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Check Result Damage Resistance

≥ than… Toughness vs. [Damage Rank +15]
DC+15 Four (Success)
DC+10 Three (Success)
DC+5 Two (Success)
DC One (Success) No Effect
DC-5 One (Failure) -1 Penalty to further Damage Resistance
Dazed until end of next Turn
DC-10 Two (Failure)
-1 Penalty to further Damage Resistance
Staggered until Recovered
DC-15 Three (Failure)
-1 Penalty to further Damage Resistance
DC-20 Four (Failure) Incapacitated


Add or change details to gain an
Edit Scene Action Additional Standard Action
Add +2 Circumstance Bonus or
Gain 1 Advantage until end of next Bonus
Heroic Feat Improve Circumstance Bonus to +5
Increase +1 Power Rank
Inspiration Gain a clue or hint from the GM Power
until next Turn
Instant Counter Counter an Effect as a Reaction
Resistance Additional Resistance Check
Recover Remove Daze, Fatigue, or Stun,
Retry Used with some Powers
(use Extra Effort) convert Exhausted into Fatigued
Speed or Strength +1 Rank until next Turn
Re-roll and take better roll.
Improved Roll Power Stunt Gain Alternate Effect for Scene
On a 1-10 add 10 to the result


Ability Effect Damage Check = 4 + (Distance Rank fallen x2)
Defenceless, Immobilized, Stunned *Fallen Targets are Prone
Agility, Dexterity, Strength
Conscious & Aware Note: Maximum rank 16 Damage.
Awareness, Intellect, Presence Unaware (until restored to -5 Rank) A fall ≤ 15’ inflicts 0 Damage
Dazed, Defenceless, cannot make close
Stamina Dying, -5 to Fortitude to avoid Death

GRAB (Grapple) Standard Action

Attack Check vs. Target to hit
Target makes a Resistance Check (best of Strength or Dodge) vs. DC 10 + Strength (or Grab Rank) [+/- any other bonus]
Success = Target escapes Grab
Failure = Target Restrained (Immobile and Vulnerable)
2+ Degree Failure = Target Bound (Defenseless, Immobile, and Impaired)
Grab can be improved each Turn (degrees of success are cumulative)

Attacker = Hindered and Vulnerable (while grabbing).

Require Free Action & Limbs to maintain (release is Free Action)
Inflict Strength Damage as Standard Action (no Attack Check)
Drag Grabbed Target = Target makes a Resistance Check (Strength) vs. DC 10 + Strength [+/- any other bonus]
Success = Attacker Immobilized
Failure = Target moved

