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DIRECTIONS: Shade the circle/box that corresponds to your answer. Anybody caught cheating in
any form or manner will automatically get a ZERO in this examination.

Multiple Choice. Select the best answer. Write the final answer

D. 1. The minimum voltage along a transmission line is 260 V, while the maximum voltage is 390 V.
The SWR is
a. 0.67 b. 1.0 c. 1.2 d. 1.5

D. 2. Three feet is one wavelength at a frequency of

a. 100 MHz b. 164 MHz c. 300 MHz d. 328 MHz

D. 3. A popular half-wavelength antenna is the

a. ground plane b. end-fire c. collinear d. dipole

C. 4. The length of a doublet at 27 MHz is

a. 8.67 ft b. 17.3 ft c. 18.2 ft d. 34.67 ft

B. 5. A popular vertical antenna is the

a. collinear b. dipole c. ground plane d. broadside

6. The magnetic field of an antenna is perpendicular to the earth. The antenna’s polarization
a. is vertical b. is horizontal c. is circular d. cannot be determined from the information

A. 7. An antenna that transmits or receives equally well in all directions is said to be

a. omnidirectional b. bidirectional c. unidirectional d.

B. 8. The horizontal radiation pattern of a dipole is a

a. circle b. figure eight c. clover leaf d. narrow beam

B. 9. The length of a ground plane vertical at 146 MHz is

a. 1.6 ft b. 1.68 ft c. 2.05 ft d. 3.37 ft

10. The impedance of a dipole is about

a. 50 Ω b. 73 Ω c. 93 Ω d. 300 Ω

C. 11. If a wave has a velocity of 4,800 feet per second and a wave-length of 5 feet, what is the
frequency of the wave?
a. 9.6 Hz b. 96 Hz c. 960 Hz d. 9,600 Hz

C. 12. Which of the following statements about a wave is the law of reflection?
a. The angle of incidence is equal to the refracted wave
b. The angle of incidence is not equal to the refracted wave
c. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
d. The angle of incidence is not equal to the angle of reflection

C. 13. The reception of an AM-band radio signal over mountains can be explained by which of the
following principles of wave propagation?
a. Reflection b. Refraction c. Diffraction d. Doppler effect

C. 14. Which of the following units of measurement is/are used to measure very short wavelengths
of light? a. Angstrom b. Millimicron c. Both a and b d. none of these

A. 15. Which of the following electronic devices is used to radiate and/or collect electromagnetic
a. Antenna b. Receiver c. Transmitter d. Transmission line

C. 16. The electric field and magnetic field combine to form which of the following types of waves?
a. Spherical b. Elliptical c. Electromagnetic d. Each of the above

B. 17. An increase in frequency of a radio wave will have what effect, if any, on the wavelength of
the radio wave?
a. Increase b. Decrease c. any of these d. none of these.

B. 18. Energy radiated from an antenna is considered horizontally polarized under which of the
following conditions?
a. If the wavefront is in the horizontal plane c. If the magnetic field is in the horizontal plane
b. If the electric field is in the horizontal plane d. If the induction field is in the horizontal plane

A. 19. The bending of a radio wave because of a change in its velocity through a medium is known
a. refraction b. reflection c. deflection d. diffraction

A. 20. The distance between the transmitter and the nearest point at which refracted waves return
to earth is referred to as the
a. skip distance b. return distance c. reception distance d. ground-wave distance

A. 21. The technique of reducing multipath fading by using several receiving antennas at different
locations is known as what type of diversity?
a. Space b. Receiver c. Frequency d. Modulation

B. 22. Conductance is the reciprocal of what electrical property?

a. Inductance b. Resistance c. Capacitance d. Reciprocity

23. Maximum transfer of energy from the source to the transmission line takes place when what
impedance relationship exists between the source and the transmission line?
a. When the load impedance equals source impedance
b. When the load impedance is twice the source impedance
c. When the load impedance is half the source impedance
d. When the load impedance is one-fourth the source impedance
A. 24. The initial waves that travel from the source to the load of a transmission line are referred to
as what type of waves?
a. Incident b. Refracted c. Reflected d. Diffracted

