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By giving thanks for the presence of Allah SWT, only with His abundance
of grace and guidance, the writer can complete the Critical Journal Report with
the title "The Use of Comics in Experimental Instructions in a Non Formal
Chemistry Learning Context". This Critical Journal Report is prepared to fulfill
one of the chemistry English language courses carried out at the State University
of Medan.
In the preparation of this Critical Journal Report, the author gets a lot of
help from various parties. For this reason the author wishes to express his sincere
and deepest gratitude to all those who have helped so much that this writing is
completed, especially to the lecturers of this course, namely Ibu Sri Adelila Sari,
S.Pd., M.Sc.
The author realizes that the preparation of this Critical Journal Report is
far from perfect for that all constructive criticism and suggestions from all parties
always hope for. Hopefully this Critical Journal Report can inspire readers to do
better and hopefully be useful in the context of educating the lives of the nation.

Medan, September 2018


Many educational papers show the need for more innovative and creative
pedagogies to motivate students of science education, especially those related to
practical work. This means bringing the skills and experience of the media into
consideration. One important characteristic feature of this generation is that it is
no longer closely linked to traditional forms of text-based communication.
Students are often more involved with visuals and multimedia communications,
based on their experience with the internet, YouTube, WhatsApp, or Instagram.
Even very young students today, at least in developed countries, can easily switch
between different media forms and appropriate representations, but they often
have problems reading and understanding more slowly. If a problem is not
motivating or personally appealing to them, they are skimmed or not read, try to
finish the text as quickly as possible. Short messages arranged in meaningful
contexts made by certain images such as comics in accordance with students'
media experience are better than conventional text-based instruction. An
additional problem is a decrease in average reading ability among students. This is
often caused by the immigration history of the growing number of students who
do not have linguistic abilities in their state officials. This linguistic fact needs to
be taken into account when making teaching materials for schools. Target to
overcome such difficulties is a different form of presentation of scientific content
and experimental instruction, basing them more intensely on pictorial information.


1. Toand maintain student interest and motivation in science classes.
2. Increase student motivation and personal involvement when dealing with
scientific problems.
method used in this article is a method of approach with the concept of
Cartoons and comics using images related to text.Which generally only consists of
one image where different characters mention each one of the concepts which one
is true and the other represents a common misunderstanding. presents the results
of a case study that combines comics based on laboratory instructions into a semi-
day, non-formal, inquiry-based education environment that focuses on water
quality chemistry. Creative approaches to science, they can represent real-world
situations that have no clear answers, are interdisciplinary, prove relevant both to
the curriculum and student life, and remain highly visible and accessible.

In the journal there are several research results which prove that the use of
comics in the learning media of Non-Formal Chemistry Comics can arouse
students' interest and motivation to learn in chemistry learning. In this study also
shows an increase in content knowledge and attitudes among those lacking
motivated, not interested in students after they started learning with comics.
Studies show that comics help engage students and shape student attitudes in a
positive way. Next, the researchers found that the interaction of text in images in
comics can outweigh conventional learning by weaving both components into a
story, which helps produce coherence and context for scientific information. Thus,
comics provide a pedagogical tool that can involve students in certain problems,
motivate them to understand relevant information, help remember content, and
bring more fun into science learning.
According to the researchers, the use of comics can improve students'
skills in dealing with everyday life and with socio-scientific problems. Comics
also have the ability to present a comprehensive and authentic situation, which
involves students with science. And it has been suggested that these factors can
lead to an increase in motivation, including interest and situational learning about
the application of science in everyday life. The use of comics also provides
benefits in the context of micro-chemistry and laboratory work when using
comics in instruction and practical exercises. find advantages and disadvantages
that affect students learning science. They found that comics can help more
understand the nature of experimentation. Visual associations provided by
educational comics support understanding of abstract concepts better than long
texts written in more or less clear scientific languages. Not only that, researchers
also found that comics in science education "can be interesting and effective in
conveying knowledge" among various students. They call comics "a useful tool
for attracting students who are difficult to reach" and add that comics can lead to
deeper interest in the broader spectrum of students.
perception found in this study shows that comics have the potential to
increase student motivation and personal involvement when dealing with
scientific problems. This finding supports the positive effects of using comics in
science education. The current study also shows that approaching practicum
through creative elements such as comics offers opportunities to enrich the
learning experience compared to conventional, text-based pure instruction.
Students consider comics as a positive and situational context supporting practical
work. At the same time comics are seen as provoking more open and inquiry-
based learning. Comics that are connected to the context of everyday life seem to
help make learning experiences more intense and allow students to make their
own connections to science questions.
Comics helps students approach science in a story framework, which
provides new avenues for scientific-based learning in science. This study shows
that comics have the potential to attract and motivate a broader spectrum of
science students than when this happens. Sones had mentioned this factor in 1944
and argued that comic as a educational medium made it possible for simplified
language and universal understanding.


