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Hi there!

Welcome to the Emily Skye 30 Day Shred!

This is a 30 day shred I have developed and recommend to specifically address the needs of
women who have a special occasion to prepare for. This could be your wedding, your birthday, a
party or celebration, a work function or basically ANY occasion that you want to look your best for!
The 30 Day Shred is also perfect to kick-start your healthy lifestyle!

This 30 day shred is what I do when I have an event coming up that I have to be lean for such as a
fitness competition, photo shoot or commercial etc. I don’t agree with depleting yourself in order to
get shredded, it’s not healthy or maintainable.

My 30 Day Shred is all about ‘back to basics’ eating and training - this is what I do to shred fat
fast. This is not a detox or lifestyle eating plan, it is a strict, goal oriented eating and exercise
guide to get you lean and toned in a short period of time. You will be eating simply and exclusively
unprocessed, nutrient rich foods.

To get the best results, this guide is designed to be followed TO THE LETTER. No cheats, no ‘off
days’, no lazy days, no substitutions and NO EXCUSES.
By properly following my 30 Day Shred you will healthily shred body fat for your special occasion
so you can enjoy yourself on the day knowing that you look your absolute best.

Before beginning the 30 Day Shred be sure to read through this document so you know what you

are in for. It’s not going to be easy but if you are strict with yourself and instil strong self-discipline
throughout the 30 days you will see results, I guarantee it!

After completing this program you should expect to have more energy, sleep better, your clothes
may become loose, and you will feel better, fitter and healthier than ever!

So lets get started! It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it!


Introduction 3

Tips & Tricks 4

Your Food Explained 6

Meal Plan - Meat Eaters 8

Meal Plan - Vegetarian 10

Shopping Lists Explained 12

Shopping List - Meat Eater 13

Shopping List - Vegetarian 17

Recipes - Meat Eaters 21

Recipes - Vegetarian 33

Your Training Explained 43

Warm Up /Warm Down

/ Stretches 45

30 Day Meal & Exercise Plan 60

Bonus Workouts - Beginner 90

Bonus Workouts - Advanced 95

Words of Wisdom 100

Hi there,

Welcome to the Emily Skye’s 30 Day Ab Shred!

Over the years I have worked out what it takes to develop that flat toned tummy or that ripped shapely six
pack. Through the process of trial and error I now know the way to achieve the best results and I want to
share it all with you. Over the past 3 years I have written down and recorded every single workout I have
ever done. The following program is a collection of all of the best workouts that I have used to give me firm
and toned abs. These workouts are exactly what I do when I want to see real results fast!

• I recommend seeing your doctor before starting this eating & training guide to ensure this program
is suitable for you & that you are capable of performing the recommended exercises.

• The training programs I have included can be intense and you need to ensure you are doing the
correct technique to prevent injury.

• This program does not take into consideration any individual food allergies. If you have any food
allergies DO NOT follow this eating plan.

• Individual results vary.

Just like The 30 Day Shred, The 30 Day Ab Shred has made achieving your goals simple and realistic.
30 days is more than enough time to see real changes both physically and mentally. As I always say,
the key is consistency! If you commit yourself to the process you will see the results you are looking for.
There aren’t any tricks or secrets here. I have given you the method and the rest is up to you! We have a
fantastic online community of ladies that are all working towards their goals of a fit and healthier lifestyle.
I welcome you to our community and I know that you are capable of achieving the results that you have
dreamed of.

Emily xx

Tips & Tricks
• Plan ahead! Prepare your meals a few days in advance so you have no excuses! Plan your work-
outs so they fit in with your schedule.

• Take pics & measurements weekly! Take a pic front on, side on and a back view in similar light-
ing, clothing and same time of day. This is the best way to monitor your results!
I’d love to see your results at the end of the 30 days so please feel free to submit your photos to the
website under the “Testimonials” tab.

• Don’t go by what the scales say! They don’t take into account muscle weight! My weight goes up
and down daily! The worst thing you can do is stress about your weight - it may actually cause your
body to hold onto fat! It’s how you look & feel that’s important!

• Drink plenty of water! Drink at least 2L of water a day and more if you train!

• You can have coffee and tea! If you would like to have milk choose either almond milk or full fat
milk. Light or low fat food is usually full of chemicals and sugar!

• Use a natural sweetener like Stevia instead of sugar or artificial sweeteners. Get some sachets
so you can keep them in your purse when you go out! You can also add 1 tsp. stevia to pancakes,
smoothies, quinoa bowls etc. to sweeten them up!

• Drink a big glass of water first thing in the morning! I like to have a glass of water at room
temp with squeezed lemon in it. It’s cleansing and helps your digestive system run efficiently.

• If you aren’t exercising while on my 30 Day Ab Shred but following my meal plan and you wish
to lose fat then I suggest cutting back a little on the carbs - don’t have as much sweet potato, pump-
kin, rice, quinoa etc as you won’t be needing as much fuel for energy!

• Everybody is different! Your body is going to respond differently to other people doing the Ab
Shred. If you find you don’t need as many carbs as what’s in the meal plan then feel free to
adjust the serving sizes of carbs (brown rice, quinoa, pumpkin, sweet potato). You will notice I give a
low carb option for some of the recipes so it’s up to you if you want to lower the carbs! Your health is
number one to me and I would rather you have too much healthy food than not enough food.
• If you don’t like salad you can substitute it for green veggies such as asparagus, green beans,
zucchini, broccoli etc. You will of course have to adjust your shopping list to suit.

• Aim to get 6-8 hours sleep a night. (Preferably 8+)

• Buy fresh, organic food when possible! - Check out your local food market!

• Don’t under eat! This will only cause your metabolism to slow down and hold onto body fat, or
worse store more! If you have previously been on a low calorie/low carb diet then I suggest seeking
professional advice on how to gradually introduce more carbs to your diet over a period of time so
you can get your metabolism running efficiently.

• It is normal to feel sick or lethargic when you first start eating clean. Don’t panic as you will be
feeling great soon! Everybody is different but it usually takes a few days up to a week for your body
to adjust. If you are feeling unwell and are worried, don’t hesitate to see a medical professional.

• Buy comfortable and supportive gym clothes! There’s nothing worse than exercising when you
feel uncomfortable! Your shoes should also be supportive and suitable for your feet.

• Beware of bad influences! Don’t let your friends push you into eating an unhealthy meal or an
alcoholic drink.

• Be prepared for people around you to not understand what you’re doing or why! - Even close
friends and family. Because they don’t understand your reasons they might make negative com-
ments such as “you’re training too hard”, “you’re getting too skinny”, “you look like a man”, “you’re
taking it too far” etc. Try not to let their comments and opinions upset you. You need to remember
why you decided to do this and make your own wants and needs a priority. You’re not here to please
everyone else and if you’re not happy yourself how are you supposed to make anyone else happy?

• Try to surround yourself with positive, like-minded people who uplift you. It will make your
journey so much more enjoyable and easier!

• Be proud of every step you take - every meal you eat and every workout you get through. Even
if you couldn’t finish a workout, don’t be upset with yourself, be proud of what you DID do and try
again next time. If you slip up with your meals, forgive yourself and get straight back on track with
your next meal! None of us are perfect, we all make mistakes and we all have to start somewhere!
Being too hard on yourself can be detrimental to your journey and your results.
Your food explained
The right foods are essential for your success. Without the right nutrition there is no point to an
effective training program. Like the sayings go, “you can’t out train a bad diet” and “abs are built in
the gym and revealed in the kitchen”!

Your diet is by far the most important aspect to a good program. You can train all you like but if you don’t
have the right fuel for your body you aren’t going to reap the rewards of your hard work in the gym. If you
don’t eat the right food you will be left feeling tired and lethargic and your abs will never be seen. Not to
mention the negative mental and emotional aspect a restrictive and unhealthy diet can have.

Why the Ab Shred is gluten free

You will notice that the my 30 Day AB Shred is completely gluten free. Gluten is a protein found in bread,
pasta, many breakfast cereals and many other foods containing wheat, spelt, barley or rye.
Even though you might not be gluten intolerant or celiac, research shows that gluten is not good
for anyone! It stimulates apetite - making you hungrier, may have addictive properties, can cause
inflammation in your intestines, degeneration in the intestinal lining, bloating, stool inconsistency and
fatigue. Gluten can also have sever effects on the brain. Many cases of neurological illness may be
caused and/or exacerbated by consuming gluten.

Buy Organic
Try to buy organic food whenever possible. Foods that are not organic can be full of nasties such as
pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and other toxins. Toxins are terrible for you. They can mess up your
endocrine system and metabolism, increasing your body fat percentage. These nasties are also related to
autoimmune diseases, cancer, MS and heart disease.

Meat and Fish

Meat and fish are a source of complete protein and good fats essential for brain and organ function.
Protein is an important part of any sort of nutritional plan as our bodies thrive on it. Our muscles are
created from it and our skin, nails, hair and teeth reap the benefits from it. Protein is also crucial for energy
stores and helps to ensure our bodies can work at optimum efficiency. Our bodies do not have the ability
to produce all protein by themselves so we must obtain it from food sources like meat and fish.

Vegetables are very nutrient dense with a minimal amount of calories. They are important to include in your diet
for anyone trying to lose body fat. Vegetables offer a high fibre content, which will aid in keeping you regular
and help you to ‘fill up for less’. Veggies are fat free and cholesterol free. Organic varieties are grown with no
pesticides or additives. This makes them even healthier.

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah). It is an ancient grain that is highly nutritious and gluten-free. It’s a good
choice for vegetarians as it contains more protein than any other grain or seed, with a good balance of
all 8 essential amino acids. Quinoa is also high in fibre, has a low-GI and is a source of iron, B vitamins,
calcium and magnesium, and vitamin E.

Your food explained
Fruits, like vegetables, are full of essential fibre and nutrients. They are higher in natural sugars (fructose)
than vegetables but, when consumed in moderation, can provide the body with vital minerals and energy.
Fruit consumption can help prevent colon cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure,
constipation and help aid metabolism and weight loss


Eggs are a fantastic source of protein. They have a huge amount of benefits for the human body. The main
ones being they contain vitamin D and calcium which is needed for healthy bones and teeth. Also Choline,
which is important for brain function and memory retention


Nuts are a great snack and a great addition to a meal. They are high in protein as well as healthy fats,
antioxidants and fibre. Your skin, hair and teeth will love you fro including nuts into your diet as they are
high in polyunsaturated fats.

Legumes are an excellent source of protein, low in fat, a good source of fibre, folate, phosphorus,
Potassium, iron, zinc, calcium and selenium. They contain Thiamin (B1),
Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), B5 and B6. They also rich in antioxidants and
have a low-GI. * They have anti-nutrients in the outer layer so are best soaked
or fermented before consuming.

Tempeh is a textured soy product that is protein rich.
Tofu is a highly processed food source where as Tempeh is made
from fermented soy beans making it a much healthier alternative.

Brown Rice
Brown rice is healthier than white rice. It contains far
more nutrients and fibre because it retains the bran and germ which is
where many of the vitamins and minerals are found. It’s a filling food
source and provides your body with vital good carbohydrates
essential for a healthy body.

MEAL PLAN - Meat Eaters

1 Banana and chia seed Green smoothie Chicken and sweet Healthy rice cakes Chili con carne
Pancakes potato salad

2 Coconut pancakes Berry smoothie Turkey balls and Apple muffins Gluten free pizza
with yoghurt cottage cheese salad

3 Quinoa smash bowl 1 Banana & 6 walnuts Vegetarian chickpea Salmon seaweed Sweet potato,
salad wraps mushroom & leek

4 Sweet potato Green smoothie Turkey & lettuce cups Healthy rice cakes Lime Chili chicken
and pumpkin omelette salad

5 Blueberry & banana Egg muffins Chicken patties & Salmon seaweed Portobello stack
pancakes pumpkin salad wraps

6 Quinoa banana Green smoothie Smoked salmon salad Healthy rice Thai green chicken with
bowl cakes quinoa / brown rice

7 Cottage cheese Banana & 10 almonds Vegetarian sweet Apple muffins Chicken / lean red meat
omelette potato salad & veggie stir fry with
Zucchini spaghetti


8 Apple & cinnamon Berry smoothie Chicken & sweet Healthy rice cakes Herb coated fish fillet
Pancakes potato salad with brown rice

9 Quinoa blueberry bowl Egg muffins Turkey balls & cottage Salmon seaweed Chicken Mexican
cheese salad wraps bowl

10 Spinach & pear Green smoothie Vegetarian chickpea Healthy rice cakes Chili con carne
omelette salad

11 Banana & chia seed Egg muffins Turkey & lettuce cups Apple muffins Gluten free pizza

12 Coconut pancakes 1 Banana & 10 almonds Chicken patties & Salmon seaweed Sweet potato
with yogurt pumpkin salad wraps mushroom and leek

13 Quinoa smash bowl Green smoothie Smoked salmon salad Healthy rice cakes Lime chili chicken

14 Sweet potato & Berry smoothie Vegetarian sweet potato Apple muffins Portobello stack
pumpkin omelette salad

15 Blueberry and banana Egg muffins Chicken & sweet Seaweed & Thai green chicken
pancakes potato salad salmon wraps mince with quinoa /
brown rice

16 Quinoa banana bowl Green smoothie Turkey balls & cottage Healthy rice cakes Chicken / lean red
cheese salad meat & veggie stir fry
with zucchini pasta

17 Cottage cheese Berry smoothie Vegetarian chickpea Apple muffins Herb coated fish
omelette salad fillet with brown rice

18 Apple & cinnamon 1 Banana & 10 almonds Turkey & lettuce cups Salmon seaweed Chicken mexican
pancakes wraps bowl

19 Quinoa blueberry bowl Egg muffins Chicken patties and Healthy rice cakes Chili con carne
pumpkin salad

20 Spinich & pear omelette Berry smoothie Smoked salmon salad Apple muffins Gluten free pizza

21 Banana & chia seed Egg muffins Vegetarian sweet potato Salmon seaweed Sweet potato
pancakes salad wraps mushroom & leek



22 Coconut pancakes Banana & 6 walnuts Chicken & sweet potato Healthy rice cakes Lime chili chicken
with yogurt salad salad

23 Quinoa smash bowl Berry smoothie Turkey balls & cottage Apple muffins Portobello stack
cheese salad

24 Sweet potato & pumpkin 1 Banana & 10 almonds Vegetarian chickpea Salmon seaweed Thai green chicken
omelette salad wraps mince with quinoa /
brown rice

25 Blueberry & banana Egg muffins Turkey and lettuce cups Healthy rice cakes Chicken / lean red
pancakes meat and veggie stir fry
with zucchini spaghetti

26 Quinoa banana bowl Berry smoothie Chicken patties & Apple muffins Herb coated fish fillet
pumpkin salad with brown rice

27 Cottage cheese omelette 1 Banana & 6 walnuts Smoked salmon salad Green smoothie Chicken mexican bowl

28 Apple & cinnamon Egg muffins Vegetarian sweet potato Healthy rice cakes Chili con carne
pancakes salad

29 Quinoa blueberry bowl Green smoothie Chicken & sweet potato Apple muffins Gluten free pizza

30 Spinach & pear omelette 1 Banana & 6 walnuts Turkey balls & cottage Salmon seaweed Sweet potato
cheese salad wraps mushroom and leek
MEAL PLAN - Vegetarian

1 Banana & chia seed Green smoothie Vegetarian sweet potato Healthy rice cakes Sweet potato
pancakes salad mushroom & leek

2 Coconut pancakes with Berry smoothie Vegetarian chickpea Apple muffins Tempeh con carne
yogurt salad

3 Quinoa smash bowl 1 Banana & 6 walnuts Vegetarian beetroot Egg muffins Tempeh stack

4 Sweet potato & pumpkin Green smoothie Vegetarian mixed salad Healthy rice cakes Simple mexi bowl

5 Blueberry & banana Egg muffins Vegetarian sweet potato Green smoothie Veggie burgers
pancakes salad

6 Quinoa banana bowl Green smoothie Vegetarian chickpea Healthy rice cakes Thai green tempeh with
salad quinoa / brown rice

7 Cottage cheese omelette 1 Banana & 10 almonds Vegetarian beetroot Apple muffins Gluten free healthy
salad pizza - vegetarian


