the employees and practical observation of documents and personal experience during Internship
period. Primary information was collected from the following sources: Short Interview: I took a short
interview of Md. Yunus Ali on Training and Development, Mr. Barnobus Sagar Halder on PMS and
Reward management, Mr. Tariqul Bari on Recruitment and Selection of Dhaka Unit, Mr. Sahidul Islam on
ERP system, Mr. Sazzad Hossain on Recruitment software, Mr. Nurul Islam on Training and
Development, Mr. Zahin Iftekhar Rasul on Pabna Unit and of Mr. Abu Mohammed Mohiuddin on
Recruitment and Selection of the field force. Manuals/Reports: A lot of information has been extracted
from the Training and Development Manual of SPL and Training Report of SQUARE. The Annual Report
has also provided significant facts regarding the company. Secondary Sources These sources were
mainly used for Literature Review. Sources included internet links of HR-based websites; SQUARE
Pharmaceutical Ltd. s website for background information; textbooks covered during curriculum study at
EWU for definitions and explanations and A few online ebooks that have significant explanations of
Human Resource Management work processes. Limitations The project is full of information but it has
some limitations too, as it may slightly different from the actual scenario. For confidential reason or
secrecy of management of SPL it had not been possible for me to collect all THE necessary data for this
project. Lack of time availability of the supervisor was another limitation for preparing this report. A
large quantity of time was required to manage and sort the huge chunk of data in proper manner. Page

31 The officers were extremely co-operative but amidst their laborious tasks they found it difficult to
give me time and provide knowledge on practical activities. Moreover they had to work in a very tight
schedule. Recruitment & Selection Process of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. SPL follow a systematic and
software based recruitment and selection process for pool the suitable candidates and select the best
candidate among them. Recruitment and selection have some differences for executive, non-executive
and sale force employees. Sale force employee recruitment process is completely different and it is
mainly the Training and Development wings responsibility and it is describing Training and Development
part. Here the Executive and Non-Executive employees recruitment and selection process is described in
two portions. Recruitment System Software SPL has own recruitment software developed by SQUARE
INFORMATIX Limited 1 named Recruitment System. This system is linked with the SQUARE
Pharmaceuticals website and all the job advertisement posted through the help of this software. This
software is well developed and has different section for controlling requitment process. When a job
requirement approved by the MD/Chairman/vice Chairman. HR prepare a advertisement for the
website. For executive and non-executive post HR need to feel up some option in this software like job
description, specification etc. These informations use when resumes are screened through software. SPL
use this Recruitment System Software only screening the Executive level posts because it is difficult for
the non-executive post candidate to feel up the form. As well as they are not suitable and do not have
easy access to internet. 1 Page 30

32 All the information which is given by the candidates while applying for any post remain in the
software. The applicants get an ID number against their joy application. After the last date of resume
submission the HR screen the resumes. It is a easy process because there are some criteria through
which they sort out the resumes. Example: If HR is searching for a BBA graduate they filter in the degree
name option box and type BBA and all the BBA holders resume sorted form all. If the sorted resume (by
the software) number is huge then HR make sort listed by manually and call for the written test. Each
and every job and job related information of SPL preserved in the archive section of the software. If it is
necessary HR can see the past job information. Those how upload their resume in SPL website all data
preserve in that software. The applicants get call when there is any job match with their human skills.
Executive Recruitment and Selection process Recruitment Step 1: Requisition raised by respective
Department Manager of a specific department submit requisition proposal to the HR department when
they feel that they are in need of an executive/executives with a new position/positions or in vacant
position. Manager right a requisition mentioning the post name, number of employees they need with
the post Job Description and Specification. Step 2: Justification of Requisition After getting the
requisition the Human Resource Department verify the request or requisition and find justification if the
post or person is necessary for the firm or not. By raising and answering some questions like; if the
department is running without that employee/employees post how the rest of the employees
accomplishing the work, if it is for factory then new employee will work in which post. If HRD feel that
human resource is necessary for that department then they will propose it to MD/ Chairman/Vice
chairman for approval. On the other hand, if they feel that employee is/are not needed then HRD reject
the requisition. Page 31

33 Step 3: Approval from the authority When the HRD propose the justified requisition to
MD/Chairman/Vice chairman for approval MD/Chairman/Vice chairman singed the requisition if they
satisfied with the justification if not then the requisition rejected. No Justification Requisition Rejection
Approval Selection Process Figure: Flow chart of Recruitment Process of Executive level Selection Job Ad
Receiving CV CV Sorting Written Test Evaluation & Result Publish Viva Approval Job Offer Medical Test
Appointm ent & Joining Figure: Flow chart of Selection Process of Executive level Page 32

34 Step 1: Advertisement When the requisition get approval the HR department first search in the
Waiting List2 File. If there is selected candidate in waiting list they will offer the job if not HRD give an
advertisement on their own website in job section under Careers option. Not only in own website but
also in bdjobs and Prothomalo Jobs portal SPL provide its job advertisement. For executive3 position
bdjobs and Prothomalo Jobs SPL provides the link for application and the main application done by its
own website. SPL has also the access to the bdjobs CV bank section and can collect resume for the
require post for suitable candidates. E-Recruitment SPL has a system named E-Recruitment (Figure 2)
under the website. This option helps a candidate to upload its resume to the SPL server and can apply if
there is any suitable job advertisement. SPL has an option to allow job seeker uploading their resume in
SPL resume section. The job seekers need to open an account against their email address with a
password. They get 60 minutes for uploading their resume by fill-up a form with Passport size picture.
SPL can contact the applicant for suitable post when needed. Step 2: Receiving CVs SPL has own
recruitment software developed by SQUARE INFORMATIX Limited4 named Recruitment system. All the
applied candidates CVs stored in the system. The candidates automatically get an applicant ID number
for any post. HR can get all information how many CVs are submitted for a single post each and every
minute. Step 3: Sort out /CV sorting At the last date of the applying for the job the job advertisement
closed and the HR start sorting for the post. This screening is software based so it takes a shot time to
match the resume with the required qualification. If a large number of applicants 2 Waiting list is open
for 1 year. 3 For Non-executive and sales force the procedure is different. See page no 4 http://www.e- Page 33

35 match with the required qualification HR start screening manually to make a shortlist for the written
test. 5 Step 4: Written Test: For each and every executive and non-executive post SPL always arrange a
written test examination. HRD calls/sent text message to the candidates for written test. Written test
examination contains two parts: Aptitude Test: This part includes English, Mathematics, IQ, critical
analysis related questions. The main intention of this part is to find out the candidates knowledge level.
Subjective Test: In this part subject related questions are delivered for judging candidates subject
knowledge. This portion may contain: MCQ Case Study Broad Question Short Question The required
department prepares the subject related question. As an Example: For QC executive post functional
department prepare the question and after the exam they check that part of the exam script. Step 5:
Script Evaluation & Result Publish The written test copy coded and separated in three parts. Only the
Front Page contain the candidates name and ID, and the other two parts get the coded number for avoid
the biasness. The HRD keep the front pages and the two different sections distributed for checking. After
checking the exam copies the departments return the copies to HRD and HRD compile the sections with
the front page with the help of coding numbers. Then the HRD prepare the final result by combined the
two sections marks. 5 Usually for HRD executive and receptionist post there is a preliminary viva-voce
for more screening because these kinds of post require high communication skills. Page 34

36 After preparing the result the HRD gets the top scored candidates. HRD first e-mail the candidates by
congratulating them for qualified in written test and inform the next viva-voce test. In the attachment
HRD provide a Management Application Form. HRD call the candidates and inform them the specific
time for each candidate. As a preparation part HRD print the CVs of the candidates which they filled up
online and attach them with the single candidate copy for proper judgment. Step 6: Viva-Voce Generally,
for executive post there is only one viva-voce but for the HRD and PMD (Product Management
Department) HRD arrange tow interviews. For conducting a competency based structured interview
HRD always arrange panel Posts to be filled Number of persons Duties to be performed Qualifications
required Interview: In interview panel HRD always involve next level manager and the respected
Departmental Head. The candidates are examined by much type of questions. HR provides an evaluation
form where the interviewers comment under different criteria. And at the end they feel up the
recommended/not recommended option with proper explanation. Step 7: Approval from the Authority:
After the final selection HRD take decision which candidate they want for their post. If there is only one
post and HR find 3 best mach for the post they offer the best candidate among them and other 2
candidate informed that they are in waiting least. The waiting least validity is one year. If HR get in need
for argent hiring for any new or vacant post within one year without any other examination HR can
appoint the waiting least candidates. After the selection HR make a summary of the selected candidate
who qualify for the post and get approval from the MD/Chairman/Vice chairman for offering job. Page
37 Step 8: Certificate Verification If the authority approved the qualified candidate, the candidate called
by HR for accepting the job letter with their SSC, HSC, Honors, and Masters Original certificates for
verification. The HR executive verifies the certificate and the result. Step 9: Job Offering When HRD get
the approval from the higher authority, HRD offer job to the qualified candidate by Job Offer Letter. In
job offer letter all the details like privation period duration, privation period ending date, privation time
salary, benefits, provident fund rules, bonus, profit share etc. If the qualified candidate agrees with the
teams they sign the letter and accept the job. Step 10: Medical Checkup After Job accepting by the
qualified candidate HRD send them for Medical Tests. SPL provide this facility free of cost from SQUARE
Hospital Ltd. If there is no major problem like kidney failure the qualified candidate can join as an
employee with SPL family. Step 11: Appointment End of all process the HR provide appointment letter to
the employee mentioning the appointment date, his/her post. Step 12: Joining Window SPL maintain
two joining window one is the beginning of month and another is in the middle. The appointed
employees are provided the Joining window time. Non-Executive Recruitment and Selection Process
There are some differences in the recruitment process for non-executive positions. The different steps
are describing bellow: Step 1: Advertisement When the requisition get approval the HR department give
an advertisement on their own website in job section under Careers (Figure:1)option. Not only in own
website Page 36

