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From chart dated February 08, 2020 at the TOJ i.

e at 04:32:25PM at 29°N13 and 78°E57



[ 1 ] At reported time at about 04:00 A.M and from 01:50:13 A.M to 04:08:57 A.M Sign lord of ascendant is MOON there after ascendant sign lord is SUN.

SUN did not appear in list of RPs and MOON appeared 04 times. Hence beyond doubt it is confirmed that ascendant sign lord must be MOON and RASI of ascendant should be CANCER

[ 2 ] Star lord of ascendant is SATURN from 02:05:27 A.M to 03:07:57AM and this time range is not being considered as consultant himself told that TOB is around 04:00 A.M or after it.

[ 3 ] Star lord of ascendant is MERCURY from 03:07:59 A.M to 04:08:57 A.M

and reported TOB is around 04:00AM and not before this or 04:00 onward time may be. Hence star lord can not be Saturn. But MERCURY is in star of RP KETU. Hence TOB should be before
04:08:57 A.M when star lord is MERCURY who is in star of RP KETU and not after 04:08:57A.M when star lord of ascendant is Ketu itself.

[ 4 ] From above observation I have got sign lord of ascendant is MOON and Star lord is MERCURY.

Now what should be sub lord of ascendant. In list of RPs I have SATURN who is in star of MERCURY. Hence sub lord of ascendant is selected as SATUR.

[ 5 ] From above observation I have got sign lord of ascendant as MOON , Star lord as MERCURY , sub lord as SATURN. From list of RPs Saturn has no planet in its star as such it is strongest to
give its effect on own. Hence sub sub lord is selected as SATURN.

[ 6 ] From above observation I have got sign lord of ascendant as MOON , Star lord as MERCURY , sub lord as SATURN and sub sub lord as SATURN.

Sookshm Lord is selected as KETU. Because Ketu is in sign of JUPITER, Ketu is being aspected by JUPITER, JUPITER appeared 03 times in list of RPs.

JUPITER is in sub sub of MERCURY; Ketu is in sub sub of MERCURY; Rahu is in sub of Mercury; Saturn is in star of Mercury and in Sookshma lord of MERCURY. Thus KETU is causing effect of
MERCURY through RP JUPITER and RAHU more than that of what SATURN through its Star lord MERCURY will cast. Hence Ketu is rightly selected as SOKSHMA lord of ascendant.

[ 7 ] In the end PRAN LORD of ascendant is selected as MOON. Because it appeared 04 times in list of RPs and MOON is in star of KETU and PRAN lord of MOON itself appears as sign lord of
ascendant when time of birth is accurate and sign lord of ascendant is MOON. Hence PRAN LORD of MOON should be itself MOON.

[ 8 ] On September 12 , 1958 at 04:01:11:850 A.M time co-Rulers of ascendants are MOON-MERUCURY-SATURN-SATURN-KETU-MOON

[ 9 ] After casting chart for above mentioned September 12 , 1958 at 04:01:11:850 A.M time ,POB- Shahdara ,Delhi , I checked most of given life events with help of DBA and found that timing
of actual life events do tally with DBA and transit of planets. Thus, I can say that Co Rulers of Accurate ascendant are -MOON°-MERCURY-SATURN-SATURN-KETU-MOON° on September 12,
1958 at 04:01:11:850 A.M time, POB- Shahdara, Delhi.

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