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Dalama, Baroy, Lanaodel Norte

Summative Test
Name: ____________________________________ Yr.&Sec. ____________ Score:___________
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the items carefully and answer with all your best. STRICTLY NO ERASURES

I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Choice the correct answer and write your answer on the blank provided before each number.

_____1. It is the motion where objects tend to go back to their natural state, which is based on the element that
composes them.
a. Natural Motion b. Violent Motionc. Projectile Motion d. Newton’s Motion
_____2. The motion of humans and animals due to their innate will to move.
a. Natural Motion b. Violent Motionc. Involuntary Motion d. Voluntary Motion
_____3. This is the motion of minerals and plants due to mechanical forces.
a. Natural Motion b. Violent Motionc. Involuntary Motion d. Voluntary Motion
_____4. This is the apparent daily motion of the stars, including the Sun as seen from the Earth due to the Earth’s rotation.
a. Diurnal Motion b. Annual Motion c. Precession of Equinoxes d. none
_____5. It is the apparent motion of the equinoxes along the ecliptic as the Earth wobbles.
a. Diurnal Motion b. Annual Motion c. Precession of Equinoxes d. none
_____6. The shape of the Earth is 
a. oblate spheroid b. perfect circle d. oblate circle d. none
_____7. All are Aristotle’s arguments for spherical Earth except:
a. positions of the North star c. the disappearance of the ships 
b. the shape of the Moon and the Sun d. sunrise and sunset
_____8. Who is the most influential Greek philosopher whose ideas were the basis for many concepts that time?
a. Aristotle b. Galileo c. Newton d. Einstein
_____9. An object’s change in position with respect to time
a. distance b. displacement c. speed d. motion
_____10. According to Aristotle, what force or energy permits an object to move?
a. Natural Motion b. Violent motion c. Impetus d. all of the above
_____11. The philosopher who first proposed that the Earth is spherical
a. Aristotle b. Pythagoras c. Anaxagoras d. Eratosthenes
_____12. He gave the most accurate size during their time
a. Aristotle b. Pythagoras c. Anaxagoras d. Eratosthenes
_____13. Who disapproved Aristotle’s claims and believed that the motion of objects is not simply due to the composition of
a. Aristotle b. Galileo c. Newton d. Einstein
_____14. The _______assumed that the planets must move ‘perfectly’ in a circular motion.
a. Theory of planetary motion c. Aristotelian concept
b. Saving the appearances d. Galilean concept
_____15. Plato accounted that the wandering stars are
a. Stars b. moons c. asteroids d. planets
_____16. Aristotle believed that all matter consists of a mixture of four elements:
a. earth, water, air, and fire c. earth, water, land, and fire
b. earth, land, water, and air d. earth, water, sea, and fire
_____17. It was ___________who first suggested a system that puts the sun at the center of the universe.
a. Aristarchus b. Pythagoras c. Anaxagoras d. Eratosthenes
_____18. Which of the following statements Galileo was able to prove?
a. An object in uniform motion will travel a distance is proportional to the time it will take to travel.
b. An external force is not necessary to maintain the motion.
c. A uniform accelerating object will travel at a speed proportional to some factor of time.
d. All of the above.
_____19. Which of the following is not Galileo’s concept?
a. Violent motion b. Horizontal motion c. Vertical motion d. Projectile motion
_____20. It is the total length or ground covered by an object?
a. Displacement b. distance c. speed d. acceleration
_____21. What motion of an object is parallel to the ground until it is the object’s time to fall back into the ground?
a. Natural Motion b. Violent motion c. Motion d. Projectile motion
_____22. What is the change in the velocity of an object per unit time?
a. Displacement b. distance c. speed d. acceleration
_____23. All except one philosopher had models where the Earth as the center of the universe
a. Eudoxus b. Aristotle c. Plato d. Copernicus
_____25. Kepler’s third law of motion can be illustrated through the formula,
a. T 2=k R3 b. T 3=k R2 c. T 3=k 3 R3 d. none
_____26. What refers to the amount or size of a quantity?
a. Acceleration b. velocity c. Magnitude d. speed
_____27. It is the amount of change in speed and/or direction of movement an object?
a. Inertia b. mass c. acceleration d. velocity
_____28. What law states that the attractive gravitational force between bodies with masses is directly proportional to the
product of their masses but inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the centers of their mass distributions?
a. Law of acceleration b. Law of inertia c. Law of Momentum d. Law of univ❑❑
_____29. Galileo Galilei explained that the change in speed was due to _____?
a. Force b. action c. reaction d. gravity
_____30. What law states that the total momentum of a system does not change if there are no external forces acting on it?
a. Law of acceleration b. Law of conservation of momentum c. Law of Momentum d. Law of
universal gravitational

II. Enumeration
31-35. The 5 basic quantities that describe motion
36-38. The 3 Laws of Motion by Sir Isaac Newton
39-42. Give at least astronomical phenomena observed by ancient philosophers before the advent of telescopes.
43-45. Kepler’s 3 Law of Planetary Motion

III. Problem Solving

45-50. Estimate how far is Earth from the Sun if it takes 365.25 days for it to complete one orbit. Express the answer in
G=6.67x10−11 Nm 2/k g2; M s=1.989x1030 kg

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