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A. Type of Research

The types of this research is classroom action research (CAR).

Bailey (2001:49) states that the classroom action research is an approach

to collect and interpret the data that is involved some cycles.

B. The Subject of Research

The subject of this research will be the tenth graders of MIPA 1 in

the school year of 2019/2020. Based on the researcher’s observation, the

students of X MIPA 1 have low motivation in writing skill and

unsatisfactory score of writing. The researcher chooses this class because

the students’ average score of the writing skill test is 60, whereas the

minimum standard score is 67.

C. The Setting of the Research

The researcher will carry out this research in SMAN 1

Candimulyo. It is state senior high school, located at Jalan Candimulyo

Km. 4, Magelang, Central Java. In every classroom there are some

facilities such as LCD projector, whiteboard, eraser, a teacher table, a

teacher chair, student tables, students’ chairs, speaker, fan, clock, and

some interesting pictures about students’ learning product on the

classroom wall. Besides, this school is also facilitated with Wi-Fi

connection, therefore, the students are able to explore anything related to

the material they need in the learning process. This research will be

conducted in August 2019.

D. The Research Procedure

The action research is conducted through a pre-cycle and two

cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, there are planning, observing,

acting, and reflecting. Before the research, the researcher observes the

students learning process using observation sheet, and asks them to do the

test to know their writing skill. The four stages in each explanation as


1. Pre-Cycle

The pre-cycle is conducted at the beginning of the research

before the two cycles. The teacher as collaborator teaches the students

as usual. The researcher starts to observe the teaching and learning

process in class to know students’ motivation in the learning activity.

After that, the researcher gives the students a writing test. The aim of

this activity to check learning process and the students’ ability in

writing skill. Pre-cycle consist of four stages, they are:

a. Planning
Planning is the first step of the research procedure. This

step is conducted in action research to know the problems of

situation and motivation during the teaching learning process,

such as how the class situation and students’ response. Therefore,

the researcher finds a good solution to solve the problem. This

stage obliges researcher to do the following things:

1) Making schedule sheet.

2) Preparing the students’ name list.

3) Making the observation sheet.

4) Preparing the pre-cycle test.

5) Preparing camera for documentation.

b. Observing

The researcher observes the students’ activity in the

learning activity in pre-cycle by using observation sheet. Besides,

the researcher takes photograph during the learning process.

c. Acting

In this phase, the researcher gives a pre-cycle test to the

students of the research. The aim of this test is to know how the

students’ writing skill before giving a treatment in cycle 1.

d. Reflecting

It is an activity of analyzing of all the stages in pre-cycle,

it is used to show the progress or change of the students’

behavior and class situation critically. In this stage the researcher

analyzes the results of the test in the pre-cycle and if it does not

reach the minimum achievement criteria, the researcher continues

to the next cycle.

2. Cycle 1

Based on the result pre-cycle test, the observation becomes

the reason to do this cycle. Thus the result leads to the continuation of

conducting the cycle 1. There are four phases in this cycle. They are

planning, observing, acting, and reflecting.

a. Planning

In this stage, the researcher does some activities as


1) Preparing the materials.

2) Making lesson plan of research.

3) Preparing the research instrument which is in the form

of observation sheet, and photo documentation.

4) Making the questionnaire.

b. Observing
The researcher in collaboration with Suliswati, S.Pd. in the

classroom identifies the students’ learning motivation in cycle 1

by using observation sheet and camera to take visual


c. Acting

In this stage the researcher introduces Hemingway Editor

and guides the students to reach the purpose. This action will be

done to know the improvement of the students’ recount text

writing skill. The procedures of teaching and learning process in

cycle 1 are as follows:

1. Pre-Activity:

a) The teacher greets the students

b) The teacher asks the previous material

c) The teacher checks the students’ attendance

d) The teacher motivates the students’ by giving some

questions related to the materials that will be learnt.

2. Whilst Activity

a) Exploration

1) The teacher gives an example kind of recount


2) The students are given a chance to read and

express their opinion.

3) The teacher asks some questions to explore the

students’ comprehension about the text.

4) The teacher gives response to the students

b) Elaboration

1) The teacher explains the social function, generic

structure and lingustics features of the recount


2) The teacher asks about the experience of the


3) The teacher asks students to open their notebook

or their gadget.

4) The teacher explains about Hemingway Editor

5) The students starts to write recount text with

Hemmingway Editor

c) Confirmation

1) The teacher asks the students whether they have

difficult or not.

