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Part C:




Teaching strategies refer to methods used to help students learn the desired
course contents and be able to develop achievable goals in the future. Teaching
strategies identify the different available learning methods to enable them to
develop the right strategy to deal with the target group identified. Assessment of the
learning capabilities of students provides a key pillar in development of a successful
teaching strategy.


Below are the teaching strategies that I found which are quite popular of usage
among my school teachers,

Teaching Str ategies


Circle Time
Story Telling

30% 38%
As we can see, from the data that I have collected in the chart, one of the most
used teaching strategy by my school teachers is songs teaching strategy, which is
counted as the teacher-centered strategy. The second one is story telling teaching
strategy, which is also counted as teacher-centered strategy.

The third place of teaching strategy is games teaching strategy, which is counted
as another type of strategy, child-centered strategy. Last but not least, in fourth
place is circle time teaching strategy, which is also child-centered strategy.


Songs Teaching Strategy

One of the big problems we all face, whether teaching Chinese or the other
subjects, is maintaining children’ interest throughout our lessons. Consequently, we
often have to be very creative in the techniques we use. What makes music such a
great teaching tool is its universal appeal, connecting all cultures and languages.
This makes it one of the best and most motivating resources in the classroom, all
because of children love to sing.

Singing is also an aerobic exercise that improves the efficiency of the cardio-

vascular system, increasing the oxygenation of the blood and improving alertness. It
is linked to stress reduction, longevity and general health. Improving airflow in the
upper respiratory tract impedes the bacteria that can cause colds and flu.

Singing songs is a powerful way for young children to practice language. When
children sing, they practice pronouncing words and putting together sentences.
Learning the lyrics to songs is also an effective way to remember information. How
many people first learned the alphabet by singing the ABC song? Our brains
remember language better when it is set to music.

I believe that singing will also improves children's behaviour. It helps them
bond – whatever the song or language. They can express their feelings of joy or
excitement, of being scared or proud. Musical activity involves many different parts
of the brain, so singing (which involves music and language) helps develop these
areas, as neurological studies from the UK, Germany and the US have found.

Music and singing can help children follow the routine of the child care program.
Clean-up songs alert children that it's time to put away their toys and move to
another activity. Child care providers can use songs to signal a transition from one
activity to another, or to keep children interested and occupied while they are
waiting for the next activity. Playing quiet music is a clear signal for nap time. Loud,
energetic music can get children up and moving or help them use up energy before
they settle down to a quieter task.

Story Telling Teaching Strategy

Children have an innate love of stories. Stories create magic and a sense of
wonder at the world. Stories teach us about life, about ourselves and about others.
Storytelling is a unique way for students to develop an understanding, respect and
appreciation for other cultures, and can promote a positive attitude to people from
different lands, races and religions.

One of the storytelling method that i suggest, is storytelling by card. It may is a

picture storytelling card game that is best for ages 3 and above. The enlightening
pictures will inspire the kids to make silly, remarkable and suspenseful tales.
Teachers can play along with children or can create groups. This kind of activity
boosts creativity, literacy and communication skills for your tots. It helps children
communicate their thoughts when they are reading through the cards. It also helps
them sharpen their sequencing and planning skills.

Another of my favorite ways to tell stories is the simple finger puppet. Like all
other living things children have seen, puppets are perceptible to touch. Hence
children can relate to them more easily as well as taking care of their tactile and
visual needs. They seem more real as compared just listening stories or watching
films. Besides that, by using puppet in storytelling, we can immediately catch
children’s attention.

These kind of storytelling teaching strategy mostly effective in language learning

lessons. By using storytelling teaching strategy, we can help to enhance our children
verbal proficiency. Reading out stories to children in classroom helps in making them
acquainted with the language as well as in learning new words and phrases. And I
cant denied that, this is also a good way to teach children new words and
pronunciation on a regular basis.

Games Teaching Strategy

Children love to play, and they participate in a game with more enthusiasm and
willingness than in any other classroom task. Yet, games are sometimes perceived as
entertaining activities, playing which children are not really learning. There are
teachers who fail to realize the importance of games, considering them not a wealth
of various techniques and an opportunity for real communication but an
uncontrolled and noisy waste of time. However, children in general learn better
when they are active. Thus, when learning is channeled into an enjoyable game, they
are very often willing to invest considerable time and effort in playing it.

Moreover, in view of diverse learning styles and preferences the students

display, benefits from games seem to cater for everyone as children find playing
activities much richer language studying work than doing other kinds of practice. If
games are properly designed, they may become an excellent and essential part of a
children’s learning programme.

Games teaching strategy very important in helping to build children’s fine

motor, the ability to co-ordinate the small muscles of the hand. This includes the
ability to grasp, pick up, release, imitate and copy patterns. These small muscles
perform the movements used in writing, or holding a pencil.

Children benefit from experiences that enhance the development of their fine
motor skills enabling them to utilize their hands and fingers. Children need to have
strength and dexterity in their hands and fingers, as well as eye-hand coordination,
before being able to manipulate a pencil on paper.

