Seminar Report On Ardunio

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Submitted For Partial Fulfillment of Award of






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Certified that seminar work entitled “ Arduino ” is a bonafide work carried out in
the sixth semester by “YOGENDRA PRATAP MALL” in partial fulfillment for
the award of Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering from Goel Institute
of Technology and Management Lucknow, during the academic year 2018-2019.





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I would like to express my profound gratitude to my guide asst prof. RISHI

KUMAR sir for their invaluable support, encouragement, supervision and useful
suggestion throughout this project work. Their moral support and continuous
guidance enabled me to complete my work successfully.
I am grateful for the constant cooperation and encouragement from my honourable
head of department prof. RISHI TRIPATHI sir. His regular suggestions made
my work easy and proficient.
Last, but not the least I am thankful and indebted to all those who helped me
directly and indirectly in completion of this project.

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It is said that practice makes a man perfect so the professional study is incomplete
without practical knowledge. In the field of engineering theory provides the
fundamental stone for the guidance of practice but practice examines the elements
of truth lying in the theory therefore stand coordination between theories and
A project is systematic study of technical problems and with apllication of
technical skills and concept. Everyone has to recognize his/her strength and
weakness, oppurtunity and threat to stand in a cut throat competition.
I was assigned a study of projection "Arduino ".
Secondary is to share the practical knowledge and real life experiences in the world
of technology.
I hope the report will be of special interest to all of you beyond the classroom

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What is Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and

software.Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a
button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor,
turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell your board what to
do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do so
you use the Arduino programming language (based on wiring), and the arduino
software based on Processing.

Over the years Arduino has been the brain of thousands of projects, from everyday
objects to complex scientific instruments. A worldwide community of makers -
students, hobbyists, artists, programmers, and professionals - has gathered around
this open-source platform, their contributions have added up to an incredible
amount of accessible knowledge that can be of great help to novices and experts

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Arduino was born at the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute as an easy tool for fast
prototyping, aimed at students without a background in electronics and
programming. As soon as it reached a wider community, the Arduino board started
changing to adapt to new needs and challenges, differentiating its offer from
simple 8-bit boards to products for IoT applications, wearable, 3D printing, and
embedded environments.

 The project goal was to create simple, low cost tools for creating digital projects
by non-engineers. The Wiring platform consisted of a printed circuit board (PCB)
with an ATmega168 microcontroller, an IDE based on Processing and library
functions to easily program the microcontroller.[4] In 2003, Massimo Banzi, with
David Mellis, another IDII student, and David Cuartielles, added support for the
cheaper ATmega8 microcontroller to Wiring. But instead of continuing the work
on Wiring, they forked the project and renamed it Arduino.

Around that same time, Massimo Banzi announced that the Arduino

Foundation would be "a new beginning for Arduino." [8] But a year later, the
Foundation still hasn't been established, and the state of the project remains
The controversy surrounding Musto continued when, in July 2017, he reportedly
pulled many Open source licenses, schematics, and code from the Arduino
website, prompting scrutiny and outcry.

In October 2016, Federico Musto, Arduino's former CEO, secured a 50%

ownership of the company. In April 2017, Wired reported that Musto had
"fabricated his academic record.... On his company's website, personal LinkedIn
accounts, and even on Italian business documents, Musto was until recently listed
as holding a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In some cases,
his biography also claimed an MBA from New York University." Wired reported
that neither University had any record of Musto's attendance, and Musto later
admitted in an interview with Wired that he had never earned those degrees.

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In October 2017, Arduino announced its partnership with ARM Holdings (ARM).
The announcement said, in part, "ARM recognized independence as a core value of
Arduino ... without any lock-in with the ARM architecture.” Arduino intends to
continue to work with all technology vendors and architectures.

All Arduino boards are completely open-source, empowering users to build them
independently and eventually adapt them to their particular needs. The software,
too, is open-source, and it is growing through the contributions of users worldwide.

Today, there are Arduino-based LED cubes, Twitter displays, DNA analysis kits,
breathalyser and so much more. There are Arduino parties and Arduino clubs. As a
feather to its crown, Google has recently released an Arduino-based development
kit for its Android Smartphone!

