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Applied Materials Today 7 (2017) 246–254

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A short review on preparation of graphene from waste and bioprecursors

Nivea Raghavan a , Sakthivel Thangavel a , Gunasekaran Venugopal b,∗
Department of Nanosciences and Technology, School of Engineering and Technology, Karunya University, Coimbatore 641114, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Materials Science, School of Technology, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur 610 005, Tamil Nadu, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Herein an overview of the graphene preparation from waste and bio-precursors is given which is simple
Received 13 February 2017 yet adaptable approach excluding usual hydrocarbon or graphite as graphene precursor. Recently precur-
Received in revised form 8 April 2017 sors such as paper cups, glucose, hemp, rice husk, cockroach legs, cookies, and grass has been identified for
Accepted 10 April 2017
graphene production. We believe this review facilitates researchers in the better use of biomass and other
waste as precursor material and so it can expectantly paves the way for the exploration of untouched
biomass and other waste for graphene preparation.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rice husk

1. Introduction Graphene plays an important role in optic based devices such as

terahertz devices, optical frequency convertors, optical frequency
Graphene is unanimously called as a 21st-century wonder mate- convertors and flexible smart windows into next level. Further the
rial as plastic in the 20th century. It is a single-atom thick sheet of optical absorption of graphene can be changed by adjusting the
sp2 hybridized carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice struc- Fermi level. Also graphene has been recently recognized as a mul-
ture with outstanding properties such as high surface area, high tifaceted nanomaterial for cutting edge biomedical application. It
electrical conductivity, good chemical stability, and strong mechan- supports biological application from cell scaffolds, drug delivery to
ical strength [1–4]. A great tribute to Noble laureates Prof. Andre neural interface. Graphene has no untouched field, even in the field
K. Geim and Prof. Konstantin Novoselov, because in the year 2007 of ultra filtration it has started revolutionizing owing to its high
the team unveiled the immense potential of graphene in various surface area and 2D sheet morphology. Also it is so far a best mem-
application by perceiving its electrical property. Also commented brane for water treatment application. Ultrathin nature of graphene
that “Graphene is a rapidly rising star on the horizon of materials makes it an attractive candidate for water purification [12]. It has
science and condensed matter physics”, in their pioneer article on great potential to treat real waste water. Further it has become
graphene [1]. It is indeed a true statement, graphene started revo- a best candidature for photocatalysis treatment in which it acts
lutionizing every sector from energy, environment to health [5–8]. as an electron scavenger, so electron-hole recombination has been
Its electrical, optical, and mechanical properties [9–11] are amazing tremendously decreased. Thus improving the overall efficiency of
which makes graphene a highly desirable material for any applica- the catalyst. Therefore graphene is being explored for ultra-fast
tion. Some of the application highlight is as follows; graphene is transistor [13], supercapacitor [14], memory devices [15], flexi-
fluorescent over a broad range of wavelength owing to its hetero- ble display [16], light emitting diode [17], battery [18], solar cell
geneous electronic structure. Optical transparency, flexibility and [19], fuel cell [20], water treatment [21] and biological application
high mobility are attributes of graphene, which is a prerequisite [22]. In every venture, the researchers could able to obtain a good
for superior optoelectronic devices. Nowadays graphene became outcome.
an attractive replacement for ITO and other transparent conductor. Generally, there are two fundamental sources for the prepa-
ration of graphene: graphite and organic molecules. Conversely,
there are several approaches to prepare graphene which are as fol-
∗ Corresponding author. lows, CVD on metallic films (Chemical Vapor Deposition, bottom up
E-mail address: (G. Venugopal). approach) [23] and top-down approach includes liquid exfoliation
2352-9407/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Raghavan et al. / Applied Materials Today 7 (2017) 246–254 247

Fig. 1. Four typical methods for the mass production of small graphene sheets by exfoliation of bulk graphite.
“Reprinted with permission from W. Ren, H.-M. Cheng, The global growth of graphene, Nat. Nanotechnol. 9 (2014) 726–730, Copyright © 2014, Nature Publishing Group”.

