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HOR MON E Horm Res Paediatr Received: June 2, 2014

RE SE ARCH I N DOI: 10.1159/000370065 Accepted: November 24, 2014
Published online: February 11, 2015

Management of Electrolyte and Fluid

Disorders after Brain Surgery for
Pituitary/Suprasellar Tumours
Sujata Edate Assunta Albanese
Paediatric Endocrinology Unit, St. George’s Hospital, London, UK

Key Words posterior pituitary dysfunctions with fluid and electrolyte

Diabetes insipidus · Cerebral salt wasting · Syndrome disorders. Conditions such as central diabetes insipidus
of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion · (CDI), which can be transient or permanent, partial or
Neurosurgery complete, the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone secretion (SIADH), cerebral salt wasting (CSW)
and adipsic diabetes insipidus (ADI) can occur/coexist,
Abstract making clinical management extremely challenging. An-
Disturbances in salt and water balances are relatively com- terior and posterior pituitary dysfunction can also be
mon in children after brain surgeries for suprasellar and pi- present at diagnosis.
tuitary tumours, presenting diagnostic and therapeutic chal- The aim of this article is to review the pre- and postop-
lenges. Although hypernatraemia associated with central erative management of electrolyte and fluid disorders after
diabetes insipidus is commonly encountered, it is hypona- brain surgery for pituitary/suprasellar tumours and to dis-
traemia (HN) that poses more of a diagnostic dilemma. The cuss the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges encoun-
main differential diagnoses causing HN are the syndrome of tered based on the authors’ personal experience, as well as
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, marked by in- a review of the relevant literature and published guidelines.
appropriate retention of water, and cerebral salt wasting,
characterized by polyuria and natriuresis. Diagnosis and
management can be even more difficult when these condi- Definitions
tions precede or coexist with each other. These diagnostic
and therapeutic dilemmas are discussed in detail in this re- CDI is characterized by the excretion of large volumes
view. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel of dilute urine (polyuria) due to vasopressin (ADH) defi-
ciency. Polyuria is characterised by a urine volume in ex-
cess of 2 l/m2/24 h or approximately 150 ml/kg/24 h at
birth, 100–110 ml/kg/24 h until the age of 2 years and
Introduction then 40–50 ml/kg/24 h in an older child or adult. The cri-
teria for the diagnosis of CDI in the postoperative setting
Due to the anatomic location of suprasellar and pitu- are represented in table 1.
itary tumours, interventional brain surgery can have peri- SIADH is defined by hyponatraemia (HN) and hypo-
and postoperative complications related to anterior and osmolality due to inappropriate ADH secretion which re- - 5/5/2015 4:56:35 AM

