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In order to function optimally, the body needs complete nutrition. Food is a supplier of nutrients
for the body. Based on its function, food can be grouped into carbohydrates, proteins, fats,
vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Too much eating with improper nutrition can cause excessive
weight gain and cause various diseases. How many servings of food are suggested? The
following description of how many servings are right for the body along with the recommended
functions and foods.
Carbohydrates function as the main energy source for the body to be able to do various
activities. On average every 1 gram of carbohydrate will produce 4 calories. The average
human need for calories is 1200-2000 calories. Calories obtained from carbohydrates are
suggested as much as 45% -60% of all calorie needs. However, currently the average
Indonesian population consumes 70% -80% carbohydrates. Excess consumption of
carbohydrates that are not used will be stored as fat. More about calories can be read in the
following article: Count your body's calories.

In carbohydrates can be obtained by the Glycine Index (IG). This figure shows the content that
can increase blood sugar levels. The higher the IG number, the food will increase blood sugar
faster. Whereas the carbohydrate with a low IG number will give you a feeling of full longer so
that it can prevent the feeling of wanting to eat. Examples of carbohydrates with high IG are
bread, corn and potatoes. Meanwhile, carbohydrates with low GI are wheat and brown rice.

Protein functions as a useful component for growth, wound healing, cell regeneration, producing
enzymes and hormones for the body's metabolism as well as a source of energy. Lack of
protein will interfere with growth, causing bone loss and hair loss.

Protein can be obtained from animals or from plants. Protein derived from animals is called
animal protein, such as meat, milk or eggs. While protein from plants is called vegetable protein
found in nuts. Animal protein contains more essential amino acids than vegetable protein.

The weight of protein in the body is about 1/6 of a person's body weight. Protein is the second
largest component in the human body after water. Every day, human needs for calories is as
much as 1 gram for every 1 kg of a person's weight. On average 1 gram of protein will produce
4 calories.

In order to get the maximum protein, avoid cooking with high temperatures and use a lot of oil
because it will damage the existing protein. It is recommended to process protein foods by
grilling or steaming.

Fats function as energy reserves and to protect body organs. The need for adequate fats is
useful for maintaining healthy skin, hair, maintaining body temperature, dissolving vitamins A, D,
E, K and helps the body's metabolism run properly. One gram of fat can produce around 90
calories. Fat must be fulfilled around 20% -30% of total calorie needs.

Fat is divided into 2, namely:

Good fat
Namely unsaturated fat (unsaturated fat) which is commonly found in nuts, salmon, walnuts and
avocados. These good fats contain Omega 3 acids that are useful for maintaining heart health,
lowering blood pressure and preventing coronary heart disease.

Bad fats
Namely saturated fat (saturated fat) and trans fat (trans fat) found in meat, organ meats or fried
foods. Excessive bad fats will increase total cholesterol and LDL levels in the blood. High
cholesterol can cause heart disease, high blood pressure and trigger diabetes. Consumption of
fat in a day should not exceed 35% of total daily calorie needs and to be useful, the fat
consumed must be good fats (unsaturated fats).

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals function to regulate and support various processes that occur in the
body. For example, the process of energy formation or thought process. Vitamins and minerals
are abundant in fruits and vegetables. One serving of fruit produces about 40 calories. It is
recommended that every day consume 5-9 servings of fruit. Fruits and vegetables can also
provide fiber.
Fiber mainly functions in the digestive process and maintains a healthy body by consuming food
fiber. Fiber is found in many fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereal. Some examples of fruits with
high fiber are papaya, soursop, apples and oranges. In vegetables, fiber is found in long beans,
broccoli carrots, bean sprouts, and kale with a content of 2-5 grams per 100 grams. In nuts and
cereal, the fiber they contain is 4-10 grams per 100 grams.
The main functions of fiber include:
Smooth bowel movements that will prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.
Making the food that is not absorbed in the intestine can be removed immediately, thereby
reducing the possibility of absorbing toxins from the remaining food that is not absorbed.
Maintain ideal body weight because of the nature of the fiber which can prevent the absorption
of fat and provide a feeling of fullness that will help the desire to consume food.
Keep cholesterol and blood sugar at a stable rate. The stability of cholesterol and blood sugar
can prevent various dangerous diseases such as diabetes or heart disease.

General Characteristics of Autistic Children

The child's growth and development process is the most important thing that parents should
know. Therefore, it is better if parents recognize the characteristics of children with autism that
generally occur. So that if a child has symptoms of autism, parents can still maximize their
growth. The following are the characteristics of autism that can be detected in children.
Impaired Social Ability
Autism is associated with impaired social abilities that sufferers interact differently from
people in general. At the level of mild symptoms, the characteristics of autism that appear are
appear awkward when dealing with others, making comments that offend others, and appear
alienated when gathering with others. Autistic patients with severe levels of autistic symptoms
usually do not like to interact with other people. They also tend to avoid eye contact. In children,
the symptoms of autism in the form of impaired social abilities can be seen from their disinterest
in shared games and the difficulty of sharing and playing alternately

Difficulty in empathizing
It is very difficult for children with autism to understand the feelings of others, so they rarely
empathize with others. They also find it difficult to recognize and understand body language or
intonation of speech. When talking with others, communication tends to be one-way because
they talk more about themselves. Fortunately, this ability to empathize can be trained and
improved if they are routinely reminded to learn to consider the feelings of others.

Dislike Physical Contact

Unlike other children in general, some children with autism do not like if they are touched or
hugged. However, not all have the same symptoms. Some children with autism are often and
like to hug those close to them.

Dislikes Loud Sounds, Some Scents, and Bright Light

Children with autism generally feel disturbed by shocking loud sounds, changes in light
conditions, and sudden changes in temperature. It is believed that what makes them feel
disturbed is sudden change, so they cannot prepare themselves in advance. For children with
autism, telling them about something that will happen turns out to be beneficial for them.

Speech Disorders
The characteristics of autism can also be detected by knowing the ability to speak in
children. It is known that 40% of children with autism cannot speak or can only say a few words.
About 25-30% can say a few words at the age of 12-18 months, but afterwards lose the ability to
speak. While the rest can only talk after it is rather large. The tone of autism sufferers when
speaking usually tends to be flat and formal. They also like to repeat certain words or phrases,
also known as echolalia.

Likes Repeated Actions

Children with autism like the sure thing so they enjoy doing the same routine continuously or
often doing repetitive actions. Changes in daily routine will be very disturbing for them. These
repetitive actions can vary and are known as stimulating activities (stimming), and usually
become an obsession for autism sufferers.

Development is not balanced

Child development is generally balanced, meaning that its development includes many
factors and is gradual. Conversely, development in autistic children tends to be out of balance:
development in one area occurs quickly but is inhibited in another. For example, the
development of cognitive abilities occurs rapidly but the ability to speak is still hampered or the
development of speech ability occurs rapidly but motor skills are still inhibited.

Joint pain is a condition where there is pain in the body that connects one bone to another. Pain
in the joints disrupts the motor movement of the sufferer, affecting its quality of life. pain that
arises can vary from mild to severe also short or long. But joint pain becomes a serious problem
when the frequency often occurs or even every day.

