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TAHUN AKADEMIK 2018 / 2019

Make an analysis about the case below.

The analysis should be include :
1. Critical and main issues of the case
2. The solution of the case
3. Suggestion of the case

CASE 1 :
Starbucks lead by its CEO Howard Schultz is an international coffeehouse chain
based in Seattle, Washington, United States. It is the largest coffeehouse company in
the world with 16120 stores in 49 countries. Products of Starbucks include drip
brewed coffee, espresso-based hot drinks, other hot and cold drinks, snacks and
items such as mugs and coffee beans. Many products are specific to the location of
the stores. Starbucks Italian styles coffee, espresso beverages, teas and
confectionaries had made it one of the world’s biggest specialty coffee chain.

With the intention of communicating to employees and customers of the values and
principles that the company upholds, Starbucks Coffee Company has outlined its
mission statements; “To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup,
and one neighborhood at a time” (“Our Starbucks Mission” ,n.d ) . Even
though Starbucks has a unique style of combining both Mission Statement and
Vision Statement ( Garfieldml, 2012) its meaning is clear and concise.

Viewing the statement in ethical perspective relating to its workplace it can be

broken down into 4 key principles: Ethical sourcing of coffee – meaning a holistic
approach to ethically source the highest quality coffee carefully blending, roasting
and packing fresh. Our partner – where Starbucks refer to its employees will be
treated with respect and dignity with safeguarded by health coverage. Ethical
environment stewardship – are committed to the conservation of environmental
CASE 2 :

Waitlists and VIPs

Callie is the Senior Events Coordinator on her student government. She plans senior
events throughout the year, but the biggest event is Senior Ball. Hosted each spring,
the event includes a night of wine and dancing for 1,000 members of the senior class.
Due to chaperone restrictions, venue requirements, and transportation issues,
attendance cannot exceed 1,000 students. Each year, about 100 seniors who wanted
to attend Senior Ball must be turned away.

This year, the number of seniors who could not get tickets is even greater. The event
sold out in two hours, and the line to purchase tickets was wrapped around the
block. Callie had to turn away many seniors, including a few of her close friends. As
she goes through the list of attendees a few days before the event, Callie realizes
that there were some errors in data entry and five tickets remain. Since there was no
possibility of adding additional spaces, Callie did not create a waiting list. Callie
immediately thinks of her friends. She knows that there are other seniors who
desperately want tickets, but she could easily fill the spots from only her friend
group. Callie wonders if she can just distribute the tickets to her friends. They really
want to go, and she wants them to be there. Callie spent the last several months
working on the event, and thinks she deserves to have all her friends there to share it
with her.

She knows she could send an email to the senior class and create a waiting list, and
draw names from the people who respond, but with only a few days before the
event, Callie doesn’t feel that she has the time. She has to visit the venue, establish
the set-up, confirm all the contracts and reservations, train volunteers for the event
check-in, and make sure each participant has turned in their waivers. She knows that
she’ll receive hundreds of responses about the tickets, and creating the waiting list
will detract from her ability to prepare for a great event. For just five tickets, it
doesn’t seem worth the extra work.

CASE 3 :

Angela is a senator for the sophomore class on her student government. Tonight, the
student senate is approving several large funding requests for campus organizations.
Angela’s best friend, Emily, is the president of the Hawaiian cultural club, which is
asking for funding for their annual luau. Because Emily talks about it so much, Angela
knows the event is very well-planned, and she’s excited to go. It is a popular event on
campus, and is a big hit with the student body. Emily told Angela that the event has
been streamlined as much as possible to save money, and if it doesn’t receive the
large sum it requests, they will have to cut important aspects of the experience. In
order to give the Hawaiian club the money it requests, one of the other requesting
organizations will have to receive less than they’re asking for, and possibly have to
eliminate parts of their own events.

Angela wonders if she should recuse herself from the vote. Her personal relationship
with Emily means she knows and cares much more about that program. She feels
more confident about voting to give it more funding, even at the expense of other
organizations. At the meeting tonight, a nasty flu has prevented many senators from
attending, and if Angela recuses herself, there won’t be a quorum. The Senate will
have to delay the vote until a later meeting, which would be aggravating for
everyone. Angela wonders if her possible conflict of interest is worth delaying the

1. Critical and main issues of the case

Angela is a senator for the sophomore class on her student government. There will a
popular event is her campus, and student senate is approving several large funding
requests for campus organizations. She has best friend, named Emily. Emily is the
president of the Hawaiian cultural club, which is asking for funding for their annual
luau. Emily has prepared everything so well for this event, and Angela was excited to
go. Beside of that, this event will be held with save money (less funding), and if it
doesn’t receive the large sum of its requests, it must cut important parts of events.
And for this Hawaiian cultural club, one of other organizations will have to receive
less than they are asking for, and possibly have to eliminate parts of their own

But, in the other hand, Angela wants to give it more funding, even though it must
expense other organizations. And it will be opposite with Emily. In this meeting
tonight, a nasty flu has prevented many senators from attending. She is confused to
come or not. If Angela doesn’t come, there won’t be a quorum. The Senate will delay
the vote until a later meeting and it will annoying everyone.

