Different Policies For Dynamic Load Balancing IJERTV1IS10485 PDF

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012

Different Policies for Dynamic Load Balancing

Mohammad haroon Dr (prof) Mohammad Husain

Research scholar (AIET)
TMU mordabad lucknow

Abstract or the load balancing algorithms.

Many issues involve in dynamic load Measuring the load in distributed system

balancing such as how to measure the is very difficult task. Usually load is

load of processing elements, how should measure by metric these can be divided

load information we should collect and into two parts, Simple load indices and

where the load is reside. How the real complex load indices

activity happening the different Simple load indices:

These consist the load on only single
algorithms, these issue are usually
grouped into several policies or resource. These approaches only focus

component .we consider the dynamic on the load on the CPU. Simple load

load balancing algorithms consist of four indices include processor queue length

component: a load measurement rule, over a given duration, the amount

and information exchange rule, load memory available, the context switch

balancing operation, an initiation rule rate, the system call rate, CPU

(define by location rule, selection rule, utilization.

distribution rule) these issues are also Complex load indices: these consist a

group into a transfer policies, selection number of parameter, each relating to a

policies, location policies and single resource, such as CPU, disk,

information policies. memory and network the load indices

Key words: Load measurement, load comprise the CPU load and the amount

information exchange rule load of free memory and number of

balancing operation. concurrent user use the same node,

Load measurement policies: measuring paging rate, and the amount of ideal time

of load of every node is very important at processing node. The load indices

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012

should be easily to compute and reduce scalability. Here, a fixed amount

correlate with the parameter e.g response of state collection overhead will be
time that is to be minimized. in a induced in the system because each node
heterogeneous systems, the load indices collects and maintains state-information
from different node must be adjusted to of other nodes, regardless whether this
make them comparable, for example if information will be used. However, there
two different node have different is no polling delay when a task must be
processing power, their CPU utilization transferred.
may have to divided by their processing State change policies. State-change
power to compare their CPU utilization policies generally have lower
load indices value . communication rates than periodic
Load information exchange policies: policies. However, if the state at a
Information polices are responsible to particular node does not change for a
collect all node information, it also long period of time, the information held
decide what information is collected and about that node will become stable.
when information is collected. the load load-state information is unreliable,

information exchange policies can be since there is no way of telling if the

broadly classified into three types. node has crashed or has just not sent a
Demand policies: Every node collects message due to a steady state. A newly
information when it needs and it to make joining node will not receive information
a load sharing decision. A poll-limit is concerning steady-state nodes, even if
usually used. The main advantage is that those nodes are suitable transfer
load information is exchanged only partners. One way to improve the basic
when it is required. state-change policy is to introduce
Periodic policies: Information is additional distributions messages, which
distributed or collected at regular time are sent if the load-state does not change
intervals. This is simple to implement. for a long period of time. These rules
However, it is important to determine differ from demand-driven rules in that
the most appropriate distributions time each node takes the initiative for
period as overheads due to periodic distributing its own state instead of
communication Increase system load and collecting other nodes information.

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012

Where the load should be maintained? system is not vulnerable to the failure of
Central approach: central approach any single node. There are also
can be used to calculate load-state disadvantages there is no consistent
information. This is collected from all of system wide view of state, and each
the nodes in the system and made node holds different information
available when a load-sharing decision depending on which other nodes it has
must be made. Some centralized nodes communicated with, how recently that
are simply responsible for the collection communication took place, and the delay
and distributing of information, while experienced in that communication. This
others additionally act as matchmakers can lead to instability if there are
between sender and receiver nodes. significant differences in the views held.
Centralized node can work well in small How the load is collected?
or moderately sized systems, but can First option collects the load from all
become communication bottlenecks systems. Another opinion is to divide the
when the system is scaled up. Where whole distributed systems into number
centralized components are used in the of cluster and then collect the load from

entire system, that system is vulnerable different cluster then finally calculates
to the failure of the single component the over all load from all the clusters.
unless some form of backup or The choices in between these two
replication is provided, this increases extremes use local load information
complexity. collected from a certain domain of
Distributed approaches: Distributed processing nodes in which size may be
approaches are more difficult to build either fixed or variable. The global
than their centralized counterparts. The knowledge of the system’s attributes
semantics involved can be complex. (like the total work load) is prohibitive,
Each node collects information due to the communication overhead
concerning the load state at other nodes produced. This is true for large-scale
in the system. Nodes autonomously base distributed systems. Thus, the technique
load sharing decisions on the of demanding global information is
information they hold. One advantage of rejected, and partial information is used
distributed implementations is that the

