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Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″ Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

A vertical wall retains a cohesionless soil which has a unit A pipe 60cm. in length is connected at the end by a nozzle
weight of 14 kN/m3, and angle of internal friction of 26 and the total energy produce in the nozzle is 250m.
degrees. If the wall is 5.0m high, what is the total active Compute the velocity of the jet.
soil pressure in kN on the wall. Assume a unit length of

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″ A drainage canal in the shape of trapezoidal with a bottom
width of 2.5m. side slopes 1:1 carries water at a depth of
Determine the discharge in MLD of a 2800 mm gravity 3m. Find the velocity using chezy’s formula, S = 0.0009, n
flow concrete aqueduct 4km long with a head loss of 5.6m. = 0.015
Assume pipe is flowing just full with roughness coeff. of

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″ Determine the discharge in MLD of a 2800 mm gravity
flow concrete aqueduct with a hydraulic gradient of 0.0015.
A H2O tank with 3 mØ is filled with H2O. The H2O level is Assume pipe is flowing full with coefficient of roughness =
2.30 m above a nozzle. What is the velocity of H2O coming 0.015
out of the nozzle? Neglect losses

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″
A rectangular channel 1 meter in width carries water of 3
Determine the magnitude of the force on the inclined gate m3/s at a depth of 0.6 m. Determine the type of flow.
1.5m. by 0.5m. shown in the figure. The tank is completely
closed and the pressure gage at the bottom of the tank reads
90000 N/m2. Use 9800 N/m3 for H2O.

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″ Precipitation station x was inoperative for part of a month
during which a storm occurred. The respective storm totals
at three surrounding stations A, B and C were 98.80 and
A drainage canal in the shape of trapezoidal with bottom 110mm. The normal annual precipitation amounts at
width of 2.5m and side slopes of 1 horizontal to 1.5 stations x A, B and C are respectively, 880, 1008, 842 and
vertical, carries H2O at a depth of 3m. Find the discharge in 1080mm. Estimate the storm precipitation for station x.
m3/s using the chezy’s Formula. S = 0.0009, n = 0.615.

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″
Find the discharge of a Cipolleti weir if it has a length
An aeration basin with a vol. of 400 m3 contains a mixed
equal to 1.67m. and the head of weir is one fifth of its
liquor (aerating activated sludge) with a suspended solids length.
concentration of 2000 milligrams per liter. How many kg of
mixed liquor suspended solids are in the tank.



Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″
A trapezoidal flume of most efficient proportion has a base
width of 1.5m. Its full discharge is 3 m3.s. If the same Fluid particles move in a straight line along a smooth pipe.
material were used for a most efficient rectangular section. The factor that causes coeff. of friction. .
What is the discharge of the new section?
a) viscous shear
b) density of liquid
c) pressure head
d) froude number
Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″
Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″
A block of wood (s = 0.65) is 20 mm thick is floating in sea
water (s = 1.03). Find the area of a block of wood which
will just support a man weighing 80kg when the top surface A circular pipe 2m. in diameter carries water at a depth of
is just at the water surface. ¾ of its diameter. What is the hydraulic radius?

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″ Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

A spillway controls reservoir 4 hectares in area. The Tow pipes with the same friction factor and length are
permanent crest is at elevation 40m. the length of the parallel. If the first pipe has twice the diameter of the
spillway crest is at elevation 40 m. the length of the second, what must be the ratio of their flow?
spillway is 35.20ft. initially the level of H2O is at elev. 41.8
m. After 25 minutes H2O goes down at a certain level.
What is the final elevation.
Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

An open vessel 30cm. in diameter and 90cm high is filled

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″ with water to a depth of 45 cm. Find the magnitude of the
velocity such that the vortex is just at the bottom.
An open vessel 3m. in diameter contains water at a depth of
3.05m and 0,91 m of oil (S = 0.8) the tank is accelerated
upward at 3 m/s2. Find the pressure at the bottom.
Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

A rectangular weir was installed to control the flow. If the

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″ flow is set at 3cu.m/s, Cd = 0.6 and the length is 0.8m.,
what must the height be?
A device attached at the end of the pipe with a cover use
for cleaning.

a) clean out
b) man hole
Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
c) culvert
d) none A rectangular weir was installed to control the flow. If the
flow is set at 3cu.m/s, Cd = 0.6 and the length is 2m., what
must the height be?



Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Water has velocity of 4 m/s through a 40 cm pipe. The A 12cm.diameter solid cylinder of height 8 cm. weighing
discharge through the pipe is: 0.5kg is immersed in liquid with density 800 kg/cm
contained in a tall metal cylinder having a diameter 15cm,
Before immersion the liquid was 8cm. deep. How deep is it

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

For adiabatic conditions

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
a) pv = constant
b) pvk = constant A gate slanted 60 degree from the horizontal with width =
c) pvn = constant 1.6m and height = 2.4m is submerged by a depth of 1.8m.,
d) none of these determine the pressure at the top of the gate.

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

A drainage line 1.4 km long is designed base on a storm on A process at which no heat is added to or taken away from
a 6 ha. Property which produced 40 mm per hour assuming the flow system.
a velocity flow of 0.8 m/s. With a runoff coefficient of C =
0.5. what peak discharge can be expected from the area. a) Isothermal
b) Isentropic
c) Adiabitic
d) Isotropic

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
Determine the drag on a torpedo with area 0.01 sq.m. A pressure gauge at elevation 6m. at the side of a tank
moving horizontally at 80 m/s and Cd = 0.5.
containing a liquid reads 90 KPa. Another gauge at
elevation 4m. reads 110 KPa. What is the density?
Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Determine the discharge over a suppressed rectangular weir

has L = 4 m. and H = 1.2m, and Cw = 0.62. Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

A 12cm. diameter solid cylinder of height 8cm. weighing

0.5 kg is immersed in liquid with density 800 kg/cm
Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ contained in a tall metal cylinder having a diameter 15cm.
Before immersion the liquid was 8cm. deep. What is the
volume of liquids displaced?
A type of dam having a smallest cross-section.

a) Buttress Dam
b) Arch Dam
c) Gravity Dam
d) Rock Dam



Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

A pressure gauge at elevation 6m. at the side of a tank The water supply for city is pumped to a distribution
containing a liquid reads 90 kPa. Another gauge at reservoir. The pumping rate is 600 cu.m. per 4 hours. The
elevation 4m. reads 110 kPa. Compute for the specific estimated water requirements every 4 hours. The estimated
weight. water requirements every 4 hours is shown below.

0400 200
0800 800
Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ 1200 1100
1600 700
Water has a velocity of 4 m/s through 40 cm pipe. The 2000 500
discharge through the pipe is: 2400 300

What is the maximum requirement from the reservoir?

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

An open tank 1.82m square, weighs 3,425 N and contains Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
0.91 m of water. It is acted upon by an unbalanced force of
10,400 N parallel to a pair of sides. What must be the A rectangular channel has a base width of 7.0m. and a
height in m of the sides. What must be the height in m of depth of 2.5m. carries a discharged of 21.81 m3/s. It is
the sides of the tank so that no water will be spilled? required to change this channel into a most efficient
trapezoidal section having the same material. Determine the
increase in discharge of the new section.

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
Weber Number is defined as:
The maximum quantity of water which can be guaranteed
during a critical dry period.
a) The ratio of inertia forces to surface tension
b) The ratio of inertia forces to the pressure forces
a) Reservoir reliability
c) The ratio of inertia forces to the elastic forces
b) Secondary yield
d) The ratio of inertia forces to the gravity forces
c) Safe yield
d) reservoir yield

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Determine the discharge over a triangular weir with angle = The removal of course and settle able solids by
73.74 deg. And H = 1.2m and Cw = 0.70. interception.

a) Screening
b) Comminution
c) Flocculation
Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ d) Floatation

It is the increased pressure developed on impact with a pilot

tube as a result of localized kinetic energy reduction to
zero. Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
a) Oritical Pressure A vertical jet of water supports a load of 200 N at a
b) Stagnation Pressure
constant vertical height of 12m. from the tip of the nozzle.
c) Hydrodynamics
The diameter of the jet is 25mm Ø. Find the velocity of the
d) Pressure Relief jet nozzle tip:



Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Evaporation of water from the leaves of plants is called.

a) Eutrophication
b) Saturation
c) Transpiration
d) Interception

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

The science that treats of the water on earth, their

occurrence, circulation and distribution, their chemical and
physical properties and their reaction with their
environment including their relation to living things:

a) Hydrology
b) Hydrograph
c) Kinetics
d) Unography

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Pipes 1, 2 and 3 are 300m., 150 and 250m. long and lf

25cm., 12cm. and 20cm. diam. With f1, f2 and f3 equal to
0.019, 0.019, 0.021 and 0.02 respectively and are connected
in series. If the difference in elevation of the ends of the
pipe is 10m., what is the rate of flow in cu.m./sec.