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• Arduino Leonardo
• Arduino Lily Pad
• Arduino Mega
• Arduino Nano
• Arduino Mini
• Arduino Mini Pro
• Arduino BT
• Arduino Uno

Arduino Mega Arduino Uno

Arduino Leonardo Arduino Nano

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Arduino Pro

Arduino Likes-System
• Cortino (ARM)
• Xduino (ARM)
• LeafLabs Maple (ARM)
• Beagle Board (Linux)
•Wiring Board (Arduino predecessor)

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 Microcontroller: ATmega328

Flash memory-32KB

Timers- 2x8 bit, 1x16 bit

No. of comparators-1

Temperature Range -40 to 85

 Operating Voltage: 5V
 Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
 Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V
 Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
 Analog Input Pins: 6
 DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA
 DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
 Flash Memory: 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
 SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328)
 EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328)
 Clock Speed: 16 MHz

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On one side of the board there are 14 digital input/output pins as well as a ground pin and
a reference pin which acts as voltage reference for the analog pins. Pin zero doubles as
serial input, and pin 1 doubles for serial output. On the other side of the board, you’ll find
6 analog pins, as well as a voltage input pin, two ground pins and a reset pin. The board
also has both a 3.3V and 5V output pins.

You can power the board any of three ways: directly via the USB port, using the power
connector, or the Vin and ground pins. The ATMEGA chip is removable from the board.
This is especially useful if you have fried the processor and need to replace it, or you can
use the board alone as a USB to serial interface. R3 of the Uno adds two new pins on the
digital side: SDA and SCL

Input and Output

Each of the 14 digital pins on the UNO R3 can be used as an input or output (they
operate at 5 Volts and provide/receive a maximum of 40mA and has an internal
pull-up resistor (disconnected by default) of 20-50 K ohms.), we can functions as

– pin Mode ()
– digital Write ()
– digital Read ()

In addition, some pins also have specialized functions:

– Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial
data. These pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the ATmega8U2 USB-
to-TTL Serial chip.

– External Interrupts: 2 and 3. These pins can be configured to trigger an interrupt

on a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value.
– PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analog Write()
– SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins support SPI
communication using the SPI library.
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– LED: 13. There is a built-in LED connected to digital pin 13. When the pin is
HIGH value, the LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it’s off.
The UNO R3 has 6 analog inputs, labeled A0 through A5, each of which provide
10 bits of resolution (i.e. 1024 different values). By default they measure from
ground to 5 volts, though is it possible to change the upper end of their range using
the AREF pin and the analog Reference () function. Additionally, some pins have
specialized functionality:
TWI: A4 or SDA pin and A5 or SCL pin. Support TWI communication using the
Wire library.
There are a couple of other pins on the board:
AREF. Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with analog Reference ().
Reset. Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically used to add a
reset button to shields which block the one on the board.
Note: The Arduino reference design can use an Atmega8, 168, or 328, Current
models use an ATmega328, but an Atmega8 is shown in the schematic for
reference. The pin configuration is identical on all three processors.

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The Arduino Uno can be programmed with the Arduino software IDE

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment - or Arduino Software (IDE) -

contains a text editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a toolbar with
buttons for common functions and a series of menus. It connects to the Arduino and
Genuino hardware to upload programs and communicate with them.

Arduino IDE works on windows,linux, as well as Mac lipo platforms.To its extention
there are some androids apps like Bluino loader to boot uno with smartphones too.

Writing Sketches
Programs written using Arduino Software (IDE) are called sketches. These sketches
are written in the text editor and are saved with the file extension .ino. The editor has
features for cutting/pasting and for searching/replacing text. The message area gives
feedback while saving and exporting and also displays errors. The console displays
text output by the Arduino Software (IDE), including complete error messages and
other information. The bottom righthand corner of the window displays the configured
board and serial port. The toolbar buttons allow you to verify and upload programs,
create, open, and save sketches, and open the serial monitor.

Libraries provide extra functionality for use in sketches, e.g. working with hardware
or manipulating data. To use a library in a sketch, select it from the Sketch > Import
Library menu. This will insert one or more #include statements at the top of the sketch
and compile the library with your sketch. Because libraries are uploaded to the board
with your sketch, they increase the amount of space it takes up. If a sketch no longer
needs a library, simply delete its #includestatements from the top of your code.

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Pros and Cons of Using Arduino

In last years’ the use of Arduino increases exponentially due to its readability and
easiness. But the point to think is whether the use of Arduino is in favor of
engineers or not. There are some advantages and disadvantages of using Arduino.
First of all, we will look upon the advantages of Arduino and later we will discuss
the disadvantages.
Yes there might be some disadvantages of Mighty Arduino as well.
Let's starts with advantages.

1- Ready to Use:
The biggest advantage of Arduino is its ready to use structure. As Arduino comes
in a complete package form which includes the 5V regulator, a burner, an
oscillator, a micro-controller, serial communication interface LED and headers for
the connections. You don't have to think about programmer connections for
programming or any other interface. Just plug it into USB port of your computer
and that's it. Your revolutionary idea is going to change the world after just few
words of coding.