© 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel Assunta Albanese

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E-Mail a.albanese @
Table 1. Criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes insipidus in the post- growth hormone deficiency via provocative testing, in
operative period which case the measurement of a baseline insulin-like
growth factor-1 level can be helpful. If the patient is re-
(1) Increased plasma osmolality >300 mosm/kg
(2) Increased urine output >2.5 ml/kg/h for 2 consecutive hours ceiving growth hormone therapy, this should be stopped
(3) Urine osmolality <200 mosm/kg prior to surgery, as is recommended in any patient with
(4) Urine/plasma osmolality ratio <1 an acute critical illness [11].
Hypoadrenalism associated with suprasellar tumours
can be secondary or tertiary. This hypoadrenalism is po-
tentially lethal if not recognized and managed appropri-
sults in impaired water excretion despite a normal or in- ately. It has been reported pre-operatively in 50% of pa-
creased plasma volume. tients with pituitary and suprasellar tumours [1] and in
CSW is defined by the development of extracellular about 25–71% of patients with craniopharyngiomas on
volume depletion due to a renal sodium transport abnor- provocative testing (short synacthen or insulin toler-
mality in patients with intracranial disease and appropri- ance test) [4–10]. An appropriately raised early morn-
ate adrenal and thyroid status. ing cortisol (for instance >500 nmol/l in patients not
severely unwell [12]) makes the diagnosis unlikely. Hy-
pocortisolism may cause HN through an increase in
Pre-Operative Overview ADH levels and by impaired free water excretion [13].
Cortisol replacement should be initiated if patients are
In children, craniopharyngioma is the commonest tu- found to be cortisol deficient pre-operatively. Stress
mour involving the mentioned anatomic areas. Other tu- doses of corticosteroids should be used be prescribed to
mours are functioning and non-functioning pituitary cover neurosurgery in these patients as well as in pa-
adenomas, germinomas and non-germinomatous germ tients with a normal adrenal axis. If the patient is receiv-
cell tumours, Langerhans cell histiocytoses, chiasmatic ing treatment with dexamethasone for a neurosurgical
(low-grade) gliomas, suprasellar arachnoid cysts and hy- indication, no additional corticosteroid cover for sur-
pothalamic-pituitary astrocytomas [1]. These tumours gery is required, but postoperative cortisol replacement
present with acute or more insidious compression symp- should be initiated once dexamethasone is weaned and
toms of adjacent neural structures leading to a raised in- continued until there is a formal assessment of the hy-
tracranial pressure with hydrocephalus in 50%, visual pothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
impairment in 38% and endocrine abnormalities in 66– CDI is found in 12% of patients with pituitary and su-
77% of cases [1, 2], with a higher incidence in craniopha- prasellar brain tumours at presentation [1]. In a recent
ryngiomas than in the other tumour types [2–5]. Al- review of children with craniopharyngiomas, 17–27%
though symptoms due to neuroendocrine dysfunction have been reported to have diabetes insipidus [14]. CDI
may not be obvious at presentation [6], clinical features is also the most frequent central nervous system manifes-
of endocrinopathies are frequently found on careful as- tation of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, occurring in 10–
sessment and have often been present for months or 50% of all patients [15, 16], while in intracranial germ cell
years prior to presentation. Establishing the endocrine tumours CDI occurs in 82% of cases [17]. Polyuria and
status of the patient before surgery is essential in manag- polydipsia are the presenting symptoms but may not be
ing peri-operative complications. obvious in mild forms of CDI. If CDI coexists with un-
Growth hormone deficiency is one of the commonest treated adrenal insufficiency, polyuria and polydipsia can
endocrine abnormalities, being present in 50% of chil- be masked due to the free water retention caused by the
dren with suprasellar and pituitary tumours at diagnosis adrenocortical failure. These symptoms may become ap-
[1]. This is higher in children with craniopharyngiomas parent on direct questioning, documentation of a 24-h
where an incidence of 72–95% can be found on provoca- fluid balance or following the initiation of a pharmaco-
tive testing [4–10]. Growth deceleration is one of the logical steroid treatment. In patients with CDI, a normal
commonest findings in children but is often recognized sense of thirst with free access to fluid intake will allow
only retrospectively, as presentation with growth failure normal plasma electrolytes and osmolality. If, however,
is less common [3]. As the need for urgent surgical inter- patients are unable to compensate for urinary losses, for
vention for raised intracranial pressure takes priority at example due to unconsciousness, vomiting or restricted
diagnosis, there is less opportunity to make a diagnosis of fluid access, they will develop increased plasma osmolal- - 5/5/2015 4:56:35 AM

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Table 2. Pre-operative endocrine assessment and investigations Postoperative Overview

