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Comité de Normalización HYDROCARBON COLLECTION
de Petróleos Mexicanos y AND TRANSPORTATION Rev.: 0
Organismos Subsidiarios
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This norm cancels and supersedes NRF-001-PEMEX-2000, edited on August 8,
and NRF-002-PEMEX-2001 edited on February 25, 2002.
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de Petróleos Mexicanos y AND TRANSPORTATION Rev.: 0
Organismos Subsidiarios
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Group Work Coordinator


Comité de Normalización HYDROCARBON COLLECTION
de Petróleos Mexicanos y AND TRANSPORTATION Rev.: 0
Organismos Subsidiarios
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Establish the quality requirements to be met by supplier for the fabrication, inspection and tests of micro alloyed
steel line pipe for hydrocarbon collection and transportation.


This norm establishes the requirements to be met by pipe manufacturers for fabrication of micro alloyed steel, seam
and seamless line pipe, tests, documentation and records for pipeline systems used to collect and transport sour and
non sour hydrocarbons.

This Edition cancels and replaces NRF-001-PEMEX-2000, edited on August 8, 2000 and NRF -002-
PEMEX-2001, edited on February 25, 2002.

2.1 Sour Hydrocarbons (SH)

This service adopts the requirements indicated in ISO 3183-2, grades L360 to L450 (X-52 to
X-65), with the modifications and additions set forth in 8.1, 8.2 and 8.4 herein.

.Grades greater than L450 (X-65) are no accepted for collection and transportation of sour hydrocarbons.

Use of helical seam line pipe for sour gas service is only permitted for land transportation, subject to compliance
with the requirements indicated in this norm. Helical seam line pipe is NOT permitted for offshore pipelines transporting
sour hydrocarbons.

2.2 Non sour Hydrocarbons (NSH)

This service adopts the requirements indicated in ISO 3183-2, grades L290 to L485 (X-42 to
X-70), with the modifications and additions set forth in 8.1, 8.3 and 8.4 herein.

Helical seam line pipe is NOT permitted for offshore pipelines transporting non sour hydrocarbons for offshore


This norm is of general application and obligatory to all areas of Petróleos Mexicanos and Subsidiaries for
procurement of steel line pipe used for hydrocarbon collection and transportation. Therefore, it must be included as
the minimum requirements for the contracting procedures: public bid, invitation to at least 3 parties, or direct
awarding, as a part of the technical requirements to be complied with by the supplier, contractor or bidder.


This norm shall be revised and if applicable, modified at least every 5 years or before if the recommendations and
suggestions require so.
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Organismos Subsidiarios
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The suggestions to change and update this referenced norm, shall be submitted to the Secretary of the
Standardization Technical Subcommittee of PEMEX-Exploración and Producción, who shall schedule and
update it according to its origin, and if applicable, register it in the Standardization Annual Schedule of Petróleos
Mexicanos, through the Standardization Committee of Petróleos Mexicanos and its Subsidiaries.

The recommendations and suggestions shall be prepared in form CNPMOS-001, Rev. 1, dated September 30,
2004, and addressed to:

PEMEX-Exploración y Producción.
SubcomiteTécnico de Normalización
Bahía de Ballenas 5, Edificio “D”, PB., entrada por Bahía del Espíritu Santo S/N.
Col. Verónica Anzures, México D. F., C. P. 11 300
Direct phone number: 1944-9286
Switchboard: 1944-2500 extension 380-80, Fax: 3-26-54


5.1 ISO 3183-2:1996 - “Petroleum and gas industries - Steel pipe for pipeline - Technical delivery
conditions-” Part 2: Pipe of requirements class B.

5.2 ISO 3183-3:1999 - “Petroleum and gas industries - Steel pipe for pipeline - Technical delivery
conditions-” Part 3: Pipe of requirements class C.

5.3 ISO 9001:2000 - “Quality Management Systems – Requirements” .

5.4 ISO 15156 - Petroleum and natural gas industries – Materials for use in H2S-containing Environments in
oil and gas production – Part 1: General principles for selection of cracking-resistant materials – Part 2:
Cracking-resistant carbon and low alloy steels, and the use of cast irons – Part 3: Cracking-resistant CRAs
(corrosion-resistant alloys) and other alloys.

5.5 NMX - CC- 9001- IMNC – 2000 – “Quality Management System - Requirements”.

5.6 NRF-049-PEMEX-2006 – Inspection of Properties and Services.


For the purposes of this reference norm, the following definitions shall apply:
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6.1 Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) - Failure mechanism that becomes evident with cracks or blisters
caused by molecular hydrogen build-up which is originated from atomic hydrogen trapped in non metal
inclusions or internal discontinuities of the material.

6.2 Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) - Failure mechanism which becomes evident with cracks caused by
the combined actions of the stress and corrosive environment formed by water and sulfide acid.

6.3 Heat – Metal products obtained from a single cycle of a fusion process load.

6.4 Continuous heat – Process of continuous solidification with one constant feeder of liquid steel to obtain
continuous sections of diverse geometries like bars, plates and billet, as final products.

6.5 Cold expansion - At the mill room environment, the pipe outside diameter or the entire length of its
circumference has received a permanent increase by internal hydrostatic pressure in closed dies or through
mechanical expansion.

6.6 Mole fraction – It is the percentage ratio of the molar concentration, defined as the number of compound
moles divided into the number of the system moles.

6.7 Globularization of inclusions - Morphology modification of non metal elongated inclusions, created
through addition of calcium during the acceleration process or secondary metallurgy, where the inclusions obtain
a globular shape, keeping such condition during the hot plastic deformation process of the steel.

6.8 Non sour hydrocarbon – Hydrocarbon transported at an operation pressure lower than 0,45
(65 psia), or transported at a higher pressure, that:
a) Even though, containing sulfide acid, does not contain water in liquid phase.
b) Even though, containing water in liquid phase and sulfide acid (H2S), the partial pressure of the acid is
lower than 0,00035 MPa (0.05psia).