8 Apple & cinnamon Berry smoothie Vegetarian mixed Healthy rice cakes Sweet potato
pancakes salad mushroom & leek

9 Quinoa blueberry bowl 1 Banana & 6 walnuts Vegetarian sweet potato Egg muffins Tempeh con carne

10 Spinach & pear omelette Green smoothie Vegetarian chickpea Healthy rice cakes Tempeh stack

11 Banana & chia seed Egg muffins Vegetarian beetroot Apple muffins Simple mexi bowl
pancakes salad

12 Coconut pancakes with 1 Banana & 10 almonds Vegetarian mixed salad Green smoothie Veggie burgers

13 Quinoa smash bowl Green smoothie Vegetarian sweet potato Healthy rice cakes Thai green tempeh with
salad quinoa / brown rice

14 Sweet potato & pumpkin Berry smoothie Vegetarian chickpea Apple muffins Gluten free healthy
omelette salad pizza - vegetarian

15 Blueberry & banana Egg muffins Vegetarian beetroot Green smoothie Sweet potato
pancakes salad mushroom and leek

16 Quinoa banana bowl Berry smoothie Vegetarian mix salad Healthy rice cakes Tempeh con carne

17 Cottage cheese omelette Berry smoothie Vegetarian sweet potato Apple muffins Tempeh stack

18 Apple & cinnamon 1 Banana & 10 almonds Vegetarian chickpea Green smoothie Simple mexi bowl
pancakes salad

19 Quinoa blueberry bowl Egg muffins Vegetarian beetroot Healthy rice cakes Veggie burgers

20 Spinach & pear omelette Berry smoothie Vegetarian mix salad Apple muffins Thai green tempeh with
quinoa / brown rice

21 Banana & chia seed Egg muffins Vegetarian sweet potato Green smoothie Gluten free healthy
pancakes salad pizza - vegetarian


22 Coconut pancakes 1 Banana & 6 walnuts Vegetarian chickpea Healthy rice cakes Sweet potato
with yogurt salad mushroom & leek

23 Quinoa smash bowl Berry smoothie Vegetarian beetroot Apple muffins Tempeh con carne

24 Sweet potato & pumpkin 1 Banana & 10 almonds Vegetarian mix salad Green smoothie Tempeh stack

25 Blueberry & banana Egg muffins Vegetarian sweet potato Healthy rice cakes Simple mexi bowl
pancakes salad

26 Quinoa banana bowl Berry smoothie Vegetarian chickpea Apple muffins Veggie burgers

27 Cottage cheese omelette 1 Banana & 6 walnuts Vegetarian beetroot Green smoothie Thai green tempeh with
salad quinoa / brown rice

28 Apple & cinnamon Egg muffins Vegetarian mix salad Healthy rice cakes Gluten free healthy
pancakes pizza - vegetarian

29 Quinoa blueberry bowl Green smoothie Vegetarian sweet potato Apple muffins Sweet potato
salad mushroom & leek

30 Spinach & pear 1 Banana & 6 walnuts Vegetarian chickpea Healthy rice cakes Tempeh con carne
omelette salad

Shopping Lists Explained
The shopping lists for the meat and vegetarian meal plans are broken up
to weekly amounts to make it simple for you!

• In each shopping list it tells you everything you need for the entire week. You will need to go to
the grocery shop at least a couple of times a week for some of the food as it’s best to always have
fresh food. It might be an idea to buy green veggies and salad every few days.

• Some of the recipes I give a low carb option. If you decide to lower the carbs you will need to
adjust your shopping list to suit as you will need extra spinach leaves/lettuce and green veggies
(asparagus, broccoli, green beans, zucchini etc.)

Plan ahead!

• You can buy meat in bulk if you like & freeze it until you need it.

• Buy all your fruits & veggies fresh unless specified.

• It’s a good idea to look for local markets to get good quality food for a decent price!

• Coconut oil and coconut aminos can be found at health food shops if it’s not in your grocery store.
You can also purchase these online!

• Low carb protein powder can be bought online. I recommend a natural/organic one with
nothing artificial in it.

• Remember to buy organic when possible (especially meat and greens).

• In the shopping lists you will see it says “optional” next to some of the ingredients - this is if you
want to have those ingredients in the recipes or not. It totally depends on your taste.

• Some of the things on the shopping list will last the whole 30 days so you may not need to buy
more of a particular item when it says that item on the shopping list.

• Keep track of your food such as spices, sweet potatoes, onions, yogurt, cottage cheese, coconut
oil etc. Only buy as needed!

• If you wish you can use salad dressing on salads providing they have no sugar added. I like
balsamic vinegar, whole grain mustard and olive oil mixed together. Lemons and limes are great as
well! You may need to add these as extras to your shopping list.

• When buying quinoa - All the recipes give instructions for the quinoa seeds but you can also buy
quinoa already cooked and flaked (quinoa flakes) - it is much quicker and easier to cook but you will
need to follow the instructions on the packet as the cooking instructions differ.

Chicken breast – 300g
WEEK 1 Chicken mince – 220g
Turkey mince – 270g
Smoked salmon – 120g
Fruit & Vegetables Beef mince – 250g
Bananas (small) – 5 Chicken breast/lean red meat – 100g
Apples - 4 Tinned salmon 95g - 2
Blueberries – 1 packet
Strawberries – 1 punnet
Cottage cheese – 1 tub
Sweet potato – 5
Natural low sugar yoghurt – 1 tub
Pumpkin – 1/2 small pumpkin
Spinach leaves - 3 bags Misc.
Lettuce – 1 small head Eggs – 27
Limes - 5 Almond meal – 1 large packet
Kale – 1 (optional for smoothies) Natural low carb protein powder – 1 tub
Mixed berries – 1 packet (fresh or frozen) Ground cinnamon – 1 shaker
Cherry tomatoes – 4 punnets (more if req.) Raw honey - 1 small jar
Broccoli – 1 large head Coconut oil – 1 large jar
Garlic Paste / Garlic – 1 Quinoa seeds – 1 large packet
Green beans – 1 packet Quinoa flakes - 1 small packet
Peas – 1 bag LSA – 1 packet
Avocados – 1 Rice cakes – 1 packet
Lemons - 2 (+ optional extras for dressings) Pink sea salt - 1
Baby corn – 1 Packet Balsamic vinegar 1 (optional)
Brown onions (small) - 4 Green curry paste – 1 tube
Mushrooms (small) – 2 small packets Brown rice – 1 packet
Asparagus - 1 bunch Paprika – 1 Shaker
Leek – 1 small leek Ground cumin – 1 shaker
Coriander – 1 bunch (optional) Kidney Beans – 1 tin
Fresh chili - 1 (optional) Coconut aminos / tamari sauce – 1 bottle
Fresh thyme - 1 (optional for extra flavour)
Chilli flakes – 1 shaker Curry powder – 1 shaker
Boc choy - 1 bunch Gluten free pizza base - 1 medium size (15-
Zucchinis (medium size) - 2 20cm diameter)
Ginger – 1 (4cm piece) Low sugar pizza sauce – 1 jar
Portobello mushrooms - 2 Stevia – 1 jar
Red capsicum - 1 Baking soda – 1 container
Carrots – 2 Almond milk (unsweetened) – 1L
Seaweed sushi sheets – 1 packet
Peeled tomatoes – 1 tin
Sliced almonds – 1 packet
Shredded coconut – 1 small packet
Walnuts – 1 packet
Chickpeas – 1 tin
Pine nuts – 1 small packet
Basil Paste - 1 tube
Natural / Roasted almonds – 1 packet
Chia Seeds - 1 Pack
Mustard Powder - 1 Shaker
Tomato Paste - 1 tube
Onion powder - 1 shaker
Mixed herbs - 1 shaker 13
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Fruit & Vegetables resh!
Bananas (small) - 2
Apples – 4
Blueberries – 1 packet Meat
Strawberries - 1 packet Chicken breast – 400g
Pear - 1 White fish – 150g
Sweet Potato – 5 (if required) Chicken mince – 120g
Pumpkin – 1/2 small pumpkin Turkey mince – 270g
Spinach leaves – 3 bags Smoked salmon – 120g
Lettuce – 1 small head Beef mince – 250g
Limes – 4 Tinned salmon 95g - 2
Kale – 1 (optional for smoothies)
Mixed berries (fresh or frozen) – 1 pack (if
req.) Dairy
Tomato paste – 1 small tub Natural low sugar yoghurt – 1 tub (if re-
Cherry tomatoes – 4 punnets (more if req.) quired)
Broccoli – 2 large heads Cottage cheese – 1 tub (if required)
Garlic Paste / Garlic - 1 (if required)
Green beans – 1 packet Misc.
Chickpeas – 1 tin (if required) Eggs – 30
Avocados – 2 Almond meal - 1 bag (if required)
Lemons – 3 (+ optional extras for dressings) Almond milk (unsweetened) – 1L
Brown onions (small) – 4 Quinoa seeds – 1 packet (if required)
Tomatoes - 2 Sushi seaweed sheets – 1 packet (if re-
Mushrooms (small) – 1 pack quired)
Asparagus – 1-2 bunches Brown rice – 1 bag (if required)
Leek – 1 small leek Low sugar salsa – 1 jar
Coriander – 1 (optional) Kidney Beans – 1 tin
Fresh chili - 1 (optional) Gluten free pizza base – 1 medium size (15-
Zucchinis (medium size) - 3 20cm diameter)
Portobello mushrooms – 2 Low sugar pizza sauce – 1 jar (if required)
Carrots – 3 Basil paste - (if required)
Red capsicum - 1

Sliced almonds – 1 packet (if required)
Walnuts – 1 packet (if required)
Natural / Roasted almonds – 1 Packet if

Fruit & Vegetables Meat
Bananas (small) – 4 Chicken breast – 400g
Apples – 3 Chicken mince – 220g
Pear - 1 Turkey mince – 270g
Blueberries – 1 packet Smoked salmon – 120g
Sweet Potato – 4 (if required) White fish – 150g
Pumpkin – 1/2 small pumpkin Beef mince – 100g
Spinach leaves - 3 bags Tinned salmon 95g - 3
Lettuce – 1 small head
Limes - 2
Kale – 1 (optional for smoothies) Dairy
Mixed berries (fresh or frozen) – 1 pack (if Natural low sugar yoghurt – 1 tub (if re-
req.) quired)
Cherry tomatoes – 4 punnets (more if req.) Cottage cheese – 1 tub (if required)
Broccoli – 1 head
Garlic Paste / Garlic – 1 (if required)
Green beans – 1 packet (if required)
Peas – 1 small bag (if required)
Almond meal – 1 packet (if required)
Avocados – 2
Eggs – 30
Lemons - 3 (+ optional extras for dressings)
Natural low carb protein powder (if re-
Brown onions (small) - 2
Mushrooms (small) – 2 small packs (if req.)
Almond milk (unsweetened) – 1L
Asparagus - 1-2 bunches
Shredded coconut – 1 small packet
Leek – 1 small
Coconut oil – 1 jar (if required)
Coriander – 1 (optional)
Quinoa seeds – 1 packet (if required)
Fresh chili - 1 (optional)
Rice cakes – 1 packet (if required)
Fresh thyme - 1
Chickpeas – 1 tin (if required)
Baby corn - 3
Low sugar salsa – 1 jar (if required)
Zucchinis (medium size) - 4
Seaweed sushi sheets – 1 packet (if re-
Ginger – 1 (4cm piece)
Red capsicum - 1 (if required)
Green curry paste – 1 tube (if required)
Carrots – 3
Brown rice – 1 packet (if required)
Boc choy - 1 bunch
Kidney beans – 1 tin (if required)
Gluten free pizza base - 1 medium size (15-
20cm diameter)
Nuts Low sugar pizza sauce – 1 jar (if required)
Sliced almonds – 1 bag Basil paste - (if required)
Walnuts – 1 packet (if required)
Pine nuts – 1 packet (if required)
Natural / Roasted almonds – 1 packet (if

WEEK 4 Nuts
Sliced almonds – 1 bag
Walnuts – 1 packet (if required)
Fruit & Vegetables Pine nuts – 1 packet (if required)
Bananas (small) – 6 Natural / Roasted almonds – 1 packet
Apples – 4 (if required)
Pear - 1
Blueberries – 1 packet
Strawberries – 1 packet
Chicken breast – 600g
Sweet Potato – 4 (if required)
Chicken mince – 220g
Pumpkin – 1/2 small pumpkin
Turkey mince – 390g
Spinach leaves - 3 bags
Smoked salmon – 120g
Lettuce – 1 small head
White fish – 150g
Limes - 3
Beef mince – 250g
Kale – 1 (optional for smoothies)
Tinned salmon 95g - 2
Mixed berries (fresh or frozen) – 1 pack if
Cherry tomatoes – 5 punnets (more if req.)
Broccoli – 1 head Dairy
Garlic Paste / Garlic – 1 (if required) Natural low sugar yoghurt – 1 tub (if re-
Green beans – 1 packet (if required) quired)
Peas – 1 small bag (if required) Cottage cheese (full fat) – 1 tub (if required)
Avocados – 2
Lemons - 3 (+ optional extras for dressings)
Brown onions (small) - 4 Misc.
Mushrooms (small) – 2 small packs (if req.) Almond meal – 1 packet (if required)
Portobello mushrooms - 2 Eggs – 35
Asparagus - 1-2 bunches Natural low carb protein powder (if re-
Leek – 1 small quired)
Coriander – 1 (optional) Almond milk (unsweetened) – 1L
Fresh chilli - 1 (optional) Coconut oil – 1 jar (if required)
Fresh thyme - 1 Quinoa seeds – 1 packet (if required)
Baby corn - 3 Rice cakes – 1 packet (if required)
Zucchini (medium size) - 4 Chickpeas – 1 tin (if required)
Ginger – 1 (4cm piece) Low sugar salsa – 1 jar (if required)
Red capsicum - 1 Seaweed sushi sheets – 1 packet (if re-
Carrots – 3 quired)
Boc choy - 1 bunch Green curry paste – 1 tube (if required)
Brown rice – 1 packet (if required)
Kidney beans – 1 tin (if required)
Gluten free pizza base - 1 medium size (15-
20cm diameter)
Low sugar pizza sauce – 1 jar (if required)
Shredded coconut – 1 small packet (if
Basil paste - (if required)
SHOPPING LIST - Vegetarian
WEEK 1 Misc.
Almond meal – 1 large packet
Fruit & Vegetables Eggs - 23
Banana (small) - 5 Natural low carb protein powder – 1 tub
Apple - 4 Almond milk (unsweetened) – 1L
Blueberries – 2 packet Shredded coconut – 1 packet
Strawberries – 2 packets Chia seeds – 1 packet
Sweet potato - 3 Ground cinnamon – 1 shaker
Pumpkin – 1/2 small pumpkin Raw honey - 1 small jar
Spinach leaves – 3 packets Coconut oil – 1 jar
Limes - 4 Quinoa – 1 large packet
Kale -1 (optional for smoothies) LSA – 1 packet
Mixed berries (fresh or frozen) – 1 packet Rice cakes – 1 packet
Cherry tomatoes – 4 punnets (more if req.) Chickpeas – 2 cans
Broccoli – 2 large heads Pink sea salt – 1 shaker
Garlic Paste / Garlic – 1 (if required) Dried oregano – 1 shaker
Green beans – 1 packet Pumpkin seeds – 1 packet
Avocado - 2 Black pepper – 1 shaker
Lemon - 3 (+ optional extras for dressings) Tempeh – 600g
Beetroot - 2 Green curry paste – 1 tube
Celery – 1 head Brown rice – 1 large packet
Brown onions (small) - 3 Peeled tomatoes – 1 tin
Red onions (small) - 1 Tomato paste – 1 tube
Mushrooms (small) – 1 pack Paprika – 1 shaker
Asparagus - 1-2 bunches Onion powder - 1 shaker
Leek - 1 small Ground cumin – 1 shaker
Zucchini - 1 (+ more if required for low carb Kidney Beans – 1 tin
options) Black beans – 1 tin
Fresh thyme - 1 Organic salsa / low sugar salsa – 1 jar
Boc choy -1 bunch Lentils – 1 tin
Ginger – 1 (2cm piece) Ground flaxseed – 1 shaker
Portobello mushrooms - 2 Coconut aminos / tamari sauce - 1 bottle
Red capsicum - 1 (optional)
Carrots – 2 Dried basil – 1 shaker
Parsley - 1 small bunch Curry powder - 1 shaker
Fresh chili - 1 (optional) Gluten free pizza base - 1 medium size (15-
20cm diameter)
Nuts 4 bean mix – 1 tin
Sliced almonds – 1 packet Low sugar pizza sauce – 1 jar
Walnuts- 1 packet Stevia – 1 jar
Natural / roasted almonds - 1 packet Baking soda - 1 container
Dairy Basil Paste - 1 tube
Natural low sugar yoghurt – 1 tub Mustard powder - 1 shaker
Cottage cheese (full fat) – 1 tub

