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Matt and Maggi have now both been charged with

W one count of first degree felony perjury under

e are asking you today for your support of two comrades, state law. This is a serious felony and something nobody in
Olympia has been charged
Matt Duran and Maggi (Margaret Belknap), who have been
charged with perjury in connection with their participation in an with before in this context. It's
anti-police demonstration in Olympia, WA on April 8th. common in court cases to
have witnesses who give
The anti-police march had attendance and support we haven't completely contradictory
seen in years. During a mass arrest, 29 people went to jail (The testimony where nobody is
State Street 29) of the original approximately 50 participants , charged with perjury. The
most of which were not charged. Several people were beaten prosecutor is making this
or pepper balled, sat on the ground for hours in the cold charge on the basis that she
waiting to be escorted off one by one, without being told what was convicted. If one were
they were charged with, without being fed, without being to follow this logic, the
allowed allowed to call attorneys, blah blah you know the officers who testified to
story. the assault should
also be charged with Matt headed to court
Three individuals were initially charged. Paul French was perjury as she was
charged with felony assault of an officer, Jami Williams with acquitted of one charge (and therefore their testimony must
misdemeanor assault and malicious mischief, and Maggi with have been falsified as well). On the day of trial, the prosecution
two counts of felony assault of an officer. We believe the tried to bring in a witness they had not previously notified the
evidence the police presented was fabricated and/or defense about: an officer who had for over a month not
insufficient for conviction. Paul pled no contest and was realized he witnessed the whole event, now claiming he had
sentenced to 90 days in jail. He served two months on good seen the alleged assault! He was not allowed to testify, but it
behaviour. is likely he will testify in this case. This officer (Bryan Houser)
also unjustly attacked a member of the Olympia community
We were all excited when we named Pony shortly after attempting to testify during Maggi's
thought this ordeal was over, initial assault case.
but now they are facing new
charges. When Maggi was We need to raise a serious amount of funds to
initially charged , she testified bring political pressure, hire attorneys, and do
in her defense. Matt, who outreach and we need to raise it in a matter of
was a witness to her arrest, months. We have to raise $5,000 to pay the retainer for Matt's
also testified. They both lawyer and that amount will probably triple if this goes to trial.
testified that Maggi did not We all know how crucial yet costly these battles are. If the
assault the officer and police can use this tactic successfully, perjury charges will
suggested that maybe it was occur much more frequently against those who take the risk
the officer who assaulted of challenging government unaccountability in a public way.
her. Two officers testified While the visible and public presence of the anti-police
against her (the alleged movement in Olympia was damaged by the loss the State
Street ordeal has put on us, the convictions of Maggi and Matt
Maggi during her arrest victim and witness). Even
their witness, who said he could very well be the straw that breaks the proverbial camel's
was standing next to the back. In September, police across Washington State killed six
officer the entire time, admitted that he couldn't say for sure individuals and no officers have been charged for those
whether or not she assaulted the officer. Maggi was convicted killings. Most of them haven't had any public investigation
of one count and acquitted of the other. whatsoever.
To get text updates, text “follow Produced by the Matt and Maggi Support Committee
mattandmaggi” (without quotes) to Web:
40404. This service uses Twitter Paypal:
and sends out a few text messages a month Checks and money orders should be made out to Alex
Bryan. Well-concealed cash and other donations can be sent
to keep folks updates on the case and to PO BOX 1806, Olympia, WA 98507.
Both Maggi and Matt have been active members of our
community and movement for years. Recently Matt had Call the Thurston County Prosecutor's
begun organizing copwatches downtown in response to Office and ask them to drop the charges
certain events, such as Artswalk, where "street sweeps" are against Matt Duran and Margaret Belknap!
conducted to harass the houseless and "clean up" the city. 360-786-5540
Matt regularly volunteers at the Olympia Food Co-Op and
helped set up a public computer lab at our local social and The above statements do not necessarily reflect the views of
activist resource center, Media Island. Maggi was a founding Matt or Maggi but rather the views of the support committee.
member of Olympia SDS, Port Militarization Resistance, and
the Olympia Street Medics. She has also been extensively
involved in EGYHOP (Emma Goldman Youth and Homeless
Outreach Program), a street outreach organization. Maggi also
volunteers at Media Island. While we do not find it unusual or
unexpected that they have been targeted in this way, it is
worth mentioning the greater context that these charges fit

To emphasize the seriousness of these charges, under

suggested sentencing guidelines Matt faces 3-6 months
and Maggi faces 6-12 (due to her previous assault
conviction). Given the political targeting that is already
going on, we expect them to push for maximum sentences.
Other crimes in the 6-12 month category include:
child molestation, extortion, kidnapping, rape, and
possessing a stolen firearm. These charges are a big
deal and we need major support to fight them.

The support committee that has taken on this task is a small

group of dedicated people and we'll make sure every dollar
donated goes directly to fighting these charges and
supporting Maggi and Matt in jail, should it come to that.

Freedom to All Political Prisoners
Freedom to All Prisoners!

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