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 You are given a diary entry (page 26 of Module). Based on the entry, write an essay of
about 350-400 words. Elaborate on the activities of the day. You must write all the activities
written in the entry. Bold and underline the activities in your essay. An example is given

7:00 a.m. – Woke up, bathed, had breakfast

8:00 a.m. – Watched television
9:00 a.m. – Visited my neighbour, Uncle Lim
10:30 a.m. – Went to the Mall with my sister, Lili to shop for
Ram’s birthday present
1:00 p.m. – Had lunch with Lili at food court
3:00 p.m. – Took a nap
5:00 p.m. – Went for swimming lessons at the Municipal Pool
7:00 p.m. – Took bath, then watched television
8:00 p.m. – Had dinner
8.30 p.m. – Revised lessons and did assignment
11.00 p.m. – Surfed Internet
12:00 p.m. – Went to bed

It was Saturday 21 of July. I slept very soundly last night. It must have been
because of the strenuous activity of cleaning my room the day before. I didn’t know
that my room could contain so much junk. But it was worth the effort because now I
have a spick-and-span room to boast about. Lili can never tease me about my
unkempt living space anymore.

I woke up at 7 a.m today, bathed and had nasi lemak for breakfast. Thanks
Mum. You’re such a wonderful cook that I don’t want to emulate. If only you knew!

 Submit the essay to the prepared assignment platform provided in MyGuru (Platform 2). You
MUST submit the essay in the platform only. Therefore, take note of the DEADLINE.
 Make sure that the file is not password protected.
 Do not post (postal services) your essay.
 Your tutors will evaluate the essay based on the mark scheme provided. (Appendix 2)

 You should have the integrity to write the essay yourself (Do note that tutors have the
software to detect plagiarisms).
 No mark will be given to an essay that contains 30% or more of plagiarized work.
 Follow the format given below:
o Font size: 12 point
o Font type: Times New Roman
o Line spacing: 1.5
 Remember that the deadline is on Week 10 (4 MAY 2014).

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