6.9 Sour hydrocarbon – Hydrocarbon transported at a pressure greater than 0,45 MPa (65
psia), that contains water in liquid phase or vapour and sulfide acid (H2S), the latest with a partial pressure of
H2S (PpH2S) greater than 0,00035 MPa (0.05 psia).

6.10 Lamination – Internal separation of the metal, which generally produces surface parallel layers.

6.11 Part per million (ppm) – Concentration unit, in weight or volume of a component dissolved or dispersed in
fluid or mixture, equivalent to mg/kg.

6.12 Partial pressure – It is the result of a system design pressure per the mole fraction of one of its

6.13 Thermo-mechanical process – Plastic deformation process at controlled cooling temperature and
speed, in order to obtain a plate, sheet, or roll with micro structure of fine grains and final mechanical properties
of the product.
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6.14 Hard points - Surface irregularities in the contour or curve of a pipe with cold-formed seam, generally
originated by a localized temper in plates or rolls, during hot rolling which produces an important increase of

6.15 Minimum design temperature - Minimum expected temperature of the pipe, under critical
environmental or operational conditions.

6.16 Heat treatment - Heat and cool the steel in cycles and controlled temperatures in order to modify its
mechanic properties and micro structure.

6.16.1 Normalized – Process where the material is heated at the approximate temperature of 38° C (100° F)
over the critical temperature AC3, holding sufficient time at this temperature to homogenize and then, cool it with
calm air until the room temperature.

6.16.2 Quenching – Process where the material is heated at the approximate temperature of
38° C (100°F), over the critical temperature AC3, holding sufficient time at this temperature to homogenize and
then, cool it drastically with water, oil or air.

6.16.3 Tempering - Process with consists on heating the material below the critical temperature AC1, ,keeping
at this temperature for certain time and then, cool with calm air until the room temperature. It is applied after
quenching to improve the material ductility and tenacity.

6.17 Seam pipe – Tubular product manufactured through the cold forming of sheet, plate, or roll joined by a
welding process at fusion temperature with or without filler material and with or without pressure.

6.17.1 Submerged Arc Welded Pipe (SAW) - A tubular product manufactured through forming a sheet or plate and
later joined by means of a welding process that produces coalescence of materials being heated with an arc or arcs
produced between consumable electrode (s) and work piece; the arc and the melted metal are protected from the
atmosphere with flux; no pressure is used and filer metal is partially or completely obtained from electrode (s).

6.17.2 Electric Resistance Welded Pipe (ERW) - Tubular product manufactured by means of a process
where the aligned and joined borders are mechanically pressed, forming a seam along the fusion of the borders
due to the heat derived from the resistance opposed by the material when an electric current flows though it. No
filler material is required. After the process, the seam shall be thermally treated simulating normalization.

6.18 Collection pipeline – Layout of heads and pipelines collecting oil and/or gas from the production wells to be
shipped a separation unit or station.

6.19 Transport pipeline - Pipeline transporting hydrocarbons in one phase or in multiple phases among
stations and/or plants for processing, pumping, compression, storage and distribution.

6.20 Seamless pipe – Tubular product manufactured though hot steel forming to mould a pipeline without using
welding procedures.
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6.21 Death Zone - The thickness from the surface of the material under test to a depth where an indicator may
be detected. It is determined by the characteristics of the transductor, the ultrasonic instrument and the material under


The content has many abbreviations, symbols and technical vocabulary, which are described below:

API American Petroleum Institute (Instituto Americano del Petróleo).

ASNT American Society for Nondestructive Testing (Sociedad Americana para Pruebas No Destructivas).
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials (Sociedad Americana para Pruebas de Materiales).
CE (IIW) Carbon equivalent determined by formula of International Institute of Welding (Carbono Equivalente
determinado por la formula del Instituto Internacional de Soldadura).
CE (Pcm) Carbon equivalent determined by Ito-Bessyo formula (Carbono Equivalente determinado por la
fórmula de Ito-Bessyo)
CLR Crack length ratio (Relación de longitud de agrietamiento).
CTR Crack thickness ratio (Relación de espesor de agrietamiento).
De Outside diameter (Diámetro exterior)
Di Inside diameter (Diámetro interior)
DWTT Drop weight tear testing (Prueba de impacto por caída de peso).
ema Mexican Entity of Accreditation (Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación).
ERW Electric resistance welding (Soldadura por resistencia eléctrica).
H2S Hydrogen sulfide (Ácido sulfhídrico).
HA Sour Hydrocarbon (Hidrocarburo amargo).
HIC Hydrogen induced cracking (Agrietamiento inducido por hidrogeno).
HNA Non Sour Hydrocarbon (Hidrocarburo no amargo).
HV Hardness Vickers (Dureza Vickers).
ISO International Organization for Standardization (Organización Internacional de Normalización).
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers (Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros en Corrosión).
PEMEX Pemex and Subsidiaries (Petróleos Mexicanos y Organismos Subsidiarios).
RP Recommended practice (Práctica recomendada).
SAW Submerged arc welding (Soldadura por arco sumergido).
SAWL Submerged arc welding longitudinal (Soldadura por arco sumergido longitudinal).
SAWH Submerged arc welding helical (Soldadura por arco sumergido helicoidal).
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0, Yield Strength measured at 0,5 of deformation with the low elongation method (Esfuerzo de cedencia
5 medido al 0,5 por ciento de deformación por el método de extensión bajo)
SNT-TC-1A Recommended practice for personnel qualification and certification in non-destructive testing
(Prácticas recomendadas para certificación y calificación de personal en pruebas no destructivas).
SSC Sulfide stress cracking (Agrietamiento bajo esfuerzo en presencia de sulfhídrico).


All line pipes shall comply with the requirements of this norm, which shall be evaluated and verified by PEMEX,
in conformance with this norm

8.1 Information to be included in requisition

Line pipe requisitions shall include the information indicated below, and shall make reference to this specification:

8.1.1 Line pipe characteristics

a) Type of line pipe.

b) Specification.
c) Grade.
d) Service.
e) Nominal Diameter.
f) Nominal Wall Thickness.
g) Nominal Length.
h) Finish of Pipe Ends.
i) Coating.
j) Minimum Design Temperature of Line
8.2 Line pipe for Sour Hydrocarbons

For this service the requirements in ISO 3183 - 3 for grades L360 to L450 (X-52
to X-65) shall apply, with additions and modifications indicated in 8.2.1 and 8.2.6 herein.