2- Examples of codes:
Another big advantage of Arduino is its library of examples present inside the
software of Arduino. I'll explain this advantage using an example of voltage
measurement. For example if you want to measure voltage using ATmega8 micro-
controller and want to display the output on computer screen then you have to go
through the whole process of simple coding and some pin connections that’s it.

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3- Effortless functions:
During coding of Arduino, you will notice some functions which make the life so
easy. Another advantage of Arduino is its automatic unit conversion capability.
You can say that during debugging you don't have to worry about the units
conversions. Just use your all force on the main parts of your projects. You don't
have to worry about side problems.

4- Large community:
There are many forums present on the internet in which people are talking about
the Arduino. Engineers, hobbyists and professionals are making their projects
through Arduino. You can easily find help about everything. Moreover the
Arduino website itself explains each and every functions of Arduino.
So, we should conclude the advantage of Arduino by saying that during working
on different projects you just have to worry about your innovative idea. The
remaining will handle by Arduino itself.
1. Inexpensive - Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive compared to other
microcontroller platforms. The least expensive version of the Arduino
module can be assembled by hand, and even the pre-assembled Arduino
modules cost less than $50.
2. Cross-platform - The Arduino software runs on Windows, Macintosh OSX,
and Linux operating systems. Most microcontroller systems are limited to
3. Simple, clear programming environment - The Arduino programming
environment is easy-to-use for beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced
users to take advantage of as well. For teachers, it's conveniently based on
the Processing programming environment, so students learning to program
in that environment will be familiar with the look and feel of Arduino.
4. Open source and extensible software - The Arduino software is published as
open source tools, available for extension by experienced programmers. The
language can be expanded through C++ libraries, and people wanting to
understand the technical details can make the leap from Arduino to the AVR
C programming language on which it's based. Similarly, you can add AVR-
C code directly into your Arduino programs if you want to.
5. Open source and extensible hardware - The Arduino is based on Atmel's
ATMEGA8 and ATMEGA168 microcontrollers. The plans for the modules
are published under a Creative Commons license, so experienced circuit
designers can make their own version of the module, extending it and
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improving it. Even relatively inexperienced users can build the breadboard
version of the module in order to understand how it works and save money.

1- Structure:
Yes, the structure of Arduino is its disadvantage as well. During building a project
you have to make its size as small as possible. But with the big structures of
Arduino we have to stick with big sized PCB’s. If you are working on a small
micro-controller like ATmega8 you can easily make your PCB as small as

2- Cost:
The most important factor which you cannot deny is cost. This is the problem
which every hobbyist, Engineer or Professional has to face. Now, we must
consider that the Arduino is cost effective or not.

3- Easy to use:
In my opinion, if you started your journey of micro-controllers with Arduino then
it will be very difficult for you to make the complex intelligent circuitries in future.
The easy to use hardware/software of Arduino unable a person to learn the basics
of many things likes Serial communication, ADC, I2C etc

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1. The Obstacle Avoidance Robot Operated with Arduino

The main concept of this project is to design a robot using ultrasonic sensors to
avoid the obstacle. A robot is a machine and it is a combination of programs
instructions and motors. It can perform some task with some guidance or
automatically. This robotic vehicle has an intelligence which is built inside of the
robot. When a obstacle problem comes ahead of it then, it guides itself. This robot
is designed with a microcontroller from Atmel family of Aduino board.

2. Arduino based Controlling of Electrical Appliances using IR

 The main goal of this project is to control the electrical appliances using an IR
remote. This project uses the TV remote to transmit the coded data, and then it is
received by a sensor which is interfaced to the control unit. The proposed system
controls the electrical loads depending on the transmitted data from the remote.
Operating electrical appliances are very difficult for handicapped or senior people.
This project gives the solution by integrating household appliances to a control unit
which can be operated with a TV remote.

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Arduino based Home Automation

The main goal of this project is to design a home automation system using an
Arduino board with Bluetooth being controlled remotely by any Android OS
based smart phone. This home automation system provides a modern solution with
smart phones. In order to achieve this, a Bluetooth device is attached to the
Arduino board at the receiver side and while on the transmitter side, a GUI
application on the smart phone sends ON/OFF commands to the receiver where
loads are connected. By touching the particular location on the graphical user
interface (GUI), the different loads can be remotely turned ON/OFF via this
technology. When we touch the exact location on the GUI, then the loads can be
turned ON/OFF remotely. The loads works with an Arduino board through
Thyristors and Opto-Isolators using triacs.

