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ABSTRACT ECHANICAL ventilation can damage
Background In patients with the acute respiratory the lungs.1,2 Lesions at the alveolar–
distress syndrome, massive alveolar collapse and capillary interface,3 alterations in per-
cyclic lung reopening and overdistention during me- meability,4 and edema5-7 have repeat-
chanical ventilation may perpetuate alveolar injury. edly been shown to occur in animals subjected to
We determined whether a ventilatory strategy de- adverse patterns of mechanical ventilation.
signed to minimize such lung injuries could reduce In clinical practice, however, the “mechanical
not only pulmonary complications but also mortality stretch” caused by conventional ventilation has been
at 28 days in patients with the acute respiratory dis-
found to be detrimental in only a few uncontrolled
tress syndrome.
studies.8-11 Large variations in the susceptibility of
Methods We randomly assigned 53 patients with
early acute respiratory distress syndrome (includ- individual animal species12 and the apparent success
ing 28 described previously), all of whom were re- of mechanical ventilation based on a strategy of
ceiving identical hemodynamic and general support, using the lowest positive end-expiratory pressure
to conventional or protective mechanical ventilation. (PEEP) that results in acceptable oxygenation13,14
Conventional ventilation was based on the strategy suggest that the devastating effects observed in ani-
of maintaining the lowest positive end-expiratory mals cannot be easily extrapolated to humans.
pressure (PEEP) for acceptable oxygenation, with a We recently demonstrated that mechanical lung
tidal volume of 12 ml per kilogram of body weight protection can be provided in patients with the acute
and normal arterial carbon dioxide levels (35 to 38 respiratory distress syndrome, resulting in better pul-
mm Hg). Protective ventilation involved end-expira-
monary function and higher rates of weaning from
tory pressures above the lower inflection point on
the static pressure–volume curve, a tidal volume of the ventilator.15 Briefly, lung protection was based
less than 6 ml per kilogram, driving pressures of less on a strategy of maintaining low inspiratory driving
than 20 cm of water above the PEEP value, permis- pressures ( 20 cm of water above PEEP, with low
sive hypercapnia, and preferential use of pressure- tidal volumes and preferential use of limited airway
limited ventilatory modes. pressure over regulation of arterial carbon dioxide
Results After 28 days, 11 of 29 patients (38 per- levels), with the simultaneous circumvention of alve-
cent) in the protective-ventilation group had died, olar collapse through the use of high PEEP to keep
as compared with 17 of 24 (71 percent) in the con- end-expiratory pressures above the lower inflection
ventional-ventilation group (P0.001). The rates of point (PFLEX) on the static pressure–volume curve of
weaning from mechanical ventilation were 66 per- the respiratory system. The nearly maximal alveolar
cent in the protective-ventilation group and 29 per-
cent in the conventional-ventilation group (P  0.005);
recruitment and aeration accomplished with this
the rates of clinical barotrauma were 7 percent and 42 strategy were intended to minimize shear stresses in
percent, respectively (P  0.02), despite the use of the lung tissue during inspiration.15
higher PEEP and mean airway pressures in the pro- We have extended our earlier report15 and evalu-
tective-ventilation group. The difference in survival ated the effect of mechanical lung protection on sur-
to hospital discharge was not significant; 13 of 29 vival. We hypothesized that preventing the persistent
patients (45 percent) in the protective-ventilation collapse of recruitable units (alveolar units anatomi-
group died in the hospital, as compared with 17 of cally preserved but requiring high opening pressures
24 in the conventional-ventilation group (71 percent, for aeration) and reducing cyclic lung reopening and
P  0.37). stretch during mechanical breaths would result in
Conclusions As compared with conventional ven- lower rates of pulmonary complications and mortal-
tilation, the protective strategy was associated with
improved survival at 28 days, a higher rate of wean-
ing from mechanical ventilation, and a lower rate of
barotrauma in patients with the acute respiratory
distress syndrome. Protective ventilation was not as- From the Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, Pulmonary Division, Hospital
sociated with a higher rate of survival to hospital dis- das Clínicas, University of São Paulo (M.B.P.A., C.S.V.B., D.M.M., R.B.M.,
charge. (N Engl J Med 1998;338:347-54.) G.P.P.S., G.L.-F., R.A.K., D.D., T.Y.T., C.R.R.C.); and the General Inten-
sive Care Unit, Santa Casa de Misericórdia, Porto Alegre (C.M., R.O.) —
©1998, Massachusetts Medical Society.
both in Brazil. Address reprint requests to Dr. Amato at 135 Rua Dr. Joel
Lagos, CEP 05344-000 São Paulo, Brazil.

