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International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 8, No.

2 (2015) 250-264

Pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods for

heterogeneous MCGDM problems

M. Espinilla 1 , N. Halouani2 , H. Chabchoub 2

University of Jaén
Andalucı́a, Spain
2 University of Economic Sciences and Management

Sfax, Tunisia

Received 19 March 2013

Accepted 3 October 2014

The PROMETHEE methods basic principle is focused on a pairwise comparison of alternatives for each
criterion, selecting a preference function type that often requires parameters in order to obtain a prefer-
ence value. When a MCGDM problem is defined in an heterogeneous context, an adequate and common
approach is to unify the involved information in linguistic values. However, for each criterion, there is a
difficulty to select the specific preference function and define its parameters because they are expressed
by crisp values in the unit interval, when the information involved in the problem has been unified into
linguistic values. In this paper, a methodology for modeling linguistic preference functions in order to
facilitate the selecting of each linguistic preference function type and the definition of its parameters is
proposed, providing a more realistic definition of the criteria. Therefore, a generic linguistic preference
function is proposed whose inputs and outputs are linguistic values. According to the generic linguistic
preference function, six basic preference function types are extended for linguistic values. To do so, a lin-
guistic difference function between linguistic values is defined, being its output, the input of the linguistic
preference function. Furthermore, the proposed methodology is integrated in linguistic PROMETHEE
I and II for heterogeneous MCGDM problems to obtain partial rankings and a full ranking of alterna-
tives. So, the methodology provides pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II that offer interpretability and
understandability. Finally, the feasibility and applicability of pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II are
illustrated in a case study for the selection of a green supplier.

Keywords: PROMETHEE, linguistic preferences, linguistic difference function, linguistic preference

functions, heterogeneous information, MCGDM, outranking method.

1. Introduction of criteria, usually conflicting. The MCDM meth-

ods have been widely used as useful tool due to its
broad applications in real world problems 4,29,36,41 .
Multicriteria decision-making (MCDM)9,19,27,34 When MCDM methods are extended for groups
methods establish procedures to select the best al- of decision makers, these methods are denomi-
ternative to solve a decision problem from a set of nated multicriteria group decision-making methods
feasible alternatives that are characterized by a set

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis

Copyright: the authors
M. Espinilla, et. al

(MCGDM)2,5,17,20 . However, in such linguistic PROMETHEE I and

The preference ranking organization method for II, decision makers have serious difficulties to select
enrichment evaluations (PROMETHEE)6 belongs to the preference function type and define its parame-
the family of outranking methods to solve MCDM ters for each criterion26 due to the fact that they are
problems. Its main advantages are that consists of a expressed by crisp values in the unit interval. Pref-
quite simple ranking method and follows a transpar- erence functions are generally difficult to understand
ent computational procedure that is easy to under- and hard to define its parameters with precision.
stand by decision makers and stakeholders9,39 . Due Therefore, crisp values seem that are not always
to these advantages, the method has attracted con- suitable to express the preference function in or-
siderable attention in multiple fields such as supplier der to solve MCGDM problems defined in hetero-
selection14,38 , stock trading3 , resources planing1,13 geneous contexts. In this kind of problems, a much
or bankruptcy prediction25 . A detail review of ap- more realistic approach would be to use linguistic
plications of PROMETHEE methods is shown in values instead of crisp values in the preference func-
Ref. [4]. tions and their parameters, providing linguistic in-
Among the PROMETHEE family6,7,8,10 , puts and outputs in order to improve the selection of
PROMETHEE I and II methods6 are the most well the preference function type for each criterion, of-
known. The PROMETHEE I offers a partial order- fering better interpretability and understanding.
ing of the alternatives, while the PROMETHEE II Bearing the above in mind, this paper proposes
provides the full ranking of the alternatives. a methodology for modeling linguistic preference
The preference function is the unique feature of functions in order to facilitate the selecting of each
the PROMETHEE methods. Each pair of alterna- linguistic preference function type and the defini-
tives is compared to compute a preference value by tion of its parameters. To do so, a generic linguis-
means of a selected preference function type for tic preference function is proposed such that its in-
each criterion. Six basic preference function types puts and outputs are linguistic values. Moreover,
have been defined11,12 , in which at most two param- six preference function types are extended for lin-
eters have to be defined. guistic values according to such generic linguistic
It is an evidence that decision makers encounter preference function. For each criterion, the input
difficulty in selecting the specific preference func- of the linguistic preference function is the compar-
tion and its parameters26 for each criterion. This ison of the assessments of each pair of alternatives,
problem is even harder when multiple decision which are unified in 2-tuple linguistic values. There-
makers take part in the problem and they may fore, a linguistic difference function is also proposed
have different background or degree of knowledge in this methodology to compute a linguistic differ-
about evaluated criteria, which might have differ- ence value between a pair of 2-tuple linguistic val-
ent nature (qualitative and quantitative), or be un- ues. The output of the linguistic preference func-
der qualitative uncertainty non-probabilistic. These tion expresses the preference value of each pair of
situations are common in MCGDM problems in alternatives with respect to a criterion. So, in order
which definition contexts are composed by differ- to maintain the interpretability and understandabil-
ent expression domains (numerical, interval-valued ity of the preference functions, the preference value
or linguistic)24,28,33,35 . will be also expressed by means of a linguistic value.
Some linguistic PROMETHEE I and II have Furthermore, this paper proposes the integration
been proposed15,22,43 to deal with heterogeneous of the methodology for modeling linguistic prefer-
frameworks by means of the fusion approach24 , ence functions in linguistic PROMETHEE I and II
which unifies the information in 2-tuple linguis- methods within MCGDM problems defined in het-
tic values23,29 because this approach has been erogeneous contexts. Such integration provides two
proven as fairly suitable to cope with heterogeneous pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods that
contexts18 . offer better interpretability and understandability in