of graphite crystal [24], epitaxial growth on silicon carbide [25], the waste into advance material like graphene is an appreciable
mechanical cleavage [26], chemical reduction of graphene oxide act. Bio-precursor such as chitosan, glucose and alginate etc also
[27]. Wen-Cai Ren and Hui-Ming Cheng have demonstrated the supports the preparation of graphene. Even coal has been used
detailed strategy of each method which is shown in Fig. 1 [28]. to prepare graphene quantum dots. The entire review deals with
These are usual approaches to prepare graphene. Every method study of preparation of graphene via different unusual precursors
has its own merits and demerits; CVD uses organic molecules as which is discussed in later section with reference to literature.
carbon source often in the form of hydrocarbon gas or solid. This Every approach has its own merit and demerit nevertheless each
technique needs high operating temperature and expensive sub- approach is admirable and novel. If graphene is successfully and
strate like the epitaxial method and its yield is low. Further the economically produced using biomass or other waste it can be used
hydrogen released to atmosphere has the tendency to react with for several applications from energy to environment.
ozone which eventually depletes the ozone layer. The microcleav-
age method is a simple process, the adhesive tape is used in order to 1.1. Importance to prepare graphene from different sources
produce graphene from graphite, though it produces good quality
of graphene, yet it is not a not feasible method for mass produc- Herein unconventional, inexpensive and biomass related
tion. On the other hand liquid exfoliation of graphite crystal and sources has been identified from literature and discussed. The
chemical reduction uses graphite as precursor to generate graphene chief aim of the review is to bring the attention of environmen-
(reduced graphene oxide), the method is generally known as Hum- talist and chemist toward the preparation of graphene in a sensible
mers’ method. This method often liberates toxic gases. Further way to ease remediation and to augment the innovative approach.
the electrical conductivity of the produced graphene is of several In recent days, the hunt for the graphene preparation with high
order less than the pristine graphene since the chemical exfoliation yield and good quality has started. Hence, this review will certainly
involves complex chemical process which leads to destruction of enable the readers to ponder over other sources which are yet to
the basal plane structure. Bulk production of graphene is a universal be disclosed. Ultimately pose challenges to the researchers to pre-
challenge because depending on the strategy there are considerable pare economically viable graphene and enables the researchers for
differences in yield, cost, and other properties. Preparation of uni- further improvement of existing preparation strategy.
form monolayer graphene sheets with high yield and efficiency is a The requirement of the sustainable resource is inevitable for
great challenge. Recently graphene from different sources exclud- any application, so renewable biomass is a sensible entrant for
ing graphite also received great attention. graphene precursor. In addition, coal has been used as a starting
The present review mainly focus on graphene preparation using material, though it is not a renewable resource yet we included due
different precursor instead of above mentioned precursors. The the innovative and sensible approach involved in the production of
waste generation and accumulation has become inevitable, so wise graphene quantum dots. This review illuminates the use of various
use of any waste is a commendable approach. Further converting precursors such as rice husk, glucose, hemp, disposable paper cups,
248 N. Raghavan et al. / Applied Materials Today 7 (2017) 246–254

Table 1
Comparison of different graphene preparation method against parameters such as density, surface area, and conductivity.

Precursor/Method Density (g cm−3 ) Surface area (m2 g−1 ) Conductivity (S m−1 ) Ref.

Glucose 0.0077 820 785 [31]

Glucose 3D strutted graphene 0.003 1005 20,000 [36]
Organic gas/CVD [Ni foam] 0.005 850 10 [35]

Table 2
Summarized table of different precursors properties and application.

S. No. Novel precursor Thickness of sheet (nm) Specific surface area (m2 g−1 ) Electrical conductivity (S m−1 ) Application studies (Ref.)

1 Rice husk – 2200 – Electrochemical performance [41]

2 Glucose 0.35–0.39 820 785 General [31]
3 Hemp – 325 226 Supercapacitor [44]
4 Paper cups 10–30 – 470 Fuel cells [45]
6 Food – 1315 – General [47]
7 Chitosan 1–5 nm 523 – H2 evolution [48]

and cookies in detail including synthesis approach, mechanism,

and potential application. The resulting graphene material has been
used for diverse application; which is summarized in Table 2. Fur-
ther, Table 3 given at the rear briefly demonstrates the precursor
and approach used to prepare graphene with its respective yield.