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ity at 28 days in patients with the acute respiratory



Study Population
Between December 1990 and July 1995, 53 patients with the
acute respiratory distress syndrome were prospectively enrolled in Age (yr) 3313 3614
the trial (including 28 described previously15). The hemodynamic Duration of mechanical ventilation before 1.91.8 2.22.6
data in 48 of the patients during the first seven days of the study entry (days)
have been reported elsewhere.16 The study was conducted in two Extrapulmonary organ failure 2.61.3 2.71.5
intensive care units in Brazil: one in São Paulo and one in Porto APACHE II†
Alegre. The protocol was approved by the hospitals’ medical-eth- Standard score 287 276
ics committees, and informed consent was obtained from each pa- Standard risk of death (%) 6518 6019
Adjusted score 247 246
tient or the patient’s next of kin. Adjusted risk of death (%) 5423 5221
Each year during the study period, a total of about 60 patients
Critical-care score 196 176
with the acute respiratory distress syndrome were admitted to the
two intensive care units. The criteria for enrollment were an un- Lung-injury score 3.40.4 3.20.4
derlying disease process known to be associated with the acute Ventilator score 8712 8414
respiratory distress syndrome along with a lung-injury score17 of Respiratory tract infection (%) 52 63
2.5 or higher (range, 0 [normal] to 4 [most severe]) plus a pul- Sepsis (%) 86 79
monary arterial wedge pressure of less than 16 mm Hg. Confir- PaO2:FiO2 11251 13467
mation that the tip of the pulmonary arterial catheter was in the PFLEX 14.73.9 14.03.7
area of the lung zone where capillary vessels were patent, trans- Static compliance (ml/cm of water) 28.28.3 30.06.5
mitting left atrial pressures backward, was assessed with two me- Primary diagnosis (no.)
chanical maneuvers.5,18 The exclusion criteria (listed in decreasing Leptospirosis 4 4
order of frequency) were previous lung or neuromuscular disease, Bacterial pneumonia 1 3
mechanical ventilation for more than one week, uncontrolled ter- Aspirative pneumonia 4 0
minal disease, previous barotrauma (pneumothorax, pneumome- Atypical pneumonia 2 4
diastinum, or subcutaneous emphysema), previous lung biopsy or Pneumocystis pneumonia 4 1
resection, an age of more than 70 years or less than 14 years, un- Puerperal sepsis and disseminated intra- 4 2
controllable and progressive acidosis, signs of intracranial hyper- vascular coagulation
Systemic lupus erythematosus and sepsis 2 2
tension, and documented coronary insufficiency. The primary di- or pneumonia
agnoses at enrollment are shown in Table 1. Acute pancreatitis 1 1
Soft-tissue infection with sepsis 1 3
Stabilizing Procedures and Randomization Abdominal sepsis 1 2
Intracranial hemorrhage 1 0
After enrollment, all patients underwent a standardized regi- Pulmonary contusion 1 0
men of ventilatory–hemodynamic procedures for at least 30 min- Near-drowning 2 0
utes (control period), during which time their initial clinical con- Disseminated tuberculosis 1 0
dition was evaluated and stabilized. This regimen consisted of Immune alveolar hemorrhage 0 1
volume-controlled ventilation (tidal volume, 10 ml per kilogram Polytransfusion 0 1
of body weight), a square-wave inspiratory flow of 50 liters per
minute, a respiratory rate of 15 cycles per minute, an inspiratory *There were no statistically significant differences between the two
pause of 0.4 second, an inspiratory oxygen fraction of 1.0, PEEP groups for any of the variables. Fisher’s exact test was used for categorical
variables, the two-tailed t-test with unequal variance for continuous vari-
of 5 cm of water or the minimal value necessary to maintain an ables, and the Mann–Whitney rank-sum test for ordinal variables. Extrapul-
arterial oxygen saturation of more than 85 percent, 5 percent al- monary organ failure, respiratory tract infection, and sepsis have been de-
bumin administered intravenously until the pulmonary arterial fined previously.15 The critical-care score is described by Yeung et al.,19 the
wedge pressure was higher than 9 mm Hg, dobutamine adminis- lung-injury score by Murray et al.,17 and the ventilator score by Smith and
tered intravenously in a fixed dose of 5 mg per kilogram per Gordon.20 Whereas the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation
minute, and norepinephrine administered intravenously whenever (APACHE) II score (range, 0 to 72) and the critical-care score (range, 0 to
the mean arterial pressure remained lower than 60 mm Hg (the 71) are systemic indexes of the severity of illness, the lung-injury score
minimal dose that kept the pressure at or above 60 mm Hg). (range, 0 to 4) and the ventilator score (range, 3 to 170) indicate the de-
gree of impairment in lung function. For all scores, higher values indicate
After the patient’s condition had been stabilized, respiratory, greater severity. Plus–minus values are means SD. PaO2:FiO2 denotes the
hemodynamic, and laboratory measurements were performed. ratio of arterial oxygen tension to the fraction of inspired oxygen, and PFLEX
These data were used for a base-line comparison of the two groups the end-expiratory pressure above the lower inflection point on the static
and for calculating the risk of death according to the severity of pressure–volume curve.
illness (Table 1). The physiologic data for Acute Physiology and †The standard APACHE II score was based on the worst physiologic val-
Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II21 scores were collected ues during the 24-hour period just before the control period. The adjusted
during the 24-hour period starting at this time. The worst values APACHE II score was calculated in the same way, except for arterial-blood
during this interval, including the control-period measurements, gas and heart rate, which were based exclusively on measurements made
were recorded, except for blood gas and heart-rate values. To avoid during the control period (before permissive hypercapnia).
the overestimating effects of subsequent permissive hypercapnia on
these variables (since respiratory acidosis and tachycardia usually
increase the APACHE score), only the control-period measure-
ments of blood gas and heart rate were considered (adjusted
APACHE II score).
Subsequently, a bedside procedure was performed to calculate
the inspiratory and static pressure–volume curve without discon-
necting the ventilator, as described previously.15,22 A well-defined

