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SY 2018-2019
Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

June 21, 2018 (Alexander Abonado) Now, Evidence is the means sanctioned by these rules of
ascertaining – it’s a means of ascertainment therefore.
RULE 128
GENERAL PROVISIONS Para mabal-an ang mga pamaagi sa pagkahibalo. Means of
Rule 128 Section 1 of the Rules of Court defines what evidence is. It
states evidence is the means sanctioned by these rules of To ascertain in a judicial proceedings – there are a lot of
ascertaining in a judicial proceeding the truth respecting a matter of proceedings diba?
Naay judicial, naay mga quasi-judicial. There are legislative
Section 1. Evidence defined. Evidence is the means proceedings as well. So it hints to you that the rules of evidence are
sanctioned by these rules of ascertaining in a judicial primarily applicable in judicial proceedings only. In courts.
proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact.
And how do we define a court?
When the law defines a particular term, it simply means that it
transforms it into a technical term that is susceptible of no other A court is that entity that is invested with a portion of the judicial
definition than that which the law provides. power.

So if you are asked in the Bar: “define evidence.” Sir, what about a labor arbiter? Isn’t that a fact that you can file a
case against the Labor arbiter? Isn’t that a fact that you can file a
You are not allowed to use your own words. You are not allowed to complaint before a barangay, lupong tagapamaya? HLURB?
substitute a statutory definition with a mere doctrinal definition
that you might have read somewhere. Do we not apply the rules of evidence before these so-called
tribunals which are non-judicial in character?
So that is the first thing you have to remember about rule 128
section 1. We apply but only in a suppletory character.

So for purposes of greater or easier understanding, himay-himayon So for judicial proceedings, the rules of evidence are uniform and
nato ang provision. the same. But with respect to non-judicial proceedings, the technical
rules of evidence are not strictly applied except in a suppletory
Evidence is the means – when you say means it is a methodology. It character.
is the manner of doing something. It is a mechanism.
Are there certain types of cases in Phil. law that you don’t also
When you say means, it means as well that there is an end. There is follow the rule on evidence even if the cases are filed before the
an end to be achieved by the use of evidence. regular courts? Naa ba certain cases filed before the court and yet
you don’t normally prove it in the same way that you prove an
Evidence is the means sanctioned – meaning allowed, permitted, ordinary court case.
prescribed - by the rules – and what rules are we talking about? –
The rules of court. Civil case, for example, what do you prove? – the elements of your
cause of action. Right, obligation, violation, damage.
But when we say sanctioned by the rules, it does not necessarily
mean that the rules of court, specifically rules 128 – 133 are the sole In a criminal case – you need to prove the elements of an offense, if
repositories of the rules of evidence because scattered in the law are you are the prosecution.
evidentiary rules and principles. Dili lang tanan evidentiary rules
makita nimo sa rules of evidence. How do they prove their cases? – follow the rules on evidence,
specifically rule 130 and rule 132 (evidence in trial) so that’s how
Unsa may example, let’s go back to 1st year – obligations and you apply them.
contracts, article 1403, no. 2 of the civil code is the statute of frauds.
Which tells you that a contract has to be in a certain form in order Pero naay exceptions. Naay certain cases where the manner of proof
for it to be enforceable. To be able to prove it in court. But it is not a is different. The manner of proof is unlike the usual manner of proof
limitation to the validity of the contracts between the contracting that you usually employ in ordinary court cases.
parties for the simple reason that contracts generally are perfected
by mere consent. For example, small claims cases.

Consent is manifested by the making of the offer and the acceptance Kinanglan pa ba in small claims cases that you go to court, present a
upon the thing and the cause which are constituted between the witness, there has to be lawyer?
In small claims cases, walay ing-ana. You don’t present evidence the
So when the statute of frauds tells you that a contract has to be in same way that you present evidence in ordinary cases.
writing in order for it to be enforceable, it does not affect validity. It
What else? Rule in the presentation of child witnesses. The child
simply affects its provability – your ability to sue upon such a
witness rule. Where a lot of things that happen in the examination,
contract in court in case there is breach.
the presentation of ordinary witnesses are not applicable. We will go
Political law – consti – bill of rights. Fruit of the poisonous tree to that when we reach rule 130 witnesses and their qualifications; of
doctrine. Is it not a fact that under article 3, you are given 2 rights testimonial witness.
that are very important; for example, like right of the people against
So Evidence is the means sanctioned by these rules of ascertaining
unreasonable searches and seizures. What follows that would be the
in a judicial proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact
right to privacy of communication and correspondence.
Adto sa ta sa fact.
Now what would be the effect if evidence, proof is obtained in
violation of such rights provided under the bill of rights? What are the types of fact under the law?
They are inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding. And when In the law on pleadings, what are the types of fact? You have:
you talk about inadmissibility, you are actually talking about
evidence. What are you allowed and what are you not allowed to 1. Factum probandum (ultimate fact) – they are in the form
present to bring to court. of legal conclusions or factual conlcusions. And because
you haven’t proven them yet, they are necessarily
Unsay pwede nimo i-prove? Unsay pud ang dili nimo i-prove. hypothetical in nature.
Criminal law. You recall any evidentiary rule that requires specific So there is a hypothesis that you are trying to advance before the
proof? court, which can only be proven by what we call by factum probans
or evidentiary facts
Treason. How do you prove treason? Or at least, how many
witnesses are needed in order to prove that a person committed 2. Factum probans (evidentiary facts) – will be the facts that
treason? – 2 witness rule in treason. are referred to under rule 128 section 1.
SY 2018-2019
Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

Now one word in rule 128 section 1, that defines evidence puts me it? How else does you go tell the breaching party to give you
off a little bit. It’s misplaced. What word is that? – Truth. what he contracted to give under the contract?

Truth in a legal document, do support itself. • Damages

Kanus-a pa nako na last nakita kanang word nga truth in a legal There’s also a requirement of proof to certain classes for
document? – The 1987 constitution, preamble. Which we know is damages. Sa mga nastudyante na nako under Torts and
not a source of any right. Damages, you know that with respect to actual damages
there’s a requirement that it must be proven or
Just imagine truth being uttered in the same breath as love. In a
substantiated by proof of pecuniary loss.
legal document. These ideals appear in the preamble because these
are ideals to strive for. Nabanggan imong sakyanan, imong gipaayo. What’s the
And so it makes me think when the framers of the rules of court, proof of pecuniary loss there? THE RECEIPT. No receipt,
no payment of actual damages.
decided to define evidence in that manner – to ascertain the truth
respecting a matter of fact – they are talking about the truth in its
But to other forms of damages: moral, exemplary,
idealized form.
nominal, temperate, liquidated… No proof of pecuniary
Kay ngano? loss is actually required.

That the rules of evidence is not really a means to ascertain the truth That is evidentiary in nature because it tells you what the
but rather mastering the rules of evidence will enable you to manner of proof is in order for you to be entitled to these
disregard the truth. certain forms of damages.

(Example ni Sir; Meet Me in St. Gallen; mga wala kita, one-half sa • Res ipsa loquitor
kinabuhi mawala) That is evidentiary inasmuch as it creates a presumption.
In English, ‘the thing speaks for itself.’
Guy caught possessing shabu after being frisked by police officers.
Making him possessor of illegal substance, violative of the It is illustrated in one of my favorite case in all the law. Sa
comprehensive drugs act. mga wala pa nako na estudyante, wala mo kabalo ani but
my favorite case in all of the law is Republic vs Luzon
What’s the truth in that situation? That guy caught possessing Steevedoring, it’s so simple, it explains res ipsa loquitor
shabu. immediately.
But he takes the best lawyer available, mastered the rules of
evidence, etc. and sets the guy free. Because that is the product of an Ani, BRIDGE. BARGE. BANGGA. Ka kinsang sala? Who’s
illegal search. Therefore fruit of the poisonous tree. fault was it? The bridge? Impossible nga sa bridge,
because it is not a moving object. Dili mana ga lihok.
So what’s the truth there? Stationary. So, res ipsa loquitor. Who is negligent? The
barge. It cannot be the bridge. That’s res ipsa loquitor. It
Pusher. User. Possessor. – that’s the truth. But because of your
now raises a presumption that the defendant was
mastery of the rules of evidence, the truth is disregarded.
negligent because the facts are such that it cannot be
That’s effect. It enables the legal practitioners and parties to a case caused by anyone else.
to disregard the truth whether you like it or not that’s the profession
you are seeking entry into.
You go to the hospital. You wanted to get an
“Where Truth, though might be sacred but you have to surround it
appendectomy. But when you went home, you went home
with a bodyguard of lies.” - Judge Emmanuel Carpio. with a vasectomy. Res ipsa loquitor. The thing speaks for
Vincit Omnia veritas. – Truth conquers all but with knowledge of itself. Who’s negligent there? Alangan naman ikaw, you
have no control over the instrumentality that caused you
all, the truth can be conquered.

• Presumption of Negligence in vehicular accidents

June 28, 2018 (Angel Deiparine)
Do you know that when you are found to be violating a
(diri gyud nag start ang June 28 na recording. I think naputol ang traffic ordinance at the time of an accident, you are
start, but part gihapon ni sa Section 1.) automatically presumed negligent.

Section 1. Evidence defined. — Evidence is the means, sanctioned Like, nakabangga ka, you weren’t wearing a seatbelt. Or,
by these rules, of ascertaining in a judicial proceeding the truth nakabangga ka, wala kay lisensya. There’s a presumption
respecting a matter of fact. of negligence there even if you were quite careful.

And when there’s a presumption of law that applies, it

The parties are actually encouraged to undergo stipulations, actually shifts the burden of evidence to the other party to
admissions of facts. In fact, during pretrial conference in a criminal disprove. Because you are now presumed to be negligent,
case, the accused can make a confession. Maybe, pursuant to what the plaintiff does not even have to prove that you were
we have known to be PLEA BARGAINING AGREEMENTS. negligent. That’s the effect. Therefore, that’s evidentiary.

O sige, akong angkunon ang akoang guilt but to a lesser offense, Nag motor ka, wala kay helmet. Negligence. You are
provided, you will be lenient in giving me a sentence. I plead guilty violating a traffic violation at the time of collision.
to a lesser offense, and maybe, for one, that falls within the ambit of
probation. So, probationable siya. Nag helmet ka, wala kay motor. Aw, buang ka.
But what happens if the pretrial agreement that contains the
confession of the accused is unsigned? What will be the effect of • Criminal Law- Presumptions Relating to
that? Discernment, An Exemption from Criminal
Of course, unless reduced to writing and signed by him and his
counsel, such admission or confession that was made or entered What’s the difference between a perpetrator below 9 years
during the pretrial conference cannot be used in evidence against of age at the time of the commission of the offense and a
the accused. We’ll go to that when we go to Admissions later on. perpetrator between the ages of 9-15 to be exempt from
criminal liability?
Even in a civil law, you have a lot of evidentiary principles.
We know for a fact that if the perpetrator is below 9 years
SY 2018-2019
Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

What about a perpetrator below 9 years of age who acted offerer. In criminal cases, an offer of compromise by the
with discernment? Answer: It doesn’t matter if that kid accused may be received in evidence as an implied
acted with discernment, because the law conclusively admission.
presumes him to be incapable of discernment by reason of
immaturity. It doesn’t matter. You can’t even prove na he Let me give you an example of an implied admission, A raped B. B
acted with discernment. sued A for rape. A, who raped B, offered marriage. That is
considered an implied admission of guilt because that is analogous
In corollary, the case of Jarco Marketing vs Court of to an attempt to compromise. ‘Ayaw nlng ko file-i ug kaso, pakaslan
Appeals, the Supreme Court said that a child below 9 nlng tika’- that’s a compromise.
years of age is incapable of contributory negligence. Those
are conclusively presumed facts. 3. What else? In civil cases, the concept of presumption of
innocence does not apply. But constitutionally speaking,
In the same vein, a child below 9 years of age is incapable the accused (in criminal cases) enjoys the presumption of
of discernment, the same is incapable of contributory innocence under the 1987 Constitution.
negligence. Tell that to my son. *nag story siya about sa 4. We will learn later on that in Rule 131 that in civil cases,
iyang son nga naghatag sa iyang classmate ug 50 pesos the doctrine of equipoise or equiponderance of evidence
because gi dukol daw niya. Lack of discernment? applies, but in criminal cases, technically speaking, there
Bribery. is no such thing as equipoise.

• Two-witness Rule in Treason Imagine that in a litigation, there is always that imaginary scale. An
It’s the law that mandates the quantity of evidence you imaginary scale of justice. Kana bitaw si Lady Justice nag gunit ug
need to present. Two witnesses attesting to the same overt timbangan. On one side, you have the receptacle for the plaintiff or
act that constitutes treason. prosecution. On the other side, you have the receptacle for the
defendant or the accused.

Section 2. Scope. — The rules of evidence shall be the Now, in the course of trial, mauna ug present ang evidence sa
same in all courts and in all trials and hearings, except as plaintiff, diba? Plaintiff man gyud mauna. So every piece of evidence
otherwise provided by law or these rules. that is credible and admissible, ginabutang na sa iyang receptacle.
So, sa sugod bug-at ang sa plaintiff. When the defendant’s turn
Going back to Civil Procedure, Section 4, Rule 1 of the Rules of comes, he also puts in his receptacle his own evidence that is
Court, the Rules does not apply to election cases, land registration, credible and admissible. Finally, the court can now determine kung
cadastral, naturalization and insolvency proceedings, and other kinsa mas bug-at. Kung kinsa mas bug-at, mao nay mudaog. But
cases not herein provided for, except by analogy or in a suppletory what happens if they are equal. Even gyud siya. Who should win?
character and whenever practicable and convenient. Answer: the defendant should win. Why? If the evidence of the two
parties are equally balance such as there is equipoise already, it
Remember, when you talk about practicability, it’s not the same as means that the party who bears the burden of proof initially has
practicality. Lahi na sila na terms. failed to discharge that burden. Therefore, the defendant wins. That
is the doctrine of equipoise.
When you say ‘practicable’, mabuhat ba siya? When you say
‘practical’, ang pangutana dra, sayon ra ba siya? There’s a big But in criminal cases, there is no equipoise. Ngano? Again, we go
difference between the two. Do not be misled or confused. back to that imaginary scale of justice. On one hand you have the
prosecution, on the other hand, you have the accused. Wala pa nag
Now, just to correlate with the phrase ‘in a judicial proceeding’, this sugod ang kaso, ing ana na ang scale (refers to imbalance scale,
means we use the law of Evidence in judicial proceedings as a leaning towards the accused). Why? Because he is entitled to the
general rule. But when a proceeding is administrative or quasi- presumption of innocence that can only be defeated by prosecution
judicial in nature, the Rules on Evidence are not strictly applied. by proof beyond reasonable doubt. So, in case of doubt, who wins
the case? The accused, regardless of whether he is the worst rapist
Now we need to recall what happens in labor cases, if an employee or the most damak na drug addict in the whole world, because of
files a complaint for illegal termination against the employer, and that presumption of innocence.
you’re the lawyer. Do you expect to bring a witness in? Do you cross
examine witnesses before the labor arbiter in a case for illegal 5. Finally, in civil cases, there is no such thing as a
dismissal? Answer: NO. The Rules of Evidence are not strictly confession, whereas in criminal cases, the concept of
applied in labor tribunals. confession is perfectly applicable.
In the case of Cathay Pacific vs NLRC, the Rules of Evidence Take note that the Rules of Evidence is procedural in character
prevailing in courts of law or equity are not always controlling. It’s which means that they may be given retroactive effect, diba? Laws
not even necessary that affidavits and other documents presented shall have no retroactive effect, except those exceptions provided to
conform to the technical rules of evidence, as the court maintains a you by Maam Galas when you are in first year, including those rules
liberal stance regarding procedural deficiencies in labor cases. that are procedural in character.
If that’s the case, unsa diay na diha? Atik atik na proceedings? In If you recall the case of Velayo vs Shell, SC ruled that the law on
Hornales(?) vs NLRC, the SC said labor proceedings are non- human relations, Articles 19 to 36 of the Civil Code beginning in
litigious in character. The technicalities of law and procedure, and abuse of rights until prejudicial questions--- it can be given
the rules obtaining in the courts of law shall not strictly apply retroactive effect precisely because it does not affect vested rights.
thereto, and the hearing officer may avail himself of all reasonable
means to ascertain the facts of the case. It may be non-litigous, but Naa sad ba vested rights in the Rules of Evidence? The answer is
there is still that requirement of ascertaining the facts. There is still NO. Any evidence inadmissible according to the laws in force, at the
that requirement of determining which party upon the merits is time the action accrued, but admissible according to the laws in
entitled in the case. force at the time of the trial, is receivable.
According to the SC, as well, in the case of Kanlaon vs NLRC, Let us suppose, at the time of the filing of the action, there’s a law
kana daw requirement of due process when it comes to labor saying that it is inadmissible to present in court a cctv footage, why,
tribunals, for example, is satisfied, at the very least, when the because it violates the right to privacy kanang mga cctv. So, gi file-
parties are given an opportunity to submit position papers. an gihapon ug kaso tong accused. But based on the law, at the time
when the action accrued, that’s supposed to be inadmissible in
Criminal vs. Civil Cases evidence. But during the time the trial of the case was underway, the
law was repealed. Can the accused complain that before, the time of
In judicial proceedings, remember, it could either be criminal or the filing of the action, inadmissible na. Unya karon, ma present na?
civil in nature. He can complain, diba?
So how do you distinguish between evidence in civil cases vs. Proof vs. Evidence
evidence in criminal cases.
Now, what’s the difference between proof and evidence?
1. In civil cases, the party having the burden of proof must
prove his claim by a PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE, There are subtle differences, except that these terms are often used
SY 2018-2019
Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

Proof, therefore, is the probative effect of evidence. Evidence is Student: Today. June 28.
supposed to be considered as the means.
Sir: If I were to make a factum probandum based on what you said,
Let’s revisit Section 1, again. I would say, “A is obliged to pay B the amount of Php10,000 which
is due and demandable on a certain date.” Kung dili man gud due
Section 1. Evidence defined. — Evidence is the means, and demandable, e di premature imong demand.
sanctioned by these rules, of ascertaining in a judicial
proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact. So, how do you prove that? That A is obliged to pay B Php10,000.
What is your factum probans?
Take note that under the law on pleadings, there are two types of
FACT: Student2: A promissory note, sir.

1. Factum Probandum; Sir: Would there be any difference in your ability to prove factum
2. Factum Probans. probandum had there been no promissory note or any other
contract signed by A and B.
Factum Probandum or Ultimate Facts are principal,
determinate and constituted facts upon the existence of which the Answer: Oral testimony.
plaintiff’s cause of action rests.
6/28/2018 (Anton Maligad)
They do not refer to the details of probative matters or particulars of
evidence by which these material elements are to be established. Evidence in Civil Cases vs. Evidence in Criminal Cases
Under the law on pleadings, remember, only ultimate facts are to be
required to be stated. They consists in propositions still to be Civil Cases Criminal Cases
established. Therefore, ultimate facts are necessarily hypothetical. REQUIRED EVIDENCE
Preponderance of Evidence is Proof beyond reasonable doubt
Factum Probans or Evidentiary Facts/ Intermediate Facts required is required
are facts which are necessary for the determination of ultimate facts. OFFER OF COMPROMISE
An offer of compromise is not In criminal cases an offer of
They are premises upon which conclusion of ultimate facts are
an admission of any liability. compromise by the accused
based. They are brought forward as a reality to convince the tribunal
may be received in evidence as
that the factum probandum is also real.
an implied admission.
As law students, how do you answer exams? You use SYLLOGISMS,
by which, is supposed to bring forth a proposition; then state your Example: IMPLIED
minor premise; major premise; and then, conclusion.

For example: Is the contention of plaintiff tenable? You A raped B. B offered marriage.
answer either yes or no. The contention of plaintiff is Don’t file a case against me
tenable or untenable. That is your conclusion. because I will marry you.

What is your premise? You have to state your minor That is considered as an
premise. The applicable law is your minor premise, right? implied admission of guilt,
Then, your major premise is how the law is applicable because that is analogous to an
based on the facts. Finally, you have the conclusion. So attempt to compromise.
you have these two premises, then you have the

Asa didto ang factum probandum? Ug asa didto ang In civil cases, the concept of Concept of presumption of
factum probans? presumption of innocence innocence applies.
doesn’t apply.
Factum Probandum, katong giingon nimo na dili tenable. Constitutionally speaking the
That’s a conclusion; that’s a proposition. How do you accused enjoys the
prove a proposition? By placing premises. What’s your presumption of innocence
major premise? How the law is applied to the facts. under the 1987 Constitution.
Katong facts nato, mao na imong evidentiary. DOCTRINE OF EQUIPOISE
Doctrine of Equipoise applies Doctrine of Equipoise doesn’t
They are facts which are necessary for the determination of the exist in criminal law.
ultimate facts. They are premises upon which conclusions of The "equipoise doctrine" is the
ultimate facts are based. rule which states that when the
evidence of the prosecution and
They are brought forward as a reality to convince the tribunal the the defense are so
factum probandum is also real. evenly balanced the
appreciation of such evidence
Take note that under Rule 8, Section 1, every pleading shall calls for tilting of the scales in
contain in a methodical and logical form, a plain, concise and direct favor of the accused
statement of the ultimate facts on which the party pleading relies for
his claim or defense, as the case may be, omitting the statement of CONCEPT OF CONFESSION
mere evidentiary facts.
There is no concept of There is a concept of confession
Factum Probandum Factum Probans
Ultimate facts Evidentiary or intermediate
facts Take note that the Rules on Evidence are procedural in character,
Proposition still to be Material evidence in the which means that they may be given retroactive effect.
established proposition making factum
probandum merely GR: The law shall not have a retroactive effect.
hypothetical. It is already in
existence. XPN: Exceptions given by the Civil Code and includes procedural
It is the end to be achieved It is the means to achieve such laws.
Mao lang required under the You have to omit them when In corollary to that, are there vested rights in Rules of Evidence?
law in pleadings you file your pleadings NO

Supreme Court ruled that as to the law on Human Relations (Article

Take note that every evidentiary question involves the relationship 19-36 of the Civil Code) couldn’t be given retroactive effect because
between the factum probandum and the factum probans. there are vested rights.
SY 2018-2019
Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

Example: Let us suppose that at the time of the filing of the action Student: Oral Testimony (Testimonial Evidence)
there is a law that states that it is inadmissible to present in court
CCTV footage. Because according to the law the CCTV footage Atty. E: Precisely. There has to be some connection or some relation
violates the rights of privacy. between your factum probans with the proposition that you want to
prove which is your factum probandum.
So, a case was still filed against the accused.
So for example, your factum probandum is: A killed B. Your factum
But during the time of the trial of the case the law was repealed. Can probans is a picture taken during the wedding of B and C. What is
the accused complain? the connection?

NO, he cannot complain. The evidence shall be presented in court. In other words, the relationship between factum probandum and
factum probans is what you call relevancy.
“Proof and Evidence are not the same, though they are
usually used interchangeably” The relationship must be in some way that would describe the
factum probans as advancing the proposition that is factum
Proof—is the effect when the requisite quantum of evidence of a probandum.
particular fact has been duly admitted; Proof is the probative effect
of evidence. Question of Fact vs. Question of Law:

Evidence—is the mode or manner of presenting facts in a judicial Callo vs. Chief of National Police (Nov 21, 2002) [look for
proceeding. Evidence is the means. case]

Rule 128; Section 1: Evidence is the means sanctioned by these There is a question of fact when doubt or difference arises as to
rules of ascertaining in a judicial proceeding the truth respecting a truth of facts
matter of fact.
There is a question of law as to what is the law is as to certain facts
Two Types of Fact under the Law on Pleadings:

Factum Probandum Factcum Probans Atty. E: Is it illegal to smoke by the road outside the school? It is.
(Ultimate Facts)— (Evidentiary Facts)— That is a question of law, because the issue can be answered solely
by what the law says.
Principal, determinate, and Facts, which are necessary for
constitutive facts upon the the determination of ultimate But if the question is:
existence of which the plaintiff’s facts.
cause of action rests. Is A liable for violating the law for smoking in public places?
They are premises by which the
They do not refer to the details conclusions of ultimate facts are That is a questions of fact, because you need to prove it with certain
of probative matters or based. facts.
particulars of evidence by which
these are evidence are to be Material evidencing the Example:
established. proposition which is
hypothetical. Assume that there is a law that would mandate that people below 5
Proposition, which is still to be feet 4 inches tall should be given free Php 5,000,000.00 each.
established. They are brought forward as a
So, I’ll be given Php 5,000,000.00 free because I am below 5 feet 4
reality in order to convince the
Under the law on pleadings, tribunal that a factum
only ultimate facts are to be probandum is ___? But, in determining whether or not the person is qualified to receive
stated omitting the evidentiary the Php5m what is it?
It is a question of fact.
They consist in oppositions still
to be established and are But to determine that the standard of who is qualified to receive the
therefore hypothetical. Php5m.

“It is the end of which”

That is a question of law, because it wasn’t applied to a factual

situation—it was just the law.
“It is the means of which”
Difference of Question of Fact vs. Question of Law:

Lecture on how to answer questions in law school: Use of Question of Fact Question of Law
syllogisms. Apply the Law on Evidence Apply the law
Appeal is made to the Court of Appeal is made directly to the
1.) Tenable/Untenable—conclusion (ultimate facts) appeals for pure questions of Supreme Court
2.) Minor premise—the applicable law (evidentiary fact or mixed questions of fact
facts) US Law: It is determined by the US Law: It is determined by the
3.) Major premise—how the law is applicable based jury judge
on the facts (evidentiary facts)
4.) Conclusion to your answer

Every evidentiary question contains the relationship between the

ultimate facts and the evidentiary facts. Section 3. Admissibility of Evidence—Evidence is
admissible when it is relevant to the issue and is not
excluded by the law or these Rules.
Give me a factum probandum?
When we talk about admissibility, the basic question to ask is:
Student: A is obliged to pay B the amount of Php 10,000 to be
Will the Court accept it as a viable proof of a particular topic?
collected on June 29.
Admissibility of evidence—answers the question where certain
Atty E: How do you prove that? What is your factum probans? What
pieces evidence is to be considered by the court.
is your factum probandum?
Weight/Probative value of evidence—answers the question on
Student: An example of a factum probandum for such kind of
whether the admitted evidence proves an issue by the quantum of
SY 2018-2019
Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

It is simple as that, thus particular evidence may be admissible, but What is this Section 17? That’s the right against self-incrimination.
its evidentiary weight depends on the judicial evaluation in the
guidelines provided by the Rules of Court. Section 17. No person shall be compelled to be a witness against
2 Basic Requisites of Admissibility (Rule 128; Section 3):

a.) Relevancy—is such a relation to the fact in issue as to Take note also of RA 7438 – the rights of persons arrested,
induce a belief of its existence or non-existence of a fact. detained, or under custodial investigation.

b.) Competency—and evidence is competent if the law or Section 2. Rights of Persons Arrested, Detained or Under
these rules of court do not exclude such evidence. Custodial Investigation; Duties of Public Officers. –

(a) Any person arrested detained or under custodial investigation

Section 3 of Rule 128 is directly derived from the Actions of shall at all times be assisted by counsel.
Admissibility according to Wigmore. The real Wigmore!
(d) Any extrajudicial confession made by a person arrested,
detained or under custodial investigation shall be in writing and
signed by such person in the presence of his counsel or in the
June 28, 2018 – April Sillada latter's absence, upon a valid waiver, and in the presence of any of
the parents, elder brothers and sisters, his spouse, the municipal
I share the opinion of my former mentor before, my teacher in
mayor, the municipal judge, district school supervisor, or priest or
International Law when I was taking up my masters – the present
minister of the gospel as chosen by him; otherwise, such
presidential spokesman, Harry Roque.
extrajudicial confession shall be inadmissible as evidence in any
Part of our discussion was this, the Human Security Act. So his bone proceeding.
of contention is this word: “suspected” of the crime of terrorism. So
the moment that you are suspected, all that the police operatives
So fruit of the poisonous tree lang gihapon ang iyahang take, in
have to do is to ask for a written order from the Court of Appeals.
other words.
So what is the quantum that is required? No need for probable
cause. Diba for the issuance of a search warrant or warrant of arrest,
probable cause. Here, a mere suspicion. And so according to him, it
Section 4. Relevancy; collateral matters. — Evidence
dilutes the right to privacy. And I agree. It dilutes RA 4200 – the
must have such a relation to the fact in issue as to induce
Anti-Wiretapping Act. belief in its existence or non-existence. Evidence on
And in addition to that, under RA9372, the Human Security Act, collateral matters shall not be allowed, except when it
even the law on the secrecy of bank deposits is affected. Because if tends in any reasonable degree to establish the
you are a suspected terrorist, the law enforcement agencies can probability or improbability of the fact in issue. (4a)
inquire into your bank deposits on the guise that you are suspected
What is a relevant evidence?
of committing terrorism.
• It is evidence which has a tendency in reason to establish
And you know how the Human Security Act defines terrorism? It
the probability or improbability of the fact in issue.
defines crimes that could be committed by a terrorist according to
how these crimes are defined under the Revised Penal Code, with • It is evidence tending to prove or disprove a material fact.
the added element that the perpetration of these crimes is used in • It is evidence having a tendency to make the existence of
order to sow fear and terror among the populace. Mao ra na siya ang any fact that is of consequence to the determination of the
nakabutang sa Human Security Act. action more or less probable than it would be without the
So to my mind, the Human Security Act is a little bit too simplistic,
and it allows our enforcement agencies a lot of liberty to inquire into Relevancy vs. materiality
the private lives of ordinary Filipinos.
Take note that relevancy is not the same as materiality. Because
For all we know, I’m already a suspected terrorist. And they will material evidence is evidence which tends to directly prove the fact
inquire into my bank account and see that I only have Php7500. But in issue.
my wife’s bank account is a different matter. The joke I always make
is that: You know what? Mag-asawa gud. Unitas personae – one So for example, if you want to prove the existence of a loan, what
person under the law. Our estates are combined, which means na would directly prove it? The promissory note is material. If you
kung unsay ako, iya. Kung unsay iya, iya ra. want to prove the cause of death, the death certificate of the person
is material. But again, it’s not the same as relevancy.
Anyway, there’s also this case of Navarro v. CA. If the
communication is not private, its tape recording is not prohibited. To illustrate the difference between relevancy and materiality, I will
always go back to the example of Dean Inigo because it’s the best
Also, take note of Article III, Section 12. example.

Section 12. A was shot from a long distance right in between the eyes. Like who
can do that? It’s either a very lucky shot, or you are a really skilled
1. Any person under investigation for the commission of an shooter. B was the main suspect and he was prosecuted for the
offense shall have the right to be informed of his right to crime. During the presentation of evidence, the fiscal presented
remain silent and to have competent and independent testimony trying to prove that B was a former Olympic gold
counsel preferably of his own choice. If the person medalist in long distance shooting.
cannot afford the services of counsel, he must be
provided with one. These rights cannot be waived except Q: Is the evidence material? Does it directly prove that B shot A?
in writing and in the presence of counsel.
A: It does not tend to prove the fact in issue of whether or not B
killed the victim. Because the issue here is not about the Olympic
2. No torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation, or any
record of the accused.
other means which vitiate the free will shall be used
against him. Secret detention places, solitary, Q: However, does such evidence have a tendency to prove that B is
incommunicado, or other similar forms of detention are
the killer due to his ability as a really sharp shooter?
A: Of course. Yes, the evidence may not be material but it is still
3. Any confession or admission obtained in violation of this relevant. It has a tendency in reason to establish the probability or
or Section 17 hereof shall be inadmissible in evidence improbability of the fact in issue.
against him.
Stated otherwise, would it be more likely that it is B who is the
4. The law shall provide for penal and civil sanctions for shooter, given his Olympic record, than anybody else? If the answer
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

evidence evidence under the Best Evidence Rule but they will still be
Evidence is offered to prove or Evidence has the tendency in admitted as object evidence to prove the existence or
disprove a fact in issue reason to establish the condition of the object.
probability or improbability of
the fact in issue
Direct proof May either be direct or (Sir held up a class card.) What’s this? It’s a class card. What is the
circumstantial color? Green. Can you tell me the shape? Rectangle. Does it matter
Self-evident May require reasoning and to me, when I asked you those questions, what’s written here? That
inference it purports to belong to a certain Lim, Jennifer Marie? Does it
Material evidence is always Relevant evidence is not always matter to me? No, because my questions were about the color and
relevant material. the shape. And therefore, I’m looking at this piece of paper as an
object, not as a document.

But what if what matters to me is what is written in this piece of

Three Kinds of Admissibility
paper – unsay nakasulat. And therefore, it becomes a document.
1. Multiple Admissibility
Now does it mean that in a court of law, I can only present this as a
Evidence that is plainly relevant and competent for two or more document? And I cannot present this anymore as an object?
purposes will be received if it satisfies all requirements prescribed Because something just happens to be written in this piece of paper?
by law in order that it may be admissible for the purpose for which That, my friends, is the concept of multiple admissibility. It can be
it is presented, even if it does not satisfy the other requirements for presented in court for different purposes and as different types of
admissibility for other purposes. evidence.