2. Different precursors

2.1. Glucose

Glucose is a sugar molecule with formula C6 H12 O6 . It is copi-

ous and renewable carbon source. Most researchers are employing
graphene to detect the presence of glucose non-invasively due to its
exquisite sensitivity to environmental changes [29]. On the other
hand, researchers started using glucose as preparatory material
to prepare graphene. Recently a research team employed glucose
as a starting material to produce graphene with the aid of ferric
chloride [30]. The brief preparation method is given below. Firstly,
the glucose and FeCl3 were dissolved in water and then heated to
80 ◦ C. In which carbonized glucose and FeCl2 (H2 O2 ) was formed. Fig. 2. Schematic representation of graphene preparation with aid of ferric chloride
Subsequent calcination at 700 ◦ C (argon atmosphere) leads to the
“Reprint with permission from B. Zhang, J. Song, G. Yang, B. Han, K.S. Novoselov, A.K.
formation of graphene and Fe0 . Finally, with the aid of HCl, the Fe Geim, S. V. Morozov, D. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S.V. Dubonos, I.V. Grigorieva, A.A. Firsov, K.S.
was removed. The author’s claim its electrical conductivity is on a Novoselov, et al. Large-scale production of high-quality graphene using glucose and
par with graphene synthesized using the CVD technique. Therein ferric chloride, Chem. Sci. 5 (2014) 4656–4660, Copyright © 2014, Royal Society of
FeCl3 plays a vital role in producing high-quality graphene because Chemistry”.

it acts as template and catalyst. From above method, the mass pro-
duction of graphene from glucose becomes a plausible way. This 785 S m−1 which agrees well with a CVD technique based prepared
simple method can be adopted for graphene preparation from any graphene. Yet, calcination at 1000 ◦ C contains 4.3% atom of nitrogen
biomass. The schematic representation of preparation of graphene in graphene. So the complete elimination of nitrogen is difficult. So
from glucose is given in Fig. 2. this method can be adopted to prepare nitrogen-doped graphene,
Xin-Hao Li and co-workers also synthesized graphene using which has versatile application in many fields from energy to envi-
glucose and named with a term “patched graphene” [31]. In ronment [32].
this approach dicyandiamide (DCDA) was added into glucose in Recently 3D graphene has received great attention because
the presence of nitrogen for the temporary in-situ formation of restacking issue can be significantly resolved in 3D graphene [33].
the layered graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3 N4 ), the DCDA acted as 3D graphene can be prepared via freeze drying method, hydrother-
a sacrificial template. The as-formed g-C3 N4 undergoes a com- mal method and CVD technique, each method have its own
plete thermolysis at 750 ◦ C. Thus, the graphene-like sheets were advantages and disadvantages. Except the hydrothermal method,
generated at higher temperatures. The obtained graphene was other methods require sophisticated instruments. Yet in hydrother-
claimed to be highly crystalline and atomically clean graphene. mal approach, the yield is too low and unstable approach [34]. The
Further experimentation unveiled the influence of the DCDA addi- Ni foam, which is essential in CVD technique is quite costly [35].
tion to the number of graphene layers. The nitrogen content was Also, freeze drying is essential to obtain 3D graphene. Collectively
also controlled by heating temperature and reaction time. This the above-mentioned approach is tedious and tiresome. Further,
method seems to be good to obtain nitrogen doped graphene since these methods undoubtedly use graphite and other precursor gases
the nitrogen content is tunable. In modified Hummers’ method, in order to realize 3D graphene. In addition, conductivity is low
the substantial aggregation of graphene-oxide into thick flakes due to poor contact between graphene sheets. Recently, Xuebin
takes place. In this novel approach, the monoliths of continu- Wang and his co-worker innovatively adapted an old technique
ous entangled thin graphene sheets were created without any known as “blown sugar” inspired by ancient food art to prepare
post purification or separation process. The bulk is found to be 3D graphene [36]. This technique is being used to prepare sugar
N. Raghavan et al. / Applied Materials Today 7 (2017) 246–254 249

Fig. 3. Pictorial illustration on conversion of glucose to graphene.

