Secret of 1hour Week

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The Secret Of The

1-Hour Work Week

Generate Many Streams Of Income
Writing About Anything And
Everything That Interests You

By Nick Usborne
Published by:

American Writers & Artists Inc.

245 NE 4th Avenue, Suite 102
Delray Beach, FL 33483
Phone: 561-278-5557
Fax: 561-278-5929

© American Writers & Artists Inc., 2013. All rights reserved.

Protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties.

No part of this publication in whole or in part may be copied, duplicated, reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without the express written permission from the publisher.

Copyright and other intellectual property laws protect these materials and any unauthorized
reproduction or retransmission will constitute an infringement of copyright law.

Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction,
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copyright infringement are set forth at 18 U.S.C. § 2319.
Table Of Contents

The Secret Of The 1-Hour Work Week . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Chapter 1
What Is A Money-Making Website? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Explore The “Underground” World Of Profitable Online Writing

Chapter 2
Five Reasons Why You Should Get Involved . . . . . . . . . 9
Why Publishing Your Own Information Website Is Such
A Great Way To Make Money Writing Just One Hour A Week

Chapter 3
The Foundation Of Your Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Insider Tips On Choosing The Best Topic For Your
Money-Making Website

Chapter 4
Make Up Your Mind To Get Started On Your Own
Money-Making Website! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Accelerate Your Success By Working With
The Best In The Business

The Secret Of The 1-Hour Work Week

You like to write, especially about your pastimes and hobbies. And,
you want to stop doing it just for fun. You know there must be way of
making some money. There are people out there who could benefit
from your experience, you’ve thought, and they’d probably pay for
your advice.

But, you don’t have a lot of time (your day job, family, and other
responsibilities take up most of your day) … and besides, you’ve never
been paid for your writing before. You don’t know where to start.

There is a way to make sizeable income writing about things you’re

interested in. It could be enough for those little extra luxuries you
can’t afford right now. Or, you could save the money for retirement,
a college fund, or an expensive vacation. And, the best part is … you
only have to work one hour a week.

So, what’s the secret behind this “1-Hour Work Week”?

The Internet’s role as the world’s #1 information source, and people’s

thirst for free advice on just about every subject under the sun. Just
think about what you’ve Googled recently to get an idea of what I’m
talking about. What sites did you visit?

What I’m proposing is that you meet that need and create your own
information-packed website. And, despite not doing any “selling,”
you’ll make plenty of money — while working just one hour a week.

I call it the Money-Making Website. I’ll go over exactly what it

is in just a moment. But first, here’s why I truly believe in this

I get to write about a subject I enjoy. I work at my own pace. I
don’t have to spend a bunch of money on start-up costs. And, as I
mentioned, I don’t really sell anything. I just share my knowledge
and enthusiasm.

Plus, the website itself is easy to set up and update — no tech

expertise needed.

And yes, I still make money. Quite a bit of money, actually.

Better still, this isn’t like one of those Internet “launch” programs,
where you put all your work into a big launch ... and then wait to see
if it works or not. Then, of course, you have to start over with the
next big launch.

When you write a Money-Making Website, every page you write

keeps working for you, for months and years into the future. You feel
like a writer … not someone running a business.

You have fun writing, keep adding pages to your site, and make more
and more money.

For people who like to write, this is the perfect way to make money


Nick Usborne

Chapter 1
What Is A Money-Making Website?

Explore The “Underground” World Of Profitable Online Writing

So, what exactly is a Money-Making Wesite?

Good question!

Put simply, it’s a website that gives readers the information they are
looking for on a particular topic. And, of course, it’s a website that
earns you, the creator, a nice income.

The best way to explain this is to show you some examples.

This is one of my own websites, It includes

hundreds of pages, providing useful information on every aspect of
making gourmet coffee at home.

This site,, was created by Sarah Clachar, and
is all about staying fit as a family, together., created by Karen McCamy, is about the

wonders of archaeology.

All three sites, and thousands of others like them, attract an engaged
group of visitors and readers — via the search engines, social media,
and other sources. And, all generate revenue for their creators.

Could you create a website like one of these, on a topic that

interests you?

Yes, you could. I know over 1,000 people who have done just that.
And, I’ve helped them personally.