There are several types of joint pain that is often experienced by someone, such as
monoarticular or pain in one joint, pausiarticular or pain in several parts of the joint, and
polyarticular or pain in many joints. Pain in one of the joints is the most common case. This joint
pain often occurs in the knee. In addition, direct trauma that occurs in the metaphorical part of
the bone that causes the fracture is a postraumatic condition that is the forerunner to joint pain.

Causes of Joint Pain

The causes of joint pain vary, according to the type of pain in one joint, several parts, or occur in
many joints.
Causes of pain in one joint
Some of the conditions below are the cause of pain in one of the joints
Haemarthrosis is a condition of bleeding within the joint space. This condition occurs as a result
of cracking a torn knee or ligament. This condition often occurs in someone who is undergoing
treatment using warfarin anticoagulants or other anticoagulant drugs.

Chondromalacia patellae
Chondromalacia patellae is damage to the cartilage located at the back of the kneecap. This
condition causes quite severe pain.

Gout / gout
Gout or gout is also a cause of joint pain that is recurrent or recurrent. Even the pain is
accompanied by a burning sensation and redness on the skin in the affected joints. Swelling
that occurs is caused by sharp crystals that come from the accumulation of gout. The part that is
first attacked by pain is usually the big toe, then spreads to other joints.

Pain conditions are almost the same as gout. But the cause of joint pain is not derived from the
accumulation of gout, but from the accumulation of calcium around the joints. The big toe is the
part that usually suffers from pain the first time.

Osgood-Schlatter disease
Osgood-Schlatter's disease is a condition in which there is pain accompanied by swelling of a
lump of bone located just below the kneecap.

Traumatic Synovitis
Traumatic synovitis is also called inflammation that occurs in the tissue lining the joints and

Avascular Necrosis
Avascular Necrosis is a condition where there is bone damage as a result of a lack of blood
supply. Other causes of one joint pain In addition to some of the above conditions, other causes
of one joint pain are broken bones, infections, cancer, hemophilia, and septic arthritis.

Causes of Pain in Some Joints

There is a difference between the causes of one joint pain and pain in several joints of the body.
Here are the causes of pain in several joints:
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a joint disorder characterized by pain that arises and disappears
randomly. The pain caused often makes sufferers experience fatigue. The joints of the fingers,
ankles and wrists are the most common parts of this condition.

Osteoarthritis is tissue swelling that occurs in and around the joint. This occurs due to damage
to the protective surface of the bone. The things that can increase the risk of this condition are
obesity, age factors, or serious injury.

Psoriatic arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis is a condition that causes pain, swelling, stiffness and inflammation of the
joints. One in five people with psoriasis is known to suffer from this condition.

Scheloderma and lupus

Scheloderma and lupus are diseases that can attack connective tissue and cause joint pain.
Rubella and hepatitis
Rubella and hepatitis are diseases caused by viral infections and often cause joint pain.

Other causes
Other causes that can increase the risk of joint pain are cancer, rare arthritis such as juvenile
arthritis, vascular inflammation such as Behcet's syndrome, sarcoidosis, and side effects of
taking drugs such as steroids and hydralazine.

Appropriate treatment of joint pain

If the pain in the joints is still relatively mild, then you can do the treatment yourself at home.
Here are some tips for reducing pain due to joint pain:
Reduce weight if you are obese to reduce joint burden.
Does not force the joint when it hurts and rests it.
Take pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Proris brands and other ibuprofen brands) or
paracetamol (Sanmol brands and other brands containing paracetamol), Naproxen, Diclofenac
(Cataflam, Voltadex, Voltaren, and other brands of diclofenac) .
Apply an ointment or pain reliever cream, for example Voltaren Emulgel, Voltadex Gel.
Compress the diseased part of the joint with cold water for about 15-25 minutes.

The causes of joint pain vary and doctors need to be diagnosed in order to know the cause
more accurately and then take the appropriate treatment. You should see a doctor immediately
if you experience several conditions such as the following:
Pain in the joints does not go away after self-medication at home.
Swelling is accompanied by a reddish color on the affected joint.
A warm sensation appears in the inflamed joints
Joint pain is caused by injuries that cause swelling accompanied by changes in joint position
and extreme pain and disrupt joint movement.

Beware of Long-term Consumption of Anti-Pain Medication

Anti-pain or anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed by doctors to reduce pain but are not
permanent cures. Therefore, the consumption of drugs intended to treat joint pain cannot be
arbitrary and must be prescribed by a doctor. Several types of drugs can cause side effects and
health risks if consumed in the long run. One of the health risks caused is impaired liver and
kidney function. So, make sure you take joint pain medication according to the doctor's

Prevents Joint Pain

Preventing joint pain can be done in the following ways:
Maintain ideal body weight.
Reducing strenuous activities that make the body rest on only one of the joints.
Mild but regular exercise that can help flex the joint without burdening it such as cycling or
Reducing stress.
Consumption of fatty acids such as omega 3 fatty acids from food and supplements.
Eat foods that are nutritious and good for bone and joint health.

Joint pain can attack anyone and at any time. However, the appropriate treatment can help you
reduce joint pain that occurs both briefly and for a long time. Be sure to consult a doctor if pain
continues to find out the cause of joint pain and the right treatment.
Lemongrass As Traditional Medicine

Lemongrass or lemon has a fragrant odor and contains ingredients that are beneficial to health.
Because of its fragrance, lemongrass is used as a raw material for making soap, lotion or oil.
Besides being used fragrance, lemongrass is also useful for curing diseases. You can make
your own lemongrass as traditional medicine such as cough medicine, toothache medicine,
heartburn medicine or sprain medicine with the following recipe.

Lemongrass has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties so it is very good for preventing
infection. In addition, there are analgesic compounds that are useful to relieve pain due to
headaches, pain in muscles and joints. Another benefit of lemongrass is that it can be used to
reduce heat, shed phlegm, treat coughs, mouthwash and body warmers.

Benefits of Lemongrass
If you want to try yourself the properties of lemongrass, please practice the following recipe.
Cough medicine
If your cough doesn't heal, you can try a recipe with lemongrass to cure it.
Recipe I:
Boil 50 grams of dried lemongrass leaves in 2 cups of water. Boil until the water has shrunk to
half a glass. Drink 3 times a day to ward off coughs.
Recipe II:
Take as much as 5 grams of lemongrass root. Wash thoroughly then boil with 1 glass of water
for 15 minutes. Divide 2 of the stew to be drunk in the morning and evening.
Toothache medicine
40 grams of fresh lemongrass leaves are boiled in 2 cups of water until the water remains ½
cup. Use the cooking water as a mouthwash to treat toothache.

Sprained or Sprained Medication

2 lemongrass stems, 3 candlenuts and a little ground water. Heat it on the fire. After it is hot
enough, place it in the sprain.

Heartburn Medication
40 grams of fresh lemongrass stew in 2 cups of water and leave until the water remains ½ cup.
Drink 2 times a day to get the benefits.

Mosquito Repellent
Put lemon grass and olive oil in an aromatherapy container. Light the candle that is under the
aromatherapy container. A burning fire will make the fragrance of lemongrass leaves spread.
This fragrance is not preferred by mosquitoes, so it is beneficial to repel mosquitoes.

Relieve Pain and Body Warmers

You can apply lemongrass oil to your body to relieve joint pain, muscle aches or headaches.
Chopped lemongrass oil will provide warmth to the body and analgesic content that is useful to
reduce pain. Lemongrass oil can be purchased at pharmacies or drug stores.