(1) Careful medical history, previous growth pattern and physical Surgery in the hypothalamic-pituitary area is often ac-
(2) Current height, weight, surface area, pubertal staging and companied by disturbances of water, electrolytes and os-
bone age moregulation due to manipulation and vascular altera-
(3) Accurate fluid intake and output record tion of the neurohypophysis. Abnormalities in blood os-
(4) Paired early morning plasma and urine osmolalities molality can be life-threatening if they are not properly
(5) Serum urea, creatinine, electrolytes and glucose
recognized and treated. Fluid intake and output should
(6) Thyroid function (thyroxine and thyrotropin)
(7) Cortisol at 9 a.m. (if patient is not receiving steroids) be recorded very accurately and reviewed every 6–8 h.
(8) Prolactin (to exclude prolactinoma) Insertion of a urinary catheter may be necessary for an
(9) α-Fetoprotein and β-hCG (to exclude secreting germinoma) accurate output record. Extra fluid losses like stools, ce-
(10) Insulin-like growth factor-1 rebrospinal fluid or drain outputs should be accounted
for and replaced. Paired plasma and urine osmolality and
electrolytes should be tested immediately postoperatively
and every 8 h, but changes in plasma sodium of >5 mmol/l
ity (>300 mosm/l) with decreased urine osmolality and a will require more frequent testing (every 4 to 6 hours)
urine/plasma osmolality ratio <1. In the peri-operative [21].
period, formal water deprivation testing is not needed as CDI is a common postoperative complication that oc-
it may not provide any more information towards the di- curs in 83% of patients with intrasellar and parasellar tu-
agnosis of CDI in children with a known pituitary hypo- mours [2], especially in those with large tumours damag-
thalamic endocrine tumour. If time allows, a patient with ing the ADH-secreting neurons and radical surgical exci-
newly diagnosed pre-operative CDI should be treated and sion with pituitary stalk resection. Other factors found to
stabilized before surgery by the use of desmopressin (DP), be associated with an increased risk of developing post-
which is a synthetic analogue of ADH, otherwise fluid operative CDI are a young age, male gender, CSF leak,
losses should be appropriately replaced. and resection of certain types of lesions including cranio-
SIADH has occasionally been described before sur- pharyngiomas, Rathke’s cleft cysts and ACTH-secreting
gery, presenting with HN and seizures responding to flu- pituitary adenomas [22–24].
id restriction [18, 19]. The tumour mass might cause in- Over the last decade, the surgical approach towards
appropriate ADH release by direct mechanical stimula- craniopharyngiomas has been changing. Previously,
tion and/or ischaemic changes on the osmoreceptor/ gross resection of the tumour was the treatment of choice.
ADH-secreting neurons. In recent years, newer conservative surgical treatments
Secondary/tertiary hypothyroidism has been de- like endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery and cyst decom-
scribed in 2.7–42% of patients with craniopharyngio- pression with or without intracystic treatment have been
mas pre-operatively [4–6, 8–10]. Central hypothyroid- introduced to reduce morbidities. This has led to less
ism presents with an inappropriately low thyrotropin postoperative endocrine complications like permanent
level in a setting of low thyroxine or free thyroxine lev- CDI, now seen in 50–55% of patients after conservative
els. It should be treated with thyroxine replacement be- surgery combined with radiation surgery [14], as com-
fore surgery. In moderate to severe hypothyroidism, pared to 60–90% of patients with aggressive surgery.
HN can occur due to reduced cardiac output which can The course of postoperative CDI can be transient, per-
lead to the release of ADH via the carotid sinus barore- manent or triphasic. The triphasic pattern (fig. 1) occurs
ceptors and decreased glomerular filtration with re- in 3.4% of patients who undergo transsphenoid surgery,
duced free water excretion [20]. In naïve patients with and only the first 2 phases occur in 1.1% of patients [22].
both thyrotropin and adrenocorticotropin deficiencies, In the triphasic pattern, the initial phase of CDI is fol-
hydrocortisone replacement should precede the re- lowed by a second oliguric phase of SIADH and then by
placement of thyroxine as the latter increases the meta- a third and final phase of permanent CDI [25, 26].
bolic clearance of glucocorticoids and may lead to adre- Transient CDI becomes evident within 24–48 h of
nal crisis if the initiation of thyroxine precedes that of surgery (fig.  1a). The hypotonic polyuria lasts for 5–7
hydrocortisone. days. This initial phase of the triphasic pattern and tran-
Whenever possible, pre-operative endocrine assess- sient CDI are both thought to be caused by a temporary
ment and investigations (table 2) should be performed. dysfunction of ADH-producing neurons either second- - 5/5/2015 4:56:35 AM

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Nucleus of cell body

Cell body

Fig. 1. Mechanisms that underlie the Paraventricular nucleus

pathophysiology of the triphasic pattern of
postoperative diabetes insipidus. Phase a:
the first phase diabetes insipidus is initiated c
by a partial or complete pituitary stalk sec- Supra-optic nucleus
tion, which damages the connection be-
tween the cell bodies of ADH-secreting
neurons in the hypothalamus and their
nerve terminals in the posterior pituitary
gland, which prevents ADH secretion.
Phase b: the first phase is followed, after Hypothalamohypophyseal tract
several days, by the second phase of SIADH, a
which is caused by an uncontrolled release Axon
of ADH into the blood stream from the de-
generating nerve terminals in the posterior
pituitary. Phase c: after all of the ADH Axon terminal
Anterior lobe
stored in the posterior pituitary gland has
been released, a third phase of diabetes in- Neural lobe
sipidus develops if more than 80–90% of
ADH-secreting neuronal cell bodies in the
b Arginine ADH release
hypothalamus have degenerated. Figure 1
has been adapted with permission from the
author [26] and publisher.

