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Supporting innovative teaching and learning experiences.

The Educational Foundation is a nonprofit organization formed to support quality student-oriented

education programs that enrich and expand the learning experiences of the students through community
donations and fundraising initiatives. The foundation will make available grants to faculty,
administrators, and parent or student organization to support these programs. The Educational
Foundation is committed to supporting creative and innovative teaching and learning programs in public
schools. Approval of grants is at the discretion of trustees in consideration of current fund availability.
Partial grants may also be given.

When deciding grants to fund, the committee will focuses on those that:
● Provide ​innovative activities, strategies, programs and materials that provide a new process for
learning that fall outside the normal budgeting process
● Complement ​school curriculum
● Benefit as many students​ as possible with the funds available
● Provide ​evidence​ of benefit to students

The committee typically does not individually fund:

● Curriculum mandated requirements
● Basic materials such as pencils, t-shirts, paper
● School infrastructure items
● Transportation
● Admission fees
● Food

Grant submission:
Please plan ahead and submit your grant as early as possible. Grants are considered on a quarterly basis.
If you have any question please contact us..We look forward to reviewing your grant!

Please return completed application to Dr. Jennifer Hollinger via D2L.

Supporting innovative teaching and learning experiences.


Date: January 15th, 2018

Applicants’ Names: Kayla C., Emily R., Danielle B., Kathryn D.

Project Title: Dr. BC Intermediate School Makerspace

Total Grant Request: $​4,993.88

1. Please provide a one paragraph summary description including the goals of the project. Be sure
to highlight innovative, creative and enhanced educational experiences and opportunities.

This grant is being proposed by the teachers of the Dr. BC Intermediate school. This project is
designed to enhance the learning of students while giving them an opportunity to create. The
makerspace will be a school wide project benefitting all students in the building. This building
houses both fourth and fifth grade students. The students in this building are extremely
interested in learning and enjoy taking a part in their own education. The faculty of Dr. BC
Intermediate School teach based on the philosophies of John Dewey, Maria Montessori, and Lev
Vygotsky. The theories discuss the importance of inquiry based learning as well as providing
opportunities that stretch the zone of proximal development for all students. The makerspace
project was designed with these, and other, educational theorists in mind. This makerspace will
give all students in the school a chance to climb to the highest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: to
create. Students will have the opportunity to use what they learned in the classroom and apply it
in the makerspace. Students will strengthen their schemas while building on their engineering
skills. During this project, teachers will guide students in order to teach them responsibility and
foster creativity. This will prepare students for the real world. Technology and engineering
skills are becoming more and more important to employers. The teachers of Dr. BC
Intermediate School want to provide their students with low tech as well as high tech experiences
that will propel them towards success later in life.


2. When do you plan to implement your project? Please include timeline.

Upon receiving the grant, construction of the Makerspace would begin immediately (building the
space over the summer). Students would be introduced to the area as well as the functions and
goals of the materials once the school year commenced (8/29). It should be noted that students
will not have access to all materials at once. Introduction to tools will be scaffolded to promote
creativity and productivity. They will initially be introduced to the constructive tools such as
K’nex, Play-Doh, Legos, Qubits, Keva Blocks, Lincoln Logs, pan balances, and measurement kit
in order to build a sense of responsibility and respect for the resources. After a month, coding
technology (Coding Robot Mouse, Stop Motion Animation, Squishy Circuits) and the tablets will
be made available (10/1). At the start of the second quarter (11/15), the 3-D printer and
microscope kits will be accessible to students. At this point, the completed Makerspace will be
up and running for students.

3. How does your request complement the curriculum? Link to specific standards.
● Science Standards
○ 4.ESS.1: Earth’s surface has specific characteristics and landforms that can be identified.
■ 3-D Printer with Software, Play-Doh
○ 4.LS.2: Fossils can be compared to one another and to present-day organisms according
to their similarities and differences.
■ Play-Doh, Microscopes
○ 5.ESS.1: The solar system includes the sun and all celestial bodies that orbit the sun.
Each planet in the solar system has unique characteristics.
■ 3-D Printer with Software, Play-Doh
○ 5.ESS.3: Most of the cycles and patterns of motion between the Earth and sun are
■ Stop Motion Animation Kit, Play-Doh
○ 5.PS.2: Light and sound are forms of energy that behave in predictable ways.
■ Squishy Circuits
● Mathematics Standards
○ 4.MD.2 Solve real-world problems involving money, time, and metric measurement.
● a. Using models, add and subtract money and express the answer in
decimal notation.
● b. Using number line diagrams, clocks, or other models, add and subtract
intervals of time in hours and minutes.
● c. Add, subtract, and multiply whole numbers to solve metric
measurement problems involving distances, liquid volumes, and masses of
■ STEM Coding Robot Mouse Classroom Set, ​Legos (including accessories),
Play-Doh, Squishy Circuits, Mindware Keva Structures 200 Wood Plank Set,
Lincoln Logs, ​Pan Balances, Classroom measurement kit