8.2.1 Manufacturing Processes Steel Manufacture Acceleration process. Steel can be obtained by the process of electric furnace or basic at oxygen.
Steel shall be entirely calm or de rusted, with fine grain practice and with non-metallic inclusion globulization
treatment. Heating. Steel used to manufacture seam or seamless line pipe shall be obtained using the
continuous heat process.
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de Petróleos Mexicanos y AND TRANSPORTATION Rev.: 0
Organismos Subsidiarios
PAGE 9 OF 28 Chemical Composition. Steel used to manufacture line pipe shall comply with the chemical
composition indicated in table 1.

Grades L360 to L415

Grade L450 (X-65)
Element (X-52 to X-60)
Maximum Percentage.
C 0,100 0,100
S 0,005 0,005
See table 2 See table 2
Mn 1,050 1,050
Cu 0,350 0,350
P 0,020 0,020
Micro alloys (Nb+V+Ti) 0,130 0,130
2 1
CE (IIW) 0,320 0,340
CE (Pcm) 0,210 0,220
The other elements are under the manufacturer discretion, provided it complies with the properties indicated in this norm.

1.- The EC in seamless line pipe may be increased until 0,37 percent maximum for thicknesses greater than 19,1 mm
(0.750 inch).
2.- EC (IIW) Equivalent carbon determined by the formula: Mn Cr + Mo + V Ni + Cu
C E (IIW) =C + ----- + ------------------ + -----------
6 5 15
3.- EC (Pcm) E q u i v a l e n t carbon determined by the formula: Si Mn Cu Ni Cr Mo V
C E (Pcm) =C + ---- + ----+ --- + ----+ --- + ---- + --- + 5B
30 20 20 60 20 15 10

Table 1 Chemical Composition

For line pipe with thicknesses greater than 19,1 mm (0.750 In) in all grades and for grade L450 (X65) with
any thickness, the Manganese (Mn) content may be increased until a maximum of 1,350 percent; However,
,with each increase of this element, the Sulphur (S) shall be decreased as per table 2, keeping the established
limits indicated for equivalent carbon.

Element Maximum Percentage (%)

Mn 1,200 1,300 1,350
S 0,004 0,003 0,002

Table 2 Manganese and Sulphur Content

For grades L415 and L450 (X60 y X65), an increase of 1,45 percent of Mn is permitted, provided the carbon
content is 0,05 percent maximum.

The methodology to determine the chemicals composition of the material shall be in conformance with
ISO 3183-3 o API 5L or equivalent, both with their corresponding references. Metallographic Analysis Steel cleaning. Steel Cleaning evaluation shall be carried out in accordance with table I-r of ASTM E
45, or equivalent, using the method A (Worst Field). Measurement shall be carried out
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2 2
in a 160 mm (0.248 inch ) area, covering a rectangle of 16 mm (0.630 inch) x 10 mm (0.394
inch), where the latest dimension shall be through the thickness, see figure 1.

For thin thicknesses smaller than 10 mm (0,394 inch), the area shall be constant maintained, decreasing the
rectangle width at 80 percent of the thickness and proportionally increasing the length to be examined.

16 mm
(0.630 Inch)

A = 160 mm²
T 10 mm
(0.248 inch²) (0.394 inch)

Direction of Deformation

Figure 1 Steel Cleaning

Only non-metallic inclusions type A, B, C y D are accepted, with severity levels on the final product, indicated in
table 3.

The inclusion analysis shall be done to one sample of the thickness section, in a finished product and parallel to the
deformation direction, which is representative of the commencement and termination of each heat. Compliance with
this requirement shall be supported by submitting a report with 100X photographs of the field with higher density or
size of inclusions per each sample evaluated.

Levels inclusion severities

Type A Type B Type C Type D

Fine Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Coarse
(max.) (max.) (max.) (max.) (max.) (max.) (max.) (max.)

Individual 0,5 0,0 1,0 0,0 0,5 0,0 1,5 0,5

Table 3 Tolerances of inclusion levels

Alternatively, the steel cleaning measurement may be carried out with the image analyzer as per ASTM E 1122,
or equivalent. These measurements shall be reported in size and units per particle/area number as per ASTM E
45, or equivalent, besides, a report with 100X photographs shall be submitted per each sample evaluated. In
case of controversy ASTM E 1122 criteria or equivalent shall prevail. Grain Size. The grain size shall be equal or finest than number 9, using the comparative method
ASTM E 112 or equivalent. The grain size evaluation shall be done per heat sequence at the same areas where
the inclusions analysis was carried out, obtaining photo micrographic evidences with 100X amplifications of the
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Organismos Subsidiarios
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2 2
bigger size grains per each sample. Said field shall represent 0,5 mm (0.000775 Inch ).

The grain size evaluation is not applicable for quenched and tempered steels. Segregation. A sample shall be taken parallel to the direction of the line pipe wall thickness
deformation, which shall correspond to the start and end of each heat. The evaluation shall be carried out over a
sample of 100 mm (3.9 Inch) length and the surface shall be grinded with grade 600 sand paper. The micro
attack shall be done as per ASTM E 340, or equivalent, except that an hydrochloric acid solution (HIC)
diluted in distilled water at 50 percent at a 80 ºC ± 3 ºC (176 °F ± 6 °F) temperature during 15 minutes
minimum, shall be used. The result of the most critica l zone shall be reported with a
photochromography with 10X amplifications.

The maximum acceptable level after segregation shall be 6 mm (0.236 Inch) of continuous length or accumulated
addition, if the axial or longitudinal distance with presence of other segregations is greater than 6 mm (0.236
inch). Annex A shows a photomacrography as a graphic reference of the maximum level of an acceptable

Note: For seam line pipe, the metallographic analysis may be carried out in the raw material (plate or roll) Pipe manufacture. The line pipe manufactured as per this norm of reference can be seam or
seamless; the seam line pipe may be manufactured with the SAW and ERW high frequency processes as per
ISO 3183 - 3.