2. Conditional Admissibility Bar Exam 2005 Question:

Evidence appears to be immaterial but it is admitted by the court May a private document be offered and admitted in evidence, both
subject to the condition that its connection with another fact as documentary evidence and as object evidence?
subsequent to be proved will be established. Otherwise, such fact
already received will be stricken off the record at the initiative of the Answer:
adverse party. (That is precisely what the law on multiple admissibility of evidence
is all about.) A private document may be offered and admitted in
3. Curative Admissibility
evidence, both as documentary evidence and as object evidence. The
Evidence that is otherwise improper is admitted despite the document can also be considered as an object for purposes of the
objection from the other party to contradict improper evidence case. Objects as evidence are those addressed to the senses of the
presented or introduced by the other party, to cure, contradict, or court. Documentary evidence consists of writings or any material
neutralize such improper evidence. containing letters, words, numbers, figures, symbols, or other
modes of written expression offered as proof of their contents.
Curative Admissibility
Hence, a private document may be offered as object evidence in
This curative admissibility, I was able to observe personally, applied order to establish certain physical evidence or characteristics that
to a case that I handled before. The case that I handled was covered are visible on the paper and, writings that comprise the object.
by the Rules on Summary Procedure. Remember that under the
Rules on Summary Procedure, kung wala sa affidavit, it will not be Bar Exam 1994 Question:
taken up. If it is evidence that was not previously identified, or
At the trial of Ace for violation of the Dangerous Drugs Act, the
maybe hinted at, in your affidavits, it cannot be presented.
prosecution offers in evidence a photocopy of the marked 100-peso
But being the lawyer that I am, I tried to present inadmissible bills used in the buy bust operation. Ace objects to the introduction
evidence. It’s an unfair surprise against my opponent. Unfair of the photocopy on the ground that the Best Evidence Rule
surprise for the simple reason that if I present evidence that was not prohibits the introduction of secondary evidence in lieu of the
previously identified, he will not have the opportunity to refute it. original.

And so my opponent objected. Grabe objection niya, halos patyon A. Is the photocopy real or object evidence, or is it
ko niya sa objection. And then the court asked me to comment on documentary evidence?
his objection. And then the same bullshit that I always do to try to B. Is the photocopy admissible in evidence?
defend against an objection, I say “Your Honor, this is newly
discovered evidence. It is allowed, Your Honor, because it is Now, a little bit about the Best Evidence Rule. If you are going to
relevant to the fact in issue. It directly proves that the accused is present documentary evidence, the general rule is you have to
liable to my client. And remember, Your Honor, that this is not present the original. You cannot just present a mere photocopy. So
supposedly a battle of technicalities, but rather, cheche bureche if you’re presenting a document, the Best Evidence Rule will be
whatever.” applicable. But if you’re presenting something else, it does not
True enough, the judge was impressed. Nadala sa akoang bulatik.
Pero naningkamot kog argue diba. And then he allowed me to So if your answer in Letter A is that it is documentary evidence, in
present supposedly inadmissible evidence. He told the other party. all probability, your answer in Letter B is that it is not admissible
“Don’t worry counsel because under the principle of curative because it violates the Best Evidence Rule.
admissibility of evidence, you are also allowed to present similarly
But if your answer in Letter A is that it is a mere object, therefore it
inadmissible evidence to counteract the evidence that I’m allowing
will be admissible in Letter B because there’s no such thing as Best
right now.”
Evidence Rule for objects.
My god, ka-bright sa judge. He knows about the curative
admissibility of evidence. Only to find out that the judge is a book Answer:
author in Criminal Procedure and Evidence – si Judge Alejandro A. It is real or object evidence because it is not offered as
Ramon C. Alano, from the Municipal Trial Court of General Santos
proof of its contents but as tangible proof, object of the
City. illegal sale of dangerous drugs.
B. Yes, the photocopy is admissible in evidence because the
Multiple Admissibility
Best Evidence Rule does not apply to object evidence.
There’s a lot of examples on multiple admissibility.
Theories of Curative Admissibility
• Later on, we will learn in Rule 130, Section 37 about the
exception to the hearsay rule called a dying declaration. 1. American Rule
An example of how multiple admissibility can apply there
The admission of such incompetent evidence without objection by
is that even if a statement does not qualify as a dying
the opponent does not justify such opponent from rebutting it by
declaration, it may be admitted as part of the res gestae.
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

If a party has presented inadmissible evidence, the adverse party o Positive evidence: If his answer was ‘yes’ or ‘no’,
may resort to similar inadmissible evidence. because it affirms the existence of a fact, which tells
you that the headlight was on or off.
3. Massachusetts Rule
o Negative evidence: If the answer was ‘I did not
The adverse party may be permitted to introduce similar notice’, because he did not see or know the
incompetent evidence in order to avoid unfair prejudice caused by occurrence of a fact.
the admission of the other party’s evidence.
§ Let’s compare this with alibi (also a
What should determine the application of the rule of negative defense). If your defense is an
curative admissibility? alibi, then you’re saying that you weren’t
there, then how could you have hit him.
1. Whether the incompetent evidence was seasonably
objected to; and
Negative pregnant is a form of negative expression which carries an
2. Whether, regardless of the objection, the admission of
affirmation. Thus, it is a denial pregnant with an admission.
such evidence shall cause a plain and unfair prejudice to
the party against whom it is admitted.
• Example. “Have you ever smoked marijuana?”

July 5, 2018 – April Sillada o Affirmative answer: “Yes, I’ve smoked marijuana”, or
“No, I never smoked marijuana”
Different Types of Evidence o Negative pregnant: “I never smoked marijuana in
school”. This implies that I smoked marijuana
Material vs. immaterial outside school.

• Material evidence: That type of evidence which directly

proves the fact in issue As to the need to infer or presume
• Immaterial evidence: Something that has no bearing
whatsoever in the matter proving the fact in issue. Direct Evidence Circumstantial Evidence
Establishes the existence of a Does not directly prove the fact
fact in issue without any aid of in issue, but merely provides
Competent vs. inadmissible inference or presumption. logical inferences that such fact
• No need to infer or really exists.
• Competent evidence: Evidence that is allowed by the law presume from the • You still need to put one
or the Rules of Court evidence shown that it’s and one together.
• Inadmissible evidence: Those that are excluded by the law another fact
or the Rules of Court. The witness testifies directly of Each proof is given facts and
his own knowledge as to the circumstances to which the
way facts are to be proved. court may infer or connect facts
Relevant vs. irrelevant • Example: He knows it to which reasonably follow
be true, because he saw it according to the common
• Relevant evidence: Evidence that has such a relation to experience of mankind.
happen. He knows that it
the fact in issue as to induce belief in its existence or non-
smells, because he smelled • In appreciating
it. circumstantial evidence,
• Irrelevant evidence: One that does not advance the you are appreciating the
proposition that you wish to prove. It is one that does not, relevancy of evidence.
in any way, make the fact in issue any less probable or
• Going back to Section 1 of
improbable in proving things.
Rule 128: “Evidence on
collateral matters shall not
be allowed, except when it
Positive vs. negative
tends in any reasonable
When you talk about positive and negative evidence, you’re talking degree to establish the
about whether evidence affirms or negates. probability or
improbability of the fact in
So for example, when you talk about positive evidence, it is when issue.”
the witness affirms that the fact occurred or did not occur. While in o When we talk
negative evidence, on the other hand, is when the witness avers that about the
he did not see or know the occurrence of a fact. He’s simply saying second part of
that “I do not know.” the sentence,
we’re actually
A perfect example of that would be the oft-abused term “alibi.” In its using common
simplest form, alibi is simply that you’re saying “I was elsewhere.” sense on that.

For example, A is accused of killing B. And then A, instead of saying 1. Direct Evidence
that he’s guilty or not guilty, he’s simply saying “I wasn’t even there
when the crime took place. So how could I be guilty?” • Proof of fact or point in issue that belief establishes the truth or
falsity of the fact in issue, and does not arise from a
A denial of course is negative evidence. It is considered by presumption. So in other words, it’s direct proof. You don’t
jurisprudence to be a very weak form of defense, and can never need to infer the existence of other facts. It’s just it, as it proves
overcome a positive or affirmative testimony, particularly when it it directly.
comes from the mouth of a credible witness.
• Example: CCTV footage where accused is charged for theft. It
And informally, let me say that there is a third type: a negative
directly proves the fact in issue, as it shows the accused
pregnant evidence. In civil procedure, we know this to be
stealing the objects. Thus, it proves the fact in issue, in the
negative pregnant admission. It’s a form of a negative expression
form of object evidence (CCTV footage).
which carries with it an affirmation or at least an indication of some
kind, favorable to the adverse party. It is a denial pregnant with an
• Take note that there are certain facts not susceptible of direct
admission of the substantial facts.
proof, such as conspiracy.

o A conspiracy exists when two or more persons come

July 5, 2018 - Benrich Tan to an agreement concerning the commission of a
felony and decide to commit it.
Let’s go back to positive evidence, where a witness affirms that a fact o No one’s fool enough to produce their agreement
occur or did not occur. into writing. Thus, you cannot expect direct proof of
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Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

circumstantial evidence on the fact in issue. Although they do not

2. Circumstantial Evidence tend to directly prove the fact in issue, they have the tendency to
establish the probability or improbability of the fact in issue, and
• Evidence not directly bearing on the fact in dispute, but in thus, admissible.
various attendant circumstances from which the judge might
infer the occurrence of a fact in dispute. However, Y was acquitted, because the prosecution’s evidence was
merely circumstantial. It was inherently weak, even though Y’s
• Example: Somebody was stabbed inside a house. A guy came defense was also inherently weak. To produce a conviction based on
out of it with a bloodied shirt and knife, ergo, that person killed circumstantial evidence, the sum of the circumstances must prove
that person. Correct? the fact in issue beyond a reasonable doubt. The argument of the
defense was that the presumption of evidence must prevail, thus Y
o In the matter of direct evidence, NO. Circumstances was acquitted.
does not equal to him killing that person. It could
have just been a Halloween costume. Direct evidence Remember, motive and opportunity are mere circumstantial
would be an eyewitness or photographic evidence evidence They are not considered to be material or direct evidence.
that shows him killing the person.
On another note, negative evidence is only defeated by positive
o However, this could be circumstantial evidence. evidence. Since the defense was alibi, and since no witness during
cross-examination can say that they saw Y shoot X at the scene of
• Rule 133, Section 4. Circumstantial evidence, when sufficient. the crime, negative evidence is still produced from the testimony.
— Circumstantial evidence is sufficient for conviction if: Also, between the prosecution’s negative evidence and the accused’s
negative evidence, the latter prevails, due to the constitutional
a) There is more than one circumstances; presumption of innocence.
b) The facts from which the inferences are derived are
proven; and As to originality
c) The combination of all the circumstances is such as to
produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt. Primary or Best Evidence Secondary or Substitutional
The following is an example which teaches us: Evidence which the law Inferior or substitutionary
regards as effecting the evidence or evidence which itself
• The distinction between circumstantial evidence from direct greatest certainty of the fact in indicates the existence of a more
evidence issue original source of information
• When circumstantial evidence is sufficient to warrant a
conviction; and 1. Primary or best evidence.
• When circumstantial evidence advances the proposition (or • EX. Presenting a promissory note in a collection case;
when is it relevant) Presenting receipts to prove actual damages

FACTS: 2. Secondary or Substitutional Evidence

• EX. The TSNs being sold by various school organizations.
X was murdered, and Y was the primary suspect. X and Y had a They are all photocopied, which proves there is an
long-standing grudge, to the point they were seen altercating in a original of such.
public setting at some point prior. Y was reputed to be a gun-for- • Take note of the Best Evidence Rule, where the subject
hire. However, there was no eyewitnesses during the shooting. of inquiry is the contents of a document, no evidence shall
be admissible other that original document itself (subject
The prosecution’s evidence was the testimony to prove: to the secondary evidence exceptions, whereby you are
allowed to present a mere copy rather than the original).
a) Y was at the vicinity during the scene of the crime. He was
inside the room where the victim was shot, and a person
wearing a helmet with Y’s same height and built was seen
fleeing with a motorcycle from the scene of the crime. Types of Supporting Evidence

o But there was no one who could testify such, because Cumulative Evidence Corroborative Evidence
there were no eyewitnesses. Additional evidence of the Additional evidence of a different
o The purpose for the prosecution’s evidence was to same kind and character as kind and character tending to
prove opportunity, to place Y at the scene of the that already given and tends to prove the same point but
crime to prove that it was possible that he was the prove the same proposition different types of evidence
one who shot X.

§ Possible, and not certain, because there July 5, 2018 - Christian Yu

was no eyewitnesses at the time when Y
was shot. Tan-aw ug basketball and smoking. And ako naa ko sa kuan... we
have a porch at the compound where i can directly watch the
b) The animosity between X and Y basketball game going outside across the street.

o Such evidence was offered Then suddenly there is this motorcycle riding in tandem, went near
o The purpose for the testimony of animosity was to the place where the person was standing and then shot him point
prove motive, on which the grudge was the reason blank sa head.
why Y shot X.
I saw everything. And then its a basketball game LIGA so a lot of
The accused’s defense was an alibi (negative defense, an inherently people where watching. So right after he was shot, dagan tong mga
weak defense), in which Y was in a different municipality at the time kuan, it like happened in 3 seconds. You know what the people were
of the shooting. Y’s counsel presented witnesses placing him at the doing? People looked up the dead body instead of running away.
municipality. People are not scared. We are more chismoso then afraid. (heheh)
that is what we are as Filipinos.
Is evidence based on motive and opportunity material and prove the And so let us suppose in the same example that i gave you, the first
fact in issue (whether Y shot X)? NO. example that i gave you. Naay nag-sumbaganay. A sues B. And so
gipatawag mo, mga 3rd year Manresa kay kamo daw nananaw atong
RATIONALE: sumbagay. So nagsugod kang student 1, student 2, student 3 and so
Direct evidence of the shooting would be the eyewitness account of on.
the shooting or a photograph.
Everything is testimonial evidence attesting to the same fact. Diba,
so that is ( ??? ) of evidence. evidence of the same kind and
1+1=2. “1” for them would be somebody fitting Y’s description was
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Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

Corroborative evidence, is deemed necessary only when there are Ok so what is rebuttal evidence?
reasons to suspect that the witness did not tell the truth or that his
observations where inaccurate. That which is given by a party in a case to explain, repel, counteract
or disprove facts given by evidence on the other side.
In People vs Ayupan febuary 13,2002, according to the SC,
That rebuttal evidence is more particularly applied to that evidence
Corroborative evidence is necessary only when there are reasons to given by the plaintiff to explain or repel the evidence given by the
suspect that the witness bent the truth, or that his or her defendant
observation was inaccurate. Evidence is assessed in terms of quality,
not quantity. It is to be weighed, not counted. Whereas conclusive evidence,

And therefore, the consistent ruling of the SC had always been that That is evidence which is incontrovertible. That is to say either not
the testimony of a single prosecution witness, as long as it is open or not able to be questioned as where it is said that a thing is
positive, clear, credible and sufficient on which to anchor a conclusively proved. It means that such result follows from the facts
judgment of conviction. Corroborative evidence or cumulative shown as the only one that is possible.
evidence is not a pre-requisite for the conviction of the accused.
Truth is established not by the number of witnesses but by the And finally you have intrinsic evidence vs. extrinsic evidence.
quality of their testimonies.
Intrinsic evidence, Information necessary for the determination of
Now, Rape case, no homicide angle. Its not a complex crime, its just an issue that is gleamed from the provisions of the document itself
And then you have extrinsic evidence, also called parol evidence or
A accused B of raping her. evidence aliunde, refers to evidence form a source outside the
subject document.
Ummm how many eye witnesses do you usually have? 1, unless
there is a peeping tom na nanilip. Or the accused was raping and Aliunde, simply means from another source. Another source. Alibi
then “come on! Enjoy the show” means another place.

So usually the crime of rape is a private offense. Its committed Alia means another person or other people. So mao na siya “et al” .
usually in the dark, in the talahiban outside the school. But its
usually done 1 on 1. There is only 1 witness and that is the victim. Now you will encounter intrinsic evidence in wills and succession.
And later on we will take up the parol evidence rule which in rule
Contrast that with a crime that would require more than 1 witness. 130 section 9. So we will not talk about that to much right now. Yet.
Like treason. Pila kahinanglan gani? 2 witnesses attesting to the Not yet.
same act of treason.
As to the type of evidence you have object evidence, documentary
So there are crimes that can be proven or can produce a conviction. evidence, testimonial evidence and demonstrative evidence.
A prosecution that produces a conviction with the testimony of the
sole prosecution witness. But there are also other crimes where Real or object evidence: Those addressed to the senses of the court
there has to be required corroboration. Ok and that would be the and are exhibited to, examined, or viewed by the court.
crime of treason among other crimes.
It proves the existence, appearance and condition of physical
We will go to that later on, when we discuss instances where a objects.
plurality of evidence is required.
So addressed to the senses of the court. The sense of sight, the sense
Now, prima facie vs rebuttal and then conclusive evidence. So when of smell, the sense of hearing, the sense of taste, the sense of touch.
you say prima facie evidence, that is evidence that is sufficient to Its just ironic that the most important sense of all “common sense”
establish a fact and if not rebutted becomes conclusive of that fact. sometimes escapes the court. Ok.

Lets go to the crime of bribery for example, What about documentary evidence?

What is punished in the crime of bribery? The acceptance of a gift. Consists of writings or any material containing letters, words,
numbers, figures, symbols, or other modes of written expression
Remember that that mere acceptance of a gift is prima facie offered as proof of their contents.
evidence that bribery is committed.
And then you have testimonial evidence which ae oral or Written
Mere acceptance of that gift, regardless of the motivation behind the assertions offered in a court as a proof of what is stated for as long
gift. Or the favor that was given. Its already prima facie evidence of as the witness whose testimony was offered, perceived and in
bribery. perceiving can make known its perception to others.

Another criminal case, BP22. Remember that unsang tawag ninyo Lets talk about real or object evidence first and contrast that with
ana? You are prima facie assumed to know the insufficiency of documentary evidence.
funds. The moment you receive the notice of dishonour.
In real or object evidence otherwise known as AUTOPTIC
That is prima facie evidence, kung wala kang ma rebut that is PROFERENCE. We will go to that again when we go to rule 130
enough. section 1. We are concerned about an object or something that we as
persons can perceive by the use of our senses.
Later on, we will be discussing prima facie presumptions when we
go to rule 131. That is actually the longest provision in all of the... Ok? Kung unsay makit-an, unsang masimhutan, malasahan,
kindly take a look at rule 131 section 3. (students look) and tell me madunggan, magunitan. Mao na ang real or object evidence.
how many pages are those. 7 pages. From paragraph A to paragraph
KK. That the alphabet going over. Thats the longest provision of law And it is precisely our perceptions using our senses that would be
and that will be your memory assignment for next meeting.... material to the fact in issue. That would be important for the
hehehe joke lng. Maayo kay naminaw mo. matters to prove.

So during my time, dean Inigo would challenge the students. And So let’s say for example:
then he said “ok lets say your grade is 65 in evidence. ill give you a
This is a white board. Ok so what is a white board for? To write sir.
way out” what is the way out? “ you memorize at the end of the
To write on. This is a wall, that is a wall. And they are objects. This
semester you deliver your memory of rule 131 section 3 from
is paper. And then paper of course has something written on it. And
paragraph A to paragraph KK”
therefore is it safe to conclude that this is a document? Safe to
But you have to memorize everything including the commas and conclude that this is a document, because it contains letters,
other punctuations. That was the deal of dean inigo. And so being a numbers, figures, words, and other modes of written expression?
dean inigo acolyte, when i started teaching evidence i also told that NO. Why? Very simple, whatever is written there must be offered as
to my students. I dared my students. And there was this student proof of their CONTENTS.
who dared. So i was forced to sit and listen to the student challenge
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Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

So not necessarily that a paper is considered a document. Am I not correct?

What about an object? (He did.) See?

Now let us suppose that on that wall. A and B are classmates from Because affidavits – If it is Ordinary Affidavits, these are
3rd year Manresa again. Nangutang si A kang B. And then wala man prepared by lawyers.
silay papel Makita. And they had a pentel pen. They wrote it on the
wall “ i promise to pay B to him or his order the amount of 5k signed And lawyers employ their own language.
Ikaw bay gipasuwat sa imong affidavit? No.
What is that?
It is the lawyer who prepares it and in all probability, it is a prepared
That is a promissory note. But its not even on paper. form and you just simply fill in the blanks.

Let us suppose that A did not pay B. And that is the only evidence of Now, contrast that with a Judicial Affidavit, which is supposed to
the debt. So you have to like cut it out from the wall. The bigger wall be a substitute to a testimony in court.
and bring it to court. Is it an object or a document?
The requirement of the law is that the judicial affidavit must be
Thats not even an object. Why? Because it is offered as proof of its executed – in the language known to the affiant or witness.
contents. Not as proof of its physicial appearance, not as proof of its
material used. But rather what is stated there. It is not the language of the lawyer anymore because it is supposed
to be testimonial evidence that will be presented in court.
That is what makes it a document. Whatever is written makes it a
document. So there are 3 as to the type of evidence:

It reminds me of, because not a lot of people know that i taught 1. Object or Real;
succession before. Kabalo mo ana? I taught succession before. As i 2. Documentary;
said im the favourite of Gina. Pag walay teacher, ako patudluon. 3. Testimonial;
And the teacher that time was already my wife. Maternity leave.... i
knocked her up so she had to take a maternity leave and i had to
take over succession for her. And then during my research i came And there’s 4th:
across a case somewhere in Germany or Austria somewhere there.
4. (Informally) Demonstrative evidence.
And then somebody died sa iyang barn or farm. And he was
- Or evidence, in the forms of objects such as maps,
bloodied and he was about to die. So he scribbled across the wall in
scale models, symbol, diagrams or objects that has in
German. And he wrote in the wall in German the shortest will in
itself no probative value but is used to illustrate and
history consisting of 2 words in German, translated in English 3
clarify a factual matter in issue or aid a testimony.
words. “all to wife” using his own blood “all to wife”

So that is his testamentary intent. Everything that i own i leave to Demonstrative evidence –
my wife. And you know what? It was admitted to probate.
It is evidence, as evidence is not prohibited although not
So gi sulat niya sa wall. Wall is not paper, but it was submitted as a specifically mentioned in the Rules of Court.
document. A holographic will.
In appreciating demonstrative evidence, the court uses the same 5
I hope it doesn’t happen to me. There is no need to leave anything to senses in object evidence.
my wife, because my wife already owns everything including my
But more importantly, the court applies intelligence to make
soul. BUT not my body.
analysis, draw conclusions, and inferences from the objects
Then you have testimonial evidence. Its what a witness states in presented.
open court. Oral or even written assertions offered as proof of the
Thus, in demonstrative evidence, what is important is not the object
truth of what is being stated if the witness can perceived and in
perceiving can make known its perception to others.
è but the information that the object creates.
Now take note that testimonial evidence can be either oral or
Oral – he utters it in open court.
This is usually when, I’ll tell you about a story of the dumbest
Written, what about written assertions? Pwede diay na siya sir? witness ever created by God in the case that I had handled.
Affidavits are testimonial in character. A judicial affidavit even.
There’s this guy who cannot seem to answer anything intelligently.
When did you discuss judicial affidavits?
And so he was asked during direct examination,
Civ pro. That is supposed to be evidence. ok at least my job is
“When the motorcycle hit you, unsa ka kalayo nalagpot?”
already done. I don’t have to discuss judicial affidavits with you.
Those are written assertions, it’s in written form. I forgot the exact question.
Now have you ever made affidavits in your lives. Like an affidavit of “You were thrown at a distance of what?” Okay, then translate pa
loss. Anybody here that has ever lost an id? You you have lost an id? kay dumbest witness ever created gani. Then he said, “50 meters”.
3 times. So I would assume that you have executed an affidavit of Just imagine 50 meters. How far is that? So he has that type of
loss 3 times as well. mentality. So I said na murag dili man kaya na kaning witness na ni
will be testifying in his own power so there has be a need for
Ok where did you go? Legal aid. How much did dean quibod
demonstrative evidence.
charge? 50 pesos. Ok so thats 50 pesos worth spent. You spent a
hundred pesos more because you were unlucky twice more. So the next time that the witness is presented, because there are 2
cases here involving the same incident, nagbuhat ko og sketches.
But, let me tell you that I can guess what goes on in that affidavit of
loss that you signed. Sketches simply to aid the testimony. So there are drawings. Let us
supposed that this is the motorcycle, and this was you, and this is
Like, did it go in a manner like you were going to school maybe or
the store. So, “where were you after you were hit?” And so he will
you are going somewhere.
point at that diagram and from that, we can already estimate
Or maybe you are about to go home and then you realized that your properly how far. To really determine kung unsa kalayo siya
I.D. was no longer there and you exerted diligent efforts to locate nalagpot. Because that will prove na paspas kayo ang dagan sa
your ID but your efforts were futile, right? motor.

Because it will be impossible for the court to believe na nabangaan

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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

Let’s say a map is presented in court for a witness to identify where Mr. Axe?” Or okay, let us not use this (eraser) because obviously,
he found, for example, the body fo the victim. And so he will point this is not an axe.
to it.
Let us supposed we have that Deed of Sale, which allegedly transfers
What’s the evidence there? the deed to where the Ateneo de Davao is standing to a person
named Tampolano, sometime 20 years ago and then the heirs of
When we talk about demonstrative evidence, is it where he pointed Tampolano are now claiming that they own the lot where Ateneo
in that particular map? Or is it his testimony that was merely aided stands.
by the object?
Di ba naa tay Latin Maxim na – “Accesorium Sequitur Principale”
It is à his testimony.
è Accessory follows the principal
So it is a hybrid between (a vampire and a warewolf. Nag joke si sir.)
So anything built on top of the lot is considered as part of the lot. So
A hybrid between real evidence and testimonial evidence. the heirs are saying that “We own Ateneo.” and they have that Deed
of Sale.
So in court, in the case against Father Tabora, I presume, there is a
If the physical evidence on record runs counter to the testimonial document. And so let us present the document. Put it at the witness
evidence of the prosecution witnesses, conclusions as to physical stand.
evidence should prevail.
Physical evidence is that mute but eloquent manifestations of
truth which rate high in our hierarchy of trustworthy evidence. Objects and documents do not testify by themselves.
In the light of the physical evidence obtaining in this case, contrary Which brings me to my point –
to oral assertions cannot normally prevail.
That even if testimonial evidence is the weakest, the lamest
Greater credence is given to physical evidence as evidence of the among the different types of evidence,
highest order because it speaks more eloquently than a hundred
witnesses. è It is still the most important.

So there is a Hierarchy Of Evidence:

Why? Because no evidence, object or real or documentary evidence,
1) Ang pinaka trustworthy, according to the SC, is Physical will ever be presented in court unless they are in effect sponsored by
Evidence. a witness.

- Which is to say à Real or Object Evidence So naa jud witness na

But there are still other evidences like documentary and then you - mag authenticate,
have testimonial. - mag identify and
- then testify
So between documentary and testimonial, which will prevail in case
of conflict? on the contents of the document or an object.
Which one is more trustworthy?

According to the SC, in GSIS VS. CA: Documentary evidence July 5, 2018 (1:06:01- 1:36:00) Dane Viola
prevails over Testimonial evidence. Why? Because Testimonial
evidence is easy of fabrication and there is very little room for choice No evidence object, real or documentary evidence will ever be
between testimonial evidence and documentary evidence because it presented in court, unless someone will authenticate, identify and
is in the nature of people na mangatik and I am looking at you guys testify a document or an object. You cannot just bring an object in
right now, hilig mo mangatik. court and let the court observe it, there must be somebody who
must attest to them. So testimony evidence is at the bottom, but it is
So testimonial na lang ang pinaka ulahi, ang pinaka ubos. But you the most important.
need to remember that there are also 2 forms of testimonial

- Oral testimony; and 1.Oral and Written testimony

- Written testimony.
2. As to tenor of testimony:

So which one prevails over the other? • Ordinary evidence

• Character or Reputation evidence
According to the SC, in PEOPLE VS. BALLENO: • Opinion evidence
• Expert evidence- a species of Opinion evidence
In any case, open court declarations take precedence over written
affidavits in the hierarchy of evidence. Unlike written statements,
there is flexibility on the part of the questioner to adapt his Character or Reputation Evidence- evidence attesting to one’s
questions to elicit the desired answer in order to ferret out the truth. character and moral standing in the community Generally the
Therefore, Oral testimony prevails over written testimony. character is regarded as irrelevant in the determination of the
Hierarchy Of Evidence:
Because otherwise, what will happen? It is simply the judge’s
1) Physical Evidence impression on the person. So if the judge says “Ay, ka pangit sa
- Real or Object evidence reputasyon, leche.” Then he will never win because of his character
2) Documentary evidence
and his reputation is not ok, that’s why it’s legally irrelevant.
3) Testimonial evidence
a. Oral testimony Opinion Evidence- evidence based on what one believes or infers,
b. Written testimony based on personal knowledge or facts related to the facts in issue.
Why is this not allowed? Because otherwise, what will happen is it
will be a popularity contest. So let’s just do a survey of the opinion
So you already have that full picture and then you’ll say na “Banga of the people.
ka testimonial evidence! Grabe ka oy.”
“Is he guilty, or not guilty?”
So let us suppose that this is an axe, which is the murder weapon. So
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

of the court itself. Regardless of how stupid that opinion might be,
it’s still the opinion of the court.

Expert Evidence- consists of the opinion of a witness on a matter

requiring special knowledge. In cases requiring specialized
knowledge, expert testimony is required.

In medical malpractice cases, what you have to prove is the fact that
the medical practitioner deviated from the standards that are
usually employed in the medical profession and the only way you
can do that is through expert testimony of a medical practitioner.
But, ordinarily expert testimony would not be required and even
when expert testimony is presented in court, they are merely
persuasive and they are not binding upon the court.

Ordinary evidence- consists in the testimony of a witness who

testifies to those facts which involves his personal knowledge, which
are solely derived from his perception. We’ll go to that when we
reach Ordinary testimony.

Take note that there should be a liberal construction of the rules of

evidence. It must be liberally construed, for they are mere rules
intended to facilitate the administration of justice. A strict and rigid
application of the rules must be with the primary objective of
enhancing substantial justice.
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

RULE 129 Rationale: Taking Judicial Notice is a matter of expediency and

WHAT NEED NOT BE PROVED convenience for it fulfills the purpose that the evidence is intended
to achieve and this is equivalent to proof.
Section 1. Judicial notice, when mandatory. — A court
shall take judicial notice, without the introduction of So it would be superfluous, inconvenient and expensive both to the
evidence, of the existence and territorial extent of states, parties and the court to require proof in the ordinary way of facts
their political history, forms of government and symbols that are already known to the court. In fact, insistence of not taking
of nationality, the law of nations, the admiralty and judicial notice might lead to absurd results.
maritime courts of the world and their seals, the political
constitution and history of the Philippines, the official What are matters that the courts are supposed to take judicial notice
acts of legislative, executive and judicial departments of of?
the Philippines, the laws of nature, the measure of time,
and the geographical divisions. (1a) Example:

Rule 129 covers Judicial Notice which can be mandatory, Laws of nature, like the law of gravity.
discretionary or Judicial Notice when hearing is necessary, and
What is the rate by which an object falls? At the rate of
Judicial Admissions.
Mejia Espinoza vs Cariño “Sir! Someone jumped from the top of the Marco Polo!”
The general rule is that courts must based their factual findings on “Nahulog?”
such relevant evidence formally offered during trial, recognized
exceptions to this are matters which courts can take judicial notice “Malamang!”
of, judicial admissions, and presumptions created by law or by the
Rules. “What happened to him?”

When can proof be dispensed with? When a conclusive presumption “AY edi namatay!”
applies, no proof is required because it is conclusive already. You
can’t refute it because it is already considered final under the law. Laws of nature! You will FALL (awwww sir, walay tinud-
anay! lels)
When you fall, it is logical to assume that you will die.
A child is conclusively presumed to be incapable of
criminal liability provided that there is ample evidence or This is why the courts take judicial notice of the laws of
proof about his age. nature.

What happens if it is a mere disputable presumption? It merely Geographical divisions, existence and territorial extent of
defers the presentation of proof. states.

Example: For example, there is a Swiss from Switzerland who files

a case against a Filipino in the Philippines for the
There would be the presumption that an unlawful act is collection of a sum of money.
done with an unlawful intent. In other words, intent is
presumed in the unlawful act. This means that the He sues the Filipino in court to collect the debt, and
prosecution need not prove in the mean time that the during his testimony, the court has to ask:
accused committed the act with criminal intent.
“What’s your citizenship?”
However, if the accused proves that the act was done
without intent, that’s the time when the prosecution “I’m from Switzerland”
presents rebuttal evidence so as to refute the proof made
“What is a Swiss and where is this Switzerland? The
by the accused that he did the act without criminal intent.
court is not convinced that Switzerland exists! So the
It therefore, has an effect of shifting the evidence upon the party court will have to go to Switzerland himself and the
against whom a disputable presumption is imposed. plaintiff will pay for the fare.”

