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R Hi guys

S Hello Rider this is Jorge

R Hi Jorge RIDER
J HI Rider
R How are you Stiven? STIVEN
S Good, Very good JORGE
R And you Jorge?
J Very good and you?
R Not good. I am hungry
S Whtas your lastname guys?
R My last name is LAZO. And you Jorge?
J My lastname is MORALES. And you Stiven?
S LEON. How old are you?
J I am 22 years old. And you Rider?
R I am 26 years. Are you married Stiven?
S No, i am not, but i have a girlfriend.
J Do you have a girlfriend?
R Yes, she is beautiful
J I am single
S Are you from Huancayo?
R Yes, I am from Huancayo
J No, I am from Ica
J And you Stiven; Where are from from?
S I am from Jauja
R What do you do think if we go to my house to drink something
S But where do you live? Whats is your adress?
R 123 Real Street; Its here close
J ok, come on
S Yes, come on
S Your house is beautiful
J True, it is most beautiful
J What is your job?
R Stiven and I work at Banco BCP
J Exactly in what area?
S I am in the area of logistic and Rider in the area of human memories and you?
J I sell cars at the Toyota Company
R And What do weekeends do?
S on Saturday mornings I go running. I read in the afternoon and I watch TV in the night
I play soccer in the morning; IN the afternoon listen music and at the night I go to the
J movies
J And you Rider?
on Saturday mornings I watch TV, in the afternoon I cook and the evening I go to play
R soccer. On sundays I spend it with my family
S OHH¡¡¡¡ We all sports, here in admiration?
R I am a fan of FC: Barcelona and I admire a Lionel Messi.
J I admire Gianluiggi Buffon. But I am not a fan of any club and your Stiven?
S I am fan os Usain Bolt, The lightning. I love it
J Good bye guys, I have to go happy to meets you Rider
R Nice to meet you too

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