Note the Following When Using Lemongrass

Lemongrass oil feels very hot. Therefore, lemongrass oil should not be used directly because in
some people, lemongrass oil can cause irritation to the skin, especially if your skin is classified
as sensitive skin. As a workaround, you can add solvent oil before use on the skin so that the oil
used is not too thick. Leave it on a small area of the skin and see if the skin is irritated or not.
Lemongrass oil is also not recommended for use in pregnant women because it can increase
heart rate excessively.

In this world no one has the desire to be sick. When we are sick, the body will feel very
uncomfortable. Maintaining a healthy body is one of the important things that we must always
strive for. If our bodies are in pain, surely we will not be able to enjoy our days beautifully.
Everything will feel uncomfortable. Sleeping, sitting, eating will never feel comfortable if we are
sick. All will feel wrong when the health of our bodies in a state of drop.

The health of our bodies is the main asset to go through the day and achieve success. A life
success will be felt in vain if we reach it in a state of illness. Success will feel complete if we are
in good health and we can enjoy our efforts so far. The health of the human body is when the
body's condition works perfectly. Like a machine, our body has a variety of interrelated
components, and if there is a sick one, then all the other parts will feel it. So no matter how
small a part of our body is sick, it will definitely make other organs uncomfortable. So does
anyone still doubt that maintaining a healthy body is important?

Many people when they are sick, they will be determined and intend to adopt a healthy lifestyle
to maintain a healthy body if it has healed. But in reality, after recovering and busy with work,
the determination to live a healthy life is forgotten by itself. Consistency is the key to achieving
our body's health. With consistent in terms of exercise every day, maintaining a healthy diet and
also getting enough rest, will make our body not easily hurt. Indeed the first time will be very
difficult to get used to. However, there are special tricks for being able to implement something
new that becomes a habit, namely by living it continuously for 21 days. If you fail to apply the
"pattern of maintaining a healthy body" in the middle. Number 21 is a number that the brain will
remember deeply and will make it look like a natural alarm if we forget to do it. Try to apply
healthy habits for 21 days, then all the new things will become a habit in our lives.

Cigarettes and alcohol are things that can damage the health of the human body. Many people
say that if a man doesn't smoke is a sissy, men don't drink alcoholic beverages. Let people talk
like that. Because if we are sick, they will not feel our pain. For what is considered a man but
died young in vain because of cigarettes and alcohol ??. Who can maintain the health of our
bodies is ourselves. So don't be easily influenced by friends who invite us into unhealthy habits.
If we are sick, they will not necessarily pay attention to us. We will only feel pain, not them. If not
we ourselves are aware of the importance of maintaining the health of our bodies, then who

Today there are still many teenagers who are less concerned about the importance of
maintaining a healthy lifestyle for themselves. In the midst of the onslaught of existing tasks and
activities, many teenagers often forget about maintaining their physical health. For example,
often sleeping late at night, eating instant or fast food, skipping breakfast, irregular exercise, and
also eating less healthy and balanced food. This makes teenagers become less energetic, faces
are not fresh, body weight decreases, is susceptible to flu, less focus on learning, and can also
result in decreased brainpower. Adolescents in particular must have an awareness of the
importance of maintaining health.

Most teens underestimate the importance of health for themselves. There are still many of them
who think that the disease will come to attack when they are already old age. That kind of
thinking which is a big mistake because of an illness will not look at who that person is and
whatever his age. For this reason, young people still need to learn a lot about the importance of
health for a better future life. Various bad habits of adolescents that are still often done by some
of them namely smoking and drinking. That sort of thing seemed to be considered something
that was familiar to them. We must assume that healthy is expensive. How much should we
spend when we fall ill. So there is a saying, It's better to prevent than to cure. It's not just about
the cost, but how many positive things can we miss if we get sick. Especially for students who
are always active and productive in their activities and lectures. No matter how busy our
activities are on campus, we still have to be able to balance our lifestyle. Do not let disease
attack our future in the future.

There are many easy things we can do to keep our body healthy to stay fit. Does not require a
lot of costs, but enough requires perseverance and routine. Because health is the most
expensive asset in life. Here are some healthy lifestyles for teens:
Expand to eat healthy foods such as vegetables, fruit, fresh fish meat, nuts. Avoid fast food
because it is not good for health. Reduce eating snacks. Prioritize 4 healthy and 5 perfect foods.
Don't skip breakfast. Eat regularly (morning, afternoon, and evening). Reduce fatty foods like
fried foods because it can cause high cholesterol. Stop eating when you feel full: Don't overeat
just because there is still food left on your plate. If it feels full it's better to stop eating because
overeating is also not good. Besides that can make excess weight.
Avoid drinks that contain lots of sugar, artificial flavorings, and artificial coloring. These
substances are very dangerous for health and can be buried in the kidneys. Avoid drinks that
contain alcohol because it can damage the function of the liver and brain. Drink plenty of water,
Keep our bodies from dehydration by drinking lots of water at least 8 glasses per day. Water is
useful for removing toxic substances in the body and helps launch the body's metabolism. Don't
let your body lack these healthy fluids.

Students may be active on campus but don't forget to be diligent in exercising regularly. So that
the body remains cool and stable. The brain and face also become fresh. There is no harm in
taking the time to exercise. This is also to prevent teenagers from various dangerous diseases
that can attack the body. Obesity or obesity can trigger the body vulnerable to various diseases.
Do exercise at least 3 times a week.

Get enough rest

Activity can be a lot, but don't forget to rest. Adequate rest is very important for a body that is
experiencing growth and development. We can get back up with a fresher body to continue
productive activities. Enough sleep can also improve brainpower. Sleep at least 10 or 8 hours
per day at the right time starting at 9 pm until 6 am.

Creating a Healthy Environment

If we want to enjoy real health then we must also pay attention to our environment that we must
guard. The environment that we need to protect is water, soil, air, climate, plants and so on.
When we live in an environment that is not good, such as gathering with people who smoke, the
environment is full of garbage, car smoke and many others. With a bad environment, it can also
trigger our health.

Implement a Clean Lifestyle

A healthy and clean way of life must be done in the environment around us. Do not be lazy to
clean the house because the room is dirty and dusty can cause many diseases. Therefore, be
diligent in cleaning the room and do not forget to use a mask when cleaning.

Avoiding Stress of Mind

Most people are very difficult to avoid this. Stress of mind indeed often attacks everyone. This
certainly can affect your health condition both mind (mental) and physically. If we are having
problems, you should not think too seriously. It's better to think about it casually and don't make
it a burden on us.

Stop Doing Bad Habits That Harm Health

Consider stopping smoking or consuming alcohol, especially if you are at risk or have diabetes,
depression, arthritis, or heart disease.

From the explanation or explanation above about Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Adolescents,
hopefully this can be useful for maintaining personal health for the body. There's no harm in
trying something useful. This can be very useful for all of us in the future.

Here are the benefits of a healthy life

Body Fitness That Will Stay Maintained
Healthy living will affect our bodily functions. Where our body fitness will remain well guarded.
Body fitness will affect our performance in daily activities
Appear More Attractive
Individuals with a healthy lifestyle, will look more attractive, and invite a good first impression
too. We will be seen as attractive, fresh, and clean. Be different if you have a dirty and
unhealthy lifestyle. In addition, a healthy lifestyle also makes the body look fitter and fresher,
which in turn can also affect other people's first impressions of us.

