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How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff

a) I think that I will read a book that is very actually for girls because already when you see
the cover you have to be prepared for that. After reading the text on the back of the cover my
fears became true.

1. Elizabeth
2. The arrive of Daisy in England
3. Daisy and her relatives
4. Daisy’s first days
5. The fishing day
6. The talk with Aunt Penn
7. Leah’s letter
8. The silent Isaac
9. Two men from the council
10. Daisy and Edmond
11. The food
12. The doctor (Jameson)
13. A sunny day at the river
14. The visit of the army guy
15. The isolation
16. New place
17. The McEvoys
18. The connection with Edmond
19. Piper the animal whisperer
20. Elena and the death of Major M.


Mini-summary: The book “How I Live Now” by Meg Rosoff is about a girl called Daisy, who
was sent to England by her father who has a new girlfriend because, the mother of Chelsea
died giving birth. There she lives on a countryside with her cousins and her aunt where she
find a new lifestyle. In that time she falls in love with her cousin. After her aunt Penn is sent
to Oslo because of her job. In that time a war is breaks out and the kids are taken apart.
Following Daisy does everything to get with her cousins together.

5 kids:

Daisy: Daisy is the main character and obviously the narrator. She tells us about her
perspective of the war and her new life. She falls in love with her cousin.

Edmond: Cousin. He is in love with Daisy.

Piper: Cousin. She likes Daisy like a sister.

Isaac: Cousin. He doesn’t speak much. He speaks to animal and mostly they do what he want.
Osbert: Oldest cousin. Want to protect his family while his mother is away.


Aunt Penn: She is the mother of Daisy’s cousins and she fell sorry for what happened to
Daisy. She speaks with her about her sister.

Father: He sends Daisy to England because Daisy doesn’t like his new girlfriend. On the
beginning they phone each other but they don’t really talk much.
- asks her only the main things like: How are you? Or. Do you need money?

Leah: Is the best friend of Daisy in New York.

Father’s girlfriend: She doesn’t get along with Daisy and because she gets a kid Daisy is sent
to England.

Elena: She becomes a good friend of Daisy by her work of picking apples. They speak much
about what happened in their lifes. Daisy talks to her because she knows that she can tell her
things and she won’t tell it to somebody else.

Against who does England have a war?
Why the war does breaks out?


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