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis

Copyright: the authors
Pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods for heterogeneous MCGDM problems

the involved steps to solve MCGDM problems. tor W = (w1 , . . . , wN ), in which w j , represents the
Finally, the feasibility and applicability of the measure for the relative importance of the criterion
pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II are examined c j . The aggregated preference index of ai over am is
with a MCGDM problem to select a green supplier then determined by:
by means of a case study. N
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
In the following section, some necessary concepts
π (ai , am ) = ∑ w j Pj (d j ( f j (ai ), f j (am ))) (1)
that will be used in our proposal are reviewed. In
Section 3, the methodology for modeling linguistic The leaving flow of each alternative ai represents
preference functions is proposed. In Section 4, pure a measure for the strength of alternatives, i.e, how
linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods, which in- much ai dominates all the other alternatives. The
tegrate the proposed methodology, are presented for leaving flow of the alternative ai is given by:
addressing heterogeneous MCGDM problems. In 1 M
Section 5, an illustrative case study to select a green φ (ai )+ = ∑
M − 1 m=1,m=i
π (ai , am ) (2)
suplir is presented. Finally, in Section 6, conclusions
are pointed out. In a similar way, the entering flow of ai repre-
sents a measure for the weakness of the alternatives,
2. Preliminaries i.e., how much ai is dominated by all the other al-
ternatives. The entering flow of the alternative ai is
Here, it is reviewed basic concepts about given by:
PROMETHEE I and II methods, then, it is reviewed
the fusion approach24 to deal with heterogeneous 1
information due to the fact that both will be used in
φ (ai )− = ∑
M − 1 m=1,m=i
π (am , ai ) (3)
our approaches.
PROMETHEE I computes partial ranking for
2.1. PROMETHEE-based outranking methods each alternative, assuming that the best alternative
should offer the higher leaving flow and the lower
The PROMETHEE I and II methods were initially entering flow. To do so, PROMETHEE I computes
developed by Brans6 and extended12 later on. In a partial preorder on the set of alternatives, building
PROMETHEE I and II methods, assessments about a preference PI , an indifference I I and an incompa-
a set of alternatives A = {ai , i = 1, . . . , M} are pro- rability RI relations9 . In particular:
vided with respect to a set of criteria C = {c j , j =
⎧ +
1, . . . , N}. ⎨ φ (ai ) > φ + (am ) ∧ φ − (am ) > φ − (ai ) ∨
Each pair of alternatives is compared for each ai PI am ⇐⇒ φ + (ai ) = φ + (am ) ∧ φ − (am ) > φ − (ai ) ∨ (4)
⎩ +
φ (ai ) > φ + (am ) ∧ φ − (am ) = φ − (ai )
criterion, computing the preference value of the
alternative ai over the alternative am . So, the
preference value of ai over am regarding criterion ai I I am ⇐⇒ φ + (ai ) = φ + (am ) ∧ φ − (ai ) = φ − (am ) (5)
c j is denoted as: Pj (d j ( f j (ai ), f j (am ))), in which
d( f j (ai ), f j (am )) represents the difference value of 
φ + (ai ) > φ + (am ) ∧ φ − (ai ) > φ − (am ) ∨
the assessment of alternative f j (ai ) with the assess- ai RI am ⇐⇒ (6)
φ + (ai ) < φ + (am ) ∧ φ − (ai ) < φ − (am )
ment of the alternative f j (am ), corresponding to the
criterion c j . Six different preference function types In order to compute a complete order,
Pj , were defined12,21 and expressed by crisp values PROMETHEE II computes the net outranking flow
in the unit interval. as:
The preference value of alternative ai over am , φ (ai ) = φ (ai )+ − φ (ai )− (7)
is evaluated for each criterion c j , and the prefer- Therefore, PROMETHEE II computes a com-
ence indexes are computing by using a weight vec- plete ranking of the set of alternatives in which the

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis

Copyright: the authors
M. Espinilla, et. al

best alternative corresponds to the alternative with The heterogeneous information is unified into
the highest net flow. So, in a natural way, a prefer- a selected linguistic domain called Basic Lin-
ence PII and an indifference I II relations are defined guistic Term Set (BLTS) and noted as SBLT S =
as follow: {si , i = 0, . . . , g} that is chosen with the aim
of keeping as much knowledge as possible24 .
ai PII am ⇐⇒ φ (ai ) > φ (am )
(8) Hence, each assessment is transformed by us-
ai I II am ⇐⇒ φ (ai ) = φ (am )
ing an adequate transformation function, ac-
It is noteworthy that PROMETHEE I and II for cording to its expression domain:
MCGDM problems20 provide an extension to the
traditional methods in order to take into account (a) Numerical domain. When v ∈ [0, 1],
a group of decision makers, aggregating individual the numerical transformation function
preference indexes. ϕNSBLT S : [0, 1] → F(SBLT S ) is defined as:
2.2. Fusion approach to deal with heterogeneous
ϕNSBLT S (v) = ∑ (si /γi ) (9)
context i=0