○ 4.MD.3 Develop efficient strategies to determine the area and perimeter of rectangles in
real-world situations and mathematical problems.
■ 3-D Printer with Software, ​STEM Coding Robot Mouse Classroom Set, ​Legos
(including accessories), K’nex Bridge Set, Qubits, Mindware Keva Structures 200
Wood Plank Set, Lincoln Logs, ​Techno Gears, The Learning Journey Techno
Gears Marble Mania Zoomerang
○ 4.MD.6 Measure angles in whole number degrees using a protractor. Sketch angles of
specified measure.
■ K’nex Bridge Set, Qubits
○ 5.NBT.7 Solve real-world problems by adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
decimals using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value,
properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction, or
multiplication and division; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the
reasoning used.
● a.​ ​Add and subtract decimals, including decimals with whole numbers,
(whole numbers through the hundreds place and decimals through the
hundredths place).
● b. Multiply whole numbers by decimals (whole numbers through the
hundreds place and decimals through the hundredths place).
● c. Divide whole numbers by decimals and decimals by whole numbers
(whole numbers through the tens place and decimals less than one through
the hundredths place using numbers whose division can be readily
■ 3-D Printer with Software, ​STEM Coding Robot Mouse Classroom Set, ​Legos
(including accessories), Play-Doh, K’nex Bridge Set, Qubits, Mindware Keva
Structures 200 Wood Plank Set, Lincoln Logs, ​Apple iPad mini 16GB Tablet
○ 5.NF.5 Interpret multiplication as scaling (resizing).
● a. Compare the size of a product to the size of one factor on the basis of
the size of the other factor, without performing the indicated
■ 3-D Printer with Software, Stop Motion Animation Kit, Legos (including
accessories), Play-Doh, K’nex Bridge Set, Qubits, Mindware Keva Structures 200
Wood Plank Set, Lincoln Logs
● Technology Standards
○ Topic 3: Use digital learning tools and resources to construct knowledge.
■ Grade 3-5
● Gather, organize and summarize information from multiple digital
learning tools and resources to build knowledge of a topic.
● Interpret images, diagrams, maps, graphs, infographics, videos,
animations, interactives, etc. in digital learning tools and resources to
clarify and add to knowledge.
● Organize observations and data collected during student explorations to
determine if patterns are present.
● Create artifacts using digital learning tools and resources to demonstrate
■ 3-D Printer with Software, ​STEM Coding Robot Mouse Classroom Set, ​Stop
Motion Animation Kit, ​Apple iPad mini 16GB Tablet, Pan Balances, Classroom
measurement kit

Students will be allowed to create proposals based on what they learned in class in order to
extend their learning. The teachers have identified what they believe each material can be used
for in conjunction with the curriculum of the school. As these topics and standards arise in class,
teachers will mention that Makerspace proposals could be made on these subjects. Students can
also make a proposal on a topic that a teacher has not suggested. Teachers will check the
proposals to ensure that students are connecting their projects to their classroom learning.

4. Approximately how many pupils will benefit from this project? Explain your number. What is the
expected educational outcome of this project? How will the students benefit? How will you measure
The Makerspace will be made available to students schoolwide to help them develop higher level
thinking skills. At our school we have 427 students in total and we want every student at Dr. BC
intermediate school to use the Makerspace. At different times during intervention period,
students will be shown the makerspace and taught the rules of the space. If students want to use
the makerspace, they will fill out a short proposal form, linked below, that will be received by
their classroom teacher. The classroom teacher will ensure that the proposal stretches the
curriculum. If it does not, teachers will work with students to help modify the project so that it
builds on their prior learning. Once the proposal has been approved, students may begin their
project under the supervision of their teacher.

Students will have the opportunity to use what they learned in the classroom settings and be able
to apply their knowledge in the makerspace. Students will strengthen their schemas while
building on their science, technology, engineering, and math skills. During this project, teachers
will guide students in order to teach them responsibility and foster creativity. This makerspace
will help prepare students for the real world problems and solutions. Technology and
engineering skills are becoming more and more important to employers. It is expected that
students will learn more and show more growth throughout the year. By reinforcing learning in
the classroom, students will better understand the topic as well as understand how they can use
this information in the outside world.

Staff will be able to measure how students are benefiting from the makerspace by comparing
student assessment scores. Teachers will gather data from students who are using the
makerspace, and data from students who are not. Teachers will take the data and graph it to see
whether or not students are gaining an educational benefit from the use of the makerspace.
Assessment comparisons will be made after each unit test. They may be made more frequently if
classroom teachers prefer to do so. Teachers will be asked to compare both the final assessment
scores and the amount of growth students made from the beginning to the end of the unit. The
data will be graphed so that teachers can easily discover whether or not the Makerspace is
making a significant impact. In addition to comparison of scores, students will periodically be
interviewed about the makerspace. They will be asked questions such as: what are you learning

from the space, do you think anything could be done better, and would you like more assistance.
Responses will be noted and reviewed.