ESCAPE (Grapple) Move Action

Target (Escapee) Resistance Check vs. DC 10 + Strength (or Grab Rank) [+/- any other bonus]
Resistance Check is Athletics, Acrobatics or Slight of Hand Check
Success = end the Grab and can move Speed Rank -1
Fail = still Grabbed.
DC Acrobatic Difficulties - Task DC Climbing Difficulties - Surface
5 Lessen damage from a fall (-1/ degree) 0 Ladder
15 Acrobatic manoeuvre 5 Knotted rope
20 Move from prone to standing as a free action 10 Rope
30 Contort to fit through a tight space 15 Uneven surface (rock-face)
Balancing Difficulties - Surface 20 Rough surface (brick wall)
0 A meter or more wide Climbing Difficulties - Circumstance Modifiers
5 Wide ledge (1-3ft.) -10 Air duct, chimney, a brace against 2 opposite walls
10 Narrow ledge (less then 1 ft.) -5 Corner, a brace against 2 perpendicular walls
15 Balance beam -5 Climb less then 10’ total
20 Tightrope +2 Surface slightly slippery
Balancing Difficulties Circumstance Modifiers +5 Surface very slippery
+2 Surface slightly slippery +5 +1 speed rank (up to full speed)
+5 Surface very slippery +5 Not vulnerable while climbing
+2 Surface slightly uneven Check Jumping Distance
+5 Surface very uneven or angled Roll Running Long-jump
+5 Move at normal speed rank Roll /2 Standing Long-jump
+5 Not vulnerable while balancing Roll /5 Running Vertical-jump
Roll /10 Standing Vertical-jump
DC Running
SLIGHT OF HAND 15 +1 Speed rank for 1 Turn
DC Escaping Difficulties Swimming Difficulties – Modifiers
15 Ropes +5 Rescuing someone who cannot swim
20 Handcuffs +5 Rough, choppy water
25 Straightjacket +5 +1 Speed rank (up to full ground speed)
15+rank Power Effect +10 Stormy, turbulent water
Other Uses
30 Contorting through a smaller space TREATMENT
10 Legerdemain (“vanish” a small item) DC Security Difficulties
20 Steal an item (Perception contested to notice) 10 Diagnose injuries and ailments
15 Provide long-term care
15 Revive Dazed or Stunned target
PERCEPTION 15 Stabilize Dying target
DC Hearing Difficulties 15 Treat Disease or Poison (provide +2 Bonus)
0 Normal Conversation 25 Treat Disease or Poison (proved +5 Bonus)
10 Soft Noise Conditional Modifiers
20 Very quiet (hidden) noise +5 No Medical Equipment or supplies
+5 Listen through a door +2 Alien or unfamiliar metabolism
+15 Listen through a solid wall +5 Very alien or unfamiliar metabolism
+10 Wake up from sleep +5 Treating self
+/–2 for Bonus / Penalty
+/–5 for Major Bonus / Penalty

DC Hearing Difficulties
0 Normal Conversation
10 Soft Noise
20 Very quiet (hidden) noise
+5 Listen through a door
+15 Listen through a solid wall
+10 Wake up from sleep