ary to oedema due to trauma to the connections between The third phase of permanent CDI, in which polyuria
the magnocellular cell bodies and the nerve terminals in reappears within 2 weeks, follows depletion of ADH due
the posterior pituitary or to axonal shock from perturba- to the degeneration of hypothalamic ADH-secreting neu-
tions in the vascular supply to the pituitary stalk and pos- ronal cell bodies (fig. 1c). A major determinant of wheth-
terior pituitary. Transient CDI usually resolves when er CDI following transection of the pituitary stalk is per-
ADH-secreting neurons recover their normal function manent or not is related to how close the level of the lesion
[26]. is to the ADH-secreting neurons’ cell bodies in the hypo-
The second phase of SIADH is caused by an uncon- thalamus [28].
trolled release of ADH from either degenerating posterior Figure 2 illustrates the changes in the urine output and
pituitary tissue or from the remaining magnocellular plasma sodium concentrations with the main therapeutic
neurons whose axons have been damaged (fig. 1b). In this interventions during the first 14 postoperative days in a
phase, urine output decreases and urine becomes concen- 10-year-old child with craniopharyngioma who devel-
trated. The duration and severity of this phase is variable oped the triphasic response.
and may last from 2 to 14 days [26]. Severe and long-last- In addition, the patients may develop CSW, which can
ing HN due to SIADH can be a predictor for a future oc- develop as a primary (neuronal insult) or as a secondary
currence of permanent CDI, as both conditions are due response to SIADH. In CSW, there is a defect in the renal
to damage to the ADH-secreting neuronal cell bodies in sodium transport which leads to extracellular volume de-
the hypothalamus. pletion and HN.
Partial or limited damage to some axons connected to Thirst abnormalities, such as adipsia or hypodipsia
the posterior pituitary may be associated with isolated due to osmoreceptor damage, can lead to hypernatraemia
second phase SIADH due to the uncontrolled release of and wide fluctuations in osmolality complicating the
accumulated ADH resulting in transient asymptomatic management of the water and electrolyte balance, as they
or symptomatic HN [27]. usually coexist with CDI and ACTH deficiency. - 5/5/2015 4:56:35 AM

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7 150

Plasma sodium (mmol/l)

Urine output (ml/kg/h)
6 145
5 140
4 135 Serum sodim
3 130 Daily average urine output
2 125
1 120
0 115
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

DP as required Water restriction DP regular treatment

Fig. 2. Triphasic response. This represents the daily urine output In the initial phase of transient diabetes insipidus, DP was used
(measured as ml/kg/h) and the plasma sodium concentration in on an ‘as-required basis’ to reduce the urine output. In the second
the first 14 postoperative days in a 10year-old child with cranio- phase of the SIADH, fluid access was restricted. When the third
pharyngioma who developed a triphasic response. The main ther- phase with permanent diabetes insipidus developed, DP was re-
apeutic interventions are represented at the bottom of the graph. started and given on a regular basis.

