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(a) Define periodicity of elements and Write the electronic configuration, group, period & block of
elements with atomic number 15,18,24 &,29 and 35. .
(b) Explain the following:
i. Lothar Mayer’s classification ii. Newland’s Law of Octaves
iii Dobereneir’s law of trids
(c) State the Modern periodic law and Mendeleev’s periodic law.
(d) Give the valence shell electronic configuration of the following.
(i) IIA and IB (ii) IVA and VIB (iii) IA and IB (iv) VA and VB
(e) (i) What are the demerits of Mendeleev’s periodic classification? How was it
(ii) Give the advantages of Mendeleev’s periodic table.
(f) What are short & long periods? How many periods are there in the periodic table?
(g) Discuss the long form of the periodic table.
(h) Explain the types of elements on the bases of electronic configuration.
(a) (i) Discuss the position of hydrogen in periodic table.
(ii) Write down five industrial preparation of hydrogen gas.
(iii) What is Water gas? Give one method for its preparation and separation of hydrogen from water gas.
(b) Explain the following:
( i) Nascent hydrogen (ii) Complex hydrides.
(c) What are binary compounds of Hydrogen? Classify them. Explain Covalent and
Polymeric hydrides.
(d) Write note on atomic hydrogen.
(e) Give reasons:
 Alkaline earth metal ions are more strongly hydrated than alkali metal ions.
 Nascent hydrogen is more reactive than molecular hydrogen.
 Why is heavy water heavy?
 Alkali metals are powerful reducing agents.
(f) Write note on Isotopes of hydrogen, metallic hydrides and borderline hydrides.
(a) Discuss the group trends in ‘S’ block elements with respect to:
(i) Ionization potential (ii) Electronegativity
(iii) Hydration energy (iv) Melting point (iv) Atomic radius
(b) How is caustic soda prepared by castner kellner’s cell process?
Give advantages & disadvantages of the process
(c) Give reasons for the following
(i) Alkali metals are powerful reducing agents.
(ii) Alkaline earth metals are more strongly hydrated than the alkali metal.
(iii) Zinc hydroxide is soluble in excess of sodium hydroxide.
(iv) H2O & NH3 act as ligands but H3O+ & NH4+ do not.
(d) Write note on the following.
(i) Bleaching powder (ii) Epsom (iii) Plaster of paris

Prepared By: Prof: Ali Ranjhan (Lecturer in Abdullah Govt Degree College For Women) Page 1
(a) What is Aqua Regia? How does Gold dissolve in it? Give the reaction.
(b) Write notes on the following:
(i) Boric acid (ii) Borax
(d) Define Electron population and explain thermite process.
(e) Write note on
(i) Allotropic forms of carbon. (ii) Allotropic form of sulphur
(f) Write the names & formula of any four ores of aluminium. and Give the refining of aluminium by
Hoope’s electrolytic method.
(g) Give the composition & uses of two alloys of aluminium.
(i) Differentiate the following:
(i) P-Block active elements & P-Block non-active element.
(j) Giver reason for the following.
(i) Diamond is lustrous where as graphite is dull coloured.
(ii) Nitric acid is an oxidizing agent.
(iii) Diamond is the hardest known substance.
(iv) Graphite is a good conductor of electricity. .
(v) The metallic character of element increase down the group in p-block elements.
(vi) Hydrogen Sulphide is a gas where as Water is liquid.
(vii) Ammonia is stronger base than phosphine.
(viii) Aluminium hydroxide acts both as a base and as an acid.
(ix) Graphite is more stable allotropic form of carbon than diamond.
(k) Write equations for the following reactions?
(i) Carbon monoxide is treated with Sulphur dioxide and chlorine.
(ii) Litharge is heated with excess of oxygen and sulphuric acid.
(iii) Thermite process ( Ferric oxide with aluminium).
(iv) Aluminium is treated with sodium hydroxide.
(v) Action of Heat on KMnO4
(vi) Zinc is treated with 90% conc. H2SO4.
(vii) Nitric acid(conc.) with copper and non metals.
(viii) Sulphuric acid with Copper.
(l) Explain the reducing action of hydrogen sulphide gas with the help of two
chemical reactions.
(m) Explain oxidizing action of chlorine and dehydrating action of sulphuric acid by help of chemical
(a) Write I.U.P.A.C. names of the following:
* NH4[Cr(SCN)4(NH3)2] * Na3[Fe(CN)5NO] *[Fe(NO2)6]-3 *[Cr(en)2 Cl2]Cl
*[Ni(CO)4] *NH4[Cr(NCS)4(NH3)2] *[Cr(NH3)6]+3 *[Fe(CN)6]-3
(b) What are outer and inner transition elements and how many series of each of them are present
in the periodic table? Also write the names of the inner transition series.
(c) Define Ligands? Give the classification of Ligand based upon the number of coordination atoms
with example.
(e) Describe in detail the general characteristics of d-block elements with special
consideration of electronic configuration.
(f) Write note on any one of the following.
(i) Photography (ii) Silvering of a mirror (iii ) Tin Plating
(vi) Stainless steel (iv) Blue vitriol
(g) Describe the extraction of pure Copper from roasted pyrite ore.