Most of them had absolutely no previous experience with

creating websites or blogs.

That’s right. Site-building tools have become so simple and intuitive,

just about anyone can build their own website. Look at it this way ...
if you are web-savvy enough to use Facebook, you are web-savvy
enough to create your own Money-Making Website.

Yes, there is a learning curve. But, the same is true of Facebook.

Can you actually make money with one of these websites?

Yes, you can. My information sites make me up to $50,000 a year.

That’s a pretty nice second income. Other people I know make a
great deal more, doing the same thing as I do. Others make less.

For a lot of us, even making just $5,000 more each year can make a
difference. That’s money you can use for a vacation, to pay off some
debt, to put aside for retirement, and so on.

As an example, let’s say you have a real interest in doing yoga. And,
let’s say you do a little research online to try to find some in-depth
information on this topic.

Undoubtedly, you’ll find some sites that talk about yoga. But, maybe
you’ll find a gap. You’ll see that although plenty of sites have some
information on this topic, no one site stands out as an outstanding
source of quality information.

So you start planning, creating, and writing a website of your own.

You break the topic area into different subjects, like yoga for men
and yoga for women.

You look at yoga for people who are pregnant, yoga for athletes, and
yoga for children.

You look at yoga mats, training DVDs, books, and yoga clothing.

Once you start digging, you find that you can put together dozens
and then hundreds of pages on this subject.

You’ll then add a forum or blog to your website, so that your readers
can submit their own content, which grows your website even faster,
without much more effort from you.

With a growing body of content, you’ll not only be loved by your

readers, but will also be noticed by Google and the other major
search engines. The number of visitors to your site will grow and
grow, and before you know it, you’ll be receiving over a thousand
visitors a day.

Then, with tens of thousands of people coming to your site each

month, you’ll be in a strong position to start making some money.

How? There are many ways, but let’s look at two of the top ones.

To start, you can include contextual ads on your content pages.

Whenever someone clicks on the ad, you’ll get paid by the ad service,
the most popular of which is Google AdSense.

You can also look for companies which sell yoga products and see if
they have an affiliate program.

For instance, you can join the Amazon affiliate program and then
include links from your site to yoga product pages on theirs.

Keep in mind, this is passive income. Once you place the ads or links
on your pages, there is nothing further to do. You don’t have to deal
with customers, process payments, or ship products.

You simply keep writing quality content, include those ads and
affiliate links on each page, and then watch the money flow in
every month.

Your job is simply to create more and more quality pages. Fill the
information gaps and genuinely help your readers.

The larger your website grows, the more visitors you will receive, and
the more money you will make.

It’s really that simple.

If you made an extra $10,000 a year from your own

Money-Making Website, how would you spend it?

Create your wish list here ...






Chapter 2
Five Reasons Why You Should Get Involved

Why Publishing Your Own Information Website Is Such A

Great Way To Make Money Writing Just One Hour A Week

If you want to make money writing, there are five solid reasons why
you should write your own Money-Making Website.

Reason #1 — There is no selling involved.

When you write an information website, you don’t do any selling.

You don’t write pages that are trying to sell a product or service.
Basically, you are writing editorial. You are sharing useful information.
And, it’s about a subject you enjoy! Sometimes you are writing
product or service reviews.

But, the selling part is done by the sites you direct people to ... either
through contextual ads or affiliate links.

Your job as the writer and editor of a content-rich website is to

deliver useful, interesting, and engaging information. Leave the
selling to the people at the sites you direct your visitors to.

And, you don’t even need to pitch your website to join affiliate
programs either.

Acceptance is usually automatic. Lots of people don’t like to sell, but

are happy writing editorial-style content about a topic that interests

Reason #2 — No technical skills are required.

Writing a content site is dead simple. If you can use a word-processing

program like Microsoft Word, you can use the same skills to write and
format your website pages.

Just set up the look and feel of your site, add category navigation
tabs, and then add pages as if you were creating word-processing

Most online hosting services enable you to create links with a couple
of clicks and add photos or other images just as simply.

You don’t need to know any HTML, or know what CSS means.

That said, if you want to create something more sophisticated, you

can. If you want to learn some coding skills, go for it. But, you don’t
need to.

Other ways to make money online, like writing and creating e-books
do require more technical skills and knowledge ... from the design of
your e-book to the installation of payment processing.