38 but also in bdjobs and Prothomalo Jobs portal SPL provide its job advertisement. For non-executive
position bdjobs and Prothomalo Jobs SPL provides direct job advertisement and the details how to apply
and also the last date of apply. Step 2: Sort out /CV sorting For non-executive employees the CV
screening process is manual. Each and every CV screen manually and the screened CV candidates called
for written test. Step 3: Medical Test For the factory workers who are directly involved with medicine
production they tested a special allergic test. In the team of head hunting like for the post of AGM, DGM
or GM there is no specific format for required. Time Line of Recruitment and Selection Work Justify the
manpower requisition and take approval from Management within 10 days from receiving the
requisition Ensure JD and prepare and initiate advertisement in proper media within 02 days from
requisition approval Arrange Written test, Prepare questionnaire, evaluate scripts and publish result
within 30 days from written test result publish date Arrange viva-voce, inform the candidates and board
members within 10 days from written test result publish date Compile selected candidate s documents,
make proposal and take final approval from MD within 5 days from final viva Inform selected
candidates, collect and verify necessary documents and provide offer letter to the selected candidate
and arrange Pre- Employment Medical Test at SHL and assist in verification of the reports within 10 days
from final approval date Days 10 02 10 10 05 10 Page 37

39 Prepare and handover the Appointment Letter to the selected candidate within 03 days from medical
report s verification date Joining arrangement of selected fresh candidates immediate next joining
window of month s 1 st day or 15 th day (30 days extra for experienced). Ensure proper Documents from
the newly joined employees, Initiate Joining Circular and ensure Placement of the newly joined
employees on the joining date 03 10 Total 60 Table: Time Line of Recruitment and Selection Training and
Development Training and Development wings main work is to recruitment and selection process of the
filed/sales force MPO,SPO, SO, conducting the induction training, job confirmation test, appoint the final
selected field force, promotion of the sales/field force MPO to TM, SPO to FM (see the organogram of
AgroVet ), assenting the training needs of overall SPL, conducting the training. Training and
Development work can divide in two Part. Sales Force Related TNA Training Need Assessment (TNA) SPL
conduct TNA for all employees after every two years. SPL follows two methods for assess their employs
training need. By using TNA form From PMS Page 38

40 TNA for Executive levels For TNA SPL has a common TNA Form. HR department sent TNA Form to
each and every department of each and every unit (Dhaka and Pabna) by emailing the departmental
heads. And the departmental heads distribute the TNA form to their employees by 30 th April. The
employee s fills up the TNA form according to their own needs. After fill up the form they back the form
to their supervisors. The respective supervisor evaluates the form and has the authority to add training
topic if they feel those topics will help the employees to develop. All the departmental heads send the
fill up TNA form to HRD by 31 st May. If any employee joined after 31 st May his/her TNA would be send
within six months of his/her joining. The HR department of CHQ prepares a summary on the TNA form.
By summarizing HR find out the hot topics which are required highly by the employees. Depend on
demand HR provide a weight to the topics and by calculation HRD make priority on training topic. TNA is
also done by the help of PMS (Performance Management System) From PMS HR can identify an
employee s training needs. The gap of competency and job requirement is training need. HR prepares a
training calendar basis of quantity and ranking priority of training needs. TNA for Non-Executive levels
Non-Executive level employees TNA mainly done by the information provided form PMS (Performance
Management System). Training Need = Job requirements Competency. Training Arranged by HR HR
arranges the training by using both internal and external sources. Internal source is first priority. HR
communicates with the source for arranging training. Prepare the Budget; prepare the training
module/schedule and finally Co-ordinate the entire training program. Structured evaluation After the
whole training program HRD takes structured evaluation on overall training program, evaluation from
the trainee about the trainer and also evaluation of the trainee to know the training output.. Page 39

41 Training Evaluation Structured Evaluation Trainee Evaluation Trainer Evaluation Figure: Structured
Evaluation Overseas Training SPL always take initiative to provide its employee for overseas training.
After the successful training when the trainee returns HR arrange a presentation session. The trainees
give a presentation on their learning from the training. For overseas training SPL give scope also for the
non-executive employees as well as executive and manager level. SPL need to introduce modern and
improved machineries and technique for new medicine for this the employees need training like
operating, maintenance of the training. On the job training programs SPL is the flagship in the
pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh. It provides in-planttraining for the pharmacy, micro biology,
chemistry, applied chemistry students. Each and every student who applied through their University
gets opportunity for three months long inplant-internship training. SPLs SAP work team is working on to
include the TNA process by this year. If TNA can cover by SAP then the TNA process will be become more
simple and time consuming. Sales Force SQUARE Pharmaceutical Ltd. has three types of Sales forces,
Pharmaceutical Devision, AgroVet Division and Pesticide Unit. SQUARE Pharmaceutical arranges
different training session with different schedule and module guide. Page 40
42 The different Sales force has their different designation. Sales force for Pharmaceutical and Harbal &
Nutraceutical products designation starts from Medical Promotion Officer (MPO), AgroVet Division from
Sales Promotion Officer (SPO) and from Pesticide Unit Sales Officer (SO). Figure: Field Force Sales force is
very important to generate profit. To obtain the maximum sales target the Sales force give trainings like
field training, induction training. Training and Development wings of HRD conducted the whole process
of Recruitment and Selection process of the sales force. Page 41

43 Organogram of Field Forces (Pharmaceutical Division) DM Sales Deputy General Manager Sales
Assistant General Manager Sales Senior Sales Manager (SSM) Sales Manager (SM) District Sales Manager
(DSM) Senior Regional Sales Manager (SRSM) Regional Sales Manager (RSM) Territory Manager (TM)
Senior Medical Promotion Officer (SMPO) Medical Promotion Officer (MPO) Figure: Flow chart of
Pharmaceuticals Page 42

44 (Agro Vet Division) Deputy General Manager (Agro Vet) Sales Manager(SM) Area Manager(AM) Field
Manager (FM) Sr. Sales Promotion Officer (SSPO) Sales Promotion Officer (SPO) Figure: Agro Vet Division
Page 43

45 (Pesticide) Deputy General Manager (Agro Vet) Sales Manager(SM)(Agro Vet) Area Manager (AM)
Field Manager (FM) Sr. Sales Promotion Officer (SSPO) Sales Development Officer (SDO) Sales Officer
(SO) (Non-Management) Figure: Pesticide Page 44

46 Recruitment and Selection of Sales Force Recruitment and Selection process of Sales force is different
from Executive and Nonexecutive employees. The process is describing with the help of a flow chart.
Requisition Justification Approval Advertisement Walk In Interview Written Test Script Evolution &
Result publish Field Training Paying TA/DA Induction Training Final Written test and Viva Posting Job
Confirmation Examination Job Confirmation Figure: Flow Chart of Recruitment and Selection of Sales
Force Page 45

47 Step 1: Requisition For sales force the requisition come from Sales Department. Depend on the
market expansion, dividing the market territory, turnover rate sale give a requisition to the HRD
mentioning the number of sales person they need, job description and specification. Step 2: Justification
of Requisition After the submission of the requisition HRD start justifying the requisition. Like how many
sales persons are now at the reason and how they are managing the duties and work. If HRD feels that
sales person s requirement need minimize they can cut down the number of sales force. If the
requisition is justified then HRD prepare documents for Requisition approval. Step 3: Approval of
Requisition When the HRD propose the justified requisition to MD/Chairman/Vice chairman for approval
MD/Chairman/Vice chairman singed the requisition if they satisfied with the justification if not then the
requisition rejected. Step 4: Advertisement After getting the approval of the higher authority HR training
and development wings prepare an advertisement for print media. Usually SQUARE Pharmaceuticals
Ltd. publishes their advertisement in Dainik Prothomalo and tries to publish in job news page. Same
advertisement is also publishing in SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd. website under career tab. In job
advertisement the job description and specification is briefly informed. Field force job test first part is
walk in interview. The process of applying for walk in interview is also described in the advertisement.
Step 5: Walk in interview 1st step of field force is walk in interview. Walk in interview mainly take in
differently all over the country. In a fixed date exam is done in different places (Rajshahi, Ranpur,
Barishal, Josser, Mymensingh, Chittagong, Sylhet) on same day, same time on same question. Only
Dhaka examination took on different question in different day. Different district examination mainly
took in different deports (23 deports) and the Dhaka district examination taken in CHQ. Page 46

