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BITS Pilani

Pilani Campus

CHEM F111 : General Chemistry

Semester II: AY 2019-20
Lecture-07, 24-01-2020

1 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Topics Covered in Lecture – 06: Hydrogen-Like
Atom: Boundary conditions
Hˆ (r , ,  )  E(r , ,  )
 n,l ,m (r, ,  )  Rn,l (r )l ,m    m    Rn,l (r ) Yl ,m ( ,  )
l l l l

Such that: Radial part of

n = 1,2,3….. wavefunction
l<n Angular part of
│ml │≤ l wavefunction
• The angular part of the solution is the same for a particle in any
spherically symmetric potential.
Yl,ml( , ϕ)  N l ,ml polynomial l ,ml ( ).
2 1/ 2

Normalization constant Associated Legendrian polynomial

2 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Topics Covered in Lecture – 06: Hydrogen-Like
Atom: Angular Solution
• The magnitude of angular • z-component of angular
momentum (L): = l(l + 1)]1/2ħ momentum (Lz) = mlħ
l can take on the values 0,1,2,3,... with ml = l, l-1,…,-l
(2l+1) values of ml

3 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Topics Covered in Lecture – 06: Hydrogen-Like
Atom: Radial Solution
The acceptable solutions can be found only for integral values of a
quantum number n, 2Zr

 a0
Rn,l (r )  N n,l   polynomial n,l (  ) e 2 n
4 0  2
a0 
me e 2
Normalization constant

polynomial in  (or r) of degree n-l-1

Associated Laguerre polynomial
A term in  (or r) of degree l

n = 1, 2, 3, ......
l = 0,1……(n-1)

4 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Topics Covered in Lecture – 06: Radial
Solution: Physical significance

 n could be

Rn,l (r )  N n,l   polynomial n,l (  ) e 2 n

the function goes

to 0 as r  
Behavior at r = 0
(only l = 0 wavefunctions are
polynomial in  (or r) of degree n-l-1
nonzero at the origin)
:the number of radial nodes (n-l-1)

5 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Topics Covered in Lecture – 06: Hydrogenic
Radial Wavefunctions
 Z 
R1, 0 (r )  2  e  /2
a 
 0 
n =1 l =0 No. of radial nodes (n-l-1) = 0

R2, 0 (r )  1  Z   1    /4
1/2 

  2   e
2  2   a0   2 
n =2 No. of radial nodes (n-l-1) = 1
l =0
 Z 
R2,1 (r )  1    e  /4
1/2  a0 
4  6  
n =2
No. of radial nodes (n-l-1) = 0
l =1
6 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Topics Covered in Lecture – 06: Hydrogenic
Radial Wavefunctions
1  Z   1 2    /6
R3, 0 (r )  1/2 

  6  2    e
9  3  a0   9 

n =3
No. of radial nodes (n-l-1) = 2
l =0

1  Z   1    /6
R3,1 (r )  
1/2  a0

  4   e
3 
27  6    

n =3
l No. of radial nodes (n-l-1) = 1
 Z 
R3, 2 (r )  1    2e  /6
1/2  a0 
81 30   
n =3
No. of radial nodes (n-l-1) = 0
l =2
7 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Hydrogen-Like Atom: Wavefunction

 n,l ,m (r, ,  )  Rn,l (r ) Yl ,m ( ,  )

l l

 im
 e
 n,l ,ml (r , ,  )  N n,l ,ml .  . polynomial n,l (  ). e 2 n . polynomial l ,ml ( ).
n 2
n = 1,2,….; l = 0,1,…….(n-1); ml = -l,…….+l

• The wavefunction ψ (r, θ, ) of the electron in the hydrogenic atom

is called an atomic orbital. An orbital is a one-electron
• Electron described by a particular orbital is said to occupy that
8 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Hydrogen-Like Atom: Wavefunction

• Atomic orbitals specified by three quantum numbers n, l, and ml

• The maximum number of physical quantities that can

simultaneously be precisely specified is three,

Energy n (principal quantum no.)

Angular momentum l (Orbital angular momentum

quantum no.)

One of the spatial components

of Angular momentum ml (Magnetic quantum no.)

