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In this essay, I'm going to talk about one of the key issues in our life that effect every single
person exist in the world which is pollution. I will start by what is pollution, why pollution is a
hazard for our lives, what are the most common kinds of pollution that can be found nowadays.
Also. I will pickup some famous cause and effects for this hazard. Moreover, what Saudi Arabia
is doing to reduce the pollution in our life and cost of pollution.

Pollution is a hazard and not nice thing like dirty, chemical ingredients that can be seen or
noticed in our life and can change the quality for air, water, land and different things than can be
polluted. Moreover, I will talk about major causes and effects for different type of pollution like
water, when there is dirty waste put into water be dirty and clear and fresh water will be not be
enough for people. When there is so many waste form factories and cars people into are people
will not get have a fresh air to breath and they may get bad breathing issues. If people are taking
more plants, burn them and put their waste in to plant like people put their garbage into clean
green grass the grass will affected and polluted.

Saudi Arabia is doing so many things to improve the quality of air, water and land quality by
different ways like making industrial city faraway from cities, asking factories to use air filters to
protect people and give they fresh air and charge them fees if they doing take care of their waste
very well .In addition to that put government fees for people who make pollution to air like truck
, cars and ask all drivers to check their cars every year to make sure that their vehicles exhaust
pollution is low otherwise they asked them to fix it and not give them valid Motor Vehicle
Periodical Inspection valid certificate. Moreover, government supports recycle products to
reduce harming the land and natural sources. Furthermore, government not allowing people to
dumb their wastewater into seas. Besides, there are costs of pollution like cost for air pollution
for people is there health and treatment changes, for water cost of fixing and make water clean
again, lastly for land the cost of cleaning and repairing land to it past condition.

In conclusion, I have talked about what is pollution and why it is harm to people and life health.
In addition to that, I talked about most common causes and effects for pollution in air, water and
land. Finally, I showed what Saudi Arabia is doing to reduce pollution in different ways to make
sure that their people are less harmed by pollution and some costs of pollution.

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