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• What do you understand by ‘Self Image’?

• What are the stages of consumer decision process?
• What are components of Tri-component Attitude Model?
• What is Group Dynamics?
• What is Opinion Leadership?
• What are stages in adoption process?
• What are individual factors affecting consumer behavior?
• What is ‘Brand Loyalty’?
• What do you understand by Learning?
• Define societal marketing concept.
• Name various cross-cultural factors which have an influence on consumer
• What is Hierarchy of needs as per the Abraham Maslow’s Model?
• What is Product Personality?
• Define brand personification?
• Define relationship marketing?
• What do you mean by cognitive learning?
• What is product positioning?
• What is Motivational Research?
• Define integrated Marketing Communication.
• What do you mean by differential threshold?
• Outline the meaning of positioning.
• What is meaning of reference group.
• What is meaning of diffusion of innovation.
• Define cognitive dissonance.
• Quantitative Research
• Benefit Segmentation
• Motivational Research
• Self Image
• Perceptual Selection
• Cues
• Behavioral Learning
• Attribution theory
• Diffusion Process
• Extensive Problem Solving
• Define consumer behavior
• What do you mean by social responsibility?
• Mention any four bases of consumer segmentation.
• Give one example each of rational motive and emotional motive.
• Name all the stages of hierarchy of needs motivation theory.
• Define personality.
• What do you mean by self-image and vanity with respect to consumer behavior?
• What is persuasive communication?
• Give four examples of reference groups.
• Name any two models of consumer decision-making.
• Define Segmentation
• What is the meaning of personality?
• What do you mean by motivational research?
• What is the Hierarchy of Needs as per Abraham Maslow’s theory?
• What is the societal marketing concept?
• What is positioning?
• Discuss the meaning of cognitive dissonance.
• What is brand personification?
• How are attitudes formed?
• Describe the features of culture.
• Identify difficulties encountered while studying consumer behavior.
• Why is it important to understand consumer needs and motivation?
• What are the characteristics of a culture?
• What are the elements of Personality?
• Define Consumer Behavior.
• What is Cognitive Learning?
• How does family influence consumer behavior?
• What is a social class?
• What do you understand by Perception?
• What is group dynamics?
• What is Targeting?
• Define Positing
• What is Brand Personification?
• What is Personality?
• What is Cognitive Dissonance?
• Define Brand Loyalty.
• What is profile of consumer innovators?
• What are the benefits of studying consumer Behavior?
• Highlight sub cultural influences on Consumer Behavior.
• Write a note on consumer needs and motivation.
• What do you mean by adoption?
• Define reference groups.
• Define consumer dissonance.
• Can attitudes be changed?
• What do you mean by Personality?
• Name various internal factors affecting consumer behavior.
• What are the characteristics of opinion leaders?
• What is consumer motivation?
b) What are marketing implications of culture?
• What is differential threshold?
• What do you understand by product positioning?
• How is ‘personality’ important in consumer behavior/
• What are different stages of family life cycle?
• What are different social classes?
• What are the stages in Adoption process?
• What is NICOSIA Model?
• What is motivational research?

• Outline the need the scope of study of consumer behavior for an marketing
• Differentiate between rational and emotion buying motives, with suitable

• Describe important factors influencing consumer behavior, with suitable

• Explain the Nicosia Model for consumer decision making by giving suitable

• Describe consumer Research process. How do you distinguish qualitative

Research from Quantitative Research?
• Describe Freudian theory of personality. Describe the relationship between Buyer
personality and product personality.
• Distinguish between perceptual selection, organization and interpretation. What
implications the above concept have on the advertising decisions.
• Write the components of an attitude. What advertising strategies are used for
changing the attitudes from negative to positive towards a product.
• Who is a consumer innovator? Describe the diffusion and adoption process of

• Explain the consumer research process. Also, highlight the importance of market
segmentation in understanding consumer behavior.
• Discuss in detail the Freudian, Neo-Freudian and Trait theories of personality,
giving examples.
• What is product personality and brand personality? How does the role of
personality help in understanding consumer diversity?
• Discuss briefly the cognitive learning theories. What is role of recognition and
recall in consumer learning?
• Explain the process of opinion leadership and motivation behind it. Also, discuss,
in brief, the diffusion process of innovation.
• Explain the extensive problem solving behavior, by taking example. Also briefly,
explain the Nicosia model of consumer decision-making.

• Define consumer Behavior. How does the study of Consumer Behavior help is
• Explain the learning theories, with illustrations.
• Outline the various attitudinal and behavioral measures of consumer behavior.
• What are reference groups? Critically examine the influence of reference groups
on consumer behavior.
• Outline the Nicosia Model of Consumer Decision making process by citing
• Outline the diffusion and adoption process of innovation
• Outline the steps involved in conducting consumer Research.
• Write notes on:
o Relationship marketing
o Bases of segmentation.

• Why is it important to study consumer behavior for a business organization?

Explain NICOSIA model of consumer behavior in detail.
• Write a detailed note on the various external factors influencing consumer
• What are the characteristics of an opinion leader?
• How does culture influence consumer behavior?
• Outline the various stages involved in the diffusion of innovation and the adoption
• Describe the model of consumer decision-making with suitable illustrations.
• Write short notes on the following:
o Consumer reference groups
o Attitude formation
• Highlight need and importance of undertaking consumer research. Outline the
steps involved in the consumer research process.
• Why is it important to study consumer behavior? Explain.
• Outline the salient features of societal marketing concept.
• What are attitudes? How are they formed? Why is it important for marketing
managers to study attitudinal patterns of consumers?
• What are characteristics of reference groups? Highlight influence of reference
groups on consumer behavior.
• Explain the Howard – Sheath model of consumer decision – making with suitable
• Write notes on the following:
• Relationship marketing
• Consumer perception

• Why is it difficult to study consumer Behavior? Outline the consumer decision

making process.
• Explain the Engell, Kollat and Blackwell Model of consumer Behavior with suitable
• Highlight the various external factors, which influence the consumer Behavior.
• What do you mean by social class? Highlight their influence on consumer
• What do you mean by diffusion of innovation? Outline the process of diffusion of
innovation and adoption.
• Write notes on:
• Opinion leadership process.
• Consumer Attitude Formation.

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