SHOPPING LIST - Vegetarian
Only bu
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have le
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the pre o od from
vious w
eek tha
is still f t
Fruit & Vegetables
Bananas (small) – 3
Apples – 5
Blueberries – 1 packet (if required) Dairy
Strawberries – 1 packet (if required) Natural low sugar yoghurt - 1 tub (if re-
Sweet potato – 4 (if required) quired)
Pumpkin – ½ of a small pumpkin Cottage cheese – 1 tub (if required)
Spinach leaves - 3 packets
Limes - 3
Almond meal – 1 packet (if required)
Pear - 1
Eggs – 28
Kale - 1 bunch (optional for smoothies)
Natural low carb protein powder – (if re-
Mixed berries (fresh or frozen) – 1 pack if
Almond milk (unsweetened) – 1L
Cherry tomatoes – 4 punnets (more if req.)
Shredded coconut – if required
Broccoli – 2 large head
Chia seeds – if required
Garlic paste / Garlic – 1 (if required)
Quinoa – 1 bag if required
Green beans – 1 packet
Chickpeas – 2 tin
Avocados – 3
Pumpkin seeds – 1 packet (if required)
Lemon - 2 (+ optional extras for dressings)
Tempeh – 600g
Beetroot - 1
Brown rice – 1 packet (if required)
Celery - 1
Peeled tomatoes – 1 tin
Brown onions (small) – 3
Tomato paste – 1 tube (if required)
Red onions (small) - 2
Kidney beans – 1 tin (if required)
Mushrooms (small) – 2 small packs
Black beans – 1 tin (if required)
Asparagus -1-2 bunches
Lentils – 1 tin
Leek -1 (small)
Gluten free pizza base - 1 medium size (15-
Fresh thyme -1
20cm diameter)
Boc choy -1 bunch
4 Bean mix – 1 tin (if required)
Portobello mushrooms -2
Low sugar pizza sauce – (1 if required)
Red capsicum – 1
Basil paste - 1 tube (if required)
Carrots – 2
Parsley - 1 small bunch
Zucchini - 1 (+ more if required for low carb
Fresh chili - 1 (optional)
Ginger - 1 (1cm piece if required)

Sliced almonds – 1 packet (if required)
Walnuts – 1 packet (if required)
Natural / Roasted almonds – 1 packet (if

SHOPPING LIST - Vegetarian
Fruit & Vegetables Dairy
Bananas (small) - 4 Natural low sugar yoghurt – 1 tub
Apples - 5 Cottage cheese – 1 tub
Blueberries – 1 packet
Strawberries – 1 packet
Almond meal – 1 bag (if required)
Sweet Potato - 4 (if required)
Eggs - 31
Pumpkin – 1/2 small pumpkin
Natural low carb protein powder – 1 tub (if
Spinach leaves – 3 bags
Limes - 3
Almond milk (unsweetened) – 1L
Kale – 1 bunch (optional for smoothies)
Shredded coconut – 1 small bag (if re-
Mixed berries (fresh or frozen) – 1 packet if
Quinoa seeds – 1 packet (if required)
Cherry tomatoes – 4 punnets (more if req.)
Rice cakes – 1 packet (if required)
Broccoli – 2 large heads
Chickpeas – 2 tins
Green beans – 1 packet
Pumpkin seeds - 1 small packet (if required)
Avocados - 2
Black pepper - 1 shaker
Lemons - 2 (+ optional extras for dressings)
Tempeh – 600g
Beetroot - 2
Green curry paste – 1 (if required)
Celery – 1 small bunch
Brown rice – 1 bag (if required)
Red onions (small) - 2
Peeled tomatoes – 1 tin
Brown onions (small) - 3
Tomato paste – 1 (if required)
Mushrooms (small) – 1 packet
Kidney Beans – 1 tin
Asparagus – 1-2 bunches
Black beans – 1 tin
Leek - 1 small bunch
Organic low sugar salsa – 1 jar (if required)
Fresh thyme - 1
Lentils – 1 tin
Boc choy - 1 bunch
Ground flaxseed - 1 packet/container (if
Ginger – 1 (2cm piece)
Garlic paste / garlic - 1 (if required)
Carrots – 2
Portobello mushrooms - 2
Coconut aminos / Tamari sauce (optional)
Red capsicum - 1
Gluten free pizza base - 1 medium size (15-
Parsley - 1 small bunch
20cm diameter)
Zucchini - 2 (+ more if required for low carb
4 Bean mix – 1 tin
Low sugar pizza sauce – 1 jar (if required)
Pear - 1
Basil paste - 1 tube (if required)
Fresh chili - 1 (optional)
Sliced almonds – 1 packet
Walnuts – 1 packet (if required)
Natural / Roasted almonds – 1 packet (if

SHOPPING LIST - Vegetarian
Fruit & Vegetables Dairy
Bananas (small) - 6 Natural low sugar yoghurt – 1 tub (if re-
Apples - 6 quired)
Blueberries – 1 packet Cottage cheese – 1 tub
Strawberries – 1 packet
Sweet potato - 4 (if required)
Pumpkin – 1/2 small pumpkin
Almond meal – 1 bag (if required)
Spinach leaves – 2 bags
Eggs - 29
Limes – 3
Natural low carb protein powder – 1 tub (if
Pears - 1
Kale – 1 bunch (optional for smoothies)
Almond milk – 1L
Mixed berries (fresh or frozen) – 1 packet if
Shredded coconut – 1 small bag (if re-
Cherry tomatoes – 5 punnets (more if req.)
Quinoa – 1 packet (if required)
Broccoli – 2 large heads
Rice cakes – 1 packet (if required)
Garlic Paste / Garlic - 1 (if required)
Chickpeas – 2 tins
Green beans – 1 packet
Tempeh – 600g
Avocados - 3
Green curry paste – 1 (if required)
Lemons - 3 (+ optional extras for dressings)
Brown rice – 1 bag (if required)
Beetroot - 2
Peeled tomatoes – 1 tin
Celery – 1 small bunch
Tomato paste – 1 (if required)
Red onions (small) - 2
Kidney Beans – 1 tin
Brown onions (small) - 4
Black beans – 1 tin
Mushrooms (small) – 1 packet
Organic salsa / Low sugar salsa – 1 jar (if
Asparagus – 2 bunches
Leek - 1 small bunch
Lentils – 1 tin
Fresh thyme - 1
Ground flaxseed - 1 packet/container
Boc Choy - 1 bunch
Gluten free pizza base - 2 medium size (15-
Ginger – 1 (1cm piece if required)
20cm diameter)
Portobello mushrooms - 2
4 Bean mix – 1 tin
Red capsicum - 1
Low sugar pizza sauce – 1 jar (if required)
Carrots – 2
Basil paste - 1 tube (if required)
Zucchini - 1 (+ more if required for low carb
Parsley - 1 small bunch
Fresh chili - 2 (optional)
Sliced almonds – 1 packet
Walnuts – 1 packet (if required)
Natural / Roasted almonds – 1 packet (if

RECIPES - Meat Eaters
Blueberry and Banana Protein
Serves 1
1 scoop protein powder (approx. 1/3 cup)
Spinach & Pear Omelette
Dash of almond milk (if needed)
Serves 1
1/3 cup almond meal
1 whole egg & 1 egg white
5 eggs (4 whites, 1 whole egg)
1 small banana – mashed
1⁄2 cup washed spinach leaves
½ cup berries
1⁄2 pear, thinly sliced or diced
1 tbsp. natural yogurt
1 tsp. coconut oil
1 tsp. coconut oil
Directions: Directions:
1. Lightly grease a frying pan with coconut oil. 1. Mix almond meal and eggs in a bowl until
2. Pour eggs into pan. it’s a smooth consistency
3. Spread spinach and pear evenly over pan. 2. Add banana and berries and mix. If mixture
4. Cook until eggs whiten, then flip or cook seems too dry add a dash of almond milk.
under grill. 3. Heat up frying pan to medium heat, grease
5. Serve hot. pan with coconut oil, then add the
mixture to pan.
It should make 3 small pancakes.
4. Once bubbling in top, should take 2-3
Apple and Cinnamon Pancakes minutes, turn pancakes over and they should
Serves 1
be a nice brown tinge.
5. Cook for a further 2-3 minutes
1/3 cup of almond meal
6. Serve the pancakes topped with natural
1 whole egg & 1 egg white
yogurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
1 scoop protein powder (approx. 1/3 cup)
dash of almond milk (if needed)
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
1 peeled and chopped apple
1-2 tbsp. natural yogurt
Cottage Cheese Omelette
Serves 1
1 tsp. coconut oil
Directions: 5 eggs (4 whites, 1 whole egg)
1. Combine all the ingredients except the 2 tbsp. cottage cheese
yoghurt into a bowl and mix well. 1 tsp. coconut oil
2. If mixture seems too dry, add a dash of
almond milk. Directions:
3. Heat up frying pan to medium heat, grease 1. Lightly grease a frying pan with coconut oil.
pan with coconut oil, then add the 2. Mix eggs and cottage cheese in a bowl
mixture to pan. and pour into pan
It should make 3 small pancakes. 3. Cook until eggs whiten, then flip
4. Once bubbling in top, should take 2-3 or cook under grill.
minutes, turn pancakes over and they should
be a nice brown tinge.
5. Cook for a further 2-3 minutes
6. Serve the pancakes topped with natural ke the
yogurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon. es sma
so they ll
are eas
to flip!

RECIPES - Meat Eaters
Quinoa Blueberry Bowl Quinoa Smash Bowl
Serves 1 Serves 1
Ingredients: Ingredients:
½ cup of quinoa ¼ cup of quinoa
1 cup of water ½ cup of water
1 tbsp. of LSA 1 tbsp. of LSA
½ cup of blueberries Dash of almond milk (unsweetened)
Dash of almond milk (unsweetened) ¼ cup of natural yogurt
¼ cup of sliced almonds ¼ cup of sliced almonds
1 pinch of cinnamon (as much as you desire) ¼ cup of blueberries
¼ cup of chopped strawberries
Directions: 1 pinch of cinnamon (as much as you desire)
1. Thoroughly wash the quinoa in water.
2. Place 1 cup of water in a saucepan and Directions:
bring to the boil. 1. Thoroughly wash the quinoa in water.
3. Add the quinoa to the water. Cover with 2. Place 1/2 cup of water in a saucepan and
a lid and reduce the heat to allow the quinoa bring to the boil.
to simmer for 10-20 mins or until smooth and 3. Add the quinoa to the water. Cover with
creamy. a lid and reduce the heat to allow the quinoa
4. Turn off the heat and allow the quinoa to sit to simmer for 10-20 mins or until smooth and
for a further 10 mins. creamy.
5. Scoop the quinoa into a bowl and add 4. Turn off the heat and allow the quinoa to sit
desired amount of almond milk. for a further 10 mins.
6. Place the blueberries and LSA on top of the 5. Scoop the quinoa into a bowl and add the
quinoa along with the sliced almonds. almond milk. (As much as you desire)
7. Sprinkle cinnamon on top if desired. 6. Place the blueberries, strawberries,
chopped almonds and LSA on top of the
quinoa along with the natural yogurt.
7. Sprinkle cinnamon on top if desired.

Sweet potato & pumpkin omelette

Serves 1
5 eggs (4 whites, 1 whole egg)
1⁄2 cup grated sweet potato
1⁄2 cup grated pumpkin
1 tsp. coconut oil

1. Lightly grease a frying pan with coconut oil.
2. Mix grated vegetables with eggs in a bowl
and pour into pan.
3. Cook eggs until they whiten and turn a
golden brown then flip to do the other side,
or put under grill.
4. Serve hot.

RECIPES - Meat Eaters
Coconut Pancakes with Yoghurt Banana and Chia Seed Pancakes
Serves 1 Serves 1
Ingredients: Ingredients:
½ cup of almond meal 1.5 tbsp chia seeds
1 whole egg & 1 egg white 1 whole egg & 1 egg white
1 scoop protein powder (approx. 1/3 cup) 1 scoop protein powder (approx. 1/3 cup)
¼ cup of cottage cheese 1 small banana, mashed
Dash of almond milk Dash of almond milk (if needed)
¼ cup of shredded coconut ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
1-2 tbsp. natural yogurt 1-2 tbsp. natural yogurt
1 tsp. coconut oil 1 tsp. coconut oil

Directions: Directions:
1. Combine all the ingredients except the 1. Place chia seeds in a bowl with a 1/2 cup of
yoghurt into a bowl and mix well. water and soak for at least 10 minutes
2. If mixture seems too dry, add almond stirring a couple of times.
milk until desired mixture texture is reached. The chia seeds will absorb the water and
3. Bring pan to medium heat, grease pan with swell into a pudding type of constency.
coconut oil then pour pancake batter and 2. Combine all ingredients (including chia
cook until golden brown. Flip. seeds in a mixing bowl).
4. Serve the pancakes topped with natural 3. If mixture seems too dry, add a dash of
yogurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon. almond milk.
4. Bring pan to medium heat, grease pan with
coconut oil then pour pancake batter into 3
Quinoa Banana Bowl small pancakes and cook until golden
Serves 1 brown.
Ingredients: Flip.(Should take 2-3 mins each side)
½ cup of quinoa (uncooked) 5. Serve the pancakes topped with natural
1 cup of water yogurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
1 tbsp of LSA
1 small banana
dash of almond milk (unsweetened)
¼ cup of sliced almonds (optional)
1 pinch of cinnamon (as much as you desire)

1. Thoroughly wash the quinoa in water.
2. Place 1 cup of water in a saucepan and
bring to the boil.
3. Add the quinoa to the water. Cover with
a lid and reduce the heat to allow the quinoa
to simmer for 10-20 mins.
4. Turn off the heat and allow the quinoa to sit
for a further 10 mins.
5. Scoop the quinoa into a bowl and add the
almond milk.
6. Chop up the banana and place it on top of
the quinoa along with the sliced almonds
and LSA..
7. Sprinkle cinnamon on top if desired. Serve.
RECIPES - Meat Eaters
Chicken Patties and Pumpkin Salad Chicken and Sweet Potato Salad
Serves 1 Serves 1
Ingredients: Ingredients:
120g chicken Mince 100g chicken breast, sliced
2 egg whites 1 tsp coconut oil
¼ cup of almond meal 2 cups spinach leaves or lettuce, washed
¼ cup of onion, finely chopped ¾ cup sweet potato, chopped (steamed/roasted
¼ cup of carrot, finely chopped or boiled) * Leave out to lower the carbs.
2 cups spinach leaves or lettuce, washed ½ cup cherry tomatoes, whole or sliced
½ cup pumpkin, chopped (steamed/roasted or 2 tbsp. pine nuts
boiled) * Leave out to lower the carbs. Seasoning: (herbs/sea salt/pepper/vege salt etc).
½ cup cherry tomatoes, whole or sliced Salad dressing: (balsamic vinegar/olive oil/coco-
2 tbsp. pine nuts nut oil with lime/ lemon etc).
Seasoning: (herbs/sea salt/pepper/vege salt etc).
Salad dressing: (balsamic vinegar/olive oil/coco-
nut oil with lime/ lemon etc). Directions:
1. Add 100g of chicken breast into pan with
Directions: 1 tsp. coconut oil OR cook under grill.
1. Add chicken mince to mixing bowl along 2. Season chicken with herbs of choice.
with the carrot and onion. Mix together. 3. Combine cooked chicken with remaining
2. Add egg whites to the mixture. Mix ingredients into bowl.
thoroughly. 4. Add dressing of choice to salad.
3. Add almond meal to the mixture. The Turkey
mixture should now be less sticky. The full ¼
cup of almond meal my not be required to Smoked Salmon Salad
reach a firm consistency. Add as much Serves 1
almond meal as you need Ingredients:
4. Fashion two or more chicken patties out of 120g smoked salmon
the chicken mixture. 2 cups of spinach leaves or lettuce, washed
5. Place the chicken patties onto a pan with 1 ½ cup cherry tomatoes, whole or sliced
tsp. of Coconut oil. Cook over a medium heat ½ cup mushrooms, sliced
until golden brown. 2 tbsp. pine nuts
6. Place spinach leaves in a bowl. Add cherry ½ cup sweet potato, chopped (steamed/roasted
tomatoes and pumpkin. or boiled) * Leave out to lower the carbs.
7. Place the cooked chicken patties on top of 1 tbsp. cottage cheese
the salad. Seasoning: (herbs/sea salt/pepper/vege salt etc).
8. Add dressing of choice to salad. Salad dressing: (balsamic vinegar/olive oil/coco-
nut oil with lime/lemon & pepper etc).

