LETPROFED MARCH2017Secondary-1

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_T | PROFESSIONAL | EDUCATION SEAT NO. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION - SECONDARY SETA _—_ee oo _— rarnraowrr 0, > PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION — 150 itis | GINERAL INSTRUCTIONS. : This test booklet contains 150 test questions, Examinees shall manage to use three and one-half (2) hours. Read INSTRUCTION TO EXAMINEES printed on your answer sheet ‘Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalidate your answer AVOID ERASURES This is PRC Property. Unauthonzed possession; reproduction, and/or sale of this test booklet is punishable by law. (R.A.8981) Oh one ENSTRUCTIONS 1. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set 2. White the subject title "PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION” on the box provided. 3 Shade Set Box “A” on your answer sheet if your test booklet is Set A; Set Box “B" if your test booklet is Set 8 MULTIPLE CHOICE mn 1. nessence, what is the new Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST)? A. Practice-based B. Knowedge-based C. Shill-based .D. Competency-based 2. Which of the following correctly describes the Individual Plan for Professional Development (IPPD)? A. Job-embedded : 8. Self-monitonng tool C Andragogical approach ; : \ D. Allof the above 3. To ensure high standerds of teachers’ personal and professional development, which of the following 4, measures must be iniplemented? 1. Every teacher forinulates his/her own professional development plan _Asschool head plans the professional development of hussher teachers. peered Ill, The implementation of what is learned in training must be monitored A. only YC. Wand It Blandi D. only 4. What is the constitutiahtal exemption for prohibition to establish schools solely for aliens in the cones Philippines? A School for Asians only 8. School for special alien children C. Religious or mission schools 0. Schools for children. of diploma's ane their dependents 5. Among the following, which directly qualifies a teacher candidate to be registered at par with other Professions like nursing, engineering, medicine and the like? vA. Licensure examin: B. Teaching job placement C. Continuing professional education D. Membership in professional asso 8. A father tells his daughier “You are a woman, You are meant for the home and so for you going to ‘School is not necessary.” is the father CORRECT? ‘A. No, today women can take or the jobs of men. x8. No, there is gender equality in education C. Itdepends on the place where the daughter and father live, D. Yes, women are meant to be mothers only, PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION . SECONDARY SET 7.In a highly pluralistic society, which of the following are the responsibililies of the teacher? I. Having an open mind I, _Understanding students who sre donor seronty i! firming th girls are treated di IN. Affirming that boys and gi itferenty 1 Aland Il 'B. 1, Hand HI DB. Vand Il & Which actions show that political factors affect schools as agents of change? 1. The practice of mainstreaming. Il, The strengthening of the teaching of English in Philippine schools. | Ii), The inlroduction of mandated subjects such as Rizal in the curriculum. A. land Il ©. and Ill Bland Il DLA, and it 9 Large clas sizes in congested cess 2 common problem in our public schools. Which measure/s can offset the effects of large class? 1. Implementation of 1:1 pupil to textbook ratio. Ii, Deployment of more teachers Ni. Conduct of morning and afternoon sessions. AI, tand til C. ill only ay B.1 an 3D. Iland it only 10. The shooting incidents in schooi campuses abroad have made schools rethink the curriculum. Which OF the following are believed to counteract such incidents and are being introduced in schools? |. Focus on academic achievement and productivity. {Inclusion of socio-emotional teaching, Nl. The emphasis on the concept of competition against self and not against. others, A and til ©. Nand it B Mang tll D. I, Wand i 11, Which of the followings the strongest influence of the geographical factor in the eificient and effective management of schools as agents of change? Sending mobile teachers lo live with the people in remote areas. Soliciting funds from the private sectcr in exchange of tax incentives. Clustering remote stand-aone schools under one lead school head. Adopting innovative technology thal allows teachers even in remote areas to access educational materials to supplement their lessons bom» 12. Which of the following was. taught by the Spartans? A. Religious education 8. Scientific thinking C. Character education \D. Military education sae? lowing interventions, which is direcly aimed at responding tothe transitional gap between. | #cademic achievement and employment? ont A. School networking with business and industry 4B. Identfication of centers of excellence ©. Deregulation of tution fees D. Voluntary accreditation of schools PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION - SECONDARY SET A 14. This is to equip people in low-income provinces wit relevant technical ski &n stating small business asthe Phiipines Amusement and Gaming Caro (PAGCOR aca ae Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) launched tris project ° A. Alternative Learning System " 8. Outreach programs ' sC. Mobile Training Laboratories D. Distance Learning Program 18. Can Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao teach sports in the public school? ‘A. Yes, because he is an ALS graduate, 4B. Yes, because he is acknowledged internationally. No, he is not a LET passer. D. No, he is not aware of the teaching and learning process. 16. Is it mandatory for teachers to join accredited Professional Teachers Organization? aA. Yes, for all LET passers. ©. Yes, for high-raters B. ‘Yes, for those who are teaching. D. No, teachers enjoy academic freedom. 17. Which is NOT embodied in Republic Act 10533 or the K-12 Law? A, Mandatory Kindergarten C. Selective admission lo tertiary education B. 12 years of basic education sD. Inclusion of TVET in basic education 18. Which of the following justifies the right of private schools to administer entrance examinations in terliary education?

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