Example: The court can’t do that! The court has to take judicial
notice of the existence and territorial extent of states
Article 2185. Unless there is proof to the contrary, it is because it is of public knowledge capable of
presumed that a person driving a motor vehicle has been unquestionable demonstration.
negligent if at the time of the mishap, he was violating
any traffic regulation. Edsam Andit

Let’s say a person is over speeding, in a way that it is So, there’s this guy. He’s an American suing a Filipino for the. Ay
transgressing the limits set by the law. Swiss nalang. Para malahi nasad. Switzerland. They say Switzerland
is a nice country. So, there’s a Swiss guy who files a case against a
What’s the effect of Art 2185? The plaintiff, need not Filipino guy for a collection of loan. And during his testimony, the
prove negligence on the part of the defendant, the burden court asked him. “What is your citizenship Mr. Plaintiff?”. The
shifts to the defendant to prove that he was not negligent. plaintiff said “I am Swiss”. Then the court would say “What is this
Swiss? And where is this Switzerland?”
When a fact is admitted by the parties in court, proof can be
dispensed with. The court is not convinced that Switzerland exists. So, the court will
have to go to Switzerland. Except, the plaintiff would have to pay for
Example: the plane ticket. You cannot do that. You have to take judicial notice
of the extent and territorial jurisdiction of States. Because anyway, it
If the existence of a debt is stipulated upon, the fact is is of public knowledge and capable of unquestionable
already withdrawn from contention then such fact need demonstration. It’s as simple as that. Otherwise, it would be absurd.
not be proved.
If I were the judge, and I have to opportunity to travel for free, of
MATTERS THAT FALL WITHIN THE REALM OF course I would! But it cannot be done.
(Shares his story of being claustrophobic. Not being able to stay in
It is the assumption of the court of a fact without need of further the plane for more than 4 hours.)
traditional, evidentiary support. This principle is based on
convenience and expediency in introducing evidence on matters Now, let’s go to mandatory judicial notice. You already memorized
which are not ordinarily capable of dispute and are actually bona it. Which is good because Rule 129, Section 1 (MANDATORY
JUDICIAL NOTICE) is always present in any evidence reviewer
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

we are law students and we are here to know the law. So, let’s focus amend na ba, etc. Kay kung wala ka kabalo, nganong nag
on that. huwes paman kang animala ka! Judges must know more
of the law than lawyers.
NOTICE Let’s assume for now that all judges know the law. All
statutes. But are there other legislative acts other than
1. LAW OF NATIONS statutes? Are there other acts that are part of the realm of
2. ACTS OF THE LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE, AND the mandatory judicial notice without being statutes? Yes,
4. LAWS OF NATURE Example:
Why do we take judicial notice of law of nations? Because
The court ruled that a Senate investigation report is
it is mandated by the 1987 Constitution. Which say that - "The
deemed covered by mandatory judicial notice because
Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy,
that is an official act of the legislative department.
adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part
of the law of the land and adheres to the policy of peace, equality,
Congressional debates and other records that predicated
justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with all nations".
the passage of the law are considered to be official acts of
Based on the Constitution, we therefore, should take judicial notice the legislative department and therefore within the realm
with the generally accepted principles of international law. And the of mandatory judicial notice.
law of nations could actually be understood in a different way. Such
as, in the sense that we are referring to a law of a particular nation.
We do not take judicial notice of a foreign law as a general rule. OFFICIAL ACTS OF THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT

Foreign laws actually present a question of fact. Therefore, as the Executive orders and presidential decrees, when they take authority
general rule, they may not be taken judicial notice of and have to be from the legislative power directly granted to the executive or by the
pleaded and proven same as any other fact. Constitution or made pursuant to the valid legislative delegation
granted to the president, have the full force and effect of law or
How do you do it? statute.

• For written foreign law, we follow the process stated in Perfect example is the Family Code of the Philippines (EO 209)
Rule 132, Sections 24 and 25. issued and promulgated by then President Corazon Aquino during
• For unwritten foreign law, we follow Rule 130, Section 46. the time when she was given transitory legislative power under by
the provisional constitution of 1986 following the grant of legislative
Take note, however, of the following principles. power during the time of Marcos under the 1973 Constitution.

1. A foreign law may be admitted without prove if it is Example:

subject to judicial admission.
a. So, if a party to the case, plead a particular Can a family court take judicial notice of an age, let’s say below 18,
foreign law and then the other party admits it, by just observing that the person looks like a minor?
then it is already taken judicial notice of. In a
So, gitan.aw sa korte. Then ana ang korte na “ah he looks like a
way, it does not require proof anymore.
minor. Therefore, the case must be within the jurisdiction of the
Family Court.” Can the court do this? NO!!! because when the court
2. In the absence of proof or admission to foreign law, it is
looks at the witness or the victim or the plaintiff, what the court is
presumed to be the same as the Philippine laws.
doing is actually appreciating an object evidence by using the sense
of sight. So, when you do that, when you use your senses to perform
the so called “autaptic preference” that’s no longer taking judicial
CONDON vs COMELEC So, the concept of autaptic preference is actually repugnant to the
concept of judicial notice.
Maja, was the winning Vice-Mayoralty candidate of Caba, PASEO vs. LOPEZ
La Union. A petition for quo warranto was filed against August 19, 1993
her on the ground that she was a dual citizen. Who, under
RA 9225, must execute a sworn renunciation of her ISSUE: W/N presidential issuances can be considered a law.
Australian citizenship.
Maja answered that when she executed a declaration of Letters of instructions are considered matter of judicial notice. To
renunciation of Australian citizenship in Australia, she is form part of the law of the land, a decree order or letter of
deemed to have lost her foreign citizenship based on the instruction must be issued by the President in the exercise of his
laws of Australia. extraordinary power of legislation as contemplated in Section 6 of
the 1976 Amendments of the Constitution. Not all decree order or
She wanted the court to take notice of the laws of letters of instruction by the President become part of the law of the
Australia regarding laws of citizenship. She also land.
contended that the mere fact of running for public office
is a clear abandonment of her foreign citizenship. Citing
VALLEZ vs COMELEC. So, other official acts of executive also in the case of.
Did Maja successfully convince the court? NO April 17, 2001
RULING: The action of an administrative agency in granting,
RULING: denying or even suspending or revoking a license of franchise or
Foreign laws are not a matter of judicial notice. Like any certificate of public convenience is administrative or quasi-judicial.
other fact, they must be alleged and proven. And to prove Decisions of the office of the president are official acts and those
foreign law, the party invoking it must present a copy acts exercising quasi-judicial power by the executive department
thereof and comply with Sections 24 and 25, Rule 132. In may thus squarely fall under matters relative to the executive
the absence of proof, the Philippines courts will apply the department which the court are mandatorily tasked to take judicial
Philippine law under the doctrine of processual notice of. Judicial notice must be taken of the organization of the
presumption. executive department, its principal officers, elected or appointed
such as its president.
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo


There was a land occupied by Homeowner’s Association which was Take note pardon is granted by the chief executive and as such it is a
originally used by soldiers as a military reservation. Hence, even if it private act which must be pleaded in court by the person being
was used for residential purposes, it is still subject of a military pardoned because the court takes no judicial notice thereof.
reservation. Remember that in your Land Title and Deeds, a However, amnesty by proclamation of the chief executive with the
military reservation is not susceptible of being placed under the concurrence of congress is a public act of which the courts should
operation of Torrens system. But, Homeowner’s Association applied take judicial notice.
for the titling in their individual capacities.
Pag private act, not susceptible of mandatory judicial notice. Pero
ISSUE: W/N a land that is under a military reservation can be pag public act gani, it is susceptible of mandatory judicial notice.
subject to an application for titling.
RULING: NO Subject to mandatory judicial Not subject
Titling of the property cannot be allowed. You should take judicial Need not be pleaded Must be pleaded
notice of Proclamation 423 which the courts are mandated to do. It
is still part of a military reservation. In order for a parcel of land to
be part of the alienable land of public domain, there has to be a OFFICIAL ACTS OF THE JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT
declaration that the same is alienable and disposable. That’s the
These refer mostly to decisions and cases. An example would be the
only time that you can apply for titling under PD 1529. However, SC
Rules of Court. Courts should take judicial notice of the issuances
said that application for titling (PD 1529), or the presidential decree
providing for lands covered under military reservation is a matter and the decisions rendered by the SC but not blindly because the
cognizable by the court pursuant to Section 1 Rule 129. Hence the fact that the SC ruled a certain way, does not mean that it would be
same is within the realm of mandatory judicial notice. the same decision all through out and to all cases of same nature. In
some cases, you still have to prove certain facts to determine
whether the doctrine laid down by the court would be applicable or
However, take note of the case of ASIAN TERMINALS vs. not.
MALAYAN INSURANCE, where the SC said that not all exercises
The basis of taking judicial notice of such is because of:
of the executive power can be subject to mandatory judicial notice.
You need to distinguish what type of function is being undertaken
Article 8 of the CC: Judicial decisions applying or
by the executive whether governmental or proprietary functions. interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall form a part
of the legal system of the Philippines.
April 4, 2011
So, no problem in taking judicial notice if it is the SC because they
have the effect of law.
In a case for damages, Asian Terminal was adjudged liable by the But for decisions of the lower courts,
RTC in an amount of P643, 600 for losses due to its mishandling of
cargo. Asian Terminal has management contract with Philippine General Rule: they are not given judicial notice. In
Ports Authority (PPA). The PPA does not conduct cargo and prosecuting a case for trial, generally, courts are not authorized
stevedoring services but it enters into contracts in behalf of the to take judicial notice of the contents of the records of other cases
Government with private terminal operators who handle the cargo. even when such cases are pending in the same court and
notwithstanding that both cases may have been tried or are pending
Asian Terminal wants to impress upon the court that it cannot be in the same judge. But this however admits certain exceptions.
held liable of P643,600.00 because Section 7.01, Article VII of the (REPUBLIC vs SANDIGANBAYAN)
Management Contract it entered into with PPA limits their liability
due to mishandling of cargo to P5,000 per package regardless of the Exceptions: Permissible judicial notice of records of lower courts.
value of the cargo. Hence, the court should take judicial notice of As a matter of convenience to all the parties. When in the knowledge
such contract because it is an official act of the executive of and absent of objection from the parties, reference is made to it
department of the Philippines through the PPA. for that purpose and admitted as part of the record of the case then
pending, it can be taken a judicial notice.
ISSUE: Whether or not the courts can take judicial notice of the
management contract as an official act of the executive department Take note of these cases:
of the Philippines
RULING: NO should be an absence of objection, meaning both parties agree, as a
matter of convenience between two parties to treat the records of
The Management Contract entered into by Asian Terminal and PPA another case as read into the records. Those are the two requisites
is not a matter subject to mandatory judicial notice because it you need to remember: 1. absence of objection and 2. consent of the
cannot be considered as an official act of the executive department parties
of the Philippines. The contract was entered into by virtue of the
exercise of a proprietary function not a governmental function.
The SC took judicial notice of a case that was just decided between
Hence, there is a need to distinguish the types of functions of the the same parties and practically the same title. The SC did not even
Government: continue to look at the facts anymore. It simply took judicial notice
that in that other case with a different general reference number,
1. Governmental function – subject to mandatory judicial they ruled already as follows.
function as held in the case of Republic vs. South Side
2. Proprietary function – not subject to mandatory judicial
function as held in the case of Asian Terminals vs. Malayan ORDINACES

Ordinances are not included in the enumeration of matters covered

EXECUTIVE POWER OF CLEMENCY by mandatory judicial notice under Sec 1 Rule 129 of Rules of Court.

Diba daghan man ug acts under executive clemency? Like pardon, To simplify the rules:
amnesty, stay of execution, etc. 1. When the MTC required to take judicial notice
a. A Municipal Trial Court is required to take judicial
But not all exercises of the President under his power of executive notice of ordinances of the municipality or city where it
clemency are subject to mandatory judicial notice. sits.

PEOPLE vs. CASIDO March 7, 1997 Example:

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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

Counsel should take the initiative in requesting that a trial court

2. When the RTC required to take judicial notices take judicial notice of an ordinance even where a statute requires
courts to take judicial notice of local ordinances.
a. The RTC must take judicial notice of ordinances only
when required to do so by the statute such as charter of a The intent of a statute requiring a court to take judicial notice of a
city. local ordinance is to remove any discretion a court might have in
If I’m not mistaken, the charter of Davao City has a determining whether or not to take notice of an ordinance. Such a
provision saying that all courts, operating within the statute does not direct the court to act on its own in obtaining
territorial jurisdiction of Davao City, are required to evidence for the record and a party must make the ordinance
take judicial notice of ordinances. available to the court for it to take notice.

b. In the case of appeal before the RTC wherein the

inferior court took judicial notice of an ordinance
involved in the said case.
c. When an ordinance is already capable of
unquestionable demonstration. A few more, we have here laws of nature, the case of PEOPLE V
MENESES (1998). In this case, what the SC took judicial notice of
was the fact that at around 3 in the morning during Christmas
season, it is still quite dark and that daylight comes rather late in
The Non-Smoking Ordinance of Davao City. We were the
first to regulate smoking in the city. Where the ordinance this time of the year.
is more stringent than the national law. Before in Manila,
There was an issue as to whether or not the identification by the
you can smoke almost anywhere. Now, in Duterte’s time,
witness of the assailant was okay because of illumination. The
you can only smoke if you go to the smoking areas. That is
contention was that it was not really illuminated at that time. There
one effect of an ordinance capable of unquestionable
was no street light. And yet the witness positively identified the
assailant. So the court took judicial notice, there was no
illumination other than probably the sun. Pero diba ngit
(Shares further stories about how one can freely smoke
ngit pani sya.
anywhere in Manila during the time he took the BAR.)
Gillian Grancho
At around three o clock in the early morning of December 15, 1991,
July 5 (2:06:01 – end) thirty-three year old Cesar Victoria was stabbed to death while
sleeping with his seven-year old son Christopher in a rented
There were five of us inside the taxi, Dean Inigo, Bobet Torreon and makeshift room in Tondo, Manila.
3 debaters. Just imagine unya nag sigarilyo si Dean Inigo. Then Christopher testified that he witnessed the stabbing of his father. He
when he developed enfisema, that’s when he said that we should not testified that he went to his fathers rented makeshift room to
smoke anymore here in law school kay bawal. sleep.He further testified that he was awakened from sleep and saw
his father being stabbed in the heart with a veinte nueve. After the
Take note in the case of SJS v ATIENZA (2008), you cannot just assailant ran away, Christopher cried.
simply expect a court to take judicial notice of an ordinance. The
duty of the party, therefore, is to supply the court with a copy of the RULING:
ordinance if it wants the court to take judicial notice of it. That was
the warning of the Supreme Court (SC) in this case. We find that the trustworthiness of the identification of appellant by
Christopher is dubious, raising reasonable doubt in the mind of the
SJS v ATIENZA (2008) Court as to appellants culpability.

It was established that the crime took place in the wee hours of the
morning, before the crack of dawn, at around three oclock. The
Petitioners Social Justice Society (SJS) et.al. filed a petition against court can take judicial notice of the laws of nature such as
Hon. Jose L. Atienza, Jr., then mayor of the City of Manila, to in the instant case, that at around three in the morning
enforce Ordinance No. 8027, reclassifying the Oil Depot in during the Christmas season, it is still quite dark and that
Pandacan Terminal, from industrial to commercial area and to daylight comes rather late in this time of year .Nowhere in
cease and desist from operating their businesses from the date of the description of the crime scene by witness SPO3 Mendoza in his
effectivity of the ordinance. Oil testimony was it established that there was light or illumination of
companies, Chevron, Shell, Petron as well as DOE sought to any sort by which Christopher could see the attacker.:
intervene and asked for the nullification of said ordinance.
(Issuance of said ordinances is said to be an exercise of police The crime took place in a makeshift room measuring about three by
five square meters. While the room had a door, there was no
mention of a window which could have allowed entry of some kind
ISSUE: WON the Court should take judicial notice of the ordinance of light from the outside. It is highly improbable that a young boy,
just roused from sleep and his eyes adjusting to the unlit room,
RULING: could identify the attacker, much less identify the knife used, as
Christopher did, as a veinte nueve.
While courts are required to take judicial notice of the laws enacted
by Congress, the rule with respect to local ordinances is It was weird for me because when we were in our vacation in
different. Ordinances are not included in the enumeration summer, because in Kuala Lumpur, at 8 in the morning, it is still
of matters covered by mandatory judicial notice under dark. Murag alas 5 diri sa Pilipinas. It will be hours before the sun
Section 1, Rule 129 of the Rules of Court come out. So maybe, taking judicial notice of sunrise-sunset and
everything, it should be taken on a case-to-case basis. You cannot
Although, Section 50 of RA 409 provides that: say that you can use People v Meneses as precedent for taking
judicial notice.
SEC. 50 Judicial notice of ordinances. - All courts sitting in the city
shall take judicial notice of the ordinances passed by the And now there’s this weird case of GABRIEL V CA (2004), so
[Sangguniang Panglungsod]. what’s the story?

This cannot be taken to mean that this Court, since it has its seat in Very simple story, naay nagbangga and then, the witness upon
the City of Manila, should have taken steps to procure a copy of the hearing the bangga, immediately went to the place kung asa ang
ordinance on its own, relieving the party of any duty to inform the bangga and pag adto nya ngadto mao pa diay to pangbangga. In
Court about it. other words, its the sound that came ahead of the actual collision.
So unsa na sya? Kilat og dalugdog?
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

GABRIEL V CA (2004) and UP for presenting certified true copies of its titles
signed by its records custodian instead of either the
FACTS: duplicate originals or the certified true copies issued by
the Register of Deeds of Quezon City. Indeed, the RTC and
There was a collision involving 3 vehicles. One witness, Brgy the CA should have taken judicial notice of UP's title over
Chairman testified that he was on the shoulder of the road, beside its landholdings, without need of any other evidence.
the truck, when the first collision took place. From his vantage
point, his view was obstructed by the truck. He claimed to have first
heard the collision. He immediately took five big steps onto the
highway, and then saw the Beetle and the jeepney colliding. July 11 (start to 25:00) – Gillian Grancho

ISSUE: Whether the testimony of Gonzales should be given Section 2. Judicial notice, when discretionary. — A court
credence may take judicial notice of matters which are of public
knowledge, or are capable to unquestionable
RULING: demonstration, or ought to be known to judges because of
their judicial functions. (1a)
No. His testimony is essentially saying that the sound of the
collision took place before the actual collision itself. If true, this You need to remember that Section 2 is so called discretionary
would rate as one of the greatest scientific revelations of because, by its very nature, it depends solely upon the judgment of
all time. But since courts are obliged to take judicial notice the courts. It’s actually the court asking itself, “should I or should I
of the laws of nature, this Court prefers to side with not take judicial notice of a particular fact?” Unless a matter falls
prudence. squarely within the ambit of Section 1, you cannot actually compel
the judge to take judicial notice of a particular fact. Because of that,
The RTC also correctly pointed out that the natural tendency in such judicial notice under Section 2 cannot therefore be compelled by
case would be for Gonzales to have taken caution and avoid mandamus.
exposure to danger. Instead, Gonzales, who was already on the
shoulder of the road, stepped into the highway and along the What you need to remember in Section 2 are the requisites
possible course of the collision he claimed to have heard occurring.
The human mind may be less predictable than the physical laws, but 1) The matter must be one of common and general
the conjunction of two unnatural occurrences at once is just too knowledge;
much for this Court to believe but more than enough to taint the 2) It must be well and authoritatively settled and not
credibility of Gonzales’ testimony doubtful or uncertain; and
3) It must be known to be within the limits of the
jurisdiction of the court.

Kindly take note of the case of Republic v University of the Let’s go first to No. 3, “it must be known to be within the
Philippines and Rosario (Jan 27, 2016). Take note of the ruling. limits of the jurisdiction of the court”

REPUBLIC AND THE UP vs. ROSARIO It simply means it is a matter which the court can take cognizance
of. It has to be within its limits, both power-wise and territory-wise.
(From 2017 TSN)
“It must be well and authoritatively settled and not
FACTS: doubtful or uncertain”

The title of UP over its Diliman campus had been put to question. It simply means that there’s no contestation, everybody practically
Rosario filed a case for reconstitution of lost title. Nagkataon that knows about it, nobody disagrees with it
the area that he intends to reconstitute is actually included in the
aggregate landholdings of UP Diliman University. “The matter must be one of common and general
UP opposed alleged that Congress made a declaration under RA
9500 that the absolute ownership of the national university (UP) The concept of "facts of common knowledge" in the context of
over the landholdings in Diliman, Quezon City including those judicial notice has been explained as those facts that are "so
covered by OCTs and TCTs in the name of UP and their future commonly known in the community as to make it unprofitable to
derivatives is hereby confirmed. In several cases, it was ruled that require proof, and so certainly known x x x as to make it
the title of UP over these lands had become incontrovertible so that indisputable among reasonable men." (Magdalo sa Para sa
courts are precluded from looking anew into their validity. So the Pagbabago v Comelec)
UP is saying that there is a law and that should not be subject to the
titling of another person. There is a catena of cases already decided The key phrase that you need to remember is “unprofitable to
by the SC which says that such land is owned by UP. require proof”, wala kay ginansyahon kung mangayo kag proweba
aning butanga.
During trial, petitioner Rosario presented evidence for the
reconstitution of title. UP also presented its own evidence. It Example,
presented its own title. So how then can you reconstitute a title
Anybody here not from Davao? (Mati) Anybody here born and
when a different title has already been issued covering the same
area. What the UP simply presented was certified true copiessigned raised in Davao? (GSIS Matina)
by its own record custodian. Normally, when you reconstitute titles, I’d like to ask the both of you, where is Claveria St? (Everyone
you go to the ROD and have certified true copies issued by the ROD
or in the very least, present your own ODCT. The copy in the ROD
must be the same as that of the ODCT. Otherwise, it can’t be Do you know that officially there is no Claveria St, it is CM Recto.
recorded. Yet we all know where it is. At the same time that there is no
Uyanguren St (where DCLA is), that is Ramon Magsaysay St.
The RTC allowed the reconstitution in Rosario’s name. it reasoned
that UP failed to present a certified true copy from the ROD but But why is it that everybody knows about it?
instead it presented a record issued by its own custodian.
It’s because it is one of common and general knowledge that it is
ISSUE: Is the RTC correct? unprofitable to require proof that Claveria St and CM Recto St are
not the same. Wala kay maginansya kung imung i argue nga dili sila
RULING: NO one and the same, because they are one and the same.
The RTC should not have allowed the reconstitution when it should
Let’s go to this case; do you know who the front guy of this Magdalo
have taken judicial notice of the several cases cited by the SC and group is? It’s your favourite guy in the world, Senator Antonio
even the statute saying that UP’s title over the land is already Trillanes. He is one who came into public lime light because of what
incontrovertible. happen years ago on what is called, Oakwood Mutiny.
Section 1, Rule 129 of the Rules of Court mandates that a court shall
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Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

the fact that Magdalo was the one responsible for the Oakwood requirements before a court can take judicial notice of a
Mutiny. (2) It employed violence and unlawful means to achieve fact.
their goals in the process defying the laws.
Magdalo contended that Comelec could not take judicial notice of
those facts, that comelec committed grave abuse of discretion in STATE PROSECUTORS VS. MURO (1994)
denying their registration since it based not on the basis of facts or
reliable records of facts but on mere speculation and conjectures. (from 2016 TSN)

ISSUE: Was the Comelec correct in taking judicial notice, FACTS:

without requiring proof, of the fact that Magdalo a non-registrable
political entity and therefore could not be given status as a On August 13, 1992, respondent judge issued an Order dismissing
registered political party eleven (11) cases. The Judge issued his Order solely on the basis of
newspaper reports (August 11, 1992 issues of the Philippine Daily
RULING: YES. Comelec is correct in taking judicial notice of the Inquirer and the Daily Globe) concerning the announcement on
disqualification of the Magdalo August 10, 1992 by the President of the Philippines of the lifting by
the government of all foreign exchange restrictions and the arrival
This Court has, in a string of cases, already taken judicial notice of at such decision by the Monetary Board as per statement of Central
the factual circumstances surrounding the Oakwood standoff. That Bank Governor Jose Cuisia
the Oakwood incident was widely known and extensively covered
by the media made it a proper subject of judicial notice.
W/N the Judge was correct in taking judicial notice of the supposed
Thus, the COMELEC did not commit grave abuse of lifting of foreign exchange controls which appeared in a newspaper.
discretion when it treated these facts as public
knowledge, and took cognizance thereof without RULING:
requiring the introduction and reception of evidence
thereon. NO. The doctrine of judicial notice rests on the wisdom and
discretion of the courts. The power to take judicial notice is to be
Ultimately, they wanted the President and the top officials of the exercised by courts with caution; care must be taken that the
AFP and PNP to resign. To achieve these goals, Magdalo opted to requisite notoriety exists; and every reasonable doubt on the subject
seize a hotel occupied by citizens, marched in the premises with should be promptly resolved in the negative.
complete gear, ammunitions and plant explosives in the building.
These brash methods used by the Magdalo to air its grievances Generally speaking, matters of judicial notice have three material
constituted clear acts of violence. requisites: (1) the matter must be one of common and general
knowledge; (2) it must be well and authoritatively settled and not
doubtful or uncertain; and (3) it must be known to be within the
What is this judicial notice that we are talking about here? limits of the jurisdiction of the court. The provincial guide in
Definitely, it is not one which falls under the realm of mandatory determining what facts may be assumed to be judicially known is
judicial notice. No, it does not constitute a mandatory nature of that of notoriety. Hence, it can be said that judicial notice is limited
judicial notice. to facts evidenced by public records and facts of general notoriety.

Rather, it falls under Section 2. Its upon the discretion of To say that a court will take judicial notice of a fact is merely
the tribunal to treat a certain fact as admissible on the another way of saying that the usual form of evidence will be
ground that it is of common and general knowledge dispensed with if knowledge of the fact can be otherwise acquired.
unprofitable to require proof. Discretion sa Comelec, whether This is because the court assumes that the matter is so notorious
or not taking judicial notice of the particular fact and so denying the that it will not be disputed. But judicial notice is not judicial
application of the registration of Magdalo. knowledge. The mere personal knowledge of the judge is not
the judicial knowledge of the court, and he is not
However, the SC also took judicial notice of the grant of amnesty in authorized to make his individual knowledge of a fact, not
favor of the soldiers. If you remember in the case of Casido, there is generally or professionally known, the basis of his action.
a huge difference between pardon and amnesty. Remember that Judicial cognizance is taken only of those matters which
pardon is a private act of the Chief Executive of granting clemency are "commonly" known.
to the convicted offender. But when you talk about amnesty, it is a
public act with the concurrence of the Congress which the court Things of "common knowledge," of which courts take judicial
should take judicial notice of. notice, may be matters coming to the knowledge of men generally in
the course of the ordinary experiences of life, or they may be
The SC said: However, in view of the subsequent amnesty granted in matters which are generally accepted by mankind as true and are
favor of the members of MAGDALO, the events that transpired capable of ready and unquestioned demonstration. Thus, facts
during the Oakwood incident can no longer be interpreted as acts of which are universally known, and which may be found in
violence in the context of the disqualifications from party encyclopedias, dictionaries or other publications, are judicially
registration. noticed, provided they are of such universal notoriety and so
generally understood that they may be regarded as forming part of
So this is the way we are as Filipinos, we elected him as a Senator. the common knowledge of every person. Respondent judge, in the
Nag mutiny na nga. Look what he’s doing now against this Duterte guise of exercising discretion and on the basis of a mere newspaper
administration that we belong in. Show of hands, pogi ba si account which is sometimes even referred to as hearsay evidence
Trillanes? twice removed, took judicial notice of the supposed lifting o foreign
exchange controls, a matter which was not and cannot be
STATE PROSECUTORS VS. MURO talks about foreign considered of common knowledge or of general notoriety. Worse, he
exchange restriction where you’re not supposed to carry so much took cognizance of an administrative regulation which was not yet
dollar currencies. The judge dismissed 11 cases against Imelda in force when the order of dismissal was issued. Jurisprudence
Marcos for violation of central bank restrictions. The dismissal was dictates that judicial notice cannot be taken of a statute
based solely on newspaper accounts of lifting of foreign exchange before it becomes effective. The reason is simple. A law
restrictions. which is not yet in force and hence, still inexistent, cannot
be of common knowledge capable of ready and
So, cases where pending and here comes the judge advanced sya unquestionable demonstration, which is one of the
mag huna huna. He thought they’re going to lift it anyway, so he requirements before a court can take judicial notice of a
dismissed the cases. So it __ the prosecutor saying, “Is it official”? fact.
The SC said it’s wrong. The mere personal knowledge of the
judge is not the judicial knowledge of the court, and he is (Recit and on why it is helpful to memorize)
not authorized to make his individual knowledge of a fact,
Dili muundang ang huwes sa imoha ug muingon nga “naa kay
not generally or professionally known, the basis of his
action. Judicial cognizance is taken only of those matters
which are "commonly" known. . Remember that if you fail to object in court because you hesitated,
the objection is already waived. Every exclusionary rule, you have to
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

rule. So there is method to this menace. You will know that when of evidence na na siya? It’s precisely it. It is repugnant to the
you take the bar exams. principle of judicial notice when you require the parties to be heard.
Well, that’s my opinion anyway.

What else is repugnant to the concept of judicial notice? Autoptic

Section 3. Judicial notice, when hearing necessary. — reference.
During the trial, the court, on its own initiative, or on
request of a party, may announce its intention to take When you say autoptic reference, for example, appearance or
judicial notice of any matter and allow the parties to be physical condition is admissible in court as object evidence, the
heard thereon. same being addressed to the senses of the court. And when an object
is relevant to the fact in issue, it may be exhibited to or examined or
After the trial, and before judgment or on appeal, the viewed by the Court.
proper court, on its own initiative or on request of a
party, may take judicial notice of any matter and allow So now, you are asking the Court because you have there the victim
the parties to be heard thereon if such matter is decisive for example, in a rape case, a minor girl. And then you are asking
of a material issue in the case. (n) the court to say, “Your honor, can you state judicial notice of the fact
that the victim here, the private complainant, is a minor because of
Let’s go over to the different types of judicial notice. her appearance.”

- Mandatory judicial notice Can the Court take judicial notice of that? The court in considering
- Discretionary judicial notice whether or not to take judicial notice, what will it do? The court will
- Judicial notice, when hearing necessary have to look at the victim. Is the victim really a minor by her looks?
And when the court does that? What is the court doing? It’s
Assume that you are the judge, the tribunal and you are presented receiving. It’s using its senses and in so doing it is actually
with the fact and all that you have to do is determine whether it falls conducting a reception of evidence which is again repugnant to the
within the realm of judicial notice. concept of judicial notice.

Why? Because you would want to know if maybe there is no need to When I ask you, how old I am, so, kung isipun nimo, when you look
prove this so trial might be hasten a little bit if you no longer require at the person to determine his age, are you taking judicial notice or
the parties to prove a particular fact. not? NO. You are conducting a reception of evidence and therefore,
the Court cannot take judicial notice of age as evidence by looking at
If you’re the judge, what are you going to do? Refer it first to Section person’s appearance. So, when the trier of facts observes the
1. Is it an object of mandatory judicial notice such that no proof is appearance of a person to ascertain his or her age, it’s not taking
already required? Me as judge, have to accept it and no longer judicial notice of such fact. Rather he is conducting an examination
require proof of it because it falls under Section 1. or reception of the evidence, the evidence being the appearance of
the person. Such a process militates against the very concept of
Or if it doesn’t fall under Section 1, it might fall under Section 2. judicial notice, the object of which is to do away with the
presentation of evidence.