1. Place spinach into a bowl
2. Add smoked salmon, cherry tomatoes,
mushrooms, sweet potato, pine nuts and
cottage cheese.
3. Add dressing
4. Mix gently
5. Enjoy!

RECIPES - Meat Eaters
Turkey and Lettuce Cups Vegetarian Sweet Potato Salad
Serves 1 Serves 1
Ingredients: Ingredients:
150g turkey mince 1 cup sweet potato - peeled & diced
2 top leaves of lettuce (small bowl shape) 1 cup broccoli - head diced into small chunks
¼ cup of onion finely chopped 1 clove minced garlic / 1 tsp garlic paste
¼ cup of mushrooms finely chopped ½ cup of green beans – chopped
½ cup of cherry tomatoes, sliced 2 cups of spinach leaves or lettuce, washed
1-2 tbsp. of almonds (sliced/silvered) ½ cup of cherry tomatoes
½ tsp. garlic powder 1 tsp. coconut oil
1 tsp. coconut oil
2 tsp. coconut aminos/tamari sauce (optional for Directions:
extra flavour) 1. Grease pan with coconut oil and place over
a medium heat
Directions: 2. Add diced sweet potato cook for 5 min or
1. Place 2 lettuce bowl shaped leaves on a until soft, then add broccoli, green beans
plate and put aside. and garlic. Cook for another 5 mins.
2. Place onion in a pan with 1 3. Place spinach leaves and cherry tomatoes
tsp. of coconut oil and cook over a medium in a bowl. Add the cooked sweet potato,
heat until lightly browned. broccoli and green beans. Mix lightly.
3. Add turkey mince, mushrooms, garlic 4. Drizzle coconut oil on top if desired.
powder & coconut aminos/tamari sauce into
the pan.
Cook until turkey mince is cooked and lightly
browned. Vegetarian Chickpea Salad
4. Turn off the heat and let the mince sit for a Serves 1
few minutes to cool down slightly. Ingredients:
5. Add the cherry tomatoes and the sliced 1 cup of chickpeas – rinsed (raw or cooked)
almonds and mix through gently 2 cups of spinach leaves or lettuce, washed
6. Divide the turkey mixture evenly between the ½ cup of cherry tomatoes – cut into quarters
two lettuce bowls and serve. 1 tbsp. cottage cheese (heaped)
7. Enjoy! ½ avocado - cut into thin slices
½ lemon squeezed
1 tsp. coconut oil
1 tsp. dried oregano
¼ tsp. or to taste of Herbamare or sea salt
* For extra flavour drizzle 1/2 tbsp. of coconut
aminos/tamari sauce

1. If you decide to cook the chickpeas; lightly
grease a pan with coconut oil and place over
a medium heat.
2. Place the chickpeas in the pan and cook
until golden.
3. Place chickpeas into a bowl. Add spinach,
tomatoes, oregano, squeezed lemon juice
and olive oil. Mix lightly.
4. Add cottage cheese and avocado to the top
of the salad. Add Herbamare or 25
sea salt for taste.
RECIPES - Meat Eaters
Turkey Balls and Cottage Cheese Salad
Serves 1
120g turkey mince
2 egg whites
¼ cup of almond meal
¼ cup of peas
¼ cup of carrot, finely chopped
½ tsp. curry powder
2 cups spinach leaves or lettuce, washed
¼ cup of cherry tomatoes
1 tbsp. cottage cheese
1 tsp. coconut oil
1/2 tbsp. coconut aminos/tamari sauce
* Optional: lemon/lime/olive oil - as dressing.

1. Add Turkey mince to mixing bowl along with
the carrot, peas, curry powder and coconut
amininos/tamari sauce.
Mix together.
2. Add egg whites to the mixture and mix
through well.
3. Add almond meal to the mixture. The turkey
mixture should now be less sticky.
4. Fashion 2-4 turkey balls out of the
turkey mixture.
5. Heat a pan to medium heat and add coconut
6. Place turkey balls onto the pan and cook
until golden brown (check that it’s cooked all
the way through but cutting one of the balls.)
7. Place spinach leaves in a bowl. Add cherry
tomatoes and cottage cheese.
8. Place the cooked turkey balls on top of
the salad and serve. (Drizzle olive oil/
coconut oil and lemon or lime if desired)

RECIPES - Meat Eaters
Chicken/Lean Red Meat & Veggie Stir
Fry and Zucchini Spaghetti
DINNER Serves 1
Zucchini spaghetti
1 medium zucchini
Lime Chili Chicken Salad 1 tsp. coconut oil (depends on what cooking op-
Serves 1
tion you choose)
100g fresh chicken fillet Directions:
1-2 cups of spinach leaves or lettuce, washed 1. Using a peeler/Juliane peeler, carefully pull
½ cup of mushrooms, sliced along the outside edge of the zucchini
¼ red capsicum, thinly sliced (turning after every pull) until the seeds are
½ cup of carrot grated exposed then discard the seedy part.
½ cup quinoa/brown rice (uncooked)
* Low carb option: Skip the quinoa/brown rice & Cooking Option 1:
just use 2 cups of spinach leaves/lettuce 1. In boiling, salted water (add a tsp. of
coconut oil), cook spaghetti for 4 minutes.
Dressing 2. Drain well.
½ zucchini, finely grated (raw)
¼ tsp. chili flakes (or as much as desired) Cooking Option 2:
1 lime juiced 1 tsp. finely grated lime peel 1. Add the zucchini spaghetti to the pan at the
½ garlic clove grated/crushed or 1 tsp. of organic same time you add the meat. (See the direc
garlic paste tions below)
½ tsp. natural sweetener (stevia)
Cooking option 3:
Directions - cooking the rice/quinoa: 1. Cook spaghetti in a steamer for 4 minutes.
1. Place a small saucepan with 1 cup of Drain well.
water over a high heat.
Chicken/Lean Red Meat & Veggie Stir Fry
2. Place rice/quinoa in a fine strainer and wash
thoroughly to remove any starchy residue.
100g chicken breast fillet OR lean red meat
3. Bring the water to boil.
chopped into small bite size pieces
4. Place rice or quinoa in saucepan and stir.
¼ red capsicum chopped
(Add more water if needed)
½ cup of carrot, chopped
Bring the rice/quinoa to a gentle simmer.
¼ cup of green beans, chopped
5. Cover saucepan with a lid and turn the heat
3 baby corns sliced into halves
down. Keep the lid on until the rice
¼ cup of mushrooms chopped
or quinoa is cooked.
1 clove garlic crushed/finely chopped or 2 tsps.
6. Rice: Cook for 30–40 mins (depends on the
garlic paste
particular type of rice you are using.)
2cm long piece of ginger grated
Be sure not to overcook.
¼ tsp. chili flakes - or to taste (optional)
Quinoa: Cook for approx.10-20 mins
½ tbsp. coconut oil
(depending on the type of quinoa you are
1 tbsp. coconut aminos/tamari sauce
using) It should be a creamy smooth texture
OR 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar (depending on
when ready.
your taste)
7. Turn off the heat, remove the lid and drain.
Fluff the rice/quinoa with a fork and allow to Directions:
dry for a few minutes. 1. Heat pan or wok to medium-high heat & add
coconut oil then heat for 2 mins so the oil is
Directions: hot
1. Mix chili flakes, lime juice, grated lime peel, 2. Add all ingredients minus the meat to pan
grated zucchini, garlic & natural sweetener in 3. Sauté until cooked (about 3 mins).
a cup for the dressing. 4. Reduce heat slightly and add the meat &
2. Grill chicken under low heat until white. cook to your own liking
3. Place chicken on plate on top of rice/quinoa 5. Place zucchini spaghetti on a plate and add
spinach, carrot, capsicum & mushrooms meat & veggies on top. Serve hot. 27
4. Pour dressing over top and serve.
RECIPES - Meat Eaters
Gluten Free Pizza
Serves 1

1 medium size gluten free pizza base
2 tbsp. low salt low sugar pizza sauce
100g chicken breast, sliced
Chicken Mexican Bowl ¼ cup of mushrooms, sliced
Serves 1 ¼ cup of cherry tomatoes, sliced
Ingredients: ¼ red capsicum, chopped
½ cup brown rice (uncooked) ¼ cup of cottage cheese
100g chicken breast, sliced & cooked in a pan 1 tsp. garlic paste or 1 clove crushed.
with coconut oil & 1 tbsp. coconut aminos/tamari * Add any veggies you like!
sauce & ½ - 1 tbsp. basil paste
2 heaped tbsp. low sugar salsa
1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius.
½ sliced avocado
2. Mix garlic in pizza sauce & spread evenly
1 cup of spinach leaves
over the pizza base.
1 tbsp. cottage cheese if desired
3. Place cottage cheese, chicken, mushrooms,
1 tsp. coconut oil
cherry tomatoes and capsicum evenly over
the pizza.
* For a low carb option have 2 cups of spinach 4. Place pizza in the oven on a backing tray for
leaves instead of 1 and leave out the rice. 20 mins or until pizza is golden brown. (Keep
your eye on it to ensure it doesn’t burn! Serve hot.
1. Place a small saucepan with 1 ½ cups of
water over a high heat. Portobello Stack
2. Place rice in a fine strainer and wash under Serves 1
the tap to remove any starchy residue. Ingredients:
3. Bring the water to boil. 2 medium portobello mushroom caps (stalks
4. Place rice in saucepan and stir. Bring the removed)
rice to a gentle simmer. 150g beef mince
5. Cover saucepan with a lid and turn the heat ¼ cup brown onion, diced
down. Keep the lid on until the rice ¼ red capsicum, diced
is cooked. ¼ cup of asparagus diced
6. Cook for 30–40 mins depending on the ½ cup of cherry tomatoes sliced
type of rice you are using. 1 heaped tbsp. cottage cheese
(Be sure to check rice regularly to avoid over 1 tsp. coconut oil
cooking.) ½ tsp. paprika,
7. Turn off the heat, remove the lid and drain 1 tsp. garlic paste or ½-1 garlic clove
the rice. Fluff the rice with a fork and allow to ½ tsp. onion powder
dry for a few minutes.
8. Place rice on a plate then add the Directions:
spinach leaves, cooked chicken, 1. Pre set the grill to a med-high heat
salsa, avocado & add cottage cheese on 2. Grease a non-stick pan with coconut oil &
top and serve. place over a medium heat.
3. Add diced onion, capsicum, asparagus
beef mince, paprika, garlic and onion
powder to the pan & cook until
the vegetables become soft and the mince is
4. Lightly grease a small baking tray with
coconut oil & place the portobello mushroom
caps with the fleshy part facing up.
5. On top of the portobello caps place the sliced
cherry tomatoes, beef mince mixture &
cottage cheese.
6. Place baking trays under the grill for 5
minutes (or until browned) then serve. 28
RECIPES - Meat Eaters
Thai Green Chicken Mince with
Quinoa/Brown Rice
DINNER Serves 1
100g of chicken mince
1 tsp. coconut oil
½ cup of broccoli (cut into small pieces)
Sweet Potato, Mushroom and Leek 1 bunch of boc choy, cut finely
Patties ½ cup of mushrooms, chopped
Serves 1 ½ tbsp. thai green curry paste
Ingredients: 1 small bunch coriander (optional)
1.5 cups of sweet potato (chopped & boiled or ½ fresh chilli, chopped (optional)
steamed) 2 tsp. of garlic paste or ½ clove, chopped
¼ cup of mushrooms (chopped) 1cm piece of ginger, chopped finely
¼ cup of asparagus (chopped) ½ cup brown rice or ½ cup of quinoa (uncooked)
¼ cup of leek (chopped) ¼ cup almond milk
1 tsp. chopped fresh thyme * Low carb option: Replace rice/quinoa with 2
1 tsp. coconut oil cups of spinach leaves /lettuce/zucchini spaghetti
Pinch of pink salt
Pinch of ground black pepper Directions - cooking the rice/quinoa:
1 egg 1. Place a small saucepan with 1 cup of
¼ cup almond meal (or less) water over a high heat.
1-2 cups of spinach or lettuce leaves 2. Place rice/quinoa in a fine strainer and wash
½ cup of cherry tomatoes thoroughly to remove any starchy residue.
3. Bring the water to boil.
Directions: 4. Place rice or quinoa in saucepan and stir.
1. In a mixing bowl mash up the cooked sweet (Add more water if needed)
potato. Bring the rice/quinoa to a gentle simmer.
2. Add mushrooms, asparagus, 5. Cover saucepan with a lid and turn the heat
leek, thyme, salt, pepper and egg to the down. Keep the lid on until the rice
bowl. or quinoa is cooked.
Mix the ingredients together gently. 6. Rice: Cook for 30–40 mins (depends on the
3. Slowly add the almond meal so that the mix particular type of rice you are using.)
goes from a sticky mixture to a mixture that Be sure not to overcook.
will hold it’s shape. You may not need the Quinoa: Cook for approx.10-20 mins
entire ¼ cup of almond meal. Use as much (depending on the type of quinoa you are
as it takes for the mix to become a more solid using) It should be a creamy smooth texture
consistency. when ready.
4. Using your hands make 2 or more palm size 7. Turn off the heat, remove the lid and drain.
patties Fluff the rice/quinoa with a fork and allow to
5. Place a pan over a medium heat and add dry for a few minutes.
coconut oil. Place patties on the pan and
cook until it’s golden brown then flip and Directions – chicken and veg:
cook until that side is golden brown. 1. Cut up the broccoli and bok choy
6. Serve the patties on a plate on a bed of 2. Heat frying pan/wok up to medium to hot
spinach leaves/lettuce and cherry temperature and add a dash of coconut oil
tomatoes. 3. Add the chillies, ginger and garlic
4. Let this cook for 2 minutes
5. Add the chicken mince
6. Stir everything together
7. Once chicken is starting to brown ( 5-6
minutes) add the broccoli and mushrooms
8. Cook for another 4-5 minutes.
9. Stir in thai green curry paste, coriander
and almond milk.
10. Serve the chicken and veggies on a plate on
top of the brown rice/quinoa.
RECIPES - Meat Eaters
Herb Coated Fish Fillet with Brown
DINNER Rice/Quinoa & Veggies
Serves 1
Chilli Con Carne 150g white fish fillet
Serves 1 1 egg
Ingredients: 1 zucchini chopped
100g of beef mince 1 carrot copped
¼ cup onion, finely diced 1/4 cup of uncooked quinoa flakes
½ cup of tinned peeled tomatoes 1 tbsp. mixed herbs
1 tbsp. tomato paste ½ lemon squeezed
1 tsp. of garlic paste 1 tbsp. coconut oil
½ tsp. of paprika 1/2 cup of brown rice/quinoa (uncooked)
½ fresh chilli, chopped (optional) * Low carb option: Replace rice/quinoa with 2
½ tsp. of ground cumin cups spinach leaves/lettuce/zucchini spaghetti/
¼ cup of cherry tomatoes, sliced green veggies
½ cup of kidney beans Directions - cooking the rice/quinoa:
1 tsp. of coconut oil 1. Place a small saucepan with 1 cup of
½ cup brown rice/quinoa (uncooked) water over a high heat.
* Low carb option: Replace rice/quinoa with 2 2. Place rice/quinoa in a fine strainer and wash
cups spinach leaves/zucchini spaghetti/green thoroughly to remove any starchy residue.
veggies. 3. Bring the water to boil.
Directions - cooking the rice/quinoa: 4. Place rice or quinoa in saucepan and stir.
1. Place a small saucepan with 1 cup of (Add more water if needed)
water over a high heat. Bring the rice/quinoa to a gentle simmer.
2. Place rice/quinoa in a fine strainer and wash 5. Cover saucepan with a lid and turn the heat
thoroughly to remove any starchy residue. down. Keep the lid on until the rice
3. Bring the water to boil. or quinoa is cooked.
4. Place rice or quinoa in saucepan and stir. 6. Rice: Cook for 30–40 mins (depends on the
(Add more water if needed) particular type of rice you are using.)
Bring the rice/quinoa to a gentle simmer. Be sure not to overcook.
5. Cover saucepan with a lid and turn the heat Quinoa: Cook for approx.10-20 mins
down. Keep the lid on until the rice (depending on the type of quinoa you are
or quinoa is cooked. using) It should be a creamy smooth texture
6. Rice: Cook for 30–40 mins (depends on the when ready.
particular type of rice you are using.) 7. Turn off the heat, remove the lid and drain.
Be sure not to overcook. Fluff the rice/quinoa with a fork and allow to
Quinoa: Cook for approx.10-20 mins dry for a few minutes.
(depending on the type of quinoa you are
using) It should be a creamy smooth texture Directions - Fish Fillet:
when ready. 1. Place egg in a mixing bowl and whisk up
7. Turn off the heat, remove the lid and drain. until the egg and the egg white have mixed
Fluff the rice/quinoa with a fork and allow to together.
dry for a few minutes. 2. Place the uncooked quinoa on a plate and
Directions - Chilli Con Carne: mix together with mixed herbs.
1. Place a pan over a medium heat with a 3. Dip the fish fillet into the egg mix and cover
coconut oil in the pan. with the egg batter
2. Place beef mince and onion in the pan and 4. Place the batter-covered fillet onto the quinoa
cook till golden brown mix and coat the fish fillet
3. Add tinned tomatoes, garlic paste, paprika, 5. Place a pan over a medium heat and place
cumin, cherry tomatoes and kidney beans to the coconut oil into the pan.
the mix. 6. Lightly steam the zucchini & carrot.
4. Reduce the heat so that the mix starts to 7. When the pan has reached the desired
simmer. Stir regularly temperature place the fish fillet in and cook
5. Simmer the chilli con carn for 10 – 15 mins until golden brown then flip. Cook until the
until the kidney beans begin to soften. When other side is golden brown.
8. Serve the herb coated fish fillet on a bed of 30
they are soft the meal is ready. Serve on top
of cooked rice/quinoa. rice and squeeze the lemon on top. Serve.
RECIPES - Meat Eaters
Green Smoothie Berry Smoothie
Serves 1 Serves 1
Ingredients: Ingredients:
1 cup of spinach leaves 1 cup of spinach leaves
1 green apple 1 cup of berries (fresh or frozen)
1 lime (juiced) 1 lime (juiced)
2 tbsp. natural low sugar yoghurt 2 tbsp. natural low sugar yoghurt
1 cup of chilled water 1 cup of chilled water
1 kale Leaf (optional) 1 kale leaf (optional)