9 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Quantum Numbers – Shell, Subshell, Orbital

• Principal quantum numbers, n Orbital angular momentum

quantum number or Azimuthal
Principal quantum number quantum number, l (Subshells)
symbolized as n is the first
Only certain discrete amounts of
quantum number of an atomic
angular momentum are allowed: l
orbital. Labels the energy levels.
l = 0 (s), 1 (p), 2 (d), 3 (f)…………….n-1
n = 1 (K), 2 (L), 3(M)……..
Orbital angular momentum, L
(Magnitude)= [l(l+1)]1/2ħ
Magnetic quantum number, ml
Refers, to the direction of the angular momentum vector (around any
arbitrary axis passing through the nucleus): Space Quantization
ml = +l…………..-l
Each subshell contains 2l+1 individual orbitals.

l = 0 & ml = 0: s-orbital; l = 1 & ml = +1, 0, -1 : three p-orbitals

10 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Atomic orbital

Atomic orbital is a Associated Spherical

one-electron Laguerre harmonics
= polynomials
wavefunction specified with
defined by 3 multiplied by an l and ml
quantum numbers exponential, and
(n, l, ml) characterized by n
and l
Atomic Orbital represented by : nlml
n: numerals (1,2,…);
l: (letters) 0 = s; 1= p; 2 = d; 3 = f….
ml = +l………-l
Eg.: if n=3 and l = 2 and ml (5 values) = 2,1,0,-1,-2
→ 3d2, 3d1, 3d0 , 3d-1 , 3d-2 orbitals
11 BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Shells and subshells In hydrogenic atoms, all orbitals in the same shell have the
same energy (characterized by n). NB: In many-electron
ml ≤ |l |
atoms, we’ll see that the subshells have different energies.

Number of orbitals
with different ml
l ≤ (n-1)

n= 1 2 3 4

l= 0 1 2 3
s p d f
How many orbitals for a given n ? n2 12
Hydrogen-Like Atom: Eigen Value:
The energy levels are
En = e4Z2/32ħn2
n = 1,2,3,….
(Energy depends only on n)
n=2, Z=1
En = - hcRZ2/n2
hcR = e4/32ħ
 = mmN/(m+mN)
Constant R is numerically same
as Rydberg contant, RH when
mN is set equal to the mass of proton.
n=1, Z=1
Ground state is stable than infinitely
separated electron and nucleus.
13 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Energy levels & Ionization energies

En = hcRZ2/n2
 The energies given by the formula are negative, they correspond to a bound
state of the electron.
The zero energy, reference level (n = ∞) for the energy, corresponds to a
situation where the electron is not bound.
 The positive energies correspond to unbound states of the electron. The
wavefunction describing such an electron is also solution of the SE, and it is the
wavefunction of a free electron. The energy of the unbound electron are not
quantized and form the continuum states of the atom.

The ionization energy I, of an atom is the minimum energy required to

remove an electron from the atom that is in its ground state (the state of lowest
energy of the atom).
e.g: For H, there is one electron. The atom is in its ground state when the
electron is in the state characterized by n=1.
I= -En=1 = hcRH = 2.179 10-18J= 13.6 eV
14 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Principal quantum numbers, n: Energy Levels

Spectroscopy measures the

changes in energy between two

E = hcR/n22 – (- hcR/n21)
= h

 = R[(1/n12) – (1/n22)]

15 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Ground state of hydrogenic atom
Ground State: n = 1, l = 0, ml = 0  1s orbital
• Ψ1,0,0 = (4-1/2 (4/a03)1/2 e-r/a0 = (1/a031/2 e-r/a0
(independent of  and , true of all s states since Y00 = (4-1/2 ).
• All s orbitals are
spherically symmetrical, related to their being
states of zero angular momentum.

• Probability density depends only on r

Maximum at r = 0, the nucleus: Most probable point at which electron
will be found is at nucleus.
• Decays exponentially with distance r
• No nodes
• Function above is normalized.