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

A submarine, which maybe supposed to approximate a

cylinder 3m Ø and 15m long travels submerged at 1.55 m/s
at sea water at 5°C. Viscosity is 1.519x 10-6 m2/s. Find the
Reynolds Number for this condition:

Hydraulics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

What spillway of a dam is used when a space is limited:

a) shaft spillway
b) siphon spillway
c) side channel spillway
d) none of these



Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″ Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

From the following differential leveling notes, compute the Given the following data of a closed traverse. Compute the
difference in elevation between station 5 and 6. bearing of line DE.


1 2.565 33.971 AB N. 72°10’ E. 64.86

2 10.875 5.821 BC S. 48°28’ E. 107.72

3 7.035 1.946 CD S. 35°30’ W. 44.37

4 3.560 5.741 DE ————– 137.84

5 7.186 9.736 EA ————– 12.83

6 4.123 7.977

1 4.123 Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Find the determinants of x:

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Using the prismoidal correction formula, find the corrected

volume of cut between stations 80 m. apart if the areas of
irregular sections in cut at stations are 26 sq.m. and 68
sq.m. respectively. Base width = 8 m. and side slope is 1:1.

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″
The correct distance between point E and f IS 213.5 m. If a
100m. tape that is 0.025 m. too long is used to measure EF,
The elements of a compound curve are as follows: what will be the measured distance in meters?

I1 = 18° D1 = 2°

I2 = 23.5° D2 = 4°
Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″
Determine the stationing of the P.C. if the stationing
of P.I. = 42 + 89.6. Use arc basis. Locate the center of the curve 9x2 – 144x + 16y2 +
96y+495 = 0

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Find the remainder if 3x3 – 4x2y + 5xy2 + 6y3 is divided by

x2 – 2xy + 3y2



Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″ Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

The bases of a right prism is a hexagon with one of each A turbine started from rest to 180 rpm in 6 min. at a
side equal to 6 cm. The bases are 12 cm. apart. What is the constant acceleration. Find the number of revolutions that it
volume of the right prism? makes within the elapse time.

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″ Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

A train starting at initial velocity of 30 kph travels a

distance of 21 km. in 18 min. Determine the acceleration of
the train at this instant.

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″
Determine the length of the latus rectum of the ellipse
having an equation 4x2 + 9y2 – 64x + 54y + 301 = 0. The cost of equipment is P500,000 and the cost of
installation is P30,000. If the salvage value is 10% of the
cost of equipment at the end of 5 years, determine the book
value at the end of the fourth year. Use straight line
Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

The base of a right prism is pentagon with one of each side

is 6 cm. long. If the bases are 12 cm. apart, what is the
volume of the right prism in cu.m. Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

The sides of the triangle are 12, 16 and 21. Find the area of
the triangle.
Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Evaluate the log6 845 = x

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

The volume of a pyramid is 140 cu.m. If it has a

rectangular upper base of 3 m. x 4 m. and an altitude of 5
m., determine the dimensions of the lower base. Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Find the derivative of Arc Sin 3x with respect to x:

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Find the remainder if we divide 4y3 + 18y2 + 8y – 4 by 2y




Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″ Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Find the area of the region bounded by the curve r2 = 16 Car A moves due East at 30 kph at the same instant car B is
Cos θ. moving S. 30° E. with a speed of 30 kph. The distance from
A to B is 30 km. Find how fast is the speed between them
are separating after one hour.

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

The angle of elevation of the top of tower B from the top of Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
tower A is 28° and the angle of elevation of the top of
tower A from the base of tower B is 46°. The two towers A corporation uses a type of motor truck which costs P5000
lie in the same horizontal plane. If the height of tower B is with life 2 yrs. and final salvage value of P800. How much
120 m., find the height of tower A. could the corporation afford to pay for another type of truck
of the same purpose whose life is 3 yrs. with a final salvage
value of P1000. Money is worth 4%.