Here are some example of the games activities that I recommend. The first game
is called “Duck, Duck, Goose!”. The game start with everyone sits in a circle on the
floor. One person is the "goose" and the rest are the "ducks." The goose walks
around the outside of the circle, patting each duck on the head and saying "Duck."
The player touches someone's head and says, "Goose!" The tagged duck gets up and
chases the goose around the circle. The goose tries to get back around to the empty
seat and sit down before being tagged. If successful, the goose rejoins the seated
ducks and the new goose now starts the game again. If the first goose is tagged, he
or she sits in the center of the circle as the game goes on. As more people get
tagged, the circle gets tighter and the chase gets tighter! The last person standing is
the goose.

This game can be played indoors or out, but if you're inside, make sure there is
enough room space for the running kids. Although this can be a competitive game,
we can keep the mood light by asking everyone to quack like a duck (or honk like a
goose) and waddle like a duck. We can also try different animals and practice their
sounds and walks while playing.

Circle Time Teaching Strategy

Circle Time has numerous benefits and adds incredible value to a class
community. It is a time to meet together as a large group, to respect each other
voices, to practice keeping little bodies in their own space, and to work on following
instructions. It is also a time to enjoy one another and to talk about topics directly.
Sometimes it’s even the perfect environment to learn a new skill.

Below are some of my favorite aspects to include in circle time. First, a time of
welcoming — Simply put, this is a time to make each children feel important and
valued. This can be done through a welcome song, talking about who is at school or
at home, or even engaging in an activity with our names. This time conveys to each
child that this is your class, and we are so happy to have you as a part of it.

Second, include a story —  Stories bring the element of literacy, creativity, and
also listening skills. We can also including story props such as puppets and felt board
pieces too.Besides that, we can make it musical — The younger the class is, the more
movement will be necessary. Include songs with motions. Practice dancing and
balancing with bean bags. Hold hands and walk in a circle to the beat, then rotate.
Grab some musical instruments and go on a parade. Practice moving slowly and
quickly to the tempo of the song. Sing a color song with different colored items while
assigning one to each child. Music involves both hemispheres of the brain, so it is
such a fully engaging activity which is fun at the same time.

Last but not least, we can combine stories and music then include into it. We
love the combination of stories and music, so do children. We can using some books
that are ready with music combined. Children will just cant get enough of these kind
of activities.

In my opinion, there are so many of teaching strategies for different cases. But
for my school, I have few suggestion about teaching-learning strategies and
techniques that maybe can be use in future for more improvement, for all the
teachers, specially for children.

The first teaching strategy that I would recommend to my school teachers, is

role play teaching strategy. Role play is a very important part of a child’s education.
The imagination is a powerful tool which as we know is innate in some children but
needs encouraging in others. It is important that we have to provide children with
the opportunity to develop their imagination. In order to accomplish this, we have to
equip the children with spaces, scenarios, props and the support they need
to explore their real life or imaginary worlds. Imaginative play not only aids
intellectual development but also improves children’s social skills and their
creativity. In addition, it gives children a chance to play out events that they have
observed or experienced in real life.

We can using the home as a setting for role play works extremely well
with children as the home plays an important role in each young child’s life. We can
setting up the role-play corner as a house. This may sound simple enough
but unfortunately in lots of preschool certain things are over looked, including my
own school. Actually we need to include all the tools needed for the role play to take

As an example, if we wish to focus on hygiene, we have to include the

following props such as, a cloth, washing up bottle, tea towel, bin and sink. On the
other hand, if we want them to focus on health and safety, we need to get them to
use oven gloves, trays, timers, hot pads, and towels.

The second teaching strategy that I would like to recommend to my school

teachers is problems solving teaching strategy. By using this teaching strategy, at the
end of the lesson, children are able to learn identify problems or challenges, fact
finding, think of ways to solve the problem, and test their ideas, whether work or

Preschool and kindergarten problem solving activities give children an

opportunity to use skills they have learned previously and give you an opening to
teach new problem solving strategies. Children need real objects, pictures, diagrams
and models to solve problems. Maybe we can start with real objects and move
slowly to picture or even diagrams.

This strategy or we called technique can help to encourage children creative

thinking. The ability to solve problems and think creativity is very important
nowadays. We can talk about the different ways the children tried to solve the
problem rather than the outcome, example, “Jason tried three different ways to
stack the blocks. That was a great effort, Jason.”

Learning how to approach and solve problems early in life, not only helps
children enjoy and look forward to sorting them out, it also helps them make and
keep friends.

Last but not least, we have to remember always revisit the issue to bring it to a
win-win solution. Sometimes, it is easier for an adult like us to jump in and just solve
the problem. By rescuing a child, we need to deescalate a temper tantrum, but we
have also taken away a teachable moment to assist the child in learning the valuable
life skill of problem solving.

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