5. DETAIL your budget request. Include specific information, sources of supply and costs. Be specific,
no grant will be considered without this information​.


3-D Printer with Link to 3-D printer 2 $599.00 $1198

STEM Coding Link to STEM Coding 1 $239.20 $239.20
Robot Mouse Robots
Classroom Set

Stop Motion Link to Stop Motion Kit 2 $59.95 $119.90

Animation Kit

Legos Link to Legos 2 $17.99 $35.98

Play-Doh Link to Play-Doh 10 $4.99 $49.90
Squishy Circuits Link to Squishy Circuits 3 $75.00 $225.00
K’nex Bridge Set Link to K’nex 2 $49.99 $99.98
Qubits Link to Qubits 2 $65.95 $131.90
Mindware Keva Link to Keva Blocks 1 $39.86 $39.86
Structures 200
Wood Plank Set
Lincoln Logs Link to Lincoln Logs 2 $29.95 $59.90
Lego Mat Link to Lego Mat 2 $15.95 $31.90
Genius LEGO Link to Lego Book 1 $13.38 $13.38
Inventions with
Bricks Book
The Lego Ideas Link to Lego Book 1 $21.49 $21.49
Book: Unlock
Apple iPad mini Link to iPad 16 $99.99 1,599.84
16GB Tablet
12 Cube storage Link to Cubes 1 $65.87 $65.87
Pan Balances Link to Balances 5 $29.95 $149.75

Classroom Link to Measurement kit 2 $34.95 $69.90
measurement kit
The Learning Link to Marble Mania 3 $22.08 $66.24
Journey Techno
Gears Marble
(100+ pcs)

Techno Gears 2 Link to two pack set 3 $42.00 $126.00

pack set
Ipad charging Link to charging station 1 289.95 289.95
Microscopes Link to microscope 6 59.99 359.94

6. Sketch the Maker Space.

7. Describe how outcome(s) will be reported (e.g. written summary of results, project, video, photos,

All students will have the opportunity to use the makerspace. However, they must have a plan of
what they want to do. Students will fill out the following google form with their project or
activity proposal: ​​. Teachers will review the proposal
and give the student(s) the go ahead to begin. All proposals will be saved so that teachers can
see what materials are being used and what the students are doing with them. A monthly report
of this information will be gathered from the Google Form and sent to the school and district

Photographs and videos will be taken throughout all projects by students and/or the supervising
teacher at the time. These documentations will be saved to a Google Drive folder that can be
shared with parents, students, and administration. Upon completing projects, students will fill
out the following Google Form stating what they learned from the project:​. Reports of this information will be written and
shared to school and district administration monthly. Teachers will review these responses
weekly to ensure that the students are truly benefitting from this experience.

At the end of each unit assessment, classroom teachers will compare growth scores as well as
final unit assessment scores. Data for each of these will be graphed and sent to the school and
district administration. Teachers will look at the data to decide whether or not the Makerspace is
having a significant impact. If the teachers or administrators believe that the Makerspace is not
beneficial they will work together to reformat the use of the room. The data will still be
collected, shared, and assessed on the same schedule. The periodic student surveys will be
shared as soon as they are conducted. Teachers will take the student suggestions and responses
into consideration when improving the Makerspace.

3 2 1
Summary The summary ​clearly The summary includes The summary does not
and concisely goals and attempts to include the goals of the
articulates the goals of provide an explanation project.
the project. The about the innovative
summary paragraph and creative nature of AND/OR
convincingly the project.
highlights​ how the The the summary does
project is innovative, not explain how the
creative and enhances project is creative or
educational experiences innovative.
and opportunities.

Timeline A ​comprehensive, A timeline was A timeline was

specific provided. missing.
timeline is provided.

Link to Standards The project aligns to The project aligns to No standards were
specific standards. specific standards. addressed.
Specific plans for the
project and items to
purchases are
discussed so it is clear
that academic
standards will be the
focus of the grant

Benefits The project provided The project provided The plan did not
academic​ benefits a benefits for students articulate benefits.
large number​ of and a plan to measure
students and a ​clear this impact is provided. AND/OR
plan to measure this
impact is provided. A plan to measure the

impact was not

Budget A complete budget A complete budget The budget table was

table was provided that table was provided that incomplete.
spent between $4,800 - spent between $4,000 -
$5,000. ​The budget $5,000. OR
includes ALL
necessary materials The budget exceed
that would be needed $5,000 or fell short of
to initially begin the $4,000.
makerspace.​ The
materials chosen were
both high-tech (robotics
etc) and low-tech
(legos etc).

Sketch A floor plan of the A floor plan is No floor plan is

space is provided ​to provided. provided.

All items indicated in

the budget are labeled
and accounted for.

Reporting A plan for reporting A plan for reporting No plan included for
was included. ​The plan was included. reporting is included.
included a variety of
data sources that will
show the committee
the impact of the

Grade ___________/ 21


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