Reason #3 — You set your own schedule.

You don’t have any bosses or clients or customers writing to you or

calling you.

You can write your website at your own pace. There are no rules, no
set schedules.

If you need to take a break for a few days or weeks, that’s fine.

Certainly, you will want to try to generate new pages for your site
at a decent pace. After all, the faster you build your site, the sooner
you’ll start making a decent amount of money.

But, this is a business and income model that allows you enormous

You are never tied to your desk. You never HAVE to be there in order
to deal with customer service issues, suppliers, or anything else.

Remember, this is a truly passive way to make money.

And, if you do need to take a few weeks off from your website, it
won’t have a negative impact on your site traffic or your income. It
is good to grow your site on a regular basis, but you also have the
flexibility to step back as and when you need or want to. Your site
will continue to make money even while you take time off.

Reason #4 — The traffic to your site will be free.

A carefully constructed and well-written content site will attract traffic

through the major search engines.

You don’t pay a penny. This is free, organic traffic coming in from
Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and other search engines and directories.

The more pages you write, and the more carefully you optimize each
page for particular keywords and phrases, the more traffic you will

For sure, your free, organic traffic will not amount to much during
the first weeks and months following the launch of your site. But over
time, the numbers will grow and keep growing.

By building your site and business on free traffic, you don’t have any
costs to subtract from the revenues you earn. Other than your time
and the tiny hosting costs for your website, every penny you make is
profit. It’s yours.

Reason #5 — You are building a long-term asset.

In the world of investment, one often invests either to generate a

regular income or to achieve capital growth.

With an information website you can achieve both.

After a few months, your website will start to generate income. But
at the same time, you are building a long-term capital asset. And,
the more consistently you add new pages to your site, the better you
will do.

Almost every page you add will make you some money. And, they
will continue to make money for the foreseeable future.

After a couple of years, your site could be making you $4,000 a

month or more.

That’s about $50,000 a year.

Not bad for what is essentially a hobby website you have been
creating in your spare time!

After a few more years, you might decide to stick with the monthly
income, or you might decide to sell the site.

A website like this will typically sell for two or three times its annual

With an annual income of $50,000, that translates to a sale price of

$100,000 or $150,000.

Why would you ever sell a website that makes you $50,000 a year?
Well, maybe over the years, you have built three or four of these
sites. And, you’ll be in a position to sell just one of them and spend
the money in any way you want. (Sell one and have the other two
generate over $10,000 in income for you each month.)

Could you do this with an e-book business model or by driving traffic

to a sales site with PPC ads? Not really. The creation and growth of
a content-rich information website not only generates a handsome
monthly income but also creates a true asset.

And yes, you can create sites like these in your spare time … all while
writing about topics you really enjoy.

Chapter 3
The Foundation Of Your Website

Insider Tips On Choosing The Best Topic For Your

Money-Making Website

This is the biggest step for most people.

Of all the topics you could write about, which should you choose?

How can you decide on a subject that not only interests you, but will
also stand a chance of being found when people conduct searches on
the major search engines like Google? How do you get your website
listed on the first page of results? How do you get noticed?

This is important, because this model is based on receiving a ton of

free traffic from the search engines. Almost all the people who visit arrive via the search engines. And, most of
them arrive after finding one of my site’s pages listed on Google.

The foundation of this model is based on finding the gap.

By a gap, I mean that you need to find a slice of a topic about which
people are interested, but for which there is not an overwhelming
supply of quality information available online already.

For instance, I wouldn’t try writing a website on the topic of auto

insurance. There is already a massive supply of information online,
and some big players spend a lot on advertising to attract traffic. As
someone working from home, it makes no sense to deliberately set
out to compete against such strong competitors.

Besides which, the topic of auto insurance lends itself very well to a
company, but not so well to the “expert next door.” I would ask my
neighbor for advice about growing roses, but probably not about the
finer points of auto insurance. There are some topics about which we

understandably want to defer to a professional. For the same reason,
I wouldn’t write a website about dental care, unless I was a dentist.

Which topics work best for a Money-Making Website? There are no

hard and fast rules, but a simple rule of thumb is to look first at
topics which relate to what people do in their spare time.

Think about what people do when they get home from work.