Directions: Directions:
1. Put all ingredients into a blender 1. Put all ingredients into a blender
2. Blend until smooth and serve 2. Blend until smooth and serve

Healthy Rice cakes

Salmon Seaweed Wraps Serves 1
Serves 1 Ingredients:
Ingredients: 2 unflavoured rice cakes
2 seaweed sushi sheets 1-2 tbsp. cottage cheese (or avocado)
½ lemon ½ cup cherry tomatoes (halved)
1 can of tinned salmon (95g)
¼ avocado Directions:
1-2 tsp. cottage cheese 1. Evenly spread the cottage cheese over the
1 cup spinach leaves rice cakes
½ cup cherry tomatoes - chopped 2. Place cherry tomatoes evenly around the rice
1. Squeeze lemon juice on seaweed sheets to
soften them.
2. Put avocado & cottage cheese on first in a
line up the middle of the sheet.
(leaving a gap at the end to roll up), then add
salmon, chopped tomato & spinach.
3. Squeeze more lemon all over then wrap!

RECIPES - Meat Eaters

Egg Muffins
Serves 2 (adjust amounts to suit - depends on
how many serves you want to make in advance)
Apple Muffins
4 eggs Serves 2 (adjust amounts to suit - depends on
75g pumpkin grated how many serves you want to make in advance)
2 tsp. basil paste
1/2 small chopped onion Ingredients:
2 tsp. garlic paste or 1 garlic clove crushed
2 tbsp. cottage cheese 1.5 cups almond meal
1 tsp. mustard powder 1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 medium zucchini grated 1 tbsp. raw honey
Approx. 1 tsp. coconut oil (to grease tins) 1-2 tbsp. cinnamon (the more the better I think!)
1-2 tbsp. stevia (depends on how sweet you want
Directions: them)
2 eggs whisked
1. Preheat oven to 180ºC 1 green apple, peeled and grated
2. Whisk eggs in a large mixing bowl then add Almond silvers (optional for topping)
grated pumpkin, grated zucchini, chopped 2 scoops of low carb protein powder
onion, garlic, basil, cottage cheese, and Pinch of salt
mustard powder and mix well. Approx. 1 tsp. coconut oil (to grease tins)
3. Spoon mixture into lightly greased muffin tins
(with coconut oil). Directions:
4. Bake for approx 10 mins or until golden
brown. Keep your eye on them so they don’t 1. Preheat oven to 180ºC (non fan-forced)
burn! 2. Place almond meal, baking soda,
5. Serve warm or store in fridge or freezer. cinnamon, stevia and protein powder in
in a large mixing bowl and mix well.
3. Add apple, honey and eggs to mixture and
combine well.
4. Spoon mixture into lightly greased muffin
tins, if easier shape them into balls with your
hands, sprinkle almond slivers over top
(optional) and bake for approx 15 minutes.
(Check after 10 mins). Keep your eye on
them so they don’t burn!
5. Serve warm or store in fridge or freezer.

RECIPES - Vegetarian
Spinach & Pear Omelette Cottage Cheese Omelette
Serves 1 Serves 1
Ingredients: Ingredients:
5 eggs (4 whites, 1 whole egg) 5 eggs (4 whites, 1 whole egg)
½ cup washed spinach leaves 2 tbsp. cottage cheese
½ pear, thinly sliced or diced 1 tsp. coconut oil
1 tsp. coconut oil
Directions: 1. Lightly grease a frying pan with coconut oil.
1. Lightly grease a frying pan with coconut oil. 2. Mix eggs and cottage cheese in a bowl and
2. Pour eggs into pan. pour into pan.
3. Spread spinach and pear evenly over pan. 3. Cook until eggs whiten, then flip or put
4. Cook until eggs whiten, then flip or put under under grill.
grill. 4. Serve hot.
5. Serve hot.
Quinoa Banana Bowl
Serves 1
Blueberry and Banana Protein ½ cup of quinoa
Pancakes 1 cup of water
Serves 1 1 tbsp of LSA
Ingredients: 1 small banana
1 scoop protein powder (approx. 1/3 cup) dash of almond milk (unsweetened)
dash of almond milk (if needed) ¼ cup of sliced almonds (optional)
1/3 cup almond meal 1 pinch of cinnamon (as much as you desire)
1 whole egg & 1 egg white
1 small banana – mashed Directions:
½ cup berries 1. Thoroughly wash the quinoa in water.
1 tbsp. natural yogurt 2. Place 1 cup of water in a saucepan and
1 tsp. coconut oil bring to the boil.
3. Add the quinoa to the water. Cover with
Directions: a lid and reduce the heat to allow the quinoa
1. Mix almond meal and eggs in a bowl until to simmer for 10-20 mins or until smooth and
it’s a smooth consistency creamy.
2. Add banana and berries and mix. If mixture 4. Turn off the heat and allow the quinoa to sit
seems too dry add a dash of almond milk. for a further 10 mins.
3. Heat up frying pan to medium heat, grease 5. Scoop the quinoa into a bowl and add the
pan with coconut oil, then add the almond milk.
mixture to pan. 6. Chop up the banana and place it on top
It should make 3 small pancakes. of the quinoa along with the sliced almonds
4. Once bubbling in top, should take 2-3 and LSA.
minutes, turn pancakes over and they should 7. Sprinkle cinnamon on top if desired.
be a nice brown tinge.
5. Cook for a further 2-3 minutes
6. Serve the pancakes topped with natural
yogurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

RECIPES - Vegetarian
Quinoa Blueberry Bowl Quinoa Smash Bowl
Serves 1 Serves 1
Ingredients: Ingredients:
½ cup of quinoa ¼ cup of quinoa (can add more if needed)
1 cup of water ½ cup of water (add more if needed)
1 tbsp. of LSA 1 tbsp. of LSA
½ cup of blueberries Dash of almond milk (unsweetened)
Dash of almond milk (unsweetened) ¼ cup of natural yogurt
¼ cup of sliced almonds ¼ cup of sliced almonds
1 pinch of cinnamon (as much as you desire) ¼ cup of blueberries
¼ cup of chopped Strawberries
Directions: 1 pinch of cinnamon (as much as you desire)
1. Thoroughly wash the quinoa in water.
2. Place 1 cup of water in a saucepan and Directions:
bring to the boil. 1. Thoroughly wash the quinoa in water.
3. Add the quinoa to the water. Cover with a 2. Place ½ cup of water in a saucepan and
lid and reduce the heat and simmer bring to the boil. (Add more water if you
for 10-20 mins or until smooth and creamy. added extra quinoa.)
4. Turn off the heat, stir and allow the quinoa to 3. Add the quinoa to the water. Cover with
sit for a further 10 mins. a lid and reduce the heat to allow the quinoa
5. Scoop the quinoa into a bowl and add to simmer for 10-20 mins or until smooth and
desired amount of almond milk. creamy
6. Place the Blueberries and sprinkle LSA and 4. Turn off the heat and allow the quinoa to sit
sliced almonds on top. for a further 10 mins.
Stir through gently if desired. 5. Scoop the quinoa into a bowl and add the
7. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of desired. almond milk.
6. Place the Blueberries, Strawberries,
chopped almonds and LSA on top of the
quinoa along with the Natural Yogurt. Stir
through gently if desired.
7. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of desired.

RECIPES - Vegetarian
Coconut Pancakes with Yoghurt Banana and Chia Seed Pancakes
Serves 1 Serves 1
Ingredients: Ingredients:
1/3 cup of almond meal 1.5 tbsp. chia seeds
1 whole egg & 1 egg white 1 whole egg & 1 egg white
1 scoop low carb protein powder (approx. 1/3 1 scoop low carb protein powder (approx. 1/3
cup) cup)
2 tbsp of cottage cheese 1 small banana, mashed
Dash of almond milk (if needed) Dash of almond milk (if needed)
¼ cup of shredded coconut ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
1-2 tbsp. natural yogurt 1-2 tbsp. natural yogurt
1 tsp. coconut oil 1 tsp. coconut oil

Directions: Directions:
1. Combine all the ingredients except the 1. Place chia seeds in a bowl with a 1/2 cup of
yoghurt into a bowl and mix well. water and soak for at least 10 minutes
2. If mixture seems too dry, add almond stirring a couple of times.
milk until desired mixture texture is reached. The chia seeds will absorb the water and
3. Bring pan to medium heat, grease pan with swell into a pudding type of constency.
coconut oil then pour pancake batter into 3 2. Combine all ingredients (including chia
small pancakes and cook until golden seeds in a mixing bowl).
brown. 3. If mixture seems too dry, add a dash of
Flip. (should take 2-3 mins each side) almond milk.
4. Serve the pancakes topped with natural 4. Bring pan to medium heat, grease pan with
yogurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon. coconut oil then pour pancake batter into 3
small pancakes and cook until golden
Apple and Cinnamon Pancakes Flip.(Should take 2-3 mins each side)
Serves 1
5. Serve the pancakes topped with natural
yogurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
1/3 cup of almond meal
1 whole egg & 1 egg white
1 scoop protein powder (approx. 1/3 cup) Sweet potato & pumpkin omelette
dash of almond milk (if needed) Serves 1
½ tsp. ground cinnamon Ingredients:
1 peeled and chopped apple 5 eggs (4 whites, 1 whole egg)
1-2 tbsp. natural yogurt 1⁄2 cup grated sweet potato
1 tsp. coconut oil 1⁄2 cup grated pumpkin
1 tsp. coconut oil
Directions: Directions:
1. Combine all the ingredients except the 1. Lightly grease a frying pan with coconut oil.
yoghurt into a bowl and mix well. 2. Mix grated vegetables with eggs in a bowl
2. If mixture seems too dry, add a dash of and pour into pan.
almond milk. 3. Cooke eggs until they whiten and turn a
3. Bring pan to medium heat, grease pan with golden brown colour then flip to do the other
coconut oil then pour pancake batter into 3 side,or put under grill.
small pancakes and cook until golden brown. 4. Serve hot.
Flip (Should take 2-3 mins each side).
4. Serve the pancakes topped with natural
yogurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
RECIPES - Vegetarian
Vegetarian Mixed Salad
Serves 1
LUNCH 1 celery stalk, thinly sliced
¼ cup sliced almonds
2 cups of spinach or lettuce, washed
1/3 cup of chickpeas, raw or roasted
Vegetarian Beetroot Salad ½ cup of broccoli, steamed or roasted
Serves 1
¼ cup of red onion, very thinly sliced
1 tsp. garlic paste or 1 crushed garlic clove
1 beetroot, peeled and diced (steamed if you like)
½ of avocado sliced.
½ cup of pumpkin, diced
½ cup of sweet potato, diced
Salad dressing: (balsamic vinegar/olive oil/
2 tbsp. of pumpkin seeds
coconut oil with lime/ lemon etc) - optional.
10 walnuts
2 cups of spinach leaves or lettuce, washed
1 tbsp. cottage cheese Directions:
½ lemon squeezed 1. If you want to cook the chickpeas and
broccoli; Heat a pan over a medium heat
Directions: and add 1 tsp. of coconut oil.
1. Grease pan with coconut oil and place over Add chickpeas and broccoli to the pan and
a medium heat fry until they’re lightly browned.
2. Add diced sweet potato and pumpkin - cook 2. Place the spinach or lettuce, celery, sliced
for 5 min or until soft. almonds, red onion in a mixing bowl.
3. Place spinach leaves/lettuce, walnuts, 3. Add the chickpeas, broccoli, avocado, and
pumpkin seeds & beetroot in a bowl. garlic to the salad. Mix gently.
Add the cooked sweet potato and pumpkin. 4. Serve and add a dressing if desired.
Mix lightly.
4. Serve then spread cottage cheese evenly
over the salad and add squeezed lemon
Vegetarian Chickpea Salad
Serves 1
1 cup of chickpeas – rinsed (raw or cooked)
Vegetarian Sweet Potato Salad 2 cups of spinach leaves or lettuce, washed
Serves 1 ½ cup of cherry tomatoes – cut into quarters
Ingredients: 1 tbsp. cottage cheese (heaped)
1 cup sweet potato - peeled & diced * Leave out ½ avocado - cut into thin slices
to lower the carbs. ½ lemon squeezed
1 cup broccoli - head diced into small chunks 1 tsp. coconut oil
1 clove minced garlic / 2 tsp. garlic paste 1 tsp. dried oregano
½ cup of green beans – chopped ¼ tsp. or to taste of Herbamare or sea salt
1-2 cups of spinach leaves or lettuce, washed .
½ cup of cherry tomatoes Salad dressing: (balsamic vinegar/olive oil/
1 tsp. coconut oil coconut oil with lime/ lemon etc) - optional
1 tsp. olive oil (optional)
½ squeezed lemon (optional
Directions: 1. If you decide to cook the chickpeas; lightly
1. Grease pan with coconut oil and place over grease a pan with coconut oil and place over
a medium heat a medium heat.
2. Add diced sweet potato cook for 5 min or 2. Place the chickpeas in the pan and cook
until soft, then add broccoli, green beans until golden.
and garlic. Cook for another 5 mins. 3. Place chickpeas into a bowl. Add spinach,
3. Place spinach leaves and cherry tomatoes tomatoes, oregano, squeezed lemon juice
in a bowl. Add the cooked sweet potato, and olive oil. Mix lightly.
broccoli and green beans. Mix lightly. 4. Add cottage cheese and avocado to the top
4. Drizzle olive oil and lemon on top if desired. of the salad. Add Herbamare,
sea salt or dressing for taste. 36
RECIPES - Vegetarian
Simple Mexi Bowl – Vegetarian Veggie Burgers
Serves 1 Serves 1
Ingredients: Ingredients:
½ cup brown rice (uncooked) 2 tbsp. brown onion, grated
½ cup cooked black beans ¼ red capsicum, grated
2 heaped tbsp. organic low sugar salsa ½ cup canned lentils (rinsed)
½ sliced avocado ¼ cup flaxseed, ground
1 cup of spinach leaves ¼ cup almonds or walnuts, crushed
1 tbsp. cottage cheese if desired ¼ cup shredded carrots
* Low carb option: Replace rice with an extra cup ¼ cup shredded celery (remove veins with a veg-
of spinach leaves OR 1 cup of zucchini spaghetti/ gie peeler)
green veggies. ½ garlic clove crushed or 1 tsp. garlic paste
1 tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped
Directions: 1 tbsp. coconut oil
1. Place a small saucepan with 1 1⁄2 cups of 2 tsp. coconut aminos or tamari sauce
water over a high heat. 1 tsp. tomato paste
2. Place rice in a fine strainer and wash under ½ tsp. dried oregano
the tap to remove any chaff or starchy ½ tsp. dried basil
residue. ¼ tsp. curry powder
3. Bring the water to boil. ¼ tsp. ground black pepper
4. Place rice in saucepan and stir. Bring the 2 cups of spinach or lettuce, washed
rice to a gentle simmer. ½ cup of cherry tomatoes, sliced
5. Cover saucepan with a lid and turn the heat ½ lemon
back to low. Don’t remove the lid until the rice
is cooked Directions:
6. Cook for 30–40 mins depending on the 1. Preheat oven to 180C.
particular type of brown rice you are using. 2. Place lentils in a bowl and mash them.
Be sure to check rice regularly to avoid over 3. Using your hands combine all of the
cooking. ingredients (except spinach/lettuce, cherry
7. Turn off the heat, remove the lid and drain tomatoes & lemon).
the rice. Fluff the rice with a fork and allow to 4. If you have time you can leave the
dry for a few minutes. ingredients to sit for an hour so the flavours
8. Place spinach leaves on a plate then add the mix together.
rice, black beans, organic salsa & avocado 5. Lightly grease a baking tray with coconut oil.
& add cottage cheese on top if desired. 6. Using your hands mould the mixture into
small burger size portions.
7. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Flip at the 10
minute mark but be very careful when
flipping as the burgers are still quite delicate.
8. Serve on a bed of spinach or lettuce and
cherry tomatoes. Squeeze lemon on top.