Save medicine costs

If we can live clean and healthy, then our body will indirectly be fit and healthy. This good
physical fitness will make us not need to spend more often in buying medicines. Different when
we live unhealthy. Imagine how much it costs to pay for drugs and vitamins and supplements to
support our body's fitness. A person who lives a healthy life will greatly save their expenses in
buying additional medicines and supplements.

Increase Confidence
With a healthy body, it makes the body become more stamina and excited in carrying out
activities. A healthy body will radiate from the aura of his face, because that will automatically
increase self-confidence both when having to be in the middle of the family or when dealing with
friends, or with people around the environment.

Life Becomes Healthier

By implementing a healthy lifestyle, there will automatically be many positive impacts that will be
felt on the body, because healthy food and drinks and avoiding various negative habits, such as
smoking, staying up, etc. will increase the level of health.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or commonly known as dengue fever is caused by the Aedes
aegypti mosquito that develops in the tropics and subtropics. Mild DHF can cause high fever,
red rashes on the skin and pain in the muscles. Severe DHF is usually called hemorrhagic fever
can cause severe bleeding, blood pressure drops dramatically, and death.

Signs and Symptoms of DHF

Generally, children and adolescents may not experience signs or symptoms of DHF while
suffering from mild DHF. Symptoms usually occur from four to ten days after being bitten by an
infected mosquito. Signs and symptoms of DHF are:
Fever above the temperature of 410C
Headache pain in muscles and bones
Pain in the back
Red eye rash
Nausea and vomiting
Bleeding gums or nose

Most people recover in a week or so. In some cases, symptoms can worsen and can be life
threatening. Blood vessels will become damaged and leak so that it can cause a decrease in
platelet count. This can result in:
Bleeding of the nose and mouth
Severe stomach pain
Bleeding under the skin so it looks like it turned blue
Problems with the lungs, liver and heart.

DHF Risk Factors

Here are some factors that increase the risk of DHF:
Live or travel in the tropics
Never infected with dengue before
Age factor
DHF sufferers 95% aged under 15 years.
Someone who has an immune system
low body.

How to prevent dengue

Currently the most effective and efficient DHF prevention is to destroy mosquito breeding sites
Cleaning places that are often used as water reservoirs such as bathtubs, water buckets, water
reservoirs, reservoirs of water and others.
Closing tightly water reservoirs.
Re-use or recycle items that can trigger a breeding place for dengue-infecting mosquitoes.
Sprinkle larvicide powder in a water reservoir that is difficult to clean.
Use mosquito nets while sleeping.
Avoid the habit of hanging clothes in the house that can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Using mosquito repellent topics while sleeping and doing daily activities.

DHF treatment
There is no specific therapy for DHF, here are some therapies that can be done to prevent the
condition from getting worse:
Consume lots of fluids to prevent dehydration due to vomiting and fever
Consult your doctor to get treatment therapy that can reduce symptoms such as pain and fever
If the condition gets worse, intensive care is needed at the hospital.


Sleep disorders (sleep disorder) is a condition where you experience problems with sleep
patterns, either because of the difficulty falling to sleep, waking up at night and having difficulty
falling asleep again or very short sleep time. 1 in 3 adults can't sleep as they need

There are several things that cause sleep disorders in adults:

Change in Sleep Schedule

The cause of insomnia in this type is usually due to changes in sleep schedules such as jetlag
or time zone changes due to different countries and changes in work shift schedules.

People who suffer from insomnia do not feel they get enough sleep at night. They may have
difficulty falling asleep or may often wake up at night or morning. Insomnia is called a problem if
it interferes with activities during the day. Insomnia has several causes such as:
Poor sleep habits
Change in sleep schedule
Side effects of certain drugs.

Snoring / snoring
Many adults snore while sleeping. Snoring is noise produced by the air that is inhaled to vibrate
the tissues in the throat when experiencing relaxation. Snoring can be a problem of sleep
disturbance because of the sound. It also marks sleep apnea. Besides snoring is also a cause
of other people experiencing sleep disorders.

Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea occurs when the upper airway is blocked partially or completely, which interferes
with breathing for a short period of time and can wake you up. This can cause drowsiness in
heavy daytime. Severe sleep apnea can be a cause of high blood pressure, increasing the risk
of stroke and heart attack.
Women often experience sleeplessness at night and experience fatigue during the daytime in
the first trimester. During the first trimester, pregnant women often go to the bathroom and
morning sickness can interfere with sleep. Physical discomfort can cause sleep difficulties. After
giving birth, new baby care or depression experienced by the mother can interfere with sleep.

It turns out that sleep disorders are not only experienced by adults, but even children can
experience them. Some things that cause sleep disorders in children are:
Problems with behavior
Problems with emotional stability
Problems with memory, concentration and learning
Difficulty breathing when sleeping
Difficulty sleeping soundly
Difficulty staying awake during the day
Sleep while walking or nightmares.

Then, what can be done to overcome sleep disorders? Handling that can be done certainly must
be in accordance with the causes of sleep disorders.
Try to change sleep habits such as:
Make a schedule for sleep and wake up regularly
Try not to sleep during the day
Stop work that can create stress and discussion or debate before going to sleep
Relax your mind before going to sleep by taking a deep breath, praying, stretching, and
Set the atmosphere of the bedroom:
The bedroom is not too hot or cold, just cool.
If your partner snores, use earplugs
Use eye patch if needed
Do not use the bedroom for activities such as working, eating and watching television.
If needed, replace the bed if it feels uncomfortable.

Avoid caffeine
consumption of foods and drinks that contain caffeine at least 6 hours before the sleep
schedule. Research has proven that without consuming caffeine, sleep quality gets better over
Avoid consuming alcohol at least 6 hours before bedtime.
Stop smoking at least 6 hours before bedtime.
Do not eat heavy food for a moment before going to bed. Heavy food will make stomach upset.
This will increase discomfort when going to sleep.
Changing sleep schedule
In this case, a doctor can be consulted for a solution.
Stop consuming alcohol or smoking
Avoid sleeping pills and other sedatives.
If you are obese, you should go on a diet to lose weight
Consult a doctor to see if there are problems with breathing.
Sleep apnea
In this case, a doctor can be consulted for a solution.

What about the use of sleeping pills?

Sleeping pills are not always an option for treating sleep disorders. This is because there are a
number of things that might happen in the future due to the use of sleeping pills such as:
Sleepiness still continues the next day as the effect of sleeping pills on the previous day. This is
dangerous if you drive a vehicle or operate machinery
Confusion arises when you have to wake up at night because there is a desire to go to the
The need for drug doses is getting bigger. This is very likely to happen if you take sleeping pills
regularly. Later on the body will need larger doses continuously.
Addicted reaction. Some people get addicted to sleeping pills and experience bad reactions
when the drug is stopped. The use of sleeping pills must be under strict doctor's supervision.
This is to avoid the adverse effects that will be experienced by the body. Consult your sleep
disturbance problems to the doctor so that treatment becomes more appropriate.


Who does not know the disease 'High Blood Pressure'. Even some people hear it already
worried. What makes people worry? Is this really a hereditary disease?