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PFLEX (corresponding to an upward shift in the slope of the curve equal PFLEX plus 2 cm of water. Finally, if a sharp PFLEX could not
and signaling an increment in lung compliance) could be deter- be determined on the pressure–volume curve, an empirical total-
mined for 49 patients, but the corresponding value was used to PEEP value of 16 cm of water was used.15 Recruiting maneuvers
adjust PEEP only in the group assigned to protective mechanical — aimed at reaerating alveolar units requiring very high opening
ventilation. Since this was the only curve calculated during the pressures — were frequently used, especially after inadvertent dis-
protocol, PEEP was then kept constant in this group until the in- connections from the ventilator. Continuous positive airway pres-
spiratory oxygen fraction was less than 0.4.15 After determining sures of 35 to 40 cm of water were applied for 40 seconds, followed
the pressure–volume curve, we randomly assigned the patients to by a careful return to previous PEEP levels. Finally, pressure-con-
one of the two groups. Randomization was performed with sealed trolled inverse-ratio ventilation was used whenever the inspiratory
envelopes and a 1:1 assignment scheme. oxygen fraction was higher than 0.5, in order to decrease minute-
volume requirements.24
General Ventilatory Support
General Support
Protective or conventional mechanical ventilation was rigorous-
ly maintained until the patient was extubated or died. Each pa- All patients were monitored with the Swan–Ganz catheter, and
tient was connected to a closed system for aspirating tracheal se- a stepwise algorithm for hemodynamic optimization15,16 was used.
cretions; the patient remained connected to the ventilator during Measurements of plasma lactate and mixed venous saturation were
aspiration, minimizing temporary drops in airway pressure. In both used to correct imbalances between oxygen transport and demand.
groups, the target partial pressure of arterial oxygen was 80 The pulmonary-artery wedge pressure never exceeded 15 mm Hg.
mm Hg, and the PEEP level was never set below 5 cm of water, Procedures for nutritional support, treatment of infections, and re-
even during weaning from the ventilator. The weaning proce- nal dialysis (when needed) were the same in both groups.15,16 Cor-
dure was the same in the two groups: a gradual decrease in the ticosteroids were given only to patients with Pneumocystis carinii
level of pressure support.15 Patients received ventilation exclusive- pneumonia. No patients received immunotherapy. The protocol
ly through endotracheal tubes. for sedation was the same for both groups, with only two sedatives
prescribed (fentanyl and diazepam) and only one neuromuscular
Conventional Approach paralyzing drug (pancuronium). Although larger doses (up to 9 mg
per day) were used in the protective-ventilation group, continuous
We sought to maintain an arterial carbon dioxide level of 35 to infusions of fentanyl were used in both groups to keep the patients
38 mm Hg, independent of airway pressures, and an inspiratory ox- comfortable. All patients received ranitidine (50 mg intravenously
ygen fraction of less than 0.6 with adequate systemic oxygen deliv- every eight hours) as prophylaxis against bleeding.
ery. To optimize this compromise, we used a stepwise algorithm for
PEEP increments.15,16 Other ventilatory settings were as follows: Statistical Analysis
tidal volume, 12 ml per kilogram (volume-cycled assisted or con-
trolled ventilation); square-wave inspiratory flow rate, 50 to 80 li- The primary end point was survival at 28 days. The effect of
ters per minute (adjusted to avoid auto-PEEP, or abnormal gas the protective approach was analyzed with a Cox proportional-
trapping leading to an elevated end-respiratory pressure); inspirato- hazards model, with the base-line adjusted APACHE II score (ad-
