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Republic of the Philippines

Region III
Province of Mabalacat
Municipality of Mabalacat

Mabalacat City College

Rizal Street, Dolores, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

Written Report
(Group no. 4 – Hinduism)
Elective 2 – Gender and Society

Submitted by:

Antolin, Juliebeth J.
Macapagal, Paula Joy L.
Oderon, Angelica T.
Rivera, Maria Divine Grace M.
Vitente, Mary Jane L.
Enriquez, Cristan G.
Tique, John Ganiel M.


Submitted to:

Joselito C. Abedoza, LPT

March 10, 2020


The survey was conducted in order to assess the perspective of the

nearby neighborhood. The focus of the assessment was on the view point
about the concept of religion. In order to gather the necessary data from
the interviewees, we utilized our vacant time for us to comfortably conduct
an effective survey interview without an interruption. We conducted a
survey interview to the residents of Xevera, Mabalacat City to know their
different point of views about the concept of religion. A total of ten (10)
interviewees were randomly selected as a participants. The personal survey
interview method was the instrument that we used to conduct the
information or data effectively and efficiently.

A totality of ten (10) interviewees were selected to answer the five (5)
questions that tackles about their perspective of religion. These are the
following questions:

1. To you, what is religion?

2. What is the importance of religion to your life and to your family?
3. How can every man be saved?
4. How should prayer be said?
5. Do you believe on “relics” of saints and holy people sources of



Name: Marvin Quiambao

Sex: Male
Age: 34 years old

We gather the perspective of

Marvin Quiambao by asking his concept
about religion. For him, religion is the
belief in a deity which he stated as
“Panginoon”. Quaimbao also mentioned
that the importance of religion in his life
was to have a God to worship on. As stated by him, every man can be saved
by having a good actions especially to your fellow human being, “Huwag
mong lalamangan ang kapwa mo, para maligtas ka” as he said. He also
specify that a prayer should be done sincerely and say all the things that
your hearts speaks out. Quaimbao also believes in miracles as he stated,
since he is seeing miraculous actions in the television.

Name: Cris Ann Bernardo

Sex: Female
Age: 28 years old

The view point of Ms. Bernardo

was acquired through survey interview.
For her, religion is a belief about a God
and having a faith towards Him. She also
stated that the importance of religion in
her life is to have a guidance from the deity by praying and reading the
word of God. Ms. Bernardo also mentioned that every man can be saved
through the connection of the man and God by faith, she also mentioned
that the word of God and faith is beneficial to every human being, “Siguro,
kung may pananampalataya ka talagang maliligtas ka doon at ang word of
God ay makakabuti yun para sa iyo.” as she stated. She also said that prayer
should be done in quiet and sincerely way and she believes in the concept of
“relics” of saints and holy people sources of miracles since she is a Catholic.

Name: Lord Friend Gumopo

Sex: Male
Age: 21 years old

We asked Mr. Gumopo a few

questions to identify his concept about
religion. He defined the religion as for
every human being that worships the
deity which he mentioned as “Diyos”. He
also mentioned that religion is significant in our daily lives for it is where
our life is connected and is relied to our relationship with God and to the
worldly things. For him, every man can be saved through the acts of good
deeds, faith and trust towards the deity, a man cannot be saved through the
acts of idolatry. Mr. Gumopo also said that a prayer is done every time of
the day, you can pray anywhere, anytime you can utter a prayer, what is
important is that you can pray. He also mentioned that he doesn’t believe in
the acts of idolatry or in miracles.

Name: Kyla Joy Yaptinchay

Sex: Female
Age: 14 years old

For her, religion is the belief

about a God that keeps us united. She
also stated that religion is significant
since it establishes our faith towards a
deity. She also mentioned that every man can be saved by good deeds and
faith with God. According to her, prayer should be done by saying thanks
and asking for forgiveness towards to a God. Kyla Joy also believes by
speculations and by experience but sometimes she also doesn’t believe
since it is just a statue with no ability to hear and see.

Name: Ron Ambwang

Sex: Male
Age: 46 years old

Ambwang believes that religion is

about faith and trust to a God. He also
said that the religion is signification in
his life since it is the connection with
God. Ambwang also mentiond that
every man can be saved through the
faith that we have since it is the key
that connects the human with God. He also stated that prayer should be
said by simply just talking to Him. According to him, he doesn’t belief in
relics of saints or miracles situations since he did not see it happen.
Name: John Androcles
Sex: Male
Age: 38 years old

Androcles is a tricyle driver and a

resident in Xevera, Mabalacat City. As
stated by him, religion is Iglesia ni
Cristo. He also stated that religion is
important in our daily lives since it
provides us the faith that is needed to
accomplish livelihood. Androcles also
mentioned that every man can be saved by doing good deeds and follow the
commandments of the God. He also given emphasis that prayer should be
done in eyes closed to be focus on the petitions that you need. Androcles
doesn’t believe in relics of a saint or miracles.

Name: Ronald Johnson

Sex: Male
Age: 44 years old

According to Johnson, religion is

the basis for identifying the supreme
being which he defined as “Panginoon”.
He also expressed that religion is
important in our daily lives since it
helps us identify and learn actions
whether it is a good or bad. Johnson also expressed that every man can be
saved by reading the word of God to identify the life of God and to search
the real identity of God, do not worship the idolatry in order for you to be
saved. He also stated that prayer should be done based on the teachings of
the God, like Ama Namin. Johnson also added that always be grateful about
the blessings that was showered to you every day. As stated by him, he does
not believe in the idolatry, miracles or relics of saints since this are man-
made structures.
Name: Rachel Garcia
Sex: Female
Age: 40 years old

As stated by Rachel Garcia,

religion is a belief about a God. She
also expressed that the significant of
religion is to have a standard in a
living. Every man can be saved through
the good deeds that we do in the
society especially in fellow human
being. Garcia also mentioned that prayer should be done wholeheartedly to
grant all the petitions that your heart desires. She also believe in relics of
saints and miraculous events but it depends on the situation.

Name: Renato Salonga

Sex: Male
Age: 52 years old

For Salonga, religion is the Catholic

foundation since he was innately born
Catholic. Religion is important for him
since it gave him the knowledge and the
life that he has right now. Salonga also
expressed that every man can be saved by doing good deed and do not do
bad things. Prayer should also be done in sincerely manner and focus is
important when praying. Salonga also said that he believes in the relics of
saints or miracles scenario since God materialized through belief.

Name: Gilbert Castillo

Sex: Male
Age: 42 years old
According to him, religion is the classification of every individual in
which the beliefs and practices were centered in one God. For instance,
Catholic, Iglesia ni Cristo, Jehovah Witnesses are the example of religion.
He also stated that religion is significant in our lives since it is the
connection of man with God. Every man can be saved not only in
worshipping God by going to church, but also doing the good deeds. He also
stated that prayer is often done anywhere and anytime, he also added that
prayer is not only measured in attending church it can be done anytime of
the day. Castillo also believes in the relics of saint and miraculous actions
since he experienced it himself when his children were sick, they often
bring his children to the faith healers or albularyo.

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