48 Walk in interview conduct in two part: 1. Viva 2. Written test In viva the general science related
question is asked with some general knowledge question. For MPO the persons are preferred who had
done their SSC, HSC in Science and Honor s and Masters with biological science for SPO SSC, with 4th
subject Agricultural Science, HSC, Honor s in Science and for SO SSC, HSC and Honors in Science
respectfully. Those who qualify in viva have to seat for written test in the same day. The interview is
always panel interview. Three interviewers conduct interview session 1 person from Sales, 1 person
from HRD and 1 person from PMD to judge interviewee perfectly. Written test is on general science
question, general knowledge and simple English part. Step 6: Script evaluation and result publish All the
copy come to CHQ the training and development wings check the scripts and publish the result within
five working days. Step 7: Field Training For field training the T&D teams allocate each and every
candidate a specific market to learn how the field forces work. This training usually takes 5-7 days. The
candidates get on the job training while visiting the market and after the field training they get an option
to set their mind. If anyone feels that he is not capable to do this work he can withdraw him from the
process and job. All the field training cost TA and DA is given from the organization. Step 8: Paying the
TA and DA After field training the field force candidate comes in a fixed date to start their induction
training and at the first day all the payment of TA and DA is given. The trainees have to show the
evidence like the receipt of hotel bill, bus ticket etc. Step 9: Induction Training In the Induction training
period the field force get training on their product relegated and others training. Example: MPOs get
different pharmaceuticals related product knowledge, knowledge on human body system, on sales etc.
Each and every day the Page 47

49 trainee needs to attain Quiz test on the study of the previous day. HRD provides the MPOs necessary
instrument for study like bag, Module, dictionary etc. Duration of Induction Training: Field Duration
Force MPO 2 months SPO 20-22 days SO 8-10 days Table: Duration of Induction Training Step 10: Final
Written test and Viva After the induction training the candidates has to seat for a final written test and
viva. They need to carry pass marks in both the written test and viva separately. The questions are given
from their syllabus of the course. The interview is always panel interview. Three interviewers conduct
interview session 1 person from Sales, 1 person from HRD and 1 person from PMD to judge interviewee
perfectly. Step 11: Posting The final qualified candidates get the appointment letter, the ID card and the
won visiting card. The Sales departments give the posting of the employees where they need field force.
Step 12: Job Confirmation Examination After six months of the employees seat for another exam for job
confirmation. Usually job confirmation examination taken on fifth months first week after the posting of
the field force. If anyone is not able to pass the exam he is given another opportunity to seat second
time. The second opportunity is given on sixth months third week. Page 48

50 Step 13: Job Confirmation Those who earn pass marks in the examination finally get job confirmation
letter and get a fixed market for their daily work. Analysis, Results & Discussion For my report I have
surveyed 25 of employees from the company based on the Recruitment and Selection Process in Square
Pharmaceutical Ltd. From the survey I have gathered results regarding 8 statement questions. I have
found out the percentage of each answers of the question, where the answers were given by the
employees according to their rating level of agree and disagree. The graphical charts are presented
below: 1. The recruitment and selection processes in this organization are impartial : According to this
statement, the responses of the employees are: 56% Agree, 32% Strongly Agree, 8% Neither Agree nor
Disagree, 4% Strongly Disagree. Based on the survey result, it can be said that the recruitment and
selection processes in this organization are quite impartial, as the majority of the employees agree to
the statement. The recruitment and selection processes in this organization are impartial 4% 8% 32%
56% agree strongly agree neither agree nor disagree strongly disagree Figure: 1 Page 49

51 2. Favoritism is not evident in any of the recruitment decisions made in this unit : According to this
statement, the responses of the employees are: 64% agree, 20% strongly agree, 12% neither agree nor
disagree, 4% disagree. Based on the survey result, it can be said that, it is quite true statement for the
company as the majority of the employees agree to the statement. Favouritism is not evident in any of
the recruitment decisions made in this unit 20% 4% 12% Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree 64%
Strongly Agree Figure: 2 3. Interview panels are used during the recruitment and selection process in
this unit : According to this statement, the responses of the employees are: 28% agree, 72% strongly
agree, Based on the survey result in figure (3), it can be said that, it is mostly true statement for the
company as the majority of the employees ; that is 72 % of the employees strongly agree to the
statement. Page 50

52 Interview panels are used during the recruitment and selection process in this unit 28% Agree 72%
Strongly Agree Figure: 3 4. This unit does not need to pay more attention to the way it recruits people :
According to this statement, the responses of the employees are: 60% agree, 8% disagree, 20% neither
agree nor disagree, 12% strongly disagree. Based on the survey result, it can be said that, it is mostly
true statement for the company as the majority 60 % of the employees agree to the statement. This unit
does not need to pay more attention to the way it recruits people 60% 12% 8% 20% Strongly Disagree
Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Figure: 4 Page 51

53 5. All appointments in this unit are based on merit (i.e. the best person for the job is selected
regardless of their personal characteristics) : According to this statement, the responses of the
employees are: 12% agree, 16% strongly agree 12% neither agree nor disagree, 52 % disagree 8%
strongly disagree. Based on the survey result, it can be said that, it is not mostly true statement for the
company as the majority 52 % of the employees disagree to the statement. All appointments in this unit
are based on merit (i.e. the best person for the job is selected regardless of their personal
characteristics) Strongly Disagree 16% 8% Disagree 12% 12% 52% Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree Figure: 5 6. The value and beliefs of this unit are discussed in interviews with potential
employees : According to this statement, the responses of the employees are: 60% agree, 20% strongly
agree 12% neither agree nor disagree, 8 % disagree Based on the survey result, it can be said that, it is a
true statement as the majority 60 % of the employees agree to the statement. Page 52

54 The value and beliefs of this unit are discussed in interviews with potential employees 20% 8% 12%
Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 60% Figure: 6 7. Only the best people are
hired to work in this unit : According to this statement, the responses of the employees are: 20% agree,
52% strongly agree 12% neither agree nor disagree, 16 % disagree Based on the survey result in figure
(7), it can be said that, it is a true statement as the majority 52 % of the employees agree to the
statement. Only the best people are hired to work in this unit 16% Disagree 52% 12% Neither Agree nor
Disagree 20% Agree Strongly Agree Figure: 7 Page 53

55 8. Employees of this unit are involved in the hiring of their peers According to this statement, the
responses of the employees are: 64% agree, 8% strongly agree 8% neither agree nor disagree, 16 %
disagree 4% strongly disagree Based on the survey result, it can be said that it is very much true
statement; as the majority 64 % of the employees agree to the statement. Employees of this unit are
involved in the hiring of their peers 8% 4% 16% Strongly Disagree Disagree 64% 8% Neither Agree nor
Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Figure: 8 Page 54

56 Conclusion It was great opportunity for me to work as an Intern with the Leader Square
Pharmaceuticals Ltd Human Resource Department. While preparing this report, I could relate my
theoretical knowledge with the practical field and learn how large organizations like Square
Pharmaceuticals Ltd perform their HR practices and the outcome of proper human resource
management. The best thing of SPL is, they consider the employees as their asset and they do not feel
hesitate to invest on them. Consequently, employees are motivated up to the level and dedicated to the
company. Square Pharmaceuticals is one of them, who achieved, are achieving and will achieve their
objective and goals in future. Square Pharmaceuticals will provide its customer with high quality
medicine and become one of the best research based medicine manufacturer in the near future. Square
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. represents an organization that thrives for continuous learning and organizational
development. For them, organizational development includes a creation of a strongly-bonded culture;
maintaining discipline; continuously adapting to changes resulting from both internal and external
environment; developing human resources through ongoing development and evaluation initiatives; and
completing tasks and goals within a given time frame. The belief is, creating a Good and Learning
company is more important than presenting a profitable company. Because, continually focusing on
Corporate Social Responsibility and adapting to changes will automatically lead to successful company.
From its formation to the present day, it has been successful in its endeavors. It provides quality
medication and strictly follows all regulations. In Bangladesh over three thousand of people are working
here. The medicine of Square is famous in Bangladesh as well as in foreign countries. HR Department of
Square is playing a vital role as a corporate strategy maker. Growth of the company depends on hiring,
developing, retaining skilled and motivating employees. HR Department is continuously hiring skilled
people from wide market and thus provides trainings to cope with global challenges. Page 55

57 Appendix List of Abbreviation Abbreviation AM CHQ FM FS GM MPO MRA PMD PPO SAP CO SDO
SMPO SPL SPO SSDO SSPO TM TNA KRA Elaboration Area Manager. Corporate Head Quarter Field
Manager. Field Supervisor. General Manager. Medical Promotion Officer. Market Research Assistant.
Product Management Department. Product Promotion Officer. System Application & Product Cost
Controlling. Sales Development Officer. Senior Medical Promotion Officer. Square Pharmaceuticals
Limited. Sales Promotion Officer. Senior Sales Development Officer. Senior Sales Promotion Officer.
Territory Manager. Training Need Analysis. Key Result Area Table: List of Abbreviation Page 56