ry pause, 0.4 second; and backup respiratory rate, 10 to 24 cycles justed risk of death) included as a covariate.
per minute (depending on the value for arterial carbon dioxide). After the first block of 28 patients had been enrolled, a bene-
In addition to the administration of sedative drugs to keep the pa- ficial effect of the protective approach on pulmonary function be-
tients comfortable, additional doses of sedatives were given to pre- came evident,15 and we were concerned about the possibility of
subjecting the patients to an unnecessary continuation of the pro-
vent patient-triggered respiratory rates higher than 24 cycles per
tocol.25 Therefore, we performed an interim analysis after each
minute or arterial carbon dioxide values lower than 25 mm Hg.
new block of five patients. We estimated that a maximal sample
of 58 patients was required, assuming a type I error of 5 percent,
Protective Approach
a statistical power of 85 percent, and a survival rate in the protec-
The protective approach was intended to prevent alveolar col- tive-ventilation group that would be 2.4 times that in the con-
lapse and overdistention, regardless of arterial carbon dioxide lev- ventional-ventilation group, according to our initial results.15
els, and to maintain an “open lung” independently of hemo- To counterbalance the increased chance of prematurely stop-
dynamic conditions. The tidal volume was maintained at a level ping the study because of a type I error, we used the conservative
lower than 6 ml per kilogram, with a respiratory rate of less than correction for multiplicity proposed by Peto et al.26 and Geller
30 cycles per minute, even during pressure support. Permissive and Pocock,27 with a nominal significance level of 0.001 for an
hypercapnia and continuous infusions of fentanyl and diazepam interim analysis, if the study was stopped early, and a significance
were used to prevent discomfort and signs of increased respiratory level of 0.04 for the final analysis, if the study was completed.27
drive. Initial arterial carbon dioxide levels of up to 80 mm Hg The secondary end points were survival to hospital discharge,
were allowed, and slow intravenous sodium bicarbonate infusions occurrence of clinically detectable barotrauma, and weaning rate
(50 mmol per hour) were permitted if the arterial pH was less adjusted for APACHE II score (Cox model). Bonferroni’s adjust-
than 7.2. ment for multiple comparisons was performed for each secondary
Driving pressures (PPLATPEEP, with PPLAT defined as the pla- end point. All other statistical tests are described below. All P val-
teau pressure after the inspiratory pause) and peak airway pres- ues (two-tailed) were calculated with the BMDP software package
sures were kept below 20 and 40 cm of water, respectively. Only (BMDP Statistical Software, version 7.0, Los Angeles).
pressure-limited modes of ventilation (pressure-controlled in-
verse-ratio ventilation [ratio of inspiration to expiration, 1] RESULTS
and pressure-support ventilation, both generating constant air-
way pressure during inspiration) or combined modes (volume-
The study was stopped during the fifth interim
ensured pressure-support ventilation, in which a constant inspir- analysis, after 53 patients had been enrolled, because
atory pressure is targeted at the same time that a minimal tidal of a significant survival difference between the groups
volume is guaranteed23) were used, according to a stepwise algo- (Tables 2 and 3 and Fig. 1). After 28 days, 11 of
rithm.15 29 patients (38 percent) in the protective-ventila-
PEEP was preset at 2 cm of water above PFLEX. When auto-
PEEP (defined as the difference between alveolar pressures at end tion group had died, as compared with 17 of 24
expiration and airway pressures) was present, the total PEEP (ex- (71 percent) in the conventional-ventilation group
ternal PEEP plus auto-PEEP) was considered and adjusted to (P0.001). The results were similar when the groups