“Reprinted with permission from Xuebin Wang, Yuanjian Zhang, Chunyi Zhi, Xi Wang, Daiming Tang, Yibin Xu, Qunhong Weng, Xiangfen Jiang, Masanori Mitome, Dmitri
Golberg Yoshio Bando, Three-dimensional strutted graphene grown by substrate-free sugar blowing for high power-density supercapacitors, Nature Commun. 4 (2013),
Copyright © 2013, Nature Publishing Group”.

Table 3
Approach used to prepare graphene and its respective yield.

S. No. Method Graphene Precursor and treatment Yield (wt%) Ref.

1 Sugar blowing 3D strutted graphene Glucose/Chemical treatment and carbonization at Ar atmosphere 16 ± 5 [36]
2 Thermolysis Patched graphene Glucose/Aid of dicyandiamide 28–60 [31]
3 Combustion Graphene sheets Rice husk/chemical activation with KOH 10 [41]
4 Hydrothermal Interconnected carbon nanosheets Hemp/Activation with KOH – [44]
5 Chemical treatment N-doped and undoped Graphene sheets Paper cups/with the aid of Fe2+ catalyst – [45]
6 CVD Monolayer Graphene Food, insect. . ./grown at Cu foil under inert atmosphere – [47]
7 Pyrolysis N-doped graphene Chitosan/Chemical treatment under inert atmosphere 30 [48]

balloon for the edible and decorative purpose. In this approach were prepared simultaneously [40]. It seems to be a comprehen-
mere table sugar has been used as a source in order to prepare 3D sive utilization of rice husk. The pictorial representation is given in
graphene and coined a name “strutted 3D graphene” also known as Fig. 4 as provided in the manuscript. It was prepared by adopting
a 3D graphene bubble network. Therein, the team formed a solution both top-down and bottom-up approach. The detailed strategy can
containing NH4 Cl. Then heated the solution to obtain melanoidin, be obtained from the manuscript.
which is a glucose-based polymer. The gas generated from NH4 Cl Hiroyuki and co-workers adopted a new synthetic method for
aided the formation of bubbles. The challenge occurs in balancing the preparation of corrugated graphene via activation of rice husk
the optimum proportion of glucose and NH4 Cl to obtain a superior with potassium hydroxide (KOH) and substantial calcinations was
product. Under continuous heating, the syrup drains out along the done at 1123 K [41]. Therein the KOH has two key roles (i) it assists
bubble wall as the bubble grew. Deoxidation and dehydrogena- in the formation of high purity graphene material containing sta-
tion gradually transforms the graphitized melanoidin to strutted ble and clean edges and (ii) induces porosity in carbon materials.
graphene. The diagrammatic synthetic protocol is given in Fig. 3. Also, KOH is a strong alkali to remove Si impurities. Herein the
The estimated cost was found to be $0.5 per gram (laboratory). Also, KOH activation creates a continuous 3D network so high volumet-
realized into high power density supercapacitor (893 kW g−1 at ric capacitance can be achieved. The hydrogen storage ability of
100 mg−1 ) and the team asserted the structural interconnect hier- graphene was demonstrated and found to be excellent owing to
archical porous channel, and huge accessible surface area. Further, high porosity and enriched active edge. Yet, the team failed to
the team demonstrated its high photon/electron transfer ability, explain the detailed mechanism of graphene formation.
high surface area, and robust mechanical strength. The parameters Further, as mentioned above another researcher used rice husk
such as surface area, density and conductivity graphene against to prepare silicon based high capacity lithium battery anode
other precursor based graphene are compared in Table 1. So 3D owing to interconnected nanoporous structure of rice rusk [42].
graphene via above approach is sensible and robust with good So before employing rice husk as a starting material for the
electrical conductivity compared to the existing method. mass graphene production, the issues regarding purity should be
answered. Another research team recently prepared graphenated
CNT’s from rice husk by one step microwave plasma irradiation and
2.2. Rice husk
demonstrated the electrochemical performance [43]. Graphene
from rice husk seems to be an adoptable approach, yet the qual-
Rice husk is the outer covering of rice kernels. The annual rice
ity of graphene seems to be uncertain due to the formation of CNT
production is in huge million tons. So the rice husk is considered as
and other carbon product along with graphene. A comprehensive
a massive agricultural waste. The potential of rice husk has been
strategy is required to prepare graphene and other material such Si
recently tapped for the graphene preparation though rice husk
and CNT from rice husk. After resolving above points, the rice husk
acted as a starting material for the production of activated car-
can be a good option for mass production.
bon [37]. Due to presence of more amount of Si concentration in
rice husk, it is used to prepare silica and its derivatives [38,39].
Excluding Si the rice husk contains large amount of organic carbon 2.3. Hemp
which is being wasted [40]. Recently researcher’s started deriving
nanocarbon from the same. Luyi and his team prepared biocom- Hemp fiber can be derived from cannabis plant often known as
patible graphene quantum dot from rice husk with the yield of 15% bast. This plant can withstand varied climatic condition and can be
and confirmed its biocompatibility using cell viability test which nourished without fertilizer and pesticides. The fibrous part of the
could be suitable for bio-imaging and bio probing. Further, silicon plant is utilized to prepare products such as rope, clothing, oil and
nanoparticles with huge surface area with the inorganic content plastics. Huanlei Wang and his team converted fibrous hemp waste
250 N. Raghavan et al. / Applied Materials Today 7 (2017) 246–254