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Find the number of terms for a progression Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
5,8,11,14……whose sum is 1025.
A parabolic curve having a forward tangent of -3%
intersects a back tangent of 6.5% at station 10 + 800 whose
elevation is 5260 m. If the length of the curve is 400 m.,
find the stationing of the highest point of curve.
Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Points A and B are 100 m. apart and are of the same

elevation as the foot of the bldg. The angles of elevation of
the top of the bldg. from points A and B are 21 degrees and Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
32 degrees respectively. How far is A from the bldg. in
meters? A quadrilateral has sides equal to 12 m., 20 m., 8 m. and
16.97 m. respectively. If the sum of the two opposite angles
is equal to 225°, find the area of the quadrilateral.

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Find the slope of the line having the parametric equations x Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
= t – 1 and y = 2t.
JA 5cm. x 5cm. is cut from a corner of 20cm x 30cm,
cardboard, find the centroid from the longest side.
Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Find the radius of curvature of a parabola y2 – 4x =0 at

point (4,4)

Mathematics “CE Board Exam Nov. 1997″

Find the volume of a cone to be constructed from a sector

having a diameter of 72 cm. and a central angle of 210°.



Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Find the differential equations of the family of lines passing A spherical triangle ABC has an angle C = 90° and
through the origin. sides a = 50° and c = 80°., Find the value of “b” degrees?

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

A frustum of a regular pyramid has an upper base of 8 m. x Find the minimum amount of thin sheet that can be made
80 m. and a lower base of 10 m. x 100 m. and an altitude into a closed cylinder having a volume of in
of 5 m. Find the volume of the pyramid. square inches.

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ Differentiate Arc Cos 4x:

From the given close traversed, find the corrected bearing

of line EA.
Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
A deposit of P110,000 was made for 31 days. The net
AB 895 S. 70°29’ E. interest after deducting 20% withholding tax is P890.36.
Find the rate of return annually.
BC 315 S. 26°28’ E.
Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
CD 875 S. 65°33’ W.
Find the area enclosed by the curve x2+8y+16=0, the x-
DE 410 N. 45°31’ W. axis, and the line x – 4 = 0.

EA 650 N. 10° E.

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ In the sum of the interior angles of a polygon with an equal
sides is 1080°, find the number of sides of a polygon?
What time after 3 o’clock will the hands of the clock be
together for the first time?

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ Find the distance from point A(4,2) to B(-5,1).



Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Find the slope of a line having a parametric equation of x = A line was measured with a 50m. tape. There were 2 tallies,
2 + t and y = 5 – 3 t 8 pins, and the distance from the last pin to the end of the
line was 2.25 m. Find the length of the line in meters?

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
Which of the following numbers should be change to make
A circular cone having an altitude of 9 m. is divided into 2 all the numbers form an Arithmetic progression when
segments having the same vertex. If the smaller altitude is 6 properly arranged?
m., find the ratio of the volume of small cone to the big

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

A circular curve having an azimuth of back tangent equal to Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
205° and the azimuth of the forward tangent equal to 262°.
If the middle ordinate is 5.6 m. find the length of the From the given differential leveling notes, find the
tangent. elevation of BM2.


BM1 ********2.565 33.971

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ TP1 ********10.875 5.821

The corners of a cubical block touched the closed spherical TP2 *********7.035 1.946
shell that encloses it. The volume of the box is 2744 cubic
centimeter. What volume in cubic centimeter inside shell is BM1 *********5.741
not occupied by the block?

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″ Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Find the value of “w” in the following equations:

3x – 2y + w =11
x + 5y – 2w = -9
2x + y – 3w = -6

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″

Mathematics “CE Board Exam May 1997″
From station 0 + 0.40 with center height of 1.2 m. in fill,
A projectile leaves at a velocity of 50 m/s at an angle of 30°
the ground line makes a uniform slope of 6.5% to station 0
with the horizontal. Find the maximum height that it could
+ 100, whose center height in cut is 3.5m. Find the grade of
the finished roadway.



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