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Primary end point — no. (%)

Mortality at 28 days 11 (38) 17 (71) 0.001† 0.001
Secondary end points — no. (%)
In-hospital death 13 (45) 17 (71) 0.09‡ 0.37
Barotrauma 2 (7)§ 10 (42)¶ 0.004‡ 0.02
Weaning at 28 days 19 (66) 7 (29) 0.001† 0.005
Other outcomes
Death in the intensive care unit 11 (38) 17 (71) 0.03‡
— no. (%)
Death after weaning — no. 4 0 0.10‡
Nosocomial pneumonia — no. 17 11 0.10‡
Use of paralyzing agents for 24 hr 17 8 0.10‡
— no.
Neuropathy after extubation — no. 2 0 0.10‡
Dialysis required — no. 7 5 0.10‡
Packed red cells infused — 230 309 0.25
Cause of in-hospital death — no.**
Progressive respiratory failure 1 6
Refractory septic shock 6 7
Accidental extubation 2 1
Gastric hemorrhage 2 1
Cerebral nocardiosis 1 0
Accidental hemothorax 1 0
Ventricular fibrillation 0 1
Intracranial hemorrhage 0 1

*Bonferroni’s correction was used.

†A Cox proportional-hazards model adjusted for the base-line APACHE II score (adjusted risk of
death) was used.
‡A two-tailed Fisher’s exact test was used.
§Both patients had pneumothorax.
¶Five patients had pneumothorax, two had pneumomediastinum, four had subcutaneous emphy-
sema, and two had bronchopleural fistulae.
A two-tailed t-test with unequal variance was used.
**Four patients died after extubation: one each from refractory septic shock, gastric hemorrhage,
cerebral nocardiosis, and accidental hemothorax.