DC Search Difficulties – Sample
10 Ransack an area to find a certain object
Notice a secret Compartment, simple tap or
obscure clue
Find a well-hidden secret compartment, trap or
extremely obscure clue
Evidence Difficulties – Task
15 Analyze Evidence
15 Gather Evidence
Evidence Circumstance Modifiers
+2 Every day since event (max +10 modifier)
+5 Crime scene is outdoors
+2 Crime scene is disturbed
+5 Crime scene is highly disturbed
TECHNOLOGY Gather Information Results – Type
DC Security Difficulties 10 General
10 Simple lock or home alarm system 15 Specific
15 Quality lock or advanced home alarm system 20 Restricted
20 Business and corporate security 25 Protected
25 High security: branch bank vault or museum
30 Very high security: bank HQ vault, medium prison
35 Maximum security: high security prison
DC Circumstance
40 Super-max security: super-prison
-5 Target wants to believe you
Conditional Modifiers
+0 Believable and doesn’t affect target much
+5 Prevent tampering from being noticed
+5 Hard to believe or puts the target at risk
+1 Fail Sets off security or trap
+10 Difficult to believe or puts the target at serious risk
+20 Unbelievable, almost too incredible to consider
Innuendo Difficulties
DC Time Rank Complexity
10 Basic message
Simple – electronic timer or
15 10 (2 hours) 15 Complex message
detonator, tripwire trap
Moderate – radio direction finder, 20 Message with new or detailed information
20 12 (8 hours)
lock, engine component
Complex – cell phone, combustion
25 14 (1 day) PERSUASION
30 16 (4 days) Advance – computer, vehicle DC Changing Attitude
+5 -1 build time Build or repair faster ≤10 Decrease Attitude 1 step
-5 -2 build time Repair damaged items 15 Improve Attitude 1 step
Jury-Rig – quick fix one problem 25 Improve Attitude 2 steps
-5 Std action
for a scene 35 Improve Attitude 3 steps
Distance Distance
Rank Time Example Distance
(Imperial) (Metric)
-5 1/8 second 6 inches 15 cm Dollar Bill
-4 1/4 second 1 foot 30 cm Length of a License Plate
-3 1/2 second 3 feet 1m Average length of a sword
-2 1 second 6 feet 2m Average height of a person
-1 3 seconds 15 feet 4m Average length of a car
0 6 seconds 30 feet 8m Length of a stretch limo
1 12 seconds 60 feet 16 m Length of a semi trailer or train car
2 30 seconds 120 feet 32 m Length of a tennis court
3 1 minute 250 feet 64 m Length of the Space Shuttle
4 2 minutes 500 feet 125 m Approximate height of the St. Louis Arch
5 4 minutes 900 feet 250 m Length of a WWII Aircraft Carrier
6 8 minutes 1,800 feet 500 m Taipei 101 building
7 15 minutes 1/2 mile 1 km Six City Blocks
8 30 minutes 1 mile 2 km Average length of a airport runway
9 1 hour 2 miles 4 km Length of the Golden Gate Bridge
10 2 hours 4 miles 8 km Depth of the Atlantic Ocean
11 4 hours 8 miles 16 km Height of Mt. Everest
12 8 hours 16 miles 32 km Width of the Grand Canyon
13 16 hours 30 miles 64 km Length of the Panama Canal
14 1 day 60 miles 125 km Distance from Earth to Space
15 2 days 120 miles 250 km Width of Lake Superior
16 4 days 250 miles 500 km Length of the Grand Canyon
17 1 week 500 miles 1,000 km Length of Great Britain
18 2 weeks 1,000 miles 2,000 km Distance from London to Rome
19 1 month 2,000 miles 4,000 km Length of the Mississippi River
20 2 months 4,000 miles 8,000 km Length of the Great Wall of China
21 4 months 8,000 miles 16,000 km Diameter of the Earth
22 8 months 16,000 miles 32,000 km Circumference of Mars
23 1 1/2 years 32,000 miles 64,000 km Diameter of Uranus
24 3 years 64,000 miles 125,000 km Diameter of Saturn
25 6 years 125,000 miles 250,000 km Diameter of Saturn's Rings
26 12 years 250,000 miles 500,000 km Distance from the Earth to the Moon
27 25 years 500,000 miles 1 million km The Moon's Orbit
28 50 years 1 million miles 2 million km Circumference of Saturn's Rings
29 100 years 2 million miles 4 million km Circumference of the Sun
30 200 years 4 million miles 8 million km Total amount of highways in the USA
+1 x2 x2 x2 x2
50 192 million years 4.2 x1012 miles 8.4 Tm 56 AU - Distance beyond Pluto
75 7 x1015 years 1.3 x1020 miles 256 Pm 25 million light years – Distance to Messier 106