RECIPES - Vegetarian
Tempeh Stack

Serves 1
2 medium portobello mushroom caps (stalks
1 cup of tempeh
Thai Green Tempeh with Quinoa/Brown ¼ cup of brown onion, diced
Rice - Serves 1 ¼ red capsicum, diced
Ingredients: ¼ cup of asparagus diced
1 cup crumbled tempeh ½ cup of cherry tomatoes sliced
coconut oil 1 heaped tbsp. cottage cheese
½ cup of broccoli (cut into small pieces) 1 tsp. coconut oil
1 bunch of boc choy , cut finely ½ tsp. paprika
½ cup of mushrooms, chopped 1 tsp. garlic paste / ½-1 garlic clove
½ tbsp. thai green curry paste ½ tsp. onion powder
1 bunch coriander (optional) ½-1 tbsp. coconut aminos/tamari sauce.
½ tsp. of garlic (chopped or garlic paste) * Optional carbs: ½ cup brown rice or quinoa
1cm piece of ginger, chopped finely (uncooked) - Serve mushrooms on top.
½ cup brown rice or ½ cup of quinoa (uncooked)
¼ cup almond milk Directions - cooking the rice/quinoa:
* Low carb option: replace rice or quinoa with 1. Place a small saucepan with 1 cup of
green veggies or zucchini spaghetti. water over a high heat.
2. Place rice/quinoa in a fine strainer and wash
Directions - cooking the rice/quinoa: thoroughly to remove any starchy residue.
1. Place a small saucepan with 1 cup of 3. Bring the water to boil.
water over a high heat. 4. Place rice or quinoa in saucepan and stir.
2. Place rice/quinoa in a fine strainer and wash (Add more water if needed)
thoroughly to remove any starchy residue. Bring the rice/quinoa to a gentle simmer.
3. Bring the water to boil. 5. Cover saucepan with a lid and turn the heat
4. Place rice or quinoa in saucepan and stir. down. Keep the lid on until the rice
(Add more water if needed) or quinoa is cooked.
Bring the rice/quinoa to a gentle simmer. 6. Rice: Cook for 30–40 mins (depends on the
5. Cover saucepan with a lid and turn the heat particular type of rice you are using.)
down. Keep the lid on until the rice Be sure not to overcook.
or quinoa is cooked. Quinoa: Cook for approx.10-20 mins
6. Rice: Cook for 30–40 mins (depends on the (depending on the type of quinoa you are
particular type of rice you are using.) using) It should be a creamy smooth texture
Be sure not to overcook. when ready.
Quinoa: Cook for approx.10-20 mins 7. Turn off the heat, remove the lid and drain.
(depending on the type of quinoa you are Fluff the rice/quinoa with a fork and allow to
using) It should be a creamy smooth texture dry for a few minutes.
when ready. Tempeh Stack Directions:
7. Turn off the heat, remove the lid and drain. 1. Pre-set the grill to a med-high heat
Fluff the rice/quinoa with a fork and allow to 2. Grease a non-stick pan with coconut oil &
dry for a few minutes. place over a medium heat.
Directions – Tempeh and Veg: 3. Add diced onion, capsicum, asparagus,
1. Cut up the broccoli and bok choy tempeh, paprika, garlic and onion
2. Heat frying pan/wok up to medium to hot powder to the pan & cook until the
temperature and add a dash of coconut oil vegetables become soft and the tempeh is
3. Add the chillies, ginger and garlic & cook for browned.
2 mins. 4. Lightly grease a small baking tray with
4. Add the tempeh & stir. coconut oil & place the portobello mushroom
5. Once tempeh is starting to brown ( 5-6 caps with the fleshy part facing up.
minutes) add the broccoli & mushrooms. 5. On top of the mushroom caps place the
6. Cook for another 4-5 minutes. sliced cherry tomatoes, tempeh mixture &
7. Stir in thai green curry paste, coriander & cottage cheese. 38
almond milk. 6. Place on baking trays under the grill for 5
8. Serve on brown rice/quinoa. minutes or until brown, then serve.
RECIPES - Vegetarian
Tempeh Con Carne
DINNER Serves 1
1 ½ cup of tempeh, crumbled
¼ cup of a brown onion, finely diced
Sweet Potato, Mushroom, and Leek ½ tin of peeled tomatoes
1 tbsp. tomato paste
1 tsp. of garlic paste
Serves 1
½ tsp. of paprika
½ fresh chilli, chopped (optional)
1 ½ cup of sweet potato (boiled or steamed)
½ tsp. of ground cumin
¼ cup of mushrooms (chopped)
¼ cup of cherry tomatoes, sliced
¼ cup of asparagus (chopped)
½ cup of kidney beans
¼ cup of leek (chopped)
1 tsp. of coconut oil
1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
½ cup brown rice or quinoa, (uncooked)
1 tsp. coconut oil
Pinch of pink salt * Low carb option: replace rice or quinoa with
Pinch of freshly ground black pepper green veggies or zucchini spaghetti.
1 egg
¼ cup almond meal Directions - cooking the rice/quinoa:
1 cup of spinach or lettuce 1. Place a small saucepan with 1 cup of
½ cup of cherry tomatoes water over a high heat.
2. Place rice/quinoa in a fine strainer and wash
Directions: thoroughly to remove any starchy residue.
1. In a mixing bowl mash up the cooked sweet 3. Bring the water to boil.
potato. 4. Place rice or quinoa in saucepan and stir.
2. Add to the bowl the mushrooms, asparagus, (Add more water if needed)
leek, thyme, pink salt, pepper and egg. Bring the rice/quinoa to a gentle simmer.
Mix the ingredients together gently. 5. Cover saucepan with a lid and turn the heat
3. Slowly add the almond meal so that the mix down. Keep the lid on until the rice
goes from a sticky mixture to a mixture that or quinoa is cooked.
will hold its shape. You may not need the 6. Rice: Cook for 30–40 mins (depends on the
entire ¼ cup of almond meal. Use as much particular type of rice you are using.)
as it takes for the mix to become a more solid Be sure not to overcook.
consistency. Quinoa: Cook for approx.10-20 mins
4. Using your hands make 2 or more palm size (depending on the type of quinoa you are
patties using) It should be a creamy smooth texture
5. Place a pan over a medium heat and add when ready.
coconut oil. Place patties on the pan and 7. Turn off the heat, remove the lid and drain.
cook till one side is golden brown then flip. Fluff the rice/quinoa with a fork and allow to
6. Place the patties on a plate on a bed of dry for a few minutes
spinach leaves or lettuce and cherry Directions - Tempeh:
tomatoes. 1. Place a pan over a medium heat with a
coconut oil in the pan.
2. Place Tempeh and onion in the pan and cook
until golden brown.
3. Add tinned tomatoes, garlic paste, paprika,
cumin, cherry tomatoes and kidney beans to
the mix.
4. Reduce the heat so that the mix starts to
simmer. Stir regularly
5. Simmer the Tempeh con carn for 10 – 15
mins until the kidney beans begin to soften.
When they are soft the meal is ready. Serve
on top of cooked rice/quinoa.
RECIPES - Vegetarian
Gluten Free Pizza
Serves 1
1 medium size gluten free pizza base
2 tbsp. low salt low sugar pizza sauce
¼ cup of sweet potato, finely sliced
¼ cup of 4 bean mix
¼ cup of mushrooms, sliced
¼ cup of cherry tomatoes, sliced
¼ red capsicum, chopped
¼ cup of cottage cheese
1 tsp. garlic paste
*Any other vegetable ingredients you feel like

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius.
2. Spread pizza sauce and garlic evenly over
the gluten free pizza base.
3. Place cottage cheese evenly over the pizza.
Then place all of the vegetables evenly over
the pizza.
4. Place Pizza in the oven on a baking tray for
20 mins or until pizza is golden brown.

Zucchini Spaghetti
Serves 1
1 medium zucchini
1 tsp. coconut oil (depends on what cooking op-
tion you choose)

1. Using a peeler/Juliane peeler, carefully pull
along the outside edge of the zucchini
(turning after every pull) until the seeds are
exposed then discard the seedy part.

Cooking Option 1:
1. In boiling, salted water (add a tsp. of
coconut oil), cook spaghetti for 4 minutes.
2. Drain well.

Cooking option 2:
1. Cook spaghetti in a steamer for 4 minutes.
Drain well.

RECIPES - Vegetarian
Green Smoothie Berry Smoothie
Serves 1 Serves 1
Ingredients: Ingredients:
1 cup of spinach leaves 1 cup of spinach leaves
1 green apple 1 cup of berries (fresh or frozen)
1 lime (juiced) 1 lime (juiced)
2 tbsp. natural low sugar yoghurt 2 tbsp. natural low sugar yoghurt
1 cup of chilled water 1 cup of chilled water
1 kale Leaf (optional) 1 kale Leaf (optional)

Directions: Directions:
1. Put all ingredients into a blender 1. Put all ingredients into a blender
2. Blend until smooth and serve 2. Blend until smooth and serve.

Healthy Rice Cakes

Serves 1
2 unflavoured rice cakes
1-2 tbsp. cottage cheese (or avocado)
½ cup cherry tomatoes (halved)

1. Evenly spread the cottage cheese over the
rice cakes
2. Place cherry tomatoes evenly around the rice

RECIPES - Vegetarian

Egg muffins
Serves 2 (adjust amounts to suit - depends on
how many serves you want to make in advance)

Ingredients: Apple muffins

4 eggs
75g pumpkin grated Serves 2 (adjust amounts to suit - depends on
2 tsp. basil paste how many serves you want to make in advance)
1/2 small chopped onion
2 tsp. garlic paste or 1 garlic clove crushed Ingredients:
2 tbsp. cottage cheese
1 tsp. mustard powder 1.5 cups almond meal
1/2 medium zucchini grated 1/4 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. coconut oil to grease tins 1 tbsp. raw honey
1-2 tbsp. cinnamon (the more the better I think!)
Directions: 1-2 tbsp. stevia (depend on how sweet you want
1. Preheat oven to 180ºC (non fan-forced) 2 eggs whisked
2. Whisk eggs in a large mixing bowl then add 1 green apple, peeled and grated
grated pumpkin, grated zucchini, chopped Almond slivers (optional for topping)
onion, garlic, basil, cottage cheese, and 2 scoops of low carb protein powder
mustard powdwer and mix well. Pinch of salt
3. Spoon mixture into lightly greased muffin tins 1 tsp. coconut oil to grease tins
(with coconut oil).
4. Bake for approx 10 mins or until golden
brown. Keep your eye on them to be sure
1. Preheat oven to 180ºC (non fan-forced)
you don’t over cook them.
2. Place almond meal, baking soda,
5. Serve warm or store in fridge or freezer.
cinnamon, stevia and protein powder in
in a large mixing bowl and mix well.
3. Add apple, honey and eggs to mixture and
combine well.
4. Spoon mixture into lightly greased muffin
tins (with coconut oil), if easier shape them
into balls with your hands, sprinkle almond
slivers over top (optional) and bake for
approx 15 minutes (Check after 10 mins).
Keep your eye on them so they don’t burn!
5. Serve warm or store in fridge or freezer.

Y o u r T r a in in g E x p la in e d
At Home Training
You will notice throughout the 30 day exercise plan that there are “Beginner / Home” workouts
- all of these workouts can be done at home as well as the gym. However there are a few small
pieces of equipment you’ll need in order to facilitate your training. When picking weights it’s
important to choose a weight that is suitable yet challenging.
Get a professional to help you pick the right weights for you.
• A floor mat
• 2 Kettle bells ie (5kg & 10kg) or (6kg & 12 kg)
• 1 medicine ball (3 -10kg)
• 1 medium to large swiss ball (depending on what is most suitable for your height)
• 1 plate weight (5 -10kg) - This is optional as the exercises that require a plate may also be
done with a kettle bell.

* These can easily be found at a local fitness/gym store or online.

If you’re finding the workouts too easy...

Everyone has different levels of fitness/strengh. In order to progress it’s important to push
yourself! If you are finding the workouts too easy you can quite easily make them more difficult
by increasing the reps, weight, and/or decreasing your rest time!
If you would like to do the “Beginner / At Home” workouts but find
them too easy... A lot of the “Advanced / Gym” workouts can be done at home too, but
some of them you will need gym equipment. Feel free to pick and choose workouts to construct
your own program that suits you or have a look at some of the Bonus Workouts!

Be sure to watch my Exercise Tutorial videos on my 30 Day

Ab Shred website in the members section!

Your Training Explained
How to make your abs visible

Achieving a toned flat stomach or a shapely 6 pack is the combination of a few things with the
two main factors being;

1. Appropriate diet
2. Appropriate exercise

My 30 Day Ab shred is the program I personally do to target and define my mid section.
Simply doing ab or core exercises exclusively everyday is unrealistic and is not the best way to
get the results you want. My approach to achieving a great mid section is more holistic. What
I have found to get the best results is combining strength sessions that target specifically your
abs and core coupled with circuit training that works your whole body and appropriate rest.

Reps, Sets, Rounds – What are they?

Reps: How many times you perform an exercise eg. 12 reps of bicep curls.

With ab exercises (unless stated), 1 rep is when both sides are complete. ie. When it says
15 reps of bicycle crunches you have to crunch to both your right side and your left side
to complete 1 rep.

Sets: 1 set is 1 lot of reps. Eg. Doing 12 reps of bicep curls is 1 set.
It may look like this: 4 x 12 of bicep curls which means 4 sets of 12 reps.
Rounds: Generally used in a circuit. You may do 4 different exercises one after the other & do
them 8 times, which is 8 rounds.

Circuits – HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

HIIT Circuits have been shown to be one of the most effective methods for shredding fat. The
idea of a HIIT circuit is very simple. You take a handful of exercises put them together. You
perform each exercise at high intensity and keep the rest between exercises to a minimum.
Generally HIIT Circuits involve core, cardiovascular and resistance training in the one workout.
This is the reason they as so effective.
The idea behind a HIIT Circuit is to really push yourself. You want to keep your heart rate up
throughout the session. This will ensure your success and really bring out that amazing mid section.

When choosing weights for your workouts, make sure you pick a
weight that is suitable yet challenging. It’s important that you can
perform each exercise with good technique.