In this paper, an heterogeneous framework is con-

where γi = μsi (v) ∈ [0, 1] is the member-
sidered, in which decision makers can express their
ship degree of v to si ∈ SBLT S .
assessments by means of different expression do-
mains: numerical domain, interval-valued domain (b) Interval domain. When v ∈ P([0, 1]), the
and any linguistic term set. In this section, it is re- interval transformation function ϕISBLT S :
viewed the fusion approach24 based on the 2-tuple P([0, 1]) → F(SBLT S ), is defined as:
linguistic representation model23 to deal with het-
erogeneous information.
ϕISBLT S (v) = ∑ (si /γi ) (10)
The scheme of the fusion approach, which is i=0
based on the unification of the heterogeneous infor-
mation into a linguistic domain, is carried out with where γli = max min{μI (y), μsl (y)}, with
the following two steps (see Figure 1) that are re- y
viewed. l = {0, . . . , g}, being μI (·) and μsi (·)
membership functions associated with the
1. Transformation of the heterogeneous informa- interval I ∈ P([0, 1]) and the term sl ∈
tion into fuzzy sets in a linguistic domain. SBLT S , respectively.

Transformation Transformation
into fuzzy sets into 2-tuple linguistic values
Heterogeneous Fuzzy sets in the selected BLTS SBLTS

Values in [0,1] F(SBLTS) (s,α)

Interval φISBLTS
F(SBLTS) (s,α)
Values in [0,1]

Linguistic φSSBLTS (s,α)

Values F(SBLTS)

Figure 1: Fusion approach to deal with heterogeneous context.

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis

Copyright: the authors
Pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods for heterogeneous MCGDM problems

(c) Linguistic domain. When v ∈ Sk , such the results previously obtained, which are ex-
that Sk = {sk0 , . . . , skgk } and gk < g, the lin- pressed by fuzzy sets F(SBLT S ), are trans-
guistic transformation function ϕSk SBLT S is formed into 2-tuple linguistic values in the
defined as: BLTS by the function χ that is defined as:
g χ : F(SBLT S ) → SBLT S
ϕSk SBLT S (skl ) = ∑ (si /γi ) (11)
χ ({(s0 , γ0 ), (s1 , γ1 ), . . . , (sg , γg )}) =
⎛ g ⎞
where γi = max min{μsl (y), μsi (y), i =
y ⎜ ∑ i γi ⎟
0, . . . , g}. ⎜ i=0 ⎟
ΔS ⎜ g ⎟ = (s, α ) = s ∈ SBLT S . (13)
⎝ ⎠
2. Transformation of fuzzy sets into 2-tuple lin- ∑ γi
guistic values.
Once the heterogeneous information is expressed
In this process, the previous fuzzy sets are in 2-tuple linguistic values in the BLTS, the 2-tuple
conducted into 2-tuple linguistic values which linguistic computation model23 can be carried out
facilitate the computations and produce inter- to compute linguistic results in SBLT S , using 2-tuple
pretable results23,37 . linguistic aggregation operators30,31,40,42 .
The 2-tuple linguistic model represents the in-
formation by means of a pair of values (s, α ), 3. Methodology for modeling linguistic
where s is a linguistic term with syntax and se- preference functions
mantics, and α is a numerical value that rep-
resents the symbolic translation. In this section, it is proposed a methodology for
modeling linguistic preference functions in order to
Definition 1 23 Let S = {s0 , . . . , sg } be a set improve the determination of the preference func-
of linguistic terms. The 2-tuple set associated tion type and setting its parameters by means of lin-
with S is defined as S = S × [−0.5, 0.5). The guistic values, providing a more realistic definition
function ΔS : [0, g] −→ S is defined by: of criteria to solve MCGDM problems defined in
heterogeneous frameworks.
 Our methodology proposes to unify the hetero-
i = round (β ) geneous information in 2-tuple linguistic values.
ΔS (β ) = (si , α ), with Then, by means of a linguistic difference function, a
α = β − i,
(12) linguistic difference value is computed for each pair
of alternatives respect to each criterion. The linguis-
where round(·) obtains the integer number tic outcome with this difference function will be the
i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , g} closest to β . input of the linguistic preference function for each
criterion. A generic linguistic preference function is
Proposition 1 Let S = {s0 , . . . , sg } be a lin- proposed whose inputs and output are linguistic val-
guistic term set and (si , α ) be a 2-tuple lin- ues. The preference value of each pair of alternatives
guistic value. There is always a function Δ−1 S with respect to each criterion, i.e., the output of the
such that from a 2-tuple linguistic value, it re- preference function, will be expressed in a linguis-
turns its equivalent numerical value β ∈ [0, g] tic scale to maintain the interpretability. Finally, in
as Δ−1
S (si , α ) = i + α . order to facilitate the selection of each preference
function type and the definition of its parameters,
The 2-tuple computational model23 is based six basic linguistic preference function types are ex-
on functions Δ−1S and ΔS to operate with 2- tended for linguistic values according to the generic
tuple linguistic values in a precise way. So, linguistic preference function.