2) The students submit the assignment to the teacher.

3. Post Activity

1) The teacher summarizes the main points of the


2) The students fill a questionnaire.

3) The teacher close the lesson.

d. Reflecting

It is an activity of analyzing of all the stages in pre-cycle,

it is used to show the progress or change of the students’

behavior and class situation critically. In this stage the researcher

analyzes the results of the test in the pre-cycle and if it does not

reach the minimum achievement criteria, the researcher continues

to the next cycle.

3. Cycle 2

a) Planning

The second cycle will be done based on the analysis of the first

cycle. The researcher will try to revise the lesson plan in teaching

learning activity with different material in order to get a better


b) Observing

The researcher will observe students’ activity in teaching-learning

process through observation sheet. Beside, the documentation

during learning process will be also used by the researcher. The

result of this documentation is for showing students’ activity

during learning process. The researcher will collaborate with Ms.

Suliswati, S.Pd the English teacher in the school.

c) Acting

In this phase, the researcher gives a pre-activity, whilst activity

and post activity by Hemingway Editor.

4. Pre-Activity:

a) The researcher greets the students

b) The researcher builds a good atmosphere by giving them


5. Whilst Activity

a) Exploration

1) The teacher explains how to get motivation in


2) The teacher asks the students to write some

difficult of writing

3) The teacher asks them to solve the difficulties

that they write.

b) Elaboration

1) The teacher asks about the experience of the


2) The teacher asks students for operating the

gadget or notebook.

3) The teacher asks the students to write the recount

text in Hemingway Editor.

4) The students starts to write recount text with

Hemingway Editor.

c) Confirmation

1) The teacher asks the students whether they have

difficult or not.

2) The students submit the assignment to the teacher.

6. Post Activity

1) The teacher summarizes the main points of the


2) The students fill a questionnaire.

3) The teacher close the lesson.

e. Reflecting

Reflection is done to know the improvement of students’

writing skill using Hemingway Editor, the researcher also

analyses the result of the observation sheet, questionnaire sheet

and students’ worksheet. The above data are used to know

whether Hemingway Editor Media is successful in improving

students’ writing recount or not.

E. The Techniques of Collecting Data

The techniques of collecting data which are used in this research were non

test and test techniques. The aims of using these techniques were to know

the students response during the activity.

1. Non Test

a. Observation

Observation is done to get the data of the student’s

motivation of reading class and to know the development of the

students’ and teachers’ performance in teaching-learning process.

To support the observation, the researcher used observation sheet to

know what happened in the classroom during the observation. The

observation guidance can be seen on table 3.1.

Tabel 3.1

The Observation Sheet Guidance

No Bahvioral types Observation focus Number of Total Percentage

students students (%)

The motivation 1. The students

1. of the students give pay

in listening to attention to the

the teacher ‘ teacher’s

explanation explanation
2. The students

ask about the

3. The students

give comment

about the
4. The students



5. The students

make note
2. The motivation 6. The students

of the studetns have

during the motivation in

learning process. the learning

7. The students

involve in


8. The students

can understand

about the

3. The motivation 9. The students

of the students can do the

in doing the task assignment

10. The students
given by the
can finish the
task on time

which has been

Average score

b. Questionnaire

It is a list of questions which is given to the students

without any judgment that it was wrong or right. It is used to get

information for the students whether Hemingway Editor strategy

can motivate students to be active during the teaching-learning


In Cycle I and Cycle II after the researcher used

Hemingway Editor strategy, the researcher used this questionnaire.

Table 3.2

The Questionnaire Sheet Guidance

No Questions Yes No

1. Do you like writing English?
2. Do you think that writing English is important?
3. Do you think that writing English text is difficult?
4. Does your teacher explain the material clearly?
5. Are you able to understand the teacher’s explanation well?
6. Are you bored with the teacher’s explanation?
7. Are you able to understand the material after the researcher

uses the Hemingway Editor?

8. Do you like Hemingway Editor?
9. In this research, do you feel that this strategy can improve

your writing skill?

10. Do you have high motivation after the teacher uses
Hemingway Editor?

c. Documentation

Documentation is a technique that used to collect the data

and information about the students, such as the list names and their

scores. Beside, the researcher takes photograph from students’

activities during teaching-learning process.

