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Beer Serves America

The Economic Impact of the Beer Industry

2012 Data
Direct Economic Impact
Jobs Wages Output
Brewing 1,330 $118,502,800 $1,199,789,100
Wholesaling 8,650 $492,204,000 $1,059,964,300
Retailing 66,620 $1,604,895,900 $3,021,453,200
Total 76,600 $2,215,602,700 $5,281,206,600

Supplier Economic Impact

Jobs Wages Output
Agriculture 1,240 $49,691,500 $89,205,600
Business and Personal Services 7,540 $404,068,600 $761,756,500
Mining 100 $2,423,800 $13,829,300
Construction 430 $20,276,800 $53,680,100
Finance Insurance and Real Estate 3,610 $134,512,500 $707,872,000
Manufacturing General 2,510 $164,051,800 $1,090,009,300
Retail 220 $7,317,100 $14,954,200
Transportation & Communication 2,960 $169,091,900 $543,464,200
Travel and Entertainment 1,580 $43,202,300 $111,378,300
Wholesaler 1,140 $83,378,500 $177,292,000
Government 570 $50,680,900 $88,565,600
Other - $- $-
Total 21,900 $1,128,695,700 $3,652,007,100

Induced Economic Impact

Jobs Wages Output
Agriculture 560 $14,915,400 $52,694,600
Business and Personal Services 15,520 $757,211,400 $1,393,429,500
Mining 90 $3,838,600 $17,107,200
Construction 370 $17,275,900 $43,202,200
Finance Insurance and Real Estate 6,460 $275,492,700 $1,670,538,000
Manufacturing General 920 $60,574,800 $464,799,100
Retail 6,390 $200,687,300 $417,101,800
Transportation & Communication 2,020 $122,196,900 $441,883,100
Travel and Entertainment 5,300 $129,953,700 $373,011,400
Wholesaler 1,280 $92,685,400 $197,046,900
Government 500 $40,095,400 $102,274,200
Other 1,280 $17,979,600 $44,383,300
Total 40,690 $1,732,907,100 $5,217,471,300

Jobs Wages Output

Total 139,190 $5,077,205,500 $14,150,685,000

Taxes Generated: Business and Personal

Federal $1,311,379,600
State and Local $1,080,574,000
Total Business and Personal Taxes $2,391,953,600

Taxes Paid: Consumption Taxes

Federal $231,269,800
State and Local $531,794,800
Excise $193,788,400
Sales and Other $338,006,400
Total Consumption Taxes $763,064,600

Brewing (includes importers, brewpubs, company-owned packaging and wholesaling) 72
Wholesaling 156
Retail (Including Home Distributors) 42,463

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