Pipes with two welded seams are not permitted (half shell longitudinally joined).

In helical seam line pipes, the pipes where the point and end of the rolls/plates are welded to join them (initial and
final ends of the rolls/plates), are not permitted. Forming and heat treatment - The line pipe shall comply with the forming and heat treatment
requirements indicated in table 2 of ISO 3183-3.

However, at manufacturer’s option, for any manufacturing process with SAW welding, each finished pipe is allowed
to be subject to stress relief heat treatment as per ASME Section. VIII Div. 1, or equivalent, at a temperature of
580 ± 20 °C (1070 ± 68 °F) and at a ratio of one (1) hour minimum per each inch thickness. Cold Expansion –SAW manufactured seam line pipe, shall be expanded on its full circumference through its
entire length, permanently increasing its diameter at a range of 0,30 to 1,50 percent of its nominal diameter.

Cold expansion shall be done by internal hydrostatic pressure in closed dies or by means of mechanical
expansion at mill room temperature. Such mechanical means shall not be in touch with the pipe internal seam.

For SAWL line pipe, the expanded percent measurement shall be calculated using the formula for the dimension
relation, indicated in paragraph 6.5 of ISO 3183 -3. For SAWH line pipe, the manuf acturer shall submit
expansion procedure s as per paragraph 5° herein, and records showing that the manufactured line pipe is
being expanded in conformance with the ranges established in this norm.
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Frequency shall be at least one each 4 hours, and at each shift. Measures shall be done at the ends, one third
and two thirds of the line pipe length.

Manufacturer shall submit a “Compliance Certificate” to validate the cold expansion process as per the
requirement herein, which are based on ISO 3183-3 and API ESPEC 5L. This “Compliance Certificate” shall be
issued by a national or International certification body related with the petroleum industry, which shall comply with
the following as minimum:

- Have research and development laboratory related with line pipe or pipes for hydrocarbon transportation.
- Have a standardization area which generates specifications for transportation line pipes or pipeline

Professional personnel of the certification body:

- Knowledge of metallic materials and line pipe specifications.
- Experience on supervision and evaluation of line pipe manufacturing process.
- API certified personnel on (API 570) line pipes.

The expiration date of the Compliance Certificate shall be permanent, while the manufacturing process is not

8.2.2 Testing

Al tests established herein shall be performed during the manufacturing phase of line pipes and to the finished
product. Where the tests are not properly carried out or their results fail to comply with the established
acceptance criteria indicated herein, the invalidation or re sampling criteria indicated here shall apply, and where
those are not indicated, the criteria indicated in ISO 3183-3 shall apply.

The methodology to determine the physical properties of the material shall be as per ISO 3183-3, or API
Specification 5L or equivalent, with its corresponding references. Hydrotest – Each line pipe shall be hydrotested with a test pressure of 90 percent of the minimum
specified yield strength, considering the line pipe limits per diameters and grade established in API 5L or
equivalent. Residual Strength Test – This test shall be done to seam (SAW and ERW) line pipe, as per the method
ASTM E 837 “Hole Drilling Method” or equivalent, in new projects, considering the following points:

a) For 254 mm (10 Inch) diameters or lower with 20 km minimum length.

b) For 305 mm (12 Inch) diameters and greater with 10 km minimum length.
c) Shall be done in 3 pipes samples, which shall correspond: one at the start, other in the middle, and the
third at the end of the total production.
d) The measurement zones shall be located at the ends and center of the line pipe as per figure 2..
e) At least 2 points shall be measured in each zone, one in the heat affected zone and the other at 180º
of the weld, and 3 measurements shall be taken in each point.
f) To carry out the measurements, the following diameters and locations shall be considered:
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f 1) In line pipes with diameters from 406 to 711 mm (16 to 28 Inch), the end measurements shall be
carried out from outside, and the center measurement from inside.
f 2) For 762 mm (30 Inch) diameters and greater, measurements shall be carried out from inside.
f 3) For 356 mm (14 Inch) diameters or lower, measurements shall be carried out from outside.

Manufacturer shall request the presence of PEMEX personnel or its representative before performing this test.
The results shall be submitted to PEMEX for information. The line pipe delivery shall not be subject to submittal
of this test results.

0º HAZ


Base metal at Lateral View
30 cm. 30 cm.
180º HAZ
Min. Min.
Front View

Figure 2. Drill Locations for Residual Strength Test Tension Test

Supplied line pipe shall comply with the strength limits indicated in table 4.

Yield Strength ( c-0,5) Ultimate Tensile Strength ( UT)
Grade UT
Minimum MPa(psi) Maximum MPa (psi) Minimum MPa (psi) Maximum MPa (psi) Max.

L360 (X-52) 360 (52 200) 498 (72 200) 460 (66 700) 598 (86 700)

L415 (X-60) 415 (60 200) 553 (80 200) 520 (75 400) 658 (95 400) 0,93

L450 (X-65) 450 (65 300) 588 (85 300) 535 (77 600) 673 (97 600)

Table 4 Strength limits for tension test

The test frequency is per heat, and if the heat contains more than 100 pipes, it shall be carried out per batch of 100 or
fraction. Welding Bending Test – For thickness equal or greater than 12,7 mm (0.500 Inch), but at no time shall the
mandrel bending diameter exceed four times the nominal wall thickness of the pipe.

For thicknesses greater than 12,7 mm (0.500 Inch), the specimen shall be machined to 12,7 mm
(0.500 Inch) thickness to carry out the test, as indicated in the previous paragraph.

In both cases, cracking is not permitted.