What do people like to do after they leave work for the day, or at
the weekends? These topics are a great place to start looking, for a
few reasons. First, it takes you out of the realm of competing with
professionals, like auto insurance companies and dentists. Second, it
takes people into areas of personal interest and passion.

Except for the fortunate few, most people are not totally passionate
about their jobs. They get much more excited about what they do
when they get home, whether that be bird watching, cooking, child
raising, cycling, bar hopping, driving, playing video games, sailing,
learning to play guitar, reading, watching movies, horse riding,
furniture restoration, amateur drama, sewing, pet care, traveling,
working out, and so on.

The fact that people are passionate about these hobbies and interests
gives you, as a writer, an edge. It means these people are genuinely
interested in knowing more. This is the stuff they love to do. And
they love to learn.

What are your own interests? What do you do when you get home or
at the weekend? You don’t need to be a qualified expert in that area.
You just need to be interested in it, and to know more than most
other people. And, knowing more about a subject than most other
people isn’t so hard.

Now ask yourself, what do you know?

What do you already know about? What are your own hobbies? In
fact, why don’t you write down a list of your favorite hobbies right
now. Keep it handy, we’ll go back to this list in a moment.

Fill in some of your favorite hobbies …









Then, allow yourself the possibility of a cross-over between your work

and your interest.

For instance, I know someone who is a professional videographer.

He shoots and edits videos for a living. In that world, he is a

But, he also likes to share what he knows with the millions of people
who are making their own videos for sites like YouTube. He simply
takes his professional knowledge and then presents it in a way that
is useful for regular people who want to make short videos with their
home computers. For this latter audience, he is the expert next
door, not the industry professional. He writes in a way that works for

Maybe your own work has given you an expertise that is also of
interest to non-professionals.

In my own case, I have no background in the coffee industry. But,

a few years ago, I had a contract to do some writing for an online
coffee company. It was a professional relationship. The contract
lasted for about six months, during which time I learned a great deal
about coffee and coffee making. And, I found that I had quite an
interest in the topic, on a personal level.

So, I leveraged what I had learned during those six months and
started writing my coffee site. Did I know enough even to call
myself an “expert next door” in the early days? Probably not. But, I
started anyway. And, the more I wrote, and the more I listened to
what my readers were asking, the more I learned. And now, yes,
I am an expert. Now, I know more about the topic than most non-
professionals, and am in a very good position to help other people
who are starting out on their love affair with quality coffee.

That last part is important. My niche is teaching beginner’s all about

coffee. This separates me from the “players” in the industry like
Starbucks, with whom I couldn’t possibly compete.

What do you know about? What interests you? What can you imagine
yourself writing about? Remember, to create a large and successful
site that can make you money, you are going to have to write plenty
of pages.

You don’t have to write them all in the first month, but after a year
or so, you should have over a hundred pages. I hesitate to say that,
because some people might feel intimidated by that kind of number. If
I had thought about it myself, I might not have started my coffee site.

How many pages could I write about coffee? It turns out that there
appears to be no limit. People will always have new questions,
companies will always launch new coffees, coffee makers, and coffee

Now find the gap within your subject area.

There are several ways to look for a gap and here are some of them.

1. Find a gap in the level of audience expertise

being addressed.

What’s my gap with the site? Good question. On

the face of it, it looks like I was mad to try competing with hundreds
of coffee companies, coffee roasters, and coffee shops. How would
my site stand out? How could I compete for attention on Google? I
found my gap by not trying to appeal to every coffee lover. My site
specifically targets beginners.

When looking at coffee sites, I found that most of them were talking
to people who already knew quite a bit about coffee. Nearly every
site and blog and forum I went to were addressing the “coffee
geeks.” These are the people who freak out if you brew your coffee
with water that is two degrees too hot. What I didn’t find was a body
of information for people who were just starting out.

It turns out there are a huge number of people who haven’t made
gourmet coffee at home before, and don’t know simple things like
how much coffee to add to their brewer when making six cups of
coffee. I had found my gap … the beginners.

You can address any topic in this way. If you want to write a site
about learning to play the guitar, you can segment your potential
audience into beginners, intermediate, and experts. Which level of
expertise best suits your own level of knowledge? Which area is not
yet being very well-served by existing websites?