58 Figure: SPL Web site, Career Page Figure: Field Force Advertisement Page 57

59 Figure: SPL website career page Page 58

60 Figure: Advertisement for Executives Page 59

61 Figure: Advertisement for Non-Executives Page 60

62 Non Executive Grade Division & Designation Grade Designation B-1 Officer B-2 Junior Officer B-3 SR.
Officer Assistant/ SR. LAB Analyst B-4 Office Assistant/LAB Analyst B-5 Driver B-6 Peon/Driver B-7 Peon
Sales Department Hierarchical Levels Grade Designation M-1 D.M.D. M-2 Executive Director M-3
Executive Director M-4 Director-Sales M-5 General Manager M-6 D.G.M. M-7 A.G.M. M-8 National Sales
Manager(N.S.M.) M-9 National Sales Manager(N.S.M.) M-10 Manager-Sales M-11 Manager-Sales M-12
Regional Sales Manager (R.S.M.) Page 61

63 M-13 Regional Sales Manager (R.S.M.) M-14 Territory Manager (TM) M-15 Senior MPO (SMPO) M-16
Medical Promotion Officer (MPO) Managerial & Executive Grade Division & Designation M-1 D.M.D. M-2
Executive Director M-3 Executive Director M-4 Director M-5 General Manager M-6 D.G.M. M-7 A.G.M.
M-8 Manager M-9 Manager M-10 Manager M-11 Manager M-12 SR. Executive M-13 SR. Executive M-14
Executive M-15 Executive M-16 Executive Page 62
64 Research Questionnaire Welcome to the questionnaire survey on the Recruitment and Selection
process at Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. In this questionnaire you will be presented with a series of
questions. You must give only one answer to each question. If you select a wrong answer, just cross it
out, and select the correct one. You are more than welcome to ask questions along the way if you have
any doubts about the meaning of questions. In this section we are interested in your opinion about the
way you perceive the following statements. Please indicate by checking the appropriate box the extent
to which you agree/disagree with each of the following statements. (1= Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree,
3 = Neither Agree nor Disagree, 4 = Agree, 5 =Strongly Agree) Recruitment and Selection : 1 The
recruitment and selection processes in this organization are impartial 1 2 3 4 5 2 Favoritism is not
evident in any of the recruitment decisions made in this unit 3 Interview panels are used during the
recruitment and selection process in this unit 4 This unit does not need to pay more attention to the way
it recruits people 5 All appointments in this unit are based on merit (i.e. the best person for the job is
selected regardless of their personal characteristics) 6 The value and beliefs of this unit are discussed in
interviews with potential employees 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 7 Only the best people
are hired to work in this unit 1 2 3 4 5 8 Employees of this unit are involved in the hiring of their peers 1
2 3 4 5 Page 63

65 Demographic information: 1. Your full-time work experience (in years): 2. Number of members in
your work group/department: 3. Your gender: i) Male ii) Female 4. Your age: 5. Your position by
organizational level is considered to be: i) Top ii) Middle iii) Lower 6. The name of your functional area or
work group: 7. Your highest educational attainment: 8. Your organization's category: i) Manufacturing ii)
Education iii) Financial Service iv) Other Thank you for your co-operation Page 64

66 Bibliography Books and websites: Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management, Twelfth Edition,
Chapter 5, Personal Planning and Recruiting, Page-178 Reports/ Manual: Brochure, SPL. Human Resources Manual SPL Training
Manual of SPL Informal Sources: Discussion with Md. Yunus Ali, Sr. Manager,SPL Discussion with Mr.
Barnobus Sagar Halder, Manager SPL Discussion with Mr. Tariqul Bari, Senior Executive,SPL Discussion
with Mr. Sahidul Islam, Senior Executive,SPL Discussion with Mr. Sazzad Hossain, Executive,SPL
Discussion with Mr. Nurul Islam, Executive,SPL Discussion with Mr. Zahin Iftekhar Rasul, Executive,SPL
Discussion with Md. Anisul Alam, Executive,SPL Discussion with Mr. Abu Mohammed Mohiuddin,
Executive,SPL Page 65
Recruitment and SelectionDr. Radhika KapurAbstractIn any kind of organization, recruitment and
selection processes are considered useful, because they help in finding the most suitable candidates for
the jobs. Recruitment and selection are important operations in human resource management, designed
to make best use of employee strength in order to meet the strategic goals and objectives of the
employers and of the organization as a whole. It is a process of screening, sourcing, shortlisting, and
selecting the right candidates for the vacant positions. The employers put into practice recruitment
strategies and methods that would be the most beneficial to achieve organizational goals and
objectives. The main purpose of this research paper is to understand recruitment and selection
procedures. The main areas that have been taken into account include, significance of recruitment and
selection, principles of recruitment and selection, factors affecting recruitment and selection, posting
vacancies, recruitment and selection process, types of recruitment and types of interview. Keywords:
Recruitment, Selection, Candidates, Organizations, Jobs, Factors, InterviewIntroductionRecruitment is
the process of identifying, screening, shortlisting and hiring of the potential human resources for the
purpose of filling up the positions within the organizations. It is the central function of human resource
management. Recruitment is the process of selecting the right person, for the right position at the right
time. The educational qualifications, experience, abilities and skills of the individuals need to be taken
into consideration when recruitment takes place. It is the process of attracting, selecting and appointing
potential candidates to meet the needs and requirements of the organizations. Recruitment takes place
internally, i.e. within the organization and externally, i.e. from the usage of external sources. Internal
factors include, the size of the organization, recruiting policy, image of organization and image of job.
External factors include, demographic factors, labour market, unemployment rate, labour laws, legal
considerations and competitors. Efficiency in the recruitment processes generates productivity and
builds a good working environment and good relations between the employees (Recruitment and
Selection, 2016).Selection is the process of picking or choosing the right candidate, who is most suitable
for the job. It is the process of interviewing the candidates and evaluating their qualities, which are
necessary for a specific job and then selection of the candidates is made

for the right positions. The selection of right candidates for the right positions will help the organization
to achieve its desired goals and objectives. When selection of the employees takes place, it is vital to
ensure that they possess the desired qualifications, skills and abilities that are required to perform the
job duties in a well-organized manner (Recruitment and Selection, 2016).Recruitment is called a positive
process with its approach of attracting as many candidates as possible for the vacant positions. It is the
process of identifying and making potential candidates to apply for the jobs. On the other hand,
selection is called a negative process with the elimination of many candidates as possible. There are
numerous individuals, who apply for the jobs, but selection is made only of those individuals, who are
qualified and proficient. Selection is important, the reason being, hiring of good resources can help in
increasing the overall performance of the organization. Both the processes of recruitment and selection
are considered important for the effective functioning of the organizations and they take place
simultaneously. They are imperative for growth and development of the organization (Recruitment and
Selection, 2016).Significance of Recruitment and SelectionThe recruitment and selection of the
individuals within the organizations result from a thorough and a systematic process. The employees
need to possess complete knowledge of the strategies and methods that are required to get
implemented for recruitment and selection. Legislation and good practice and the range of recruitment
sources and selection methods as well as possessing the skills and abilities in interviewing and evaluating
potential employees highlight the significance of recruitment and selection (Chapter 5, 2010). The areas
that highlight the significance of recruitment and selection have been stated as follows: When job
vacancies arise within the organizations, then the employers give due consideration to the recruitment
and selection processes. These processes enable the employers to identify and analyse the positions
that are required to get filled in order to achieve the desired goals and objectives. Vacant positions
within the organizations signify the lack of human resources and these are regarded as barriers within
the course of implementation of tasks and in the achievement of goals and objectives. Thus, whether it
may take place on an immediate basis or may be a time consuming process, importance of these
processes is recognized during the time of job vacancies. Resources are considered as the most
important asset of any organization, hence, hiring the personnel with appropriate skills and abilities is
important. The patterns of recruitment and selection differ from one company to another. When
machines, equipment