You need to read this case, Landbank vs Wycoco, January 30,

JULY 11, 2018 25:01 – 55:00 - Kemarie L. Manligoy 2004 where the Supreme Court said that in determining just
compensation, the courts cannot simply take judicial notice of the
Is it an object of mandatory judicial notice such that no proof is prevailing market value of agricultural lands. Let’s say for example,
required? Me, as judge, would have to accept it and not require it’s land expropriated, subjected to coverage of the Comprehensive
proof of it because it falls under Section 1 or if it does not fall under Agrarian Reform Law, the Court cannot just take judicial notice that
Section 1, it might fall under Section 2 and you’ve memorized agricultural lands on these areas are valued this way. No! There has
Section 2 and you know the requisites. The matter must be one of to be a hearing being conducted and Landbank in that hearing is an
common or general knowledge. Does it fall within Section 2? indispensable party. That’s what Landbank vs Wycoco is all about.
Now, failure of a particular fact to satisfy all the requirements under To my mind again, repugnant gihapon na siya sa concept of judicial
Section 2 might be under Section 3 because it could be the fact that notice.
maybe it’s quite known but is it commonly or generally known? Is
there anything to be claimed by requiring proof of such a fact? J
oKay? So, if it does not fall under Section 1 and it doesn’t fall as well
to Section 2, probably, there might be reason to take judicial notice UDICIAL ADMISSIONS
of it and apply Section 3. So, the court in its own initiative or upon
request of a party can actually announce its intention to take judicial Now, let’s go to judicial admissions.
notice of a fact requiring the parties to be heard thereof.
Section 4. Judicial admissions - An admission, verbal or
Naay hearing and to my mind, that is repugnant to the concept in written, made by a party in the course of the proceedings
nature of judicial notice by itself. Ngano? Very simple. When you in the same case, does not require proof. The admission
take judicial notice, what do you do? You don’t require proof may be contradicted only by showing that it was made
anymore, right? Right? You are not going to tell the parties, okay, through palpable mistake or that no such admission was
“here’s a particular fact. You submitted it, now prove it!” You don’t made.
require the party to prove it anymore. How do you prove it? By
presenting evidence. There’s no hearing when it comes to judicial Just to define judicial admission or an admission en judicio, it is a
notice but when it comes to Section 3, it’s precisely the opposite of deliberate, clear, unequivocal statement by a party about concrete
that. facts within that party’s knowledge. It is a formal concession in the
pleadings or stipulations by a party or counsel that is binding on the
Take note that judicial notice is taken of a fact only after the parties party making them. Although a judicial admission is not itself
are heard of the issue of whether or not the court should take evidence, it has the effect of withdrawing a fact from contention.
judicial notice. So, the parties have to convince the court that “yes
judge, you have to take judicial notice” and the other party would Now, when is a fact in contention? Only if a plaintiff and the
also say “No, it’s not a matter of common and general knowledge. defendant don’t agree about it. None of them would concede.
So, what the judge would do, therefore, to encourage the parties to According to A, it is true; according to B, it’s false. So, they are in
just stipulate. Admit nalang if anybody want to admit the existence contention. Naga-argue pa sila. But if A for example admits, then it
of a particular fact to be true. But if the parties do not stipulate, then is withdrawn from contention. B, for that point, has already won.
the court should now conduct a hearing on the matter under the For that point because A has conceded a fact. B, has already proven
same procedures as hearings on motions and oral arguments. And I the point, right? And it has the effect of no longer requiring proof of
am sure that you have discussed the requirements of hearings, a particular fact. The latin maxim to remember would be (latin)
motions in your civil procedure and one of those requirements admission during trial is stronger than all proof. “You don’t have to
would be “unsay dapat pakapin sa isa ka motion”. So, accompanied memorize the latin maxim.
by supporting affidavits and other papers.
Sources of Judicial Admissions
Supporting affidavits is what? Documentary evidence or testimonial
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

It was repeated in the case of Adolfo vs Adolfo, March 18, 2015, court. And then when is the defendant required to file an answer?
where you are also to take note the difference between judgment on Upon receipt of summons. And then after that, what happens? The
the pleadings and summary judgment. The difference between “it plaintiff, after receiving an answer, is he mandated to file a reply?
tenders no issue” and “no genuine issue”. I’m sure you know that NO because a reply is merely optional that if you fail to file a reply,
from your Civil Procedure. all the new matters alleged in the answer are deemed automatically
Now, admissions can be made on the pleadings. Admissions can be
made both in the initiatory and responsive pleadings. For example, Here’s one case, Cassette Realty vs Philbanking
in the complaint, the defendant Geronimo contracted a loan with Corporation, September 14, 2007, where the Supreme Court
the plaintiff Sarah. While defendant had paid the first five said, since the respondent failed to file a reply, the respondent in
installments, all the succeeding installments remained unpaid. effect admitted the genuineness and due execution of the said
documents. Why? Because of Rule 129 Section 4, it is considered a
So, in a complete answer, pwede kang mag-admit. What are you judicial admission. Huh? Diba optional lang man ang filing of a
admitting here? That kadtong first five installments, nabayaran na reply? Isn’t it that the filing of a reply is merely optional? So, why?
nimo and for the succeeding installments, wala pa. Okay? So, what Let’s go back to Section 10 on kinds of pleadings. The definition of a
will be the effect of that upon the defendant when he makes his pleading or the function of which is to deny or allege facts in denial
answer? He doesn’t have to refute anymore. It’s already admitted. or avoidance of new matters alleged by way of defense in the answer
He doesn’t have to prove anymore that he has paid the first five and thereby join or make issue as to such matters. If the party does
installments and so ang remaining installments nalang ang dapat not file such reply, all the new matters alleged in the answer are
niya i-refute or to defend against. deemed controverted. So, again there’s that effect of automatic
admission. Nakalimtan na ba sa Supreme Court that the filing of a
What about in an answer? The defendant admits the allegations reply is merely optional? NO! Section 8 specifically applies to
contained in paragraph 1 and 2 of the complaint in as much as they actions or defenses founded upon a written instrument and provides
merely allege the personal circumstances and capacities of the the manner denying it. It’s more controlling than Rule 6 Section 10,
parties. which merely provides the effect of failure to file a reply. Thus where
the defense in the answer is based on actionable document, a reply
Usually man gud in an answer or in a complaint, paragraph 1 would specifically denying under oath must be made. Otherwise the
state the personal circumstances of the plaintiff. Plaintiff, of legal genuineness and due execution of the document will be deemed
age, Filipino, etc. blah blah , where he may be served with admitted.
summons, notices of the adverse party and the honorable court.
Paragraph 2 would be “Defendant, of legal age, Filipino, etc. blah So here in Cassette Realty vs PhilBanking Corporation,
blah blah and then address where he may be served with summons where the Supreme Court said that the filing of a reply is
and orders from the court.” Inana lang na siya. mandatory. If you want to avoid the effect of implied or automatic
admission of the genuineness and due execution of an actionable
So usually, the 1st paragraph in an answer would merely be an document.
admission. What’s the effect of that? What would be the effect if the
defendant admits the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 and 2, What else? Rule 8, Section 11. Material averments in a complaint
the personal circumstances of the parties. So, he is admitting that other than those to the amount of unliquidated damages shall be
the party is of legal age, and presumably has the capacity to sue deemed admitted when not specifically denied. Meaning? General
based on age because otherwise, he would qualify his admission by denial and remember that under the rule on pleadings, general
saying that, he may be of legal age but because he was already denial is an admission. It constitutes an admission.
convicted and imposed the penalty of civil interdiction, he is not in
full possession of his civil personality. Pwede ka magqualify but he
did not do that. So it means that the capacity to sue of the plaintiff
has already been admitted. He cannot anymore contradict that in So, what was I forced to do considering that after a reply, there was
the future and more so, the defendant by admitting his own supposed to be no more pleadings allowed? How do you contest
personal circumstances cannot later on say, “Oi, there was improper that? How do you now counter-act upon this mind-conditioning
service of summons upon my person because it was served at the upon the judge? They say that the proper pleading to file would be a
wrong address.” You cannot say that anymore because you already rejoinder to the reply. But, I don’t believe in a rejoinder. Wala mana
admitted your personal circumstances which includes his address sa Rules of Court ang rejoinder. So, what did I file? A comment to
where he can be served with summons and notices coming from the the reply because a comment can always be allowed. It’s like a
honorable court. Diba? That’s the effect of an admission. It may be manifestation before the court.
…but if you look at it, there’s a lot of legal ramifications.
What else? Effects of amendments to pleadings, if you recall? An
Another example, Rule 8 Section 8, how do you contend actionable amended pleading supersedes the pleading that it amends.
document? What is an actionable document? Actionable document However, admissions in superseded pleadings may be received in
is the document which is the very basis of a party’s cause of action evidence against the pleader and claims and defenses alleged
or defense. therein not incorporated in the amended pleading shall be deemed
waived. So, diba remember there’s a big difference between
An example there would be a promissory note. What’s your cause of amended pleadings and supplemental pleadings? When you talk of
action? To collect an unpaid loan. What’s your actionable supplemental pleadings, they exist side by side with the pleading
document? Your promissory note. So, how do you plead it? You that they supplement. When you talk about amended pleadings, it
have two options right? You can either retype it in full or you can supersedes, it abrogates the pleading which it amends.
attach it and make reference to it. That’s how you plean an
actionable document and you have to plead it under oath. Now, how So let’s say for example you made an admission in your answer but
do you contest it? you amended your pleading as a matter of right, when can you do it?
Within the period for filing a reply for as long as no reply has been
The genuineness and due execution of the instrument shall be served upon the defendant. You can amend your answer as a matter
deemed admitted unless the adverse party under oath specifically of right. Right?
denies them and sets forth, what he claims to be the facts but the
requirement of an oath does not apply where the adverse party does Now, you changed your theory of the case. So before, you admitted
not appear to be a party to the instrument or when compliance to an that Yes, there was a debt that I contracted. Nangutang ko sa
order for the inspection of the instrument is refused. plaintiff but he already condoned it. So, you had your original
answer and now, because amendment is still a matter of right, no
What do I want to point out in Rule 8, Section 8? You have to reply has been filed, you changed your theory. You changed your
contest an actionable document a certain way in the same vein that defense. Now, your defense is “I don’t know the plaintiff. I have not
you can only plead an actionable document a certain way. Now, contracted a loan with the plaintiff.”
what will be the effect if you fail to contest an actionable document a
certain way? There is an implied admission of the genuineness and
due execution and therefore, if you fail to follow the requirements of
Rule 8, Section 8, what will happen? You can no longer contest or July 11, 2018 55:01 Lara Delos Santos
say that “kining document na ni is fake or that it was executed
wrong or infirm in form because you already admitted the
genuineness and due execution of the instrument. Who in the blue hell is the plaintiff? So now it’s complete denial. So
what happens to the defenses that he made?
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

So they may no longer be considered as judicial admissions but they
are now, extra-judicial admissions that can be admitted in court, Having admitted that she obtained loans from respondent without
provided, they are properly pleaded and proved by the adverse showing that the same had already been paid or otherwise
party. Kinahanglan nimo iplead and iprove siya. extinguished, petitioner cannot now aver otherwise.

VERBAL OR WRITTEN ADMISSIONS It is settled that judicial admissions made by the parties in the
pleadings or in the course of the trial or other proceedings in the
Now what about during trial? same case are conclusive and do not require further evidence to
It could be verbal or written. prove them. They are legally binding on the party making it, except
when it is shown that they have been made through palpable
A verbal judicial admission could take the form of a mistake or that no such admission was actually made.
manifestation or testimony in court.
A written judicial admission could be in the form of motions,
written manifestations, briefs, memoranda, affidavits, and even in An admission cannot be controverted by the party making such admission an
the submission in answer to a request for admission. are conclusive as to him and that all proofs submitted by him contrary thereto
inconsistent therewith shall be ignored whether objection is interposed.
That is why I told you, admission during trial is stronger than all
1. Pre-trial where admissions and stipulations of facts are proofs.
mandatory subjects of pre trial
2. Availment of discovery procedures before trial, or pending appeal Take note of the requirement that for it to qualify as a judicial
such as: admission, it must be made in the same case.
•Request for admission REPUBLIC GLASS VS QUA
•Physical or Mental examination of persons (modes of discovery)
To constitute a judicial admission, it must be made in the same case
Depositions cannot serve as a substitute for testimony in court. The in which it is offered. If made in another case or court, the fact of
deponent must be actually brought again in court, as a general rule, such admission must be proved as in the case of any other fact.
for his testimony to be admitted. In effect, he has to re-testify. But Although, if made in a judicial proceeding, it is entitled to greater
be mindful of the instances where the deposition itself is considered weight.
as testimony.
Let’s say for example:
CONSTANTINO VS. HEIRS OF CONSTANTINO In Branch 1, you have a case between A and B. In Branch 2, you also
have another case also between A & B. In the case in Branch 1, A
Judicial admissions are legally binding on the party making the made an admission against his interest to favour B. Can B use that
admissions. Pre-trial admission in civil cases is one of the in his case in Branch 2?
instances of judicial admissions explicitly provided for under
Section 7, Rule 18 of the Rules of Court, which mandates that the He can use it in Branch 2 but not in the concept of judicial
contents of the pre-trial order shall control the subsequent course admission.
of the action, thereby, defining and limiting the issues to be tried.
What will you do if you are the lawyer of B in Branch 2 and you want
to use the admission of A in Branch 1?

Secure a copy of the transcripts of stenographic notes where your

opponent made the admission. Plead it and prove it before Branch
2. It is an extrajudicial admission in so far as Branch 2 is concerned.
It can only be considered as judicial admission if you are talking
So if you make confessions during pre-trial, that’s very good. Why? about Branch 1. Get a piece and prove it.
Because the court doesn’t have to expect proof of a matter that has
already been admitted. And remember the effect as well that – Do you need to present the staff who made the stenographic notes?
Admissions made are binding upon the parties who made them.
No. Because of presumption in the regularity of transcripts of
Now take note that, a party who makes a judicial admission, you stenographic notes. In effect, it’s self-authenticating. It is also strong
cannot later on challenge that cause that constitutes as a waiver of proof that it was made in a judicial proceeding.
proof. Your ability to prove or disprove something is waived.
Production of evidence is dispensed with. A judicial admission also
removes an admitted fact from the field of controversy. EXCEPTIONS:

In other words, what’s the effect of the rule? Admissions may be contradicted only by showing that it was made
Judicial admissions are conclusive on the party making them. When through palpable mistake or that no such admission was made.
you make an admission, you cannot refute that admission anymore,
Let’s look at an example here: What do you mean by palpable? It means it is obvious to everybody,
to both sides. Like the plaintiff would not concede it as an
A plaintiff sued the defendant for collection of sum of money. The admission, the defendant would not concede it as an admission, the
defendant denies the existence of the debt and counters that it was judge too could see that there was really no judicial admission
her deceased parents who owed the plaintiff money when they were made.
alive. Therefore, according to the defendant, what the plaintiff
should have done is to sue the estate of her parents rather than sue Take note that under the OLD RULES OF EVIDENCE, this is the
her in her personal capacity as heir. only exception to the rule that a judicial admission binds the parties
making them.
However, during the trial, the following cross examine took place:
Lawyer: you also know that the respondent was into lending?
Accused: Yes, madame. In the present case, the supposed mistake made by the counsel of
Lawyer: Because she is in lending, you have borrowed money also? petitioner corporation is one of law, for it was grounded on his
Accused: Yes, madame. interpretation and evaluation that Revenue Regulations No. 3-88
Lawyer: Separate from your father? and CTA Circular No. 1-95, as amended, did not apply to his
Accused: Yes, madame. client's cases and that there was no need to comply with the
Lawyer: You borrowed money from the respondent separate from documentary requirements set forth therein.
your father prior to his death?
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

conviction. Inadmissible daw. The SC here ruled: True. A pretrial

agreement not signed by the accused and counsel is inadmissible.
“NO SUCH ADMISSION WAS MADE” However, the conviction was based not on the agreement but on the
documents presented as evidence during the trial, all of which was
Meaning it’s just that the other party is saying that you have made presented without any objection from her counsel.
an admission. Like my old case before, the counsel kept saying
“Thank you for admitting…. Thank you for admitting…” when in General Rule: Fule. Inadmissible because it was unsigned,
fact, I didn’t. So what doctrine is that? The buot buot doctrine. LOL
So what this is is that you are now saying I did not make an But what the prosecution did was to submit the documents for the
admission or that the statement was taken out of context or not in consideration of the court. All documents that would create fact of
the sense that the admission is made to appear as in the case of… guilt beyond reasonable doubt. So these were admitted by the court.
And the counsel of the accused failed to object. What happens if you
ATILLO III VS CA fail to object? Your client loses.

If a party invokes an admission of an adverse party but cites the So what’s the difference between King and Fule?
admission out of context, then the one making the admission may
show that he made no show admission or that the admission was In Fule, that was all the evidence of the prosecution. But in King, the
taken out of context. This may be interpreted to mean not in the documents that were presented without any objection from the
sense in which the admission is made to appear that is the reason accused’s counsel already sufficed to establish the guilt of the
for the codifier “such”. accused beyond reasonable doubt even without the unsigned
Take note that an admission made by the counsel is binding upon
the client. So like in my example earlier, my fellow officemate,
where to be safe, he would not admit anything, even the name of his
client. Why is that? Because anything that you say would bind the
client. So you have to proceed with caution every time. And when
you make an admission of something, consult your client first. Ask
him if it is okay if we admitted this because if we do, these are the
legal consequences.
This for me is an important case: FULE DOCTRINE


Pre-Trial is mandatory also in mandatory in criminal cases. So in this

case what happened here was of course, stipulation of facts. Then
what if the accuse admits or stipulates as to the existence of certain
facts and the effect of that would be for him to make a confession or
an admission of his guilt in the criminal case. Can he be convicted
based on confessions or admission? Of course, you can. In fact, a
mere extrajudicial admission together with the corpus delicti would
be sufficient to warrant a conviction.

What happened here was, there was a pre-trial agreement. In a

criminal case, you are allowed to secure from the accused a
confession pursuant for example to a Plea Bargaining Agreement.
Let’s say you committed serious physical injuries and ingon ani ang
penalty. But, if you plead guilty tp slight physical injuries or
maltreatment only then, ito nalang. Plead guilty ka nalang para di
na tayo mag trial. That’s plea bargainin. Now if he agrees, confess to
the commission of slight physical injuries, in effect, he is free to go if
he is a first time offender. Pwede ka ma place under probation or
ma-fine because it is a very light offense. Now, if that was made
durng the pre-trial conference in a criminal case, it has to be signed
by the accused and his counsel because if there is no signature of the
accused and his counsel, the n the stipulation of facts, the
confession made by the accused, becomes inadmissible. That’s the
Fule Doctrine.

It has been articulated more properly in Rule 118 Section 2.

RULE 118, Section 2.Pre-trial agreement. —

All agreements or admissions made or entered during the pre-trial

conference shall be reduced in writing and signed by the accused
and counsel, otherwise, they cannot be used against the accused.
The agreements covering the matters referred to in section 1 of this
Rule shall be approved by the court. (Sec. 4, cir. 38-98)

Precisely what happened in Fule. The Court has to see if gipirmahan

ba gyud o wala. And now the court will have the ability to call for
example, the lawyer of the accused. Did you really mean to make
that confession. That’s because of Fule. So when it reached the SC,
the court said it is inadmissible. Whatever he confessed to during
the pre trial conference which was reduced in the pre trial
agreement but was not signed by the accused and his counsel, it is
inadmissible. Therefore, accused was acquitted despite the fact that
during pre trial, he actually made a confession. So what did the
prosecution do? Because nag confess, they rested its case.
Admission made in trial is greater than all proofs. Ngano pa ko
magpresent ug evidence. Sc said: acquitted.

Here’s a similar case, King vs People. You have to compare what

happened in King and in Fule.
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

July 18, 2018 1:00:00 – 16:00:00 (Alexander Abonado)E impact. Rather than the completely incredible and almost
miraculous 50m, which is again very very far away.

How do we distinguish between real and demonstrative evidence?

RULE 130
RULES OF ADMISSIBILITY Real evidence is a tangible object that actually takes some role in the
matter that gave rise to the litigation. Like a gun or a knife. While a
So we are going to talk about Rule 130 already, admissibility of Demonstrative evidence is tangible evidence that merely illustrates
objects and documents. a matter of importance in the litigation.

Let’s talk about sections 1 & 2 first. Take note we classified evidence Real evidence intends to prove that the object is used in the
before in three, namely: object, documentary and testimonial underlying event. The knife that was used to stab the complainant,
evidence. fortunately the complainant survived. Demonstrative evidence on
the other hand, intends to show that the demonstrative object fairly
When you talk about object or real evidence, you are talking about represents or illustrates what it is alleged to be illustrated.
evidence that is addressed to the senses of the court. These are
evidence which are exhibited to, examined or viewed by the court. Note that with respect to real evidence, the evidence is the object
itself. But when you talk about Demonstrative evidence, although
Take note that while the law talks about being viewed by the court using an object to illustrate a matter before the court, the evidence
ang object evidence. We are talking here about all the senses of the to be considered there is the testimony as elicited by the
court. Whatever the court sees, like a scar that is visible, let’s say sa demonstrative evidence.
face sa usa ka victim. Whatever the court hears; for example, a
taped blackmail call. That would be appreciated by the courts sense Like in a map or a diagram or a chart. So what is the evidence that
of hearing. the court will consider there? It’s the testimony that comes from the
demonstrative object.
Or sense of taste; like cocaine, and the court is not convinced that
it’s cocaine, so the court will taste. Sense of touch; example, girl was Let’s go to section 1. What is object evidence?
raped because she has big jugs, so the court will touch to determine
if she really has big jugs. (LOL) Sense of smell; Indians, mao ra jud Section 1. Object as evidence. — Objects as evidence are
na akong maingnon sa inyo. those addressed to the senses of the court. When an object
is relevant to the fact in issue, it may be exhibited to,
We are talking here about all of the senses of the court and that is in examined or viewed by the court
the appreciation of object evidence the court uses the senses of
sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell. The court also calls real or object evidence as Autoptic Preference, it
simply means, a tribunals self-perception or autopsy of the thing
Take note that it is called real evidence not to contrast it with real itself.
and fake. But rather real because it comes from the term res, or the
thing. Res ipsa loquitur. The thing speaks for itself. In the case of Balingit v. CA (Feb. 9, 2007) what the court was still
discussing would be kana bitaw mga election rules that I suppose
So its res. It’s an object. It’s the thing or the object that is addressed would no longer or no longer applies right now considering that we
to the senses of the court. change into automated elections. But before you have these rules on
the appreciation of ballots, which to my mind would no longer bear
We have also discussed from the case of People v. Lavapie, the any importance in elections where mag shading na lang ta. But sa
different types of evidence and what appears to be a hierarchy, a mga dili pa automated/ mag suwat gihapon ka, the dem sonams
preference among the different types of evidence and which one the rule (sounds like) mag apply gihapon na siya.
court actually prefers.
Autoptic means seeing with one’s own eyes. Coming from the words
So the court actually prefers object, real or physical evidence as “auto” and “optic” meaning self and then pertaining to the eyes or
evidence of the highest order because it speaks more eloquently belonging to or connected with personal observation which is
than a hundred witnesses. related to the term autopsy.
Then later on the court also made the preference between One case that you really need to be familiar with, not because it’s
testimonial and documentary evidence in the case of GSIS v. CA. useful only in my subject but because it’s useful also sa subject ni
madam: Calde v. CA
Noted that between testimonial and documentary evidence there is
really very little room for choice. But between the two it is It’s a succession case. June 7, 1994.
documentary that prevails over testimonial.
Here there is a notarial will. And remember that in a notarial will
Between oral and written testimony, mas naay preference ang oral there is a requirement that witnesses should sign in the presence of
testimony in court because there is flexibility on the part of the one another. Here 2 of the witnesses testified that only 1 pen was
questioner to adapt his questions to elicit the truth and in order to used in the signing of the will. There’s also no mention that the pen
ferret out the certain answer. was that hybrid pen which has all the colors.

Informally there is a fourth class of evidence recognized by the Now only 1 pen was used, but how come, the court noted, by using
rules, we call that demonstrative evidence or evidence in the form of autoptic preference, by using self-observation that there were 2
objects that have for themselves no probative value but is used to colors of pen used. There’s black and then there’s blue.
illustrate and clarify a factual matter or issue.
According to the testimony of the witnesses – 1 pen was used.
Demonstrative evidence as evidence is not prohibited, although not According to autoptic preference – there were 2 pens, black and
specifically mentioned in the rules of court. In appreciating blue. What would prevail?
Demonstrative evidence the court uses the same five senses. But
more importantly, applies intelligence to draw conclusions or According to the court, apparently because there were 2 colors of
inferences from the objects presented. Thus for Demonstrative pen here, the notarial will was not subscribed and attested by the
evidence what is important is not the object but the information that instrumental witnesses during the execution (?)
the objects create.
The signatures of some of the attesting witnesses were written in
Recall my example on Demonstrative evidence; I call that the case blue ink while the others were in black. This discrepancy was not
of the flying man. Nabangaan siyag motor and according to his explained by the petitioner. Nobody of the 6 witnesses testified that
testimony, he flew to a distance of 50 meters. And so it’s quite 2 pens were used by the signatories of the 2 documents. In fact of
improbable for somebody na nabangaan ug motor ug nilupad ug 50 the petitioner’s witnesses even testified that only 1 ball pen was used
meters. So in order for me to impress upon the mind of the court in signing 2 testamentary documents.
that my witness is not lying/sane.
And the SC proceeded now to describe what autoptic preference is.
I had to resort to a rudimentary diagram, and asked the witness to That the person who is of small height or is of dark complexion, as
point that if diri ka nabangaan asa man ka nakit-an pagkahuman to such matters the perception of the tribunal that the person is
nimo nalagpot. small or large or that he has dark or light complexion is a mode
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

It is the tribunal’s self-perception of autopsy of the thing itself, from An object is brought into the courtroom for the
the point of view of the litigant party furnishing the source of relief, consideration of the court. Example: Like, the objects of
it may be termed as autoptic preference. the crime (i.e. unsa tong gikawat?) or the means to
perpetrate the crime: the murder weapon. (gun, knife)
And in this case the autoptic preference contradicts the testimonial
evidence produced by petitioner. The will and its codicil upon They are brought into the courtroom because they are
inspection by respondent show in black and white or more susceptible of manual delivery to the courtroom. Pwede
accurately in black and blue that more than 1 pen was used by the gunitan ug tanawon sa korte.
signatories thereto. Thus it was _____(15:40) nor baseless for the
court to disbelieve petitioner’s claim that both testamentary 2) That which consists in the inspection of the object outside
documents in question were subscribed to in accordance with the the courtroom. Like, ocular inspection in a boundary
provisions of article 805 of the civil code. dispute. Or ocular inspection of a crim scene.
So the SC was actually saying, “nagpataka mo.” Atty. JZE example/experience: One of the cases I handled was this.
It’s a case for theft. Unsay gikawat? Mangga. The complainant was
0:16:01- 0:32:00 (Angel Deiparine) claiming ang gi harvest kuno na manga sa akong kliyente belonged
to him. Our defense was daghan kayo mig manga na gi harvest, but
You did not actually subscribe and attest to the will in one occasion. there’s this one tree, we admitted, that lies precisely in between the
Coz you were saying, only one pen was used. But actually, duha ka boundary line of the two properties: one belonging to my client, and
pen. So, with that, the will was not admitted. one belonging to the complainant.
Let’s compare that with documents. I’m sure you have memorized What we did is that we asked the court for an ocular inspection,
Section 2. precisely, to ascertain if the mango tree in question is really one in
the land of complainant or in the land of my client.

We determined that ¾ of the tree belonged to my client and ¼ of

Section 2. Documentary evidence - Documents as
the tree, specifically the one with a branch, was inside the property
evidence consists of writings or any material containing
of private complainant. Imagine, sa tibook harvest, theft? Unya, isa
letters, words, numbers, figures, symbols or other modes
ra diay ka branch ang naa sa iya property?
of written expressions offered as proof of their contents.
And so, we conducted an ocular inspection and the court went to the
Now, what you need to really pay attention to is the last phrase,
area. And we determined, based on the mohons, that the majority of
“offered as proof of their contents”.
which belonged to my client. We were able to get an ACQUITTAL
They must be presented into evidence for the consideration of the because of that. Unya the court made an estimate kung pila ka
court, not to prove that this paper is white in color or that it is manga tong naa sa sanga, gipabayaran. That’s it. We were able to
rectangular in shape, but you have to offer it for what is written on secure an acquittal because of that ocular inspection.
the document. That is what Section 2 is all about.
It is discretionary upon the court to go to the place where the object
With that, I propose to you one thing: A document is not necessarily is located, when the object evidence cannot be brought.
paper, and paper can also be treated as object.
3) Object evidence that which consists in experimentation. It
Case: The Last Will of Cecil George Harris (Canadian case) could be inside the courtroom or outside the courtroom.

In 1948, around 10 in the morning, Harris accidentally put his Experimentation in evidence refers to AUTOPTIC PROFERENCE
tractor in reverse while making adjustments thereto. The tractor that requires the manipulation of physical objects within or without
moved backwards and trapped Harris between the tractor and the courtroom to determine the facts in issue.
another piece of equipment, pinning his left leg under the xxx.
Example of inside the courtroom: An accused, a frail and short
Naipit siya. Harris remained trapped until 10:30 in the evening. So
individual is charged with murdering Mateo by repeatedly bashing
that is, 12 hours already before he was found by his wife. He was
his head with a sledgehammer. The defense asked the accused, the
taken to the hospital where he later died from his injuries.
short guy, to brandish the sledgehammer and demonstrate before
Some days later, their neighbors, who were surveying the scene of the court the physical impossibility of him using it as a murder
the incident, noticed an inscription in the tractor fender which read: weapon. Kay bug-at kaayo. The defense may also invite the court
“In case I die in this mess, I leave ALL TO THE WIFE.” Then, he and the prosecution to similarly manipulate the murder weapon so
signed it. that they’d know kung bug-at ba gyud.

The fender was removed from the tractor and was determined by What else? Blood sampling inside the courtroom in the presence of
the court to be a valid holographic will. Now, that is based on their counsel. In the case of People vs Yatar, in open court, gikwaan ug
law because here in the Philippines it has to be entirely written, dugo si Yatar for purpose of DNA testing.
dated and signed by the testator.
It was admitted into probate as a valid holographic will. But when
A crime scene re-enactment. In a murder where the accused
you talk about wills, diba we have always imagined it as the
contends that the alleged murder weapon retrieved from his person
expression of the testator’s intent reduced to paper. How could you
is defective and is therefore an ineffectual means for him in
imagine a will that is not on paper?
committing the crime, the gun can be test-fired outside the court
However in the case of Harris’ will, it is not in paper as it was room, and the court can see for itself kung muboto ba gyud.
scratched in a tractor fender yet it was valid. Applying our own laws
Another case: OJ SIMPSON CASE:
on Evidence, an important requirement to remember is that a
document must be offered as proof of its contents. OJ Simpson was accused of killing his wife Nicole Brown. OJ
Simpson married Nicole Brown. The wife was known to be
Does the law actually distinguish what material in which the content
promiscuous. Eventually, they were estranged from one another.
must be written? Does it matter? IT DOESN’T MATTER.
What was left in the crime scene were a pair of bloody gloves. Now a
The material that contains written expressions does not have to be
receipt was also found in the house of OJ Simpson saying that he
papyric in nature, in the same way that objects can be in the form of
purchased prior to the crime a glove similar to the one that is found.
paper if it is offered, not as proof of its contents, but because of its
physical attributes. For example, yellowing on the surface of the So, there’s this circumstantial proof that if those gloves belonged to
paper which proves that it is an ancient document; very very old him, he was the one who killed. He was there at the scene of the
document. Or that it is crumpled, as evidence of the fact that the crime. If he wore the same gloves, he must have been the murderer.
person who read it, has his heart broken.
The prosecution wanted OJ Simpson to try wearing the gloves in the
A document does not have to be paper. Paper is not always a courtroom, infront of the jury, to leave the impression that it fit him.
document. It can be an object. It fit him like a glove. Therefore, it must have been him.
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

The jury acquitted OJ Simpson. So the battle cry of OJ Simpson’s When an object is excluded by the law or these rules, such as
lawyer here was: IF THE GLOVES DON’T FIT, YOU MUST evidence, which is the product of the Fruit of the Poisonous
ACQUIT. Tree Doctrine, then the object is inadmissible.

***then chismis about OJ Simpson re: Chloe Kardasian*** Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine vs.
Exclusionary Rule:

The fruit of the Poisonous tree as evidence is only applicable

32:01-48:00 (Anton Maligad) to derivative evidence.

On the other hand there is an exclusionary rule. An example

Requisites of Admissibility of OBJECT EVIDENCE: would be illegally seized items. For example, there was no
search warrant and the police searched your residence and
a. Relevancy to the fact in issue in the case—basic then found illegal contraband.
requirement of relevancy. It must have relationship to the fact
in issue at to induce belief as to its existence or non-existence. Is that a fruit of the Poisonous Tree? Not yet!
Although the object evidence may not be directly material to
the fact in issue, it can be considered as a collateral matter. Such is just an application of the exclusionary rule. That
Where it may be allowed if it tends in any reasonable degree evidence obtained in violation of your right against illegal
to establish the probability or improbability of the fact in searches and seizures are not to be admitted in evidence.
So what is the fruit of the poisonous tree in that situation?

Class Discussion: Let’s say for example, there is already a violation of the
exclusionary rule and by reason of that the accused was
A person’s appearance is relevant and is visible as object arrested and then at the time that he was arrested he told the
evidence the same being addressed to the senses of the court. police that he was still hiding drugs underneath my bed.

Q: In relation to the definition of relevancy, “when is a fact After which, the police went on and searched his bed and
in issue?” indeed drugs were found—but such are inadmissible. The
inadmissibility of such evidence is what we call the Fruit of
A: When parties do not agree about it. the Poisonous Tree Doctrine.

Example: It is not automatic. You have to distinguish between the

In civil cases, A is claiming that B is indebted to him. B, of Exclusionary Rule and the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
course, denies liability. That is a fact in issue because the Doctrine.
parties do not agree about.
The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree must be evidence that is
In a murder case, the prosecution proposes that the accused derived from evidence illegally obtained (the illegal search
is guilty of the killing the victim. But the accused is claiming and the illegal arrest).
that he is innocent. Therefore, the fact in issue is the
innocence of the accused. It is a matter or fact that is Exclusionary Rule Fruit of the Poisonous
properly in issue in case. Tree
Evidence originally Derivatives of illegally
The prosecution proposes, then the accused denies. There is obtained seized items
a conflict as to this fact.

Q: Now, what is the fact in issue of the prosecution for the b. Object Evidence must be authenticated—it must be
valuation of RA 9165 that happens after a buy-bust proven to be what it purports to be.
Class Discussion:
A: The fact in issue for the prosecution is that the accused is
selling drugs as proven by the buy-bust operation. But, the Optic Proference must be relevant and it is relevant only
accused is denying such act. Therefore, that is the fact in if it makes a fact of consequence more or less probable,
issue. than the absence of the optic preference.