2. The solution of the case

In case of that, Angela has a good relationship with Emily. It possible if
Angela tells honestly what she and her school wants. She should talk
about her disagreement with Hawaiian Club policy that will spend limited
money, cut important parts of events if it doesn’t receive the large sum of
its requests. Beside of it, Emily could talk to Angela to change its policy
by increasing the budget value of funding, giving same payment with
other organizations as much as Hawaiian Club policy, without eliminate
parts of events of every organizations.
How much it will be spent, it doesn’t make a serious problem, because
this is one of big events in her school and become complete
responsibility for school.

3. Suggestion of the case

Everything is back to Emily. Which one that make her feel comfort.
Because, it becomes the heavy choices that she must choose. If she
wants to show her own choice, it will make something wrong in her
relation with Emily. And of course, it will make Emily feel disappointed.

And the other ways, this a common interest that concerns many people.
This event is a popular event that must be held successfully. And return
to Angela's character, if he is a professional person at work, whatever
the result with her school, she should be able to accept with relieved.

CASE 4 :
On the morning of September 8, 2009, security cameras showed Annie Le, a doctoral
student in the Yale School of Medicine’s Department of Pharmacology, entering the
campus building in which she worked as an animal researcher. When Le failed to return
home that evening, her roommates reported her missing to local police. Because
security footage didn’t show Le leaving the building, authorities immediately closed it
off, and Le‟s body was found five days later, hidden inside a wall in a basement
laboratory. She had been strangled. It was September 13 – the day on which Le, 24,
was to be married. On September 17, police arrested Raymond Clark III, also 24, a lab
technician who’d been working in the building on the day that Le disappeared. As of this
writing, neither Clark nor the police have indicated any motive, but New Haven police
chief James Lewis is on record as saying, “This is not about urban crime, university
crime, [or] domestic crime, but an issue of workplace violence, which is becoming a
growing concern around the country.” How much concern? In 2007, the last year for
which there is reliable data, there were more than 5,600 work-related deaths in the
United States. Of these, 864, or 15 percent, were due to assaults or other violent acts;
homicides accounted for 628 deaths, or 11 percent of the total, with murder passing
“Contact with objects and equipment” to take over the number-two spot in cause of
workplace deaths (“Transportation incidents” remains number one). According to the
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were 7,000 workplace homicides nationwide
between 1997 and 2007, but it’s important to remember that most of these resulted
from robbery or some other form of violent activity performed by third parties (such as
customers or strangers) rather than by coworkers, who were responsible for about
1,000 homicides during the 10-year span.
“That’s a thousand too many,” admits Washington State University management
professor Tom Tripp, “but statistically speaking, it’s rare,” he adds, given a workforce of
150 million. It’s also important to remember that “workplace violence” covers a much
broader spectrum of behavior than physical violence. The National Institute of
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) define workplace violence as “a physical
assault, threatening behavior or verbal abuse occurring in the work setting.” Thus
“violence” in the workplace includes throwing or pounding on objects, making
statements intended to frighten or coerce, and stalking (“threatening behavior”), as well
as such nonphysical behavior as yelling, using profanity, and verbal abuse. Incidents
like these, however, are also increasingly common: In a recent survey of 7.1 million
private U.S. businesses, the BLS found that more than 5 percent – more than 350,000
– had reported some form of workplace violence in the 12 – month period prior to the
Consider, for example, the form of workplace violence called bullying, which we
discussed in the Ethics box in Chapter 1, entitled “Do You Feel Like You Have A „Kick
Me‟ Tattooed on Your Forehead?” A survey commissioned by the Workplace Bullying
Institute reveals that 37 percent of the U.S. workforce has been bullied, mostly by
bosses, who account for 72 percent of workplace bullies. Even though bullying is four
times more common than legally defined harassment, 62 percent of employers ignore it.
Among the targets of bullying behavior, 40 percent doesn’t report it, and 45 percent
suffer stress-related health problems. Stress, of course, is a vicious circle: Such
experiences as workplace abuse produce stressed people and stressed people are
more likely to commit workplace abuse. Or to put it another way: Stress increases both
negative emotionality and negative affectivity, and people prone to such traits or
moods are more likely to exhibit deviant behavior. Remember, however, that workplace
stress alone is rarely enough to prompt violent behavior – incidents of workplace
violence typically involve additional factors as well, such as behavioral or psychological
problems (e.g., substance abuse or depression) or life stressors outside the workplace
(e.g., marital, family, or health difficulties) What about the case of Raymond Clark,
who’s been accused of Annie Le’s murder? “We may never know the exact motive,”
admits Police Chief Lewis, because “there’s only one person who can tell us what the
motive [was].” Investigators have, however, pieced together a few clues from a
combination of Clark‟s job description and his general behavior in the workplace.