Go to Google yourself and enter a phrase or word that best describes

your topic. Now, look through the sites that are listed on the first two
pages of results. Vary the key phrase a little and explore some other
sites in the same way. Look at those websites through a lens which
segments between beginner, intermediate, and expert. You may find
that one of those levels of expertise is not being very well-addressed.

2. Look for a gap in quality.

When you do a search for your topic on Google, first impressions can
be scary. You may find that Google has found hundreds of thousands
or even millions of pages that match your search query.

Before you panic, look through the sites on those first two pages of
results and ask yourself whether or not the information they provide
is of high quality. Is the information truly useful? Are the sites
attractive and well-organized? Will readers find it easy to find what
they are looking for? Are the information needs of their readers taken
good care of?

Recently I did a search for the term manual watch repair. There
were plenty of results, but there were very, very few quality results.
That may not be a topic for which there is a big demand these days.
It’s probably not a good topic for me to pursue if I want to create
another Money-Making Website. However, it does demonstrate that
while Google might show a lot of results for a search, it doesn’t mean
that those results automatically indicate a body of quality, useful

Take a look at your topic from a few different angles and see if
you can find a gap in the amount of quality information currently

3. Look for a gap with subject niches.

Most topics can be sub-divided into numerous different niche topics.

As an example, again in the realm of coffee, I have a second website
called It focuses on just one vertical
segment of coffee as a whole. It’s about single-serve coffee making.
Single-serve coffee makers use sealed cups, pods, or discs, each
filled with enough ground coffee for one cup of coffee. These are a
convenient, if slightly more expensive way, to make your morning

What is the benefit of picking a niche like this? First, it takes you
out of the big crowd that surrounds any primary topic. I’m no longer
competing for attention when people search for information on
coffee. I’m competing only with a far smaller group of websites which
talk specifically about single-serve coffee.

By picking a niche within a primary topic, you are also narrowing the
audience you have to appeal to. If you write a website about tea,
then you are trying to write to a very broad audience, some who like
a regular tea, others who love green tea, and others who can tell the
difference between teas grown in adjoining regions in India.

It’s tough to write well to a crowd as broad as that. Everything you

write will appeal to one segment of your audience, but will fail to
engage the majority. By choosing one niche, like green tea, you can
write pages which appeal to everyone who comes to the site.

Here are a few more examples of how you can pick a niche from
within a primary topic.

Instead of writing about dog food, write about organic dog food.

Instead of writing about bicycles, write about mountain bikes.

Instead of writing about desserts, write about desserts from the

Middle East.

Instead of writing about home decoration, write about home
decoration projects which can be completed in a weekend.

Instead of writing about high-tech gadgets, write about high-tech

gadgets for the disabled.

Instead of writing reviews of TV shows, write reviews of shows that

can be streamed via the Internet.

Whatever your broad interest, there are many different ways to slice
and dice it. List some niche options, and then do some research
through Google to find out which niches attract a large number of
searches, but are served by relatively few quality websites.

4. Find a gap by age groups, life events, or segments within

the population.

It would be tough to get much traffic to your site if you wrote it just
about the topic I mentioned earlier — yoga. There are a ton of quality
sites about that subject already.

But, as I said, how about yoga for children? Yoga for teens? Yoga for
the elderly?

Or, look at life events. Yoga for pregnant women. Yoga for the retired.

Maybe you would like to write about amateur theater. You can focus
on age groups, but also by specific segments within the population.
How about amateur theater for troubled teens? Amateur theater for
people in wheelchairs?

Write about baseball for seniors, cooking for busy couples, learning
English for recent immigrants.

All I am doing here is suggesting a range of different lenses through

which to search for niche areas within otherwise broad topics.

5. Segment by passion, cause, or belief.

Don’t write about fruits and vegetables, write about Fair Trade
fruits and vegetables. By the way, this niche is also a geographical
or trending niche. Interest in Fair Trade foods has a much deeper
penetration in England than it does in North America right now.
Many English supermarkets have entire aisles devoted to Fair Trade
produce. Will the trend grow in the U.S. and Canada? If you believe it
will, now might be a good time to start writing about it.

Many people believe in buying organic foods. Others are passionate

about going green with their cars. How about vegetarian food?
Kosher desserts? Wind power? Food that isn’t genetically modified?
Using grey water in the garden? Using non-toxic cleaning products?

