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Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 3341–3350

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Engineering Structures
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Toward an economic design of reinforced concrete structures against

progressive collapse
H.M. Salem a , A.K. El-Fouly b,∗ , H.S. Tagel-Din b
Department of Structural Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Applied Science Int., 2012 TW Alexander Drive, Durham, NC 27709, USA

article info abstract

Article history: A three-dimensional discrete crack model based on the Applied Element Method is used to perform
Received 22 December 2009 economic design for reinforced concrete structures against progressive collapse. The model adopts fully
Received in revised form nonlinear path-dependent constitutive models for concrete and reinforcing bars. The model applies a
21 June 2011
dynamic solver in which post-failure behavior, element separation, falling and collision are predicted.
Accepted 22 June 2011
Available online 28 July 2011
First, the model is used to study the behavior of multi-story reinforced concrete buildings designed in a
traditional manner according to the ACI 318-08 and subjected to accidental removal of one or two central
columns at the ground level. In an iterative way, the model is then used to investigate a safe design
Applied Element Method against progressive collapse for such extreme loading case. Based on the analytical results of the AEM,
Numerical analysis it can be concluded that the collapse of only one column would not lead to any progressive collapse of
Progressive collapse the studied reinforced concrete structure. However, the collapse of more than one column may lead to a
GSA progressive collapse of a considerable part of it. It is concluded also that the AEM could be successfully used
UFC as an analytical tool to suggest economical designs that are safe against progressive collapse of reinforced
ASCE concrete structures.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Even though the structure met all code provisions, research
conducted after the disastrous event showed that alternatives
The spread of an initial local failure from element to element, to the building design, such as different reinforcement detailing
eventually resulting in the collapse of an entire structure and addition of some reinforcement, would have prevented the
or a disproportionately large part of it has been known as collapse without a significant increase in construction costs [3].
‘‘progressive collapse’’ [1]. Progressive collapse of a structure takes Structural progressive collapse has been the focus of extensive
place when the structure has its loading pattern or boundary research during the past few years because of the increasing rate
conditions changed such that structural elements are loaded of victims resulting from natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes and
beyond their ultimate capacities and fail. When any element fails, hurricanes) or human-made disasters (e.g., bomb blasts, fires and
the remaining elements of the structure seek alternative load paths vehicular impacts) [4–8]. Structural designers have traditionally
to redistribute the load applied to it. As a result, other elements focused on optimizing the cost of constructed facilities while
may fail, causing failure mechanism. It first drew the attention of meeting code requirements. Unfortunately, most of the structures
have been designed to resist gravity loads and lateral loads
structural engineers after the accidental collapse of the 22-story
resulting from wind or moderate earthquakes. The structural
Ronan Point tower in Canning Town, UK on May 1968. The cause
behavior of a constructed facility when subjected to loads beyond
of the collapse was a human-error gas explosion that knocked out
conventional design is not typically addressed.
the precast concrete panels near the 18th floor causing the floors
above to collapse [2].
The Oklahoma City Murrah Fedral Building was not designed 1.1. Progressive collapse design in current codes and standards
to resist progressive collapse. Half the building was collapsed in
The cause of the initiating damage to the primary load-bearing
1995 due to the destruction of only one column by the blast.
element is unimportant; the resulting sudden changes to the struc-
ture’s geometry and load-path are what matter. This means that
the analysis is threat independent. Design codes, therefore, in-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 9196454090; fax: +1 9196454085. corporates a threat independent approach to progressive collapse
E-mail address: elfouly@appliedscienceint.com (A.K. El-Fouly). analysis.
0141-0296/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3342 H.M. Salem et al. / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 3341–3350

Fig. 1. Progressive collapse analysis by Kaewkulchai and Williamson [14].