and devices are made use of to enhance productivity, then it is the human resources that operate them.
The machines, devices and other equipment are made use of in an effective way, when they are put into
operation by skilled and proficient personnel. It is vital that individuals should possess complete
knowledge regarding how to make use of machines and enhance productivity. In some cases, this job
may be manageable, whereas in others it may be tedious and demanding. Therefore, recruitment and
selection are considered as important aspects in any organization and should be made of appropriate
personnel. The significance of recruitment is recognized by the fact that organization gets satisfied with
more productive employees. It not only enhances productivity and profitability, but also encourages
good relationships among the employers and the employees. It contributes towards growth and
development of the organization. It determines the current and future job requirements. It helps in
increasing the success rate of selecting the right candidates, who are able to make efficient use of their
skills and abilities in leading to growth and development. It helps in evaluating the effectiveness of
various recruitment methods. It determines the present future requirements of the organizations and
formulate plans accordingly. Recruitment strategies contribute in the implementation of managerial
functions in an operative manner (Recruitment and Selection, 2016).The significance of selection is
recognized, because it helps in choosing the most suitable and qualified candidates, who can meet the
requirements of the jobs within an organization. For meeting the goals and objectives of the
organization, it is vital to evaluate the various attributes of each candidate, such as their qualifications,
skills, abilities, experiences, personality, nature and overall attitude. The other candidates, who have not
found to be suitable to carry out the job duties are eliminated. The organization is required to follow
appropriate selection processes, the reason being, if the selection is not carried out in an appropriate
manner, then it would impose unfavourable effects upon the organization and loss would be incurred to
the employer in terms of money, time, and efforts (Recruitment and Selection, 2016).Principles of
Recruitment and SelectionThe principles of recruitment and selection have been stated as follows:
(Recruitment and Selection, 2013).The first point to identify about recruitment is that it is a process with
a number of key stages, all of which work in co-operation to improve one’s chances of finding the best
candidates available for any advertised position. The candidates are required to go through various
stages and they are given certain tasks or go through various rounds of interviews,

which they have to accomplish in order to get selected. In some cases, final round of interviews, include
only two people, one is selected and the other one gets rejected. It is worth giving indications that in
terms of leading, guiding and managing employees, if one is not recruiting the best people available,
then it is always going to be challenging to manage them on daily basis. Another general rule is, when
seeking to fill any job vacancy, one should always consider the internal candidates that could be
encouraged to the available post and then recruit externally for the junior position. Too often senior
managers pay less attention to the recruitment process and only become actively involved when a
senior post is being filled, or at the end of the process for the final interview. This is an error and one
should be concerned with the eminence and appropriateness of every employee, who joins the
business. It is often assumed that interviewing is something that any experienced manager can carry
out. It involves open ended as well as close ended questions. Interviews can be conducted by anybody,
but it is important that individuals can do it well, if they are appropriately trained and possess effective
communication skills. It is not worthwhile to conduct interviews without acquiring proper training. There
are many legal issues that are associated with the recruitment process and it is necessary for all the
individuals to familiarise oneself with the relevant legislation. It is vital for the members of the
organization to become familiar with the policies and procedures that are required in the recruitment
and selection processes. Factors affecting Recruitment and SelectionThe factors affecting recruitment
and selection are organized into the internal and the external categories. The internal factors have been
stated as follows: (Recruitment and Selection, 2016).Size of the Organization - The size of the
organization is one of the most important factors affecting the recruitment process. To develop
business, recruitment planning is mandatory for hiring more resources, which will be crucial in the
management of future operations.Recruitment Policy - Recruitment policy of an organization, includes
hiring from the internal or external sources of organization. It is an important factor, which affects the
recruitment process. It identifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for the
implementation of recruitment programs.

Image of the Organizations - Organizations having a good positive image in the market can easily attract
competent and proficient resources. Maintaining good public relations, providing public services, and
leading to goodwill of the organizations, definitely helps an organization in improving its reputation in
the market, and thereby draw the best possible human resources.Image of Jobs - Just like the image of
the organization, the image of jobs contribute a critical role in the recruitment and selection processes.
Jobs having a positive image in terms of better remuneration, promotions, recognition, and amiable
working environment with career development opportunities are considered as the characteristics to
arouse interest and enthusiasm within qualified candidates.The external factors have been stated as
follows: (Recruitment and Selection, 2016).Demographic Factors - Demographic factors are related to
the characteristics of potential employees such as, their age, religion, educational qualifications, gender,
occupation, economic status, and place of location.Labour market – Labour market exercises control on
the demand and supply of labour. For example, if the supply of people having specific skills and abilities
is less than the demand, then the hiring will require more efforts. On the other hand, if the demand is
less than the supply, then hiring will be relatively more manageable.Unemployment rate – If the
unemployment rate is high in a specific area, hiring of human resources will be simple and manageable,
as there will be an increase in the number of applicants. For various job positions in all types of
organizations, large number of applications are received. In contrast, if the unemployment rate is low,
then recruiting tends to be difficult due to lesser number of resources.Labour laws – Labour laws reflect
the social and political environment of the market, which are created by the central and the state
governments. These laws dictate the compensation, working environment, safety and health
regulations, and the job duties of the workforce, for different types of employments. As the
governments undergo transformations, there are transformations that come about in the labour laws.
Legal considerations – Job reservations for different castes such as Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes,
and Other Backward Classes are the best examples of legal considerations. These considerations, passed
by government, will have a positive or negative impact on the recruitment policies of the organizations.

Competitors – When organizations in the same industry are competing for the best qualified resources,
there is a need to analyse the competition and make provision of the resources packages that are finest
in terms of the industry standards.Equal Opportunity – When recruitment and selection of the
employees take place, then it is vital to take into consideration, equal employment opportunities for the
individuals. Equal opportunity results when all the applicants are treated on an equal basis and
consistently at every stage of recruitment. There should not be any discrimination against anybody on
the basis of factors, such as, caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, gender and socio-economic
background. Fairness and justness is of principal significance in the recruitment and the selection
processes (Klug, 2017). Posting VacanciesJob posting refers to the practice of publicising and displaying
advertisements of an open job to the employees. In most cases, internet, newspapers, notices and
bulletin boards are the areas where job postings are found. These include, listing of the attributes, such
as, designation, criteria of knowledge, qualifications, skills and experience. In some cases, they also
specify the salary package. The purpose of posting vacancies is to bring to the attention of the interested
persons, they may be internal or external to the organisation and the jobs that are to be filled. Before
posting vacancies, important areas that need to be taken into consideration by the employers include:
(Richardson, n.d.).Whether the retention of the job is done in the present form with the title,
remuneration or status or whether any changes are required to be brought about. Each hiring unit is
responsible for determining its hiring needs, requirements and the scope and responsibilities of the
proposed individuals. The nature of the recruitment options will vary based on the purpose for which
hiring is carried out. The various positions within the organizations or educational institutions include,
clerical, technical, administrative, managerial and so forth (Klug, 2017). The skills, abilities and
experience of the employees would remain the same or any changes are required to be brought about
in the personality characteristics of the individuals, before the processes of recruitment and selection
takes place. Are there efficient, competent, practiced and experienced applicants serving in other
positions within the organisation, who may be potential candidates for the job. Job rotation is
considered vital in all types of organizations to improve employee morale, so that they do not find their
job duties monotonous and tedious. Job rotation helps in the development of skills

and abilities of the employees and make them familiar with other functions and tasks within the
organization. It helps the employees in gaining knowledge and experience. Whether the existing
organizational policy for recruitment is still applicable. For example, referrals of the employees by the
staff members, friends or family members are still an acceptable way of filling vacancies. Whether the
organization considers external sources as the most effectual means of recruitment. Whether external
sources are regarded as more beneficial to the organizations in the long term, when they are recruiting
individuals from external sources. Necessary is the availability of the functional human resource
information system that supports recruitment. In the present existence, there has been extensive
utilization of technology in the recruitment and selection procedures. A computerized system would
have the following features: (Richardson, n.d.).Forthcoming vacancies within the organizations need to
ensure that capable and proficient individuals are recruited on time, in order to avoid any kind of delay
in the production processes. In some cases, recruitment and selection processes require number of
rounds, which the individuals have to go through. They may even take 10 to 15 days of time, especially
for leadership and higher level positions within the organizations. It needs to be ensured that candidates
systematically move through the process and are kept informed of their status. Ensure that qualified
candidates, whose applications are pending should be communicated with to maintain their interest
within the organization. As these candidates are valuable and would be dedicated towards the
accomplishment of goals and objectives. Assist in analysing appointment, transfer and exit trends and
provide other data that leads to the facilitation of planning, organizing, evaluating and assessing the
recruitment process. Identify any antagonistic impacts of the recruitment process on vulnerable and
marginalized groups. For example minorities, especially where Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action
legislation exists. For internal recruiting, control of the internal job posting process, creation of the
notices, and then matching the internal applicant qualifications with job specifications is crucial. Where
jobs are not being posted, creation of a list of qualified internal candidates is necessary.Recruitment and
Selection Process