Fig. 4. Comprehensive utilization of rice husks for high quality graphene quantum dots and mesoporous silica nanoparticles.
“Reprinted with permission from Z. Wang, J. Yu, X. Zhang, N. Li, B. Liu, Y. Li, Y. Wang, W. Wang, Y. Li, L. Zhang, S. Dissanayake, S. L. Suib, and L. Sun, Large-scale and controllable
synthesis of graphene quantum dots from rice husk biomass: a comprehensive utilization strategy, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8 (2016), Copyright © 2016, American Chemical

Fig. 5. Schematic of the synthesis process for the hemp-derived carbon nanosheets, with the three different structural layers S1, S2, and S3.
“Reprinted with permission from Huanlei Wang, Zhanwei Xu, Alireza Kohandehghan, Zhi Li, Kai Cui, Xuehai Tan, Tyler James Stephenson, Cecil K. King’ondu, Chris M. B. Holt,
Brian C. Olsen, Jin Kwon Tak, Don Harfield, Anthony O. Anyia, David Mitlin, Interconnected carbon nanosheets derived from hemp for ultrafast supercapacitors with high
energy, ACS Nano 7 (2013) 5131–5141, Copyright © 2013, American Chemical Society”.

into a graphene-like nanomaterial [44]. Hemp waste is an inex- made up of layers of lignin, hemicellulose, and crystalline cellulose.
pensive feedstock material for the commercial use. David Miltin, a If you process it the right way, it separates into nanosheets similar
researcher in the same team stated “Hemp bast is a nanocomposite to graphene”. Fig. 5 depicts the preparation highlights schemat-
N. Raghavan et al. / Applied Materials Today 7 (2017) 246–254 251

Fig. 6. The formation mechanism of Fe/graphene sheets, graphene sheet and Pt/graphene sheets from disposable paper cups.
“Reprinted with permission from Hong Zhao and T. S. Zhao, Graphene sheets fabricated from disposable paper cups as a catalyst support material for fuel cells, J. Mater.
Chem. A 1 (2013) 183, Copyright © 2013, Royal Society of Chemistry”.