Toughness Material Toughness Material
0 Cloth, Paper, Soil 11 Volcanic Rock
1 Ceramic, Glass, Ice, Leather, Rope 12 Gemstones, Kryptonite, Sivanium
2 Crystal, Plastic, Sand, Drywall 13 Diamond, Industrial Tools, Shazamium
3 Silicon, Tempered Glass, Wood 14 Marvelium, Zuunium
4 Average Wall, Ice, Rubber, Soft Metals 15 Eternium, Titanium, Vibranium (start)
5 Kevlar, Stone 16 Omnium Steel, Plasti-Steel
6 Asphalt, Brick, Machinery, Exterior Wall 20 Orichalcum, Element 152
7 Bullet-Proof Glass, Industrial Wall, Iron 25 Nth metal, Veridium
8 Reinforced Concrete 30 Mithril, Amazonium (Feminum)
9 Steel 35 Adamantium, Vibranium (hardened)
10 Granite Stone 40 Supermanium, Dilustel, Inertron
Mass Mass Volume Volume
Rank Example Mass Example Volume
(Imperial) (Metric) (Imperial) (Metric)
-5 1.5 lbs 750 g Flower Pot, Frying Pan 1 pints 0.8 L Draft beer
-4 3 lbs 1.5 kg Brick, Textbook 1 quart 1.5 L Milk jug
-3 6 lbs 3 kg Cinder Block 3 quarts 3L Large pot
-2 12 lbs 6 kg Street Sign, Car Tire 1 gal 6L Small gas can
-1 25 lbs 12 kg Parking Meter, Sack of 5000 Pennies 3.5 gal 13 L Bucket
0 50 lbs 24 kg Bicycle, Toilet, Television 7 gal 25 L Large gas can
1 100 lbs 50 kg Manhole Cover, Fire Hydrant 14 gal 50 L Car gas tank
2 200 lbs 100 kg Railroad Tie 28 gal 100 L Bathtub
3 400 lbs 200 kg Lion, Portable Generator, Piano 49 gal 200 L Barrel of oil
4 800 lbs 400 kg Motorcycle, Lamp Post 105 gal 400 L Hot water tank
5 1,600 lbs 800 kg Compact Car, Horse, Cow, Satellite 210 gal 800 L Backyard Pond
6 3,200 lbs 1600 kg Mid-Size Car, Ski Boat 350 gal 1700 L Home Propane Tank
7 3 (long / metric) tons Luxury Car, Van, Saturn V Rocket 875 gal 3.5 kL 3 Tons of Ice or Coal
8 6 tons Truck, Steel Girder, Anchor 1750 gal 7 kL Septic Tank
9 12 tons Lear Jet, Subway Car, Killer Whale 500 cft 15 kL Cement Truck
10 25 tons Fighter Jet, Semi, Streetcar 1,000 cft 30 kL Tanker Truck
11 50 tons APC, Humpback Whale 2,000 cft 60 kL Building Water Tower
12 100 tons Tank, Locomotive 4,000 cft 120 kL Large backyard Pool
13 200 tons 767, Cargo Jet, Space Shuttle, Blue Whale 8,000 cft 250 kL Olympic Pool
14 400 tons 747, Fishing Trawler, Statue of Liberty 15,000 cft 500 kL Big Ben
15 800 tons Drilling Rig 32,000 cft 1 ML Massive Redwood
16 1,600 tons Small Bridge, Nuclear Stack 65,000 cft 2 ML Whale Aquarium
17 3.2 k-tons Destroyer, Missile Silo 125,000 cft 4 ML Hot Air Balloon
18 6 k-tons Freight Train, Nuclear Submarine 250,000 cft 8 ML Goodyear Blimp
19 12 k-tons Cargo Freighter (Empty) 500,000 cft 15 ML BP oil spill per day
20 25 k-tons Cruiser, Cargo Freighter (Full), Oil Derrick 1 MCF 30 ML Parthenon
21 50 k-tons Ocean Liner, Large Bridge 2 MCF 60 ML Small Iceberg
22 100 k-tons Battleship, Gateway Arch 4 MCF 120 ML Hockey Arena
23 200 k-tons Aircraft Carrier 8 MCF 250 ML Oil Tanker
24 400 k-tons Small Spaceship, Oil Tanker (Full) 15 MCF 500 ML Super Oil Tanker
25 800 k-tons Empire State Building 32 MCF 1 GL Empire State Building
26 1.6 M-tons Golden Gate Bridge 65 MCF 2 GL Sports Superdome
27 3.2 M-tons Large Spaceship 125 MCF 4 GL White House
28 6.4 M-tons Great Pyramid of Giza 250 MCF 8 GL Niagara Falls 1 hour
29 12.5 M-tons Three Gorges Dam 500 MCF 15 GL Average Cloud
30 25 M-tons Small Asteroid 1000 MCF 30 GL Lake Mead -Hover Dam
+1 x2 x2 x2 x2
44 400 G-tons Haley's Comet 111 miles3 491 TL Lake Erie
62 105 Peta-tons 15,000' Mountain 7
2.7 x10 miles 3
130 EL 1/10th Earth’s water
69 13 Exa-tons The Moon 3.7 x109 miles3 16 ZL Planet Mercury
13 3
82 110 Zetta-tons The Earth 2.7 x10 miles 130 YL 130 x Earths