The ACI Code 318-08 [9] rely on structural integrity require- separation, falling and collision with other elements are very
ments to prevent progressive collapse of structures. This is based difficult. The GSA and UFC specifications tried to approximate and
on the assumption that improving redundancy and ductility by simplify the progressive collapse analysis procedure so as to be
good detailing of reinforcement can help to localize the damage able to be carried out by FEM; however, the process became so
and prevent it from propagating to other members and thus, the complicated and need many trials of analysis. Hartmann et al. [12]
overall stability of the structure can be satisfied. showed that the computations associated with the simulation of
The ASCE code for minimum design loads for buildings and collapses of real world structures based on conventional FEM are
other structures [1] specifies two alternative design approaches very costly, and therefore followed another approach based on
for increasing resistance against progressive collapse: direct design multibody models. Researchers have used the FEM for progressive
and indirect design. The direct design approach basically considers collapse analysis of frame structures [13–15]. As an example,
resistance to progressive collapse, explicitly during the design Fig. 1 shows a model for progressive collapse analysis of frames
process, by either the alternative load-path method or the specific by Kaewkulchai and Williamson [14]. To represent the initial
local resistance method. The alternative load-path method allows deformations before column removal, forces equal and opposite to
local failure to occur but the progressive collapse mechanism is the member forces of the failed column are applied to the node
averted or bridged over with alternate load paths to distribute connecting to the failed column. In this case, both the uniform
the load from the missing member to other redundant members load w and the applied forces (P , V , and M) are slowly applied to
so that the effect of the damage can be absorbed. The specific the frame so that static deformations are obtained. At a time step
local resistance method does not allow local failure to occur by where all loads reach their peak value, the applied forces (P , V , and
providing sufficient strength on the ‘‘key’’ element to resist the M) are removed to simulate an initiating collapse event. However,
failure of a structural member. While the direct design approach the analysis does not follow the behavior to the complete collapse.
offers a more explicit design solution, the indirect design method On the other hand, the Applied Element Method (AEM), adopted
takes a different methodology approach. It considers resistance to in the current study, proved to be capable of incorporating these
progressive collapse, implicitly during the design process, through features and following the structure to its total collapse [16–24].
the provisions of minimum levels of strength, continuity, and In the current study, the AEM is used to investigate the behavior
ductility. It is also stated that structures can be designed to sustain of RC structures under the removal of one or two central columns
or minimize the occurrence of progressive collapse by limiting the of the ground floor. Suggestions to prevent the entire progressive
effects of a local collapse from spreading out to other members collapse in an economic way are numerically investigated.
except for special protective structures where extra protection is
needed. 2. Research significance
General Services Administration (GSA) Guidelines [10] states
that redundancy, detailing to provide structural integrity and The significance of the current study arises from the need for
ductility, and capacity for resisting load reversal need to be a reliable analytical tool and a methodology that can be used for
considered in the design process to make the structure more robust design of RC structures against progressive collapse. Such a tool
and thus enhance its resistance against progressive collapse. It should be able to analyze a dynamic problem, to allow different
stipulates an analysis procedure of removing vertical load-bearing parts of a structure to separate and fall, to predict collision of
elements to assess the potential of progressive collapse to occur different parts of a structure, and to account for the collision forces
in a structure. The guideline also gives requirement on maximum between different parts. According to the available literature, all
allowable collapse area that can occur if one vertical member these capabilities do not exist in the current numerical methods
collapses. based on the FEM. On the other hand, the AEM was proved to
Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) [11] provides the detail for have such capabilities. In fact, progressive collapse analysis is a
structural design against progressive collapse. The indirect design big challenge because, for trustable results and for simulating such
approach is applied with the tie forces method. Minimum tie force high nonlinearity, fully detailed nonlinear structural modeling is
capacity requirements must be satisfied in the horizontal, vertical, crucial. The current study introduces three-dimensional numerical
or horizontal and vertical directions of the building. Similar to simulation, based on the AEM, for progressive collapse analysis
GSA requirements, the direct design approach is applied with the of reinforced concrete structures subjected to accidental removal
alternate-path method for buildings assigned to medium and high of ground columns. Based on an iterative-analysis, an optimum
levels of protection. design against progressive collapse is suggested.

1.2. Progressive collapse analysis 3. The Applied Element Method (AEM)

Although the FEM is a robust and well established structural The Applied Element Method [16,17,21–23] is an innovative
analysis method, it is not the optimum solution for the scope modeling method adopting the concept of discrete cracking. In
of progressive collapse analysis. Many drawbacks are associated the Applied Element Method (AEM), the structures are modeled
with the FEM progressive collapse analysis. The element damage, as an assembly of relatively small elements, made by dividing the
H.M. Salem et al. / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 3341–3350 3343

Fig. 2. Modeling of a structure with the AEM.