were stratified according to the initial severity of ill- (71 percent, P0.37 after adjustment for multiple
ness or the center where the patient was treated. comparisons).
The difference in weaning rates mirrored the Within the first 28 days, the most frequent causes
results for survival, with 19 of 29 patients (66 per- of death were refractory septic shock and progressive
cent) in the protective-ventilation group successful- respiratory failure (Table 2).15 Fourteen episodes of
ly weaned from the ventilator, as compared with 7 of accidental extubation (usually during repositioning
24 (29 percent) in the conventional-ventilation group of the patient) occurred in nine patients in the pro-
(P0.005 after adjustment for multiple compari- tective-ventilation group, as compared with 10 epi-
sons). The rate of clinical barotrauma was also sig- sodes in seven patients in the conventional-ventilation
nificantly lower in the protective-ventilation group group. In two of the patients in the protective-venti-
than in the conventional-ventilation group (7 per- lation group and one in the conventional-ventilation
cent vs. 42 percent, P0.02 after adjustment for group, irreversible cardiac events followed these epi-
multiple comparisons). The difference in survival to sodes. Although successfully extubated (at 48
hospital discharge was not significant; 13 of 29 pa- hours), four patients in the protective-ventilation
tients in the protective-ventilation group (45 per- group died before hospital discharge: one from mas-
cent) died in the hospital, as compared with 17 of sive hemothorax with arterial rupture during attempts
24 patients in the conventional-ventilation group at central venous cannulation (on day 7), one from

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gram during a period of eight hours, a PEEP pre-

TABLE 3. BASE-LINE FACTORS INFLUENCING THE RELATIVE RISK maturely reduced in disregard of the protocol, use of
antibiotics in disregard of the protocol, and a previ-
ous pneumothorax detected during a careful review
RELATIVE RISK P of radiographs. The exclusion of these five patients
from the analysis of mortality had little effect on the
Univariate analysis† mortality rate associated with the protective-ventila-
Age 1.01 (0.98–1.04) 0.43 tion approach (relative risk of death, 0.14 [95 per-
Lung-injury score 0.58 (0.22–1.51) 0.27
Duration of mechanical ventilation 0.97 (0.82–1.15) 0.77 cent confidence interval, 0.05 to 0.38], as compared
Sepsis 1.37 (0.47–3.94) 0.55 with 0.19 [95 percent confidence interval, 0.08 to
No. of organ failures 1.12 (0.84–1.48) 0.45
0.47]). The protective-ventilation approach had sig-
Adjusted score 1.07 (1.02–1.13) 0.008 nificant benefits with regard to oxygenation and lung
Adjusted risk of death 1.02 (1.01–1.04) 0.006 compliance.
Standard score 1.07 (1.01–1.13) 0.02
Standard risk of death 1.03 (1.01–1.05) 0.01 Table 3 shows the results of univariate and multi-
Group assignment 0.35 (0.16–0.75) 0.006 variate analyses of mortality at 28 days according to
Multivariate analysis base-line factors (data collected during the control
APACHE II adjusted risk of death‡ 1.04 (1.02–1.06) 0.001
Group assignment 0.19 (0.08–0.47) 0.001 period before randomization). The APACHE II
scores and the ventilatory treatment were the only sig-
*The relative risks associated with the listed factors are expressed as fol- nificant factors. These were the two covariates that
lows: age, the risk associated with each additional year; lung-injury score,
the risk associated with each increment in the score; duration of mechan- had been included a priori in the final multivariate
ical ventilation, the risk associated with each additional day; sepsis, the risk Cox regression model.
associated with its presence as compared with its absence; number of organ
failures, the risk associated with each additional failure; APACHE II stand- DISCUSSION