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de Petróleos Mexicanos y AND TRANSPORTATION Rev.: 0
Organismos Subsidiarios
PAGE 14 OF 28 Crushing Testing – For line pipe manufactured with the ERW process, the crushing test shall be
performed as indicated below:

Four tests in a complete specimen, 101,6 mm (4.0 Inch) width rings, placing the seam at 90° until the upper and
lower surfaces of the line pipe make contact; frequency shall be as per ISO 3183-3. No cracking is permitted. Charpy V-Notch Impact Test -Transverse Charpy V-Notch Impact Tests shall be carried out as per
SR-5 of API Specification 5L, ASTM A 370 and ASTM E 23, or equivalent. Said tests shall be performed in
base metal, weld and heat affected zone (HAZ), according to figure 3.

Specimens for Charpy V test shall be taken from the area located between the external surface and the centre of
the wall thickness, whenever this is allowed by the wall thickness, or else, thought the full wall thickness.

For tests in the heat affected zone of SAW seams, location of the V notch shall pass the centre of the fusion line
as indicated in figure 3.

For ERW welds, the notch to carry out the weld test shall be located in the central part over the fusion line, and in
the HAZ it shall be located at 0,75 mm (0.030 Inch), in both sides of said fusion line.

Where the combination of the diameter and thickness does not allow to take specimens in the transverse direction,
the test shall be carried out in longitudinal specimens; in this case, the minimum acceptance values of absorbed
energy established in table 5, shall be multiplied by a factor of 1,5.

For line pipes of diameter lower than 508 mm (20 Inch) and thickness lower than 12,7 mm (0.500 Inch),
the ductile fracture area of the specimens corresponding to the line pipe body shall be 85 percent minimum.

The test frequency shall be per heat, and if the heat contains more than 100 pipes, it shall be done per batch of
100, or fraction.

The value of the test temperature and absorbed energy shall be as indicated in table 5, as minimum.

Test temperature Specimen Minimum average absorbed energy Individual minimum absorbed
1 energy Joules (kgf-m)1
K (°C) dimensions (mm) of 3 specimens Joules (kgf-m)
263 (-10) 10x10 45,0 (5,0) 38 (4,2)
NOTE 1. To carry out test in standard size specimens, the required energy value shall be reduced in direct proportion to the size of the
specimen used.
NOTE 2. Test temperature (if the minimum design temperature is not available). When the minimum design temperature is available,
the test shall be carried out at this temperature.

Table 5 Test Temperature and Absorbed Energy Drop Weight Tear Testing (DWTT) – This test applies to 508 mm (20 inch) diameter line pipes and
larger, with any wall thickness and to line pipe larger than 168,3 mm (6.625 inch) diameter and wall thickness
equal to or larger than 12,7 mm (0,500 inch), per heat of manufactured line pipe.
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Organismos Subsidiarios
PAGE 15 OF 28 Hardness Profile HV-5, or HV-10- this test shall be done to base metal, weld, and heat affected zone
(HAZ), the maximum permitted value in each indented point shall be 250 HV. The reading records of the HAZ
hardness close to the weld shall be located as near as possible to the fusion line.

The base metal shall not have a variation of 35 HV units between the testing locations.

The frequency shall be per heat and if it contains more than 50 pipes, it shall be performed per batch of 50 or

Weld centerline
Base metal at a distance of
Weld Center Fusion line 1T from the fusion line

t = Specified wall thickness.

Sample from the fusion line or Sample in the

Muestra en base
metal metal
base ataa >2t
distance of >
a partir
weld. 2t del
the center
de laoflínea
the fusion
de fusión
line or
o de

Heat affected zone at

0,75 mm from the center of the
fusion line

Figure 3 Location of V-Notch in specimens for the Charpy Impact test (Hard spots) – Irregularities in the contour or curve of the cold formed seam line pipe, detected during
visual inspection, and the abnormal dark zones revealed by the preferential chemical attack during the
metallographic evaluation of the grain size and hardness profile, shall be considered like hard spots and its
properties and hardness shall be evaluated.

The maximum hardness permitted per each tested spot shall be 250 HV5, o HV10, these criteria applies to all hard
spots, irrespectively of its location and size.
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Organismos Subsidiarios
PAGE 16 OF 28 Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) Sensitivity Testing – This test applies to all line pipe for sour
hydrocarbon (SH) which considers this norm of reference.

The testing method to evaluate the Hydrogen Induced Cracking shall be as per NACE TM-0284 latest edition or
equivalent, using B solution.

The test frequency shall be per each heat of manufactured line pipe.

Criteria shall be in accordance with NACE TM-0284, latest edition or equivalent, which acceptance values are
indicated below:

Cracking ratio Per each face evaluated Average of 3 faces

CLR 6,2% maximum 3,7% maximum

CTR 1,2% maximum 0,7% maximum

Table 6 Acceptance Values for HIC Test

Manufacturer may opt to carry out the test as per ISO 3183- 3. The test frequency shall be per each heat of
manufactured line pipe.
debe ser por cada colada de tubería fabricada. Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) Strength Testing – The test shall be performed per each order item,
at the stress of 0,72 of actual yield strength obtained from the tension test. The test results shall be submitted to
PEMEX for information.

8.2.3 Dimensions and Tolerances.

The maximum diameter and out-of-roundness tolerance shall be as indicated in table 7.

8.2.4 Inspections Resources Human. Technical personnel of manufacturer, performing non destructive inspection activities
shall be qualified and certified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A of the ASNT o equivalent.

Manufacturers shall submit evidence documentation proving that it has specialized personnel with proved experience
in the areas of materials, welding processes, destructive tests, metallography, applicable codes and norms. Materials. In order to guarantee that results of tests performed to line pipe, comply with the
quality requirements of this reference norm, the destructive test equipment and non destructive inspection shall
have a calibration certificate issued by a company or national organization accredited by ema or with mutual
recognition agreement as per articles 87-A and 87-B of the LFMN, and in conformance with con ISO 17011.

