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Trimor 1

Paul Trimor

Mrs. Field

Lang 331

09 December 2010

The Odyssey Vs The Lightning Thief

Have you ever been in a situation where in order to save someone dear to you had to exceed

your normal limitations? If you have you are probably an epic hero! Epic heroes in originated Greek

mythology however some may change though out culture and time. Homer’s The Odyssey features

Odysseus, who is considered one of the most famous epic hero of all time. Homer generated The

Odyssey through oral stories passed down through generations. 800 years later Rordan created The

Lighting Thief featuring a younger and more modern version of Odysseus, Percy Jackson. Both of these

stories capture the story of an epic hero’s adventure, both characters even have similar qualities;

however, The Odyssey was written to support the belief of Greek mythology while The Lightning Thief

was used to entertain.

Odysseus and Percy Jackson were born with super human qualities, qualities they use to help

them surmount the most difficult obstacles. Percy inherits Poseidon’s godlike abilities which help him

rescue his mother and save the world. Odysseus is born with loyalty and godlike intelligence which make

him so favorable towards the gods, who help him along his voyage. Odysseus’s personality is an

example of how the Greeks where expected to act. They use Odysseus as a role model to demonstrate

the belief that being loyal and smart like Odysseus, then the gods may admire them and protect them

throughout their lives. However, Rordan created Percy as a character who would seem relatable and

auspicious. Just like Odysseus, Percy is also loyal and has to face many obstacles. But, unlike Odysseus’s

purpose, Percy is just a heroic protagonist. However character isn’t the only thing Rordan adapted to.
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All epic stories include a character having to face evil in order to save a certain someone they

adore, such as The Lightning Thief and The Odyssey. Both Odysseus and Percy had arduous experiences

with many evil forces. Both had to travel to the underworld, defeat a vicious monster, and pardon a

time consuming distraction. All of these things accomplished in order to save a loved one. What is an

epic story? An epic story is a composition, usually centered upon a series of great achievements are

carried out in order to fulfill a certain goal. The Odyssey and The Lightning Thief both contain these

elements. Even tho these stories both share similar qualities, it is this purpose of publication that

separates these stories the most.

The authors of The Odyssey and The Lightning Thief both had different expectations for their

novel. The Odyssey follows a middle-aged man with a great personality trying to return home and

stumbles upon many distractions. Fortunately the gods are on his side and help him overcome these

distractions. On the other side, Percy Jackson is a teen with ADHD and finds out he is accused of stealing

Zeus’s lightning bolt. He ten discovers this power is had in which he inherited from his father. Although

many might find The Odyssey as an epical work of literature, 800 years ago the Greeks saw it more like a

bible. In Today’s society not many people believe that the story of The Odyssey and the world of gods

and monsters and are actually true. However, there is a majority who find the idea rather interesting.

That is why Rordon created The Lightning Thief. He wanted to amuse his audience with a hero and a

world that was similar Odysseus. These stories lack similar message we can safely say we find both

stories to be rather amusing.

As time and society progresses so will the creation of Epic Heros. People will continue to edit

these hero’s characteristics to fit their desires and beliefs. Homer used orals stories to create The

Odyessy while Rordan used The Odyssey to create The Lightning Thief. Maybe in the next century

someone might have written an epic using The Lightning Thief as a template.

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