Blood pressure is the pressure that flows through blood vessels against the walls of blood
vessels. Blood pressure depends on:
How much blood is pumped by the heart: the more the volume, the higher the pressure
Vascular resistance (resistance) to blood flow: the narrower the blood vessel the greater the
pressure. Narrowing can be caused by the formation of cholesterol plaque on the inner walls of
the arteries.

When we take blood pressure measurements, there will be 2 types of blood pressure, namely:
Systolic blood pressure
Is the first number on blood pressure that is read
Systolic refers to blood pressure when pumping blood through arteries throughout the body.
Diastolic blood pressure
Is the second number in blood pressure that is read
Diastolic refers to blood pressure when the heart is resting between heart beats.

In normal conditions blood pressure can rise and fall throughout the day. But if it remains high
for quite a long time then this is called suffering from hypertension. Suffering from hypertension
means the pressure on the blood in the blood vessels is higher than it should be and it causes a
dangerous condition. Because this can trigger heart disease and stroke.

In general, when an increase in blood pressure exceeds the normal range a person does not
feel or have signs and symptoms. Some people only feel headaches, shortness of breath or
experience nosebleeds, but there are no specific signs and symptoms related to an increase in
blood pressure that exceeds the normal range. Therefore high blood pressure or hypertension is
known as a "silent killer".
Normal range of blood pressure
Normal Blood Pressure

18-59 years old

<140 / 90mmHg

> 60 years old

<150 / 90mmHg

Diabetes mellitus sufferers, patients with kidney disease, heart disease, pregnant women.

<140 / 90mmHg

Types of High Blood Pressure

There are two types of hypertension that can be grouped:
Primary Hypertension
There is no clear cause for hypertension. In this type of hypertension tends to develop gradually
over the years.

Secondary Hypertension
In some people can experience hypertension due to a condition that is experienced. This type of
hypertension tends to occur suddenly and is usually higher than primary hypertension. Here are
some conditions that can trigger secondary hypertension:

Obstructive sleep apnea

Kidney problems
Thyroid problems
Defects in blood vessels (congenital)
Taking certain medications such as birth control pills, cold medicines, painkillers
Consuming alcohol

Causes of High Blood Pressure

Until now not yet known with certainty the cause of high blood pressure. Most people with high
blood pressure do not have a single cause. Pressure on blood vessels depends on several
things such as:
How strong the heart pumps blood
How much is the thrust of blood vessel walls
Narrowing of the arteries
Blood volume
Risk factors for hypertension
Although the main cause is unknown, some of the following risk factors contribute to the
emergence of high blood pressure.
Family history
If you have parents or relatives who suffer from high blood pressure then you also have the risk
to suffer from high blood pressure. This also might happen to the next offspring. That is why
children should also have their blood pressure monitored regularly.
The more a person ages, his blood pressure will increase. You cannot expect that your blood
pressure when you are young will be the same as you get older. But you can control so as not
to cross the normal upper limit. Increasing age will cause arteries to become stiffer so that
resistance to blood flow becomes greater and blood pressure increases.
At the age of 30-40 years, men are more at risk of suffering from high blood pressure than
women. But after menopause, women have the same risk as men.
Lack of physical activity
Physical activity is very good for the body, especially our heart. Lifestyle that does not move a
lot will increase the risk of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease to stroke.
Being overweight to obese
Being overweight to obesity will further increase the risk of experiencing high blood pressure.
Excessive salt consumption.
Salt will hold the fluid in the body so that the blood volume also increases. With increasing blood
volume, the pressure on the blood vessels will also rise.
Not only tobacco in cigarettes can raise blood pressure, but also chemicals in tobacco can
damage the lining of artery walls.
Consuming too little potassium and vitamin D
Potassium helps balance the amount of sodium in cells. If you do not consume enough
potassium in food then it can accumulate too much sodium in the blood.
Vitamin D can affect the enzymes produced by the kidneys that affect blood pressure so that it
can cause high blood pressure if you lack vitamin D.
Consuming too much alcohol
Consuming too much alcohol can cause damage to the heart.
High levels of stress can gradually increase blood pressure.
Suffers from chronic disease
Suffering from chronic diseases such as kidney disease, diabetes mellitus can increase the risk
of suffering from hypertension.
Complications of High Blood Pressure.
If the condition of high blood pressure is not treated quickly and appropriately, it does not rule
out complications such as this
Heart attack or stroke
Heart failure
Narrowing of the arteries in the kidneys
Blood vessels in the eye experience thickening, narrowing or tearing
Disorders of the body's metabolism that cause increased triglycerides, decreased HDL
Memory problems.

Handling and prevention of high blood pressure

Changing lifestyle can help control blood pressure. Consult with your doctor to get the right
treatment. Here are some things you can do to help control blood pressure:
Consult a doctor to get treatment therapy to control blood pressure to keep it in the normal
Eat healthy foods with low salt, such as consuming more fruits, vegetables, fish and dairy foods
that are low in fat.
Reducing salt consumption by only 1.5 grams or the equivalent of one tablespoon (1 tablespoon
of salt = 10 grams) per day for people with hypertension, diabetes and kidney disease and 2.3
grams or equivalent ¼ tablespoon per day for healthy people.
Routine to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
Limiting alcohol consumption.
Maintain body weight to keep it under control or become normal.
Quit smoking.
Monitor blood pressure to keep it in control. Monitor blood pressure every day. This is useful to
see if the drug is working effectively. Do not stop the drug or change the time of drug use
without consulting a doctor.


Stunting is a condition of growth failure in children (body and brain growth) due to malnutrition
for a long time. Thus, the child is shorter or shorter in stature than a normal child of his age and
has a delay in thinking. Generally caused by food intake that is not in accordance with nutritional

Nutrition Status Monitoring (PSG) 2017 shows the prevalence of stunting toddlers in Indonesia
is still high, which is 29.6% above the WHO limit (20%). In 2015, Indonesia was the 2nd highest
under Laos for the number of stunted children. Indonesia is the number four country with the
highest stunting rate in the world. Approximately 9 million or 37 percent of Indonesian children
under five experience stunting (dwarf).

Environmental factors that play a role in causing short stature include maternal nutritional
status, insufficient protein in the proportion of total calorie intake, feeding patterns to children,
environmental hygiene, and the incidence of infection in early life of a child. In addition to
environmental factors, it can also be caused by genetic and hormonal factors. However, the
majority of short stature is caused by malnutrition.

If nutrition is not properly fulfilled, the impact has short-term and long-term effects. Symptoms of
short-term stunting include developmental barriers, decreased immune function, brain
development that is not optimal that can affect mental abilities and learning is not optimal, and
poor learning achievement. While long-term symptoms include obesity, decreased glucose
tolerance, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and osteoporosis.

To prevent stunting, protein consumption greatly affects the height and weight gain of children
over 6 months. Children who received protein intake 15 percent of the total calorie intake
needed proved to have a higher body than children with a protein intake of 7.5 percent of total
calorie intake. Children aged 6 to 12 months are encouraged to consume a daily protein of 1.2 g
/ kg body weight. While children aged 1-3 years require daily protein of 1.05 g / kg body weight.