Calibration Certificates and Records of machines and equipments shall be submitted to Petroleos Mexicanos and
Subsidiaries in each purchase order.
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Tolerances in diameter Out-of-roundness tolerances

Outside diameter mm inch) mm (inch)
Body except at endsa Ends a,b,c
D Body
Seamless Seam line Seamless Line pipe except at Ends a,b,c
mm (inch) with weld endsa
line pipe pipe line pipe

< 60,3 (2.375) ± 0,5 (0.020), or d

± 0,5 (0.020), ± 0,0075 D,
± 0,5 (0.020) ,or ± 0,005
or whichever is
≥ 60,3 (2.375) a D, whichever is greater,
± 0,0075 D, greater,
≤610 (24.000) but maximum ± 1,6 (0.063)
whichever is but maximum 0,015 D 0,01 D
greater ± 3,2 (0.125)

> 610 (24.000) a ± 0,01 D ± 0,005 D, but ± 2,0 (0.079) ± 1,6 (0.063) 0,01 D, but 0,0075 D, but
≤ 1 422 (56.000) maximum of maximum of maximum of
± 4,0 (0.160) 10 (0.4), for 8 (0.3), for
t ≤75
t ≤ 75

0,015 D, for 0,01 D, for

75 75
t t

> 1 422 (56.000) As per agreement

a The line pipe ends include 100 mm (4 inch) length at each pipe end.
b For seamless line pipe, the tolerance applies for t ” 25,0 mm (0.984 inch), and the tolerances for line pipes with thicker walls shall be
agreed upon.
c For 219,1 mm (8.625 inch) D line pipes, the diameter and our-of roundness tolerances shall be determined using the calculated inside
diameter (outside diameter specified minus two times the specified wall thickness).
D Included in the diameter tolerances.

Table 7 Diameter and Out-of-Roundness tolerances

Visual Inspection – All pipes shall be visually inspected both externally and internally in order to verify absence of
superficial defects.

The inspections shall be performed in a direct manner along the entire line pipe and seam. Where access to the
interior of the pipe is not possible, equipment and accessories allowing actual and reliable inspection shall be
used. The conditions, characteristics of used equipment, personnel who performed the inspection and the results
obtained shall be indicated in the corresponding record. Non-destructive Inspections Lamination detection. The plate, roll or line pipe shall be 100% UT inspected as per the methodology
indicated in ASTM A 435, or equivalent. For thicknesses smaller than 12,7 mm (0.500 inch), it is necessary to
use dual transductors or delay shoes or increase the frequency to eliminate the dead zone. No lamination
of any dimensions is allowed.
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de Petróleos Mexicanos y AND TRANSPORTATION Rev.: 0
Organismos Subsidiarios
PAGE 18 OF 28 Line pipe . The non-destructive inspection of line pipe and the acceptance criteria shall be those
indicate in ISO 3183 - 3, and also the requirements of paragraph D 3.5.1 are obligatory. Repair of seam line pipe. No welding repairs are allowed in the body of the pipe nor in the seam of
the line pipe manufactured through the electric resistance process (ERW).

For seam line pipe manufactured through the SAW process, no more than 3 repaired zones are accepted per
pipe and its accumulated length shall not exceed 5% of its length, no repairs at the line pipe ends are
accepted in a length of 203,2 mm (8 inch) of each end.
extremos de la tubería, en una longitud de 203,2 mm (8 pulg) de cada extremo.
The weld repair procedure shall be qualified as per clause C.4 of annex C of ISO 3183 – 3, and shall include the
hardness profile indicated in herein.

All repaired line pipe shall be retested through non-destructive tests and hydrotested as per paragraph

8.2.5 Marking

Manufacturer shall apply an identification (marking) procedure which shall be done as per ISO 3183-3, or
API 5L or equivalent, with epoxy paint or tag, without affecting the mechanical-structural conditions of the
line pipe and shall include the information indicated in figure 4.

Marking the line pipe with mechanical tool is not permitted (die stamping).

Manufacturer and monogram API or ISO

Order number, heat and pipe number. Pipe number and logo
Grade, NRF 001 PEMEX/HA,
Nominal Diameter and thickness
Manufacturing process
Heat treatment
Hydrotest pressure

Fig. 4 Pipe marking

8.2.6 Coating, handling and storage Coating – The pipe shall be supplied without exterior coating, unless otherwise noted in the
corresponding requisition.
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Organismos Subsidiarios
PAGE 19 OF 28 Handling and storage – In order to avoid mechanical damages during shipping, transportation
and storage, the line pipe shall be handled with adequate equipment and accessories.

This activities shall comply with API RP 5L1 and API RP 5LW recommended practices, or equivalents.

Pipe to pipe stacking is not permitted for coated pipes; non metallic spacers shall be used.

Pipe ends (bevels) shall be protected with a mechanical protection system that guarantees their integrity.

8.3 Line pipe for non-sour hydrocarbons

The requirements indicated in ISO 3183-2 grades L290 to L485 (X-42 to X-70) are adopted, with additions and
modifications indicated in 8.3.1 to 8.3.6 herein.

8.3.1 Pipe manufacture

Line pipe supplied as per this reference norm may be seam or seamless. Seam line pipe can be manufactured
thought the SAW and ERW high frequency processes.

Line pipes with two welded seams are not permitted (half shell longitudinally joined)
In helical seam line pipes, the pipes where the point and end of the rolls/plates are welded to join them (initial and
final ends of the rolls/plates), are not permitted.

8.3.2 Cold expansion

Manufacturer may have the option to cold expand the line pipe. Where the line pipe is expanded, it shall comply
with the requirements indicated in herein.

8.3.3 Hydrotest

Each pipe shall be hydrotested in accordance with ISO 3183-2 or API 5L or equivalent.

8.3.4 Charpy V-Notch impact test

The specimen obtaining and the test methodology shall be as per herein. The evaluation criteria shall
comply with ISO 3183 – 2.

8.3.5 Dimensions and tolerances

Out-of-roundness tolerances of line pipe shall comply with the criteria indicated in table 7.

8.3.6 Marking

Line pipe marking shall be as per requirements indicated in 8.2.5 herein, and the legend NRF-001-PEMEX / HNA
shall be included after the grade identification.
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8.4 Documentation

8.4.1 Buyer´s inspection.

Manufacturer shall provide facilities to objectively demonstrate compliance with this norm. Likewise, Petróleos
Mexicanos and Subsidiaries shall have full access, at any time, to the steel and pipe manufacturing factory
located inside or outside the country, both for direct and indirect purchases through any contractor.

