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| ar ey & \\ on Raa itd VULKAN HESTAN ee ee ee Velhan Hestan CoM mw 4 405 49 oF ‘Velkan Han i a single model equipped with: bol pit Gauntlet of he Forge Spear of Vulkan; fag grenades krak grenades. You caa only pede atelier Balt piso ‘When resolving an attack made with this weapon, do po fata le serene Melee - Grenade D6 3 : Grenade 1 6 - “ages of Death (sce Cadi: Space Marines) Torgelather: Wea can re rll hit voll and you can Fe rall wound rls fr stacks made with me o rita sweapors ce Codex Space Marine) by models is fiendly SALAMANDERS unite whist ther unt is wathin 6 othe model (Gault ofthe Forge Spear of Vallan Frag grenades Krakegrenades aes Rites of Battle, Re-rollhit rll of | for attacks made by models in rendly SALAMANDERS units whist their cnt in wii 6” of third Kemres Mantle: Ths modelhas 234 invunerable eave FOETION KETO IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, SALAMANDERS xerwoRs ‘CHARACTER, INFANTRY, CAPTAIN, VULKAN HESTAN ADRAX AGATONE Ce) a WS ape as inyour army. aod Sa ped wie Drsy Malice Nocona Eng premmcy eal peas Mee ye "When resin an attack made with this weapon, do Drakiss not makca ht soll teutomaticdly score ah Assault D6 a SD ‘Malleas Noctum subtract 1 fom the it oll Meice Grenade Dé 3 Grenade 1 6 : Tog premmdes Krakegrenides “AILS “Anges of Death (see Codie Space Marines) “Arridian Drakehide Cloak: When resolving an atack fgsint thie model redace the Damage characteristic Unio he Anvil Add 10 wound rll for stacks made with mele wespans by models in friendly SALAMANDERS unis whe thelr unt is within 6” of ‘thismode andifthet unit made acharge more, wes clita pests cee Eye far Tron ide This seed 24 foveal ee Of the weapon used by 1, toa minimum of |, Or that atack Rites of Rattle: Reroll hit rolls of for ttacks made by ‘models in fend SALAMANDERS uults whl thee ‘nits within 6 ofthis mode! FAETION TWAS IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, SALAMANDERS ‘CHARACTER, INFANTRY, PRIMARIS, CAPTAIN, ADRAX AGATONE ii il PLS “The grestest champions of the Salamanders are not just those with great courage and ‘compassion, but those whose souls burn with the fires of Nocturne itself= white hot Ber eeTed Ifa SALAMANDEKS CHAKACTEX model is your Warlord, you can use the Watlord Tats table below to determine what Warlord Tit they have. You can ether roll ene Dé to randomly generate erect Pee 4 FORGE MASTER era eae aR ee ey ofthe Primarces, ard his genetic reer eee nett’ Pee ents eta aed er enn Cee ee Pret ee eet Pree ee tees roacened erate! MIRACULOUS CONSTITUTION ‘LORD OF FIRE ers a er Ty Cerne merry ad ee a Seen ee eee Perna an pervert aera eer kee Seen eres Pennie penn -reer tn ee retest eet eer aia perrern evty en eee aang eee een eee eet a) EVER GIVE UP Ce ee er er ear) enn SE = an Pree ir ner opera tod the dt = eer en PESO a aS ee Soper as Perevesnen nearer ponerse cerns round that unithas the lenders perreperen ero care ore of the folowing characters ix your Warlord. they must have the associated Warlord Trait shown beow CHARACTER WARLORD TRAIT lord of Fire Anvil of Strength ‘four appearance sows fear, then let us reap a harvest, brothers I the enemy quailsbefore our shen visages, then let It be a foreshadowing oftheir blackened corpses. And if they tremble atthe embers of our eyes, let their teror foverbelin them ae we strike, our combat kaives slicing through their kin lke drake teeth, Our distance to Humanity is no burden, buta too, crafted for duty. “= Reiver Brother Dek’Nars Cer ‘domain. There may yet be rc ore career entry Peete ner nr ae earns Se ae poner peverenror i) hood Poe ere a aeenty ‘Nocturne-bred, my hearts Lf atthe thought of distant eer a ent Seen ee LORDS oF NOGTURNE ‘This section contains the datasheets that you will need to fight battles with your Salamanders miniatures, as well as points values for those datasheets. Each datasheet includes the characteristics profiles ofthe unit it describes, as well as any wargear and abilities it may have. POINTS VALUES {you are playing a matched play game, or a game that uses a points limit, you can use the following list and the lists found in Codes: Space Marines ta determine the tatal Points cost of your army. Simply add together the points costs ofall your modelsand the ‘wargesr they are equipped with to determine your army’ total points valuc, eT Ls including WS A Each Salamander isa master artisan in their own right, their armouries filled with items of wargear as ornate as they are effective Some of these, however, are superlative examples of their craft, weapons of great power or armour of unparalleled protection. These treasures are not locked away, but borne into battle on the front lines against the enemies of Mankind. reese re et Ree eet Serres rer eer eter et art oe from Coes: Space Marines. These are considered tobe Chapter EO ear eet eer rere CON SIC Agaione) and VEHICLE models cannot be given the folowing Relics [Note that some Relic are weapons that replace one ofthe models existing weapons. Where this ste cave, you mus, f you ae using, Peemoiren Pen fee eet wanes ere sm eee nee BAUR ete IS (ct ree ern ete ay the form of« ackeniths