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012

instead, such as information of the transfer costs remote execution should

neighborhood of a node. be avoided. Although states that the
Transfer policy: optimal threshold is not very sensitive to
A transfer policy determines whether a system load, and present techniques that
node is in a state to participate in a task efficiently and in run-time adapt the
transfer, either as a sender or a receiver. threshold to the system load. Fixed
Many proposed transfer policies are threshold policies mean that the
threshold policies, which may be either threshold values are not changed when
based on fixed or adaptive thresholds. system loads are changed. There are
One way is to set one threshold value for disadvantages with the fixed threshold
the load imbalance (the difference policy. If the fixed threshold value is too
between the largest and smallest loads small, this still causes “useless” job
on the nodes). If the detected load transfers. If the fixed threshold value is
imbalance is bigger that a present too large, the effect of using a load-
threshold value, the transfer is initiated. balancing mechanism may be reduced.
An equivalent method to this is to set Other than using fixed threshold values,

two threshold values, T1 and T2 by thresholds can be set in an adaptive

which the nodes are classified into three (relative) fashion, by adjusting them
types, i.e., heavily loaded or sender (if when the global system load is changed.
loads higher than T1), lightly loaded or if the load of an individual node is above
receiver (if loads lower than T2 ), and or below the average load over a certain
normally loaded otherwise . Depending domain (either the global or some local
on the algorithms, T1 and T2 may or range) by a preset percentage, then load-
may not have the same value. The choice balancing actions are initiated and load
of these thresholds is fundamental for is balanced either locally or globally. In
the performance of the algorithm. another adaptive approach to
Clearly, the best threshold values depend determining proper thresholds, the
on the system load and the task transfer average load Lavg is determined first.
cost. At low loads and/or low transfer Two constant multipliers, H and L, are
costs thresholds should favor task used in computing the heavy threshold,
transfers, while at high loads and/or high T1, and light threshold, T2. H is greater

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012

than one and L is less than one. These and have no tasks available for no
two values determine the flexibility and preemptive transfer if it is polled by a
the effectiveness of a load-balancing receiver. A selection policy should
mechanism. The heavy threshold, T1, is consider at least three factors. The
computed as the product of H and L overhead incurred in transferring the
average. Similarly, the light threshold T2 task should be minimized. No
is computed as the product of L and L preemptive transfers and small tasks
average.. The transfer policy may be (small amounts of information) carry
either periodic or event-triggered. The less overhead. The execution time of the
algorithm may periodically check transferred task should be sufficient to
whether the node’s state qualifies itself justify the cost of the transfer. Even if
as a candidate for a task transfer. task execution is unknown, it should be
Selection policy: The role of selection possible to classify the tasks as short or
policy is to select tasks for transfer. In long tasks, and to consider only the long
sender-initiated schemes, busy nodes tasks for migration. Some classification
choose tasks to transfer to another node, errors might be tolerated as load-

whereas in receiver-initiated schemes, balancing algorithms are quite robust

lightly loaded nodes inform potential with regard to this parameter. The
senders of the types of task they are number of location-dependent resources
Willing to accept. The policy determines needed by the selected task should be
how much load, or how many tasks, to minimal.
transfer. A task transfer may be Location policy: The responsibility of
preemptive or non-preemptive. location policy is to find a suitable
Preemptive transfers involve transferring transfer partner. Location policies can be
a partially executed task. This is distributed, each node selecting a
generally expensive, as it involves transfer partner on the basis of locally
collecting all of the task’s state. Non- held information. Location policy,
preemptive task transfers involve only corresponding to information policy,
tasks that have not begun execution and specifies the balancing domain for load-
hence do not require a transfer of the balancing actions; this could be global,
task state. A node may be overloaded nearest-neighbors, a group of random