Warm up/Warm down/Stretches
It’s important to warm up before you exercise as it prepares your body for the work load you’re about
to put on it. It increases blood flow, reduces the chances of muscle injury and increases impulse
speed between your brain and your nerves. Warm down stretching after your workouts help your
muscles to relax and restore flexibility to tightened, shortened muscles. It’s also great to stretch on
your rest days.
Before you start your work out I recommend performing the suggested warm ups:
Full body stretch of at least one stretch per body part, then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks,
running on the spot, static high knees, hip openers.
• 1 min - jumping jacks
• 2 mins - running on the spot
• 1 min - static high knees (alternating between right and left leg)
• 1 min - hip openers (alternating between right and left leg)

each st cs
Forearms / Wrists times. 3


Pull your
ss your
arm acro el
h e s t u n til you fe
it stretch
your sho


Put one
arm behind
your head & p
down on your
with your othe ow
r arm
to stretch you


Gently t
push aga ntil
the wall utretch
you feel ih your
throug t

Chest / Shoulders / Biceps

fingers k
push ha &
away fro ds
your bo m

hands b
your kn ind
gently p &

Lats / Obliques / Back

en lean
up tall th
y o u r s id e gently
g y o u r opposite
pullin l
m . Y o u s hould fee
this down

Link han
behind y s
knees & our
arched b with an
pull upw gently
stretch ard to
your ba


w i s t y o u r upper
d y f r o m side to
b o
i d e w h i l e keeping
your hips
legs still


warm up your
neck by tilting y
head on each s
look up & down
look from side to


Hold you
foot & pu ntil
back u
your leg tretch
f e e l i t s
you our
through y

Hips / Quads

keeping your bod
upright put one kn
out in front & push
hips forward until
feel it stretch thro
your hip & quad


Place fee el
& pe
e e t o u t w ard with
your f w h i le using
n d s
your ha s to gent
r e l b o w
you ees towa
y o u r k n
push d.
the groun back
r y t o k e ep your


To stretch
your calf m
push forwa
rd while
keeping yo
ur back leg
fairly straig
ht. The fur
forward yo ther
u push the
more inten
se the

Full Body Stretch

stretch is great fo
opening up your b
neck, chest, hips
shoulders & stretc
out your calves &


Bend one
knee & put yo
tly in
other leg sligh
o n t o f y o u w ith your foot
own on your
flexed. Push d
your hands to
bent leg with
mstring of
stretch the ha
the other leg

your ba
straight ck
, gently
forward lean
foot unt your
il you fe
stretch el it

Back / Glutes / Neck

Put one fo
over your
knee &
twist aroun
d to look
over your
shoulder. U
your uppe se
r arm to pu
leg across sh your
your body.
should fee You
l this acros
your glute s
& back.

Hamstrings / Glutes

Lay flat o
k & use
your bac
ds to pull
your han st.
k n e e t o your che
your is
ld feel th
You shou &
y o u r h amstring

Hamstrings / Glutes

pull your le
towards yo
chest to fee
stretch thro
your hamst h
& glute

Hold each stretch for

approximately 5-10 seconds!
Jumping Jacks

Jumpifor 1

Running On The Spot Run on

the spot
for 2 mins

Static High Knees

Perfor igh
Static for 1

your core
& glutes ti
while liftin ght
knees up t g your
o your

Hip Openers Hip Openers
for 1 min

Keep your
core tight while lifting
your knee up & out to
the side then return to start
position before doing the other
- You may need to hold
onto something for

30 Day Meal & Exercise Plan


Banana and chia Green Smoothie Chicken and Healthy rice Chili con carne
seed pancakes sweet potato cakes



Banana and chia Green Smoothie Vegetarian Healthy rice Sweet potato,
seed pancakes sweet potato cakes mushroom and
salad leek patties

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
BICYCLE CRUNCH (EASY) -15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
BICYCLE CRUNCH (HARD) -15 reps x 4 sets (rest 1 min and 15 seconds in between sets)
FIGURE 8 – 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS -15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – 30 second hold x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
STANDARD SIDE PLANK – 15 second hold x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 30 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL KNEE TO CHEST – 20 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
DUMBBELL WOOD CHOP – 15 reps x 4 times (2 on left side 2 on right side) 45 seconds rest.
REVERSE BENCH KNEE RAISES – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
HANGING KNEE RAISES – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
LAYING KNEE TWISTS – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch.



Coconut Berry Smoothie Turkey balls Apple Gluten free
pancakes with and cottage muffins pizza
yogurt cheese salad



Coconut Berry Smoothie Vegetarian Apple Tempeh
pancakes with chickpea Muffins con carne
yogurt salad

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL PELVIC TILT – 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL KNEE TO CHEST – 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min 15 seconds rest in between sets)
STRICT CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
RUSSIAN TWIST (EASY) – 10 reps x 2 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – Hold plank for as long as possible x 2 sets (1 min rest in between)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
BUTTERFLY KICKS – 20 reps x 4 sets (1 min & 15 seconds rest in between sets)
LYING LEG CROSSOVERS – 20 reps x 4 sets (1 min 15 seconds rest in between sets)
FIGURE 8 – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
GRASS HOPPERS – 15 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
EXTENDED ARM CRUNCH - 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
ELBOW AND TOES PLANK - Hold plank until failure x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch



Quinoa smash 1 banana, Vegetarian Salmon Sweet potato,
bowl 6 walnuts chickpea seaweed mushroom and
salad wraps leek patties



Quinoa smash 1 banana, Vegetarian Egg Tempeh
bowl 6 walnuts beetroot Muffins stack

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into
5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
8 rounds with 2 mins rest in between each round.
(Perform all 4 exercises one after the other to complete
1 round)
SIT THROUGH x 10 (one rep is one side)
LUNGE x 10 (one rep is on one side)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of
jumping jacks, running on the spot, static high knees, hip openers.
8 rounds with 2 mins rest in between each round.
(Perform all 4 exercises one after the other to complete 1 round)
SIT THROUGH x 10 (one rep is one side)
LUNGE x 10 (one rep is on one side)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch



Sweet potato Green smoothie Turkey and Healthy rice Lime chili
and pumpkin lettuce cups cakes chicken salad



Sweet potato Green smoothie Vegetarian Healthy rice Simple mexi
and pumpkin mixed cakes bowl
omelette salad




Blueberry and Egg muffins Chicken pattie Salmon Portobello stack
banana and pumpkin seaweed
pancakes salad wraps



Blueberry and Egg muffins Vegetarian Green Veggie burgers
banana sweet potato smoothie
pancakes salad

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
BICYCLE CRUNCH (EASY) – 10 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
BUTTERFLY KICKS – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets) - 1 rep is complete when both
feet have kicked
LYING LEG CROSS OVERS – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
V–UP (EASY) – 10 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
FIGURE 8 – 10 reps x 2 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 10 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 40 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL OBLIQUE ROLL – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL LEG RAISES – 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL SINGLE LEG LIFTS – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch



Quinoa Green Smoothie Smoked Healthy rice Thai green chicken
banana salmon cakes mince with quinoa /
bowl salad brown rice



Quinoa Green Smoothie Vegetarian Heathy Thai green
banana chickpea rice cakes tempeh with
bowl salad quinoa/brown rice

WARM UP –Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – 1 min (or until failure) x 3 times 45 secs rest in between each set.
V-UP (EASY) – 20 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest between sets)
DUMBBELL WOOD CHOP (can be done using a plate) –10 reps x 4 sets - 2 sets on each side (45
seconds rest inbetween sets)
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 8 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
REVERSE CRUNCH – 10 reps x 2 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL UPWARD CRUNCH – 25 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest between sets)
V–UP (HARD) – 30 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
CABLE PULLDOWN CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
CABLE TORSO TWIST – 12 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets) - 2 sets on each side
OVERHEAD MED BALL SLAMS – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch



Cottage cheese Banana & Vegetarian Apple muffins Chicken/lean red
omelette 10 almonds sweet potato meat & veggie stir
salad fry with zucchini



Cottage Banana & Vegetarian Apple muffins Gluten free
cheese 10 almonds beetroot healthy pizza -
omelette salad vegetarian

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes
of jumping jacks, running on the spot, static high knees,
hip openers.
6 rounds with 2 mins rest in between each round.
(Perform all 4 exercises one after the other to complete
1 round)
ANKLE TAP x 10 (5 each side)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes
of jumping jacks, running on the spot, static high knees,
hip openers.
6 rounds with 2 mins rest in between each round.
(Perform all 4 exercises one after the other to complete
1 round)
ANKLE TAP x 10 (5 each side)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch


Apple and Berry smoothie Chicken and Healthy rice Herb coated
cinnamon sweet potato cakes fish fillet with
pancakes salad brown rice



Apple and Berry smoothie Vegetarian Healthy rice Sweet potato,
cinnamon mixed cakes mushroom and
pancakes salad leek patties




Quinoa Egg muffins Turkey balls Salmon Chicken
blueberry bowl and cottage seaweed mexican bowl
cheese salad wraps



Quinoa 1 banana & Vegetarian Egg muffins Tempeh
blueberry bowl 6 walnuts sweet potato con carne

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL UPWARD CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
BUTTERFLY KICKS – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
PLANK PUSH UPS – 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
PLANK TWIST – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
PLANK SIDE KNEE RAISE – 5 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
REVERSE BENCH STRAIGHT LEG RAISES – 15 reps x 4 sets (90 seconds rest in between sets)
REVERSE CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
RUSSIAN TWIST (HARD) - 30 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
SINGLE ARM CABLE TWIST – 12 reps x 4 sets (2 times on each side) - 1 min rest in between sets
SIDE PLANK ROW – 10 reps x 4 sets (2 times on each side) - 1 min rest in between sets
SIDE PLANK ROTATION x 2 times until failure (rest for 1 min 30 seconds in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 10


Spinach and Green smoothie Vegetarian Healthy rice Chili con carne
pear omelette chickpea cakes



Spinach and Green smoothie Vegetarian Healthy rice Tempeh
pear omelette chickpea cakes stack

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
BUTTERFLY KICKS – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
LYING LEG CROSS OVERS – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
REVERSE CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
BICYCLE CRUNCH (EASY) – 10 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
RUSSIAN TWIST (EASY) – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
V – UP (EASY) – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 40 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
REVERSE BENCH KNEE RAISES – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
HANGING KNEES TO ELBOWS – 6 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
CABLE TORSO TWIST – 12 reps x 4 sets (2 times on each side) - 1 min rest in between sets
V – UP (HARD) – 30 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST - 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 11


Banana and Egg muffins Turkey and Apple muffins Gluten free
chia seed lettuce cups pizza



Banana and Egg muffins Vegetarian Apple muffins Simple mexi
chia seed beetroot bowl
pancakes salad

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into
5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
6 rounds with 2 mins rest in between each round.
(Perform all 4 exercises one after the other to complete
1 round)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes
of jumping jacks, running on the spot, static high knees,
hip openers.
6 rounds with 2 mins rest in between each round.
(Perform all 4 exercises one after the other to complete
1 round)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 12


Coconut 1 banana, Chicken Salmon Sweet potato,
pancakes 10 almonds pattie and seaweed mushroom and
with yogurt pumpkin salad wraps leek patties



Coconut 1 banana, Vegetarian Green smoothie Veggie burgers
pancakes 10 almonds mixed
with yogurt salad


DAY 13


Quinoa Green smoothie Smoked Healthy rice Lime chili
smash bowl salmon cakes chicken salad



Quinoa Green smoothie Vegetarian Healthy rice Thai green
smash bowl sweet potato cakes tempeh with
salad quinoa/brown rice

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
BICYCLE CRUNCH (HARD) – 10 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
GRASS HOPPERS – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
LYING KNEE TWISTS – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
RUSSIAN TWIST (HARD) – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
V – UP (EASY) – 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
V – UP (HARD) – 10 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
ELBOW AND TOES PLANK – 2 x hold until failure (hold plank for no longer that 2 mins 30 seconds)
rest for 1 min
PLANK PUSH UPS – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
PLANK LEG LIFT – 10 reps x 4 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
LYING OBLIQUE CRUNCH -10 reps x 4 sets (2 times on each side) 30 seconds rest between sets
MED BALL BRIDGE – 20 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
LYING SUPERMAN – 10 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 14


Sweet potato Berry smoothie Vegetarian Apple muffins Portobello stack
and pumpkin sweet potato
omelette salad



Sweet potato Berry smoothie Vegetarian Apple muffins Gluten free
and pumpkin chickpea healthy pizza -
omelette salad vegetarian

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – 45 seconds x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – x 2 times (hold plank as long as possible) no longer than 2 minutes.
1 Minute rest in between holds.
PLANK PUSH UPS – 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
STANDARD SIDE PLANK – 45 seconds hold x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
LYING SUPER MAN – 15 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
STANDING PLATE TWIST – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
REVERSE BENCH STRAIGHT LEG RAISES – 15 reps x 4 sets (90 seconds rest in between sets)
REVERSE CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
RUSSIAN TWIST (HARD) 30 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
GRASS HOPPERS – 15 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
EXTENDED ARM CRUNCH 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
ELBOW AND TOES PLANS 2 x plank until failure (no longer than 2 mins 30 seconds) 1 min rest
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 15


Blueberry Egg Chicken and Salmon Thai green chicken
and banana muffins sweet potato seaweed mince with
pancakes salad wraps quinoa/brown rice



Blueberry Egg Vegetarian Green Sweet potato,
and banana muffins beetroot smoothie mushroom and
pancakes salad leek patties

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
• For each exercise perform as many reps as possible in 20 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds &
repeat 8 times. Rest 90 seconds in between each exercise in the circuit.

AIR SQUAT 8 x 20 seconds squat 20, seconds rest.

ALTERNATING LUNGE 8 x 20 seconds lunge, 20 seconds rest.
WIDE LEG SQUAT 8 x 20 seconds squat, 20 seconds rest.
V-UPS 8 x 20 seconds v-ups, 20 seconds rest.
RUSSIAN TWIST (EASY) 8 x 20 seconds twist, 20 seconds rest.
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
• For each exercise perform as many reps as possible in 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds &
repeat 8 times. Rest 90 seconds in between each exercise in the circuit.

AIR SQUAT 8 x 20 seconds squat, 10 seconds rest.

ALTERNATING LUNGE 8 x 20 seconds lunge, 10 seconds rest.
WIDE LEG SQUAT 8 x 20 seconds squat, 10 seconds rest.
V-UPS 8 x 20 seconds v-ups, 10 seconds rest.
RUSSIAN TWIST (HARD) 8 x 20 seconds twist, 10 seconds rest.
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 16


Quinoa Green smoothie Turkey balls Healthy rice Chicken/lean red
banana and cottage cakes meat and veggie
bowl cheese salad stir fry with
zucchini spaghetti



Quinoa Berry smoothie Vegetarian Healthy rice Tempeh
banana mix cakes con carne
bowl salad


DAY 17


Cottage Berry smoothie Vegetarian Apple muffins Herb coated
cheese chickpea fish fillet with
omelette salad brown rice



Cottage Berry smoothie Vegetarian Apple muffins Tempeh stack
cheese sweet potato
omelette salad

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
STRICT CRUNCH – 25 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
V – UP (EASY) – 25 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
MED BALL BRIDGE – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 12 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL UPWARD CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST – 12 reps (without plate) 2 x set (45 seconds rest in between sets)
WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST – 12 reps 2 x sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
BUTTERFLY KICKS – 40 reps x 4 sets (1 min 15 seconds rest in between sets)
LYING LEG CROSSOVERS – 40 reps x 4 sets (1 min 15 seconds rest in between sets)
RAISED LEG LOWER AB CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
STRAIGHT LEG TAP – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
OVERHEAD MED BALL SLAMS – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 18


Apple and 1 banana, Turkey and Salmon Chicken mexi bowl
cinnamon 10 almonds lettuce cups seaweed
pancakes wraps



Apple and 1 banana, Vegetarian Green Simple mexi bowl
cinnamon 10 almonds chickpea smoothie
pancakes salad

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 25 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL PELVIC TILT – 25 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 12 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST – (15 reps without plate) x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
LYING WINDSCREEN WIPERS – 8 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 40 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL OBLIQUE ROLL – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
HANGING KNEES TO ELBOWS – 6 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
LYING WINDSCREEN WIPERS – 8 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
SIDE PLANK ROW – 10 reps x 4 sets - 2 times on each side (rest for 1 min in between sets)
SIDE PLANK ROTATION x 2 times until failure - 1 time on each side (90 seconds rest in between
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 19


Quinoa Egg Chicken patties Healthy rice Chili con carne
blueberry muffins and pumpkin cakes
bowl salad



Quinoa Egg Vegetarian Healthy rice Veggie burgers
blueberry muffins beetroot cakes
bowl salad

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
8 rounds with 1 mins rest in between each round.
(Perform all 4 exercises one after the other to complete
1 round)
SIT THROUGH x 12 (6 each side)
LUNGE x 12 (6 each leg)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
STATIONARY BIKE (20 seconds sprint, 40 seconds slow pedal – choose medium resistance)
do this for 15 mins. Rest 5 mins
Mini circuit
5 rounds with 1 mins rest in between each round.
(Perform all 3 exercises one after the other to complete
1 round)
WEIGHTED LUNGE (select a light weight) x 10
PLANK - hold for 30 seconds
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 20


Spinach and Berry smoothie Smoked Apple muffins Gluten free
pear omelette salmon healthy pizza



Spinach and Berry smoothie Vegetarian Apple muffins Thai green
pear omelette mix tempeh with
salad quinoa/brown rice