Central Diabetes Insipidus op hypernatraemia and hyperosmolality. However, if

While CDI can present within a few hours after sur- they are unable to drink enough to maintain normal plas-
gery, abnormalities of ADH secretion and fluid balance ma osmolality and serum sodium levels, or they are adip-
often begin during the intra-operative period. The diag- sic, they need to be encouraged to drink and should be
nosis of CDI should be made with caution as intra-op- offered drinks regularly. If fluids need to be supplement-
erative fluid overload also presents with hypo-osmolar ed, then two thirds of the fluid maintenance can be re-
polyuria. It is also important to rule out glycosuria and placed with 0.9% saline. Fluid losses in excess of the main-
hyperglycaemia, especially if the patient is on dexameth- tenance fluid rates minus insensible losses (300 ml/body
asone. Diagnosis of CDI is made on the basis of clinical surface area in m2) should be replaced volume for volume
and biochemical findings. The patient may develop a by calculating and matching the fluid balance at least
sudden onset of polyuria (urine output >2.5 ml/kg/h) 6 hourly [21]. Fluids can be replaced by water given oral-
and polydipsia, usually within the first 24–48 h after ly or via a nasogastric tube or by 0.45% saline intrave-
neurosurgery. Plasma osmolality is increased (>300 nously in eunatraemic patients. Non-urinary fluid losses
mosm/l), and urine osmolality is decreased with a urine/ should be replaced with 0.9% saline. As long as fluids are
plasma osmolality ratio <1. The urine specific gravity replaced, CDI is not life-threatening. DP can be started to
(USG) can also be used at the bedside to guide diabetes reduce the total daily fluid intake/output. It can be given
insipidus management if there is a delay in obtaining at an initial dose of 50–100 μg (tablets) orally, 5–10 μg
urine osmolality results from the laboratory. USG deter- intranasally or 30–60 μg sublingually. Each subsequent
mined by both reagent strip and refractometry has a cor- dose of DP should be given after the demonstration of
relation of approximately 0.75 with urine osmolality dilute urine with an osmolality <200 mosm/l or a specific
[29]. This relationship between the specific gravity and gravity <1.005, and a urine output of >2.5 ml/kg/h for
osmolality is disturbed when the urine contains an ab- >2 h. Treatment results in the reduction of urine output,
normal solute, such as glucose or protein. USG is also with the effect lasting for 6–18 h, and doses should be ti-
affected by temperature, with urine density decreasing trated according to the daily total urine output. To mini-
(lower USG) with increasing temperature. mize the risk of water intoxication and HN in resolving
It is important to assess whether the thirst mechanism transient CDI, DP should be given on an ‘as-required ba-
is preserved postoperatively. Patients often have a craving sis’ until it is established that the CDI is permanent. If the
for ice-cold water and increased thirst if the thirst mech- route of administration needs to be changed for any oth-
anism is intact. Patients with CDI having intact thirst er reason, the dosages of the different forms of DP are not
mechanisms and free access to oral fluids may not devel- directly interchangeable. - 5/5/2015 4:56:35 AM

