HW Finals

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MARCH 2020
1. For you, what is the best and most helpful topic that was discussed during the term? Explain why.

Personally, I find the topic about the stages of psychosocial development as the most
helpful topic. To be honest, this is not the first time that I have ever heard of that but I find it
amusing every time I am reminded of this very topic. The thorough understanding of this topic
made me realize to further look on the other side of one’s peculiar personality. It is also after such
discussion did I realize the weight of the responsibility of the parents in raising their offspring. Just
like what Dr. Derez told us, the child is able to experience all sorts of feeling right after conception.
2. Do you think the ability to deal with stress and stressor is a type of intelligence? Why or why not?

Yes, I do consider the aforementioned ability to handle stress and stressors as a type of
intelligence. I firmly believe that such ability could be categorized under the Intrapersonal
intelligence which is one out of the nine types of intelligence cited by Howard Gardner. According
to him, Intrapersonal intelligence is the capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values,
beliefs and thinking processes. It may be a bit absurd for other people but I personally think that there are
actually various types of intelligence that we haven’t probably heard of. The world is constantly changing
and so are the people residing here.
3. One source of attitude is through models or modeling. Write down five individuals/people that
served as your model/s in shaping your behavior and what attitude you liked best in her/him.

There are a lot of people whom I really look up to because of certain attributes that I
usually mimic for I know that it is a form of continuous improvement for me as an individual. For the
sake of avoiding redundancy in this assignment, I would refrain from citing my parents though I
highly consider them as role models. Without much ado, the first one is a church mate, whom I call
Nanay Becca, she showed me what it takes to be a faithful servant of the Lord. She is the most
selfless person I know because she always find a way to offer help, may it be brothers and sisters
in Christ or even people who wronged her. Second is my close friend, Alexander Apura, who is the
perfect epitome of humility. He showed me the beauty of having everything without the need of
showing off his possessions. Third is my high school teacher, Mrs. Patricia Sy - De Vera, who is by
far the wisest person I have ever met. She taught me how to blend in the crowd without losing the
principles which I hold firmly into. Fourth is my uncle whom I call Kuya Jun. He taught me the value
of optimism. He was in charge of his family at a very young age because his father abandoned
them while his mother suffered blindness. He had been through the roughest of times but he grew
up with a positive mindset which he unknowingly spread out to other people. Last but definitely not
the least is my sister, Dianne Alarcon, whom I obviously look up to. By obvious, I mean, I went to
the same schools as her, I took up the same program, and soon enough, I will work in the same
company with her. My sister is the most family oriented person I know. She is more than willing to
take greater heights for the sake of the family experiencing the luxury of life.
4. What personality attributes were you able to inherit from your parents in term of physical,
psychological, mental, and emotional. Give one each and how it is manifested in you.

Ever since I was young, I usually hear people say that I look very much like my father. I am
regarded as the girl version of him. As for the psychological, I think we are the same in the
Conscientiousness trait because we both tend to work hard in our own tasks in order to accomplish
it on time. As for mental, my father pass on his frugality to me which is why I easily get tired after
roaming around a department store for quite some time. Being frugal means I only spend my
resources on my needs. The wants are way down my things-to-buy list. As for emotional, we are
both non-expressive of gratitude and despair. We keep those emotions to ourselves not because
we want to but because we do not have the ability to do so.
As for my mom, I have never heard anyone say that I look anything like her. I may have
heard some but they are mostly pertaining to very minute details like brows, hair, and the like. For
the psychological, I think we are the same in the Introversion trait because we are both reserved in
a way that we don’t usually initiate the conversation. For mental, we are both perceptive in a way
that we both try to look on the much deeper meaning of the sensory clues that are available. In
simpler terms, we tend to look for all possible reason as to why another person is being like this or
that. Lastly, for emotional, we are both flexible in a way that we both try to adapt with the changing

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