It is important that the job announcements should be made available to all the employees. Satisfactory
job postings can ensure that minority workers and other individuals belonging to disadvantaged groups
and economically weaker sections of the society are aware of the opportunities within the organization.
The weakness to the job positing is employee pessimism that occurs when jobs are posted as open, but
in reality, the organization has already selected a strong internal candidate. Such practices generate
antipathy and disbelief among employees, when they believe the job posting is just a formality with less
real opportunity for advancement (Gusdorf, 2008).The elements in the recruitment and selection
processes have imperative contributions to make in helping find most suitable candidates for the given
posts. The elements have been stated as follows: (Recruitment and Selection, 2013).Job Vacancy – The
first step is when vacancy arises within the organization. One should be aware of the vacant positions
and by when they should get filled with capable employees. Job vacancy enables the individuals to
determine the factors, such as, redesigning, or initiating part time employment opportunities for the
individuals. In some cases, vacant positions may get filled with qualified candidates rapidly, whereas in
others, it may be a time consuming process. One should implement measures to reduce the risks
associated with recruitment. The existing employees should see that there is a potential career path
within the organization, which may motivate them to stay longer. Job Analysis – Two main factors need
to be taken into consideration regarding job analysis. First is expectation of the employers from their
employees, within the organization, the employers have certain expectations from their employees
regarding performance of job duties, and they expect them to inculcate the traits of regularity, diligence,
resourcefulness, conscientiousness and creativity. The other areas that need to be taken into
consideration are the characteristics of the job. These include, training, work experience, skills and
knowledge, physical attributes, personality traits, communication skills and personal circumstances.
Development and utilization of well-structured questions based on the profile of the employees will help
in getting the better insight of the true personality of the candidate. Attracting Candidates – In attracting
candidates for the jobs, there are two important sources that need to be taken into consideration,
internal recruitment and external recruitment. In the case of internal recruitment, the following
advantages are, it reduces recruitment costs, internal employees are already familiar with all the aspects
of the organization, its goals, objectives etc. It can act as a motivating factor for others in the business by
displaying that it is possible to acquire promotional opportunities and the
employers are already familiar with the person, within the organization. Sources of external recruitment
includes, websites, advertisements in newspapers, journals, magazines, recruitment agencies,
consultants, employment fairs, and seminars. Screening Candidates – The purpose of the screening
process is to narrow down the field, so that one is able to spend more time with the candidates for
formal interviews. Large numbers of applications are received for the positions, and all the applicants
are not called for the interviews, hence, it is vital for the employers to screen the candidates to select
the most suitable ones for the interviews. In the number of applications received, screening is done on
the basis of factors such as, educational qualifications, experience, skills, and so forth. When this process
has been effectively implemented, only then the screening process takes place. After the screening
process is implemented in an adequate manner, then interviews are organized for the candidates.
Interviewing Candidates – The important aspects that need to be taken into account for interviewing
candidates include, ensuring that proper notice is given regarding the date and time of the interview,
ensuring that the candidates are aware that they should reach the premises on time, ensuring that they
are clear where to go and whom they should contact on arrival and ensuring that they are aware of the
documents that need to be brought along in the interview. These aspects contribute in preparing the
candidates on the complete basis for the interview. The employers or the interviewers need to review
the resume and all the job applications before interviewing the candidates. It is vital to implement time
management skills for the interview processes, so that they can be completed on time. Selecting and
Appointing Candidates – The methods of selecting and appointing candidates are different in various
organizations. The procedures generally include the steps, such as, the selection of the candidate, verbal
communication of his or her appointment, medical completed if appropriate, sending of appointment
letters and signing the contract. Selecting and appointing candidates depend upon the urgency of
getting the vacancy filled. When job vacancies are to be urgently filled, then selecting and appointing of
candidates may take place immediately after the interviews. In some organizations, candidates are
appointed on an immediate basis, after their selection and other formalities, such as giving appointment
letters or signing the contract. Induction and Training – Induction is the process of receiving and
welcoming of the employees, after they have been selected and providing them the required training
needed to settle down adequately. Induction has three aims, to smooth the early stages, when
everything is likely to be extraordinary and unfamiliar to the new employees. To establish a positive

attitude of the organization within the mind-sets of the employees, so that they are likely to stay for a
long term and to obtain effective output from new employees in short period of time. Training is
referred to making use of methods and strategies to enhance the awareness, knowledge and
information among the employees. Various training methods include, role plays, vestibule training, field
visits, and lectures. The employees should receive on the job and off the job training to generate
information regarding history, personnel, goals and performance of job duties. The main purpose of
training is to balance the needs and requirements of the organizations and human resources. Employee
Evaluation – Monitoring the performance of the employees is an essential aspect within the
organization. It is necessary to evaluate the employees from time to time in order to monitor
enhancement of productivity and their performance. The methods of employee evaluation help in
identifying the limitations and the measures that are required to get implemented to improve them.
Monitoring the performance of the employees is stated as an on-going activity and new employees can
be trained in a better way to enhance productivity. The evaluation process can tell whether the
recruitment process is working efficiently or are there any changes and transformations that need to be
brought about. The main purpose is to ensure that the quality of the employees get enhanced that are
recruited within the organizations. This is imperative to improve employee productivity and to achieve
the organizational goals and objectives. Types of RecruitmentTypes of recruitment are broadly classified
into two different categories. These are the internal sources and the external sources. Internal sources
of recruitment refer to the hiring of employees within the organization internally. In this case, applicants
are seeking different positions and are those who are currently employed within the same organization.
At the time of recruitment of employees, main consideration is given to those employees, who are
currently working within the organization. This is an important source of recruitment, which provides
the opportunities for progress and use of the existing resources within the organization. Internal sources
of recruitment are the finest and the stress-free way of selecting human resources as their work
performance and other qualities are already known to the organization. The internal sources have been
stated as follows: (Recruitment and Selection, 2016).Promotions - Promotion refers to advancement of
the employees by evaluating their job performance. When the employers, managers and supervisors
feel satisfied with the performance of the employees, they promote them to an upper level within the

and it leads to an increase in pay and benefits. It is the process of shifting an employee from a lower
position to a higher position with more responsibilities, remuneration, facilities, and status. Internally,
many organizations fill the vacant positions at higher levels with the process of promotions. Transfers –
Transfer refers to the process of interchanging from one job to another without any change in the
designation and responsibilities. It can also be the shifting of the employees from one department to
another department or from one location to another, depending upon the requirement of the position.
Transfers are normally based on the job requirements and the capabilities of the employees. If the
organization has two branches, then it may take place between two branches. The internal shifting of
the employee from one branch to another is known as transfer. Recruitment of Former Employees –
Recruitment of former employees is a process of internal sources of recruitment, wherein the ex-
employees are called back, depending upon the requirement of the positions. This process is cost
effective and saves plenty of time and money. The other major benefit of recruiting former employees is
that they are well aware of the organization, the roles and responsibilities of the job and personnel. The
employers are well versed with their personality traits and approaches and the organization is not
required to undertake much stress regarding their training and development.Internal Advertisements or
Job Postings - Internal advertisements are referred to as the processes of posting and advertising jobs
within the organization. These job postings are an open invitation to all the employees within the
organization, where they can apply for the vacant positions. It makes provision of equal opportunities to
all the employees. Hence, the recruitment will be carried out from within the organization and it
involves less expenses.Employee Referrals - Employee referrals is an operative way of sourcing the right
candidates at a low cost. It is the process of hiring new capitals through the references of the
employees, who are currently employed within the organization. In this process, the present employees
can refer their friends and relatives for filling up the vacant positions. Organizations inspire employee
referrals, the reason being, it is lucrative and saves time as compared to hiring candidates from external
sources. In most cases, employees are stimulated and motivated towards the performance of job duties,
by giving them benefits, incentives and rewards for their performance.Previous Applicants – In this case,
the hiring team examines the profiles of previous applicants from the organizational recruitment
database. These applicants are those, who have applied for jobs in the past. These individuals can be
easily contacted and the response will be
positive in most cases. It saves cost and employees are well aware of all the features of the organization
and the performance of their job duties. It is also an economical way of filling up the vacant
positions.External sources of recruitment refer to hiring of the employees outside the organization
externally. In other words, the applicants seeking job opportunities in this case are those, who are
external to the organization. External employees bring innovativeness, resourcefulness, creativity and
new thoughts and ideas to the organization. Although hiring through external sources is an expensive
and a difficult process, it has great potential of driving the organization towards the achievement of
goals and objectives. The external sources have been stated as follows: (Recruitment and Selection,
2016).Direct Recruitment - Direct recruitment refers to the external source of recruitment, where the
recruitment of qualified candidates are carried out by putting a notice regarding job vacancy on the
notice board of the organization. This method of sourcing is also called as factory gate recruitment. This
is in most cases used to recruit blue collar and technical workers.Employment Exchanges - As per the
law, for certain job vacancies, it is compulsory that the organization provides details to the employment
exchange. Employment exchange is a government entity, where the details of the job seekers are
deposited and given to the employers for filling the vacant positions. This source of external recruitment
is accommodating in hiring of the unskilled, semi-skilled, and skilled workers.Employment Agencies –
Employment agencies are external sources of recruitment. They are functioned by various sectors, such
as private, public and government. It provides, unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled resources in
accordance to the needs and requirements of the organizations. The job seekers usually register
themselves with employment agencies and in this way, they have a database of qualified candidates and
organizations can use their services at the time of requirement. Advertisements - Advertisements are
the most prevalent and common external sources of recruitment. The job vacancy is displayed through
various print and electronic media with a specific job description and specifications of the requirements.
Advertisements regarding jobs are displayed in newspapers, magazines and on the websites. Making use
of advertisements is the best way to source candidates in a short span and it provides an efficient way of
screening the specific requirements of the candidates.Professional Associations - Professional
associations can help the organizations in hiring professional, technical, and managerial personnel,
however, they focus on sourcing

