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Dania Ali

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. The medium through which communication travels is called a .

a. Transmission
b. Message
c. Media
d. Channel
e. Vessel

2. In the communication process, which of the following steps occurs first?

a. Transmitting
b. Decoding
c. Encoding
d. Understanding
e. Analysis

3. All of the following are examples of downward communication flows except ___.
a. Managers assigning goals.
b. Managers informing employees of procedures.
c. Managers pointing out problems that need attention.
d. Employees completing attitude surveys.
e. Managers telling employees to work more quickly.

4. When can lateral communications create dysfunctional conflict?

a. When the formal vertical channels are breached.
b. When members go above or around their superiors to get things done.
c. When bosses find out that actions have been taken without their knowledge.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

5. Communication messages that are passed through a great many people will most likely to suffer
from which of the following?
a. Disruption
b. Distortion
c. Lack of non-verbal cues
d. Decoding
e. Formal communication decay

6. An informal communication network is typically called a ___.

a. Gossip monger
b. Grapevine
c. Chain
d. Contextual system
e. Free acting system

7. Studies have shown that ___ percent of the information transmitted through the grapevine is
a. 55
b. 65
c. 75
d. 85
e. 100

8. Which of the following statements is not true regarding face-to-face communication?

a. It has high channel richness.
b. It provides for a maximum amount of information to be transmitted.
c. It usually results in delayed feedback.
d. It offers multiple information cues.
e. It is highly personal.

9. Receivers in communication see and hear based on their needs, motivations, experience,
background, and other personal characteristics. This is called ___.
a. Communication apprehension
b. Filtering
c. Selective perception
d. Emotional block
e. Projection

10. The two most common purposes of business presentations are to:
a. Analyse and synthesize.
b. Regulate and validate.
c. Inform and persuade.
d. Illustrate and entertain.

11. Studies show that visual aids can improve learning by up to ___ percent.
a. 50
b. 100
c. 200
d. 400

12. Which of the following is an example of proxemics?

a. Widening your eyes
b. Moving closer to the listener.
c. Speaking faster
d. Using a translator

13. Which of the following is recognized as a low-contact culture?

a. Eastern Europeans
b. Arabs
c. South Americans
d. Northern Europeans

14. Which of the following characteristics is NOT true of people in a high-contact culture?
a. Prefer to touch a great deal
b. Live in warmer climates
c. Are more individualistic
d. Prefer to stand close
15. ____ and ____ are elements of paralanguage.
a. Rate of speech; kinesic behaviour
b. Tone of voice; language
c. Vocal inflection; tone of voice
d. All of the above

16. Changing the meaning of words by changing the inflection of your voice is an example of ___.
a. Paralanguage
b. Oculesics
c. Object language
d. Proxemics

17. Which of the following countries is considered a high-context culture?

a. Asia
b. Germany
c. Switzerland
d. Scandinavia

18. In low-context cultures ____.

a. Work and friend relationships are inseparable.
b. Feelings and thoughts are not explicitly expressed.
c. One must read between the lines
d. Feelings and thoughts are expressed in words.

19. The best type of medium chosen for a message depends on all of the following EXCEPT:
a. The nature of the message.
b. The communication effectiveness of the sender.
c. The level of importance of the message.
d. The timing of the message.

20. ___is the process of translating the received symbols into the interpreted message.

a) Decoding
b) Transmitting
c) Encoding
d) Fragmenting

21. Emphatic listening takes into account the speaker’s:

a. Thoughts and feelings.
b. Thoughts.
c. Feelings.
d. Culture and feelings.

22. What does it mean to paraphrase?

a. To emphasize
b. To summarize
c. To obscure
d. To evaluate

23. ___ and ___ are elements of nonverbal communication.

a. Ethnicity and language
b. Proxemics and ethnicity
c. Kinesic behaviour and proxemics
d. Language and object language

24. When a person assumes that every member of a particular subculture has the same
characteristics or traits, this is known as ___.
a. Attribution
b. Stereotyping
c. Cultural noise
d. Kinesicbehaviour

25. Which of the following is an example of proxemics?

a. Widening your eyes
b. Moving closer to the listener
c. Speaking faster
d. Using a translator

26. __ and __ are elements of paralanguage.

e. Rate of speech; kinesicbehaviour
f. Tone of voice; language
g. Vocal inflection; tone of voice
h. All of the above

27. Changing the meaning of words by changing the inflection of your voice is an example of ___.
a. Paralanguage
b. Oculesics
c. Object language
d. Proxemics

28. ____is the only characteristic shared by both openness in communication and
resilience in communication.
a. A tolerance for ambiguity
b. Extrovertedness
c. Resourcefulness
d. An internal locus of control

29. The first critical thinking skill one should utilize when public speaking……
a. Focusing
b. Evaluating
c. Brainstorming
d. Organizing

30. Research indicates that poor ___ is probably the most frequently cited source of
interpersonal conflict.

a. Motivation
b. Leadership
c. Training
d. Communication
e. Hygiene

State the following statements as True or False:

1. Good listening skills are a weak component of the communication skills of most people with
most listening at only 25 percent efficiency. False
2. Facial expressions can indicate something quite different from the verbal message that a
sender is communicating. TRUE
3. During communication, the acceptable amount of physical space between individuals varies
according to cultural norms. TRUE
4. Oral communication is the chief means of conveying messages among group members.
5. In terms of nonverbal communication, facial expressions never lie. FALSE
6. When you listen to someone give a sales presentation and you need to decide whether you
will buy the item, you are engaged in comprehensive listening. FALSE
7. Usually it is easy to block out physical and mental distractions when listening to a speaker.
8. Eye contact with the entire audience is very important for any good speaker. TRUE
9. When using a visual aid in public speaking, it is not necessary to maintain eye contact with
your audience as you describe the visual aid. FALSE
10. The basic structure of a good speech should include an introduction, a body & a conclusion.
11. Paralanguage includes changes in voice pitch, a pat on the back, and throat clearing. FALSE
12. Chronemics has to do with how cultural values are chronicled and passed down to next
generation. FALSE
13. A lack of pitch variation causes you to have a monotone speaking voice. TRUE
14. Listening is as important to successful communication as reading, writing, and speaking
15. Maintaining eye-contact with your audience will enhance their receptivity to your message
16. Experts believe that being fully prepared for a speech can reduce stage fright by up to 75
percent. TRUE
17. Research indicates that even when we listen carefully, we understand and retain only about
half of what we hear. TRUE
18. Although language changes from culture to culture, the meaning of nonverbal signals is
consistent across cultures. FALSE
19. Hearing and listening are identical: FALSE
20. Studies have found that the total impact of a message is about 7% verbal TRUE

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