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis

Copyright: the authors
M. Espinilla, et. al

2) Computation of linguistic 3) Computation of linguistic

1) Fusion of heterogeneous information preference values
difference values
Transformation Transformation
into 2-tuple linguistic values Linguistic difference function Linguistic preference function
into fuzzy sets
Heterogeneous Fuzzy sets in the selected BLTS SBLTS Parameters
Type I Type III
Framework Sc Sp
Type II Type VI
Type V
Values in [0,1] F(SBLTS)
fj(ai) fj(ai)= (s,α) DS (fj(ai),fj(am)) Pj(Ds (fj(ai),fj(am))) p
c (s,α)
φISBLTS (s,α)
Interval Linguistic preference scale
Values in [0,1] F(SBLTS) fj(am)=(s,α) Linguistic comparison scale
Linguistic φSSBLTS
Values F(SBLTS)

Figure 2: Methodology for modeling linguistic preference function.

The methodology for modeling linguistic prefer- 3.1.2. Transformation into 2-tuples linguistic
ence functions is composed by three phases shown values
in Figure 2. The following subsections present in
further detail each phase. In order to facilitate the understandability of the re-
sults, the fuzzy sets are transformed into 2-tuple lin-
guistic values in SBLT S by using the Eq. (13). There-
fore, the unified assessment for each criterion c j , re-
3.1. Fusion of heterogeneous information garding each alternative ai , is expressed in a 2-tuple
linguistic value f j (ai ) ∈ SBLT S .
In a MCGDM problem defined in an heterogeneous
context, assessments of alternatives are expressed in
different expression domains (numerical, interval- 3.2. Linguistic difference function between
valued or linguistic), according to the uncertainty 2-tuple linguistic values
and nature of criteria as well as the background of
In order to facilitate the selection of each preference
each decision maker.
function type and its parameters, we consider that
In a preference function, each pair of alternatives the inputs of the preference function and its parame-
is compared for each criterion. Therefore, to deal ters must be linguistic values for a better interpreta-
with this framework, heterogeneous information is tion.
unified into 2-tuple linguistic values, by using the The input of the preference function is the differ-
fusion approach (Section 2.2). ence value between a pair of unified assessments,
The following subsections present in detail the which are expressed in 2-tuple linguistic values.
steps of this phase that were graphically described Therefore, we propose a linguistic difference func-
in Figure 2. tion whose linguistic outcome will be the input for
the preference function, being the parameters of
such function defined in the same linguistic scale in
3.1.1. Transformation into fuzzy sets which differences are expressed.
The linguistic difference function DS that com-
According to the fusion approach, heterogeneous in- putes a linguistic difference value between a pair of
formation is conducted into a linguistic domain. To 2-tuple linguistic values, is defined as:
do so, the unification domain SBLT S , is chosen24 and Definition 2 Let (si , αi ) and (sm , αm ) be two 2-tuple
the heterogeneous information is then conducted by linguistic values expressed in S = {s0 , . . . , sg } and,
fuzzy sets on SBLT S according to the expression do- Sc = {sc0 , . . . , scgc } a linguistic comparison scale in
main, by using the respective transformation func- which difference values will be expressed. The lin-
tions (see Eqs. (9), (10) and (11)). guistic difference value between (si , αi ) and (sm , αm )

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis

Copyright: the authors
Pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods for heterogeneous MCGDM problems

expressed in Sc is computed by: A generic linguistic preference function to com-

pute the preference value of each pair of alterna-
DS : S × S −→ Sc tives respect to each criterion is given by Defini-
tion 3. The input of the preference function is a
DS ((si , αi ), (sm , αm )) = linguistic difference value of a pair of alternatives
((Δ−1 −1 DS ( f (ai ), f (am )) ∈ Sc . The output of the prefer-
S (si , αi ) − ΔS (sm , αm )) + g)
= ΔS ( · gc ) (14) ence function, i.e., the preference value is also repre-
sented by a linguistic value in a linguistic preference
Therefore, a linguistic difference value between scale S p in order to maintain interpretability and un-
a pair of 2-tuple linguistic values (si , αi ) and derstandability.
(sm , αm ), is expressed in the linguistic comparison
Definition 3 The generic linguistic preference func-
scale Sc , whose granularity is selected according to
tion Pj (ai , am ), that denotes the linguistic pref-
the knowledge to interpret the difference between
erence value expressed in 2-tuple linguistic val-
pairs of alternatives by using a bipolar scale16 , due
ues in S p = {s0p , . . . , sgpp }, of the linguistic differ-
to the presence of the neutral point, separating pos-
ence value between the alternative ai over alter-
itive differences from negatives ones. It is notewor-
native a j , regarding criterion c j , DS (ai , am ) =
thy that, as pointed out by Miller32 , most decision
makers cannot handle more than 9 linguistic values DS (( f j (ai )), ( f j (am ))) ∈ Sc , is defined as:
in their decisions.
Example 1 In order to clarify the proposed lin- P : A × A → Sp