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In a paediatric intensive care setting, low dose DP ing total body sodium depletion. Symptomatic severe
(0.1–0.2 μg s.c./i.m) [30] or dilute arginine ADH (0.25–3 HN with signs and symptoms of cerebral oedema, which
mU/kg/h) by a continuous intravenous infusion [28, 31, include visual changes, focal neurologic changes, en-
32] is often used in the first 24–48 h postoperatively. Ar- cephalopathy, respiratory depression and seizures, needs
ginine ADH has a short half-life (10–20 min), and its to be treated with an infusion of 3% saline at 0.5–1 mmol/
therapeutic effects dissipate quickly once the infusion is kg/h (1–2 ml/kg/h) for 2–3 h, followed by conservative
stopped. Intravenous arginine ADH infusion also in- adjustments [37, 39, 40]. This is a temporary measure to
creases blood pressure. The continuous infusion needs increase sodium to a safer level. Overcorrection should
close monitoring of the fluid balance and electrolytes and be avoided by limiting the rate of correction to <10–12
frequent titration of the infusion rate to achieve the de- mmol/l during the first 24 h of treatment and to <18
sired fluid output. Prolonged use of arginine ADH may mmol/l over 48 h. A rapid rate of the correction of HN
result in antibody formation and in a shortened duration can lead to a serious and permanent neurological mani-
of action of the drug [33]. festation, central pontine myelinolysis and death [39,
Regular DP should only be prescribed when CDI is 41].
stable and permanent. The aim of the treatment is to ame-
liorate polyuria and polydipsia, not to entirely normalise Cerebral Salt Wasting
daily fluid intake. Once a day, breakthrough polyuria be- CSW is reported in 4% of children following neurosur-
fore dosing should be encouraged to avoid water intoxi- gery and is characterized by polyuria and natriuresis [42].
cation. If HN occurs during DP therapy, the DP dose CSW is a process of extracellular volume depletion due to
should be withheld until the sodium level normalises. If a tubular defect in the sodium transport. The precise un-
DP is continued or if excreted free water is continued to derlying pathophysiology is unclear, but it has been pos-
be replaced, this can lead to cerebral oedema. tulated that the presence of natriuretic peptides (NP) re-
leased from the injured brain and the loss of sympathetic
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone stimulation to the kidney can lead to CSW [43].
Secretion Several NP have been identified and described with
SIADH can occur in the postoperative period due to CSW, and the best known are atrial NP and brain NP.
damage to neurons with release of intracellular ADH These are small polypeptides which cause natriuresis, di-
[34]. In the postoperative period, transient SIADH can be uresis, vasodilation, and suppression of renin, aldoste-
isolated or can occur after an initial phase of transient rone and ADH secretion. Inappropriate NP secretion
CDI. Isolated SIADH occurs in patients with limited may be a pathogenic mechanism for CSW [43]. An over-
damage to the neurohypophysis. It occurs in 8–21% of view of the NP theory and physiopathology can be found
patients after pituitary surgery [22, 35]. in the publication by Yee et al. [44].
SIADH is clinically characterized by a significantly re- Sympathetic inhibition normally causes proximal tu-
duced urine output in the presence of euvolaemia and bule absorption of sodium. Depression of this sympathet-
hypervolaemia, and patients often report increased thirst. ic input to the kidney results in less sodium reabsorption
Biochemically, SIADH is characterized by low plasma os- in the proximal tubule and in an increase in sodium de-
molality (<270 mosm/kg) with inappropriately high urine livery to the distal tubule. This leads to a decrease in the
osmolality (>100 mosm/kg), HN with urine sodium loss effective arterial blood volume, triggering the barorecep-
>20 mmol/l, suppressed plasma renin activity, low hae- tors to release ADH to help maintain the intravascular
matocrit, low plasma urea and uric acid [36, 37]. volume. A depressed sympathetic drive has also been as-
The therapeutic intervention for SIADH is fluid re- sociated with a decrease in renin and aldosterone levels,
striction [34, 36, 38]. Intravenous fluids should be further inhibiting sodium retention [43, 44].
stopped in the postoperative period in all patients as soon CSW and SIADH can both present with HN in pa-
as they are able to drink. This is to prevent the develop- tients with brain injuries such as head trauma, intracra-
ment of severe HN in case SIADH develops and the in- nial tumours, infectious meningitis, subarachnoid haem-
travenous fluid rate is not adjusted accordingly. In severe orrhages and in postoperative neurosurgical cases. Mak-
cases, only insensible losses (300 ml/body surface area ing the distinction between CSW and SIADH is important,
in m2) need to be replaced. If a patient is enterally fed, as the treatment for the 2 conditions is very different. Wa-
insensible losses can be covered by food intake. Sodium ter and salt supplementation is the primary therapy for
replacement is required only in prolonged SIADH caus- CSW, whereas fluid restriction is required for SIADH. - 5/5/2015 4:56:35 AM