hammer and engined with the word’ een arene eee ete eta es rene eee eer ‘entrusted t one ofthe Salamanders mest distinguished champions. DORR vere fe Creer ne tensa Semen et nse eet periaren ween ar igen emo Tiere nie peer ae ere nr say Pertncr: crime nee eamrrc tre ery (note thatthe Atacke characteristic of the model wi this Relic oar eneoete eten teen tet tt SONGS B EELS er ee eee of avoid dragon with angle How. i presented to heroer of the femme eee ney ST at eee apa eer a anee erene oee ‘Model equipped with thunder hammer only. This Rel finer pesipers rer ey eer id bli: Wien reolvnganatuck madewid fisweipe, bat 1am racer of dis weapon fr attack, * WRATH OF PROMETHEUS pee per ere ra er re paar bringing death tothe enemies ofthe imperium from the tine ofthe Fara pyrene Mente a PONY ET eC ee ee eee nn Ty ‘only. This Relle replaces « boltgua or master-crfied boligus and eerste ts aed THE TOME OF VELCONA Pee ey ements oa te contains many of his teachings. A Librarian that studies from the book before batl will gain greater understanding ofthe nature of is eae ee her nT teehee ed PC eres eer kt eee psychic power fiom the Promethean discipline (pg 62) in addition fo any other powers t knows, When a Psychic test is taken for pee rein oa epee en weyers power ftom the Promethean discipline, you can add! tothe total Per AS ONSEN a CIVEN SUAS een ee ee ee pee een ape ern sete Aa one mea EY es a a re ee PTS ee en meee Pee Se a ee es Ree ee re een es erent NOCTURNE’S VENGEANCE Th shastere laces of the fared flames, Nocturnes. Fury ~ destroyed Fiery ot one arene ae Pe eT ee Tae eee nr Peay ee eT see eet pice tire ae aa ree ae Se ke ee ee “Hames burn the enemy withthe fracity of Mount Death its. Perr eer eer Se eg ane Re Seren ed eres Wearow RANGE id en you choses weaponto toot wth, let othe protect yo lect ath stat ratach made wa ths weapon fa} Master cafe Anes: When proto To Feta VV eRe eT een eee ent ae Pea eee ene ee Ear Se eee ee ee ey Seeeeeat eeeraai Porter ree Enact eats cane eee pero nce tie err eee et Pen Peeters Sete ee eet Peper nert nam SPEGIAL-ISSUE WARGEAR “The highly devcloped skills of Vallat’s heirs at their anvils means their Chapters have access to great vaults filled with unique and beautifully crafted equipment. Each blade isa deadly work of art, each engraved pauldron a canvas of war, lavishly ‘embellished by these warrior-smiths and as enduring as their creators! ficry spit. your amy is led by an SALAMANDERS Warlord or « Viator drawn froman Salamanders suecesior Chapter (pg 56), You can give one ofthe following Specal-issue Wargear Relics to dan SALAMANDERS CHARACTER model frm your army, or A CHARACTER model from your army that i drawn from 3 Salamanders successor Chapter, nsead of giving them a Relic for Codex Space Marines. These ere considered to be Chapter Relics forall rules purposes. Named characters and VEHICLE. models cannot be given any ofthe following Relics. [Note that some Kelics are weapons that replace one of the models ‘existing weapons. Where this i the cas, you mu if you are using points values, still pay the cast ofthe weapon that is being replaced ‘Write down any Relics your modelshave on your army roses ADAMANTINE MANTLE ‘These lowing doaks are laced trough with threads of braided ‘adamantine. When combined with armour and energy flds ithos been shown tine and again tha these symbols of offie ae proof ‘agains! even the very irongect attack ‘When a model with this Ree would lose a wound, roll eS; on 45+ that wound isnot lost. ARTIFICER ARMOUR Crafted by the finest artficers ofthe Chaprer, these ornately detailed sis of armour provide superior protective capabilities that vival ‘even Terminator plate. All who st eyestpon the wearer know that ‘ax honoured champion ofthe Imperium sands before them. ‘A model wih this Relic ha invulnerable seve save characteristic of 2+ and a 5+ MASTER-CRAFTED WEAPON Within the ermouries ofeach Space Marine Chapter, the finest artificers sec to fashion weapons of ornate magnificence and ler lethality. Whatever their provenance these weapons are deny i the hands ofa silled wielder ‘When you give amodel this Relic, select one weapon that model ie ‘equipped with (thiscannot bea weapon whose proile includes the word ‘master-cralted). Add 1 tothe Damage characteristic ofthat \weapon, That weapon is considered tobe a Chapter Relic DIGITAL WEAPONS Digtal weapons are concealed lasers ited ito finger rings. bionic implarts or the knuckles ofa power-armoured gauntlet. They lack the power ta heuced at range, but can be triggered in the loc envione Of mele 1 take advantage ofan exposed weakness while the enemy fends off the main atack. ‘When a model with this Relic fights, it can make 1 additional aitack sing the close combat weapon profile (ee the Werhanamer 40,000 rulebook). When resolving that attack, ifa hit i scored the target suflers 1 mortal wound and the atack sequence ends OBSIDIAN AQUILA. Carved from jet-back volar tone, these kons tand proully rmaurted upon backpacks or banner poles or se set within the bearers own bate plat, prolining the unbreakaity of the sons of Vikan ‘When afiendly

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