guistic difference function, the linguistic difference ⎨ (s0p , 0) DS (ai , am ) j  (scgc , 0)
value is computed between the 2-tuple linguistic Pj (ai , am ) 2
⎩ F[DS (ai , am ) j ] DS (ai , am ) j > (scgc , 0)
values (s4 , 0) and (s6 , 0), which are expressed in 2
S = {s0 , . . . , s8 }, establishing the linguistic compari- (15)
son scale Sc = {sc0 , . . . , sc8 }. being F : Sc → S p a function that translates the
DS ((s4 , 0), (s6 , 0)) = ΔS ( (4−6)+8
2·8 · 8) = ΔS (3) = linguistic difference value expressed in Sc between
(s3 , 0) ∈ S
c c a pair of alternatives DS (ai , am ) j ∈ Sc , with respect
to a criterion c j , in a linguistic preference value ex-
pressed in S p .
3.3. Linguistic preference functions So, S p = {s0p , . . . , sgpp } is a linguistic term set
In our methodology, inputs and outputs of the prefer- whose granularity is selected according to the
ence functions are 2-tuples linguistic values in order knowledge to interpret the preference value of a pair
to improve the definition of the preference function of alternatives, representing (s0p , 0) no preference or
and its parameters for each criterion. indifference, and (sgpp , 0) strict preference.
To do so, the following subsections present, on
the one hand, the generic linguistic preference func- 3.3.2. Linguistic preference function types and
tion whose input and output are linguistic values. On their parameters
the other hand, six basic linguistic preference func-
tion types according to such generic linguistic pref- Once the generic linguistic preference function has
erence function. been defined, six basic linguistic preference function
types are extended for linguistic values according to
such generic linguistic preference function in order
3.3.1. Generic linguistic preference function
to facilitate the selection of specific preference func-
The linguistic preference value of a pair of alter- tion and obtain a more realistic definition for each
natives with respecto to a criterion is computed by criterion.
means of a linguistic preference function, using the The six basic preference function types and
proposed linguistic difference function. their parameters were initially suggested in classi-

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis

Copyright: the authors
M. Espinilla, et. al

cal PROMETHEE I and II6 and these preference Type IV: Level criterion. In this case, the pref-
functions are considered sufficient to treat most of erence value is considered as indifferent when the
differences between a pair of alternatives does not
the cases encountered in MCGDM problems. How-
exceed the indifference threshold q, (sc , α )q ∈ Sc .
ever, other linguistic preference function types could
Between the indifference threshold q and the strict
also be considered according to the generic linguis-
preference threshold p, (sc , α ) p ∈ Sc , the preference
tic preference function (see Definition 3). value is medium. After this value, the preference
The parameters of each preference function type value is strict. Therefore, the value of indifference
are expressed in the same linguistic scale that the threshold q, and the value of strict preference p, are
difference linguistic values Sc , in order to facilitate fixed in this function.

the selection of each preference function type and ⎪ p
⎨ (s0p , 0)
⎪ DS (ai , am ) j  (sc , α )q
the definition of its parameters. At most two param- Pj (ai , am ) (s g p , 0) (sc , α )q < DS (ai , am ) j < (sc , α ) p (19)

⎪ 2
eters have to be defined in each linguistic preference ⎩ (s pp , 0) DS (ai , am ) j > (sc , α )
g p
function type: indifference threshold (sc , α )q , strict
preference threshold (sc , α ) p and distance (sc , α )σ . Type V: Criterion with linear preference and
Following, the six basic linguistic preference indifference area. In this case, the preference value
is completely indifferent as long as the difference
function types are presented as follow: between a pair of alternatives does not exceed the
Type I: Usual criterion. With this function,
there is a strict preference value for the pair of al- indifference threshold q, (sc , α )q ∈ Sc . Above this
ternatives, if there is a positive difference between value, the preference value grows progressively un-
such pair of alternatives. It is noteworthy that in this til this difference is equal to the preference threshold
function no parameter is required. p, (sc , α ) p ∈ Sc . Therefore, the value of indifference
⎧ p
threshold q, and the value of strict preference p, are
⎨ (s0 , 0) DS (ai , am ) j  (scgc , 0) fixed in this function.
Pj (ai , am ) 2 (16)
⎩ (sgpp , 0) DS (ai , am ) j > (scgc , 0) Pj (ai , am )
⎧ p

⎪ (s0 , 0) DS (ai , am ) j  (sc , α )q
Type II: Quasi-criterion. The preference value ⎪

⎨ Δ ( Δ−1
gc −1 c gc
S ((DS (ai ,am ) j )− 2 −ΔS ((s ,α )q − 2 ))
is indifferent as long as the difference between a S −1 gc −1 gc · gp) (sc , α )q < DS (ai , am ) j
ΔS ((s ,α ) p − 2 )−ΔS ((s ,α )q − 2 )
c c
pair of alternatives does not exceed the indifference ⎪