1. Test

The writer use test as one of the research instruments in order to

know the achievement of the students’ writing skill in pre-cycle, cycle

I, and cycle II. The test focuses on how the students measure their

writing ability by using Instagram Story. After collecting students’

writing test, the writer calculate and analyze the students’ score of

writing skill.

The indicators of the test in pre-cycle, cycle I, and cycle II are

shown on the table below:

Table 3.3 Indicators of Writing Test

No. Indicators
Generate writing ideas through discussion with other and keep list of
writing ideas.
2. Use organization ways (e.g., notes and outline) to plan writing.
Organize writing to create a coherent whole with an effective and

3. enganging introduction and description that summarized, extends or

elaborates on point or ideas in the writing.

4. Use a variety of sentences structures and lengths.
Use paragraph form in writing including topic sentences that arrange
paragraph in a logical sequence.
Use precise language, colorful modifiers and style as appropriate to
audience and purpose.
Reread and analyze clarity of writing and effectiveness of organization
8. Rearrange words, sentence, paragraphs and phrase to clarify meaning.
Use resources and reference materials (e.g., dictionaries) to select
effective and precise vocabulary.
Proof read writing, edit to improve convention (e.g., grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and capitalization).
Source: (Brown, 2004)

According to Brown (2004:43), there is an assessment rating

scale to evaluate the writing test, they are:

Table 3.4 Writing Assessment Scoring

Writing Elements Score Criteria

Content 18-20 Use clearly appropriate details to support or

illustrate ideas.
15-17 Use details to support or illustrate an idea.
12-14 Use some details to support or illustrate an idea.
6-11 Inappropriate or insufficient detail to support or
illustrate generalization.
1-5 Little or no detail or irrelevant specifics.
Organization 18-20 Well organized and well developed.
15-17 Generally well organized and developed.
12-14 Adequately organized and developed.
6-11 Inadequate organized and development.
1-5 Serious disorganization and development.
Vocabulary 18-20 Demonstrate variety and appropriate word choice.
15-17 Demonstrate some variety and range vocabulary.
12-14 May contain some errors that occasionally
obscure meaning.
6-11 Noticeably inappropriate choices of words form.
1-5 Serious problems with focus.
Language 18-20 Display consistency facility in the use of
15-17 Display facility the use of language.
12-14 Demonstrate adequate but possibly inconsistent
facility with usage.
6-11 An accumulation of error in sentences structure
and/or usage.
1-5 Serious and frequent error in sentences structure
or usage.
Mechanics 18-20 Effectively addresses the writing tasks.
15-17 Addresses some parts of the task more effectively
than others.
12-14 Address the writing topic adequately but may
slight part of the task.
6-11 Error in sentence punctuation.
1-5 Severe spelling problems.

Tabel 3.4

Analytic Rating Score

No. Category Span of Score

1. Very Good 85 – 100
2. Good 70 – 84
3. Fair 60 – 69
4. Poor 50 – 59
5. Very Poor < 50
(Source: Brown, 2004: 287)

A. The Techniques of Analyzing Data

The techniques of analyzing data that is used are quantitative data

and qualitative data.

1. Quantitative Data

After collecting the data, the quantitative data analysis can be

obtained by collecting the students’ score.

To calculate the percentage of scores used formula.



M = Mean

SS = Students’ score

R = Respondents

The data analysis compare with score of pre – cycle test, post

test in Cycle I, and Cycle II. The result of this research gives

description about percentage of improving the students’ writing skill

using Hemingway Editor strategy.

2. Qualitative Data

After collecting the qualitative data by observation,

questionnaire, and documentation, the result of the data analysis is

used to know the changing students’ behavior in learning process in

Cycle I, Cycle II, it also uses to know the improvement students’

reading skill by using Video Tutorial strategy.

Based on Miles and Huberman (1994), there are steps

analyzing qualitative data.

a. Data Reduction

It refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,

abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in writing-up

fields notes or transcriptions.

b. Data Display

Generically a display is an organizing, compressing, assembling of

information that permits conclusion, drawing, and action.

c. Conclusion drawing an verification

Conclusion are varying as the analyst process verification many be

as a fleeting second thought crossing the analyst’s mind during

writing with a short excursion back to the fields notes or it may is


G. Performance Indicators

Performance indicators in this research.

1. At least 75% of the students are more motivated in learning recount text

writing skill.

2. At least 75% of the students obtain the score of 67 or more in recount

text writing skill in SMAN 1 Candimulyo.

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