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Order of


This acronym helps us through equations, since it tells us
the steps to solve any equation. If there’s a variable, then
you have to give a value to the variable.
Order of Operation equation step 1

Equation =16 - (2/3 15 34/37)^2 - 3.14159 x 2^16

= 16 - (2/3 589/37)^2 - 3.14159 x 65,536

In BEDMAS, the first 2 steps verbalize about Brackets and

Exponents. Continuing with this statement, I simplified 15
34/37 by doing these steps: (15 x 37 + 34/37)^2 = (589/37)
^2. I also simplified 2^16, this equals 65,536.
Order of operation equation step 2

= 16 - (2/3 x 37/589)^2 - 205,887.24224

The next step I did is simplifying -3.14159 x 65,536, which

equals -205,887.24224. After I used this expression: a
b/c = a x c/b, so I used this rule for (589/37)^2, then
turned the fraction into (37/589)^2.
Order of operation equation step 3

= 16 - (2 x 37/3 x 589)^2 - 205,887.24224

Afterwards, I used this expression to apply the fractions in

the brackets: a/b x c/b = ac/bd. Because of this, the
fractions in the bracket, have a different configuration,
(2/3 x 37/589)^2 = (2 x 37/3 x 589)^2.
Order of operation step 4

= 16 - (74/1,767)^2 - 205,887.24224

The following step I did is simplifying (2 x 37/3 x 589)^2,

into this fraction, (74/ 1,767)^2.
Order of operation step 5

= 16 - 5,476/3,122,289 - 205,887.24224

This step simplifies (74/1,767)^2, into this fraction,

Order of operation step 6

= (16 - 5476/3,122,289) - 205,887.24224

= 16 x 3,122,289 - 5476 = 49,956,624/3,122,289

Multiply 16 by 3,122,289, then subtract 5,476, then you

should get 49,956,624/3,122,289.
Order of operation step 7

= 49,951,148/3,122,289 - 205,887.24224

Answer = -205,871.243994

Thereafter, I divided 49,951,148 by 3,122,289, then subtract

ed 205,887.24224 to get the answer, -205,871.243994.

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