⎪ DS (ai , am ) j  (sc , α ) p

threshold q, (sc , α )q ∈ Sc . In the case that the differ- ⎩ (s p , 0)
gp DS (ai , am ) j > (sc , α ) p
ence exceeds this threshold, the preference value is (20)
strict. Therefore, the value of indifference threshold Type VI: Gaussian criterion. In this case, the
q, is fixed in this function. preference value grows with the difference between
 a pair of alternatives. The value of σ , (sc , α )σ ∈ Sc
(s0p , 0) DS (ai , am ) j  (sc , α )q is fixed in this function and it represents the distance
Pj (ai , am ) (17)
(sgpp , 0) DS (ai , am ) j > (sc , α )q between the origin and the point of inflexion of the
curve in the normal distribution in statistics.
Type III: Criterion with linear preference. Pj (ai , am )
This function provides a progressive preference ⎧ p
value according to larger differences between a pair ⎪
⎪ (s , 0) DS (ai , am ) j  (scgc , 0)
⎨ 0 2
of alternatives. The intensity of preference increases gc
(Δ−1 (DS (ai ,am ) j − 2 )2
⎪ − S −1 )
linearly until the difference is equal to strict prefer- ⎪
⎩ ΔS (1 − e
2×((ΔS (sc ,α )σ )− 2 )2
· gp) DS (ai , am ) j > (scgc , 0)
ence threshold p, (sc , α ) p ∈ Sc . After this threshold, 2
the preference value is strict. Therefore, the value
of strict preference threshold p, is fixed in this func-
tion. Once each preference function type has been se-
⎧ lected and its parameters have been defined, a lin-
⎨ Δ ( Δ−1 S ((DS (ai ,am ) j )− 2 )
· gp) DS (ai , am ) j  (sc , α ) p guistic preference value expressed in S p is computed
S c
Pj (ai , am ) −1 g
ΔS ((sc ,α ) p − 2 )
⎩ p for each ai compared with am , taking into account
(sg p , 0) DS (ai , am ) j > (sc , α ) p
(18) each criterion c j , and its linguistic preference func-
tion type Pj .

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Pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods for heterogeneous MCGDM problems

Example 2 An illustrative example to compute a 1, . . . , M} that are characterized by a set of criteria

linguistic preference value for a criterion c j , by C = {c j , j = 1, . . . , N}.
means of the Type III linguistic preference function,
is provided in Figure 3. In this example, the lin- Step 2. Gathering heterogeneous information
guistic difference value is (sc6 , 0) and the strict pref-
erence threshold p is (sc7 , 0) p , which are expressed In this step, each expert ek , provides for each alterna-
in the linguistic comparative scale Sc = {sc0 , . . . , sc8 }. tive ai , and for each criterion c j , his/her assessment
So, the linguistic preference value is computed by f jk (ai ), in a numerical, interval or linguistic domain.
Eq.(18), obtaining (s5p , 0.33) ∈ S p in the linguistic
preference scale S p = {s0p , ..., s8p }. Step 3. Fusion heterogeneous information

c According to the proposed methodology for mod-

Threshold p eling linguistic preference functions, the unification


domain SBLT S , is chosen and the heterogeneous in-


formation is unified into 2-tuple linguistic values.



Linguistic preference scale

First, by using the respective transformation func-


tion (see Eqs. (9), (10), (11)) and, second, by using


between the Eq. (13).


• If f j (ai )k ∈ [0, 1] then χ (ϕNSBLT S ( f j (ai ))) is ap-

plied, obtaining the unified assessment f j (ai )k ∈


c c c c c
s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 sc5 sc6 sc7 sc8
• If f j (ai )k ∈ P([0, 1]) then χ (ϕISBLT S f j (ai )) is ap-
plied, obtaining the unified assessment f j (ai )k ∈
Linguistic comparative scale SBLT S .
Fig. 3. Linguistic preference value that is computed by Type • If f j (ai )k ∈ Sk then χ (ϕSk SBLT S f j (ai )) is applied,
III linguistic preference function.
obtaining the unified assessment f j (ai )k ∈ SBLT S .

Step 4. Computing difference values between

4. Pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II
unified assessments
methods in heterogeneous MCGDM
According to the methodology, the computation of
In this section, pure linguistic PROMETHEE I the linguistic difference values between unified as-
and II methods for MCGDM problems defined in sessments is carried out. First, a linguistic compari-
heterogeneous contexts are presented, integrating son scale is chosen Sc , and then the difference value
the methodology for modeling linguistic preference between unified assessments are obtained in Sc by
function that offers a better interpretability and un- Eq. (14): DS ( f j (ai )k , f j (am )k ) ∈ Sc .
derstandability in the involved steps.
Pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods Step 5. Computing individual linguistic
are summarized in the following 9 steps in which
preference values
steps 3, 4 and 5 integrate the proposed linguistic
methodology. Computations to obtain individual linguistic prefer-
ence values are performed. First, the linguistic pref-
Step 1. Formulation of the MCGDM problem erence scale is chosen S p , and then for each crite-
rion c j , its linguistic preference function type Pj is
In this step is defined the set of expert E = {ek , k = selected (Eqs. (16)-(21)) and its parameters are de-
1, . . . , K} and the set of alternatives A = {ai , i = fined in 2-tuple linguistic values in Sc .