[People vs. Reyes (1994)]—That the admissibility of Object evidence in itself does not establish the factum
marked money as evidence is governed by Section 1, Rule probandum.
130 which provides that when an object is relevant to a fact
in issue it may be exhibited to, examined, or viewed by the There is no factum probandum provable solely by object
court. A marked money being paid as consideration for the evidence.
shabu was found to be relevant to the fact in issue, which is
the selling of drugs. Example:
A shot B. The possible evidence showing that A shot B
You need to remember, that in a buy-bust operation you would the CCTV footage.
have to simulate the elements of a contract of sale.
So the thing speaks for itself that A shot B? NO!
Elements of a contract of sale:
How does that CCTV footage make its way to the
1. Consent—the meeting of the offer and the courtroom? It has to be sponsored by testimonial
acceptance of the thing/object which is the cause evidence by a witness.
of the contract;
2. Subject matter—in this case the illegal drugs; Therefore, while the CCTV footage clearly indicates that
3. Price certain in money—price is equivalent A killed B, that has to be authenticated by the credible
which would be the consideration, which is the witness.
marked money.
So there is this object, which cannot be brought to the
So there are two objects, which are considered as object court to be appreciated by such court, unless a witness
evidence in the prosecution of illegal drugs, by virtue of a testifies about it first.
buy-bust operation:
So that is authentication. The object must be proven.
(1) The shabu itself or the illegal drugs; and It requires that the admission of an object may be
preceded by (testimonial) evidence sufficient to support
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

1.) To prevent the introduction of an object different from Now remember in a criminal investigation. If you find evidence, you
the one testified of—It is important that the very object will not hold unto the evidence forever. For example, you are part of
presented in court should be the one testified of because the forensic team that analyzed the crime scene. You will not be the
it would lead to dire consequences of the violation of the custodian of the evidence. The evidence has to transfer from one
right of the accused. person to another, till it gets into the hands of the forensic chemist.
Then the forensic chemist will then safeguard it and make a report.

Example: RA 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act) That’s what happens. One person will not have the possession of
that evidence forever.
What would determine the penalty to be imposed on the
accused or the convict in a drugs case? This means that there is a need to prove the chronological sequence
by which the evidence was handled only by persons who by the
Isn’t that a fact that it is the quantity of the drugs found in the reason of their functions or office can be reasonably expected to
person of the accused? have right or duty to possess or handle the object.

The more the amount of the shabu or drugs found in his When the object passes to the possession of a stranger, then there is
person the greater the penalty. doubt as to the integrity and not on the identity of the object.

If what was found in the person of the accused was 0.5 grams 4.) Proof of Preservation—By proving that the preservation of
and upon the presentation of the prosecution the amount of the object, which consists of showing that the object was kept in a
drugs presented amounted to 10 grams, then there must be secure place as to make contamination or alteration difficult. It
something wrong. must not have been brought out until its presentation in the court.

2.) To ensure that there has been no significant changes c. It must not be hearsay—it must not be information
in the object’s condition received from another that one cannot adequately
Class Discussion:
d. It must not be privileged or otherwise excluded—self
We go back to the case of OJ Simpson. explanatory
It would have been so easy to convict OJ Simpson had there been
no mishandling of the evidence in this case. e. It must meet any addition requirement set by the
law—i.e. Section 21; RA 9165 (Chain of Custody Requirement
At the scene of the crime, the CSI/NCIS collected the evidence in in Drugs Cases)
the crime scene.

One of the members of the CSI/NCIS found and collected blood 48:01 – 1:04:00 (Benrich Tan)
“Contamination and alteration”. It must be properly reserved.
Now, it would have been easy to convict OJ Simpson if such blood
samples found in the crime scene matched his person. It raises the Later on, we will discuss the Hubert Webb case (which involved
question that if you weren’t really there, then why were your blood rape) and how it relates to this. In that case, the prosecution case
smears found in the crime scene. had biological sample (semen) left in the victim. Years later, the SC
came up with the Rules on DNA Evidence, which provided for post-
But you know what happened there? conviction DNA testing. A biological sample could be taken from
Webb and compared with the biological sample taken from the
So, the officer who collected the vial containing the blood took the victim, and be compared, due to the witness (Alfaro) stating that she
samples and placed it in his pocket, went home, took a shower, saw Webb rape Carmela Vizconde. If it matches, clearly he would be
took a nap, changed clothes, got the vial of blood, placed it in his the rapist. But Webb also wanted the post-conviction DNA testing
pocket, went to the police station, and turned it over. so he could prove he wasn’t the one who raped her. However, the
object was nowhere to be found (neither in the Court nor the NBI’s
So there is a break in the chain of custody here that he cannot custody). Now that was one of the things that the Court addressed in
explain. that case, which was preservation of the object and on how it could
have been used later on for post-conviction DNA testing. But again,
Why did he go home with that vial of blood that is a very we will talk about that case later.
indispensable evidence to prove that OJ Simpson had the
opportunity to kill?

So the lawyer of OJ Simpson was able to exclude the evidence. Process in Authenticating Specific Objects

As to photographs, maps, diagrams

At the very least there is reasonable doubt, because they were not
able to make sure that there had been no significant changes in the Authenticity is the act of proving the accuracy of the things, persons,
object’s condition or places in the photograph which may be through the testimony of
the photographer or anyone familiar with the person, places, or
things shown therein.
Now, let’s go to the actual process of authentication.
General Rule: The normal way of authentication is by presenting
Authentication Process:
the photographer in court.
1.) Introduction of proof of identity—It is usually done
However, my opinion is that everyone is a photographer. Gone are
through the testimony of a witness as to objects, which are
the days where you have to go to a photo studio to get a picture
readily identifiable by sight. Provided, that there is a basis for
taken. Now, it’s conceivable that a photograph (as an object
the identification by your senses.
evidence of a specific crime) is merely taken from the internet, and
we don’t know who the photograph is. Our tendencies nowadays is
Example: It could be markings placed on the object, such as
for a picture gone viral (where it is shared by a seemingly endless
initials, his pictures in a digital camera or a watermark.
line of people) to be reached into the eyes of a complete stranger. If
2.) By the peculiar characteristics of the object—Certain that is your evidence, how can you even authenticate it when you
physical features which sets it apart from a particular class by don’t know the photographer? There are no watermarks in the
which it is readily identified. picture stating that it was taken by a specific person. Due to this, the
exception applies.
Example: A hole caused by burning the sweater or a broken
Exception: Anyone who is familiar with the persons, places, or
hilt of a knife. So that makes the murder weapon unique in a
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

Example on authentication in open court: 1. a showing that the recording device was capable of taking
Court: Are you the person in the picture? 2. a showing that the operator of the device was competent;
3. establishment of the authenticity and correctness of the
Witness: Yes. recording;
4. a showing that changes, additions, or deletions have not
Court: What happened? been made;
5. a showing of the manner of the preservation of the
Witness: X was being killed, and we happened to be in the picture.
Court: Is this photograph an accurate representation of what 6. identification of the speakers; and
happened to you that day? 7. a showing that the testimony elicited was voluntarily
made without any kind of inducement
Witness: Yes.
Atty JZE: In lieu of all requisites showing the testimony done was
Court: Authenticated. voluntarily made, I’d like you to observe that these are only
applicable during the period where everything was analog, not

SISON VS. PEOPLE, Requisite #1: Now cellphones are capable to of taking testimony.

NOVEMBER 16, 1995. Requisite #2: Is there a requirement that you need a bachelor
degree in order to record? No. Everyone is presumed to be
Facts: competent

In a prosecution for murder, the prosecution presented photographs Requisite #3-4: In the era of digital recording, you can manipulate
showing the accused mauling the victim. The person who took the sounds. It’s difficult to prove now, because the ability to record is
photographs was not presented as a witness. Instead, the now shared among the general populace, not just a small populace.
prosecution presented the companions of the victim who testified
that they are the ones in the photographs. Requisite #5: We’re talking about a physical cassette tape. Now, we
can easily make copies of recordings.
The defense objected the admissibility of the photographs because
the person who took the photographs was not presented as the So for me, these requisites should be changed, because the SC
witness. should adapt with the changes of the technology. These requisites
are already antiquated.
Videos (from 2016 TSN, since Atty. JZE didn’t discuss this)
Would that contention be tenable? NO.
It is a lot easier than authenticating tape recording. You just have to
Ruling: authenticate it just like authenticating photographs. Mubalik lang ta
sa doctrine sa Sison vs. People. It can be the videographer, who will
The general rule in this jurisdiction is that photographs, when be presented or anyone competent, according to the Supreme Court.
presented in evidence, must be identified by the photographer as to Any other witness who can testify as to its exactness and accuracy.
its production and testified as to the circumstances under which
they were produced. The value of this kind of evidence lies in its Categories of Object Evidence (for purposes of classification)
being a correct representation or reproduction of the original, and
its admissibility is determined by its accuracy in portraying the
scene at the time of the crime.
1:04:01 – 1:20:00 (Christian Yu)
The photographer, however, is not the only witness who can identify
the pictures he has taken. The correctness of the photograph as a Okay, so let’s go to Categories of Object Evidence – for purposes of
faithful representation of the object portrayed can be proved prima authentication:
facie, either by the testimony of the person who made it or by other
competent witnesses, after which the court can admit it subject to A. Unique Objects
impeachment as to its accuracy.
- Those that have readily identifiable marks.
Here the photographs are admissible as the correctness thereof was
testified by the companions of the victim (who happened to be in
the photograph itself). - A car that with a plate number MGA 239;
- A .45 caliber pistol with serial number 14344 (para
Tape Recording
Is the authentication limited to the person who made the tape
recording? Torralba v. People.

TORRALBA VS. PEOPLE B. Objects made Unique

Facts: - Are those that are readily identifiable.

The accused here is charged with libel. Presented as evidence is a Example:

tape recording of the radio broadcast made by the daughter of the
- A bolo knife used to hack a victim, which could be
identified by a witness in court.

Wala siyay unique distinguishing mark but it is made

The daughter was not presented as a witness. Only the complainant unique because of the familiarity of the witness of the
who, in open court, testified that he was not familiar with the same. “Di gyud nako malimtan na iyaha gyud kong gi-
process of the recording. When he was asked what was the process hack anang very same na bolo knife na nah. As a matter of
of recording, he said that he does not know. fact, Judge, wala na koy kamot. :P ”


So is the tape recording properly admitted? C. Non-unique Objects

Ruling: - Those which have no identifying marks and therefore,

cannot be marked also.
The person who actually took the recording must be presented in
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model or a replica of a footprint. So ginabuhat nah siya sa What about handwriting? Can a person be compelled to produce a
TV. I don’t know in real life kung ginabuhat ba nah siya. sample of his handwriting as basis for determining his criminal
Personally, wala pa pud ko ka try so you cannot gain any liability as the author of a certain document?
insight from me about ani.
Gipasulat ka og kanang kuan, whatever na ipasulat sa imoha And
Requisite # 3: MUST NOT BE HEARSAY then, i-compare nah siya sa usa ka document that is purported to be
forged or perjured an document.
The witness testifying about the object must have personal
knowledge of it. So dapat naa kay kalambigitan at least anang object So writing – is it a purely physical or mechanical act? NO.
na nah.
Writing is NOT a mere mechanical act but involves the application
You have personal knowledge. You can relate to it in other words. of the intellect. You cannot write without applying intelligence.
However, if the accused testifies in his own behalf and denies
Hearsay, again, chismis. authorship, he may be compelled to give a sample of his
“Ingon ni A, mao kuno ni ang knife na gigamit.” “Ingon ni B, mao
kuno ni ang butang na gikawat.” So drawing of blood, taking of biological samples, paraffin tests and
so on are NOT covered by the right against self-incrimination
So he has no personal knowledge of it because what he is testifying because they are purely physical or mechanical acts.
in court about the object was merely relayed to him. He was merely
told about that particular fact. Handwriting, giving a handwriting specimen is violative of this
right. It is not a purely mechanical act but involves the application
Requisite # 4: MUST NOT BE PRIVILEDGED OR NOT of the intellect. “When you write, you have to use intelligence.”
Rules of Court) That is my first tip when you take the Bar Examinations during you
time. So when you write, write with intelligence. Bawal ang
This means that the object must pass the Axiom of Competency. magpataka lang og yawyaw.
- Wiretap recording proposed to be played in court; One of Sir’s favorite cases in the world.
- The exhibition of a private video which might offend a
person’s right to privacy; Would object evidence be inadmissible on the ground that it is
- Fruit of Poisonous Tree beyond the commerce of men? What happened here?

Now, one more Exclusionary Rule will be found in Article III, There’s this guy named Alejandro William na ndakpan na nay gunit
Section 17 – na marijuana. Selling actually marijuana.

Now, during trial and even during appeal, he said that “The
marijuana taken from my person should be excluded because it is
Right against Self-Incrimination beyond the commerce of men.”
“No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself.” This So what a great legal argument ‘di ba? Clearly, ang iyang lawyer
was our example earlier – experimentation inside the courtroom. knows about what constitutes an illicit subject matter under the Law
on Sales – beyond the commerce of men.
PEOPLE VS. YATAR (May 19, 2004):
According to the SC, pataka lng ka. The probative value of an object
Does the use of blood samples taken from the accused violates the is not affected by the fact that it is beyond the commerce of man.
right to remain silent and his right against self-incrimination?
Appellants raise the strange argument that exhibit C lacks probative
Imagine what the prosecution here is trying to do and is being value because the subject thereof “marijuana” is beyond the
sanctioned by the court – kuhaan kag blood sample so that it can be commerce of man. That is simply absurd according to the SC.
compared to the biological samples found at the scene of the crime.
The transfer of marijuana was incidental to the arrest of appellants
If it matches then you are done. and the confiscation of the subject matter of the crime. Exhibit "C"
is in the same category as a death certificate and autopsy report
So Yatar is complaining because probably, he knows that it will which are admissible evidence of the subject of the crime — the
match. He is complaining that it violates his right against self- human cadaver which is also beyond the commerce of man.
incrimination kay pugson ko nimo og hatag og biological sample. Transfer of goods as a consequence or by virtue of police or state
action such as forfeiture, seizure, condemnation, confiscation did
Now, remember that your DNA can be found in practically every
not fall within the phrase "commerce of man" even in its broadest
part of your body – hair, saliva, blood, etc. So with all the more
reason here because it is his blood.
Why did I choose this case? Because number 1, it is funny. And
Gikuhaan siya og blood sample so easy to compare ka with the
number 2, it shows you that in lawyering anything goes. You can
biological sample, in a crime of rape here, seminal discharge.
come up with the weirdest most absurd, funniest and nonsensical
According to the SC, pataka ka lang. The kernel of the right is not arguments and it may even reach the SC.
against all compulsion, but against testimonial compulsion. So
The law is black and white only when you are in law school. Outside
kanang pugson ka na mu-istorya.
of law school, when you eventually practice law what happens? You
The right against self- incrimination is simply against the legal are free to use the law according to your own interpretation. There
process of extracting from the lips of the accused an admission of is no more right or wrong answer. What matters would be what the
guilt. It does not apply where the evidence sought to be excluded is judge sees is true or false.
not an incrimination but as part of object evidence.
Kung tuuhan ka sa judge. Horay. Congratulations. Kung dili ka
And so the SC said that a person may be compelled to submit to tuuhan, try and try until you die. Ing-ana lng man in the practice.
But in the bar examinations. You will be taking the bar soon
- fingerprinting, enough, you are in 3rd year now. So in 2 years, you have to take the
- photographing, bar already. That is your goal diba. Take the shortest route to the
- paraffin, bar examinations. Take it once. Pass the 1st time you take it. Mao na
- blood and atong goal Tanan.
- DNA,
You know what the examiner is looking for?
as there is no testimonial compulsion involved.
It’s not your perfect knowledge of the law, because nobody has a
monopoly of knowledge. You cannot be expected to know
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

me that you can bullshit like a lawyer. mao lng na. the attitude of a would describe how and from whom it was received, where it was
first time practitioner. So when you answer my examinations, argue and what happened while it was in his possession, the condition it
persuasively. I do not care if your arguments are PL(pataka lng) I was received and the condition it was delivered to the next link of
don’t care. But argue like a lawyer and I will not give you a zero. chain.

Mao lng na ang kahinanglan pamugas mo. Ayaw ko tagai ug answer These witnesses would then describe the precautions taken to
na tinamad. Kay ang bar examiner puhon mao lng man na ang ensure that there have been no change in the condition and no
ginapangayo. That you argue like a lawyer. opportunity for someone not in the chain to have possession of the
Ang lawyer na tipid kayoo ang storya. Mubo kaayo ang ingnun,
mubo kaayo ang mga pleading. Mao na ang mga lawyer na dili ninyo So why do we need to establish the chain of custody?
dapat kuhaon.

So when you are taking the bar examinations, give the examiner the 1) To guarantee the integrity of the physical evidence;
attention that he deserves by arguing persuasively. 2) To prevent the production of evidence which is not
‘Yes, the law provides that A is wrong. Therefore I conclude that A is
Take note that when an exhibit is positively identified, the chain of
That is the quickest and surest way to fail my class. Give me custody of physical evidence would already be irrelevant.
persuasive arguments. I wouldn’t even care if its wrong or right, you
will still be given points. Just training you for the bar. Dugay ko mu- When dealing with illegal drugs, the ideal way of getting rid of them
uli ug notebooks mu-admit ko ana. “guilty your honor” your grades is destroying them. Just imagine in a police station they would want
will come out probably January pa. but I will try my best to give you to get rid of the marijuana by burning them, it will be a great party
your grades as soon as possible. I am a very busy man. With a wife to be at.
like that you will be very very busy. But why does it take me a long
time to check your papers? Because I will always commit. When I Corruption is worst when drugs fall into the custody of the police
tell you that you are wrong, I will tell you why you are wrong exactly and then they sell it again for its high value.
so I am also telling you how to make it right. So you will never doubt
me for not trying to tell you how to pass my class. I will always tell FIRST LINK (Sec 21 RA 9165)
you. I will praise you if you deserve praise. And I will tell you “dud
WTF” if you don’t. ok? So kabalo na ta karon pa-unsa mag-tubag.
(1) The apprehending team having initial custody and control of the
Same goes with my wife, andam na mo sa akong asawa karon. Ako
drugs shall, immediately after seizure and confiscation, physically
pud andam na ko(hehe)
inventory and photograph the same in the presence of the accused
You know already how to answer. That is the surest way in making or the person/s from whom such items were confiscated and/or
sure that you pass the bar examinations. Before you can take the bar seized, or his/her representative or counsel, a representative from
pass my subject first. Those of you who are regular 3rd year, you will the media and the Department of Justice (DOJ), and any elected
realize you will not stop seeing me until you graduate. Evidence 1st public official who shall be required to sign the copies of the
sem, 2nd sem torts and damages. 1st sem 4th year, civil law review, inventory and be given a copy thereof;
conflict of laws. 2nd sem 4th year civil law review remedial law
review. You wont stop seeing me. Mag-sawa gyud mo sa akong Why is this required?
dagway. Just imagine mag-sawa dyud mo. And I hope when you 90% of those who were arrested by virtue of a buy-bust operation
eventually pass the bar examinations pangitaon ko ninyo una claim as their defense that the evidence was planted. Here it will be
tungod magpasalamat. Ang di magpasalamat way utang na loob. clear that it was not planted since there will be representatives from
(hehe) off the record ni ha sa mga nag-record. the media who will attest to it, there will be kawagad or Brgy.
Then you have People vs Brecinio march 17,2004
What happens if there is a lapse in the chain of custody?
Mateo was charged for the murder for shooting Gerald. After trial,
Mateo was found guilty as charged.(yey) On appeal, Mateo argued People v Eugenio
that the trial court should have acquitted him as the lower court has
not proved his guilt beyond reasonable doubt. The noncompliance by the by bust team is not fatal as long as there
is justifiable ground therefor. And the integrity and evidentiary
What is his argument? value of the ceased item are properly preserved. Its noncompliance
will not render accused’s arrest illegal or the items ceased from him
The paraffin test conducted on him two days after he was arrested
inadmissible, what is of upmost importance is the preservation of
yielded a negative result. the integrity and evidentiary value of the items as the same would
So that’s object evidence, the result of a paraffin test saying that be utilized to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused.
based on the test I did not fire a gun. That is what a paraffin test is
all about. It tests the residual chemicals found sa imong skin after For example there was no photograph, no countersign by those
you fire a weapon. That is a paraffin test. So according to Mateo he required, that would not automatically ensure that the accused will
could not have shot Gerald. be acquitted or that the evidence will be inadmissible.

1:20:01 – 1:36:00 (Dane Viola) If there is a lapse in the chain of custody, what it actually affects
would be the weight of the probative value, the believability of the
According to Matteo, he could not have shot Gerald. Is this evidence. The weight to be given by the court of the said evidence
interpretation correct? depends on the circumstances in the case. It is conceivable that the
No, that the paraffin test result is negative does not ipso facto prove lapses in the chain of custody would lead to an acquittal of the
that Matteo is innocent. A negative paraffin test is not conclusive accused if the probative value of the items seized by virtue of the
proof that a person did not fire a gun. In other words, it is possible buy-bust operation that fell short of the requirement of Sec 21
to fire a gun and yet be negative for nitrates, as when culprits wear would produce reasonable doubt because of the lapses. But
gloves, wash their hands afterwards, or are bathed in perspiration. generally, if it is just a buy-bust operation and there is a minor lapse
Here, since Matteo submitted himself for paraffin testing two days justification therefor, you can say that it does not affect the
after the shooting it was likely that he had washed his hands thus admissibility of the evidence.
removing all traces of nitrates thereof. So a negative paraffin test is
not fool proof. Now here’s this case:

Finally, object evidence must meet any additional requirements set People v Almorfe
by the law. Example is RA 9165 or the "Comprehensive Dangerous
Drugs Act of 2002". Sir: There was no physical inventory, photographs in the presence of
the accused, he was later on convicted, the question was WON the
Section 21. Custody and Disposition of Confiscated, Seized, drugs were admissible. The SC here stuck with the general rule:
and/or Surrendered Dangerous Drugs, Plant Sources of
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

warrant exception therefrom, and provided that the integrity and

evidentiary value of the seized items are properly preserved by the When you take the BAR exams, you need to make sure
apprehending officer/s. that your documents are in order. The sad thing about it
is if you’re a guy and your name is the same with a famous
For the saving clause to apply, it is important that the prosecution personality who is a girl, magbuot buot ang Civil
should explain the reasons behind the procedural lapses and that Registrar. Imbes na Male ka, himuon kang Female. It
the integrity and value of the seized evidence had been preserved. happens a lot.

While a perfect chain of custody is almost always impossible to I have this client named “Rio”. Rio is a guy. In his birth
achieve, an unbroken chain becomes indispensable and essential in certificate it’s FEMALE. Kay at that time, sikat si Rio
the prosecution of drug cases owing to its susceptibility to Locsin. A very pretty actress in our time. So magbuot
alteration, tampering, contamination and even substitution and buot.
exchange. Hence, every link must be accounted for.
So, what do you need to do? Magfile ug petition for
In fine, the prosecution failed to account for every link of the chain correction of an entry in the Local Civil Registry. Karun,
starting from its turn over by Janet to the investigator, and from the pwede na na siya administrative ra but before, you really
latter to the chemist. need to file a case in court. The problem was,
nagkaproblema iyahang mga documents. You need to
So if there is lapses in the chain of custody, the apprehending secure NBI clearance, medical certificate that you have
officers must explain it. If you do not offer an explanation, then you been examined and was really found a Male, etc.
must be hiding something and verily, that would constitute
reasonable doubt. The problem was gitrippingan ko kay baguhan ko na
abogado. So, it took a long time na dali ra unta. It came to
Presumption of regularity cannot overcome the presumption a point na niingon na akoang client “Pre! Dili ba pwede
of innocence or the constitutional requirement of proof of maghubo nalang ko? Ipakita nalang nako na lalaki jud
guilt beyond reasonable doubt leading to the acquittal of the ko?” because it will be easier to prove that way than to
accused. present a medical examination from a doctor finding him
to be anatomically male.
GEN RULE: A perfect chain of custody is impossible to achieve and But we did not do that because it is contrary to public
will not affect the arrest and admissibility of evidence. morals and decency.

2. To require being viewed in court or in ocular inspection

1:36:01 – 1:52:00 (Edsam Andit) would result in delays, inconvenience, or unnecessary
expenses which is not in proportion to the evidentiary
If the prosecution fails to explain the reasons behind or the value of such object.
circumstances behind the departure of the usual procedure, if it
does not explain every link in the chain of custody, it might lead to 3. Such object evidence would be confusing or misleading as
acquittal. when the purpose is to prove the former condition of the
object and there is no preliminary showing that there has
That’s what we need to remember. been no substantial change in the said condition; which is
applicable to ocular inspections; or
Kuntahay naay accused, a peddler of illegal drugs is caught, and he
goes because of reasonable doubt, dili na na muabot sa Supreme 4. The testimonial or documentary evidence already
Court. Tama? The moment he’s acquitted wala na na. So, it would presented clearly portrays the object in question as to
never reach the SC. You have no idea how many drugs cases are render the view thereof unnecessary.
thrown out before the RTC because of Sec. 21. Because lawyers
became to adept in destroying the prosecution witnesses that
account for every link of the chain of custody.
5. Where the existence of the object is not very the fact in
Drug lords go free because of this chain of custody and because issue but is merely a collateral fact or is merely used as
prosecutors don’t know how to prosecute. And so, as response, reference.
Congress came up with an amendment to RA 10643. More or less it
is the same, but it has now legislated what the SC said in the case of. 6. Where the article cannot be recovered or outside the
coercive jurisdiction of the court.
People vs Eugenio Ruling:
7. In crimes the gist of which is the illegal possession of
Non-compliance with these requirements under justifiable grounds, article, a distinction must be made. If the article is
as long as the integrity and the evidentiary value of the seized items
common or familiar such that it can be readily identified
are properly preserved, by the apprehending officer of team, shall
by sight, its presentation is not necessary. Its presentation
not render void or invalid such seizures and custody over said items. is not necessary as existence may be shown by the
So, they have to insert this because of the cases thrown out in the testimony of the witnesses.
RTC for the simple reason of failure to comply with the chain of
In illegal possession of firearms however, the accused may still be
custody. convicted even without the presentation of the gun in court. (take
This is a reminder to the judges that non-compliance with the note of this)
requirements is not fatal as long as it is satisfactorily explained and
shown that the integrity of the items is preserved.
I hope you don’t become lawyers who makes money out of drug
pushers. You are contributing to the problem. In cases involving the illegal possession of firearms, the prosecution
has the burden of proving (a) the existence of the subject firearm,
(Story about how drugs can damage the country like Cuba. And how
and (b) the fact that the accused does not have corresponding
many deaths occur in America due to drugs)
permit to possess.
What’s my standard in lawyering? “If I can sleep at night knowing
As to the first requisite the evidence can be best established by the
what I did, I’m okay. If I can’t sleep at night, then I’m not okay.” presentation of the firearm but there is no requirement that the
actual firearm itself must be presented in court. It is not fatal if the
prosecution did not present the firearms itself.
No object evidence can ever be presented unless identified or
Its existence can be established by a testimony. Where the articles
authenticated by a competent witness. It must be sponsored by a
however are not common or not familiar to ordinary persons, and
cannot be identified by sight, they must be presented in court.
General rule: The actual object evidence must also be presented in
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

• Exhibition of the private parts in sex cases. Alangan profiles, results and other genetic information directly generated
muingun ang judge na i exhibit giunsa pag commit. from DNA testing of biological samples. 1

What are these biological samples? Biological sample means

any organic material taken from the body that could be viable for
• Presentation of the corpse or disembodied body parts. DNA testing. This could be from your hair, saliva, or blood.

• Re-enactment of violent/ offensive acts. (Halimbawa, A few interesting facts before we go to DNA evidence.
Mateo raped Maja. His defense that he did not rape Maja
is because he is incapable of an having an erection. He 1. Take note that about 97% of our DNA is junk. Walay
maintains that rape for him is an impossible crime due to pulos or components with no known biological functions.
the fact that his manhood is an ineffectual means to That’s the mystery of it.
commit the crime. So can the judge say na ”Show me that 2. Chimpanzees are 96% to 98% similar to humans,
it is really ineffectual”? The judge cannot do that. The depending on how it is calculated. (Which explains why
judge cannot ask Mateo to experiment on himself. you have schoolmates here in AdDU who look like
• Objects which are offensive to man’s sensibilities or 3. Cats have 90% of homologous genes with humans;
repulsive objects should not be presented anymore. Waste Meaning we have 90% analogous genes with cats, 82%
matters like human excreta, corpses of dead animals, or similar with dogs, 80% with cows, 79% with chimpanzees,
killing of an animal to prove that the substance is poison. 69% with rats and 67% with mice.
You can just have a chemical analysis of it. Have a 4. 75% of mouse genes have equivalents in humans, 90% of
chemist testify for it. No need for experimentation. the mouse genome could be lined up with a region on the
human genome
• While obscene or indecent objects are no longer needed to 5. The fruit fly (Drosophila) shares 60% of its DNA with
be presented in court, there may be instances where they humans. About 60% of the chicken genes correspond to a
may be permissible to be exhibited. similar human gene. So there’s a; little bit of cannibalism
there when we eat at KFC.
• If a view of the object is necessary in the interest of
justice, such object may still be exhibited. But the court I’m saying this because despite the fact of similarity with human
may exclude the public from such view. The view may not beings in this universe that we inhabit, we are the only being with
be refused if the indecent or immoral objects constitute millions and millions of genes. It is least likely to confuse DNA of
the very basis of the criminal or civil action (e.g obscene the human beings to that of a cow, a cat or what have you.
pictures or exhibits).
The question now is, since you are law students, there is now the
It happened to me. I was a collaborating counsel in a case I handled topic on how DNA can aid in criminal investigation. In determining,
in Cebu. The guy was cheating on his wife. Case for concubinage was for example, the culprit in murder or in any other case where it
actually filed against him since there was no anti-VAW-C law at that would be relevant. How similar is the DNA of one person to the
time yet. The ground was there was sexual intercourse with a other? The genome variation of one human being to another is only
woman not his wife under scandalous circumstances. 0.5%. So, we are all 99.5 % similar regardless of gender or age.

The only proof that we presented was the sex-tape in VHS. So how Given the similarity, how can DNA Evidence be helpful in solving a
do you attach that to the complaint? Of course, you need to replay, case, in finding a possible perpetrator? It’s pretty darn accurate. The
get screen shots out of it. That is what you attach. But that will not set of chromosomes in a cell makes up its genome; the human
really prove whether carnal knowledge was indeed under genome has approximately 3 billion base pairs of DNA arranged
scandalous circumstances. So, I was the one who presented the into 46 chromosomes. According to the FBI, the chance of
evidence, and the evidence was the video tape. So, there was a misidentification is one in a billion. No two persons have identical
question, “Your Honor, is there a need to present the evidence in DNA except with respect to identical twins. What is the rate of
court considering that it contains an obscene and indecent show? identical twins? The rate is 1 in 250. But would be difficult as to the
“But the court said, IN THE INTEREST OF JUSTICE, WE WILL entire population, one in a billion lang ang possibility of
WATCH THE VIDEO TAPE. So, all the lawyers, together with the misidentification.
judge, went to his chamber. We watched the videotape to determine
Where does this concept come from? The criminal
whether or not it is scandalous. J We are done with object
investigation that makes for example biological samples? It comes
evidence. Let us know a little bit about documentary evidence.
from this guy Edmund Locard.

