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bone (it looks like tan, don’t worry) Caron’s Simply Soft - 2 skeins
black Caron’s Simply Soft -1 skein
white Caron’s Simply Soft - 1 skein
autumn red Caron’s Simply Soft - 1 skein

Size G hook.

If you don’t want to use Caron’s Simply Soft, you can use whatever worsted weight yarn that’s
on the small side that you’d like. Just make sure you have at least 630 yards of whatever main
color (A) you’d like, and 315 yards each for the remaining colors (B,C, D). You could basically
make this plaid with any color combination you’d like.

To Begin:

With bone (or main color A), ch 163

Row 1: dc in 6th ch from hook. ch 1, skip next ch, dc. ch 1, skip next ch, dc. Repeat across entire
foundation chain to end. You should have 80 ch 1 spaces, ending in a dc in the last chain stitch.
ch 4, turn.

Row 2: sk 1st ch 1 space, dc in dc. Ch 1, dc in next dc. repeat across row.

Do 6 more rows of this, then:

Switch to black (color B) and do 2 rows.

Switch to white (color C) and do 2 rows.
Switch to black (color B) and do 2 rows
Switch to white (color C)and do 2 rows.
Switch to black (color B) and do 2 rows.

Switch back to bone (MC A) and do 8 rows.

Switch to red (color D) and do 2 rows.
Switch to bone (MC A) and do 8 rows.
Repeat black and white (colors B&C) row sequence.
Switch back to bone (MC A) and do 8 rows.
Switch to red (color D) and do 2 rows
Switch back to bone (MC A) and do 8 rows
Repeat black and white row (colors B&C) sequence.
Switch back to bone (MC A) and do 8 rows.

Now you’re done with the mesh foundation part!

Cut 2 strands of bone (MC A) yarn a foot longer than the length of the blanket. Start weaving the
strands through the mesh in the opposite way that the stripes are in the blanket. You should be
weaving them sideways on the blanket to form the overlapping stripes of the plaid pattern.

Also, make sure that you weave it over and under in the same way each time. Don’t alternate, the
pattern looks better if you don’t alternate the weaving.

You will weave 8 rows of bone (MC A), then switch to 2 rows of weaving in black (color B),
then 2 rows of weaving in white (color C),
2 rows weaving in black (color B), 2 rows weaving in white (color C),
2 rows weaving in black (color B),then back to 8 rows weaving in bone (MC A).

Important! You will only weave in 1 row of red (color D) using 4 strands of yarn!

After the red (color D),

it’s 8 more rows of bone (MC A),
then repeat the black and white (colors B,C) sequence,
then 8 more rows of bone (MC A),
1 row of red (color D) using 4 strands,
8 rows of bone (MC A),
repeat the black and white (colors B, C) sequence and end with 8 rows of tan (MC A).

The yarn should be long enough to create at least 2-3 inches of fringe on either side.If you don’t
want fringe, then have fun trying to weave in all the ends and not have it look crappy. It’s easier
just to leave it fringed.

Copyright 2006 by Faythe Saxton

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