Contact normal spring


Shear spring in y Shear spring in X Normal Spring

(a) Corner-to-face or corner-to-ground contact. (b) Edge-to-edge contact.

Fig. 3. Different types of element contact.

structure virtually, as shown in Fig. 2. The elements are connected study, the Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS) software [29], that
together along their surfaces through a set of normal and shear is based on the AEM, is used.
springs. Each adjacent element is assumed to be connected by The Applied Element Method (AEM) was proven to be capable of
normal and shear springs located at contact points, which are analyzing the structure to its total collapse [16–24]. For validating
distributed on the element faces. Normal and shear springs are the AEM ability to analyze the progressive collapse-resistance
responsible for transfer of normal and shear stresses. Springs of structures, the authors performed a structural analysis to
represent stresses and deformations of a certain volume as shown the experimental study carried out by Wei et al. [30]. In this
in Fig. 2. Two adjacent elements can be separated once the springs experiment, Wei et al. [30] investigated progressive failure of a
connecting them are ruptured. reinforced concrete frame due to the loss of a lower story column.
Fully nonlinear path-dependent constitutive models are A four-bay and three-story one-third scale model representing a
adopted in the AEM as shown in Fig. 2. For concrete in compres- segment of a larger planar frame structure was tested. A constant
sion, an elasto-plastic and fracture model is adopted [25]. When vertical load of 109 kN was applied to the top of the middle column
concrete is subjected to tension, linear stress–strain relationship by a servo-hydraulic actuator to simulate the gravity load of the
is adopted till the cracking of concrete springs occurs, where the upper floors and the failure of the middle column of the first
stresses drop to zero. Since the method adopts discrete crack ap-
story was simulated by unloading a mechanical jacking system.
proach, the reinforcing bars are modeled as bare bars for the en-
Fig. 4 shows the layout of the experiment, while Fig. 5 shows
velope while the model of Ristic et al. [26] is used for the interior
concrete dimensions and reinforcement details for both beams
and columns. Fig. 6 shows the ELS model for the structure, where
The AEM is a stiffness-based method, in which an overall stiff-
all the reinforcement details have been taken into consideration.
ness matrix is formulated and the equilibrium equations includ-
Fig. 7 shows the force versus downward displacement of the lower
ing each of stiffness, mass and damping matrices are nonlinearly
middle column obtained from the experimental results compared
solved for the structural deformations (displacements and rota-
tions). The solution for equilibrium equations is an implicit one to the AEM analytical results, where, the AEM results are validated.
that adopts a dynamic step-by-step integration (Newmark-beta Fig. 8 shows the collapse limit state of the frame predicted by AEM
time integration procedure [27,28]. One of the main valuable fea- compared to the experimental results, which also verifies the AEM
tures in the AEM is the automatic detection of element separa- results.
tion and contact. Two neighboring elements can separate from
each other if the matrix springs connecting them are ruptured. El- 4. Progressive collapse analysis of a multistory RC building
ements may automatically separate, re-contact again or contact
other elements. Fig. 3 illustrates the different types of element con- A five-story reinforced concrete building, with a total height
tact, where contact springs are generated at contact points. In this of 15 m and footprint dimensions of 27 × 17.6 m, is considered
3344 H.M. Salem et al. / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 3341–3350

Table 1
Material properties used in analysis.
Material Young’s modulus Yield stress Tensile strength (MPa) Compressive strength (MPa)

Concrete 22,135 – 2 25
Reinforcing bars 210,000 360 MPa 540 540

Fig. 4. One-third scale progressive collapse experiment for a reinforced concrete frame [30].

Fig. 5. Concrete dimensions and reinforcement details for beams and columns [30].

Fig. 7. Middle column load versus unloading displacement of failed column

predicted by AEM compared to the experimental results of Wei et al. [30].