ically; hemp is composed of three layers namely S1, S2 and S3 temperature in a fashion similar to graphitization process. The car-
i.e. inner, middle and outer respectively. The S1 and S3 are com- bon atom diffuses out to form a multiple layers of graphene over the
posed of semi-cellulose and lignin the middle layer is primarily Fe during the gradual reduction of temperature, thus Fe/graphene
crystalline cellulose. Therein a hydrothermal method was used in was formed. Finally, the etching process can be utilized in order
order to obtain carbonaceous product and KOH activation was used to remove Fe ions from graphene. Pt/graphene can be prepared
to induce porosity. Briefly the fibers were heated for 24 h at around by replacing Fe ions with Pt ion via galvanic displacement. The
180 ◦ C in order to dissolve the cellulose and lignin components mechanism is given in Fig. 6 as in the research article. The team
and then the resulting material was treated with KOH to create demonstrated the fuel cell application of prepared Pt/graphene.
porous graphene. The sheets obtained are crumpled and contains The limiting current density of the Pt/graphene is higher than the
holes which is ideal for supercapacitor application. The final prod- commercial Pt/C electrode [45]. So good catalytic activity is exhib-
uct was named as “unique interconnected partially graphitic carbon ited for ORR (oxygen reduction in a fuel cell). Graphene preparation
nanosheets”. from a disposable paper cup is a suitable economical approach since
Therein prepared graphene was used for supercapacitor applica- it uses a cheap starting material. Further, the method seems to be
tion and achieved a power density (a measure of how much power good due to high yielding. Graphene preparation using a disposable
a given mass of material can produce) of 49 kW kg−1 at 60 ◦ C and paper cup is a pioneer work, so further optimization is essential.
whereas the power density of activated carbon is 17 kW kg−1 at the
same temperature [44]. Graphene from hemp waste outperformed 2.5. Coal
standard supercapacitor around 200%. This method seems to be the
simple and suitable approach for supercapacitor application due to Coal is a non-renewable source used for energy production
crumpled holey nature of graphene sheets. for several decades. Though it is a non renewable energy, yet we
would like to bring under the canopy of graphene preparation
2.4. Disposable paper cups owing to the immense potential graphene quantum dots (QD’s).
QD’s has been prepared using various carbon materials including
The paper cups are mainly made of wood, which is composed of fullerene, graphene, graphene-oxide, and CNT, etc. For instance,
lignin and hemicelluloses. The disposable paper cup is an extrane- the lithography technique has the tendency to etch the graphene
ous material; however a research team perceived disposable paper to ∼20 nm width. Yet, lithography is expensive and not plausi-
cups differently. Hong Zhao et al. made a novel endeavor by using ble for the bulk quantity production. Recently Rugyan ye et al.
the disposable paper cups as a precursor for graphene preparation unveiled the potential of coal in graphene QD’s preparation and
with the aid of iron catalyst [45]. claims as, “the exceptional structure of coal is beneficial in prepa-
The author highlighted three remarkable advantages of this ration of graphene QD’s by utilizing various types of coal, namely
approach, which are as follows (i) graphene from waste, (ii) higher anthracite, bituminous and coke as the precursor to generate tun-
yield than conventional approach, (iii) good quality. The brief mech- able graphene quantum dots” and demonstrated the unique coal
anism is as follows, during the activation treatment of paper cups structure has an advantage over pure sp2 -carbon allotropes for the
using KOH, K+ ions get adsorbed into the structure of paper pulp. generation of quantum dots [46]. The comprehensive synthesis and
Introducing Fe catalyst eventually results in the exchange of Fe2+ essential characterization is given in Fig. 7. The author claims the
ions and K+ ion. Finally, Fe3 C layers are formed when heated at high above method of graphene preparation as a facile approach since
252 N. Raghavan et al. / Applied Materials Today 7 (2017) 246–254

Fig. 7. b-GQDs (bituminous coal quantum dot) synthesis and characterization. (a) Macro-scale image and simplified illustrative nanostructure of coal. (b) SEM image of
ground bituminous coal with sizes ranging from 1 to hundreds of microns in diameter. Scale bar, 50 mm. (c) Schematic illustration of the synthesis of b-GQDs. Oxygenated
sites are shown in red. (d) TEM image of b-GQDs showing a regular size and shape distribution. Scale bar, 20 nm. (e) HRTEM image of representative b-GQDs from (d); the
inset is the 2D FFT image shows the crystalline hexagonal structure of these quantum dots. Scale bar, 2 nm. (f) AFM image of b-GQDs showing height of 1.5–3 nm. Scale bar,
100 nm.
“Reprinted with permission from R. Ye, C. Xiang, J. Lin, Z. Peng, K. Huang, Z. Yan, P. Cook Errol, L.G. Samuel, C. Hwang, G. Ruan, G. Ceriotti, A. Rahman O. Raji, A. James, M. Tour,
Coal as an abundant source of graphene quantum dots, Nature Commun. 4 (2013), Copyright © 2013, Nature Publishing Groups”.

