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Bahaa Q.

3rd Period

Beowulf Compare/Contract Essay

The character of Beowulf is the representation of the ideas of heroism and braveness that flew in
the society at the time this story was written. These ideas have transferred over the ages setting
grounds to many stories and ideas about heroic acts and pure courage where the hero is reluctant
to back down from a battle and will always save his people. One of the figures that draw
inspiration from ancient stories such as Beowulf is the character of James Bond, and in this essay
I will evaluate the similarities and differences between the two characters and how an ancient
story can provide ground for a contemporary hero.

To begin with, in the story of Beowulf he plays the Beowulf takes over the role as a hero by
having the archetype as the destroyer. The reason that Beowulf has succeeded in enduring time
and is still viewed by our society as a popular story is the fact that Beowulf has been crafted as a
marvelous character, where he fights to provide a safe world. He acknowledges that we all will
eventually die therefore he faces those challenges in order to establish fame and to be able to live
in his people’s memory ( Mythencyclopedia). The character of James Bond is vastly similar to
those qualities but in a contemporary and modern style. When you think of a hero you think of
the man in shining armor, someone that comes to his fair maidens rescue just in time to save her
life. You think of him being handsome with a strong physique and brave. Courageous and brave
is what you expect, and with the story of James Bond these are the qualities that you will get
(Why Do We Love James Bond?).

Being a government agent, James Bond is sent on missions to all around the world to save us
time after time from the all kinds of threats, going from destroying a bomb to saving a country.
While doing so he never rethinks his acts, always willing to give himself to the danger in the
name of the Queen. By doing so he assures that his name will long live without and even though
he is mortal, his actions will endure passing time. (Why Do We Love James Bond?). This is how
Beowulf and James Bond meet at common grounds. Beowulf travels a long distance to help a
nation win their war, "To anyone in Denmark. All of Beowulf's; Band had jumped from their
beds, Ancestral; Swords raised and ready" (Beowulf, lines 316-318). Beowulf wants to show all
of Denmark the good in his heart and loyalty to the race of men. Hence you can see that the tale
of an archetype hero have been a reason of inspiration for the characteristics of James Bond,
from the necessity of fame to the loyalty to their leaders.

Although the two characters show these similarities, their stories have several deep contractions
as well. For example the story of Beowulf is based on the mythical believes of the people at that
time. Whether its dragons or huge sea monsters, Beowulf’s story is based on symbolism
(Mythencyclopedia). James Bond’s path on the other hand has been set to create ultimate relation
with its audience by the fact that James Bond is a figure for modern men, being able to catch
beautiful women, drive luxurious Auston Martins while at the same time saving the world
Bahaa Q.
3rd Period

(Guardian). Therefore the factor of symbolism is much less than that of Beowulf’s on the
account of realism and deep contacts with the fans (Commanderbond).

In conclusion, I believe that the story of Beowulf has drawn inspiration for current stories of
heroism such as the story of James Bond. While there is much similarty between the both, the
difference that makes Beowulf hold its popularity for ages to come is the detailed symbolism that
makes it relate for any generation of people it may encounter (associatedcontent). These stories
and symbols will always exist in our history as long as we fancy who are wanted by women and
can establish acts of heroism and courage that we find astonishing.

"Myths and Legends of the World." Beowulf. Advameg, Inc., 2009. Web.
In text citation: (Mythencyclopedia)

Gulbraa, David. "Why Do We Love James Bond?." Capitalism Magazine (2006): n. pag. Web.

23 Nov 2010. <
In text citation: (Why Do We Love James Bond?)

McCrum, Robert . "The mystery of James Bond's enduring appeal." 31 May 2010: n. pag. Web.
23 Nov 2010. <
In text citation: (Guardian)

Zydel, Devin. "Casino Royale's Cold War Symbols, Featuring Body Worlds." Commander
Bond 28 Oct, 2006: n. pag. Web. 23 Nov 2010. <
In text citation: (Commanderbond)
Bahaa Q.
3rd Period

Beowulf, translated by Francis B. Gummere. Vol. XLIX, Part 1. The Harvard Classics. New
York: P.F. Collier & Son, 1909–14;,
In text citation: (Beowulf

"Characteristics of a Hero: Comparing Beowulf and Sir Gawain." Associated Content Jan 17,

2008: n. pag. Web. 23 Nov 2010.
In text citation: (Associatedcontent)

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