were obtained. Thereafter, a complete design of the building

using ACI [9] was performed. Typical reinforcement details are
shown in Fig. 10. With this design, the building was analyzed
using the AEM. The AEM model is shown in Fig. 11, where all
the reinforcement details of the slabs, beams and columns are
explicitly introduced into the analysis. The reinforcing bars are
not modeled as independent elements, however, they represent a
portion of the connecting springs. The total number of elements in
the analysis was 10,885. The material properties used in analysis
are shown in Table 1.
Fig. 6. ELS model for the experiment of Wei et al. [30].
4.1. Case #1: removal of one central column

in this study as shown in Fig. 9(a). Two different cases of loading In this case, the building was subjected to an accidental removal
are considered. The first one incorporates a sudden removal of of one central column (C1) at the ground floor level. The analysis
one central column (C1), while the other incorporates a sudden consisted of two stages. The first stage was a static stage before
removal of two central columns (C1 and C2) as shown in Fig. 9(b). the removal of the column, where the structure experiences the
At first, a Linear Elastic Finite Element Analysis (LEFEM) was carried original deformations due to gravity loads before removing any
out under gravity loads (dead loads and live loads) using the elements. The second stage was a dynamic one in which the
SAP 2000 package [31], and the internal forces of all members column was suddenly removed. The time step of analysis was
H.M. Salem et al. / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 3341–3350 3345

(a) Experiment [30]. (b) AEM.

Fig. 8. Collapse limit state of the frame predicted by AEM compared to the experimental results of Wei et al. [30].

(a) Perspective view. (b) Removed columns.

Fig. 9. Studied multi-story RC building.

Fig. 10. Typical reinforcement details of the multi-story building.

0.001 s. This case did not show any progressive collapse. It was the evolution of normal forces in the columns in a longitudinal
observed that the structure was capable of redistributing the frame passing through the removed column. The normal forces
internal forces after the removal of the column and was then are shown for three stages; just before column removal, at 0.04 s,
able to resist progressive collapse. Fig. 12 shows the history of and at 0.2 s after column removal. As shown, the normal forces in
the deflection of the floor just above the removed column. As the columns above the removed one suddenly reduced almost to
seen, the floor exhibited a sudden deflection of 43 mm but then zero and their loads are conveyed to the surrounding columns by
vibrates up and down around a residual deflection of 38 mm, flexure, where the two bays above the removed column behave like
which represents a final stable state for the floor. Fig. 13 shows a Vierendeel girder.
3346 H.M. Salem et al. / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 3341–3350

Fig. 11. AEM mesh for the concrete and reinforcing bars.

bars are ruptured as shown at time = 0.8 s. Thus, propagating

in a disproportionate way, the excessive deformations and their
accompanied damage lead, finally, to the collapse of a huge part of
the structure (one-third).
Fig. 16 shows the stress evolution in both the upper and lower
bars of one of the beams above one of the removed columns as
shown in Fig. 16(a). Just above the removed column, and before
its removal, the stresses were tensile for the upper bars and
compressive for the lower ones. Once the column was removed,
and due to the downward deformations at this location, the
tensile stresses in the upper bars started to decrease and became
compressive, while the compressive stresses in the lower bars
decreased and changed into tension at t = 0.04 s. With further
Fig. 12. Floor vibration after a sudden removal of column C1. deformations, stresses in the lower bars kept increasing, while
those in the upper bars changed again into tension. Meanwhile,
the compressed concrete was tensioned again and does not fail in
4.2. Case #2: removal of two central columns compression. This is attributed to the catenary action of the beam.
The tensile stresses in both the upper and lower bars then kept
This case was similar to case #1 except that two neighboring increasing with further deformations and eventually they were
columns (C1 and C2) were simultaneously removed. In this case, ruptured at t = 0.8 s at four locations for the upper bars and two
a progressive collapse of about one-third of the building was locations for the lower bars, where the stresses in the bars dropped
observed as shown in Fig. 14. The removal of these columns caused to zero.
excessive deformations of the supported slabs and beams, and Fig. 17 shows the stress history of the upper and lower bars in
finally led to a partial collapse. The collapsed area represents an the beam section adjacent to column just above a removed column.
answer to the requirements of GSA and UFC codes. In this case, As seen, before column removal, the upper bars were subjected to
the maximum allowable area is 142 m2 (the smaller of 334 m2 tension, while the lower ones were subjected to compression. After
and the area directly associated with the instantaneously removed removal of the column, the stresses in the upper bars changed into
columns). The collapsed area is 142 m2 which lies within the compression, while that in the lower ones changed into tension.
allowable limits. At t = 0.05 s, the stresses in the upper one were tensioned
Fig. 15 shows a close-up view (inside view) for the two removed again, revealing the activation of the catenary action, where both
columns and the supported floors, where the major principal bars were tensioned with the lower one having higher tensile
strain contours are drawn. These strains are a good indicator of stresses due to bending action. The catenary action was proved
concrete cracking and plastic hinge visualization. The damage, by integrating the normal stresses in the beam and the center-to-
which initiated the progressive collapse, was localized in the center part of the slab as shown in Fig. 18. The normal force history
middle sections of the floor beams above the removed columns showed clearly a transformation of a compressive force of 50 kN
as shown in Fig. 15. The locations of the plastic hinges are shown into a tensile one of 600 kN at t = 0.4 s. At t = 0.7 s, the catenary
at time = 0.4 s. With further deformations, strains in reinforcing action started to drop due to collapse of beams as shown in
bars at the location of plastic hinges increase and eventually the Fig. 18.
H.M. Salem et al. / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 3341–3350 3347

