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Implementing Stop Replication in SAP HANA Studio

Stop Load/Replication:
If you are using stop load and replicate for table it will delete table form the SLT
Means it will delete logging table and triggers.
Click on start<click on SAP logon

Enter user name is best

Password is Welcome123 <click on enter

Create a new SE11 session

Write the Database table name you want to create

Click on create icon

Provide the short description as table name

Click on Delivery class

Select on A: Application table

Click on Data Browser

Select Display/Maintenance allowed

Click on save icon

Click on Local object

Click on Activate icon

Click on Data Class

Select “APPL0”
Select Size Category as 0

Click on save icon

Click back

Click on fields and provide the below information

Click on save
Click on continue icon

Click on Activate icon

Click on continue icon

Click on yes
Below will display

Click on back icon

Click on Utilities

Select Table Contents

Select Create Entries

Provide the below information

Click on save
Click back icon

Click on contents icon

Click on execute icon

Go to SAP HANA studio

Click on Stop/Replication icon

Select the table

Click on Add

Click on finish
Click on refresh

Now we can see the Ation as at first stop and later replicate as shown below
In SAP HANA studio

Go to cataloghere we have our schema.

Select our schema

Right click on tablesselect filter.

Enter the ZEMPINFO

Select the whole word

Click on OK

Click on ZEMPINFO tableRight click on itclick on data preview.

Now we see data preview of the table.

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