mid-level and top-level resources. There are many professional associations that perform the roles of
facilitators between the organizations and the job-seekers.Campus Recruitment - Campus recruitment is
an external source of recruitment, where the educational institutions such as, colleges and universities
make provision of information to the students regarding employment opportunities. It is when
opportunities are made available for hiring students. In this process, the organizations visit technical,
management, and professional institutions for recruiting students directly for new positions.Word of
Mouth Advertising - Word of mouth is an imperceptible way of sourcing the candidates for filling up the
vacant positions. There are many reputed organizations with good image in the market. Such
organizations only need a word of mouth advertising regarding a job vacancy to arouse interest and
enthusiasm among large number of candidates.Types of InterviewAn interview is a determined
exchange of notions, the answering of questions and communication between two or more persons.
Normally, an interview is a process of private conversation between people, where questions are asked
and answers are obtained. The main purpose of the interviews is to acquire information about qualities,
attitudes, prospectus and so forth. In various types of interviews, interviewers examine the behaviour
and communication abilities of the candidates. An interview refers to a discussion with one or more
persons acting as the role of an interviewer, who ask questions and the person, who answers the
questions acts as the role of an interviewee. The primary purpose of an interview is to transfer
information from interviewee to interviewer. Interviews can be either formal or informal, structured or
unstructured. Interviews can be carried out on a one to one basis or in groups, they can be conducted
over telephone or through video conferencing (Recruitment and Selection, 2016).The ten different types
of interviews have been stated as follows: (Recruitment and Selection, 2016).Structured Interview - In
this type, the interview is planned, designed and detailed in advance. A structured interview is pre-
planned, precise, and reliable in hiring the candidates.Unstructured Interview - This type of interview is
an unexpected one, where the interview questionnaire is not prepared. The interviewers are not well
prepared regarding the questions that are to be asked and in obtaining accurate answers. Here, the
usefulness of the interview is less and there is a waste of time and effort of both the interviewer and the
interviewee to a large extent.

Group Interview - In this type of interview, all the candidates or a group of candidates are interviewed
together. Group interviews are conducted to save time, when there are large number of applications
received for limited job vacancies. In this case, a subject will be given to the candidates to get engaged
in group discussions and the interviewer judges the innovativeness and behaviour of each candidate
within the group.Depth Interview - Depth interview is a semi-structured interview, where the candidates
have to give detailed information about their educational qualifications, work experience, special
interests, skills, aptitude and so forth. In this case, all the information about the candidate is known first
and then the interviewer takes a depth interview and begins analysing the expertise and proficiency of
the candidate. This interview enables the interviewer to acquire detailed information, so that the
selection process becomes more manageable. Stress Interview - Stress interviews are conducted to
ascertain how a candidate would react during the time of stress and cope up with problems. In this type
of interview, the interviewer will come to know whether the candidate can deal in an effective manner
with the demands and needs of a complicated job. The candidate, who maintains his self-control during
a stress interview is normally the right person to handle a stressful job.Individual Interview - In an
individual interview, the interview takes place on a one to one basis. In this case, there will be a verbal
and a visual interaction between two people, an interviewer and a candidate. This is a two-way
communication interview, which helps in finding the right candidate for a vacant job position. In this
case, an interviewer may make use of open-ended and close-ended questions. Open-ended questions
may involve elaborate explanations of the answers and close-ended questions involve one word
answers, such as yes, no etc. Informal Interview - Such interviews are conducted in an informal way, i.e.,
the interview will be stable without any written communication and can be arranged at any place. There
are not any proper procedures of asking questions in this type of interview and it is not adequately
structured. It is more like an informal conversation between the individuals and takes place in a friendly
manner. Formal Interview - A formal interview is organized in an informal manner, i.e., the candidate
will be aware about the dates and timings of the interview well in advance and the interviewer plans
and prepares the questions for the interview. This is also called as a planned interview. In this case, the
interviewee is supposed to provide accurate answers to all the questions asked by the interviewer.

Panel Interview - Panel interview, as the name indicates, is being conducted by a group of people. In this
type of interview, three to five members of the selection committee will be asking questions to the
candidates on various concepts. The final decision of selection of the candidates will be taken by all the
members of the panel collectively.Exit Interview - Exit interviews are conducted for those employees,
who want to leave the organization. The significance of the exit interview is to ascertain the reasons
behind leaving the job. There are several reasons for which the employees leave jobs, such as, transfer
to another location, health problems, promotional opportunities in other organizations, availability of
rewards and incentives in other organizations, family issues and so forth. ConclusionHuman resources
are stated to be an integral part of any organization. The jobs, functions, tasks and operations can be
adequately performed by proficient and skilled personnel. Therefore, within the organizational
structure, it is vital to implement effective recruitment strategies and selection processes. When the
members of the organization are aware of proper recruitment and selection processes, then they are
able to make selection of human resources in an appropriate manner. There are numerous job duties
and functions within the organization and performance of all kinds of tasks and operations require skills
and abilities, which can be honed by making provision of adequate training to the personnel. The
individuals hired may be experienced and knowledgeable, but they do experience changes and
transformations within the organizations regarding various aspects, such as, the working environmental
conditions, performance of job duties, attitudes and behavioural traits of the employers, methods to
enhance productivity, utilization of innovative techniques and methods and so forth. When the
employees are selected, it is important that they should be loyal and dedicated towards the
organizations. They should be committed towards the performance of job duties and possess the traits
of resourcefulness, diligence, and conscientiousness. Finally, it can be stated that organizations are
required to put into practice recruitment and selection processes with accuracy, precision and

BibliographyChapter 5. (2010). Recruitment and Selection. Retrieved November 21, 2017 from
D3C7CFECC435/0/9781843982531_sc.pdfGusdorf, M. L. (2008). Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the
Right Person. Society for Human Resource Management. Retrieved November 21, 2017 from
%20and%20Selection%20IM.pdf Klug, D. (2017). Recruitment and Selection Handbook for University
Staff Positions. Arizona State University. Retrieved November 21, 2017
from Recruitment and Selection. (2016).
Tutorials Point. Retrieved November 21, 2017 from
Recruitment and Selection. (2013). Failte Ireland. Retrieved November 21, 2017 from
ss/1_StartGrow_Your_Business/Recruitment-and-Selection.pdf Richardson, M.A. (n.d.). Recruitment
Strategies. Managing/Effecting the Recruitment Process. Retrieved November 21, 2017 from

Better recruitment and selection strategies result in improved organizational outcomes. With reference
to this context, the research paper entitled Recruitment and Selection has been prepared to put a light
on Recruitment and Selection process. The main objective is to identify general practices that
organizations use to recruit and select employees and, to determine how the recruitment and selection
practices affect organizational outcomes at Electronics Industry, In Krishna Dt Ap,India. Successful
recruitment and selection practices are key components at the entry point of human resources in any
organization . The main objective of this paper is to identify general practices that organizations use to
recruit and select employees .The study also focus its attention to determine how the recruitment and
selection practices affect the organizational outcomes and provide some suggestions that can help. Data
analysis has been done with statistical tools like tables, graphs, pie charts, bar diagrams.

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A Study On Recruitment & Selection Process With Reference Sujeet Kumar Ashish Kumar Gupta
Department of Information and technology Department of Information and technology
Dronacharya College of Engineering, Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon-122001, India
Gurgaon-122001, India Email: Email: Abstract: Better recruitment and selection
strategies result in improved organizational outcomes. With reference to this context, the research
paper entitled Recruitment and Selection has been prepared to put a light on Recruitment and
Selection process. The main objective is to identify general practices that organizations use to recruit
and select employees and, to determine how the recruitment and selection practices affect
organizational outcomes at Electronics Industry, In Krishna Dt Ap,India. Successful recruitment and
selection practices are key components at the entry point of human resources in any organization
. The main objective of this paper is to identify general practices that organizations use to recruit
and select employees .The study also focus its attention to determine how the recruitment and
selection practices affect the organizational outcomes and provide some suggestions that can help.
Data analysis has been done with statistical tools like tables, graphs, pie charts, bar diagrams.
Keywords: Recruitment, Selection, Reference, Interview, qualification, reference. I.INTRODUCTION
Successful human resource should identify human resource needs in the organization. Recruitment
is the discovering of potential candidates for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. Or,
from another perspective, it is a linking activity bringing together those with jobs to fill and those
seeking job. The ideal recruitment effort will attract a large number of qualified applicants who
will take the job if it is offered. It should also provide information so that unqualified applicants can
self select themselves out of job candidacy; this is, a good recruiting program should attract the
qualified and not attract the unqualified. This dual objective will minimize the cost of processing
unqualified candidates. According to Edwin B Flippo Recruitment as “the process of searching for
prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization.” According
to Yoder Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the
requirement of the staffing schedule and to employee effective measures to attracting that manpower
in adequate number to facilitate effective selection of an effective workforce 1.1 Recruitment
•Recruitment is the process of attracting prospective employees and stimulating them for applying job
in an organization. •Recruitment is the process of hiring the right kinds of candidates on the right
job Recruitment and selection activity is predominantly dealt with in two fields: ·A generally
prescriptive human resource management or personnel management viewpoint and · A very
technical psychology literature that focuses on the validity (absolute and relative) of different forms
of recruitment techniques, such as competency modelling, interviews and various types of
psychometric testing Methods of Recruitment There are various methods of recruitment but for the
sake of simplicity, they have been categorized under two broad headings. •Internal Recruitment
•External Recruitment Benefits and Importance of Recruitment: (1).Helps to create a talent pool of
potential candidates for the benefits of the organization .(2).To increases the pool of job seeking
candidates at minimum cost. (3).It helps to increase the success rate of selection process by
decreasing the no of visits qualified or over qualified job applicants. (4).Helps in identifying and
preparing potential job applicants who will be the appropriate candidature for the job. (5).Finally it
helps in increasing organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and for all
the types of job applicants. 1.2Selection: Selection is the process of picking individuals who have
relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. Selection is much more than just choosing the
best candidate. It is an attempt to strike a happy balance between what the applicant can and wants to
do and what the organization requires. Importance of Selection: Selecting the right employees is
important for three main reasons: performance, costs and legal obligations.