The first 1000 days of life are critical periods for stunting

The impact of stunting generally occurs due to lack of nutritional intake in the first 1,000 days of
the child. The 1,000 day count starts here from the fetus to the 2 year old child. Stunting
problems occur starting from the womb and will only be seen when the child has reached the
age of two years. Early pregnancy until a two-year-old child (the period of the First 1000 Days of
Life) is a critical period of growth disturbance, including short stature. Symptoms of stunting in
children include:
Children with shorter bodies for children their age
Body proportions tend to be normal but children look younger / smaller for their age
Low weight for children his age
Bone growth is delayed

Anticipate stunting in children by:

Conduct regular pregnancy checks.
Avoiding cigarette smoke and fulfilling good nutrition during pregnancy include a healthy
balanced diet, adequate intake of iron, folic acid, iodine.
Make regular visits to doctors or other health service centers to monitor children's growth and
development, namely:
every month when your child is 0 to 12 months old
every 3 months when your child is 1 to 3 years old
every 6 months when your child is 3 to 6 years old every year when your child is 6 to 18 years
Following the immunization program, especially basic immunization.
Give exclusive breastfeeding until your child is 6 months old and provide adequate MPASI.

The Mother and Child Service Center is one of the benefits of Awal Bros Hospital. Perform
pregnancy checks for the health of the mother and fetus. Awal Bros Hospital has reliable
obstetricians and pediatricians in their fields. The Mother and Child Service Center provides
child immunizations and other examinations such as hearing ABR hearing and OAE and
medical check updates with pediatricians. Find our pediatrician's schedule here. Also check out
tips for finding a good and right pediatrician for your baby here to consult your pediatrician.


Of course we often hear about hepatitis A or better known as jaundice. It turns out that this
disease is a contagious disease, and is transmitted through many ways.

Hepatitis A is a highly contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. This virus is one
of several types of hepatitis viruses that cause inflammation and affect the ability of liver
function. Transmission of hepatitis A is most common because food or water that has been in
direct contact with people infected with hepatitis A. Mild type A hepatitis does not require
treatment and in general an infected person can fully recover without permanent liver damage.

Some people who suffer from hepatitis A have no symptoms at all. Symptoms that occur such
as flu symptoms, the yellowing of the skin, and the whites of the eyes turn yellow. Maintaining
personal hygiene (washing your hands after going to the toilet) can help to prevent the spread of
the virus to others. Immunization is recommended before going to countries where there are
many hepatitis A sufferers.

Liver function
The liver is an organ that has many functions, namely:
Store glycogen (fuel for the body) made of sugar. When needed, glycogen is broken down into
glucose which is released into the bloodstream.
Helps to process fats and proteins from digested food.
Forms proteins which are important ingredients for blood clotting.
Metabolism the drugs taken.
Help the process of removing alcohol, poisons, and toxins from the body.
Bile breaks down fat in food so that it can be absorbed by the intestine.

Mode of transmission of Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A can affect anyone. The hepatitis A virus is excreted through feces (feces) from
infected people. Areas that have poor sanitation or are close to waste disposal have the
possibility that water and food are contaminated with hepatitis A. Food can be contaminated
with hepatitis A when it is processed or washed using contaminated water. A person who has
hepatitis A infection can transmit the infection to others. This can occur through the process of
preparing food or through close contact with others.

Increased risk of being infected with hepatitis A is like sharing needles, homosexuals, and
through sexual contact. People who are known to have a history of liver problems are not
necessarily infected with hepatitis A. However, if they are infected then the infection will become
more severe.
Signs and symptoms of Hepatitis A
Here are some signs and symptoms if someone is infected with hepatitis A:
Nausea and vomiting
Abdominal pain or discomfort, especially in the area where the liver is on the right side of the
stomach, under the rib cage.
Feces (stool) colored like clay.
Loss of appetite.
Mild fever.Urine is dark in color.
Joint pain. Yellow skin and eyes.

Risk factors for hepatitis A

There are several conditions that make a person more likely to be infected or infected with
hepatitis A, namely:
Traveling or working in a region that has a lot of hepatitis A sufferers or hepatitis A
contaminated environment
Being treated in a child care center. Homosexual Suffering from HIV Having a blood clotting
problem, such as hemophilia. Joint use of syringes.
Live with people suffering from hepatitis A.
Making oral contact and children with people suffering from hepatitis A.

Management of Hepatitis A
There is actually no specific therapy for hepatitis A because the body will naturally. In general,
hepatitis A can be cured in about six months. The therapy given aims to reduce symptoms, such
More rest because in general patients with hepatitis A are more easily tired and lack energy.
Take medication to reduce nausea.
Nausea causes difficulty eating. Try to eat lightly but often so that the body still gets calorie
intake and nutrition. Maybe you can consume juice or milk.
Resting the heart
The liver does heavy work when it has to metabolize drugs and alcohol. Consult with your
doctor about drugs that are consumed freely and do not consume alcohol when infected with

Hepatitis A Prevention
Here are some things that can reduce the risk of becoming infected with the hepatitis A virus:
Immunization is needed to prevent contracting a group of people suffering from hepatitis A.
Maintain the food and drinks consumed.
Be careful when consuming food that is sold on the side of the road. Make sure that the food
and drinks you consume and the cutlery you use are clean.
Washing hands when going to eat and drink.

Maybe most of us have often heard about Hepatitis A. But what about Hepatitis B? Is it worse
than Hepatitis A?

Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. For some people, hepatitis
B infection can become chronic which lasts more than six months. Suffering from chronic
hepatitis B can develop into liver failure, liver cancer, or liver cirrhosis.
In general, people infected with hepatitis B can completely recover, even if they have severe
signs and symptoms. Infants and children are more likely to have chronic hepatitis B infection.
The vaccine can prevent infection with hepatitis B, but if it is already infected there is no cure. If
it is infected, certain precautions can be taken to help prevent transmission to others. The
hepatitis B virus can be transmitted through sexual contact, the use of syringes to inject drugs,
and from mother to baby.
Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. There are many causes of hepatitis, for example due
to drinking too much alcohol, various drugs, chemicals, and also some viruses that can cause

Signs and symptoms of Hepatitis B

Signs and symptoms of hepatitis B ranging from mild to severe, usually appear about one to
four months after infection. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis B:
Acute hepatitis
Symptoms of acute hepatitis can occur shortly after first being infected with the hepatitis virus
B (in 1-6 months). Symptoms that occur such as:
Nausea and vomiting
Stomach ache
Feel unwell
The skin turns yellow
Yellowing of the skin is caused by a buildup of bilirubin that is made in the liver and into the
blood. This can also cause the urine to turn dark and the stool to turn pale. Symptoms of acute
hepatitis B infection can generally recover after a few weeks due to a good immune system that
can kill the virus. Acute hepatitis B rarely develops into life threatening. However, half of the
cases have no symptoms so you may not realize that you have been infected with hepatitis B.
Infected babies from their mothers during labor initially have no symptoms.

Chronic hepatitis
Hepatitis B in the body can be active and inactive. In an inactive condition you may have no
symptoms, but still be able to transmit it to other people. In some people with active hepatitis B
the following symptoms can occur:
Muscle ache
Often experience fatigue
Experiencing discomfort in the body
Loss of appetite
Pain in the heart
The skin and eyes turn yellow
Symptoms vary depending on severity and some people experience inflammation of the liver
without symptoms. In some people it can get worse into cirrhosis after years.

Mode of transmission of hepatitis B

Here are some ways of transmitting hepatitis B:
Mother to baby transmission
In general, the most common transmission is from infected mothers to
ayinya. This usually happens when the process of giving birth.