Edmund Locard (1877-1966)

1:52:01 – 1:53:06 (Jennifer Lim)
He was a pioneer in forensic science who became known as the
Note: Chika lang gyud siya actually. Dili na relevant J Sherlock Holmes of France. He formulated the basic principle of
forensic science: “Every contact leaves a trace.” This became known
*Kanang inyong generation, puro gyud mo walay buot. Mao gyud as the Locard’s exchange principle.
nang difference sa inyong generation ug sa amoa. With the
exception of very few, who still belong to my generation. Be careful Another author used Locard’s Exchange Principle as:
of what you put out there. Pictures or videos of yourselves not
"Wherever he steps, whatever he touches, whatever he
knowing that you are doing a Katrina Halili. That’s brotherly
leaves, even without consciousness, will serve as a silent
witness against him. Not only his fingerprints or his
footprints, but his hair, the fibers from his clothes, the
glass he breaks, the tool mark he leaves, the paint he
JULY 19, 2018 scratches, the blood or semen he deposits or collects. All
of these and more, bear mute witness against him. This
00:00 -00:44 (Jennifer Lim) is evidence that does not forget. It is not confused by the
excitement of the moment. It is not absent because
We finished object evidence. For tonight, we will discuss something human witnesses are. It is factual evidence. Physical
that I have extensively written, DNA as Evidence in the Philippines. evidence cannot be wrong, it cannot perjure itself, it
First thing we need to know is that DNA is also object evidence as in cannot be wholly absent. Only human failure to find it,
the case of People vs. Lavapie and People vs. Alulod wherein study and understand it can diminish its value."
the Supreme Court said that it is the evidence of the highest order.
Why? Because it speaks for itself eloquently, more than a hundred So we are talking about here, physical or object evidence. Let’s now
witnesses. Such that when the object evidence runs counter to the discuss the academic side. What are the purposes of DNA
testimonial evidence of the case, it will always be the physical Evidence in the law? How can DNA Evidence be useful?
evidence that will prevail.
1. Identification (unidentified corpses in airplane crashes or
in mass graves, decomposed murder victims, for example.
What is DNA? DNA means deoxyribonucleic acid, which is the
You could take DNA samples and compare it in order to
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

2. Determination of parentage and pedigree (paternity and Between 1983 and 1986, two 15-year old girls were separately raped
maternity testing) and murdered. The modus operandi of the crimes was similar.
3. Criminal Investigation (which would the police in Semen samples obtained from the bodies revealed that there was
including or elimination of suspect by the police in only one assailant. The main suspect was Richard Buckland , a 17-
building a case). We are talking here about investigation. year-old youth with learning difficulties, who revealed knowledge of
one of the girls’ body, and admitted the second murder under
It can also be used by the prosecution in which DNA could help in questioning. But he denied the first murder.
convicting perpetrators of crimes as to exonerate individuals.
Making evidence necessary in inculpatory or exculpatory --- So the investigators wondered why would he deny the first and
Inculpatory meaning included; Exculpatory meaning you will be admit to doing the other crime wherein it was already established
excluded or exonerated as a suspect. So building a case would be through testing that there is only one assailant.
much easier when you have zeroed in a suspect
Having no solid lead on the crimes, investigators turned to Sir Alec
DNA CASES THROUGHOUT HISTORY Jeffreys. Jeffreys is a British geneticist, and the man credited for
developing techniques for DNA fingerprinting and DNA profiling
A. DNA for Identification: Josef Mengele a.k.a. The which are now used worldwide in forensic science to assist police
Angel of Death, a Nazi Officer during WWII. detective work and to resolve paternity and immigration disputes.

Mengele was so morbid. He was a notorious member of the team of Jeffreys compared semen samples from both murders against blood
doctors responsible for the selection of victims to be killed in the gas sample from Buckland which conclusively proved that both girls
chambers and for performing deadly human experiments on were killed by the same man, but not Buckland. Historically
prisoners (mostly the Jews). The dark history here when Hitler who speaking, Buckland became the first suspect in the world to be
is probably the most disturbed that he had divisions working for exonerated by the use of DNA evidence.
him precisely to conduct experiments.
The police then undertook an investigation in which 5,000 local
His experiments: men were asked to volunteer blood or saliva samples. Swabbing is
this big cottonbud used to collect saliva. This took six months, and
1. Twin boy toddlers were sewn together so Mengele could no matches were found.
investigate how Siamese twins behaved.
2. Twin girls were forced to have sex with a pair of male Then, in 1987, the police discovered that one man, Colin Pitchfork
twins and, if they got pregnant, kill them and remove the had paid his co-worker to give a DNA sample while posing as him.
embryos for study. After collecting a DNA sample from Pitchfork, the authorities were
3. In another case, one twin was infected with TB then both able to make a positive match with the semen samples. He was the
were killed so Mengele could observe the different first person to be convicted because of DNA Evidence. He was
pathology. sentenced to life imprisonment and concurrent terms for rape and
When Germany fell, Mengele fled and eluded capture for a long
What I’m trying to say is as early as 1984, the use of DNA as
time. There were many alleged sightings of him up to 1985. It was
evidence in cases had been accepted internationally. What about us
important for nations that Mengele was brought to justice. Until the
in the Philippines?
1990’s, this was still an issue as something had to be done. This
happened in the World War 2 which ended in 1945. As early as 1995, there was a mention of DNA evidence in the case of
People vs. Teehankee, Jr.
In 1969, a man named Wolfgang Gerhard drowned in Brazil and
was buried there. Blood specimens from Mengele’s wife and son PEOPLE vs. TEEHANKEE, JR. (Oct. 6, 1995)
were used to reconstitute Mengele’s DNA pattern. In 1992, the
remains of Gerhard were confirmed to be those of Mengele. Thus, This case if about the murder of a certain Maureen Goldman. It
ended the painful chapter of human history. became known in the country for the reason that Teehankee Jr. was
the son of the Chief Justice, Claudio Teehanke Sr.
B. For Determination of Parentage and Pedigree:
The Russian Imperial Romanov Family
The appellant was convicted of murder on the testimony of three
eyewitnesses, the Supreme Court stated as an obiter dictum that
They were the last imperial Romanov family. Their king was called “while eyewitness identification is significant, it is not as accurate
Tsar. After the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, deposed Tsar and authoritative as the scientific forms of identification such as the
Nicholas II, his wife and five children were executed by the fingerprint or DNA testing”.
Bolshevik Troops upon orders of Lenin on July 17, 1918.
Facts: In 1991, 3 separate criminal cases were filed against accused
They were all buried in unmarked graves for fear of desecration.
Claudio Teehankee, Jr. Accused relied on the defense of denial and
Why? Kung imo na silang ibutang dira, it would cause revolution.
alibi. Accused claimed that during the shooting incident, he was not
Maybe the supporters would did them up or use them as a rallying
anywhere near the scene of the crime, but in his house in Pasig.
cry; if you are against the imperial family, you could dig them up
Ruling: The accused was convicted on the strength of
and use them for parade or something like that. Rumors persisted,
thetestimonies of 3 eyewitnesses who positively identified him as
however, that the youngest daughter, Anastasia had survived and
the gunman.
escaped Russia. Survival of a member of the Royal family could have
been used as a rallying point by those loyal to the Royal Family and
at the same time anti-Bolshevik groups to depose the new
In a way, the Supreme Court is making a hierarchy. We may have
communist regime. There’s a Messianic factor to it.
eyewitness identification but it is not as accurate, our memories are
In 1920, however, a woman named Anna Anderson surfaced in actually subjective and selective. There’s a possibility of a flawed
Germany claiming to be “lost” Romanov heiress, Anastasia. A lot of identification process. The Supreme Court said naa pa mas reliable
people were convinced because of the actual similarities. ani. It could be DNA evidence or finger printing. But, 2 years later in
a paternity dispute in the case of Pe Lim vs CA.
In 1991, the bones of the Romanov family were discovered and
verified through DNA matching with a relative, Prince Philip,
husband of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.

By that time, Ann Anderson was already dead. A sample of

Anderson’s tissue, part of her intestine removed during her
operation in 1979, had been stored at Martha Jefferson Hospital,
Charlottesville, Virginia. Anderson’s mitochondrial DNA was
extracted from the sample and compared with that of the Romanovs
and their relatives.

It did not match that of the Duke of Edinburgh or that of the bones,
confirming that Anderson was not related to the Romanovs. In
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

PE LIM vs. CA (GR No. 112229, Mar. 18, 1997) Decided a few months after Penaso. This is a case for robbery with
homicide. Accused-appellant SPO1 Bernie Jamon Faustino of the
DNA, being a relatively new science, it has not as yet been accorded crime of robbery with homicide and sentenced him to suffer the
official recognition by our courts. Paternity will still have to be resolved extreme penalty of death.
by such conventional evidence as the relevant incriminating acts, verbal
and written, by the putative father. In an obiter, the SC revisited Teehankee stated that: “An eyewitness
identification, which authors not infrequently would describe to be
Facts: In 1978, the petitioner Raymond Lim and respondent Maribel ‘inherently suspect,’ is not as accurate and authoritative as the
Cruz fist met in a club. In January 1982, Maribel gave birth to their scientific forms of identification evidence like by fingerprint or by
daughter. Towards the latter part of 1983, Maribel noticed that the DNA testing.”
petitioner’s feeling towards her started to wane. He even insinuated
that he was not the father of the child considering the nature of
Maribel’s work as an entertainer.. So unsa man jud, Supreme Court? In Faustino, it said na better ang
DNA testing than witness identification. In the previous case of
Penaso, it need not be belaboured. The SC is actually flip-flopping
Ruling: Article 172 (2) states “An admission of legitimate filiation in a here.
public document or a private handwritten instrument and signed by the
parents.” He is the father of the child since he executed all
(GR No. 125901, March 8, 2001)
responsibilities which undeniably showed concern of a legitimate
father such as payment of hospital bill, causing the registration of the
child using his surname and lastly the lines in his letters which much The Supreme Court, for the first time, opened the possibility of
love and concern to Maribel and their daughter. admitting DNA as evidence of parentage. The Court issued a writ of
habeas corpus against respondent who abducted petitioner’s
youngest son. Testimonial and documentary evidence and physical
resemblance were used to establish parentage.

However, the SC noted: “Parentage will still be resolved using

conventional methods unless we adopt the modern and scientific
ways available. Fortunately, we have now the facility and expertise
in using DNA test for identification and parentage testing. The
University of the Philippines Natural Science Research Institute
(UP-NSRI) DNA Analysis Laboratory has now the capability to
conduct DNA typing using short tandem repeat (STR) analysis. The
analysis is based on the fact that the DNA of a child/person has two
SC is saying relatively new evidence na diba 1980’s naa na man? (2) copies, one copy from the mother and the other from the father.
Here we go in 1997, delayed by a few years, saying that it is The DNA from the mother, the alleged father and child are analyzed
relatively new. This paternity case held against the putative father. to establish parentage.
The Supreme Court is hesitant to consider DNA testing as in the
resolution of the case and the same hesitancy is in Andal vs. Of course, being a novel scientific technique, the use of DNA test as
People. evidence is still open to challenge. Eventually, as the appropriate
case comes, courts should not hesitate to rule on the admissibility of
ANDAL vs PEOPLE DNA evidence. For it was said, that courts should apply the results
(GR No. 138268, May 26, 1999) of science when competently obtained in aid of situations presented,
since to reject said result is to deny progress. Though it is not
Facts: There are three gang rapists here. After being convicted of necessary in this case to resort to DNA testing, in future it would be
rape and sentenced to the death penalty, the accused proposed a useful to all concerned in the prompt resolution of parentage and
novel request for DNA testing as a means to reverse their identity issues.”
conviction. If the testing proved negative, they propose that they
should be acquitted. Facts: Edgardo and Bienvenida Tijing filed a petition for habeas
corpus in order to recover their youngest child, Edgardo Jr., whom
Held: The issue of DNA as a more accurate and authoritative means they did not see for 4 years.
of identification than eye-witness identification need not be
belaboured. The accused were all properly and duly identified by the Ruling: The trial court was correct in its judgment based on the
prosecutions principal witness Olimpio Corales, a brother in law of evidence established by the parents and by the witness who is the
accused Jurry and Ricardo Andal. brother of the late common-law husband of Angelita. Furthermore,
DNA testing proposed by petitioners to have an objective and there are no clinical records, log book or discharge from the clinic
scientific basis of identification of semen samples to compare with where John Thomas was allegedly born were presented. Strong
those taken from the vagina of the victim are thus unnecessary or evidence directly proves that Thomas Lopez, Angela's "husband",
are forgotten evidence too late to consider now. was not capable of siring a child. Moreover, his first marriage
produced no offspring even after almost 15 years of living together
with his legal wife. His 14 year affair with Angelita also bore no
Let’s go back to Teehankee, where the SC actually held that DNA offspring.
evidence is superior. Yet, here in Andal the SC is saying na no need.
You were truly identified. In Teehankee diba it said eyewitness Trial court also observed several times that when the child and
identification is flawed. The SC here is saying no need for DNA. Bienvenida were both in court, the two had strong similarities in
their faces. Resemblance between a minor and his alleged parent is
PEOPLE vs. PENASO competent and material evidence to establish parentage. Lastly, the
GR No. 121980, Feb. 23, 2000 spouses presented clinical records and testimony of the midwife
who attended Bienvenida's childbirth.
Facts: In November 1989, Penaso allegedly raped his daughter’s
classmate. The victim became pregnant and gave birth on July 16,
1990 or eight months later. Take note, 8 months. After being So, the SC is warming up to the idea because we have the UP
convicted and on appeal to the Supreme Court, Penaso asked for laboratory that has the ability to perform testing of biological
DNA Testing to determine if he was really the father of the child he samples or DNA testing. The SC has recognized the ability of the
should be acquitted. Philippines. In 2002, the SC has used DNA evidence to convict the
accused beyond reasonable doubt in the case of Vallejo.
Held: SC said Pregnancy is not an element of rape. The issue of
"DNA tests" as a more accurate and authoritative means of PEOPLE vs. VALLEJO
identification than eye-witness identification need not be belabored. (May 9, 2002)
The accused was properly and duly identified by the prosecutions
principal witness. Facts: Vallejo was charged with raping and murdering a 9-year-old
child. The victim’s DNA samples from the bloodstained clothes of
the accused were admitted in evidence. Also, the DNA profile from
In other words, the SC is echoing Andal being that pregnancy is not the vaginal swabs taken from the rape victim matched the accused’s
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

person’s DNA profile is distinct and unique. which examines genetic codes obtained from body cells of the
illegitimate child and any physical residue of the long dead parent
When a crime is committed, material is collected from the scene of could be resorted to. A positive match would clear up filiation or
the crime or from the victim’s body for the suspects DNA. This is the paternity. In Tijing vs. Court of Appeals, this Court has
evidence sample. The evidence sample is then matched with the acknowledged the strong weight of DNA testing.”
reference sample taken from the suspect and the victim.

The purpose of DNA testing is to ascertain whether an association PEOPLE vs. MOJELLO
exists between the evidence sample and the reference sample. The (GR No. 145566, Mar. 9, 2004)
samples collected are subjected to various chemical processes to
establish their profile. The cause of death as cardio-respiratory arrest due to asphyxiation
and physical injuries; she was strangled to death and left on the
The DNA test may yield THREE possible results: seashore as manifested by the frothing in her lungs. No physical,
1. EXCLUSION. The samples are different and therefore scientific or DNA evidence was presented to pinpoint appellant as
must have originated from different sources. This the person who killed the victim. Thus, appellant cannot be
conclusion is absolute and requires no further analysis or convicted of rape with homicide considering the insufficiency of
discussion; evidence which thereby created a reasonable doubt as to his guilt for
2. INCONCLUSIVE. It is not possible to be sure, based on the said special complex crime.
the results of the test, whether the samples have similar
DNA types. This might occur for a variety of reasons Appellant should instead be held liable only for the crime of
including degradation, contamination, or failure of some statutory rape, the victim Lenlen Rayco then eleven years old.
aspect of the protocol. Various parts of the analysis might
then be repeated with the same or a different sample, to
obtain a more conclusive result; or Walay DNA then eh, so we cannot convict him for the complex
3. INCLUSION. The samples are similar, and could have crime. Of course, we have the case of People vs. Yatar.
originated from the same source. In such a case, the
samples are found to be similar, the analyst proceeds to People vs. Yatar
determine the statistical significance of the similarity.
Facts: Yatar was accused of committing rape with homicide against
In assessing the probative value of DNA evidence, therefore, courts victim Kathylyn. DNA testing of the sperm specimen from the
should consider, among others things, the following data: vagina of the victim was of identical semen. Yatar questions the
• How the samples were collected; 
 giving of much weight to the evidence presented by the prosecution
notwithstanding their doubtfulness.
• How they were handled; 

• The possibility of contamination of the samples; 
• The procedure followed in analyzing the samples, whether
the proper standards and procedures were
followed in § Evidence is relevant when it relates directly to a fact in
conducting the tests issue as to induce belief in its existence or non-existence.
• The qualification of the analyst who conducted the tests. 
 § Pertinent evidence based on scientifically valid principles
could be used as long as it was relevant and reliable.
§ Evidence is relevant when it relates directly to a fact in
After this case, the SC has a changing tide. There was a long period issue as to induce belief in its existence or non-existence
of hesitation. The Supreme Court has had a series of flip-flopping.
In one case, saying eyewitness identification is enough then in
another saying that it is not reliable. The Supreme Court has now Yatar was convicted of the crime of rape and homicide. DNA from
begun to ask for DNA Evidence as means for prosecution. the vagina had sperm specimen, was a positive match to that of the
appellant. We have discussed Yatar in object evidence and said that
PEOPLE vs. JANSON object evidence is not free from any type of compulsion,
(GR No. 125938, April 4, 2003) but only against testimonial compulsion. The process of
extracting from the lips of the accused-- his guilt. But, it does not
Facts: This case involves a complex crime of rape with homicide. In apply to mechanical acts.
1995, RTC of Cotabato ruled that the appellants were guilty of the
crime of robbery with rape, and sentencing each of them to the Yatar also tells us about international precedence, the admission of
penalty of Reclusion Perpetua, and ordering them to scientific techniques in resolving a case. For example, in Daubert.
pay P30,000.00 and P10,000.00 in favor of Marites Alcantara and
Cesario Alcantara In Daubert v. Merrell Dow, it was ruled that pertinent evidence
based on scientifically valid principles could be used as long as it
Ruling: The SC acquitted the accused charged with rape for lack of was relevant and reliable. Judges, under Daubert, were allowed
evidence because “doubts persisted in our mind as to who were the greater discretion over which testimony they would allow at trial,
real malefactors. Yes, a complex offense had been perpetrated but including the introduction of new kinds of scientific techniques.
who were the perpetrators? How we wish we had DNA or other DNA typing is one such novel procedure.
scientific evidence to still our
doubts!” Under Philippine law, evidence is relevant when it relates directly to
a fact in issue as to induce belief in its existence or non-
SC: “ After due reflection and deliberation, we still find difficulty in existence. Applying the Daubert test to the case at bar, the DNA
sustaining the trial courts conclusion regarding appellants guilt evidence obtained through PCR testing and utilizing STR analysis,
because of inconclusive identification. Doubts persist in our mind and which was appreciated by the court a quo is relevant and
as to who are the real malefactors. Yes, a complex offense has been reliable since it is reasonably based on scientifically valid principles
perpetrated, but who are the perpetrators? How we wish we had of human genetics and molecular biology.
DNA or other scientific evidence to still our doubts! But we have
only uncertain testimonies to rely on. It is only when the
conscience is satisfied that the persons on trial are the ones who Pay particular attention in the case of Yatar of the defenses raised, it
committed the offense that the judgment should be for has also cited the right against self-incrimination and the right to
conviction. Only when there is proof beyond reasonable doubt can remain silent under Article 3 of the Constitution.
we be certain that, after trial, only those responsible should be
made answerable. The evidence for the prosecution must stand or
fall on its own merit and cannot be allowed to draw strength from
44:01 – 1:00 (Gillian Grancho)
the weakness of the evidence for the defense.
TECSON vs COMELEC 1st argument: Yatar contends that the blood sample taken from him
(March 3, 2004) as well as the DNA tests were conducted in violation of his right to
This was the case that determined the eligibility of FPJ to run as remain silent as well as his right against self-incrimination
president of the Philippines. There was an issue of filiation. All that
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

accused an admission of guilt. It does not apply where the I know something better than a lie detector test – a woman’s
evidence sought to be excluded is not an incrimination but intuition. I don’t know why, when I lie to my wife, she will know.
as part of object evidence.” Mayo na lang I don’t lie.

We ruled in PEOPLE V RONDERO that although accused- The standard therefore in Frye is simply general
appellant insisted that hair samples were forcibly taken from him acceptance.
and submitted to the National Bureau of Investigation for forensic
examination, the hair samples may be admitted in evidence against • If a procedure is generally accepted, then we don’t have a
him, for what is proscribed is the use of testimonial problem anymore. The court will accept that, it will receive
compulsion or any evidence communicative in nature expert testimony and accord it proper probative value or
acquired from the accused under duress. weight.
Hence, a person may be compelled to submit to • If a procedure is not generally accepted, evidence obtained
fingerprinting, photographing, paraffin, blood and DNA, using this procedure would be inadmissible.
as there is no testimonial compulsion involved
In a way, this is echoed in: PE LIM vs. CA (GR No. 112229, Mar.
What are we talking about here?
18, 1997)
• Purely physical or mechanical acts
DNA, being a relatively new science, it has not as yet been accorded
Like obtaining pubic hair, there’s no compulsion here involved. The official recognition by our courts. Paternity will still have to be
hair does not testify, unless sponsored by a person, dili lang resolved by such conventional evidence as the relevant
gihapon. It has to be analyzed pa, you’re not forced to make incriminating acts, verbal and written, by the putative father.
confession of guilt.

2nd argument: Yatar further argues that the DNA tests conducted DAUBERT TEST
by the prosecution against him are unconstitutional on the ground
that resort thereto is tantamount to the application of an ex-post The US Supreme Court expanded the “general acceptance test” and
facto law. said that trial judges have the role of “gatekeeper” to ensure
“that any and all scientific testimony or evidence admitted
That’s novel, if you really thought about it. But the SC said that is not only relevant, but reliable.”
argument is specious. No ex-post facto law is involved in the
case at bar. The science of DNA typing involves the admissibility, The Court stated that the trial judge should determine whether the
relevance and reliability of the evidence obtained under the Rules of reasoning and methodology is “scientifically valid” and whether
Court. Whereas an ex-post facto law refers primarily to a question of “that reasoning properly can be applied to the facts in issue.”
law, DNA profiling requires a factual determination of the probative
weight of the evidence presented. Dili lang gihapon sya ex-post facto Who among you here will agree that smoking kills?
That it is addictive and can cause a variety of diseases? How could
Take note: you prove that in court?

1. DNA Testing in court cases involves a scientific procedure. The Is there a study by experts whether nationally or internationally
testimony tending to interpret the results of such scientific which categorically tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that
procedure would necessarily be rendered by experts. smoking is addictive and can cause a variety of diseases and
eventually death?
Remember ha, this is a scientific technique that the courts do
not have competence on. Do you expect the courts to just Tobacco companies will have the resources to hire contrary experts
understand it without the aid of expert testimony? to tell you that it’s not the smoking which caused death but
something else. So nothing is definitive. It’s an open secret but
You will know later on, under Rule 130, that the expert nobody will officially that in open court. Nobody will also admit that
testimony is an exception of the opinion rule. You already smoking kills and say that for the record. The cases involving expert
know that our courts and tribunals are courts of law and not of testimonies will not prosper because tobacco companies will just
science or medicine. So walay alam atong korte ana. settle and keep the records closed.
2. In American jurisprudence, there are tests to determine
That’s where the Daubert test should have come in . Trial judges
admissibility of scientific/expert evidence.
should be gatekeepers.
I want you to remember these tests:
Confronted with the scientific duel, it is the duty of the judges to
ensure that such scientific evidence is not only relevant but
• The Frye Test (Frye vs. United States, 293 F. 1013, 1014
[D. C. Cir. 1923])

• The Daubert Test (Daubert vs. Merrell Dow Four Daubert Factors:
Pharmaceuticals, 509 U.S. 579 S.Ct. 2786 [1993]) and
later on expanded in Kumho Tire vs. Carmichael, 526 U.S. • whether a theory or technique can, or has been, tested;
137, 119 S.Ct. 1167 (1999) • whether it has been subjected to peer review and
• in respect to a particular technique, the known or
Ngano gina pa assign sa inyo? It’s because the courts have potential rate of error and the existence or maintenance
already cited these cases. Kailangan nato na sya tun an of standards controlling the technique’s operation; and
• whether the theory or technique enjoys general
acceptance within a relevant scientific community.

Scientific evidence is admissible if it was based on a scientific Remember that in the case of Frye, the SC’s standard there is simply
technique generally accepted as reliable in the scientific general acceptance, but in the case of Daubert, ang iyang standard
community. Expert testimony was admitted simply by virtue of na is based on relevancy and reliability. In a way, the Daubert
the expert’s credentials, experience, skill and reputation. Any test factors in the Frye test and is more comprehensive between the
deficiencies or flaws in the expert’s conclusions would be exposed two tests
through cross-examination.
Kumho expanded the application of the Daubert test not only to
Applying this rule, Frye court refused to admit testimony based on cover scientific knowledge but also technological or technical
an early lie detector (polygraph) test reasoning that lie detector knowledge.
testing had not gained general scientific acceptance or recognition
at that time and even until now. The results of lie detector test are Take note:
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

is relevant to the fact in issue and is not otherwise excluded by the as a result of rape. Denied by the Supreme Court, DNA had the DNA
law or the Rules of court. test conducted independently. Okay?! The result? He is not the
father of Aileen’s child. Okay? Now, De Villa filed a petition for
But, even if neither is controlling on Phlilppine law, it bears to habeas corpus and asked for a new trial on the ground of newly
mention that Yatar seems to approve Daubert. Diba gina mentiones discovered evidence. He’s not asking for a reversal of conviction.
niya ang factors ni Daubert. He’s only saying that given this information that I am not the father
of Aileen’s child, I ought to be served at least a new trial. Receive
Take note however, that Daubert was applied that evidence so I can prove my innocence. Okay? It makes sense
right? Here the Supreme Court said the petition involves the remedy
- to determine the weight, meaning probative value, of habeas corpus to seek a re-examination of the records without
katooha ba, believability of evidence asserting any legal grounds therefore. So, the Supreme Court now is
- not the admissibility trying to be technical about it. Ginaingon sa Supreme Court, kung
mu-file ka ug habeas corpus to secure your provisional liberty in the
Let’s go to another case, meantime tapos magtrial ta, what’s your ground? What specific
ground did you allege? The Supreme Court is being technical. For all
CABATANIA vs. CA (GR No. 124814, Oct. 21, 2004)
intents and purposes, petitioner seeks a re-evaluation of the
Florencia Regodos was employed as the househelp of Camelo evidentiary basis for his conviction. They are being asked to re-
Cabatania. It was while working there as a maid that, on January 2, examine the weight and sufficiency of the evidence in this case not
1982, Camelo brought her to Bacolod City where they checked in at on its own but in the light of new DNA evidence that the petitioner
the Visayan Motel and had sexual intercourse. (Gi trip pa jud niya, seeks to present in this Court. This relief it outside the scope of
ka sweet) habeas corpus petition which applies only in case of denial of
constitutional right. The petition for habeas corpus must therefore
Camelo promised to support her if she got pregnant. Florencia fail.
claimed she discovered she was carrying Camelo’s child 27 days
after their sexual encounter. The child was born in September 1982 Technical but kita na nagtanaw, si Devilla is not the father of the
or eight months later. (it’s already the second case, basi nay pattern) child. Now, remember one case we’ve discussed earlier where the SC
said that pregnancy is not an element of rape. True, it’s the mere
Florencia, on behalf of her son, filed petition for recognition and touching of the female lavia would be enough to consummate rape.
support. The trial court ruled that: “In view of the evidence Isn’t it a fact that the complaint here, they alleged directly
presented by the plaintiff, the Court finds the evidence of the pregnancy as a result of rape and therefore kung ang contention sa
plaintiff to be meritorious; defendant admitted having a sexual prosecutor kay if not for the rape, Aileen would not have gotten
intercourse with the plaintiff’s mother, Florencia Regodos, but pregnant. That contention necessarily fails when he is able to prove
denied paternity to the child. The child was presented before the that he is not the father.
Court, and if the Court is to decide this case, based on the personal
appearance of the child, then there can never be a doubt that the How did the SC defeat his claim? By saying that mali ang habeas
plaintiff-minor is the child of the defendant.” corpus na remedy. It was improper remedy. That’s your SC
Sir: Chinese people for example, all look the same. Diba? Mag
paryente mana sila. How is it that rely on mere physical The issue of paternity is not central to the issue of …. The rape of the
resemblance? To my mind, that’s really problematic. Can you victim is an entirely different question, separate and distinct from
confuse one Indian from another? You can. the question of a father of a child. The fact of the victim’s pregnancy
and the resulting child birth are irrelevant in determining whether
Held: In this age of genetic profiling and deoxyribonucleic or not she’s raped. Pregnancy is not an essential element of the
acid (DNA) analysis, the extremely subjective test of crime of rape. Therefore, the DNA evidence has failed to conclusive
physical resemblance or similarity of features will not prove to this Court that Devilla should be discharged although
suffice as evidence to prove paternity and filiation before petitioner claims that the conviction was based solely on the finding
the courts of law. of the paternity of the child. This is not the case. Our conviction is
based on clear and convincing testimonial evidence of the victim
Private respondent’s petition for recognition and support is which was given credence by the trial court was affirmed.
We will revisit this case of Devilla later on. There’s more to this case
In this case, the SC placed a premium on using more accurate than meets the eye.
methods of determining paternity and filiation other than physical
resemblance. Now, Herrera vs Alba, June 15, 2005. Now, petitioner here
raises the issue of whether a DNA test is a valid probative tool in
IN RE: DE VILLA (GR No. 158802, Nov. 17, 2004) this jurisdiction to determine the …. Petitioner asks for conditions at
which DNA technology can be taken in our judicial system and the
The Supreme Court convicted De Villa by final judgment of raping prerequisites for the admissibility of DNA evidence in paternity
his niece Aileen. The judgment made reference to the fact that it was suits. Petitioner further submits that the appellant court may abuse
the act of rape that got the niece pregnant and for here to its discretion by authorizing the trial court to embark on a new
consequently bear a child. procedure to determine filiation despite the absence of legislation to
ensure its reliability and integrity. One of the official recognition as
So, the information, the criminal complaint here stated very well made clear in Delima vs CA, in the presence of the legal and
that “ tungod kay gi rape ni De Villa iyang pagumangkon na si technical constraints in the implementation. Petitioner maintains
Aileen, nabuntis siya. Kung wala sya gi rape, dili na mabuntis” that the proposed DNA paternity testing violates his right against
self-incrimination. Now to my mind, if you look at the last argument
of the petitioner Herrera here, he’s saying that it would violate his
right against self-incrimination. But you need to remember that this
1:00:00 – 1:16:00 (Kemarie Manligoy) is not a criminal case. In that alone, pataka lang. This is not a
criminal case so why are you talking about incrimination here?! But
Tungod kay gi-rape ni De Villa ang iyang pag-umangkon na si
again, he raises the same arguments as raised before in People vs
Aileen, nabuntis siya. Kung wala siya gi-rape, dili siya mabuntis. So,
Yatar and the SC said that despite our relatively liberal rules on
if you ask me, that is a matter that the prosecution should prove. It
admissibility, the Trial court should be cautious in giving credence
is in a way an element of the accusation. He was saying rape; got
to DNA analysis as evidence. We reiterate our statement in the … vs
pregrant. Were it not for the fact that she was raped, she would not
Vallejo that in assessing probative value of DNA evidence, court
have gotten pregnant. That’s the reason right? Now, since it was
should consider how the samples were collected, how they were
never alleged that Aileen gave birth to a full term nine month old
handled, the possibility of contaminating, the procedure followed in
baby, the Supreme Court gave credence to the prosecution’s
analyzing the samples, whether proper standards and procedures
contention that she prematurely gave birth again to an 8 old month
were followed in conducting the tests and the qualification of the
baby by normal delivery.
analyst who conducted the test. It is not enough that the child’s
DNA profile matches that of the putative father. A complete match
between the DNA profile of the child and the profile of the putative
You know, I tend to get paranoid when I see patterns. How many father does not necessarily establish paternity. For this reason, trial
cases now where the alleged carnal knowledge or rape produce an court should require at least 99.9% as the minimum value of the
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

Anything less than that should result in an exclusion or at least an right must be accompanied by proper safeguards that enhance
inconclusive result. W is a numerical estimate for the likelihood of public service and the common good.
paternity of a putative father compared to the probability of a
random match to unrelated individuals. An appropriate reference Historically, it has mostly been in the areas of legality of searches
population database such as the Philippine population database is and seizures, and the infringement of privacy of communication
required to compute for W. Due to the probabilistic nature of where the constitutional right to privacy has been critically at
paternity inclusions, W will never be 100%. However, the W issue.
estimates is higher when the putative father or mother of the child
are subjected to DNA analysis compared to those conducted of the Petitioner’s case involves neither. His hollow invocation of his
putative father and the child. DNA analysis that excludes the constitutional rights elicits no sympathy here for the simple reason
putative father from paternity should be conclusive proof of non- that they are not in any way being violated. If, in a criminal case,
paternity. If the the value of W is less than 99.9%, the results of an accused whose very life is at stake can be compelled to submit to
DNA analysis should be considered as corroborative evidence only. DNA testing, we see no reason why, in this civil case, petitioner
Diba we explained this? herein who does not face such dire consequences cannot be ordered
to do the same.
What’s the difference between corroborative evidence and
cumulative evidence? Corroborative lang siya. If the value of W is Three cases: People vs. Yatar, Herrera vs. Alba, and now the case of
99.9% or higher then there is refutable presumption of paternity. Agustin vs. CA.
So, it’s disputable. It can still be refuted or rebutted by contrary
proof. This refutable presumption should be subjected to the What’s the end result? What is the postulate that we need to
Vallerosa case, the one that we’ve discussed. remember? DNA testing can be compelled whether in criminal cases
or paternity suits.
Now, this to my mind a very important case, Herrera vs Alba
because this W and the values assigned by the SC ultimately found Now, People vs. Macapal (July 2005):
their way into the rules on evidence. As in the same, 99.9% or
higher. It’s like the SC copied verbatim from the case of Herrera vs The Accused was prosecuted for allegedly raping a 23-year-old
Alba. mental retardate. She got pregnant and bore a child. Macapal was
convicted by the trial court. On appeal, Macapal argued that he was
And? What about self-incrimination? Section 17 Article III of the deprived of his right to fully defend himself in light of the trial
1987 constitution provides that no person shall be compelled to be a court's denial of his 'MOTION FOR DNA TEST’ wherein he raised,
witness against himself. Petitioner asserts that obtaining samples as main issue, whether he fathered the victim's child. Once again,
for DNA testing violates his right against self-incrimination. Macapal supposes that, if he is not the father of the child, he is not
Petitioner ignores earlier pronouncements that the privilege is guilty of the rape which led to the victim’s pregnancy and
applicable only to testimonial evidence. subsequent childbirth. The Supreme Court took the same stance it
had in Penaso and De Villa and ruled that:
Now, let’s try to summarize so far the two cases that to my mind are
important for now. Both of them referring to right against self-
The identity of the father of a rape victim's child is non-issue in a
incrimination. The first case is People vs Yatar where the Supreme
charge for rape, the impregnation of the victim not being an
Court here said that an accused in a criminal case may be compelled
element of the offense.
to undergo drug testing, drug typing, fingerprinting, paraffin testing
to determine guilt or innocence without violating Section 17 Article
More importantly, it should be pointed out that these consolidated
3 of the 1987 Constitution or the right against self-incrimination.
cases are criminal cases for rape, not civil actions for paternity or
Why? These are purely physical or mechanical acts.
filiation. The identity of the father of the victim's child is a non-
issue. Even her pregnancy is beside the point. What matters is the
occurrence of the sexual assault committed by appellant on the
Now, let’s relate that to the case of Herrera vs Alba. How does that person of the victim on four separate occasions.
apply or what is the moral lesson that we could learn? That in Appellant's act of committing, along with his parents, in the
criminal cases, there can be compulsory DNA testing. That’s Agreement forged with the victim while the case was on
precisely what the SC said. Pwede ka pugson na muhatag ug preliminary investigation before the Prosecutor's Office 'to
biological sample because anyway, it does not violate any shoulder one-half (1/2) of the expenses to be incurred by [the
constitutional right and now, by necessary implication, the case of victim] . . . in connection with the delivery of her child is the coup
Herrera vs Alba would also therefore be the sufficient basis to de grace that dissipates any nagging doubts on his guilt.
compel DNA testing or the giving of biological samples in paternity
cases. So kung pwede kang i-compel in criminal cases, that’s People So sa ibang kaso, fathers are scared of DNA testing. But here,
vs Yatar. Kung pwede ka i-compel in paternity suits, that’s Herrera Macapal is asking for it but was denied by the trial court. What’s the
vs Alba. You can’t refuse anymore. You can be compelled. effect?
The identity of the father of a rape victim's child is non-issue in a
charge for rape, the impregnation of the victim not being an
element of the offense.
1:16:01-1:28:18 (Lara Delos Santos)
Pila na ni na kaso? Kadaghan na wherein the SC is saying that in
By necessary implication, the case of Herrerra vs Alba, shall be the rape cases, pregnancy is not an element of the offense. Wala siya’y
sufficient basis to compel DNA testing or the giving of biological apil. It’s simply carnal knowledge.
samples in paternity cases.
But in my mind man gud, it’s very simple. Somebody raped
So kung pwede ka icompare in criminal cases, that’s People vs. someone. There is a biological sample. He left semen in the vagina
Yatar. Kung pwede ka icompel in paternity suits, that’s Herrera vs. of the victim. Don’t you think it’s more towards determining the
Alba. guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt if the accused is given
the ability to eliminate himself as the source of the biological sample
Now, Agustin vs. Court of Appeals (July 2005): left in the body of the victim. To my mind, is that not enough
reasonable doubt? Specially so if the prosecution alleges that it is
The petitioner in this case would not submit to DNA testing to the very rape that caused the victim to be pregnant.
determine paternity on the ground that to undertake it against his
will would violate his right to privacy and right against self- O let’s say wala nabuntis. He just left the semen inside. During trial,
incrimination. In the same manner as it was held to be in Herrera doesn’t he have the right to have himself tested to determine if iyaha
vs. Alba. And here the SC said, now confirming what is said in ba jud tong semilia. Why are courts reluctant? And why would the
Herrera vs. Alba, that compulsory DNA testing is allowed in a courts be relying on eye witness identification rather than scientific
paternity suit. The Sc said: evidence?