Performance: Employees with right skills will do a better job for any company and for the owner.
Employees without these requisite skills or who are abrasive would not perform effectively and
the company performance will suffer to a great extent. So there is a time to screen out undesirables
and to choose the better and perfect candidate that can effectively contribute to company
success. Cost: It is important because it is costly to recruit and hire employees so cost-benefit ratio
have to be considered while hiring of employees in order to avoid any unnecessary wastage of money
and the valuable resources .The total cost of hiring a manager could easily be 10 times as high as
once one add search fees, interviewing time, reference checking, and travel and moving expenses.
1.2.1 Essentials and Prerequisites for Selection: I. Picking individuals possessing relevant qualifications.
II. Matching job requirements with the profile of the candidates. III. Using multiple tools and
techniques to find the most suitable candidate suitable Of achieving success on the job. 1.2.2 The
Process of Selection: 1. Reception 2. Screening Interview 3. Application Blank 4. Selection Tests 5.
Selection Interview 6. Medical Examination 7. Reference Checks 1.3 The difference between
recruitment and selection: Recruitment is identifying and encouraging prospective employees to
apply for a job and Selection is selecting the right candidate from the pool of applicants. II.
Objectives 1) The primary objective of the study is to analyze the process of Recruitment and Selection
in the industries. 2) To observe the procedure to select the candidates from internal as well as from
external sources in the industries 3) To find out the various recruitment sources used by the selected
industries. 4) To study the employee satisfactory level with the existing recruitment policy in the
industry. 5) To study the stages of selection procedure in the industries 6) To find the reasons for
accepting the offer in the respective selected industries III. Research Methodology Research
methodology is a method to solve the research problem systematically. It involves gathering data,
use of statistical techniques, interpretations and drawing conclusions about research data. Keeping in
view the objectives of the study, data is collected from different sources. The purpose of this section
is to describe the methodology carried out to complete the work. The methodology plays a
dominant role in any research work. The effectiveness of any research work depends upon the
correctness and effectiveness of the research methodology. IV. Data Collection Data refers to a
collection of organized information, usually the results of experience, observation or experiment, or a
set of premises. This may consist of numbers, words, or images, particularly as measurements or
observations of a set of variables. V. Data Sources There are two types of data sources available
to the research processes. 1. Primary data. 2. Secondary data. 1. Primary Data The primary data is
collected by using primary methods such questionnaires, interviews, observations etc. For this
study questionnaires are used to collect primary data from the employees of the industries. We
know relatively little on a systematic basis about how or why organizations choose to use different
combinations of these strategies, though some of the results reported in the study of recruitment
and selection and in large firms offers some pointers that are worthy of further exploratory
research, particularly among small and medium sized organizations. Nowadays employees suggests
that personality tests are now being routinely used for some occupations in 19 per cent of
workplaces, and performance tests are being used in Recruitment and selection in 46% of workplaces.
Personality testing seems to be concentrated in larger workplaces and used upon professional,
managerial, and sales staff; and performance testing concentrated again in larger workplaces but
used for professional and administrative staff. Among the sample of large employers the overall relative
ranking of importance of different skill/suitability Assessment methods was as follows: 1. Interview 2.
Work experience 3. Performance/competency test 4. Qualifications 5. Assessment center 6.
Personality/aptitude test

2. Secondary Data:- Secondary data is collected from various Journals, books, websites,
Government reports, News papers, and other research reports. TABLE NO.1 Particulars No.of
Respondents Newspaper sources 45 Journals& Periodicals 10 Campus recruitment 40 Employee
referral 30 Consultancies 25 Total 150 VI. Analysis Data analysis is very important aspect of project,
as it basically involves the analysis of all the information that we collected. Data analysis is a body of
methods that help to describe facts, detect patterns, develop explanations and test hypothesis. After
analysis of each of the question in a questionnaire the interpretation of the same is also being
provided which includes the reason about the particular aspect of the organization. VII. Analysis of
Questionnaire 1.Analysis about the source of recruitment followed in the selected industries TABLE
NO.2 Particular No. of Respondents External 30 Internal 20 Both 100 Total 150 GRAPH NO .1
Interpretation: From the above table and graph it is observed that, 30 respondents have
accepted that the company is following external recruitment sources and 20 respondents have
accepted their company is following internal recruitment sources and 100 respondents have expressed
that their company is adopting both internal and external recruitment sources. 2. Analysis about the
attributes taken in to preference for recruitment and selection procedure TABLE NO.3 Interpretation:
It is observed that,25 members expressed that, their company gives preference to experienced
candidates. 50 members expressed that, their company gives preference to qualified candidates.
72 members expressed that, their company is giving preference to both experience and qualification
candidates and three members are accepted that their company gives preference to other criteria. 3.
Analysis about the main sources of selection in three selected industries Interpretation: It is observed
that 30 members of the total respondents have expressed that, their company is following written
tests 25 members of the total respondents have expressed that, their company is following group
discussions,50 members of the total respondents have expressed that, their company is following
interview,45 members of the total respondents have expressed that, their company is following all
the above tests as main source of selection. PIE CHART NO.1 Particulars No. of Respondents
Experience 25 Qualification 50 Both 72 Other 03 Total 150

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Analysis about the period of recruitment of your organization TABLE NO.4
Particulars No. of Respondents Quarterly 0 Half-Yearly 32 Annually 41 When we required 77 Total
150 Interpretation: It is observed that.32members of total respondents have expressed that the
company recruits employees half-yearly,41members of total respondents have expressed that the
company recruit employees annually, and 77 members of total respondents have expressed that the
company recruit employees whenever they required. 11. Analysis about the reason for accepting
the offer in the organization TABLE NO.5 Particulars No. of Respondents Relocation 20 Relation with
employer 15 Decent salary 50 Opportunities for growth 20 Job security 25 Identification with the
company 20 Total 150 Interpretation: From the above graph, we can understand that 20members
of total respondents are selected this organization for relocation, 15members of total respondents
are selected this organization for the reason of Relationship with employer ,50members of total
respondents are selected this organization for decent salary,25members of total respondents are
selected this organization for security, 20members of total respondents are selected this
organization for growth,20members of total respondents are selected this organization for
identification. VIII. Findings The findings from the analysis including charts, bars, and graphs are listed
as follows:- •The company considered portals as the most important medium of hiring employees and
then employee references are also act as the important source of recruiting people. •The employees
consider the employee references are one of the most reliable source of hiring the new employees
and also to some extent portals, but before hiring from portals the references provided there are
need to be confirmed as I did during my training period. •The most important feature in
company’s recruitment &selection policy is that we need to take in consideration the ratio between
the turn-up and line-up candidates, and after analysis I found it most of the employees are also
holding the same opinion. •The existing recruitment process of company is good but it has some
shortcomings that is being Covered in recommendations and on overall the recruitment department
has pressure on it. •After analysis of the company selection procedure I found out the company is
using quite effective method of doing selection of candidates and they always take in consideration
the cost-benefit ratio which is quite important from the long perspective of hiring employees. •The
ratio of selected candidates to joining candidates is quite effective and highest in number as the
employees being selected are also of the view that they are analyzed properly and effectively.
CONCLUSION The main thing that I want to conclude firstly is that with the help of analysis,
feedback generated through questionnaire I found that the company is following an effective
Recruitment and Selection process to maximum extent. As per my study, out of the various
methods of sourcing candidates, the best one is – getting references via references and networking. In
the process, I came across various experiences where the role of an HR and the relevant traits he
finds in the candidates were displayed. Company should focus on long term consistent performance
rather than short term. The emphasis towards training and enhancing skills of recruiters needs to be
more and also consistent .Even though an HR manager has many challenges to face in order to ensure
that the human resource department contributes to the bottom-line and emerges as a strategic
partner in the business, it is“ Talent acquisition”, that is the key determining factor in how well an
Human resource

department contributes towards the achievement of the overall objective of the organization and
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