(a) Time = 0.0 s (Before column removal).

(b) Time = 0.04 s.

(c) Time = 0.2 s.

Fig. 13. Normal force evolution in columns due to column removal in case # 1 (in kN).

5. Can we prevent progressive collapse? LFEM). With this additional bottom reinforcement, progressive
collapse was prevented with a floor deflection of about 240 mm
In this section, a proposed design to prevent progressive (span/20). This deflection may be considered reasonable for such
collapse of the multi-story RC structures due to removal of ground an extreme loading case knowing that the beam span is 5.4 m and
columns in an optimum and economic way is introduced. The hence retrofitting process would not be so difficult.
proposed method has an iterative design, in which, additional
bottom reinforcement is used above removed columns as shown 6. Conclusion
in Fig. 19. The steps of the design procedures are shown in
a flow chart in Fig. 20, where AEM analysis is carried out Based on the analytical results of the AEM, the following con-
several times till getting the minimum amount of additional clusions are obtained.
reinforcement that help preventing the progressive collapse. The 1. The AEM is an efficient, accurate, and simple tool for progressive
minimum amount of additional reinforcement was decided from collapse analysis compared to FEM. In one analysis, the
those trials as shown in Fig. 21. In Fig. 21, the history of floor collapse area can be obtained by taking into consideration
deflection above removed columns is drawn for different amounts material nonlinearity, large deformations, element failure
of additional reinforcement. The non-collapsing structures are and separation, and collision between different parts of the
those, whose floor deflection is eventually stabilizing without structure.
excessive increase. The amount of additional reinforcement in 2. For the studied RC structure, the collapse of only one central
Fig. 21 is expressed as a percentage of the required additional ground column would not lead to any progressive collapse.
reinforcement calculated based on a static linear FEM analysis However, the collapse of two central ground columns would
in which the two ground columns are missing. As can be seen, lead to a progressive collapse of one-third of the studied
the static LFEM overestimates the required reinforcement. Using structure.
the AEM, a proper economic amount of reinforcement is obtained 3. The AEM can be successfully used as an analytical tool to suggest
(about 50% less than the amount of reinforcement calculated using economical designs that are safe against progressive collapse
3348 H.M. Salem et al. / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 3341–3350

(a) Time = 0.0 s. (b) Time = 0.5 s. (c) Time = 1.5 s.

(d) Time = 2.5 s.

Fig. 14. Progressive collapse of the five-story reinforced concrete building in case #2.

(a) Time = 0.0 s. (b)Time = 0.4 s.

(c) Time = 0.8 s. (d) Time = 1.2 s.

(e) Principal contours scale.

Fig. 15. Inside view for the deformations and principal strain contours in case #2.
H.M. Salem et al. / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 3341–3350 3349

(a) Position of bars rupture. (b) Stresses along upper bars.

(c) Stresses along lower bars.

Fig. 16. Stress distribution along bars in a beam above removed column.

Fig. 17. Stresses in the upper and lower bars in the section adjacent to column in the beam above a removed column.

Fig. 18. Normal force in a slab strip and a beam above a removed column. Fig. 19. Additional bottom reinforcement above removed columns.

of reinforced concrete structures. For the studied case, it was
proved that using the AEM can bring about 50% reduction The authors would like to express their gratitude to Applied
of the amount of additional reinforcement compared to Science International, LLC, for the financial support to the current
LEFEM. research.
3350 H.M. Salem et al. / Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 3341–3350

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