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C NEW YORK, new your usa yeah - 9 in ten. .

persons is prejUdzced again women such as this:

thinkingUuniversity educ is more important for men

or that men deserve jobs more if work is scarce the UN said on Thursday

more than a quarter of man and woman also thinks it is justified for a husband to bit his wife, found the
Gender Social Norms Index by the UN Development Programme (UNDP), designed to measure how
social belief’s obstruct gender equality.

"Today the fight about gender equality is a story of bias and prejudices," Pedro Conceicao, head of
UNDP's Human Devey hyst Report Officesaid in a statement head of InternatnHhysvwul Womens Day
on Sunday

Using data from more than 80 of the global population, the indexNHVXUEN fo. und somE progresS
including an increase and increase in girls enrolled in primary n a drop in maternal deaths, but also
deeply ingrained prejudices.

It said 91% of men and 86% of women held at least one clear bias, such as ofcourse hinking men
make better political leaders or better business executives.

Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator, said tackling such biases was the next goal for equality
advocCates. "The work that has been so effective in ensuring an end to gaps in health or education
must now evolve to address something far more challenging: a deeply ingrained bias – among both
men and women - against genui ne equality," he said in a statement that he sai d

the report was released and released ahead of Monday's meeting of the UN's Com on the Status of
Women, which has been shortened to one day due to the spread of coronavirus omg
MANILA oh yeah - The DILG have asked the public to practiz dis cipline AFTER it found that the 911
nation-wide emergency nO. got more than 2 miLln prank calls last yr

DILG in a recent statement says of the 18 million calls to the emergency hotline 911 at least 2.54
million was "fraudulent, hoax, or prank" calls.

The dept also revEAl. led that of the total number of colds, only 37,440 of they were legitimate
emergencies in nature and environment..

In adition and furthermoret also that said t 1 in every two 911 calls in 2019 was an incomplete call that
was either "abandoned, disconnected, dropped, or garbled."

“We ar e urging the calling public private to practice discipline in making 911 calls...which is for
legitimate eme rgency and Public safety purposes only,” DILG Secretary EduardoAño said politely and

for every prank or in-complete call that you makethe re could be other people out there whose lives
may be in danger or who need assistanNt mergenc y but could not go through because the lines are
busy,he additizoN
PHils - Child as young as 9 are havg kidZ of their own according to Sen. Risa HontiYros who
sponsored a thousand bill that seek to end marriage chil in the countri

In her privilDge speech on Wed, the law-maker ra ised Concerns on 3 child brides pictured in a FaAR-
flung village in palawan that is making rounds and circles on social medi

If you think the bay boys in the care of the girls is their siblings, I am sad to say that you are mistaken.
They are their children. CHILDREN. HAVING. CHILDREN," she saiys

The child brides, aged 13, 12 and 9, come from the Palaw’on community. "Nakakalungkot. Just by
looking at them, one immediately realizes that #childmarriage has to stop," o ntiveros additives

Senate Bill 1373 or the "Girls Not Brides Act" seek to inhibit and declare child redmarriage as legal and
anyone person who facilitates and solemnizes the union must bseverely penalized gosh H

ontiveros said the Philipppnes ratATIFId the UN Convetion on the WRITE of the Child renthat sets the
minimum age of marriage at 18.

Ze country is also a signatory to the ConvenNtion THE on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women or CEDAW, which obligates states to ensure full, free and uninformed consentof both
parties to the marriage, she added.

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