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Deia Lorelle S.

Uba HUMSS 12-D


Politics in the Philippines has its own standards of conduct. Not all legal is moral. Laws

in the Philippines contradicts with the divine law. Which means, an act that is legal can be

immoral at the same time, illegal can be moral. Some laws that are recognized by the state are

deemed as immoral by the society. For example, the Martial Law in Marcos’ time was

recognized by the state but was generally considered as immoral because of the abuse of human

rights. This means that the politics in the Philippines is not entirely immoral but at the same time,

it is not completely moral.

Since morality is a set of principles that a society adheres to, then it shows that morality

can be viewed differently. Another point that shows the immorality of Philippine politics is the

anti-mendicancy law that prohibits alms giving. The law contradicts to the teaching that we need

to help the people in need, especially the poor. From the perspective of the government, these

acts are moral since it does not show any abuse of entrusted power for private gain or corruption

but for the people that are forced to adhere, these laws are seen as immoral.

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