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Table 3. Clinical and biochemical differences between SIADH and Depending on the severity and clinical symptoms of HN,
CSW isotonic or hypertonic fluids are given to correct volume
depletion. Sodium can be supplemented by the oral route.
CSW may need an aggressive replacement of fluids in the
Body weight increased same or decreased paediatric intensive care unit, with central venous pres-
Plasma volume high low sure monitoring. A strict fluid regime of ‘millilitre for
Evidence of volume no yes millilitre’ replacement should be avoided as a vicious cy-
Central venous
cle of replacing fluids might result in polyuria. Although
pressure same or increased decreased water and salt supplementation is the primary therapy,
Plasma sodium low low mineralocorticoid administration (fludrocortisone) has
Urine sodium high high been used for the treatment of CSW at doses of 0.025–1
Net sodium loss normal high mg/day [43, 45, 46]. The commonest adverse effects of
Urine output usually low very high
Plasma osmolality low low
fludrocortisone are hypokalaemia, which was observed in
Urine osmolality high high 73% of patients [43, 47], and hypertension [46, 47].
Urine/plasma Once the underlying cause of CSW is corrected, CSW
osmolality ratio >1 >1 is usually a transient condition that resolves within 3–4
Plasma urea low normal/high weeks. Occasionally, it can be long-standing and can last
Serum uric acid low normal
Haematocrit low normal/high for months [48–50]. If the duration of CSW is prolonged,
Plasma renin suppressed normal/high/suppressed conditions such as CNS infection, CSF obstruction and
Plasma aldosterone normal/high suppressed tumour progression should be carefully checked for. If
Plasma ADH high suppressed these conditions are present, they can sustain CSW.
Plasma NP high high
Coexisting CDI and CSW
In patients where CDI and CSW coexist, sodium loss
due to CSW in itself contributes to the polyuria. This poly-
CSW and SIADH both present with similar laboratory uria should not be considered as a sign of poorly con-
findings in acute clinical circumstances: low serum osmo- trolled CDI [50]. Higher DP doses should be avoided as
lality and inappropriately high urine osmolality. There is this increases renal free water reabsorption and aggravates
significant natriuresis (urinary sodium losses >40 mmol/l) HN. Treatment consists of sodium and fluid replacement,
in both conditions. While the urinary sodium excretion titrated against losses, and cautious continuation of DP,
[urinary sodium concentration (mmol/l) × urinary vol- with close monitoring of plasma electrolytes and osmolal-
ume (l/24 h)] is substantially higher than the sodium in- ity. Central venous pressure monitoring may be needed to
take in the CSW syndrome, it generally equals the sodium guide fluid replacement in deteriorating patients.
intake in SIADH. Therefore, the net sodium balance (in-
take minus output) is negative in CSW with polyuria, Hypothalamic ADI
while in SIADH there is a euvolemic or mild extracellular This is a rare, but challenging condition characterised
fluid expansion. The clinical history of polyuria or oliguria by hypotonic polyuria due to ADH deficiency and failure
and clinical signs of hypovolaemia, such as hypotension, to generate the sensation of thirst in response to hyperna-
tachycardia and poor skin turgor, are useful in differenti- traemia and increased plasma osmolality [51]. The sites
ating the 2 conditions [43, 44]. Sometimes, in milder cas- of lesion are the osmoreceptor cells in the circumventric-
es of hypovolaemia and euvolaemia, it is challenging to ular organ of the anterior hypothalamus. Patients with
distinguish CSW from SIADH. Table 3 summarizes the this condition fail to drink fluids due to the lacking thirst
main clinical and biochemical differences between the 2 mechanism, resulting in dehydration with hypernatrae-
conditions. In an intensive care setting, where patients re- mia. They are also at risk of HN if they have coexisting
ceive different types of intravenous fluids, calculating the CDI and excessive fluid is given while they are on DP.
net sodium and water balance as well as the fractional ex- Both hypernatraemia and HN result in similar clinical
cretion of the sodium/free water clearance can be helpful symptoms such as lethargy, weakness, irritability, nausea,
in understanding water and electrolyte imbalances. vomiting, seizures, coma and even death. The manage-
Early appropriate fluid therapy and salt supplementa- ment of the fluid balance in patients with hypothalamic
tion should be initiated to prevent further complications. ADI is therefore very challenging. - 5/5/2015 4:56:35 AM

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Postoperative ADI and thirst abnormalities have been as a complication of plasma volume contraction and plas-
reported in about one third of patients with craniopha- ma viscosity, and recommendations have been made for
ryngiomas using the hypertonic saline infusion test [52, the routine prescription of prophylactic subcutaneous
53]. Surviving patients with ADI have been found to re- heparin during hypernatraemic dehydration [55, 56].
gain their thirst sensation within 1 year after surgery, but
the likelihood of recovery beyond that is small [54]. Thirst
recovery can be assessed by the ADH and thirst respons- Conclusions
es to graded hyperosmolar stress [54].
The most practical approach to the management of In summary, the management of postoperative fluid
ADI is to set an obligate urine output with a fixed amount and electrolyte disorders after brain surgery is challeng-
of DP and to have a flexible amount of water intake to ing. These patients should be referred to specialist centres
maintain euvolaemia and normal osmolality. This in- and managed by designated multidisciplinary teams in-
volves daily weighing, monitoring of urine output and volving a neuroradiologist, paediatric neurosurgeon,
frequent measuring of plasma sodium and osmolality. A paediatric oncologist and paediatric endocrinologist with
detailed protocol for this management can be found in access to appropriate specialist pathology and paediatric
the publication by Ball et al. [51]. intensive care facilities.
ADI is linked with increased mortality and morbidity
due to associated complications including seizure, ob-
structive sleep apnoea and obesity-related hypoventila- Disclosure Statement
tion syndrome. Measures should be taken to identify these
complications [55]. Venous thrombosis has been reported The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

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