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis

Copyright: the authors
M. Espinilla, et. al

Each linguistic preference value for each expert m=1,m=i ΔS (π (am , ai ))
ek , and each alternative ai , with regards to alternative φ (ai )− = ΔS ( ) (25)
am , over criterion c j , is computed by means of its
linguistic preference function type Pj : Pj (ai , am )k ∈ According to the leaving flows and entering
Sc . flows of alternatives, partial rankings are computed
in the pure linguistic PROMETHEE I method.
Step 6. Computing aggregated linguistic
preference indexes for each decision maker
Step 9. Computing net flows. Full ranking
A weight vector W = (w1 , . . . , wk ) in which w j rep-
resents the measure for the relative importance of The net flow in the pure linguistic PROMETHEE II
the criterion c j is used to compute the individual lin- method is given by:
guistic preference indexes that are determined by:

πk : A × A → Sp φ : A → [−g p , g p ]
π (ai , am )k = ΔS ( ∑ w j (Δ−1
S (Pj (ai , am ) )))
k (22)
j=1 φ (ai ) = Δ−1 + −1 −
S (φ (ai ) ) − ΔS (φ (ai ) ) (26)

Step 7. Computing aggregated collective linguistic According to the net flows of alternatives, a
preference indexes full ranking is computed in the pure linguistic
Individual linguistic preference indexes are aggre-
gated to compute an aggregated collective linguis-
tic preference index for each alternative ai , that inte-
grates the opinion of each decision maker ek . So, the 5. Illustrative case study
aggregated collective linguistic preference indexes
are determined by: In this section, it is presented a case study for the se-
lection of a green supplier, applying pure linguistic
π : A × A → Sp PROMETHEE I and II that integrate the methodol-
ogy for modeling linguistic preference functions in
(∑Kk=1 Δ−1
S (π (ai , am ) ))
π (ai , am ) = ΔS ( ) (23) order to obtain partial rankings and a full ranking of
K feasible green suppliers.
Each step of the pure linguistic PROMETHEE I
Step 8. Computing leaving flows and entering
and II methods is described in further detail below.
flows. Partial rankings
The leaving flow in the pure linguistic
PROMETHEE I method is given by: Step 1. Formulation of the MCGDM problem

φ + : A → Sp This case study has been conducted in a company

−1 in which three decision makers E = {e1 , e2 , e3 },
m=1,m=i ΔS (π (ai , am ))
∑M from different areas with different knowledge back-
φ (ai )+ = ΔS ( ) (24)
M−1 ground, evaluate a set of suppliers X = {x1 , x2 , x3 },
The entering flow in the pure linguistic by using different expression domains: Numerical
PROMETHEE I method is given by: (N), Interval-valued(I) or Linguistic (L). The set of
suppliers are characterized by a set of seven criteria
φ − : A → Sp C = {c1 , . . . , c7 }, which are shown in Table 1.

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis

Copyright: the authors
Pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods for heterogeneous MCGDM problems

Table 1. Criteria set description. Table 4. Information provided by e3 expressed in S9 .

cj Criterion e3 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
c1 (L) Green capability: The ability to prepare, a1 M L M M 60-70 0.65 0.75
produce and deliver green products based on a2 SH SH M SH 70-80 0.76 0.84
environmental standards a3 VH SH SH VH 75-90 0.82 0.95
c2 (L) Quality. The ability to meet quality
specification consistently
Step 3. Fusion heterogeneous information
c3 (L) Green design. A systematic method to
reduce the environmental impact of products In this case study, the selected linguistic domain to
and processes unify the information is S9 . The unified information
c4 (L) Green material. Degree of green and provided by the set of decision makers is shown in
environmental friendly material in
Tables 5-7.
production process
c5 (I) Price: The total cost of products offered as Table 5. Unified information provided by e1 .
e1 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
the price a1 (M, 0) (V L, 0) (M, 0) (M, 0) (H, .13) (H, −.12) (SH, .16)
c6 (N) Re-use rate. The rate of collecting used a2 (SH, 0) (SH, 0) (M, 0) (SH, 0) (SH, −.03) (SH, .32) (V H, .04)
products from the field, and distributing or a3 (V H, 0) (SH, 0) (SH, 0) (V H, 0) (V H, −.17) (V H, −.04) (P, −.24)
selling them
Table 6. Unified information provided by e2 .
c7 (N) Re-cycle rate. The rate of collecting used
e2 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
products, disassembling and separating to a1 (H, 37) (V L, −.37) (H, .37) (H, .37) (H, .44) (H, .04) (SH, 0)
reprocess a2(V H, −.37)(V H, −.37)(V H, −.37)(V H, −.37)(SH, −.04)(SH, .24)(V H, −.12)
a3 (V H, .49) (V H, −.37)(V H, −.37) (V H, .49) (V H, −.22)(V H, .04) (V H, .36)
Specifically, in this case study, each decision
maker expresses his/her linguistic assessments in Table 7. Unified information provided by e3 .
e3 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
three linguistic domains with different number of a1 (M, 0) (L, 0) (M, 0) (M, 0) (H, .22) (H, .2) (SH, 0)
linguistic terms. Decision makers e1 , e2 and e3 use a2 (SH, 0) (SH, 0) (V H, 0) (SH, 0) (SH, 0) (SH, .08) (V H, −.28)
the linguistic term sets S5 , S7 and S9 , respectively. a3 (V H, 0) (SH, 0) (SH, 0) (V H, 0) (V H, −.36) (V H, −.44) (P, −.4)
Each linguistic term set is symmetrically and uni-
formly distributed and its syntax is as follows: Step 4. Computing difference values between
S5 ={Null (N), Low (L), Medium (M), High (H), Perfect (P)} unified assessments
S7 ={Null (N), VeryLow (VL), Low (L), Medium (M), High (H),
VeryHigh (VH), Perfect (P)} The difference values between unified assessments
S9 ={Null (N), AlmostNull (AN), VeryLow (VL), Low (L), Medium (M), are expressed in the linguistic comparison scale Sc
High (H),SlightlyHigh (SH), VeryHigh (VH), Perfect (P)}
that is shown in Figure 4.
Extremely Much Slightly Identical Slightly Much Extremely
Lower Lower Lower Lower Higher Higher Higher Higher
Step 2. Gathering heterogeneous information sc0 sc1 sc2 sc3 sc4 sc5 sc6 sc7 sc8