ard and adjusted scores, the risk associated with each increment in the
score; APACHE II standard and adjusted risk of death, the risk associated We found that in a group of patients with severe
with each 1 percent increment; and group assigment, the risk associated
with assignment to the protective-ventilation group as compared with the acute respiratory distress syndrome, the protective
conventional-ventilation group. CI denotes confidence interval. approach to mechanical ventilation improved the
†Other variables included in the univariate analysis were the end-expir- survival rate at 28 days and the weaning rate but not
atory pressure above the lower inflection point on the static pressure–vol- the rate of survival to hospital discharge. The inci-
ume curve, static compliance, ratio of arterial oxygen tension to the frac-
tion of inspired oxygen, pulmonary shunt, presence of fungi in secretions, dence of barotrauma was significantly lower in the
respiratory tract infection at entry, and critical-care score. None were sig- protective-ventilation group than in the convention-
nificantly related to survival.
al-ventilation group, despite the use of higher PEEP
‡Adjusted scores on APACHE II were based on the worst physiologic
values during the 24-hour period just before the control period, except for
levels and higher mean airway pressures.
arterial-blood gas and heart rate, which were based exclusively on measure- The complexity of the procedures in this study
ments made during the control period (before permissive hypercapnia). precluded the use of a protocol in which the inves-
Data obtained during permissive hypercapnia were included in the calcula-
tion of standard scores. tigators were unaware of the treatment assignments.
Nevertheless, we believe that the stringent algo-
rithms used for infectious problems, hemodynamic
values, nutrition, sedation, dialysis, and general care15
diffuse gastrointestinal bleeding (on day 23), one were sufficient to minimize additional bias due to
from intracerebral nocardiosis with brain edema (on differences in the management of nonrespiratory
day 11), and one from a new episode of nosocomial problems. We demonstrated in a previous analysis
pneumonia followed by refractory septic shock (on that we were able to accomplish the planned hemo-
day 68). Except for the episode of arterial rupture, dynamic goals in most patients in both groups.16 Fi-
no iatrogenic event related to central lines occurred nally, it is difficult to ascribe the better outcome in
after study entry. the protective-ventilation group to uncontrolled or
The values for the respiratory variables measured unrecognized factors, since our staff was much more
during the first week of the study are shown in Table used to the conventional approach. In fact, a greater
4. The objectives of ventilatory support were achieved number of fatal iatrogenic accidents occurred in the
in 48 of the 53 patients. Although the mean respira- protective-ventilation group than in the convention-
tory values suggest good adherence to the protocol, al-ventilation group. Considering the small size of
there were minor protocol violations in the care of the study, the conservative nature of Bonferroni’s
four patients in the protective-ventilation group and statistical adjustment,27 and the severity of base-line
one patient in the conventional-ventilation group. disease in the patients (which was responsible for
In the patient in the conventional-ventilation group, many of the late deaths), the failure to detect a sig-
a tidal volume of 7 ml per kilogram was inadvertent- nificant difference in survival to hospital discharge
ly used for 12 hours. Among the violations in the was not surprising.
protective-ventilation group, there was an inadvert- Despite the use of an appropriate rule for early ter-
ent use of a tidal volume higher than 7 ml per kilo- mination of the study during all interim analyses,26,27