interdependence between the elements of the journal that I discuss is in my
opinion that the journal has the correct elemental basis and has several solutions
followed by the theory under study. The writer presents this material continuously
and has been broken down the material is from beginning to end. and is
accompanied by a comic sample.
In the journal data in the form of tables and an explanation of the factors
that can strengthen the authenticity or authenticity of the journal. In the journal we
can also know the category categories described in 5 categories. And in my
opinion authenticity or authenticity in this writing is quite original because I have
never read another journal that is the same as this journal.
Lack of student interest in reading chemical books, so researchers make
research on the use of comics in students' chemistry books. This is one solution to
increase students' reading interest, in my opinion this is up to date in solving the
Cohesion is the relationship between elements that arise in the Use of
Comics in Experimental Guidelines in Non-Formal Contexts of Chemistry
Learning. in this article is an article that shows that there are comic usage factors
in the experimental instructions, and the categories of categories. cohesion is a
description or viewpoint so that the parts of this article are interrelated with each
other. and the category in the use of comics in the experimental instructions in the
non-formal context of chemistry learning this article also has the facts that are


From the elements we can find a few weaknesses, where the element
elements in the journal are only as explanatory material and do not become
another research material.
In my opinion this article has only a few drawbacks: lack of examples and
other applications in the findings.
research presented in this journal has few problems where no information
has been published to date about the use of comics in experimental instructions
for very intense practical work scenarios.
journal I discussed was only lacking in terms of explanations that were not
presented in detail. In the journal, there are several parts or paragraphs that are not

The theory in the journal that I discussed is a theory that is true and can be
proven to be true, because the data and examples are included and research
research has been conducted.


I think there needs to be a change from the way of writing a book that does
not have the slightest picture by using the Use of Comics in the Experimental
Instructions in Non-Formal Contexts of Chemistry Learning. which may make it
easier for readers. towards it. the children are more diligent in reading books even
in the form of comics. which can help the development of education in Indonesia
so that students' interest is increased in Indonesia in reading chemistry learning.


In my opinion the implications for the discussion and analysis of this
journal are that it is good enough and good because of some opinions from
researchers that can be the subject of discussion or analysis of the journal, and
analysis of this journal can be used again if there more research is the same
as the journal I have discussed.
The conclusions of the journal found Perception in this study which
showed that comics have the potential to increase student motivation and personal
involvement when dealing with scientific problems. This finding supports the
positive effects of using comics in science education as previously explained by
researchers. Comics helps students approach science in a story framework, which
provides new avenues for scientific-based learning in science. This study shows
that comics have the potential to attract and motivate a broader spectrum of
science students than when they occur. In this journal shows that comics have the
potential to attract and motivate a broader spectrum so that students are more
motivated and enthusiastic in chemistry learning. Even so, further research is
needed to study other object objects needed in research perfection.

In the journal, it is better to do more research, but about whether the
participating teachers really carry out thein their class and what effect it produces.
Not only that, the presentation or exposure in the journal regarding the research
survey must be added graph to make it easier for the reader to analyze the results
of his research.
Affeldt, F., Meinhart, D. & Eilks, I. (2018). The use of comics in
experimental instructions in a non-formal chemistry learning context.
International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology
(IJEMST), 6 (1), 93-104. DOI: 10.18404 / ijemst.380620

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