The information gathered by the set of decision

makers is shown in Tables 2-4.
Table 2. Information provided by e1 expressed in S5 . Fig. 4. Linguistic comparison scale
e1 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
a1 M L M M 59-69 0.61 0.77 Linguistic difference values are computed by
a2 H H M H 66-83 0.79 0.88 Eq. (14).
a3 P H H P 80-91 0.87 0.97
Table 3. Information provided by e2 expressed in S7 . Step 5. Computing individual linguistic
e2 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 preference values
a1 H L H H 63-72 0.63 0.75
a2 VH VH VH VH 68-81 0.78 0.86 The computation of each individual linguistic pref-
a3 P VH VH P 80-90 0.88 0.92 erence value for each criterion is expressed in a lin-

Co-published by Atlantis Press and Taylor & Francis

Copyright: the authors
M. Espinilla, et. al

guistic preference scale S p with 9 linguistic terms by Step 7. Computing aggregated collective linguistic
Eq. (22). preference indexes
For each criterion c j , its linguistic preference
The aggregated collective linguistic preference in-
function type Pj , and its parameters are shown in Ta-
dexes are computed by the Eq. (23) that are shown
ble 8, which are expressed in Sc .
in Table 12.
Table 8. Linguistic preference functions and its parameters
Table 12. Aggregated collective linguistic preference indexes in
cj Type Parameters Sp.
A a1 a2 a3
c1 Type V - Eq.(20) (s5 , 0)q - (sc6 , 0) p
a1 - (s1p , .37) (s1p , .42)
c2 Type III - Eq.(18) (sc5 , 0) p a2 (s1p , .12) - (s1p , .30)
c3 Type III - Eq.(18) (sc6 , 0) p a3 p p
(s1 , .07) (s1 , .20) -
c4 Type V - Eq.(20) (s5 , 0)q - (sc6 , 0) p

c5 Type III - Eq.(18) (sc5 , 0) p Step 8. Computing leaving flows and entering
c5 Type V - Eq.(20) (s5 , 0)q - (sc6 , 0) p
flows. Partial rankings
c7 Type III - Eq.(18) (sc6 , 0) p
The leaving flows are computed by the Eq. (24) and
the entering flows are computed by the Eq. (25) that
are shown in Table 13.
Step 6. Computing aggregated linguistic
preference indexes for each decision maker Table 13. Computed leaving flows, entering flows and net flows
A φ+ φ− φ
Individual linguistic preference indexes are com- a1 p
(s1 , .40) p
(s1 , .10) 0.30
puted by using the following weight vector W = a2 (s1p , .21) (s1p , .28) -0.07
(.1, .2, .1, .2, .15, .1, .15) for the set of criteria. Ac- a3 (s1p , .13) (s1p , .36) -0.23
cording to selected linguistic preference functions According to the leaving flows and entering
and their parameters (see Table 8), the aggre- flows, the partial rankings are: a1 PI a2 , a1 PI a3 ,
gated linguistic preference indexes for each deci- a2 PI a3 .
sion maker ek , are computed by Eq. (22), which are
shown in Tables 9-11.
Step 9. Computing net flows. Full ranking
Table 9. Aggregated linguistic preference indexes for e1 . The net flows are computed by the Eq. (26) and are
e1 a1 a2 a3 shown in the fourth column in Table 13.
a1 - (s1p , .36) (s1p , .44) In this illustrative case study, the value 0.30 is the
a2 (s1p , .13) - (s1p , .33) highest net flow and it corresponds to the supplier
p p
a3 (s1 , .5) (s1 , .17) - x1 . Therefore, x1 is the best supplier for this green
Table 10. Aggregated linguistic preference indexes for e2 . selection, being the full ranking: a1 PII a2 PII a3 .
e2 a1 a2 a3
a1 - (s1p , .37) (s1p , .41) 6. Conclusions
a2 (s1p , .13) - (s1p , .29)
p p Linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods have
a3 (s1 , .09) (s1 , .21) -
been proposed in the literature to solve MCGDM
Table 11. Aggregated linguistic preference indexes for e3 . problems defined in heterogeneous contexts, which
e3 a1 a2 a3 unify the heterogeneous information into 2-tuple lin-
a1 - (s1p , .38) (s1p , .42) guistic values. In these methods, for each criterion,
a2 (s1p , .11) - (s1p , .28) a preference function type is selected and its pa-
p p
a3 (s1 , .08) (s1 , .21) - rameters are defined by using crisp values expressed

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Copyright: the authors
Pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods for heterogeneous MCGDM problems

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