Bruno Language School Letter Draft

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Alam Siddiqui

Shared Care Services Ltd,

119 Eastern Avenue, Redbridge,

Ilford IG4 5AN

Re: Bruno’s International Language School Limited

I am instructed by Ms. Juliette Bruno, Director of Bruno’s International Language School Limited
which company is a tenant at premises at 119 Eastern Avenue, Redbridge Ilford IG4 5AN of which I
understand Shared Care Services Ltd is the landlord.

I understand that Bruno’s International Language School Limited entered into a 5 year lease with
Shared Care Services Ltd on (completion date). I understand there have been various versions of the
lease in circulation between your solicitor and the ones previously instructed by Ms. Bruno but the
final lease was completed as said on (completion date). I understand that you have been demanding
that my client pays you rent for which you have been invoicing her on a monthly basis. My client has
concern upon your demands for rent and other concerns which I now address.

Rent Demands

I am shown and email in which you chase my client for outstanding rent based on prior monthly
invoices for rent as set out below:

SCS/119EA/024 for period 01/09/2019 to 30/11/2019: £1,992.51

SCS/119EA/025 for period 01/12/2019 to 29/02/2020: £5,875.00

SCS/119EA/026 for period 01/03/2020 31/05/2020: £5,875.00


In the completed lease however it is specifically provided that rent is payable on the 25 March, 24
June, 29 September and 25 December. Unless these dates have been varied there is no legal basis
for you to be insisting on monthly payments of rent and I hereby ask you to confirm within 7 days
from the date of this letter that you will return to the agreed rent payment dates.

In relation to the outstanding rent my client accepts that she is in arrears by (insert) and is seeking to
clear those arrears. At the same time however you will be very much aware of the current crisis
affecting this and many other countries around the world due to the Coronavirus. The government
has announced that all schools will close after Friday 20 March 2020 until further notice. This
announcement directly affects my client as the operator of a nursery. She will therefore not be in a
position to make normal rent payments never mind the current arrears. I would therefore invite you
to agree an initial 6 month rent free period to be reviewed after this period to allow you and my
client to assess the national and local situation.

I am also instructed to raise a concern that my client has in relation to representations made to her
by you when she rented the premises. In particular I am instructed that on (date) my client met with
you at the premises and you had a discussion about her rental of the premises. During this
conversation my client asked why the previous occupant (which also operated as a nursery) had left.
My client said that you told her that the occupant had found a bigger premises. You thus conveyed
to my client that the previous nursery had been profitable and my client’s nursery would similarly be
profitable. My client entered into the lease on that express representation. Since commencing the
nursery however my client has found that (please confirm the specific issues you are saying you are
finding e.g. insufficient children). I hereby invite you to make proposals as to how you propose to
compensate my client for the misrepresentation as outlined.

I would be grateful to receive your substantive response within 7 day from the date of this letter.
Yours faithfully

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