SI Measurements

1024 Yotta (Y)

10 21 Zetta (Z)
1018 Exa (E)
10 15 Peta (P)
1012 Tera (T)
109 Giga (G)
106 Mega (M)
103 Kilo (k)
Action Attack Defense Type Effect

Aid - - Std Close; Attack check (DC 10), success grants +2 attack or defense, four degrees grants +5.
Aim +5 - Std Close or Ranged; +2 bonus if longer than close range
Charge -2 - Std Close; Speed rank in straight line, then attack
Defend - - Std Make an opposed check vs. attack, add 10 to roll of 10 or less
Disarm -2 - Std Close; -5 at range; opposed check Damage vs. target’s STR
Escape - - Mve Opposed Athletics or Sleight of Hand vs. opponent’s routine STR or grab effect
Grab - - Std Attack check, if successful, target resists with STR or Dodge; see Grab p. 176
Recover - +2 Std Remove highest level of damage or fatigue, or make resistance check; one per combat
Smash - - Std -5 attack if vs. a held object
Trip -2 - Std Attack vs. Parry, if successful make opposed Acrobatics or Athletics vs.
target’s Acrobatics or Athletics; defender is prone

Maneuver Attack Defense Type Effect

Accurate Attack +1 or 2 - Std -1 or 2 to Effect

All-out Attack +1 or 2 -1 or 2 Std
Defensive Attack -1 or 2 +1 or 2 Std
Finishing Attack - - Std Auto hit or attack vs. DC 10, if successful treat as a crit.
Power Attack -1 or 2 - Std +1 or 2 to Effect
Charge, Damage is Damage or Speed ranks +1, full-speed is +2; you make
Slam Attack -1 or 2 +1 or 2 Std
Toughness check vs. 1/2 damage (round down)
Team Attack - - Std Must be simultaneous, must be vs. same defense, see page 179

Basic Conditions
Compelled: Single standard action determined by another. Immobile: Have no movement speed, cannot move, but can take
Controlled: Another character determines actions. actions. Supersedes hindered.

Dazed: May only take a single standard action. Impaired: -2 penalty on checks.

Debilitated: One or more abilities at -5. Normal: Unaffected by other conditions.

Defenseless: Active defenses equal 0, often prone. Supersedes Stunned: Cannot take actions.
vulnerable. Transformed: Traits altered by an outside agent. Depends on effect.
Disabled: -5 penalty on checks. Supersedes impaired. Unaware: Unable to make interaction or Perception checks or
Fatigued: Hindered, recover after 1hour of rest. perform actions based on them.

Hindered: Move at -1 speed rank. Vulnerable: Active defenses are halved (round up).
Weakened: Temporarily lost power points in a trait. Depends on effect.

Combined Conditions
Asleep: Defenseless, stunned, and unaware. Exhausted: Impaired and hindered, recover after 1hour of rest.
Blind: Hindered, visually unaware, vulnerable, may be impaired or Incapacitated: Defenseless, stunned, and unaware. Usually prone.
disabled for visual tasks. Paralyzed: Defenseless, immobile, and physically stunned; may be
Bound: Defenseless, immobile, and impaired. able to take mental actions.

Deaf: Auditory unaware. Prone: Hindered, -5 penalty on close attack checks, +5 bonus to
attacker’s close attack checks, but -5 penalty to attacker’s ranged
Dying: Incapacitated. May die, see p. 19. attack checks. Move action to stand.
Entranced: Stunned, but may only pay attention to entrancing effect. Restrained: Hindered and vulnerable, immobile if restraints are
Breaks free if threatened or from allies interaction skill check (DC anchored.
10+effect rank).
Staggered: Dazed and hindered.
Surprised: Stunned and vulnerable.

DC Adventures © 2010 DC Comics. All rights reserved. Published by Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All characters, their distinctive likenesses, and all related elements are trademarks of DC Comics

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