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012

polled nodes, or a set or cluster of nodes overhead or congestion in systems with a

based on specified criteria. Alternatively, large number of nodes. To reduce this
policies can be devised using a central overhead, in many policies, a node only
information source. Busy nodes attempt exchange information and transfer tasks
to locate transfer partners that have low to its physical and/or logical neighbors’.
load levels in sender-initiated schemes. These are usually called “neighbor-
in receiver-initiated schemes, low-loaded based” load-balancing algorithms.
nodes attempt to locate a busy node from Clustering is another technique to tackle
which to transfer work. Five typical the problem. The nodes can be
policies are listed below. partitioned into clusters based on
Existing load-balancing algorithms: network transfer delay, where load-
Two classes of well-known dynamic and balancing operates on two-level: intra-
distributed load-balancing algorithms are cluster and inter-cluster via cluster
presented in this section. The focus is on managers or brokers. These are usually
called “cluster-based” load-balancing
the load-balancing algorithms utilizing
partial information to make decision. algorithms. We will give corresponding

Although some algorithms are initially discussion to these two classes of

presented for parallel computers, they algorithms below.
are applicable in a distributed computing Neighbors-based load-balancing
system with more or less deficiencies. algorithms: The neighbors’-based
Thus, these are also introduced here. approach is a dynamic load-balancing
Most load-balancing policies execute technique that allows the nodes to
two activities that require communicate and transfer tasks with
communications: distribute its own load their neighbors’ only. Each node
information and collect other nodes balances the workload with its
information and transfer tasks. If each neighbors’ so that the whole system will
node is required to interact with other be balanced after a number of iterations.
nodes, it will have to use mechanisms Since this technique does not require a
such as broadcast, global gathering, global coordinator, it is inherently local,
long-distance communication which are fault tolerant and scalable. Hence, this
not scalable and create intolerable approach is a natural choice for load-

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012

balancing in a highly dynamic may not exceed Wmax. A system is

environment. Among of the neighbor- saturated, and does not require load-
based algorithms, we are interested in a balancing if all nodes report proximity of
couple of typical representatives, Wmax. If the proximity of a node
described as follows. changes it must notify its near
The gradient model: The gradient neighbors’ gradient map of the
model (GM) is a demand driven proximities of under loaded nodes in the
approach. The basic concept is that system serves to route tasks through the
under loaded nodes inform other nodes system in the direction of the nearest
in the system of their state, and under loaded nodes. A task continues to
overloaded nodes respond by sending a transfer until it reaches an under loaded
portion of their load to the nearest lightly node or it reaches a node for which no
loaded node in the system. The resulting neighboring nodes report a lower
effect is a form of relaxation where tasks proximity.
transferring through the system are Contracting within neighborhood: In
guided by the proximity gradient and thee contracting within Neighborhood

gravitate towards under loaded points. method, two parameters need to be

The scheme is based on two threshold specified to make the contracting
parameters: the Low-Water-Mark decision, minimum hops and maximum
(LWM) and the High-Water-Mark hop. Here, minimum hops specify the
(HWM). A node’s state is considered minimum number of hops needed for a
light if its load is below the LWM, drifting task to travel before it settles
heavy if above the HWM, and moderate into the standing state. This parameter is
otherwise. A node’s proximity is defined used to ensure a newly created task will
as the shortest distance from itself to the travel certain distances to reduce the
nearest lightly loaded node in the horizon effect. The other, maximum hop,
system. All nodes are initialized with is the upper limit of travelling distance
proximity of Wmax, a constant equal to of a drifting task. It ensures that each
the diameter of the system. The newly created task will be sent only to a
proximity of a node is set to zero if its node within a fixed radius neighborhood
state becomes light. A node’s proximity from its source node. It prevents

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 10, December- 2012

unbounded message oscillations, and applicable in a large-scale heterogeneous

also induces locality which makes the computational grid. The survey pointed
communication between the creating and out opportunities for improving the
created tasks efficient. They keep track performance of decentralised load-
of the number of hops travelled so far for balancing algorithms,
each task c, called c.hops. Thus, at each References:
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Summary: This paper has provided an anatomy of the Grid: enabling scalable
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utilizing partial information to make
decisions. As discussed, existing
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neighbours or clustering, are not

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