DAY 21


Banana and Egg Vegetarian Salmon Sweet potato,
chia seed muffins sweet potato seaweed mushroom and
pancakes salad wraps leek patties



Banana and Egg Vegetarian Green Gluten free
chia seed muffins sweet potato smoothie healthy pizza -
pancakes salad vegetarian

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 25 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL KNEE TO CHEST – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 12 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
BICYCLE CRUNCH (EASY) – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
FIGURE 8 – 20 reps x 2 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
OVERHEAD MED BALL SLAMS – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
BUTTERFLY KICKS – 50 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
LYING LEG CROSSOVERS – 50 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
FIGURE 8 – 25 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
GRASS HOPPERS – 25 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
EXTENDED ARM CRUNCH - 25 reps x 3 sets(1 min rest in between sets)
ELBOW AND TOES PLANK 2 x plank until failure (no longer than 2 mins 30 seconds) 1 min rest
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 22


Coconut Banana & Chicken and Healthy rice Lime chili
pancakes with 6 walnuts sweet potato cakes chicken salad
yogurt salad



Coconut Banana & Vegetarian Healthy rice Sweet potato,
pancakes with 6 walnuts chickpea cakes mushrom and
yogurt salad leek patties

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
STRICT CRUNCH – 30 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
V – UP (EASY) – 25 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
BUTTERFLY KICKS– 40 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
LYING LEG CROSS OVERS – 30 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST – 12 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
STRICT CRUNCH – 30 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in betwee sets)
VERTICAL LEG CRUNCH – 25 reps x 4 sets (1 min 15 seconds rest in between sets)
PISTOL CRUNCH – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
LYING OBLIQUE CRUNCH -15 reps x 4 sets - 2 times on each side (30 seconds rest in between
MED BALL BRIDGE – 20 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
LYING SUPERMAN – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 23


Quinoa Berry smoothie Turkey balls Apple Portobello stack
smash and cotttage muffins
bowl cheese



Quinoa Berry smoothie Vegetarian Apple Tempeh
smash beetroot muffins con carne
bowl salad

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
6 rounds with 1 mins rest in between each round.
(Perform all 4 exercises one after the other to complete
1 round)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
ROWING MACHINE - row hard for 400m, row easy for 600 meters – Set rowing machine to level 8 if
it is a concept 2 rower. Complete 5km
Mini circuit
5 rounds with 1 mins rest in between each round.
(Perform all 3 exercises one after the other to complete
1 round)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 24


Sweet potato 1 banana & Vegetarian Salmon Thai green chicken
and pumpkin 10 almonds chickpea seaweed mince with
omelette salad wraps quinoa/ brown rice



Sweet potato 1 banana & Vegetarian Green Tempeh
and pumpkin 10 almonds mix smoothie stack
omelette salad


DAY 25


Blueberry and Egg Turkey and Healthy rice Chicken/lean red
banana muffins lettuce cups cakes meat and veggie
pancakes stir fry with
zucchini spaghetti



Blueberry and Egg Vegetarian Healthy rice Simple mexi bowl
banana muffins sweet potato cakes
pancakes salad

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 30 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 12 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
DUMBBELL WOOD CHOP (can be done using a plate) – 15 reps x 4 sets (2 sets on each side) 45
seconds rest in between sets
RUSSIAN TWIST (EASY) - 15 reps x 4 sets (2 sets on each side) 45 seconds rest in between sets
OVERHEAD MED BALL SLAMS – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – 1 min x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL UPWARD CRUNCH – 25 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
V – UP (HARD) – 40 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
CABLE PULLDOWN CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
CABLE TORSO TWIST – 12 reps x 4 sets (2 times on each side) 45 seconds rest in between sets
OVERHEAD MED BALL SLAMS – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 26


Quinoa Berry smoothie Chicken patties Apple Herb coated
banana and pumpkin muffins fish fillet
bowl salad with brown rice



Quinoa Berry smoothie Vegetarian Apple Veggie burgers
banana chickpea muffins
bowl salad

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
STRICT CRUNCH – 30 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
V – UP (EASY) – 20 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest inbetween sets)
BUTTERFLY KICKS – 30 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST – 12 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
PLANK SIDE KNEE RAISE – 8 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
BENCH BARBELL CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
BICYCLE CRUNCH (HARD) – 30 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
HANGING KNEES TO ELBOWS – 8 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
LYING WINDSCREEN WIPERS – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
STANDING PLATE TWIST – 25 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
STANDING DUMBBELL OBLIQUE CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets - 2 sets each side
(1 min rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 27


Cottage 1 banana, Smoked Green Chicken mexi bowl
cheese 6 walnuts salmon smoothie
omelette salad



Cottage 1 banana, Vegetarian Green Thai green
cheese 6 walnuts beetroot smoothie tempeh with
omelette salad quinoa/brown rice

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
6 rounds with 1 mins rest in between each round.
(Perform all 4 exercises one after the other to complete
1 round)
SINGLE ARM UPRIGHT ROW x 12 (12 reps each arm)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
Rest for 45 seconds in between each set of exercises ie. 40 reps, then 45 seconds rest, 30 reps
then 45 seconds rest - all the way down to 10 reps
DUMBBELL DEAD LIFT - 40 reps, 30 reps, 20 reps,10, reps, Rest 2 minute
DUMBBELL BENT OVER ROW - 40 reps, 30 reps, 20 reps,10, reps, Rest 2 minute
SEATED BACK FLY - 40 reps, 30 reps, 20 reps,10, reps, Rest 2 minute
DUMBBELL MIL PRESS - Press 40 reps, 30 reps, 20 reps,10, reps, Rest 2 minute
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 28


Apple and Egg Vegetarian Healthy rice Chili con carne
cinnamon muffins sweet potato cakes
pancakes salad



Apple and Egg Vegetarian Healthy rice Gluten free
cinnamon muffins mix cakes healthy pizza -
pancakes salad vegetarian


DAY 29


Quinoa Green smoothie Chicken and Apple Gluten free
blueberry sweet potato muffins healthy pizza
bowl salad



Quinoa Green smoothie Vegetarian Apple Sweet potato,
blueberry sweet potato muffins mushroom and
bowl salad leek patties

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 30 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
REVERSE CRUNCH – 20 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
MED BALL KNEES TO CHEST – 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
LYING SWISS BALL DRAGS - 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
OVERHEAD MED BALL SLAMS – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
BUTTERFLY KICKS – 30 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 50 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
REVERSE BENCH KNEE RAISES – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
HANGING KNEES TO ELBOWS – 8 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
CABLE TORSO TWIST – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets) - 2 sets for each side
V – UP (HARD) – 30 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST - 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

DAY 30


Spinach and 1 banana & Turkey balls Salmon Sweet potato,
pear omelette 6 walnuts and cottage seaweed mushroom and
cheese salad wraps leek patties



Spinach and 1 banana & Vegetarian Healthy Tempeh
pear omelette 6 walnuts chickpea rice cakes con carne

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
RUSSIAN TWIST (HARD) – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
V – UP (HARD) – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
LYING SWISS BALL DRAGS – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)
PLANK ROTATION – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)
SIDE PLANK ROW – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets) - 2 sets for each side
BICYCLE CRUNCH (HARD) - 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets) - 2 sets for each side
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.
REVERSE BENCH KNEE RAISES – 2 x maximum reps until failure. (Rest 2 mins in between)
HANGING KNEES TO ELBOWS – 2 x maximum reps until failure. (Rest 2 mins in between)
V – UP (HARD) – 2 x maximum reps until failure. (Rest 2 mins in between)
LYING SWISS BALL DRAGS – 2 x maximum reps until failure. (Rest 2 mins in between)
LYING WINDSCREEN WIPERS – 2 x maximum reps until failure.( Rest 2 mins in between)
BICYCLE CRUNCH (HARD) – 2 x maximum reps until failure (Rest 2 mins in between)
COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

STRICT CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

V – UP (EASY) – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 10 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 8 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL UPWARD CRUNCH – 12 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST – 8 reps x 2 sets without the plate (45 seconds rest in between

WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST – 8 reps x 2 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL PELVIC TILT – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 8 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

MOUNTAIL CLIMBERS – 10 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST – 8 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

STRAIGHT LEG TAP – 10 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static, high knees, hip openers.

SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL KNEE TO CHEST – 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 8 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

BICYCLE CRUNCH (EASY) – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

FIGURE 8 – 10 reps x 2 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 10 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch 90

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

STRICT CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

V – UP (EASY) – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

BUTTERFLY KICKS– 30 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

LYING LEG CROSS OVERS – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST – 8 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 8 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

DUMBBELL WOOD CHOP – 10 reps x 4 sets (2 times each side) 45 seconds rest in between set

CABLE TORSO TWIST - 10 reps x 4 sets (2 times each side) 45 seconds rest in between set

CABLE PULL DOWN CRUNCH – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – 45 seconds x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

STRICT CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

V – UP (EASY) – 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

BARBELL BENCH CRUNCH – 10 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 10 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST – 8 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

PLANK LEG LIFT – 8 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

BICYCLE CRUNCH (EASY) -20 reps x 4 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

BICYCLE CRUNCH (HARD) -20 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

FIGURE 8 – 12 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS -20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – 45 second hold 30 seconds rest x 3 times

STANDARD SIDE PLANK – 20 second hold 30 seconds rest x 3 times

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 25 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL PELVIC TILT – 25 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL KNEE TO CHEST – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

STRICT CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

RUSSIAN TWIST (EASY) – 20 reps x 2 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – Hold plank as long as possible. No longer than 2 minutes x 2
times, 1 min rest

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 25 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

BICYCLE CRUNCH (EASY) – 20 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

BUTTERFLY KICKS – 30 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

LYING LEG CROSS OVERS – 25 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

V – UP (EASY) – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

FIGURE 8 – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch 92

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – 60 seconds x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – x 2 times (hold plank as long as possible) no longer than 2
minutes. 1 Minute rest in between holds.

DUMBBELL WOOD CHOP – 15 reps x 4 sets (2 sets each side) 45 seconds rest in between sets

SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 25 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 12 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

REVERSE CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

PISTOL CRUNCH – 30 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL UPWARD CRUNCH – 25 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

BARBELL BENCH CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

PLANK PUSH UPS – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

PLANK TWIST – 15 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

PLANK SIDE KNEE RAISE – 8 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

BUTTERFLY KICKS – 40 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

LYING LEG CROSS OVERS – 30 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

REVERSE CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

BICYCLE CRUNCH (EASY) – 20 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

RUSSIAN TWIST (EASY) – 25 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

V – UP (EASY) – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch 93

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

BICYCLE CRUNCH (HARD) – 20 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

GRASS HOPPERS – 20 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

LYING KNEE TWISTS – 20 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

RUSSIAN TWIST (HARD) – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

V – UP (EASY) – 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

V – UP (HARD) – 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – 45 seconds x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

ELBOWS AND TOES PLANK – x 2 times (hold plank as long as possible) no longer than 2
minutes. 1 Minute rest in between holds.

PLANK PUSH UPS – 20 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

STANDARD SIDE PLANK – 45 seconds x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

PLANK SIDE KNEE RAISE – 8 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

STANDING PLATE TWIST – 20 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch


WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

STRICT CRUNCH – 25 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

VERTICAL LEG CRUNCH – 20 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

PISTOL CRUNCH – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

LYING OBLIQUE CRUNCH -10 reps x 4 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
2 times on each side

MED BALL BRIDGE – 20 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

LYING SUPERMAN – 10 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

LYING SWISS BALL DRAGS – 20 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

MED BALL KNEES TO CHEST – 15 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

RAISED LEG LOWER AB CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

STRAIGHT LEG TAP – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

STRAIGHT LEG WEIGHTED LOWER AB CRUNCH – 10 reps x 3 sets 45 seconds rest in between

STANDING PLATE TWIST – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

BENCH BARBELL CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

BICYCLE CRUNCH (HARD) – 20 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

HANGING KNEES TO ELBOWS – 6 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

LYING WINDSCREEN WIPERS – 8 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

STANDING PLATE TWIST – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

STANDING DUMBBELL OBLIQUE CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch 95

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

ELBOW AND TOES PLANK – 2 x hold until failure (hold plank for no longer that 2 mins 30
seconds) rest for 1 min

PLANK PUSH UPS – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

PLANK LEG LIFT – 10 reps x 4 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

PLANK ROTATION – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

PLANK TWIST – 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

PLANK SIDE KNEE RAISE – 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 40 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL OBLIQUE ROLL – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL LEG RAISES – 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

CABLE TORSO TWIST – 12 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets) - 2 sets on each side

OVERHEAD MED BALL SLAMS – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS – 20 reps x 3 sets (30 seconds rest i between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

BENCH BARBELL CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

BICYCLE CRUNCH (HARD) – 20 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

HANGING KNEES TO ELBOWS – 6 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

STRAIGHT LEG TAP – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

STRAIGHT LEG WEIGHTED LOWER AB CRUNCH – 10 reps x sets (45 seconds rest in between
STANDING PLATE TWIST – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN –Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 40 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

REVERSE BENCH KNEE RAISES – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

HANGING KNEES TO ELBOWS – 6 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

REVERSE BENCH KNEE RAISES – 10 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

HANGING KNEE RAISES – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

LYING KNEE TWISTS – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 30 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

SWISS KNEE TO CHEST – 20 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in betweens sets)

PISTOL CRUNCH – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

LYING OBLIQUE CRUNCH -10 reps x 4 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)
2 sets on each side

SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL SINGLE LEG LIFTS – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

SWISS BALL UPWARD CRUNCH – 25 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

V – UP (HARD) – 30 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

PLANK LEG LIFT – 10 reps x 4 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

PLANK ROTATION – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

V – UP (HARD) – 30 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

WALKING LUNGE PLATE TWIST - 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch 97

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 50 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

SWISS KNEE TO CHEST – 25 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

DUMBBELL WOOD CHOP – 20 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets) 2 sets on each
REVERSE BENCH KNEE RAISES – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

HANGING KNEE RAISES – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

LAYING KNEE TWISTS – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

LYING SWISS BALL DRAGS – 30 reps x 4 sets (1 min 15 seconds rest in between sets)

MED BALL KNEES TO CHEST – 20 reps x 4 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

RAISED LEG LOWER AB CRUNCH – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

STRAIGHT LEG TAP – 25 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

STRAIGHT LEG WEIGHTED LOWER AB CRUNCH – 10 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in
between sest)

STANDING PLATE TWIST – 25 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

SWISS BALL CRUNCH – 40 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL OBLIQUE ROLL – 20 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL LEG RAISES – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min 30 seconds rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL STRAIGHT ARM TWIST – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

SWISS BALL SINGLE LEG LIFTS – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

ELBOW AND TOES PLANK – 2 x hold until failure (hold plank for no longer that 2 mins 30
seconds) rest for 1 min

PLANK PUSH UPS – 20 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

PLANK LEG LIFT – 20 reps x 4 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

PLANK ROTATION – 15 reps x 3 sets (45 seconds rest in between sets)

PLANK TWIST – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

PLANK SIDE KNEE RAISE – 15 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

WARM UP – Full body stretch then straight into 5 minutes of jumping jacks, running on the spot,
static high knees, hip openers.

REVERSE BENCH STRAIGHT LEG RAISES – 15 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

REVERSE CRUNCH – 15 reps x 4 sets (30 seconds rest in between sets)

RUSSIAN TWIST (HARD) - 40 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets)

SINGLE ARM CABLE TWIST – 12 reps x 4 sets (1 min rest in between sets) 2 sets on each side

SIDE PLANK ROW – 10 reps x 3 sets (1 min rest in between sets) 2 sets on each side

SIDE PLANK ROTATION - x 2 times until failure (1 time on each side) rest for 1 min 30 seconds in

COOL DOWN – Full body stretch

Words of Wisdom
Don’t ever believe you can’t do something. If you have
a dream you’ve got to go for it not matter what other
people think. Believe in yourself and know that you
are more than capable of achieving it and most im-
portantly believe that you deserve it. When people tell
you that you can’t do something it’s usually because
they couldn’t do it themselves! Ignore negative people
who put you down and make you feel inferior or inad-
equate. Surround yourself with people who believe in
you and support you along your journey.

If you really want something, you’ve got to do every-

thing in your power to get it! Commit yourself to your
dream, plan what needs to be done to achieve it, be
consistent, dedicated and resilient. Pick yourself back
up no matter how many times you fall and keep perse-
vering until you reach your goal!

Be responsible for yourself, your life and your happi-

ness. Your life is yours alone so rise up and live it to
the best of your ability and don’t ever settle for being
anything but your best!

X Emily Skye


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