A. 25. Waves that travel from the output end to the input end of a transmission line are referred to
as what type of waves?
a. Incident b. Refracted c. Reflected d. Diffracted

B. 26. The characteristic impedance for an infinite transmission line can be figured using which of
the following ratios?
a. Input current to velocity b. Input voltage to input current
c. Input voltage to line resistance d. Input current to line resistance

D. 27. The characteristic impedance of a transmission line can be figured by using which of the
following formulas?
a. Zo = 1/LC b. Zo = sqrt(LC) c. Zo = C/L d. Zo = sqrt(L/C)

C. 28. If a transmission line is open-ended, which of the following conditions describes its
terminating impedance?
a. Finite b. Infinitely large c. Equal to load impedance d. Equal to source impedance

A. 29. When a transmission line is not terminated in its characteristic impedance (Zo), what
happens to the incident energy that is NOT transferred to the load?
a. It is returned along the transmission line b. It is radiated into space
c. It is absorbed by the line d. It is converted to heat energy

A. 30. The resultant waveform obtained by adding the incident wave to the reflected wave is
referred to as a/an
a. standing wave b. negative wave c. algebraic wave d. concentrated wave

C. 31. Which of the following conditions exist at the end of a shorted transmission line?
a. Maximum voltage and minimum current b. Maximum voltage and maximum current
c. Minimum voltage and maximum current d. Minimum voltage and minimum current

A. 32. Transmission line is considered to be nonresonant (flat) when it is terminated in which of the
following ways?
a. In an impedance equal to Zo b. In an impedance that is infinite
c. In an inductive reactance greater than Z0 d. In a capacitive reactance greater than Z0

B 33. A device used to radiate or receive electromagnetic wave energy is referred to as a/an
a. feeder b. antenna c. transmitter d. coupling device

34. A complete antenna system consists of which of the following components?

a. A feeder, a coupling device, and a transmitter
b. A feeder line, a coupling device, and an antenna
c. An antenna, a transmission line, and a receiver
d. An impedance-matching device, a feeder, and a transmission line

C. 35. The antenna property that allows the same antenna to both transmit and receive energy is
a. gain b. resonance c. reciprocity d. directivity

B. 36. There is a ratio between the amount of energy propagated in certain directions by a
directional antenna compared to the energy that would be propagated in these directions if the antenna
were not directional. This ratio is known as which of the following antenna characteristics?
a. Gain b. Directivity c. Reciprocity d. Polarization

A. 37. The polarization plane of the radiation field is determined by which of the following fields?
a. Electric field only b. Magnetic field only c. Electromagnetic field d. none of these

C. 38. An electric field that rotates as it Travels through space exhibits what type of polarization?
a. Vertical b. Spherical c. Elliptical d. Horizontal

A. 39. For ground-wave transmissions, what type of polarization is required?

a. Vertical b. Spherical c. Elliptical d. Horizontal

D. 40. For high-frequency operation, which of the following antenna polarization patterns is
a. Vertically polarized b. Spherically polarized c. Elliptically polarized d. Horizontally polarized

D. 41. An isotropic radiator radiates energy in which of the following patterns?

a. Vertical b. Bi-directional c. Unidirectional d. Omnidirectional

A. 42. Inserting an inductor or capacitor in series with an antenna is one method of electrically
changing the electrical length of an antenna. What is this method called?
a. Loading b. Inserting c. Unloading d. Decoupling

C. 43. How does the group velocity of an electromagnetic field in a waveguide compare to the
velocity of a wavefront through free space?
a. Group velocity is faster c. Group velocity is slower
b. Their velocities are the same d. none of these

C. 44. Which of the following is not a common transmission line impedance?

a. 50 Ω b. 75 Ω c. 120 Ω d. 300 Ω

A. 45. For maximum absorption of power at the antenna, the relationship between the
characteristic impedance of the line ZO and the load impedance Zl should be
a. ZO = Zl b. ZO > Zl c. ZO < Zl d. ZO = 0

C. 46. A pattern of voltage and current variations along a transmission line not terminated in its
characteristic impedance is called
a. an electric field b. radio waves c. standing waves d. a magnetic
B. 47. The most desirable SWR on a transmission line is
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. infinity

