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Mew's Ultimate CPA Guide

Give this away and you're a:

• Leecher
• Scammer
• Asshole

I've wanted to write this guide for a while now, and after multiple deletions, I've decided to
write it. This is no new, special secret method or anything. It's a well known method to make
money online. This is the only way (as far as I know) you can make hundreds each month
virtually all on auto-pilot. If you have looked into CPA before but thought it was too confusing
or that it'd take too much of your time, let this eBook take care of that for you. I'm going to
assume you know what CPA is already, and if not, just use Google. Okay let's start.

What You'll Need

• Leadbolt account
• Web-hosting
• Domain name
• YouTube account

Method Checklist
1. Create Leadbolt account
2. Find web-hosting
3. Set up an FPS hack website
4. Advertise (YouTube)
Creating Your Leadbolt Account
First thing you're going to need is the LeadBolt account. LeadBolt is a great CPA company
because they don't really care how you get your leads. They'll allow you to get away with a bit
of blackhat stuff. Not saying that is what the guide is, but 'blackhat' techniques can be used if
needed. Since I'm giving this away to you for free, you should use my referral to sign up if you
don't already have an account.

Once you have signed up there, wait for your account to be approved. If you're from
HackForums, use the search feature there and find the Leadbolt instant approval thread. This
will get your account approved faster.

Finding Your Web-hosting

A vital part of this method is setting up a website, and to do that you need to find hosting and if
you want, a domain name. A domain name is completely optional but it will help you make a lot
more money due to our method looking more legit. You need hosting which has Fantastico
(there are some alternatives to Fantastico..) but what you'll need to do is install Wordpress. I
chose Wordpress because it's super easy to set up a quick website with. A retard (no offence)
could do it.

You can pay for web-hosting, I have used GoDaddy before but I've heard mixed feelings about
it. There's also free hosting or cheaper hosting that can be found on HackForums. The downside
to free hosting is that your site can go down in month or two unexpectedly, and if you don't
know how to switch web-hosts and what not, it could be a bit annoying. Though if you want to
take this route, go on HackForums and look in the Hosting forum under the Webmaster tab.
Lots of free hosting there. You can get your domain name through NameCheap.

Setting Up Your Site

Okay, before we get started with our main step.. let me mention, I'm not going to hold your
hand through this. I'm probably not even going to add pictures. Before starting this method
make sure you..
1. Have the ability to use common sense.
2. Have a finger to click things.
3. Have moved from Mom's tit to bottle.
Alright so you have your hosting and domain. You're going to want to open up your hosting's
Cpanel and install Wordpress. You should be able to do this through Fantastico, or manually,
whatever. So:

1. Install Wordpress.
2. Install a nice theme. I used one called LightWords.
3. Clean it up, make it look nice, do not do this sloppy. Tidiness matters!

Now you have a pretty nice site/blog thing which you can add posts to and kinda make it look
like a website. Try to make it look more like a website than just a normal blog. This is the next
thing we're going to need to do.

1. Find an FPS Hack. I use Black Ops because everybody wants Black Ops hacks.
2. Download a hack then upload again but to Mediafire or something.
3. Put the hack's link (Mediafire, whatever) on your website.
4. Put the Leadbolt content unlocker on the download page.
5. “Borrow” content from other Black Ops hacks websites to put on your own.

• If you can't find a Black Ops hack, find any other hack and label it as a Black Ops hack.
• Make sure to create a separate page for the actual download link. You don't want the
content unlocker to show up right when they visit your website.
• Create a few different pages for your site to make it look like a legit Black Ops Hack
site. I like to add Video, Screenshots, Download, and Testimonial pages. Leave the main
page for news.
• Put the hacks features on the Download page so that it looks more legit.
• I usually say the hacks are usually paid but are free for a limited time.
• There's a Leadbolt Wordpress plugin that you can use. Just search for it through
Wordpress. You can add your content unlocker to the download page easier with

There are many ways to advertise, but what I do is just steal a video from YouTube then upload
it as my own. For our method, find a video which is obviously someone using a Hack. Put
overlays and what not on the video that says to visit your site. In the title put [NO SURVEYS]
(lol lies) and just make it look good. MAKE YOURSELF LOOK PROFESSIONAL. Include a
link to your site of course. The more legit you make everything look, the more revenue you're
going to make.

Now you may be wondering: How do I get views? Well you're going to use a website called
“Enhance Views”

This site allows you to earn credits and use those credits towards free video views, comments,
likes, and so on. You only have to do it for a bit then you'll start getting natural views. I have
almost 10k views in just a few months. The sites self explanatory; just buy a lot of views or
comments/likes. The likes are important for your video to seem more legit.

• Don't hide comments on your YouTube video. The comments will make your site and
everything look more real.
• Upload many videos! Try to do it on different accounts though. The more videos up and
more times you advertise, the more money you will make in the end.
• Advertise your videos on other videos comments section.
• Use a YouTube bot. Using one of these is the best way for your videos to get maximum

Yeah this guide may be a bit boring, but I promise if you follow it step by step you can make
hundreds monthly. All you have to do is the initial start up and then advertise, after that it's all
autopilot. If you need any help, feel free to PM me on HackForums.

Good luck.

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