There are two distinct groups of workers in the Yale lab. As a researcher, Annie Le
conducted medical experiments on animals, mostly mice. As a technician, Raymond Clark
performed a variety of tasks in support of the lab’s research activities. Technicians come
from a variety of backgrounds – typically they’re former veterinary technicians, laid off
pharmaceuticals workers, or new high school or college graduates. “They clean and
maintain lab supplies and prepare chemicals,” says one researcher. “It’s a job. We don‟t
have that much interaction with them.” Hired out of high school in 2004, Clark was first
assigned to the washing center, where he scraped dirty cages and toted 40-pound bags of
clothing and bedding. Eventually, he was promoted to full-time animal technician, in which
capacity he performed a number of more responsible tasks. Animal technicians, for example,
are in charge of ensuring that all the necessary paperwork gets done and that all lab
activities are properly documented. “There’s a certain stress that builds with the job,” reports
veteran technician David Russell. “If there’s something wrong, you’re the one who’s on the
hook.” A single bureaucratic or ethical lapse (an unsanitary workplace or a dehydrated
animal) could mean disciplinary hearings that take weeks to resolve. Animal technicians are
also responsible for serving as advocates for the lab animals, monitoring their health and
seeing that they’re treated according to the university regulations.
They’re also responsible for responding to the green neon tags that researchers post to
schedule an animal to be euthanized – the technicians take them to the basement, lock them
in special cages, and turn on the carbon dioxide. “It’s very easy to get attached to the
animals,” admits Russell, and technicians “definitely do get a little desensitized.”
Researchers, according to Russel, “tend to view us as janitors, but we’re more than that.
We’re policemen. We’re there to make sure everything’s done humanely and ethically.”
Technicians, for example, might remind a researcher to put on proper lab apparel or even
chide them for inappropriate research-related activities (such as clipping a mouse’s tail to
obtain a DNA sample). Some researchers charge that Raymond Clark was a “control freak”
and was sometimes rude to researchers – including Annie Le – whom he regarded as
careless in their treatment of the animals. “He would berate them for minor infractions,” says
one researcher. “Everyone enforces rules, but he enforced them in an officious manner.” As
of this writing, Raymond Clark is being held on $3 million bail and awaiting trial.

1. Critical and main issues of the case

There are some reports from Police that said about the death
of an animal researcher, named Annie Le. She missed, than
after 5 days later, she was found in dying hidden inside a wall
in a basement laboratory. She had been strangled. Police
accused to a lab technician, who still worked when the day
she dead, named Raymond Clark III. Because of many
researches, there is found some of reasons, why she dead is
caused by workplace violence.
Than, there are other reports
2. The solution of the case
Creating good governance

Most of the failures that occurred in Indonesia because of the

government's unsatisfactory way of working. Feelings of
dissatisfaction encourage people to commit acts of violence
as a form of protest. Therefore, make a government which is
one of the right efforts and efforts to overcome the main one.
The government must develop strategies and policies that are
perceived as fair to the people so that they can help every
need without feeling unfair.

2. Fair and clean law enforcement

An irreparable legal system. This is because the feeling of

annoyance in compiling decisions is easily replaced by the
strength of the property. While those who are not human.
Irritation Therefore, the government needs to conduct a fair
and accountable system of law enforcement to ensure the
number of failures that occur.

3. Anti-violence campaign

Opportunities for anti-violence campaigns constantly

encourage people to better understand what will happen from
the global struggle. Through the campaign, each community
is invited to hold a meeting in peace. With individual peace
succeeding in creating something to advance. In other words,
violence brings setbacks and setbacks, while without
difficulty making progress in the nation.

4. Invites the community to solve socila problems in a wise


In this assistance, the government must have a big role and

role. In general, what is the leader's actions, will be imitated
and imitated by his subordinates. If a country moves away
from all solutions to social problems, then this action will be
followed by all its citizens. That way, all parties support not
using challenges in resolving which ultimately bring peace in
social life

Embrace conflict.