Petitioner’s invocation of his right to privacy fails to persuade us. The truth of the matter is I cannot relate. I don’t handle rape cases.
In Ople v. Torres, where we struck down the proposed national But the student of the law in me would always question. Why is the
computerized identification system embodied in Administrative SC reluctant and rash in ruling that pregnancy is not an element of
Order No. 308, we said: the offense. When in fact, a negative DNA result would be enough
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

admission of guilt. At least in this case there is this justification but So what the SC is saying is that naay mga in-ani na kaso na pwede
in other cases, I don’t know. nato gamitan ng DNA and actually we take judicial notice of the fact
Now we have the case of People vs Rayles (July 2007): that this is a useful tool and is something that can be used to solve
Accused-appellant would have this Court credit him for having this kinds of disputes.
insisted that a DNA test be conducted on AAs daughter. He claims
that had he raped the victim and fathered her child, he would not Kay tinuod man gyud if she claims na atty cesar here is the father ,
have the nerve to challenge the result of a DNA test, as such dili sya mahadlok na adunay mga variants. Para sa kanya wala
procedure would definitely reveal whether he is the father or not. mahitabo na variants kay iyaha man jud na anak.

Pregnancy and the subsequent birth of her child are not elements There was np DNA testing that happened in this case. But, it’s
of the crime of rape. Moreover, non-paternity of the appellant, if enough for the SC to say na dili siya reluctant eh. He was confident
that be the case, will not necessarily negate the crime of rape as about it and you know all that is well, ends well. He eventually
positively proved and established by AAs credible testimony. There became a lawyer.
may or may not be conception after the commission of the crime of
rape because the offense may be consummated even without full So what was the key moment for him? He was so confident to have
penetration or even complete ejaculation on the part of the the DNA test but the mother didn’t want to.
assailant. We have time and again stressed that among the most
important consideration in a rape case is the credible testimony of So after 12 years of cases involving DNA evidence, the Supreme
the victim. We have repeatedly held that when a woman says she Court finally came up with the rule on dna evidence and
had been raped, her declaration alone is all that is necessary to promulgated A.M. No. 06-11-5-SC (2 October 2007), or the
show that she had indeed been raped and her sole testimony is RULE ON DNA EVIDENCE, which took effect on October 15,
sufficient if it satisfies the exacting standard of credibility needed 2007.
to convict the accused.
Let’s now go to the provisions…
The accused here is actually bluffing the court. “I’m not afraid of
DNA testing. Sige, magpa DNA ako. Pag positive di man nako ideny Section 1 provides that the rule “shall apply whenever DNA
ba. Pag negative, eh di wala koy sala.” The SC is adamant in saying evidence, as defined in Section 3 hereof, is offered, used, or
that “pregnancy is not an element of rape.” proposed to be offered or used as evidence in all criminal and civil
actions as well as special proceedings.”

JULY 25, 2018 In Criminal Actions

00:00:01-00:10:00 (Lara Delos Santos) DNA evidence can be used in criminal actions involving unlawful
killings such as parricide, murder, homicide, and infanticide.
The first thing I’d like to discuss with you tonight is something that
you might relate to. It’s…. So if you are charged with murder for example and then you are
accused of killing your child or your parent, so that would be
IN RE: Petition to take the 1999 Bar Exams parricide or infanticide. So you can deny “di mana nako paryente. Di
mana nako papa.” So it can’t be parricide.
A bar candidate by the name of Julius Cesar passed the 1999 Bar
Examinations but was not allowed to take the lawyer’s oath. A DNA evidence can perhaps be useful to establish relationship, being
Letter-Complaint was filed before the Office of the Bar Confidant either an element of the offense or a mitigating circumstance.
by a certain Tuesday Castro charging him with Immorality and
Grave Misconduct. Castro alleged that she and petitioner were Also, as we have already observed, many of the cases decided by the
former lovers that she bore him a son named Michael Angelo Supreme Court that refer to DNA evidence had been in rape cases as
Castro on May 5, 1999. The issue brought before the Supreme well, and kidnapping, and several cases as well.
Court was whether Cesar possesses the good moral character What about adultery? Remember adultery is committed by any
required to be admitted to the Philippine Bar. married woman who shall have sexual intercourse with a man not
her husband and by the man who has carnal knowledge of her
Complainant presented evidence tending to show that petitioner knowing her to be married, even if the marriage be subsequently
does not possess such character since he refused to give financial declared void.
support to a child he has legally acknowledged to be his own.
Suppose that, the offended husband may allege that his unfaithful
As expected, Cesar claimed otherwise. Aside from the allegation wife became pregnant by another man. DNA evidence can be used
that he was merely forced into acknowledging paternity of Michael, to establish that the child is not the husband’s and therefore, that
he wanted to remove first his reasonable doubts regarding the his wife had sexual intercourse with another man.
child’s paternity through DNA Testing. Cesar promised to abide
with the result of the DNA test and to give financial support as Dili man pwede immaculate conception. There has to be some doing
religiously as before, even more, if Michael was proved to be his with another man. It brings to mind the old case of VILLAFLOR
son. Strangely, however, Tuesday refused to undergo DNA testing. versus SUMMERS.

Hence, the Supreme Court ruled: Villaflor vs. Summers

We take judicial notice of the fact that DNA typing is fast Villaflor was charged with the crime of adultery. The trial court
becoming an important procedure not only in the field of medical judge ordered her to subject herself to a physical examination to
science but in criminal law and paternity disputes as well. see whether or not she was pregnant and thus determine the crime
of adultery being charged to her.
Considering the foregoing and the fact that petitioner promised to
abide by the result of the DNA test as well as to shoulder the She refused such physical examination, interposing the argument
expenses therefor, we find petitioner's proposal for a DNA testing that such examination was a violation of her right against self-
to be quite reasonable and complainant's aversion to the test incrimination. She was found in contempt of court and was
surprising. If her claim that petitioner fathered her child is really ordered to be committed to Bilibid Prison until she should permit
true, she has no reason to fear the result of the test for it would be the medical examination required by the court. In ruling against
another evidence in her favor. Moreover this case should be her contention, the Supreme Court declared that:
decided on a strong foundation of truth and justice rather than on
blind adherence to prima facie rules. The constitutional guaranty, that no person shall be compelled in
any criminal case to be a witness against himself, is limited to a
Finding the proposal of petitioner for DNA testing at his expense prohibition against compulsory testimonial self-incrimination.
to be fair and reasonable, unless the test is conducted and the An ocular inspection of the body of the accused is permissible.
results thereof submitted to this Court within forty-five (45) days
from notice hereof, the Court will be constrained to grant the Let us suppose that the husband was unable to copulate with the
petition of JULIUS R. CESAR to be allowed to take his oath as a wife, cannot have sex. Maybe he is impotent, basta there’s physical
lawyer and to be admitted to the Philippine Bar. impossibility for the husband to copulate with the wife. And then
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

against self-incrimination. And of course the SC said it is not part of object evidence and also characterize what DNA evidence is all
the prohibition. It is only limited to prohibition against compulsory about. We know it to be an object or physical evidence and based on
testimonial self-incrimination. the case of People vs Larapie, it’s evidence of the highest order.
It speaks more eloquently than a hundred witnesses according to
Again it is limited to mechanical acts. And we can apply that now to the Supreme Court. Object or physical evidence like hair, saliva,
DNA testing. Assuming, that a case with a similar factual milieu as bone and etc. A biological sample is an object evidence itself but
that of Villaflor vs. Summers would come about, it will not only be remember that while it is object or physical evidence, it is one that
ocular inspection of the body that would determine pregnancy. You can only be appreciated through the aid of expert testimony because
could also determine if the child was born out of this ilicit okay, the blood will not testify. The semen will not testify. So for all
relationship with another man. So how useful DNA is in this date of intents and purposes, you need to remember, expert evidence or
age. expert opinion, opinion evidence lang na siya which general rule,
under the rules of court, is generally not allowed. We are not
And we remember in the case of Agustin, DNA testing and its results allowed to give an opinion in court. The only opinion that matters in
and our ruling in Yatar are now similarly acceptable. court is the court’s opinion. So what we think about the matter
actually does not matter.
So we go back to our previous discussion, when we talk about
criminal actions, DNA testing can be compelled. It’s as simple as Remember also that object evidence does not lie and the expert, the
that. Why? Because it’s a purely physical and mechanical act. And if person who processes the DNA evidence, and testifies about it. So,
you remember the case of Herrera vs. Alba, the Supreme Court held object evidence by itself is reliable but the matter of collecting,
that if you can compel in a criminal case to give a DNA sample or a processing and preserving it may be prone to error. It is object
blood sample to undergo paraffin testing, etc., with all the more evidence that can only be appreciated by the aid of expert testimony.
reason that he can be compelled in a civil case where your liberty is
not actually in jeopardy. So, based on Section 2, we apply the Rules of Court suppletorily to
cases covered by the Rule on DNA evidence. As previously
10:01 to 20:00 (Kemarie L. Manligoy) mentioned, it includes Rule 130 Section 49 which talks about the
opinion of expert witnesses. So, if the opponent admits that the
If you remember the case of Herrera vs Alba, the SC also said that if witness is an expert, he can immediately proceed to his testimony
you can be compelled in a criminal case to give a DNA sample, or a and give his opinion. We don’t have a problem there. But if the
blood sample, to undergo paraffin test and so on, all the more opponent does not admit that the person testifying is an expert,
reason that you can be compelled in a civil case where your liberty is before he can testify, he must firstly qualify. That’s the process as to
not actually in jeopardy. So, pwede siya na ma-compel. Now, just a qualifying a witness. It means the act of proving that the witness is
little bit of cross-reference here regarding presumption of legitimacy an expert. This is done by making him testify through preliminary
that you can find in the various provisions of the civil code that questions as to his training, education and expertise. We’ll go to that
children born or conceived of a child during the marriage are when we reach Section 49. For now diha lang sa ta.
presumed legitimate. There’s always that bias by the law that favors
legitimacy children regardless of how … the circumstances can be. Let’s go to Section 3, definition of terms. I just want you to
remember what these terms are. No need to memorize. Okay?!
Now, Article 166, the legitimacy of a child may be impugned only on What is a sample, DNA, DNA evidence, DNA profile or the genetic
the following grounds like no. 2 that for biological or scientific information derived from DNA testing of a biological sample
reasons, the child could not have been that of the husband except in obtained from a person which biological sample is clearly
the instance provided in the 2nd paragraph of Article 164 which talks identifiable as originating from that of the person. And DNA testing,
about artificial insemination. So, biological or scientific reasons. what is the meaning? A verified, credible and scientific method
What could be a better scientific reason that based on the DNA which includes the extraction of a DNA profile of a sample, the
evidence, the child could not have been fathered by the husband. So, generation of DNA profiles and the comparison of the information
that is one scientific reason. obtained from the DNA testing of biological samples for the
purposes of determining the reasonable certainty of whether or not
Article 167, the child shall be considered legitimate although the the DNA obtained from two or more distinct sample originates from
mother may have declared against its legitimacy or may have been the same person. That is direct identification or if the biological
sentence as an adulteress. Again, there’s that presumption of samples originated from related persons, kinship analysis. Because
legitimacy even if the mother herself has declared against its normally, you have ½ of the DNA of your mother and ½ of the DNA
legitimacy by saying that kining bataa ni dili mani anak sa akoang of your father. Right? So you can be proven to be related to your
bana. Akoa ning anak pero dili ni siya anak sa akoang bana. Just mother and independently, you can be proven to be related to your
weird diba? father. As simple as that. And finally, you have this term, probability
of parentage. It means that the numerical estimate or the likelihood
Take note that the presumption of legitimacy of children born of parentage of the putative parent compared to the probability of a
during the marriage is simply or merely disputable. It’s not random match of two unrelated individuals in a given population.
conclusive. It is subject to contrary proof. While the finding of Just remember these terms.
adultery does not by itself rebut the presumption of legitimacy and
as I’ve previously noted, DNA evidence will therefore be presented Let’s go to Section 4, Application for DNA testing order. The
to prove that by biological or scientific reasons the child could not appropriate court may, at any time, either motu proprio or on
have been that of his own. application of any person who has a legal interest in the matter in
litigation, order a DNA testing.
In civil actions, the rule on DNA evidence does not even distinguish
between ordinary and special civil actions and therefore it is 20:01-30:00 (Gillian Grancho)
possible to apply the rule to special civil actions such as actions for
support. Remember that support based on the family code Sec. 4. Application for DNA Testing Order. – The appropriate
provisions would actually bent on family relationships. You will not court may, at any time, either motu proprio or on application of any
be obliged to give support to a person na dili mo related. You are person who has a legal interest in the matter in litigation, order a
obligated to give support to someone whom you are not related. So DNA testing. Such order shall issue after due hearing and notice to
if that boils down to the determination of relationship between the the parties upon a showing of the following:
person claiming support and a person being obliged to give support,
DNA evidence can therefore be used. 1. A biological sample exists that is relevant to the case;
2. The biological sample: (i) was not previously subjected to the
In special proceedings, remember the definition of a special type of DNA testing now requested; or (ii) was previously
proceeding. A remedy by which the parties seek to establish a status subjected to DNA testing, but the results may require
or right of a particular fact. An example of that would be paternity confirmation for good reasons;
suits. DNA testing would actually be quite useful in paternity suits. 3. The DNA testing uses a scientifically valid technique;
What else? Habeas corpus proceedings Rule 102 where habeas 4. The DNA testing has the scientific potential to produce new
corpus may be resorted to in cases where the rightful custody of any information that is relevant to the proper resolution of the
person is withheld from the person entitled thereto. It is proper case; and
legal remedy to enable parents to retain the custody of a minor child 5. The existence of other factors, if any, which the court may
such as in the case of Salvalle vs Herrera in the case of kidnapping. consider as potentially affecting the accuracy of integrity of the
Now, they wanted to find out if ang kadto bang bata na nakidnap a DNA testing.
long time ago is really their child. How they found it out? They can
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Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

If you looked at the paper that I wrote, I tried to make sense of the Reasons:
term “Legal interest”. But it’s more on Civil Procedure the evidence;
it’s more of legal standing actually. Let’s skip that for now. 1. DNA evidence, as any other type of evidence, must pass
the basic tests of relevancy and competency;
In reference to Sec 4(b), remember that there are many types of
DNA testing, you have STR,etc. 2. DNA evidence must still be formally offered in order for
the court to consider it; and
In reference to Sec 4(c), it somehow mirrors Daubert, that it must
have gain acceptance in the scientific community. 3. A witness must still testify as to the result of the test.

In reference to the last paragraph, now what do we immediately Those are the reasons based on the basic principles that
relate this to? Having a DNA testing despite the fact that there has we already learned related to evidence.
been no case commenced, there’s no case pending in court. Mura
sya ug mode of discovery under Rule 23-29 of the Rules of Court. In
a way, there’s a mode of discovery under the Rule on Evidence.
Again, DNA testing order is like a mode of discovery. So, it is a built-
Sec. 5. DNA Testing Order. – If the court finds that the in mode of discovery in DNA evidence. But take note,
requirements in Section 4 hereof have been complied with, the court
• In modes of discovery, the results are not automatically
shall –
admitted into evidence, as a general rule. They have to be
formally offered to be admitted. In the case of a
1. Order, where appropriate, that biological samples be taken
deposition, the deponent must still testify in court,
from any person or crime scene evidence;
2. Impose reasonable conditions on DNA testing designed to subject to certain exceptions.
protect the integrity of the biological sample, the testing
We will learn later on that when the deponent does not
process and the reliability of the test results, including the
come to court to repeat the contents of his deposition, it
condition that the DNA test results shall be simultaneously
will be stricken off, as a general rule. It will not be
disclosed to parties involved in the case; and
admitted into evidence because it is considered as
3. If the biological sample taken is of such an amount that
hearsay. Hearsay ang tawag nato ana because there’s no
prevents the conduct of confirmatory testing by the other or
opportunity for cross-examination.
the adverse party and where additional biological samples of
the same kind can no longer be obtained, issue an order
Remember also that there are exceptions, when the
requiring all parties to the case or proceedings to witness the
deponent is already dead or unable to testify, etc. we
DNA testing to be conducted.
explain later on when we go to testimonial evidence.
An order granting the DNA testing shall be immediately executory
and shall not be appealable. Any petition for certiorari initiated • Under modes of discovery, we have Rule 28 (Physical and
therefrom shall not, in any way, stay the implementation thereof, Mental Examination of Persons). The Court may actually
unless a higher court issues an injunctive order. The grant of DNA order that you undergo a physical examination by the
testing application shall not be construed as an automatic admission doctor to determine injury, or mental examination. And
into evidence of any component of the DNA evidence that may be in Section 4, there is that waiver of privilege.
obtained as a result thereof.

Rule 28, Section 4. Waiver of privilege. – By requesting and

In reference to Sec 5(a), now we go back again in the basic postulate obtaining a report of the examination so ordered or by taking the
that I want you to remember, you can always be compelled to deposition of the examiner, the party examined waives any privilege
undergo DNA testing if you are a party to the case. What he may have in that action or any other involving the same
case? It doesn’t matter. It can be criminal, civil or it can be a special controversy, regarding the testimony of every other person who has
proceeding. It can be compelled. examined or may thereafter examine him in respect of the same
mental or physical examination.
In reference to Sec 5(c), it could be that the DNA sample is quite
minute, gamay na lang jud kaayo ang nabilin. It could be just traces What privilege are we talking about? We are talking about
found in the crime scene that cannot be retested. physician-patient privilege communication. You go to a
doctor, and in order to encourage the patient to reveal everything to
In the US, I read in an article that no matter how small the sample his doctor, everything that happens there, the results of test, it is
is, they can replicate it by cloning. They can clone it, so bisang 1 supposed to be confidential.
drop lang, pwede sya ma 2 drops. I don’t know if you can do that
here in the Philippines. A doctor cannot normally divulge medical information to a third
person, it remains a matter between the doctor and the patient.
“An order granting the DNA testing shall be immediately executory
and shall not be appealable”. What if it is about DNA evidence?

So if you’re going to question it what are you gonna do? I present to you a hypothetical case, what if JZE married Maja and
You’ll have to file a petition for certiorari. Just imagine had an affair with Bangs. Bangs got pregnant and delivered a baby
how difficult. You cannot appeal. but JZE is not sure about the paternity of the child. So he privately
went to Dr. Hayden to have the DNA testing in secret. It turns out
“Any petition for certiorari initiated therefrom shall not, in any that he is actually the father of the child.
way, stay the implementation thereof, unless a higher court issues
an injunctive order.” Now, ordinarily, under the physician-patient privilege
communication rule, Dr. Hayden cannot be compelled to divulge
So, useless gihapon sya, unless you, as law practitioners, that DNA test. And because it will tend to blacken the reputation of
if you’re going to question an order granting a the patient, the physician-patient privilege communication rule will
DNA test, you have to file an action for certiorari apply.
and you have to apply for a writ of preliminary
injunction or temporary restraining order.
00:30-0:40 (Until Section 10) (Jennifer Lim)
The Supreme Court is now teaching you what to do.
….The physician-patient privilege communication would apply.
What’s the effect of filing of a petition for certiorari under However, suppose the DNA test was made in a civil case, filed by
Rule 65? It shall not, in any way, stay the implementation Bangs against JZE, Bangs applied for and may be issued DNA
thereof, unless there’s an injunctive relief. testing. Take note that the same DNA test been conducted under
Rule 28, the same rules would apply for the waiver of conditions of
“The grant of DNA testing application shall not be construed as an DNA testing.
automatic admission into evidence of any component of the DNA
evidence that may be obtained as a result thereof.” However, under the Rule on DNA Evidence, there is no rule on
waiver or on physician-patient privilege. In fact, in several cases
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

Can the physician who conducts the DNA testing, according to the court, because that was the first time the court applied the rule on
order of the court, be compelled to divulge the results? YES. Why? DNA Evidence. It would be quite instructive
The physician-patient privilege communication rule does not apply
in court-ordered testing. There’s no such thing as privilege. PEOPLE v MAGLENTE
June 28, 2009
Let’s go to Section 6 which, to my mind, is the most controversial.
Facts: Complainant alleges that Maglente, her biological father,
Section 6. Post-conviction DNA Testing. – Post-conviction had subjected her to sexual abuse as early as 1997, when she was
DNA testing may be available, without need of prior court order, to still nine (9) years old, until 13 July 2002, when she reached 14
the prosecution or any person convicted by final and executory years of age. As a result of her father’s molestation, she became
judgment provided that a biological sample exists, pregnant and delivered a baby boy on October 1, 2002, which she
such sample is relevant to the case, and the testing would probably gave up for adoption. On cross-examination, private complainant
result in the reversal or modification of the judgment of conviction. testified that she was willing to have her baby undergo DNA testing
but the baby’s whereabouts were unknown to her.
So, it might affect the judgment of conviction. Remember, we have Ana ang accused, dapat nay DNA kay for all we know, dili match
discussed a lot of cases for post-conviction DNA testing. Yet, for amoang DNA. Now, wala man ta kabalo asa ang bata.
some years, the Supreme Court has been reluctant in allowing
requests for DNA tests. We have Penaso, De Villa, Rayle, Held: Even if the DNA tests were conducted and it established that
Andal, and Macapal prior to the promulgation of the Rules on appellant had not fathered the child, it would still be inconclusive to
DNA Evidence. In all those cases, the Supreme Court denied the prove that appellant was not guilty of having raped private
requests. Why? Because it was stubborn in denial or that the complainant. He cannot obtain an acquittal based on the
discharge of semen is not an element of rape. circumstances of private complainant’s pregnancy.

What the Supreme Court favored were testimonies that identified Why? Impregnation is not an element of rape. Even proof that the
the accused as to the crime. But we have yet to figure out if, pag child was fathered by another man does not show that the appellant
promulgate ba sa Supreme Court on DNA Evidence, mag change na is not guilty. For the conviction of an accused, the pregnancy of the
ba ni or it’s still the old song the Supreme Court has been singing victim is not required to be proved, since it is sufficient that the
that pregnancy is not an element of rape. prosecution establish beyond reasonable doubt, as it had in this
case, that the accused had forced sexual relations with the victim.
Rape and DNA Evidence in Post-conviction DNA Testing.
Why is the Supreme Court so adamant even with the Rule on DNA
Foremost on that would be People vs. Umanito (October 6, Evidence? Because the SC knows that:
2007). 1. Not all rapes end in pregnancy.
. 2. The SC has always been consistent in saying that a
woman, who has been raped, would not go to the
PEOPLE v UMANITO (2007 & 2009) humiliation, for a fabricated charge of rape. Especially so,
if it is against a relative. The SC has time and again ruled
What happened here was that there was already a judgment that.
convicting Umanito of rape. The SC, when it promulgated the Rule
on DNA Evidence, gave it retroactive effect and applied it to case of *Story about sir on not accepting rape cases. I would prefer to be
Umanito. Such that the SC, through Justice Tinga, remanded it to defense counsel because all you have to prove is the existence of
the lower court to determine whether or not kinahanglan ba ug reasonable doubt.*
DNA. So, was there a DNA match? The result when it came back to
the Supreme Court was 99.9999% match. What happens when the results are favorable? Let’s suppose
that after conviction, DNA testing is made and the results are
Given that the results of the Court-ordered DNA testing conforms favorable to the accused? I can say that you are not the one who
with the conclusions of the lower courts, and that no cause is fathered the child or it’s not your DNA found on the semen sample,
presented for us to deviate from the penalties imposed below, the but you were already guilty. What will happen? What would be the
Court sees no reason to deny Umanito’s Motion to Withdraw remedy, in case the post-conviction DNA?
Section 10. Post-conviction DNA Testing – Remedy if the
Facts: The instant case involved a charge of rape. The accused Results Are Favorable to the Convict. – The convict or the
Rufino Umanito was found by the RTC guilty beyond reasonable prosecution may file a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the
doubt of the crime of rape. The alleged 1989 rape of the private court of origin if the results of the post-conviction DNA testing are
complainant, AAA, had resulted in her pregnancy and the birth of a favorable to the convict. In the case the court, after due hearing
child hereinafter identified as “BBB.” finds the petition to be meritorious, it shall reverse or modify the
In view of that fact, as well as the defense of alibi raised by Umanito, judgment of conviction and order the release of the convict, unless
the Court deemed uncovering whether or not Umanito is the father continued detention is justified for a lawful cause.
of BBB. A similar petition may be filed either in the Court of Appeals or the
The DNA analysis on the Buccal Swabs and Blood stained on FTA Supreme Court, or with any member of said courts, which may
paper taken from [AAA], [BBB], and Umanito, to determine conduct a hearing thereon or remand the petition to the court of
whether or not Umanito is the biological father of [BBB], showed origin and issue the appropriate orders.
that there is a Complete Match in allof the 15 loci tested between the
alleles of Umanito and [BBB]; That based on the above findings, 40:01 – 50:00 (Edsam Andit)
there is a 99.9999% probability of paternity that Umanito is the
biological father of BBB. Section 10, RODE
Post-conviction DNA Testing – Remedy if the Results Are
RULING: Court resolved, for the very first time, to apply the then Favorable to the Convict. – The convict or the prosecution may file
recently promulgated New Rules on DNA Evidence (DNA Rules). a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the court of origin if the
The DNA testing has evinced a contrary conclusion, and that as results of the post-
testified to by AAA, Umanito had fathered the child she gave birth to conviction DNA testing are favorable to the convict. In the case the
on 5 April 1990, nine months after the day she said she was raped court, after due hearing finds the petition to be meritorious, it shall
by Umanito. reverse or modify the judgment of conviction and order the release
The disputable presumption that was established as a result of the of the convict, unless continued detention is justified for a lawful
DNA testing was not contradicted and overcome by other evidence cause.
considering that the accused did not object to the admission of the
results of the DNA testing (Exhibits “A” and “B” inclusive of sub- A similar petition may be filed either in the Court of Appeals or the
markings) nor presented evidence to rebut the same. Supreme Court, or with any member of said courts, which may
By filing Motion to Withdraw Appeal, Umanito is deemed to have conduct a hearing thereon or remand the petition to the court of
acceded to the rulings of the RTC and the Court of Appeals finding origin and issue the appropriate orders.
him guilty of the crime of rape, and sentencing him to suffer the
penalty of reclusion perpetua and the indemnification of the private
complainant in the sum of P50,000.00. If the result of the post-conviction hearing testing, are favorable to
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

Reynaldo de Villa was sentenced to death for raping his 12-year- Rules on DNA evidence.
old niece, Aileen Mendoza. (Imaginun nato na si Reynaldo de Villa
kay si Ian Veneracion) who had subsequently given birth to a baby
girl. De Villa had always maintained his innocence from the very So, What the SC said before is that the relief (post DNA testing)
beginning, but no paternity test had been carried out to establish is outside of the scope of the writ of habeas corpus petition, is now
whether or not he was the father of the child. to be considered as officially abrogated by the promulgation of the
Rules on DNA evidence.