Prepared By: Prof: Ali Ranjhan (Lecturer in Abdullah Govt Degree College For Women) Page 2
(a) Write note on the following:
(i) Polymerization (ii) Cracking (iii) Isomerism
(iv) Homologous series (v) Reforming of petroleum
(b) Describe the natural sources of organic compounds.
(c) What is meant by refining of petroleum? Name the different fractions of refining
of petroleum.
(a) Draw and explain the orbital structure of Ethane and ethene and ethyne.
(b) Explain the classification of hydrocarbons.
(c) State Markownikoff’s rule. Write the equation for the reaction
between vinyl bromide & hydrogen bromide.
(d) Give the equations for the preparation of the following.
 Benzene from phenol
 Ethene from ethyl alcohol
 Ethyne from calcium carbide
 Vinyl cyanide and acetaldehyde from ethyne.
 Ethene from vicinal dichloride
 Mustard gas ethene
 Oxalic acid and formic acid from Ethyne.
 Ethylene glycol from ethene.
 White solid and red solid from ethyne.
(e) Give the mechanism of chlorination of Methane in the presence of sunlight.
(f) Explain the structure of benzene.
(g) What is orientation in Benzene? Explain orientation in monosubstituted benzene.
Name three each of ortho, para and meta directing groups.
(h) Starting from Benzene, how will you prepare the following? (Explain with mechanism).
(i) Benzene sulphonic acid (ii) Isopropyl benzene
(iii) Acetophenone (iv) m- nitrotoluene
(i) Draw the structure of benzene as suggested by:
(i) Kekule (ii) Armstrong (iii) Bayer
(j) What do you understand by the term Aromaticity? How will you
explain the stability of benzene?
(j) Give simple test for the distinction between following:
i. Alkene & Alkane ii. Alkene & Alkyne
iii. Alkane & Alkyl halides iv. Aromatic hydrocarbons & Aliphatic hydrocarbons.
(a) What are Alkyl halides? Classify them with one example of each.
(b) How is Grignard’s reagent prepared? How can the following be prepared from
Grignard’s reagent?
(i) propane (ii) Isopropyl Alcohol (iii) Tertiary butyl alcohol
(c) What are elimination reactions? Explain E1 and E2 reactions with mechanism with example.
(a) Distinguish by simple chemical test Aldehyde and Ketone.
(b) Give equations for the following reactions:
 Reaction of Acetone with acidified K2Cr2O7.
 Reaction of Phenol with Conc. HNO3
 Reaction of Phenol with Conc.and dil. H2SO4.
 Hydrolysis of ethyl acetate in basic medium
 Acetic acid is heated with C2H5OH in presence of Conc. H2SO4.

Prepared By: Prof: Ali Ranjhan (Lecturer in Abdullah Govt Degree College For Women) Page 3
 Sodium ethanoate is heated with soda lime.
 Vapours of acetic acid are heated to 500˚C on the presence of MnO2.
 Reaction of methanal with Fehlling’s solution.
 Reaction of methanal with Ethyl alcohol.
(c) Write down the equation of the preparation of the following:
 Acetic anhydride from acetyl chloride.
 Methanal from calcium formate
 Acetamide from acetyl chloride
 Methanal from methanol
 Ethanoic acid from ethanol
 Polymerization of acetaldehyde
 Reduction of acetone
 Phenol by Down’s process.
(d) What are phenols? Classify them.
(e) What is methylated spirit? Give its composition.
(g) Write a short note on ether and Cannizzaro reaction.
(h) (a) What are Monohydric alcohols? How are they classified?
(b) What is fermentation? How is Ethyl alcohol manufactured by the fermentation of:
* Starch * Molasses
(a) Write short note on the following:
(i) Lipids (ii) Enzymes (iii) Proteins (iv) Vitamins
(b) Differentiate between oil and fat and also differentiate between Ether linkage & Glycosidic
(c) Define drying and non drying oil.
(d) What are Carbohydrates? Describe their classification based on their taste and based on their
molecular structure.
(e) What are carbohydrates? Describe the importance of carbohydrates in Biochemistry.
(b) Explain the following
(i) Zwitter ion (ii) Peptide linkage (iii) Triglycerides
(iv) Conjugated protein (v) Sponification
(a) Write note on any two of the following
(i) Plastics (ii) Paints (iii) Glass (iv) Varnishes (v) Detergents

(b) What is Synthetic fiber? Explain Nylon and Polyester.

Prepared By: Prof: Ali Ranjhan (Lecturer in Abdullah Govt Degree College For Women) Page 4

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