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Survival (%)



0 10 20 30
Days after Randomization
Protective 29 25 20 18
Conventional 24 11 9 7
Figure 1. Actuarial 28-Day Survival among 53 Patients with the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Assigned to Protective or Conventional Mechanical Ventilation.
The data are based on an intention-to-treat analysis. The P value indicates the effect of ventilatory
treatment as estimated by the Cox regression model, with the risk of death associated with the adjust-
ed base-line score on APACHE II included as a covariate.

the estimates of relative risk shown in Table 3 may be The strong protective effect associated with a high
imprecise. The corrections proposed for multiple se- PEEP value is consistent with recent experimental
quential analysis can properly control the overall type data,7,29-33 and the benefit seems to be more pro-
I error, but they cannot prevent associated distor- nounced than the deleterious effect of high distend-
tions of the magnitude of the treatment effect caused ing pressures.7,29,30 Had we not used high PEEP
by early termination or the small sample.28 levels (PFLEX), the results might have been very dif-
Since the effect of the protective-ventilation strat- ferent, with the isolated reduction in PPLAT potential-
egy on survival was observed in the context of many ly causing reabsorption atelectasis, loss of alveolar
concomitant maneuvers (permissive hypercapnia, low- surface, and hypoxemia in some patients.
er peak and driving pressures, higher PEEP, a tidal Recent evidence suggests that the minimization
volume of less than 6 ml per kilogram, and so forth), of ventilator-induced lung injury may have impor-
we performed a pooled “retrospective” analysis to de- tant systemic benefits, decreasing the release of pro-
termine the key combination of ventilatory variables inflammatory mediators,34-36 the dissemination of in-
responsible for the ventilatory treatment effect on fections,37-39 and possible complications related to air
mortality at 28 days (data not shown). When the embolism.40,41 In addition to preventing progres-
treatment assignment was removed from the Cox sive respiratory failure, the protective-ventilation ap-
mortality model, there were three significant prog- proach may be associated with these mechanisms.
nostic factors: the APACHE II score, the mean PEEP Despite the use of higher PEEP values (up to 24
used during the first 36 hours (with a protective ef- cm of water) and higher mean airway pressures, there
fect indicated by a coefficient of 0.15), and the was a lower incidence of barotrauma in the protec-
driving pressures (PPLATPEEP) during the first 36 tive-ventilation group. The protective-ventilation ap-
hours (with a deleterious effect of high driving pres- proach may thus not only improve pulmonary func-
sures indicated by a coefficient of 0.06). All other tion and oxygenation but also reduce clinically
respiratory variables were of secondary importance. apparent alveolar damage. Another study suggested a
Higher PEEP values (preferentially above the PFLEX protective effect of PEEP against clinical barotrau-
value) and lower driving pressures were independ- ma.42 The paucity of data in favor of this concept
ently associated with better survival. High initial may be explained by the correlation normally found
PEEP values appeared to be beneficial, even when between PEEP and peak pressures.43,44 In our study,
the PPLAT value increased, as long as the driving pres- however, the use of high PEEP levels did not neces-
sure did not change disproportionately. sarily result in high peak or plateau pressures.

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mean SE

PEEP (cm of water)

Protective ventilation 6.20.6 16.30.7† 16.40.4† 13.20.4‡
Conventional ventilation 6.20.5 6.90.8 8.70.4 9.30.5
Plateau pressure (cm of water)
Protective ventilation 32.51.5 31.81.4 30.10.7† 23.90.7†
Conventional ventilation 29.51.5 34.41.9 36.80.9 37.81.2
Peak pressure (cm of water)
Protective ventilation 40.11.5 32.21.4† 30.50.7† 24.00.7†
Conventional ventilation 38.22.1 44.22.6 46.01.1 45.51.5
Mean airway pressure (cm of water)
Protective ventilation 14.10.7 24.21.2† 23.50.6† 17.00.6
Conventional ventilation 13.40.8 15.71.1 17.90.6 18.70.8
Tidal volume (ml)
Protective ventilation 66115 36211† 3486† 3877†
Conventional ventilation 64624 76326 76813 73817
Minute volume (liters/min)
Protective ventilation 10.90.4 7.00.4† 6.80.2† 8.30.2†
Conventional ventilation 10.80.5 12.10.6 13.10.3 13.90.4
PaCO2 (mm Hg)
Protective ventilation 38.11.6 58.23.3† 55.01.2† 50.81.1†
Conventional ventilation 37.91.4 35.71.7 33.20.6 35.00.7
Arterial pH
Protective ventilation 7.320.02 7.190.02† 7.250.01† 7.350.01
Conventional ventilation 7.340.02 7.370.02 7.400.01 7.410.01
PaO2:FiO2 (mm Hg)
Protective ventilation 11210 19816† 2207† 2396†
Conventional ventilation 13414 13912 1356 1467
Static compliance (ml/cm of water)
Protective ventilation 28.51.6 28.42.0 33.81.3‡ 39.71.3†
Conventional ventilation 30.01.3 30.51.3 30.10.7 29.11.0

*The values are means of the average values for all measurements in each patient, with all 53 pa-
tients included (intention-to-treat analysis). At least three measurements of all respiratory variables,
along with blood-gas and hemodynamic variables, were performed each day. PEEP denotes positive
end-expiratory pressure, PaCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide, and PaO2:FiO2 the ratio of arterial
oxygen tension to the fraction of inspired oxygen. P values are for the comparison between the two
groups during the specified interval, with adjustment for differences in the incremental area under
the curve.15

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