the crystalline carbon within the coal structure is easier to oxida- ration approach is interesting and sensible, the yield is a matter of
tively displace than when pure sp2 -carbon structures are used. concern.
Graphene quantum dots prepared using coal can be realized for
several applications by impregnating it with structural composite
material. 2.7. Chitosan

Chitosan is an N-containing renewable biopolymer. It is

2.6. Food, insect, and waste obtained from the hard outer skeleton of crustacean. It is a fibrous
substance used to treat high cholesterol. Ana Primo and team
Gedeng Ruan and his team developed an economic approach for demonstrated the N-doped graphene preparation from chitosan
graphene preparation from strange inexpensive raw carbon con- using pyrolysis technique [48]. Chitosan film was heated at 800 ◦ C
taining material without pre-purification (cookies, chocolate, grass, under argon gas atmosphere to give high quality single layer N-
plastics, cockroaches and dog feces) [47]. CVD technique was used doped graphene film with 99% transmittance. Also, the team used
in order to grow graphene directly on the backside of a Cu foil at the same as photocatalyst to generate hydrogen under stimulated
1050 ◦ C for 15 min under H2 /Ar flow. Later the Cu foil was removed sunlight illumination. Recently Pin Hao et al. demonstrated the
by etching. The residual particles were found on the front side of a preparation of graphene based self doped nitrogen aerogels derived
Cu foil and no residual particles were observed on the back side of from chitosan [49]. A detailed formation is also given, which can
the coil. The diagrammatic representation (Fig. 8) is given below. be derived from the manuscript. Initially carbonized aerogel com-
Therein XPS data clearly reveals the purity of the carbon. In raw posed of graphene framework was prepared. Then the residual
carbon source, the presence of O, N, Fe, S, and P were observed but amorphous carbon was etched away by increasing the activation
in obtained graphene, none of this element were present, which temperature. The prepared nitrogen based carbon was realized
confirmed the pristine graphene composition. Though the prepa- into supercapacitor which displayed the specific capacitance of
N. Raghavan et al. / Applied Materials Today 7 (2017) 246–254 253

Fig. 8. (A) Diagram of the experimental apparatus for the growth of graphene from food, insects, or waste in a tube furnace. On the left, the Cu foil with the carbon source
contained in a quartz boat was placed at the hot zone of a tube furnace. The growth was performed at 1050 ◦ C under low pressure with a H2 /Ar gas flow. On the right is a
cross view which represents the formation of pristine graphene on the backside of the Cu substrate. (B) Growth of graphene from a cockroach leg. (a) One roach leg on top
of the Cu foil. (b) Roach leg under vacuum. (c) Residue from the roach leg after annealing at 1050 ◦ C for 15 min.
“Reprinted with permission Gedeng Ruan, Zhengzong Sun, Zhiwei Peng, James M. Tour, Growth of graphene from food, insects, and waste, ACS Nano 5 (2011) 7601–7607.
Copyright © 2011, American Chemical Society”.

197 F g−1 at a current density of 0.2 A g−1 . An extensive study of not dealt systematic characterization at atomic level, inherent
graphene derivatives preparation exclusively from polysaccharides property and application. For instance, calcination and alkaline
has been reviewed by Terzopoulou et al. [50]. treatment makes the process intricate to assess the detailed growth
mechanism of graphene. Further the edges and defect distri-
3. Future prospective of different precursors in graphene bution of graphene obtained using different precursor has not
production been addressed plainly. As already mentioned, the Fermi level of
graphene aspects was not dealt. Further light is required on mate-
Bulk Graphene preparation using different precursor is a sen- rial purity aspects. On the other hand we believe this review will
sible approach. Successful and economical preparation leads to open a window of opportunity for a breakthrough in the develop-
the utilization of graphene in several applications from energy to ment of graphene from different precursor. Because all the methods
environment. The improvement of material constantly presents dealt in this review seems to be rapid, reliable, efficient, scalable and
surpassing effect in any field. Graphene preparation is a vital field cost effective for several useful applications such as supercapacitor,
for material scientists due to its extensive property. So the ratio- next generation water filter, fuel cell, H2 generation, etc.
nal graphene preparation will always receive its due salutation in
the scientific community. More investigation is needed to opti-
mize the preparation method. For instance, the optical absorption References
of graphene can be varied by tuning the Fermi level [51]. So an
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