Is there a subject about which you are passionate? Something that

gets you excited or makes you angry? Something you really believe in?

6. Finally, write about what YOU are really interested in.

I have been writing my coffee website for over six years now. I still
work on it each week. As you can imagine, I wouldn’t still be working
on it and growing it if I wasn’t interested in the subject of coffee.
Fortunately, I am!

Being interested in your topic not only increases the chance that
you’ll keep working on it, month after month and year after year, but
it also has an impact on the quality of your site and how you write it.

Put simply, personal passion and interest shines through.

If you love your topic and are genuinely interested in sharing it with
others, your enthusiasm will be felt by your readers. People pick up
on stuff like that. It’s easy to tell if the author of a website is really
passionate about what he or she is writing.

Use this as your final filter when choosing a topic. However good the
topic may be, whatever the potential you discover when looking for
a gap, it will work well for you ONLY if you feel enthusiastic about
it, and can see yourself writing enthusiastically about your topic for
years to come.

Now, go back to the list of hobbies and interests you brainstormed

earlier. Narrow it down to the top five. And then, go through steps
1-7 for each one. Find the gap in the information currently available.
Determine what you are really passionate about. By the end, you
should have your ideal topic for your Money-Making Website.

Create a preliminary list of 5 topic ideas you could

write about …






Chapter 4
Make Up Your Mind To Get Started On
Your Own Money-Making Website!

Accelerate Your Success By Working With The Best In The


Someone once said, “The best time to launch your new website is
five years ago. The second best time is now.”

How true that is.

There’s no better time than right now to take advantage of the

incredible power and potential of the Internet.

Every day, thousands and thousands of people, who share the same
passion you do, search the Internet for more information about it.
And every day, somebody makes money from them.

Once you get your first website up and running smoothly — it’s easy
to start another … and another … and another. If you spend only four
or five hours a week on them, you can easily receive checks totalling
a few thousand dollars a month.

So, how can you do this, too?

I’ll help you.

You see, soon after I started my own Money-Making Website and

found the winning formula, I noticed just how many amateurish and
badly-run websites there were out there trying to do what I had
done. These people either had bad teachers or no teachers at all.

So, I decided to outline each and every step I had taken with my
Money-Making Website. And, share it with others interested in their
own “1-Hour Work Week” income stream.

There just isn’t enough room in this report to give you all the details.
But, with my program, you will learn EVERYTHING you need to know to
get your website up, running, attracting visitors, and making money:

• You’ll know the quickest, easiest, and cheapest way to set up a

professional-looking website.

• You’ll know how to choose the best, most traffic-friendly topic for
your site.

• You’ll know how to pick a domain name for your website that will
attract the most visitors.

• You’ll know what each page on your site needs to do to maximize

your profits.

• You’ll know how to write copy search engines (and your readers) love.

• You’ll know how to write and structure a home page that grab’s
people’s interest and puts them in a “buying mood.”

• You’ll know how to attract and keep “loyal customers” by keeping

your website fresh and exciting.

• You’ll know how to use internal site links to dramatically improve

your search-engine rankings.

• You’ll know where to find the best and highest-paying affiliates.

(These guys are looking for websites like yours to list their ads on!)

• You’ll know how to make even more money with Google AdSense
and other forms of site advertising.

• You’ll know the seven things experts do within 48 hours of

publishing their website to bring more visitors to their site faster.

• You’ll know how to track your site’s performance and how to use
the information to make your site better.

• And much, much more …

Does this really work? Have people created websites like this
that attract readers and make money?

People have absolutely gone through this program and seen results.
Here are just a few examples ...

“I really enjoyed taking this program. I enjoy Nick’s teaching style.

Nick really lays it all out for you in easy, simple steps. He explains
everything very well and he is willing to answer questions. I highly
recommend this program to anyone interested in creating a site on a
topic they love. I can’t think of a better way to spend my spare time
than sharing my love of cats with others who love them, too.”