Petróleos Mexicanos and Subsidiaries, through a third party resource, shall supervise the line pipe
manufacturing as per this norm, in order to verify and evaluate the line pipe manufacturing process, calibration
certificates of instruments and equipment, materials, welds, inspections and test carried out in the factory, as well
as the documentation indicated in 8.4.5 herein.

Petróleos Mexicanos and Subsidiaries shall apply the inspection levels 1 or 2 to verify the manufacturing
processes of the steel, line pipe, tests, records, among others, as per NRF-049-PEMEX-2006 if the inspections
are carried out by third parties or procedure PA-800-70600-01 if inspections are carried out with own resources.

Petróleos Mexicanos representative and Subsidiaries may request sampling or test verifications in order to verify
the requirements indicated herein, which may be carried out at the manufacturer factory or at external laboratories.

8.4.2 Quality management system

Steel companies and pipe manufacturers shall submit a certificate to demonstrate that they have implemented a
quality Management system based on the Mexican Norm NMX-CC-9001-IMNC-2000/ISO 9001:2000. Said
certificate shall be issued by a certification body accredited by “ema” as per article 68 of the LFMN
or as per mutual recognition agreement according to articles 87-A and 87-B of same law. The manuals of the
quality management system shall be available to Petróleos Mexicanos and Subsidiaries upon request.

8.4.3 Traceability

Each manufacturer’s quality management system shall include a specific product traceability system: from the raw
material identification (plate or billet) to the final product, including each and every steel and pipe manufacturing

The traceability procedure records shall be submitted to Petróleos Mexicanos and Subsidiaries inspector per
each purchase order or contract.

8.4.4 Compliance certificates

Steel and pipe manufacturers shall submit to Petróleos Mexicanos and Subsidiaries the corresponding quality
compliance certificates to demonstrate that they were manufactured, sampled and tested as per the requirements
established in this norm.
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8.4.5 Records

Steel manufacturer shall implement and show a procedure to:

a) Record the continuous heat machine, indicating the temperatures against time and marking of plank
or bar for HIC tests and cleaning (for HA)
b) Original operation record of the secondary refining furnace, including the temperature, time, chemicals
composition data and additions.

Steel and pipe manufacturer shall show and/or submit to Petróleos Mexicanos and Subsidiaries for information
and evaluation, the procedures and records of manufacture, inspection and tests carried out before, during and
after the different manufacturing stages. This documentation shall include the points indicated in table 8:


Steel manufacture

General information of supplier

Company name and location A A

Production capacity installed A A

Technical capacity: Technical personnel, equipment and test laboratory A A

Certificate of the Quality Management System, validated by a national or International agency, as well
as certificates of their raw material suppliers.
Certificate of an International well-known agency or body, validating the steel fabrication process
for line pipe.
Steel supply records for line pipe as per their current production process. A A
Accreditation certificates of the equipment, instruments and test laboratory, issued by a well-known
national or international agency or body.
Steel manufacture

Desulphurization procedure. C/A

Deoxidization procedure. C/A C/A

Practices procedure to obtain fine grain. C/A

Procedure for inclusions control and globalization. C/A

Procedure for casting process control (control of the casting speed, cooling speed, dimensions, among
Procedure for chemicals analysis control. C/A C/A

Procedure for thermo mechanical process used to obtain plate or roll. C/A C/A

Table 8 Documentation and/or information

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Metallographic analysis

Steel cleaning

Procedure for sampling and sample preparation C/A

Procedure for inclusions evaluation C/A

Certificates of personnel performing the test C/A

Grain Size

Procedure for sampling and sample preparation C/A

Procedure for grain size evaluation C/A

Certificate of personnel performing the test C/A

Steel manufacture


Procedure for sampling and sample preparation C/A

Procedure for segregation evaluation C/A

Certificate of personnel performing the segregation test C/A
.Mechanical and corrosion tests in plate, roll or billet for: tension, Charpy V impact, drop weight tear (DWT)
and hydrogen induced cracking (HIC)
Sampling procedure including, at least, type, size, orientation, identification and traceability.

Test procedure (as applicable) C/A C/A

Calibration certificate of the equipment and measurement instruments A A

Document to validate training of personnel performing the test (s) A A

Quality control records A A

Non destructive in plate, roll or billet

Procedures for (Ultrasonic, electromagnetic or magnetic particles) tests, including type and dimensions
of the reference and calibration block used.
Certificates of personnel performing the tests A A

Calibration certificates of equipments and instruments A A

Table 8 Documentation and/or Information (continued)

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Line pipe Manufacture

General Information

Company name and location. A A

Type of manufacturing process. A A

Technical capacity: Technical personnel, equipment and test laboratory. A A

Yearly production capacity. A A

Line pipe supply records in accordance with its current production process. A A

Certificate of the quality Management system of manufacturer and its raw material suppliers, validated
by a national or international body approved by the Mexican Government.
Certificate issued by a well-known International (API/ISO) agency or body which validates the line pipe
manufacturing process.

Certificate issued by a national or International agency which validates the line pipe manufacturing process
and requirements indicated in this norm. Such agency shall demonstrate to have the following
- Research and development laboratories related with pipes or hydrocarbon pipelines.
- Standardization area generating specifications for pipelines or line systems.
Professional personnel of the agency: A A
- Knowledge of metallic materials and line pipe specifications.
- Experience on supervision and evaluation of line pipe manufacturing processes.
- API certified personnel in (API 570) line pipes.