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Gas Leakage Detector with GSM Module for SMS Alert and Sound Alarm

An Arduino Uno board is interfaced with a MQ5 gas sensor and GSM Module in
this project. This project – named as – Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino has
the following objectives:-

Detect the presence of LPG or other types of gases like CH4, Butane etc with help
of MQ5 gas sensor and Arduino. Send 3 SMS Alerts (with a message like ‘Gas
Leaking at Kitchen’) to specified mobile numbers in the program with the help of
GSM Module and  Arduino  Produce a Sound Alarm upon gas leak with help of
Arduino and Buzzer. Turn the Relay ON with help of Arduino to activate a certain
function – say cut off electrical supply to a kitchen!

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The program in this project also checks for shutdown process – that is – if the gas
leak problem has been addressed and eliminated properly. Once the gas leak
problem has been eliminated completely and the room is completely back to
normal conditions, the project will reactivate its “gas leakage scanning mode”.
This one is a very useful arduino based project – which finds lots of application in
home and industry.

PIR Sensor Burglar Alarm with SMS Alert and Sound Alarm using Arduino

A very power burglar alarm or intruder alarm system using PIR Sensor and
Arduino – with SMS Alert (using GSM Module) and Sound Alarm.

Objectives of this project is as described below:- 

 Detect a motion – an intruder or a burglar using PIR sensor

 Activate the buzzer alarm upon detection of burglar/intruder – Alarm should
sound until Reset switch is pressed
 Send 3 SMS to a predefined mobile number set inside the program.
 Stop the alarm when reset switch is pressed. Also reactivate the SMS alert
facility upon reset.

This seemingly simple but feature rich projects is highly suitable for engineering
course fulfillment and to install in home/office premises as a hobby setup.

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1. Temperature Logger using Arduino – is a very simple project using Arduino
and a Temperature sensor IC LM35 from National Semiconductors. The program
monitors temperature every 2 seconds and displays temperature on the serial
monitor of Arduino IDE. We have developed this project for learning purpose.
You can enhance this project by giving some actions (like turning OFF or ON
another system) at certain temperature limits.

2. Water Level Controller using Arduino – is a very useful project that you can
build and set this up in your home. This project is designed such a way that it
monitors many aspects regarding water level control. When the water drops below
a predefined level, motor is turned ON and when it reaches full level motor is
turned OFF.  Level of water in the sump tank (source tank or water source like
bore well ) is monitored to protect the motor from dry running. The system is
designed to produce an alarm if any of the sensor turns faulty.

3. Ultrasonic Range Finder using Arduino – is another interesting project we

have developed using Arduino and HC-SRO4 ultrasonic module. This ultrasonic
module can measure upto 200cm and has an accuracy of 1 cm. This project can be
enhanced to develop parking sensor systems and related applications. I have
developed 2 versions of this project – where the first one uses 7 segment displays
and the 2nd one uses LCD display for output messages.

4. Tachometer using Arduino– is a simple project to measure RPM (revolutions

per minute). The sensor to pickup revolutions is created using an IR LED and an
IR photo transistor. The project is designed with an option to control motor speed
using PWM (Pulse width modulation). RPM and other important data are
displayed on the LCD module.

5. Digital Code Lock using Arduino – is a simple combination code lock using
Arduino. We have developed 2 versions of this project. The first one is very simple
where a predefined password is set inside the program. The system checks for this
password to OPEN or CLOSE the lock. The second one is an advanced one with
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features like setting user-defined password. The system will ask the user to SET a
password at installation (the initial booting). User can change the SET password at
any time later (the system will ask and check for current password before changing
to new password).

6. Digital Thermometer using Arduino – is another simple project created using

Arduino and LM35. If you have gone through Temperature Logger project, you
might find this project too simple. The temperature can be displayed in Degree
Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.  The range is from 0 degree Celsius to 99 degree
Celsius. Three 7 segment displays are used to display temperature.

7. Ohmmeter using Arduino – is a very interesting project for Electronics

Engineers and Hobbyists. The project is designed to measure the resistance of an
unknown resistor and display the output in LCD module. I have designed the
project with auto-ranging feature, so you don’t need to manually select the range of
unknown resistor. This project is very good to understand basic principles of

This is all about Arduino technology and its applications. So this is the basic
information regarding Arduino which can be used for many applications like
controlling of actuators for example generators, motors & based on the input
of the sensors.

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Over the year, Arduino has gone out to become a huge success and a common
name among students. With Google deploying it, people’s imagination has went
out to much higher level than before. A developer in the annual GOOGLE IO
conference said ‘when Arduino and Android coming together, this really proves
“INFINITY EXISTS” in the future’. I think a study on arduino and practical
experiments on arduino must be added for UG courses of engineering, to help
students to leverage their talents, and imaginations.

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