C. 48. A 50 Ω coax is connected to a 73 Ω antenna. The SWR is

a. 0.685 b. 1 c. 1.46 d. 2.92

A. 49. The most desirable reflection coefficient is

a. 0 b. 0.5 c. 1 d. infinity

50. A ratio expressing the percentage of incident voltage reflected on a transmission line is known as the
a. velocity factor b. standing wave ratio c. reflection coefficient d. line efficiency

51. The transmission system using two ground plane is

a. microstrip b. elliptical waveguide c. parallel-wire line d. stripline
52. What should be the transmission line impedance for maximum power transfer from a generator to a
52Ω load?
a. 52 Ω c. 104 Ω
b. 26 Ω d. none of the above
53. The maximum voltage along a transmission line is 170 V and the minimum voltage is 80 V. Calculate
the SWR?
a. 2.125 c. 0.47
b. 0.36 d. 2.78
54. What is the reflection coefficient for the previous number?
a. 2.125 c. 0.47
b. 0.36 d. 2.78
55. A power meter inserted into a transmission line reads 1150 W of forward power and 50 W of
reflected power. What is the SWR?
a. 1.53 c. 23
b. 0.65 d. 3.5
56. 4. The measure of an antenna’s directivity is ____________, the angle of the radiation pattern over
which a transmitter’s energy is directed or received.
A. bandwidth B. beamwidth C. half power points D. reflection angle
57. Antennas that transmit an equal amount of energy in the horizontal direction are called ________
A. bi-directional
B. unidirectional
C. omnidirectional
D. unilateral

58. The shape of the electromagnetic energy radiated from or received by an antenna is called the
A. signal shape C. radiation pattern
B. electromagnetic pattern D. antenna pattern
59. ____________ is the variation in signal amplitude at the receiver caused by the characteristics of
the signal path and changes in it.
A. fading C. bending
B. amplification D. propagation
60. If the transmitting antenna is located 30 ft above sea level and the receiving antenna is equidistant
above sea level, determine the maximum distance.
A. 7.75 miles C. 7.75 Km
B. 15.5 miles D. 15.5 Km
61. A direction antenna with two or more elements is known as a(n)
a. folded dipole b. ground plane c. loop d. array
62. The horizontal radiation pattern of a vertical dipole is
a. figure eight b. circle c. narrow beam d.
clover leaf
63. In a Yagi antenna, maximum direction of radiation is toward the
a. director b. driven element c. reflector d. sky
64. Conductors in multielement antennas that do not receive energy directly from the transmission line
are known as
a. parasitic elements b. driven elements c. the boom d. receptors
65. A coax has an attenuation of 2.4 db per 100 ft. The attenuation for 275 ft is
a. 2.4 dB b. 3.3 dB c. 4.8 dB d. 6.6 dB
66. Which beamwidth represents the best antenna directivity
a. 7° b. 12° c. 19° d. 28°
67. The radiation pattern of collinear and broadside antennas
a. omnidirectional b. bidirectional c. unidirectional d. clover-leaf shaped
68. Which antenna has a unidirectional radiation pattern and gain
a. dipole b. ground plane c. yagi d. collinear
69. A wide-bandwidth multielement driven array is the
a. end-fire b. log-periodic c. yagi d. collinear
70. Ground-wave communications is most effective in what frequency range?
a. 300 kHz to 3 MHz b. 3 to 30 MHz c. 30 to 300 MHz d. above 300
71. The ionosphere causes radio signals to be
a. diffused b. absorbed c. refracted d. reflected
72. The ionosphere has its greatest effect on signals in what frequency range?
a. 300 kHz to 3 MHz b. 3 to 30 MHz c. 30 to 300 MHz d. above 300
73. The type of radio wave responsible for long-distance communications by multiple skips is the
a. ground wave b. direct wave c. surface wave d. sky wave