Transmission from one person to another

Blood and other body fluids can carry the hepatitis B virus in infected people. Mode of
transmission is as follows:
Having sex without contraception (condoms) with someone infected with hepatitis B. Having oral
sex can also transmit the hepatitis B virus.
Transmission through hepatitis B-infected blood. Open wounds that the body has when in
contact with infected blood can allow the virus to enter the bloodstream, multiply and cause
infection. Here are a few examples:
Share needles or tools used to inject with others.
Transmission of blood transfusions
Accidents like used needles that have been infected with hepatitis B.
There is a small risk of contracting the hepatitis B virus from sharing toothbrushes, razors, and
other items that can be contaminated with blood. Hepatitis B can live outside the body for more
than one week.
Using non-sterile equipment when in the dentist, medical examination, tattoo, body piercing
(body piercing).
Getting a bite from a person infected with hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B Prevention
Vaccines are available to protect the body from the hepatitis B virus. Immunization can be given
to anyone, especially for people who have a high level of risk for becoming infected with the
hepatitis B virus.

Prevention after infection

If you do not get immunized and have been exposed to the virus. If you are a health worker and
have a needle stick accident. Then you can get an antibody injection called immunoglobulin and
start the immunization program. This can prevent the development of infection.

Prevention of babies who have a risk of infection

Transmission of hepatitis from an infected mother to her baby is after the birth process. What
can be done is to give anantibody injection and immunization to the baby to prevent the
development of infection in the baby.

Efforts to prevent transmission

If you are infected with hepatitis B here are some things you can do to prevent transmission to
other people:
Avoid having sex with anyone (especially sex without using a condom) until they have been fully
immunized and have been tested with blood tests to see the vaccine has worked in the body.
Do not share needles for injections. Do not donate blood or sperm. Do not share with others in
using shavers, toothbrushes, etc. that can be contaminated with blood.
Cover the wound with a special dressing.
If there is blood falling to the floor after an accident, it is immediately cleaned with bleaching

Management of Hepatitis B
Treatment for acute hepatitis
There is no treatment that can be done to kill all the hepatitis B virus in the body. If you
experience symptoms when you are first infected, treatment is aimed at helping to relieve
symptoms until the virus has completely disappeared from the body. Some things that can be
done are like consuming lots of water to avoid lack of fluids (dehydration). There is no treatment
that can be done to prevent acute hepatitis B from developing into chronic hepatitis B.

Treatment for chronic hepatitis

Treatment for hepatitis B cannot cure hepatitis B, but works to delay or prevent complications
from developing hepatitis B such as liver damage and cirrhosis of the liver. People with chronic
hepatitis B generally need treatment to stop or reduce viral activity so as to limit liver damage.
Consult a doctor to get appropriate treatment. There are two therapies that can be done:
This drug is similar to a substance produced in the body which is also called interferon. This
drug works to fight infection by increasing the immune system. Interferon is usually given as an
injection every week.
Antiviral Medication
This drug works by stopping the proliferation of hepatitis B virus. Consult with your doctor to get
the right treatment.
Some therapies can also be done besides therapy using drugs:
Liver transplant
For some people who suffer from cirrhosis have the choice to do a liver transplant.
Change your diet and not consume alcohol
In general, people with hepatitis B are advised to change their diet to be healthier. People with
liver inflammation should not consume alcohol because it can increase the risk and speed of

We often hear about Hepatitis A and B. Then what is Hepatitis C like?

Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. There are several causes of hepatitis, such as consuming
alcohol, various drugs and chemicals, and some viruses that can cause hepatitis.

Hepatitis C is a hepatitis C virus infection that causes inflammation of the liver to serious liver
damage. The hepatitis C virus spreads through contaminated blood. In general, cases of
hepatitis C occur in people who use syringes simultaneously. Some people can get rid of the
infection on their own. But in some people still have an infection even though they do not feel
symptoms. Infection in the liver will trigger liver cirrhosis and can lead to liver cancer.

Liver function in the body

The liver is located in the right upper abdomen which has several functions such as:
Saving fuel for the body, namely glycogen made from sugar. When needed, glycogen is broken
down into glucose which is released into the bloodstream.
Process fats and proteins from digested food.
Forms proteins that are important for blood clotting factors.
Process several drugs consumed.
Helps to eliminate or neutralize alcohol, poisons, and toxins from the body.
It has bile which can break down fat in food so that it can be absorbed by the intestine.

Hepatitis C is a hepatitis C virus infection that causes inflammation of the liver to serious liver
damage. The hepatitis C virus spreads through contaminated blood. In general, cases of
hepatitis C occur in people who use syringes simultaneously. Some people can get rid of the
infection on their own. But in some people still have an infection even though they do not feel
symptoms. Infection in the liver will trigger liver cirrhosis and can lead to liver cancer.
Liver function in the body
The liver is located in the right upper abdomen which has several functions such as:
Saving fuel for the body, namely glycogen made from sugar. When needed, glycogen is broken
down into glucose which is released into the bloodstream.
Process fats and proteins from digested food.
Forms proteins that are important for blood clotting factors.
Process several drugs consumed.
Helps to eliminate or neutralize alcohol, poisons, and toxins from the body.
It has bile which can break down fat in food so that it can be absorbed by the intestine.

Signs and symptoms of Hepatitis C

Long-term infection with hepatitis C virus is known as chronic hepatitis C. Chronic hepatitis C for
several years may not show signs and symptoms until the virus damages the liver. Liver
damage can cause signs and symptoms of liver disease. The following signs and symptoms can
It's easier to bleed
It's easier to experience bruising
Easier to tired
Low appetite. Changes in yellow on the skin and eyes
The color of the urine becomes darker
Experiencing itching on the skin without cause
There is a buildup of fluid in the stomach (ascites)
Having swelling in the legs
Experience weight loss
Confused, easily drowsy, and slurred
Blood vessels are seen through the skin like a spider

Every chronic hepatitis C infection begins with an acute phase. Acute hepatitis C is generally
undiagnosed because it rarely causes symptoms. Signs and symptoms of hepatitis C initially
occur in the form of changes in skin color to yellow, experiencing fatigue, nausea, fever, and
muscle aches. Symptoms of acute hepatitis C will appear after one to three months of exposure
to the virus. Acute hepatitis C does not always develop into chronic. In some people with acute
hepatitis C can recover when the acute phase.

Modes of transmission of hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a disease that can be transmitted through blood. The main source of infection is
blood from an infected person.
In general, hepatitis C is caused by using contaminated needles or syringes to inject drugs.
Even an infected person's blood can cause transmission to other people.
Get a blood transfusion from a person infected with hepatitis C.
Risk of contracting hepatitis C from an accidental needle stick used by an infected person.
Risk of contracting the virus from toothbrushes, razors, and other items that have the possibility
of being contaminated with the blood of people infected with hepatitis C.
The risk of contracting when doing body piercing, tattoos, and acupuncture therapy.
The fetus can become infected if you have hepatitis C.
The hepatitis C virus can spread through sex.

The hepatitis C virus cannot be transmitted through social contact such as shaking hands,
holding hands, hugging, or sharing cups.