When conflict arises, don’t avoid it or pretend nothing has happened. As time
goes on, tension will build -- and the conflict only will get worse. Deal with
these uncomfortable issues as soon as possible, before problems and bad
feelings become embedded in everyday work.

If you notice a conflict between employees, encourage them to find a way to

work it out. If conflict develops between two teams, it's a good time
to improve interdepartmental communication. If you have a conflict with one
of your employee, address it head on and in private.  

2. Talk together.

Set up a time and place so you can talk for an extended span without outside

When you do meet, each person should have adequate time to say what he or
she believes the other party needs to hear. Don't let any individual
monopolize the conversation or control the topic. Each person should talk
about the disagreements and how he or she feels about the situation.

Remember, this is not the time to attack or assign blame. Focus on the
problem, not your opinion of the other person’s character.
Related: 6 Communication Tips to Strengthen Your Company's Culture

3. Listen carefully.

It's essential to give your complete attention to the person who is talking.
Do not interrupt the other person.

Make sure you're getting the message he or she intends to send. Rephrase and
repeat back what you've heard to confirm understanding. You might say
something along the lines of, “Let me make sure I understand. You’re upset
about _____ because _____.” 

Ask clarifying questions if needed. You can request that the other person
repeat a central idea or reword his or her frustrations in a way that makes
sense to you. 

Listening always should be about gaining understanding. Don’t let yourself

become reactionary to the other person's words.

4. Find agreement.

Your conversation primarily will focus on the disagreements, but resolution

is possible only when you find points of agreement. You should emerge from
the experience with some positives instead of all negatives.

Shed light on commonalities. Share examples or instances in which you

agree with the other person or can see another point of view. For example, if
you disagree on new sales tactics, you might share what you liked about the
other person’s idea or the motivation to work harder for the team.

Looking for agreement demonstrates your willingness to seek out common

ground and build a relationship around those trust elements.

Related: Are People Actually Listening to or Understanding What You

Say? Here Are 5 Signs to Watch.

5. Provide guidance.

If you're in a leadership position, there are times you may need to mediate

work conflict. Don’t take sides, ever. Realize you are there simply to help
your employees work out their problems.
You might need to guide the conversation. And if hurt feelings run high, it's
likely you'll need to redirect the topic so your employees return to the real
problem. If you're in a position to give advice on next steps, highlight the
positive aspects of the process and suggest related topics or actions they can
work through after the meeting.

Related: Good Leaders Know How to Address Problems With a Team

Member, Even When It's Difficult

6. Be quick to forgive.

Every conflict needs a clear resolution that acknowledges hurt feelings and
finds a solution that begins to mend them. 

Apologize. Tell the other person you're truly sorry for any ill words or
actions -- and mean it. You'll also need to forgive the other person. Agreeing
solely for the sake of appearances can lead to grudges that deepen over time,
undoing any progress you've made together.

Report all forms of harassment

If you are a victim of abuse, you must take action
immediately. In cases of abuse such as ridicule or insult, you
can talk to people who take unpleasant actions. Express that
the treatment is bothering you.

If the problem is not finished with one conversation, then you

can immediately report it to the human resources division.
This also applies if acts of harassment involve physical
violence. The human resources department will help you
because they do exist to protect employees and guarantee
work comfort. The sooner you report, the faster the problem
is solved.

You need all the courage to take action to deal with abuse in
the office. Many things will hinder your "first step" to resolve
this issue. The first obstacle came from the department itself.
You feel afraid of the bigger problems that arise as a result of
reporting. For example, you will be accused of being a
complainant. However, you should not be afraid. Immediately
mix all forms of harassment in the workplace so that the
atmosphere in the office is more comfortable for you and all

Photo source: pixabay

Report all forms of harassment
If you are a victim of abuse, you must take action
immediately. In cases of abuse such as ridicule or insult, you
can talk to people who take unpleasant actions. Express that
the treatment is bothering you.

If the problem is not finished with one conversation, then you

can immediately report it to the Human Resources Division.
This also applies if acts of harassment involve physical
violence. The human resources department will help you
because they exist to protect employees and guarantee work
comfort. The sooner you report, the faster the problem is

You need all the courage to take action to deal with abuse in
the office. Many things will hinder your "first step" to resolve
this issue. The first obstacle came from the department itself.
You have a problem with reporting the results of reporting.
For example, you will be accused of being a complainant.
However, you should not be afraid. Immediately mix all forms
are very comfortable for you and all employees

Photo source: pixabay

3. Suggestion of the case

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