Now, because de Villa was in priSo,n, Cora de Ungria—she’s actually And you need to recall also that in the case of De Villa, the Supreme
very famous right now, she’s like the Sherlock Holmes of the Court’s decision not to grant to motion here was based on the
Philippines, head of the DNA laboratory analysis of UP—could not principle that pregnancy is not an element of rape. The SC has
obtain a DNA sample from de Villa directly. So,, what did she do? consistently upheld this ever since the Rule on DNA Evidence was
She did So,mething cloak-and-dagger. Ang gibuhat niya, she promulgated. Maglente, Hipona, Cabigkis, Lucero. Wa gyud. Way
enlisted the help of the priSo,n priest. Padre. Sa atong palabas kay si pag bag-o. However, paternity or the negation thereof should be
Fr. Gus kuno na. He visited de Villa carrying a sterile blade and a used as evidence to exonerate the accused or convict in a rape case if
blood collection vial hidden beneath his clothes. Di gud na pwede it is warranted by the factual milieu of the case. At least, that’s what
dapat. You can’t do that. You’re smuggling, what? A bladed weapon! I suppose. As I told you previously, the SC need not be so stubborn.
So,, di na sya dapat pwede, but he was able to do it. That without looking at the facts of the case, it would just
automatically conclude that “pregnancy is not an element of rape”.
But that’s only one part of the equation. Kinahanglan gihapon niya’g
blood sample to compare with the DNA sample already given by de For example, in de Villa, the complaint and the judgment made
Villa. So, de Ungria needed a sample from the child who was already reference to the fact that it was the act of the rape that got the niece
10 years old daw. De Villa’s grandSo,n, a schoolmate of Mendoza’s pregnant and for her to conceive and bear a child. Since you alleged
daughter, was coached to organize a spitting competition in the that, you have to prove that. Now what happens if the DNA testing
playground. Just imagine, noh? Uy, dinhia ta sa playground! O, result that disproves that? At the very least, it becomes reasonable
mangluwa ta! Padaghanay ta’g luwa! (LOL) Just imagine a spitting doubt. As simple as that.
competition. So, he collected the girl’s spit in a cup and de Ungria
used it to generate a DNA code. So, the 2 sides of the equation is So, the request for paternity testing was also consistent with the
complete. Biological sample from de Villa and biological sample defense presented at trial. The appellant’s testimony of his
from the putative child. So, the results confirmed that de Villa was incapacity for sexual intercourse due to his advanced age was
not the girl’s father. supported by his wife’s testimony. Di ba mao ni iyahang defense?
Na dili niya kaya buhaton. But there were also allegations of
But the Supreme Court refused to consider the new evidence and multiple perpetrators or of promiscuous behavior of the victim.
So, he remained on death row. So, they have no choice now but to More importantly, records show that the trial court based its
file a petition for habeas corpus, citing that de Villa was wrongfully decision entirely on the birth of the child. Di ba? Giingon sa lower
convicted. The Supreme Court said, “Petitioner invokes the remedy court na because a child was born the child was raped. You cannot
of habeas corpus to seek a re-examination of the records without now deny sexual intercourse because in fact nabuntis. Nanganak.
asserting any legal grounds therefor. Unsa man gyud diay ning mga
In Penaso even…
legal grounds ani?
50:01 – 1:00 (Dane Viola)
• There has been a deprivation of a Constitutional right
resulting in the restraint of the liberty of the person. The criminal complaint alleged that as a result of the act, an
• The Court has no jurisdiction to impose the sentence. unwanted pregnancy resulted.
• An excessive penalty has been imposed as such sentence
is void as to such excess. If what was alleged was that “I got pregnant because I was raped”, if
the accused was not the father, then clearly the complainant lied.
These are the 3 grounds that the SC gave when filing for habeas But the SC is so stubborn in saying that pregnancy is not an element
corpus questioning a conviction. And none in these instances does it of the crime of rape. We have to look at the factual milieu of the case
say that new evidence can be a ground to invoke the extraordinary and not just stubbornly apply such doctrine.
writ of habeas corpus. Further, the SC said that the petitioner
invokes the writ to assail a final judgement of conviction without No matter how much you argue with this escape hatch, if the SC
providing a legal ground thereof. wants to wash its hands by saying that pregnancy is not an element
of rape, even if you are accused of estafa, pregnancy will still not be
The SC is merely saying here na “banga kaayo imong abogado!” an element of rape.
Ngano man siya nag file ug writ of habeas corpus without citing a
legal ground? So, it is actually a denial of the issuance of the writ of PP v Basallo
habeas corpus on the ground that you did not properly pray for it.
That’s what the SC is saying. It is based on technicality. For a man who vehemently asserts his innocence, it mystifies the
mind that appellant would not exhaust all available avenues to
prove his innocence especially DNA testing that would conclusively
prove that he is not the father of ABC’s son who is alleged to be the
So, has De Villa now been abrogated by Sec. 10? Because Sec. 10 is fruit of his crime.
now saying that favorable results in DNA testing can now be used as
a ground for habeas corpus. So, in a way, it is a reversal. Tama ba? It would be logical to assume that in the case of Basallo, had there
been a DNA testing that would conclusively prove that he was not
Not really. Because it is logical to assume in this case that had the the father of the child, would the SC rule that he is entitled to be
petition had a proper ground and been properly invoke and prayed acquitted? NO. The SC will still say that pregnancy is not an element
for, a different remedy might have issued. of rape.
Take note of the following pronouncements in the De Villa You don’t even have to read this cases because you know what the
case: outcome will be. So what is the purpose of post-conviction DNA
testing when it can never successfully assail the conviction on the
• The denial of a Constitutional right was not alleged by the simplistic ground that pregnancy is not an element of rape.
petitioner. Hence, how can there be a denial of a
Constitutional right when it was not alleged? That was the Going back to the case of De Villa, the head of the laboratory of UP
reason why the petition was denied. was so convinced of the innocence of De Villa that she marshaled
• The petitioner invokes a remedy to seek a re-examination international pressure which then led Pres. GMA to pardon him,
of the records of In re: De Villa without invoking a proper still 11 years of his life was gone. Imagine he was 67 y.o at the time
legal ground. of the alleged rape and when he was pardoned he was already 78
and definitely he cannot rape anymore.

TAKE NOTE!!! It’s not as if all convictions are correct convictions, there are a lot of
wrongful convictions. Realizing this, Pres GMA signed RA 9346
You have to take note now that Sec. 10 can now be a viable legal once again abolishing the death penalty.
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Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

Sec. 7. Assessment of probative value of DNA evidence. – In You cannot refute a 99.99999.
assessing the probative value of the DNA evidence presented, the
court shall consider the following: Weight of Matching DNA Evidence

a. The chair of custody, including how the biological Ok take note Weight means reliability and probative value of
samples were collected, how they were handled, and the evidence.
possibility of contamination of the samples;
So if the DNA samples match, the court is tasked to determine
b. The DNA testing methodology, including the procedure whether the DNA testing result is reliable and what evidentiary
followed in analyzing the samples, the advantages and value it will assign to it . whether or not the evidence is to be
disadvantages of the procedure, and compliance with the believed.
scientifically valid standards in conducting the tests;
Relevance of mismatching DNA evidence

And you know that in relevancy, you know the definition of that.
c. The forensic DNA laboratory, including accreditation by
any reputable standards-setting institution and the Thus, under this factor, the court should consider whether or not
qualification of the analyst who conducted the tests. If the the fact that the DNA profiles do not match bears a relation to the
laboratory is not accredited, the relevant experience of the fact in issue in the case.
laboratory in forensic casework and credibility shall be
For example:
properly established; and
If the seamen found in the vagina of the victim does not match the
d. The reliability of the testing result, as hereinafter DNA profile of the accused. Would it be relevant to the issue on
provided. whether or not the accused raped the victim?
e. The provisions of the Rules of Court concerning the PEOPLE vs. CABIGCUEZ, G.R. No. 185708, (September 29,
appreciation of evidence shall apply suppletorily. 2010)
f. This mirrors almost completely the SC ruling in the case Where the SC still said, dili lng gihapon. Neither a positive DNA
of PP v Vallejo. match of the seamen nor the presence of spermatozoa is essential in
finding that rape was committed.
g. Sec. 8. Reliability of DNA Testing Methodology. – In
evaluating whether the DNA testing methodology is Wala gihapon ang gina-ingon sa SC. Nonsense lagi kaayo sa tinuod
reliable, the court shall consider the following: lng.

a. The falsifiability of the principles or methods Results of DNA testing in the light of the totality of the
used, that is, whether the theory or technique other evidence:
can be and has been tested;
A positive DNA match is unnecessary when the totality of the
b. The subjection to peer review and publication evidence presented before the court points to no other possible
of the principles or methods; conclusion than the appellant raped the private offended party.

c. The general acceptance of the principles or A positive DNA match may strengthen the evidence for the
methods by the relevant scientific community; prosecution, but an inconclusive DNA test result may not be
sufficient to exculpate the accused, particularly when there is
d. The existence and maintenance of standards sufficient evidence proving his guilt.
and controls to ensure the correctness of data
generated; So you have to look at the totality. Dili lng katong DNA.

Now take note with that ruling of the SC in Cabigcuez that a positive
e. The existence of an appropriate reference
DNA match may only strengthen evidence of the prosecution.
population database; and
Strengthen lng, it is not the ultimate determinant of guilt. It means
that DNA can merely be circumstantial evidence for the
f. The general degree of confidence attributed to
mathematical calculations used in comparing
DNA profiles and the significance and So its just one of the circumstances mentioned in rule 133, section 4
limitation of statistical calculations used in which we will discuss at the proper time.
comparing DNA profiles.
Rule 133, Section 4. Circumstantial evidence, when
This is practically what the Daubert Test is all about in the case of
PP v Yatar.
Circumstantial evidence is sufficient for conviction if:
Sec. 9. of DNA Testing Results. – In evaluating the results of DNA
testing, the court shall consider the following: (a) There is more than one circumstance;
a. The evaluation of the weight of matching DNA evidence (b) The facts from which the inferences are derived are proven; and
or the relevance of mismatching DNA evidence;
(c) The combination of all the circumstances is such as to produce a
b. The results of the DNA testing in the light of the totality of conviction beyond reasonable doubt.
the other evidence presented in the case; and that
Now here is an interesting case. The case of PEOPLE vs. YAU
c. DNA results that exclude the putative parent from (2014)
paternity shall be conclusive proof of non-paternity. If the
value of the Probability of Paternity is less than 99.9%, It is a case of kidnapping for ransom. Ok. And the whole time of
the results of the DNA testing shall be considered as capture. Katong gi kidnap na victim. The accused always wore a red
corroborative evidence. If the value of the Probability of mask. Naka-maskara all the time. So wala gyud niya nakita.
Paternity is 99.9% or higher there shall be a disputable
presumption of paternity. Now when the victim was rescued. Of course naka escape ang
kidnappers pero nabilin sa crime scene ang red mask. So DNA
The important provision here would be paragraph (c), this is evidence. the dead skin cells for example. That is a source of DNA.
conclusive evidence in the same way that age in certain cases may
also be proof of lack of discernment for offenders below 9 yrs of age. So a test conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation reveals
that the DNA found I the mask used by private complainant’s captor
I don’t know if DNA is positive or confirmatory whether is a win or a matched that of appellant Petrus Yau. So imagine ni import pa ta sa
loss, because I know a lawyer who has undergone multiple paternity US. Nagpa-conduct pa ta ug test sa US Federal Bureau of
SY 2018-2019
Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

other conclusion that Yau was the author of the kidnapping for If you recall the case of Cabigquez – kadto bitaw they had to go
ransom and he was convicted for the crime. somewhere to do it, with the maid, gi tour pa gani niya para lang
bigyan. Just imagine. Unya nabuntis, so got pregnant and gave birth
So DNA evidence there was actually used as circumstantial evidence 8 months later. Di ba mao nah siya? Unsay gigamit didto? Physical
of the guilt of the accused for the crime of kidnapping for ransom. resemblance lang. So antiquated because a lot of people look alike,
especially the Indians, they all look alike.
More importantly, again i already told you this, kaning letter C, 99.9
lower or 99.9 higher. Now, chismis ta gamay.

RODE Sec. 9. on DNA Testing Results. – (The talk about the Kardasians – that Kourtney Kardasian does not
look like her dad.
In evaluating the results of DNA testing, the court shall consider the
following: Allegedly, OJ Simpson is her father.)

C) DNA results that exclude the putative parent form paternity shall 1:10:01 – 1:20:00 (Benrich Tan)
be conclusive proof on non-paternity. If the value of the Probability
of Paternity is less than 99.9%, the results of the DNA testing shall Cases Surveying DNA Paternity Suits
be considered as corroborative evidence, if the value of the
Probability of Paternity is 99.9% or higher there shall be a ESTATE OF ONG vs. DIAZ (2007)
disputable presumption of paternity.

A complaint for compulsory recognition with prayer for support

pending litigation was filed by minor Joanne Diaz, represented by
So just to present visually to you what will happen if it is less than
her mother and guardian, Jinky, against Rogelio G. Ong, before the
99.9%. So 99.89999 and below, it is used as corroborative evidence.
RTC of Tarlac City.
So it should be used in addition to the traditional proof of filation.
Jinky and Rogelio got acquainted in November 1993 in Tarlac City.
99.9% or higher as disputable presumption of paternity.
This developed into friendship and later blossomed into love. At this
Disputable presumption ra gihapon siya. Sounds familiar to you? time, however, Jinky was already married to a Japanese national.
Kaning 99.9 or higher or 99.9 or lower. Yes because we already
From January 1994 to September 1998, Jinky and Rogelio
discussed that. It was practically taking the ruling in SC in the case
cohabited and lived together. From this live-in relationship, Joanne
of Herrera vs. Alba and turned it into a rule. Mao ng nahitabo diri.
Rodjin Diaz was conceived and born on 25 February 1998. In
Diri lang, naa siyay gigamit na term “W” – Probability Of Paternity September 1998, Rogelio abandoned Joanne and Jinky, and
instead of Parentage. stopped supporting the child, alleging that he is not the father of the
child. While the case was pending, Rogelio died.
Okay, so 99.99% – less than 99.99%, or 99.99% or higher.
So the child’s claim would be against Rogelio’s estate. The Court
So the question is: Is DNA testing viable as a means of proving held that the burden of proving paternity is on the person who
filiation? Nay naga claim na anak nimo siya. How does that putative alleges that the putative father is the biological father of the child.
child prove na anak nimo siya? There are four significant procedural aspects of a traditional
paternity action which parties have to face: a prima facie case,
AGUILAR VS. SIASAT: (01/28/15) affirmative defenses, presumption of legitimacy, and physical
resemblance between the putative father and child.
Walay DNA diri but you can make that connection to DNA evidence.
A child born to a husband and wife during a valid marriage is
The filiation of illegitimate children, like legitimate children, is presumed legitimate. As a guaranty in favor of the child and to
established by protect his status of legitimacy, Article 167 for the Family Code
provides: Article 167. The children shall be considered legitimate
1. the record of birth appearing in the civil register or a final although the mother may have declared against its legitimacy or
judgment; or may have been sentenced as an adulteress.
2. an admission of legitimate filiation in a public document
or a private handwritten instrument and signed by the With the advancement in the field of genetics, and the availability of
parent concerned. new technology, it can now be determined with reasonable certainty
whether Rogelio is the biological father of the minor, through DNA
In the absence thereof, filiation shall be proved by However, Rogelio has long been dead.
1. the open and continuous possession of the status of a Issue:
legitimate child; or
2. any other means allowed by the Rules of Court and Is DNA testing still possible? YES.
special laws.
“any other means allowed by the ROC and special laws”
The death of the petitioner does not ipso facto negate the
Then probably, the Rule on DNA Testing can be considered as application of DNA testing for as long as there exist appropriate
those other means. Pwede siya na ma-include diha. biological samples of his DNA.

Mahimo siya na other evidence, merely tending to prove paternity In short, DNA can still be seen in inanimate objects.
aside from record of birth, a will, a statement before a court of
record, etc., is essential in order to establish the child’s The term biological sample means any organic material originating
acknowledgement. from a person’s body, even if found in inanimate objects, that is
susceptible to DNA testing. This includes blood, saliva, and other
LUCAS VS. LUCAS: (2011) body fluids, tissues, hairs and bones.

Antiquated na siya na principle but the SC still continues to apply it. Thus, even if Rogelio already died, any of the biological samples as
enumerated above as may be available, may be used for DNA
There are four significant procedural aspects of a traditional testing. In this case, petitioner has not shown the impossibility of
paternity action which the parties have to face: obtaining an appropriate biological sample that can be utilized for
the conduct of DNA testing. And even the death of Rogelio cannot
1) a prima facie case, bar the conduct of DNA testing.
2) affirmative defenses,
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Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

In a petition to establish illegitimate filiation, the SC was confronted b. The law intends to mean periods including the case
with the question: Is a prima facie showing of reasonable probability pending appeal or automatic review before SC, because
of paternity necessary before a court can issue a DNA testing order? it’s conceivable that the SC can remand and reorder DNA
testing. Thus, it should be preserved even during that
(What’s a prima facie case? You prove preliminarily that there is a period.
probability of parentage. How do you do that? So prior to asking for
a DNA testing order, you present witnesses tending to show the c. in case the accused is serving sentence, until such time as
traditional proof of filiation. Nga ning-aknowledge niya na anak siya the accused has served his sentence;
niya; nagsign siya ug birth certificate, etc.) (Note that Section 4 of
the Rule on DNA Evidence does not mention prima facie case as a Example: X has been convicted of a crime carrying the penalty of
requirement.) reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment.

HELD: In some states, to warrant the issuance of DNA testing Example #2: Destierro also included, because it’s still a sentence
order, there must be a show cause hearing wherein the applicant (restrain over liberty).
must first present sufficient evidence to establish a prima facie case
or a reasonable possibility of paternity or good cause for the holding
of the test.
1:20:01 – 1:30:00 (Anton Maligad)
The same condition precedent should be applied in our jurisdiction
to protect the putative father from mere harassment suits. Thus, Destiero will still apply because it is a restraint as to your liberty.
during the hearing on the motion for DNA testing, the petitioner
must present prima facie evidence or establish a reasonable In all other cases including civil cases, until such time as the
possibility of paternity. (The SC is adding this as a requirement decision in the case where the DNA Evidence was introduced has
despite its absence in Sec.4) become final and executory.

Notwithstanding these, it should be stressed that the issuance of a The Court may allow the physical destruction of the biological
DNA testing order remains discretionary upon the court. The court sample before the expiration of the period set forth. Provided, that a
may, for example, consider whether there is absolute necessity for court order for that effect has been secured or the person from
the DNA testing. If there is already preponderance of evidence to whom the DNA sample was obtained has consented in writing to the
establish paternity and the DNA test result would only be disposal of the DNA evidence. [A requirement of Preservation]
corroborative, the the court may, in its discretion, disallow a DNA
(Rules on DNA Evidence)
Sec. 13. Applicability to Pending Cases. Except as
Atty JZE (from 2018 recording): Just go over this case. Nothing
provided in Section 6 and 10 hereof, this Rule shall apply
much here, it’s too technical.
to cases pending at the time of its effectivity.
Sec. 11. Confidentiality. – DNA profiles and all results or other
Just take note of the case of People vs. Umanito. (Read in full text)
information obtained from DNA testing shall be confidential.
Except upon order of the court, a DNA profile and all results or PEOPLE vs. UMANITO
other information obtained from DNA testing shall only be released
to any of the following, under such terms and conditions as may be In case proof of filiation or paternity would be unlikely to
set forth by the court: satisfactorily establish or would be difficult to obtain, DNA Testing,
which examines genetic codes from body cells of the illegitimate
A. Persons from whom the sample was taken; child and any physical residue of the long dead parent could be
B. Lawyers representing parties in the case or action where resorted to.
the DNA evidence is offered and presented or sought to be
offered and presented;
C. Lawyers of private complainants in a criminal action;
D. Duly authorized law enforcement agencies; and If you recall that the rule was promulgated and the Supreme Court
E. Other persons as determined by the court. ordered a remand that the pleading has taken a new name.
Whoever discloses, utilizes or publishes in any form any Sec. 14. Effectivity. This Rule shall take effect on October
information concerning a DNA profile without the proper court 15, 2007, following publication in a newspaper of general
order shall be liable for indirect contempt of the court wherein such circulation.
DNA evidence was offered, presented or sought to be offered and
presented. Where the person from whom the biological sample was
taken files a written verified request to the court that allowed the
DNA testing for the disclosure of the DNA profile of the person and SURVEY OF CASES ON DNA AND RIGHT OF ACQUITTAL
all results or other information obtained from the DNA testing, the
same may be disclosed. PEOPLE vs. PASCUAL (January 20, 2009)

Sec. 12. Preservation of DNA Evidence. The trial court shall preserve There is DNA testing but the result was not good, because the
the DNA evidence in its totality, including all biological samples, specimen submitted (stained vaginal smear) and the dirty white
DNA profiles and results or other genetic information obtained panty had already undergone blood testing. So there already been
from DNA testing. For this purpose, the court may order the prior blood testing done.
appropriate government agency to preserve the DNA evidence as
follows: Remember: That in the DNA Testing Standard Methodology, that if
such has been subjected to previous tests it has the result of
In criminal cases: degrading the sample.

i. for not less than the period of time that any person is Q: Does the result of the DNA Examination, which was already
under trial for an offense; or degraded by prior testing, entitle the accused-appellant to acquittal?
ii. in case the accused is serving sentence, until such
time as the accused has served his sentence; A: The Supreme Court said that “NO, you are not entitled to an
acquittal. Even in the light of a flawed procedure, that does not
In all other cases, until such time as the decision in the case where entitle the appellant to an acquittal.”
the DNA evidence was introduced has become final and executory.
The court may allow the physical destruction of a biological sample PEOPLE vs. HIPONA
before the expiration of the periods set forth above, provided that:
The appellant here argues that he should only be held liable for
• A court order to that effect has been secured; or robbery and not for the Complex Crime of Rape with Homicide.
• The person from whom the DNA sample was obtained has He cites the testimony of the prosecution witness Aida Villora-
consented in writing to the disposal of the DNA evidence. Magsipoc, DNA expert of the NBI, that she found the vaginal smears
taken from the victim to be negative of the appellant’s DNA.
In criminal cases (Atty. JZE: Pay attention to the time period
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Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

PEOPLE vs. CABIGCUEZ Webb claims, citing Brady v. Maryland, that he is entitled to
outright acquittal on the ground of violation of his right to due
Neither a positive match of the semen nor the presence of process given the State’s failure to produce on order of the Court
spermatozoa is an essential finding that rape was committed. The either by negligence or willful suppression the semen specimen
important consideration in rape cases is not the emission of semen taken from Carmela.
but the penetration of the female genitalia by the male organ.
HELD: The medical evidence clearly established that Carmela was
PEOPLE vs. LUCERO raped and, consistent with this, semen specimen was found in her.
It is true that Alfaro identified Webb in her testimony as Carmela’s
The DNA test is not essential, while there exists other evidence rapist and killer but serious questions had been raised about her
pinning down accused-appellant as the perpetrator. Indeed, if he credibility. At the very least, there exists a possibility that Alfaro had
honestly thought that the DNA test could have proved his lied. On the other hand, the semen specimen taken from Carmela
innocence, he could have asked for the conduct of said test during cannot possibly lie. It cannot be coached or allured by a promise of
his trial instead of belatedly raising it on appeal, and attempting to reward or financial support. If, on examination, the DNA of the
dictate upon the prosecution what course of actions it should have subject specimen does not belong to Webb, then he did not rape
undertaken. Carmela. It is that simple. Thus, the Court would have bgeen able to
determine that Alfaro committed perjury in saying that he did.
So what does “People vs. Lucero” tell you?
Still, Webb is not entitled to acquittal for the failure of the State to
It tells you that if you are adamant that a DNA test would prove produce the semen specimen, for one thing the ruling in Brady v.
your innocence, then have it done at the trial court level and not Maryland that he cites has long been overtaken by the decision in
before the Court of Appeals and not before the Supreme Court. Arizona v. Youngblood, where the U.S, Supreme Court held that due
process does not require the State to preserve the semen specimen
LEJANO vs. PEOPLE otherwise known as the Vizconde
although it might be useful to the accused unless the latter is able to
show bad faith on the part of the prosecution or the police.
Introduction: The Vizconde Massacre is the multiple homicides of
For, another, when Webb raised the DNA issue, the rule governing
the persons of the Vizconde family on June 13, 1991 at their
DNA evidence did not yet exist, the country did not yet have the
residence in BF Homes, Parañaque.
technology for conducting the test, and no Philippine precedent had
Estrellita, 49, had suffered thirteen (13) stab wounds; Carmela, 18, as yet recognized its admissibility as evidence. Consequently, the
had suffered seventeen (17) stab wounds and had been raped before idea of keeping the specimen secure even after the trial court
she was killed; and Jennifer, 6, had nineteen (19) stab wounds. rejected the motion for DNA testing did not come up. Indeed,
neither Webb nor his co-accused brought up the matter of
Lauro Vizconde, Estrellita’s husband, and the father of Carmela and preserving the specimen in the meantime.
Jennifer, was in the United States on business when the murders
took place. Parenthetically, after the trial court denied Webb’s application for
DNA testing, he allowed the proceeding to move on when he had on
Suspects: at least 2 occasions gone up to the CA or the SC to challenge alleged
arbitrary actions taken against him and the other accused. They
• Hubert Webb; raised the DNA issue before the CA but merely as an error
• Police Officer Biong committed by the trial court in rendering its decision in the case.
• Mike Estrada None of the accused filed a motion with the appeals court to have
the DNA test done pending adjudication of their appeal. This, even
Four years after the massacre, in 1995, the NBI announced that it when the SC had in the meantime passed the rules allowing such
had solved the crime. It presented star-witness Jessica M. Alfaro, test. Considering the accused’s lack of interest in having such test
one of its informers, who claimed that she witnessed the crime. done, the State cannot be deemed put on reasonable notice that it
(Saludo kaayo si Judge Tolentino sa iya. Her testimony was would be required to produce the semen specimen at some future
believed.) She pointed to the accused Hubert Jeffrey P. Webb, time.
Antonio tony Boy Lejano, Artemio Dong Ventura, Michael A.
Gatchalian, Hospicio Pyke Fernandez, Peter Estrada, Miguel Ging 1:30:01 – 1:40:00 (Angel Deiparine)
Rodriguez, and Joey Filart as the culprits. She also tagged accused
police officer, Gerardo Biong, as an accessory after the fact. Relying
primarily on Alfaro’s testimony, on August 10, 1995, the public On April 27, 2010, the NBI informed the Court that it no longer has
prosecutors filed an information for rape with homicide against custody of the specimen, the same having been turned over to the
Webb, et.al. trial court. The trial court record shows, however, that the specimen
was not among the object evidence that the prosecution offered in
On January 4, 2000, after four (4) years of arduous hearings, the
evidence in the case. Nawala ang semen specimen. Nobody knows
trial court rendered judgment, finding all the accused guilty as
where it is. It was not preserved.
charged and imposing on Webb, Lejano, Gatchalian, Fernandez,
Estrada, and Rodriguez the penalty of reclusion perpetua and on So the outcome prompted accused Webb to file an urgent motion to
Biong, an indeterminate prison term of 11 years, 4 months, and 1 acquit on the ground that the government’s failure to preserve such
day to 12 years. vital evidence has resulted in the denial of his right to due process.
On appeal, the CA affirmed the trial courts decision. On motion for Beautiful argument: They were unable to preserve the vital piece of
reconsideration by the accused, the CA’s Special Division of 5 evidence, then it resulted in the denial of the right to due process.
members voted 3 against 2 to deny the motion.
ISSUE: Whether or not the Court should acquit him outright, given
During the appeal to the SC, the Court issued a Resolution granting the government’s failure to produce the semen specimen that the
the request of Webb to submit for DNA analysis the semen NBI found on Carmela’s cadaver, thus depriving him of evidence
specimen taken from Carmela’s cadaver, which specimen was that would prove his innocence.
believed to be still under the safekeeping of the NBI. The Court
granted the request pursuant to Section 4 of the Rule on DNA Now, remember Webb here cited Brady vs. Maryland. Brady and his
Evidence. companion Boblit were prosecuted for murder. Brady admitted his
involvement in the murder but claimed that Boblit had done the
Unfortunately, on April 27, 2010 the NBI informed the Court that it actual killing. Mura bag accessory or accomplice ra ko. The
no longer has custody of the specimen, the same having been turned prosecution withheld the statement by Boblit confessing that he had
over to the trial court. The trial record shows, however, that the committed the act of killing himself.
specimen was not among the object evidence that the prosecution
offered in evidence in the case. So what was withheld here? The written admission by Boblit
confessing that he had committed the act of killing himself, which
The outcome prompted accused Webb to file an urgent motion to means that Brady, wala siyay apil. Iyang penalty should be lesser.
acquit on the ground that the government’s failure to preserve such
vital evidence has resulted in the denial of his right to due process. The Supreme Court of the United States held that withholding
exculpatory evidence violates due process, where the evidence is
SY 2018-2019
Transcription based on the Lectures of
Atty. Jess Zachael Espejo

Webb here claims that based on Brady vs. Maryland, he is entitled The Supreme Court here, however, had the occasion to look back
to outright acquittal on the ground of violation of his right to due the supposed positive identification by the witness Jessica Alfaro.
process given the State’s failure to produce an Order of the court, According to the Supreme Court, the positive identification, to be
either by negligence, to secure the semen specimen. acceptable, must meet at least two criteria:

First, the positive identification of the offender must come from a

credible witness. She is credible who can be trusted to tell the truth,
You have to imagine here that at that time Webb here is very young. usually based on past experiences with her. Her word has, to one
He actually spent most of his adulthood in jail. So every gamay na who knows her, its weight in gold.
butas imo makita, you question.
There were a lot of inconsistencies in the testimony of Alfaro during
Supreme Court said the medical evidence clearly established that trial. She tended to contradict herself. She had that habit of going to
Carmela was raped and, consistent with this, semen specimen was the media, magpa interview to tell her side of the story. But the
found in her body. It is true that Alfaro identified Webb in her stories conflict, inconsistent kaayo ingon niya.
testimony as Carmela’s rapist and killer but serious questions had
been raised about her credibility. At the very least, there exists a Ingon niya wala nko nakita kay naa pa ko sa gawas. I did not see the
possibility that Alfaro had lied. On the other hand, the semen actual rape. But during trial, she said I was there. I witnessed
specimen taken from Carmela cannot possibly lie. It cannot be Hubert Webb mount Carmela and then raped her. Unsay toohan
coached or allured by a promise of reward or financial support. If, nimo? Inconsistent man iya statements.
on examination, the DNA of the subject specimen does to belong to
Webb, then he did not rape Carmela. It is that simple. Second, the witness’ story of what she personally saw must be
believable, not inherently contrived. A witness who testifies about
So murag nag change ang tune. Katong niagi, pregnancy is not an something she never saw runs into inconsistencies and makes
element of rape. Over and over again. But now, ginaingon, if it did bewildering claims.
not belonged to him, he did not rape Carmela. It is that simple.
Nagbago lang kalit ang Supreme Court. 1:40:01 – 1:49:02 (Alexander Abonado)

Still, Webb is not entitled to acquittal for the failure of the State to So inconsistent kaayo ang giingon niya. One time giingon niya na
produce the semen specimen at this late stage. For one thing, the wala nako nakita kay naa ra ko sa gawas. I did not see the actual
ruling in Brady vs. Maryland that he cites has long been overturned rape…but during trial she said, “I was there, I witnessed Hubert
by the decision in Arizona vs. Youngblood that held that due process mount Carmela and then raped her.” Unsa tuohan nimo nga
does not require the State to preserve the semen specimen although iconsistent man ang iyang statements?
it might be useful to the accused, unless, the latter is able to show
bad faith on the part of the prosecution or the police. Second, the witness’ story of what she personally witnessed/ saw
must be believable not inherently contrived. A witness who testifies
For another, when Webb raised the DNA issue, the rule governing about something she never saw runs into inconsistencies and makes
DNA evidence did not yet exist, the country did not yet have the bewildering claims.
technology for conducting the test, and no Philippine precedent had
as yet recognized its admissibility as evidence. Consequently, the One thing that the SC also said was the fact that Jessica Alfaro here
idea of keeping the specimen secure even after the trial court was actually an asset of the NBI. Then all of a sudden when the NBI
rejected the motion for DNA testing did not come up. Indeed, when the police no longer had any means, Jessica Alfaro just comes
neither Webb nor his co-accused brought up the matter of forward and states that “I was actually there.”
preserving the specimen in the meantime.
How convenient that the supposed eye witness was somebody who
Parenthetically, after the trial court denied Webb’s application for happened to be an asset of the NBI.
DNA testing, he allowed the proceeding to move on when he had on
at least two occasions gone up to the Court of Appeals or the Murag convenient kaayo no? It so happened that she ran the same
Supreme Court to challenge alleged arbitrary actions taken against crowd, and she also happens to be an NBI agent/asset.
him and the other accused. They raised the DNA issue before the
So as we already discussed about Alfaro and her testimony fail to
Court of Appeals but merely as an error committed by the trial court
make the above requirement (?). If the whole case of the
in rendering its decision in the case. None of the accused filed a
prosecution is about Alfaro’s testimony then the prosecution’s case
motion with the appeals court to have the DNA test done pending
should fail.
adjudication of their appeal.
So in the dispositive portion by the SC, the court reverses and sets
So, the State cannot be deemed to be caught on reasonable notice
aside the decision of the lower court and acquits Webb, Lejano,
that it would be required to produce the semen specimen at some
Gatchalian, Andres, etc. and further released from detention unless
future time.
they are confined for another lawful cause. That took a long long
Tama ang Supreme Court, in my observation, you cannot expect us time.
to preserve if at that time there was no still no statutory obligation
So what’s happened after that? Lauro Vizconde, filed a motion for
for us to preserve the samples. Tama ang giingon sa Supreme Court.
reconsideration of the Webb acquittal…but we all know that once
But you have to take note, that right now, the governing rule is you are acquitted that cannot be reversed anymore. Otherwise there
Section 12, which mandates the preservation of DNA Evidence in is double jeopardy.
criminal cases for not less than a period of time where a person is
And he died after…suffering a series of heart attacks…he got his
under trial for a commission of an offense, or in case the accused is
wished to be buried next to spouse and children…he died without
serving sentence, or until such time as the accused has served his
obtaining any measure of justice. No peace of mind whatsoever after
the brutal slaying of his family. The rest of his life was spent seeking
Now, let’s go back to the case itself. Humana ta sa DNA na issue. justice. Justice that was overturned after 15 years of Hubert Webb
and his companions being in jail.
What was alarming to me was what the Supreme Court said: “If it
was not his semen, he could not have raped Carmela. It is that 15 years…if it weren’t Webb and company…who did it? Wala na.
simple” which is far-different from the previous case. human na.

Although in the Lejano case, mejo obiter ang dating niya. It’s not What happened to Hubert Webb, he was already 42 years old when
case law. But you can always argue that the Supreme Court he was released, he ran for councilor of Paranaque last May 2016
sometime might change its tune. elections. What happened? Vandolph won…

Webb’s main defense was alibi. He was able to present very credible What about Jessica Alfaro? After the SC immortalized her lies,
evidence that he was at the US at the time of the incident. calling her a liar in jurisprudence…she fled to Canada for no
apparent reason. In March 2011, the Webb family filed a criminal
What postulate you need to remember here: ALIBI IS AN case against her for false testimony. But you know the latin maxim
INHERENTLY WEAK DEFENSE. It is always discredited by Paticur facinus in judicium fugium(?) – He who flees from
positive eye witness identification. So, if there is a clash between prosecution confesses his guilt.

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