Susan Loui
Honolulu, Hawaii

“I’ve had the program for a while, but never got around to doing
much with it until we had our seven-week walk-through with Nick.
This structure and accountability was EXACTLY what I needed to
make the program a priority in my life. I loved the format, the
information, and access to others going through the same thing.
In six weeks time, I went from not having a clue about what topic
to choose to having a website live! I’m sooo excited about my new
website and its potential. And, I’m grateful for the jump-start to help
get me going! I’m telling everyone I know that they should sign up
for this program. I’m already thinking about what I want my second
site to be about! And, I’m having a blast doing it.”

Kerrie Hubbard
Happy Valley, Oregon

26 now receives over 23,000 unique visitors
a month. The monthly newsletter goes out to a subscriber list of over
5,000. Thanks to her list, Jen Phillips April receives a check every
month from a veterinarian whose dog supplements and informational
products she promotes. She also gets a healthy check from Google
AdSense each month. Recently, she set up a Facebook page to
promote her site, which has resulted in even more visitors to her site.
She’s excited about the earning potential of her site, saying it has
“amazing potential.”

Jennifer Phillips April

New Hope, Pennsylvania

Kathy says, “It’s a total blast to do this. And, it’s fun to have
ownership of something that’s completely your own.” In January,
2011, she added some Google Ads and affiliate links which she says
provided her with some “instant income.” Each month, the money
she generates from her site has increased.

As of April, 2011, is averaging 500 unique visitors

a day or over 15,000 visitors per month. Kathy’s very optimistic
about the money-making potential of her site. “I expect it to escalate
as I add more affiliate links and pages and my traffic continues to

Kathy Widenhouse
Lake Wylie, South Carolina

Start-up costs are minimal. No previous online experience is needed
— other than checking your email and surfing the Web. And, with
me leading the way, your Money-Making Website could be up and
running within 48 hours. You’ll only have to commit one hour a week
to your new writing-based online business.

My program, How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites,

is your complete, easy-to-understand guide to creating this truly
passive income stream.

First, you’ll get the complete program guide. I’ve written it so that
anybody can understand it. No complicated terms or concepts, just
step-by-step instructions for getting your site off the ground.

And, you won’t be left on your own. An integral part of the program
is a seven-part webinar series in which I go over each step on-screen
so you can follow along. Plus, you’ll get personal access to me with a
members-only forum.

Get Started Today and Save $150!

Through this special offer – you can actually access the entire program,
and give it a try risk-free. You’ll get complete access to everything
you need to get your Money Making Website off the ground – yours
for a full year. Take that time to look through the program … start
learning the process … and start writing your Money-Making Website.

If within 365 days – a full year – you’re not making money using my
step-by-step Money-Making Website formula, let us know, and we’ll
simply (and immediately) deactivate your access code and refund
your money – no questions asked.

So if you’re ready to start creating your passive income stream(s),

get my program, How to Write Your Own Money-Making
Websites today. And, remember – you’ll be saving $150!

To find out more about the program and to save $150, go here.

You can also call AWAI’s Member Services Team toll-free at
866-879-2924, or at 561-278-5557.

About The Author

NICK USBORNE is an online copywriter and site optimization expert

with over 15 years of experience online. During a career spanning
30 years in the marketing industry, offline and then online, he has
worked with dozens of major companies.
As a direct-response copywriter, Nick wrote for companies like Franklin
Mint, TV Guide, Apple, Chrysler, Citibank, and others. In all, he won
15 awards for his direct-response work, both in Europe and North
America, all based on the performance and results of his copywriting.

Since 1997, Nick has been working exclusively on marketing online

and is internationally recognized as a leading expert on the subject
of writing for the Web. He is a widely-read columnist, with articles
published by ClickZ, Business 2.0, iMediaConnection, MarketingProfs,
and many other sites and publications. He is also the author of the
critically-acclaimed book on writing for the Web, Net Words: Creating
High-Impact Online Copy, published by McGraw-Hill.

Recognizing there’s been a sea change in marketing, driven by social

media, Nick created a program, How to Make Money as a Social
Media Expert, to teach freelance web writers how to become social
media marketing experts. Nick’s other very popular AWAI programs
are Copywriting 2.0: Your Complete Guide to Writing Web Copy
that Converts, How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites, and
Profitable Freelancing.

American Writers & Artists Inc.

245 NE 4th Avenue, Suite 102
Delray Beach, FL 33483
Phone: 561-278-5557 • Fax: 561-278-5929


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