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A. Background of The Study

English is the international language used most countries in this

world. All stuffs use English for instruction of using. English is also used

for transaction between domestic traders and foreign people. It can be

claimed that English is badly needed in all aspects of life, especially for

communication. English has to be learnt in the world because it is

important in this fascinating era. English is needed as language for

scientific work, academic world, cultural, literature, etc.

English in the academic world is needed to support the students

to develop their ability to communicate with other students from other

countries. English becomes compulsory lesson beside mathematics,

natural science, and social science in Indonesia. It includes in 2013

curriculum for the Junior High School and Senior High School also

University. Students are required to be able to master English in almost all


English skills consists listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Related to 2013 curriculum, students has to master all language skills to

improve whole language competences ability. Beside grammar, language

skills are the basic to understand the knowledge about language use. One

of skill that has to be mastered by students is writing skill.

Writing is very important skill that must be learnt by student of

senior high school. By writing they can learn how they can write text well.

A text can be a good model to learn English, because it improves structure

information to support their learning. In addition, they can have much

more vocabulary because text supplies various words. A writing text is

also constructed by grammar that can be a model to improve students’


Students get any difficulties which make them get stuck to write.

There are many factors that cause the students’ low writing skill. The

students have low enthusiasm to learn English, for the example when the

teacher asks to write a text, the students do not write well because they are

not interested to do it. While the teacher explains about it, some students

enjoy to talk with their friends. It makes the other cannot concentrate

during the teaching learning process. The students are bored with the

teaching learning process, because the teacher just gave and used the same

model when they were learning in class. It makes the students not

interested in what the teacher give them.

Meanwhile the students have limited vocabulary. It makes them

find difficulties to write. They usually just write all the text and they do

not care about the patterns of the sentence such as spelling, grammar,
punctuation, etc. It makes them difficult to understand to get the meaning

of the text. When the teacher gives some exercises, the student get

confused and they get stuck to write, it means that the student do not

understand the patterns and it is not an effective way in the teaching

learning at classroom. The students get difficulties to understand the

meaning of the sentence, because they just write, and some of the students

just write only when the teacher explains, it was out of necessity. The

students have limited knowledge of writing technique, the writing

technique is the base when they learn writing, how to make the essay or to

understand the essay, and make the idea of writing easily.

The texts which is learnt by students of senior high school such

as descriptive text, recount text, narrative text, analytical exposition text,

report text, review text, etc. In the tenth grade, the students learn

descriptive text, recount text, and narrative text. Recount text is the one of

kind of text which should have to be learnt by the students. Therefore,

recount text is the text which sometimes make some students are confused

to write it. They get the difficulties to find any experiences which can be

as references of the ideas in the writing process.

The teacher can give some innovation when they are learning,

the teacher can make the regulation for the student to make them enjoy the

lesson. The teacher has to make the lesson more creative and innovative
using the media in teaching learning process. It can improve the students’


Based on the explanation above, the researcher chooses the title.

Using Hemingway Editor Media to improve the recount text writing skill

of the tenth graders of SMA N 1 Candimulyo in the school year


B. Identification of The Problem

There are several problems that influence the poor reading ability of the

student. It can be seen from the following list:

1. The students have low enthusiasm to learn English writing.

2. The students are boring with the teaching learning process

3. The students have limited vocabulary.

4. The students get difficulties to understand the patterns of sentences.

5. The students have limited knowledge of writing.

C. Limitation of The Problem

From the problem that have been identified above, the researcher

realize that it is impossible to carry out a research based on the all problem

that have been started, because limited time and power. So the researcher

limits them to the problem of the students are boring with the teaching

learning process.
D. Formulation of The Problem

Based on the identification and the limitation above, the researcher

formulates the problem as follows:

1. Can the use of Hemingway Editor Media increase the learning

motivation of the recount text writing skill of the tenth graders of

SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo in the school year 2019/2020?

2. How great is the improvement of the recount text writing skill of the

tenth graders of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo in the school year

2019/2020 after being taught by using Hemingway Editor Media?

E. Objectives of The Study

The objectives of the study based on the formulation can be started bellow.

1. To know whether the use of Hemingway Editor Media increase the

learning motivation of the recount text writing skill of the tenth

graders of SMAN 1 Candimulyo in the school year 2019/2020

2. To know how great the improvement of the recount text writing skill

of the tenth graders of SMAN 1 Candimulyo in the school year

2019/2020 after being taught by using Hemingway Editor Media.

F. The Significance of The Research

The study is expected to bring the advantage for the teacher and the student.

1. For the teacher

The teacher gets the new strategy to make the condition of the

teaching learning more interesting and make the student enjoy to join

the lesson, So it make easy to understand also get the meaning when

they learning. Teacher gives more creative and innovative lesson plan

to guide concentration the student.

2. For the student.

The students are more interested to join with the lesson, because the

lesson is boring. The student will understand easily and get the

easiness for writing.

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