16 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

1s wavefunction and probability density

Radial wavefunction

17 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

1s wavefunction and probability density
What is the probability that an electron in the 1s orbital of hydrogen
will be within a radius of 2Å from the nucleus?
P   d *  Z

  1 
e  /2 

a  
a  0   4 
For hydrogen atom, this becomes the three dimensional expression
2 A 2
P  
0 0 0
 *r 2 dr sin dd
2 
d  r 2 dr sin dd
 d. sin d .  r e
2 2r / a
 3 dr
a 0 0 0

P = 0.981

18 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

1s – Wavefunction

• For all values of ϕ & , there is a very small volume near the
nucleus and probability of electron existing in such a small volume
should be small.

• Electron probability should not be considered along a straight line

out from nucleus.
19 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
1s – radial distribution function

Volume of spherical shell = 4r2dr

• Electron probability should be considered on a spherical surface

around the nucleus.
• Probability that the electron will be found in this spherical shell is
=(Prob. density at the radius r) x (volume of spherical shell)
= ψ2 4r2 dr = p(r)dr ; P(r) = 4r2ψ2
Radial distribution function, P(r): gives the probability of finding the
electron in a spherical shell of thickness dr (between r and r+dr) at the
radius r from the nucleus, regardless of the angle/direction.
20 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
1s – radial distribution function Plot
For the 1s orbital, Ψ1s = (1/a031/2 e-r/a0
Therefore, P(r) = 4r2 Ψ21s

= 4r2 [(1/a031/2 e-r/a0]2

P(r) = (4/a03) r2 e-2r/a0.

P(r) = 0 at r = 0

P(r)  0 as r  
• The probability starts at zero, increases to a maximum value, then decreases
toward zero as the radius gets larger and larger.
•The most probable radius is the radius at which P(r) is maximum.
At most probable radius, dP(r)/dr = 0
• For a 1s orbital in hydrogen, P(r) is maximum at r = a0 (Bohr radius).
21 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
2s –radial distribution function Plot
• Spherically symmetric, angular part is just a constant States of zero
orbital angular momentum.
1  Z   1    /4
R2, 0 (r )  1/2 

  2   e
2  2   a0   2 
ρ = 2Zr/ao

For calculating the position of radial node:

At radial node, (2 – ρ /2) = 0. Therefore, the radial node is at r = 2ao/Z

P(r) = 4r2 Ψ22s

At most probable radius, dP(r)/dr = 0

For 2s orbital in H-atom, most probable radius is 5.2ao
22 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Radial Wavefunction
Ψ2,0,0 = (1/ √(32π)) (Z/a)3/2 (2 - Zr/a) e-Zr/2a

Ψ1,0,0 = (1/ √π) (Z/a)3/2 e-Zr/a Ψ3,0,0 = 1/(81√(3π)) (Z/a)3/2 (27 - 18(Zr/a) + 2(Zr/a)2) e-Zr/3a

23 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Radial Distribution Plot (P(r) vs r)

P(r) = Radial

Locate the
maxima for
finding the “most
probable radius”

dP(r)/dr = 0
Find rmax.

24 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus
Radial distribution function P(r) for orbitals
that are not spherically symmetrical:
• Probability of finding the electron in an
infinitesimal volume element d located at a
distance between r and r+dr from nucleus, with its
angular coordinates having values between  and
+d and between  and + d is

ψ ψ* d = [Rn,l(r)]2 [Yl,ml(,)]2r2 dr sin dd

• The Probability of finding the electron between r and r+dr from the
nucleus, regardless of angle ( and ) can be obtained by integrating over 
and  is
 2

 
0 0
Rn,l(r)]2 [Yl,ml(,)]2 r2 dr sin dd

25 BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

Radial distribution function P(r) for orbitals
that are not spherically symmetrical:
 2
Probability = P(r)dr = r2 Rn,l(r)]2 dr  
0 0
[Yl,ml(,)]2 sin dd

Integral of [Yl,ml(,)]2 can be normalized to unity (1)

Therefore, Probability, P(r)dr = r2 [Rn,l(r)]2 dr

Radial distribution function, P(r) = r2 [Rn,l(r)]2

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Radial wavefunction & Radial
Distribution Plots (P(r) or r2R2 vs. r)

2p 3p 3d

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