Risk factors for hepatitis C

Here are some factors that can increase the risk of contracting the Hepatitis C virus:
Occupational accidents due to needle sticks used by patients infected with the hepatitis C virus
Have used illegal drugs in injection or inhaled form.
Suffer from HIV
Do piercing, making tattoos using non-sterile equipment.
Do dialysis or hemodialysis for a long time Born from a mother infected with the hepatitis C virus

Complications of Hepatitis C
Being infected with hepatitis C virus for years can increase the risk of complications, such as:
Having liver cirrhosis.
Being infected with hepatitis C virus for 20-30 years can develop into liver cirrhosis which can
cause disruption of liver function.
Heart cancer
Heart failure
Cirrhosis of the liver can cause the liver to not be able to function.

How to prevent transmission of the Hepatitis C virus?

If you have the Hepatitis C virus, then you can make the following efforts so that the closest
person is not infected:
Do not share needles and syringes.
Do not do blood donation.
Do not share toothbrushes, razors, or anything else that can be contaminated with your blood.
Use a condom when having sexual relations.

Management of Hepatitis C
The main purpose of the treatment of Hepatitis C is to kill the hepatitis C virus from the body
and prevent the occurrence of more severe liver damage such as liver cirrhosis. Antiviral
treatment for hepatitis C takes 6-12 months depending on the type of hepatitis C. To find out the
success of the treatment, blood tests can be done about 12 weeks after starting treatment.
Consult with your doctor to get the right treatment.
In addition to taking medication regularly, actions such as:
Liver transplant
In some people who have reached the stage of liver cirrhosis, liver transplantation is needed.
Consult with your doctor about the actions needed to improve liver function.
Make changes in diet and stop consuming alcohol. Alcohol can worsen the condition of liver
damage and increase the risk of cirrhosis.
Vaccinating for hepatitis A and B if you have never vaccinated


Prevention of tuberculosis can be done by getting the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine
which is generally given as a baby.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease that generally attacks the lungs.
The cause of tuberculosis is an infection of the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis which
can spread through lymph nodes and blood flow to organs in the body. Most people who have
TB never show symptoms because bacteria can live in an inactive form in the body and can
become active when the immune system declines. Tuberculosis is transmitted through the air by
means of someone inhaling fluids that have been infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
such as saliva or mucus or blood from TB sufferers. TB can be fatal if not handled properly. The
diagnosis of TB is by checking blood tests, X-ray of the chest, checking for sputum or mucus.

Signs and Symptoms of TB

When the body has been infected with tuberculosis, the immune system can prevent the
bacteria from being active. Based on these conditions TB germs can be divided into two types:
Passive TB
In this condition a person has a TB infection but the bacteria in the body are inactive and causes
no symptoms. Tb of this type is not contagious. Passive TB can turn active so treatment is still
important for people with passive TB and can also help prevent the spread / transmission of TB.
Active TB
In this condition a person experiences pain and can spread to other people. TB can be
immediately active in the first week after infection or occur the following year. Here are some of
the signs and symptoms of active TB:
Coughing lasts for three weeks or more
Coughing up blood
Chest pain when breathing or coughing
Weight loss for no apparent reason
Get tired faster
Night sweats for no apparent reason.
Loss of appetite
Tuberculosis can also affect other parts of the body such as the kidneys, spine, or brain. When
TB is outside the lungs, the signs and symptoms correspond to the infected organ. For example,
if someone is infected with TB in the spine, they will experience symptoms such as back pain.
Risk factor
Here are some factors that can increase the risk of TB:
Direct contact with TB sufferers
The risk of TB infection is related to the nature of TB and the duration of exposure such as for
example if one household member is exposed to TB then the risk factor for 1 in 3 people is likely
to be infected.
Age factor
Older people and children have a higher risk of TB because the immune system is less strong
so it is more easily infected with TB.
Immune system
A weakened immune system due to disease and drugs can cause TB exposure. Examples of
diseases that can weaken the immune system are HIV / AIDS, diabetes mellitus, and severe
kidney disorders. Examples of treatment therapies that can weaken the immune system are
cancer therapy (chemotherapy), a drug used for rheumatoid arthritis.
Traveling to a majority area infected with TB can increase the risk of TB due to prolonged
exposure to the infection.
Environmental conditions
Environmental conditions such as workplaces and housing environments can be risk factors for
TB infection.
Therapy and treatment
Anti-TB treatment therapy is the only treatment needed. TB treatment requires a longer period
of time of at least six to nine months. TB treatment also depends on age, health conditions,
response to drugs, type of TB and the location of infection in the body. The use of TB drugs may
have side effects that are uncomfortable but not harmful, such as:
Nausea and vomiting.
Loss of appetite.
The skin turns yellow.
Urine or urine becomes turbid even reddish in color.
Fever without cause.

How to prevent TB?

TB prevention can be done by getting the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine. BCG
vaccine is generally given as a baby because it can prevent TB infection at a young age. In
addition, TB prevention can be carried out by someone infected with TB by taking medication
regularly until it is complete. In addition, a person infected with TB can also make several efforts
to prevent TB transmission:

Avoid traveling or being in a place or room that contains a lot of people.

Have ventilation of the room because tuberculosis germs can spread more easily in closed and
small spaces where there is no air circulation.
Cover your mouth with your hand or tissue when laughing, sneezing, or coughing. Used tissue
is put into plastic and sealed before disposal.
Use a special mask for TB sufferers when around people, especially during the first three weeks
of treatment.


Influenza or flu is a disease caused by a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system such
as the nose, throat and lungs. In some people influenza disease can heal by itself, but in some
other people can cause death due to complications from influenza. Uncomplicated influenza is
defined by symptoms of fever, colds, and headaches.

Then what's the difference between flu and colds?

Colds and flu, both are diseases that attack the respiratory tract, but both have different causes
and symptoms. In general, colds symptoms are milder than colds. The flu is caused by influenza
viruses, while colds can be caused by hundreds of viruses and bacteria.
In general the signs and symptoms of influenza include:
Fever with temperatures above 380C.
Feeling sore or pain in the back, arms and legs.
Shivering and sweating.
Dry cough.
The body feels easily tired and weak.
Nasal congestion.
Sore throat.

People who have a high risk of influenza complications are:

Children under the age of 5 years and especially those under 2 years.
Adults over 65 years of age.
Residents of nursing homes.
Pregnant woman.
People with weakened immune systems.
People who have a history of chronic diseases such as asthma, heart, kidney and diabetes.
People who are overweight.

Influenza virus transmission is through the air that comes from when someone coughs, sneezes
or talks. Infected air can be transmitted to other people by air media, items that are shared and
then move to the hands, eyes, nose or mouth. Symptoms of an influenza virus infection can be
felt immediately or can be delayed up to 10 days after infection. Children and people whose
immune systems are weak can easily get the influenza virus.

Here are some factors that can increase your risk of getting infected with influenza virus:
Environmental conditions
Weak immune system
Have a history of chronic illness
Obesity / overweight

Therapy and treatment

Influenza can be overcome by increasing the immune system. In addition some of the things
below will help speed up the recovery of the body.
Consult with a Pharmacist for consumption of drugs that can relieve symptoms of influenza such
as coughing, headaches, and colds.
Consult a doctor to get antiviral medication to cure the infection.
More rest
Stop smoking
Taking vitamins to boost the immune system.
Increase the consumption of fluids to prevent dehydration.
Need to consume antibiotics?
Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria, not viruses. Therefore doctors do not always prescribe
antibiotics to deal with influenza unless influenza has developed into a complicated infection
between viruses and bacteria.

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