Compliance certificate of the requirements indicated in norm NRF-001-PEMEX-2006 (Number 8.4.4.) D D

Line pipe Manufacture

Qualification procedure for steel producer (s). A A

Material delivery procedure (plate, roll or billet). A A

Material revision and approval (certificates verification and visual and dimensional inspection). A A
Quality certificates of welding materials: electrodes and flux. D D

Non conformity procedures and reports. C/A C/A

Product traceability procedure from the raw material to the final product. C/A C/A

Calibration certificate of equipments and measurement instruments used during the line pipe manufacture. A A

Pipe cold forming procedure (including borders preparation, alignment and forming) C/A C/A

Table 8 Documentation and/or information (continued)

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Welding process specification. A A

Specification of the weld repair procedure. A A

Qualification records of the welding processes. A A

Skill qualification records of welders or welding machine operators. A A

Line pipe manufacture

Specification of the heat treatment procedure for formed line pipe A A

Calibration certificates of equipment and/or thermocouple and furnace plotter for heat treatment.

Procedure for repair control, identification and record. A A

Cold expansion

Procedure C/A C/A

Records and statistics of repaired line pipe, indicating defects classification and incidence, dimensions
and location.
Calibration of measurement instruments A A*

Process records D D*


Procedure C/A C/A

Calibration certificate of pressure gauge (s) and pressure recorder or plotter used. A A

Test charts and records. D D

Line pipe manufacture

Mechanical and corrosion tests: tension, welding bending, crushing, Charpy V impact, drop weight, hardness
profile HV-10 kg, micro hardness HV-0,5 kg, hydrogen induced cracking (SSC), shall submit:

Sampling procedure including, at least, type, size, orientation, identification and traceability.

Test procedure C/A C/A

Calibration certificate of measurement and testing equipment and instruments, validated by a well-
known national or international agency.
avaladostopor una organización
validate nacionalperforming
training of personnel o internacional reconocida.
the test (s). A A

Testing laboratory accreditation validated by a well-known national or international agency. A A

Table 8 Documentation and/or information (continued)

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Records D D

Non-destructive inspection
Procedure of (radiographic, ultrasonic, electromagnetic or magnetic particles) including type and
dimensions of the reference and calibration block used. A A

Certificates of personnel performing the tests. A A

Calibration certificates of equipments and instruments. A A

Tests records. D D

Dimensions and tolerances

Test procedures C/A C/A

Certificates of personnel performing the tests. A A

Calibration certificates of equipments and instruments. A A

Records D D

Marking and identification procedure of accepted line pipe. A A

Handling and storage

Handling and storage procedure C/A C/A

Records D D
C/A = Consult before line pipe manufacture. (Show only)
A = Before line pipe manufacture. (Submit)
D = During or after line pipe manufacture. (Submit)
*if cold expansion is carried out.

Table 8 Documentation and/or information (continued)


9.1 Petróleos Mexicanos and Subsidiaries

Apply the requirements and recommendations of this reference norm, during the purchasing process of line pipes
to construct the pipeline systems used for hydrocarbon transportation and recollection.
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Organismos Subsidiarios
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9.2 Standardization Committee of Petróleos Mexicanos

Establish permanent communication with users of Petróleos Mexicanos and Subsidiaries and with pipe
manufacturers and suppliers to keep the content and requirements of this norm updated, and assure that steel
pipe complies with the requirements and includes technological innovations.


This norm partially agrees with ISO 3183-2:1996 and ISO 3183-3:1999.


This norm is based on and is complemented with the bibliographical technical references indicated below, latest

11.1 API

11.1.1 RP 5LW - Recommended practice for marine ship transportation of line pipe (Práctica recomendada
para el transporte de tubería de línea por vía marítima).

11.1.2 RP 5L1 - Recommended practice for railroad transportation of line pipe (Práctica recomendada para el
transporte de tubería de línea por vía férrea).

11.1.3 RP 5L3 - Recommended practice for conducting drop weight tear test on line pipe (Práctica
recomendada para llevar a cabo pruebas de desgarramiento por caída de peso en tubería de línea).

11.1.4 Spec 5L - Specification for Line Pipe (Especificación para Tubería de Línea)

11.2 ASTM

11.2.1 A 435 - Standard specification for straight-beam ultrasonic examination of steel plates (Especificación
estándar para la inspección ultrasónica por haz recto de placas de acero).

11.2.2 E 3 - Standard method for preparation of metallographic specimens (Método estándar para la
preparación de probetas metalográficas).

11.2.3 E 45 - Standard practice for determining the count of inclusion on steel (Práctica estándar para
determinar el contenido de inclusiones en el acero).

11.2.4 E 112 - Standard test method for determining average grain size (Método de prueba estándar para
determinar el tamaño promedio del grano).
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11.2.5 E 384 - Standard test method for micro indentation hardness of materials (Método de prueba estándar
para microdureza de materiales).

11.2.6 E 837- “Standard Test Method for Determining Residual Stresses by the Hole Drilling Strain-Gauge

11.2.7 E 1122 - Standard practice for obtaining JK inclusion ratings using automatic image analysis (Práctica
estándar para obtener el porcentaje de inclusión JK, usando un analizador de imágenes automático).

11.3 NACE

11.3.1 TM0284 - Evaluation of Pipeline and Pressure Vessels for Resistance to Hydrogen - Induced Cracking.
(Evaluación de la resistencia de tubería de línea y recipientes a presión al agrietamiento inducido por

11.3.2 TM0177 - Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Specific Forms of Environmental Cracking in
H2S Environments. (Pruebas en laboratorio de metales para la resistencia a formas específicas de
agrietamiento en medios ambientes en H2S).

11.4 PEMEX

11.4.1 PA-800-70600-01 “Internal Procedure for Inspection of Goods and Services in Petróleos Mexicanos,
Subsidiaries and Affiliates.


11.5.1 PRUDENCIAL STEEL LTD. Specification PS50 Hydrogen Induced Crack Resistant HFI Line Pipe For
Severe Sour Service Applications.

11.5.2 NKK Corporation. Welded Line Pipes For Sour Gas Service – Technical Review – Agosto/91.



The maximum acceptable segregation level is shown in the next photomacrography of the structure:
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de Petróleos Mexicanos y AND TRANSPORTATION Rev.: 0
Organismos Subsidiarios
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Photomacrography at 10x
Maximum segregation level accepted

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