74. Microwave signals propagate by way of the

a. direct wave b. sky wave c. surface wave d. standing wave
75. A microwave-transmitting antenna is 550 ft high. The receiving antenna is 200 ft high. The maximum
transmission distance is
a. 20 mi b. 33.2 mi c. 38.7 mi d. 53.2 mi
76. A coax has a velocity factor of 0.68. What is the length of a half wave at 30 MHz?
a. 11.2 ft b. 12.9 ft c. 15.6 ft d. 16.4 ft
77. Which of the following is a microwave frequency
a. 1.7 MHz b. 750 MHz c. 0.98 GHz d. 22 GHz
78. Stripline and microstrip transmission lines are usually made with
a. coax b. parallel wires c. twisted pair d. PCBs
79. The most common cross section of a wave guide is a
a. square b. circle c. triangle d. rectangle
80. A rectangular waveguide has a width of 1 in. and a height of 0.6 in. Its cutoff frequency is
a. 2.54 GHz b. 3.0 GHz c. 5.9 GHz d. 11.8 GHz
81. A waveguide has a cutoff frequency of 17 GHz. Which of the signals will not be passed by the
a. 15 GHz b. 18 GHz c. 22 GHz d. 25 GHz
82. Signal propagation in a waveguide is by
a. electrons b. electric and magnetic fields c. holes d. air pressure
83. When the electric field in a waveguide is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, the
mode is said to be
a. vertical polarization b. horizontal polarization c. transverse electric d. transverse
84. The dominant mode in most waveguides is
a. TE1,0 b. TE1,2 c. TM0,1 d. TM1,1
85. The ratio of actual velocity to free-space velocity is called
a. Velocity factor
b. Relative dielectric constant
c. Velocity of propagation
d. Delay time
86. In a balanced line, the same current flows in each line but is
a. 45º out of phase
b. 90º out of phase
c. 180º out of phase
d. 270º out of phase
87. What is the length of a quarter-wavelength section of RG-8A/U coaxial cable at a frequency of 144.2
Mhz if its velocity factor is 0.69.
a. 52.1 cm
b. 35.9 cm
c. 143.6 cm
d. 2.08 m

88. A 50-Ω transmission line that has a load impedance of 300 Ω has a VSWR of
a. 6:1
b. 1:6
c. 0.666:1
d. 1.5:1
89. The input impedance of a quarter-wavelength section of a 50-Ω transmission line that is terminated
with a short is
a. 50 Ω
b. 0 Ω(a short)
c. Infinite (open)
d. 100 Ω
90. A device that is used to match an unbalanced transmission line to a balanced transmission line is
called a
a. Quarter-wavelength matching transformer
b. Balun
c. Shorted-stub section
d. Slotted line
91. A 50-Ω transmission line with a 300-Ω load impedance has a reflection coefficient of
a. 6
b. 0.166
c. 0.714
d. 1.4
92. A cable has an inductance of 1 nH/ft and capacitance of 1 nF/ft. The delay introduced by a 1-ft
section is
a. Not able to be calculated with the given information
b. 1 × 10-9
c. 1 × 10-18
d. 2 × 10-9
93. The process of waves, which traveling in straight paths, bending around an obstacle is
a. Radiation
b. Reflection
c. Refraction
d. Diffraction
94. The process of interchangeability of receiving and transmitting operations of antennas is known as
a. Polarization
b. Reciprocity
c. Efficiency
d. Counterpoise
95. A half-wave dipole antenna is also known as
a. Marconi antenna
b. Hertz antenna
c. Vertical antenna
d. Phased array

96. An antenna that is a quarter-wavelength long connected such that the ground acts as a reflecting
quarter-wavelength section is called a
a. Hertz antenna
b. Dipole antenna
c. Marconi antenna
d. All the above
97. The angular separation between the half-power points on an antenna's radiation pattern is the
a. Bandwidth
b. Front-to-back ratio
c. Lobe distribution
d. Beamwidth
98. The input impedance at the center of a dipole antenna is approximately
a. 36.6 Ω
b. 50 Ω
c. 73 Ω
d. 300 Ω
99. The Yagi-Uda antenna consists of
a. A driven director and parasitic reflector
b. A driven reflector and parasitic director
c. A parasitic director and reflector
d. All the above
100. A disadvantage of microstrip compared with stripline is that microstrip
a. does not readily lend itself to printed circuit techniques b. is more likely to radiate
c. is bulkier d. is more expensive and complex to

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